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tv   Fast Fashion  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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toss journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire financials, era the i don't know, i'm elizabeth put on them and don't have the top stories on algebra. demonstrations against as well as one goal is to continue at university campuses across the country from new york to michigan, florida to california, and texas students, a demanding that universities caught the ties to is there a lot of companies that advance its military efforts and gaza of university of california in los angeles protest as of restoring barriers around the incompetent the saucer. they came under attack by supporters of israel on tuesday nights. tensions of the university bloomed, or the option mounting for days of the american association of university professors has condemned the columbia university president and board of trustees. this ought to police, arrested hundreds of protest as on kansas and to the historical assumptions and
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fabricated themselves on monday evening. today's advice from new york. this is what many universities not only in new york city, but across the united states, look like who the presence of the police are constance pressing off the police as universities are requesting that after many of the students that were carrying out in transmission sides of the universities, they were evicted, but now the university is asking the police for them to stay, mostly because they were afraid of people trying to go in once again. the police $23.00 palestinians including 5 children, have been told and is rarely as drives across garza since wednesday. morning, the strike lines off on the south coast 2 children. that's where the military continues to attack residential areas across this trip. more than 34500 pounds today. and so being code and nearly 7 months of war. but us secretary of state has
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left as well off, amazing prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i just need lincoln's pushing for receipts, finding it in gaza, which he says is achievable. but the control nothing, you know, who the us to the poses a ground defensive and rafa to columbia and president, gustavo, petro, it says his country will break diplomatic relations with israel. petro has been critical of his where the problem is to benjamin netanyahu in austin, joins south africa's case of the international court of justice, which she was as israel, of committing genocide against palestinians, and godsa and other news police in georgia, have used to guess robert bullets and water cannon against tens of thousands of protest as outside parliament, crimes of demonstrating against the government so called foreign influence. though, the proposals would apply organizations receiving funds from the pool, which was registered as phone agents. opponents a could be used to crack down on groups critical of the government. usually a shop, a lot of us at that protest in tennessee for testers here who had been
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trying to break into the territory of the parliament of building 3 of the gates that have been just passed with most of the tenants and have a spray. and we see that tens of thousands of opposition and protests is mostly young. people have gathered at depaula minutes a building again. and here in the center, they continue protesting against the so called belt on foreign influence dumps here as the russian. lo and these rallies, husband, i'm going for daily 3 weeks. the police 13 people have been injured and a russian missile strike on the ukrainian for the city of a desa. the attack caused to launch fire. a definitely belonging to a carry, a company was hit odessa as a frequent target with russian attacks and has seen, has been struck several times in the past few days. authorities in the u. k. have the gun detaining migraines and asylum seekers to be deported to lawanda. the
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government released the video showing immigration officials arresting people around england. prime minister wishes to enact wants the 1st group to be sent to the east african country by july. parliament approved and will pay them the way for the deportations last month. at least 210 demonstrations mocking international workers day and as danville have been detained. police just had to spray and take us to the fist across as options into key. i have bad valleys and decisions names class and the 2015 demonstrations against president friendship, 5 eval on on his government. well those are the headlines. the news continues here on our 0. i'm just fost fashion. thank you for watching. the it may seem like great deals, but there is
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a high cost of fast fashion. is that like you just have to have a yes is what fits all the and if you shipping, you know, they don't fall into the monkeys all the time. satisfaction has become a by word for kind of dodgy practices fost fashion brands don't want you to look beyond the fabric. first question has intended, arising informality, arising prepared to write some of the design of address gets a speedy operation to its manufactured sweatshops in the house of england to the demands of much production. but you shouldn't get gardens or does it. they don't actually, they are just going to be fair, but she's only been difficult pulling at the threat that these shopping,
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the price gum is, is quickly exposing the dock side of cheap fashion. the the planet is being overwhelmed with close, close to $56000000.00 tons of close to so every year in your events don't just as almost double since the youtube has the today, the textile industry is valued at about 3 trillion dollars. it has grown exponentially. there's some numbers that say it's going to pulled in volume. that's absolutely crazy to is that i have seen a estimate that by 2030,
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the industry will expand by an additional 60 percent reduction cost and so full. and thanks to fast disposable function, you can constantly renew your drug. fast fashion is the commerce of very inexpensive clothing that you are expected for your ready to replace very rapidly. it's very typical for the fashion forward buyer to never wear. now for the day purchased, you aware something once or twice or maybe never the clothes, the so cheap. it's as if they grow on trees. exhaust for the environment. how did it come to this? the very 1st to practice disposable function was
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a small spanish brand that is not dominating the industry. bizarre has more than 2000 shops in almost 100 countries. so high seas for some sort of meaningful fundraiser. check any of i know there's a 100 on the mind one and i just get the extension if that's a special if you to a 2nd degree. i printed the for present pleasure 2nd. so it'll take me to remove the phone, so i'll use the software. so i'm sorry when i do some of the comfortable trading way, 100 really to a calendar or something that i can chose when his team goes to the like us. and we are you pretty to do got stuck? well, if it's the, a rather discrete joint sorrow was found, you did not go room yet in the north of spain fall from the spend of madrid in barcelona. the capital of police yet is an average sized city. yet it is where as are as parent company in the tax is based. despite the lack of signs to indicate
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its presence in the city, the headquarters nickname the cube is an anonymous building in the industrial estate. zara bestcopy and strategy various and massimo, duty, all the groups, brands are based. you have the cues on the spring day, 2016, a month to celebrate, says, 80th birthday the found reigns of an empire, $7500.00 shots. and 870000 employees each accumulates nearly 3000000000 euros in annual profits. the for a month, so take represents the 6th largest fortune in the world. allergic to media exposure is never given a single dollar,
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a wholesale refuse to participate in this field. in order to be more efficient than the competition is already set up a unique system. the brand, none of these old lose the entire production change from factories to show it can then impose its cautious zone optimal gets and then on to them or not when we, when they cindy, are kind of from the data or do i to me. so i'm not sure when we have you on i guess i shouldn't control on the on why on your to us. thanks. while you want a photo industrial prove the trust in those colors. mccorder you got is the, the, the, we met at the end. the body's offer. ok is for cynthia, oklahoma. here she's 3 again, isn't the most gang of world of common sense, but above all, effective marketing ideas that have revolutionize the world destruction.
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so have a multi novice the letters are testing and obviously effective case for my toyota press on. ok, just you effective on your she wants us give you the about the associated with it to kiss me any further. equally young taylor hopkins in taylor limited, simply just wondering where the silver stick customer to offers me before i sound like fast or someone will have to pay that. can somebody tell you, can somebody please $56.90 for sure, sir. okay. control sample symmetrical symmetrically, so cuz he couldn't talk on the phone, it is all right. possibly does any advertising, it's locations in the heart of cities and the customer's bags are the best showcase for the brand. the it's read as a form of collaborate is to reveal the secrets of the spanish joint for 3 years. this french design a works for him to tex. she designed james for bush co,
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the groups brands the target so young quickly on tow. truck is paid for the yeah, it is easy bouncer issue. uh the just a quick when he said he thought you guys hopefully i can just about to see could be done until about 12 o'clock. no time wasted. making it virtually impossible to produce the original design so so the design is go under cover on journeys shamelessly described as inspirational, trans, danielle way as a poor says genet. a local central p don't. can i include which to as well? so the mock a and say on the down the slide frequency channel for the knob i need to hear from those. and i've seen a case of keeping somebody in response on definitely the default one down move did
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. sure. yeah, clearly pretty well, i'll place you on the, on the with, with the new that's monkey. i really need to talk it over for you. you know, what you design is by the close to adapt them into a low cost version with very precise specifications. and i need the form, i strongly feel for the home. so athletics, when do you measure for being met? how do you know it's for thoughts on sort of by it for 2 groups. it won't fall as well when you moment is fits printed show on. so 5 on to the 3 to 4 pages, you feel this is c c, as you can see you in the extra little me for, but i don't see it. we're just doing you from time to time. small designers have enough and attempts to take in the text but few cases go all the way the one
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brand refused to back down. as its name suggests, rains it rain web brand, the danish company, manufacturers, macintoshes, which are sold in over 20 countries. so these are yeah, these are the evidence that daniel briggs the found to design the brands biggest success this green macintosh products, which is all about. so this is one of our classic particles, very recognizable, one of our key fluids. well, this was actually one of the pictures we did and when we discovered the copy in the market. so here we have 2 twins, very the same jacket. fortunately, one of the twins bought this out jacket and the other trying to have the original
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arrange digging on the right, the original on the left zone reservation produced at the low cost the design has been stolen for sure. i don't even a kind of understand the motivation of doing something which is so similar, since it's so easy to do something which is a bit different, like everybody else to. but in this case, they have made a product which is $1.00 and $1.00 the same. a clear example of the company with that the 7 differences imposed by dollars lawyers such an accident should not have happened. the firms legal department has the full authority to refuse a common themes too risky. calling for the annual when the funding paid him on to 70 surgical books, i've lost normally. if i didn't put him in the phone, i'll give you all the tools and don't to insure sit with me down to the whole
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portion and so on the port. he for what type of individual tomatoes was extruded, i sister devine for quite a high price to challenge the spanish joined the grains has done well for itself. the danes designed to suit plagiarism. while a cast by this cannot be done for less than 300000 years and even more than that. so is, is relatively expensive. we hired in private detectives in china and to find out information about the whole process of advocating our products. we have uh, 2 factories confirming that they were instructed through a production agent that they were to make the same jacket as all us fall this customer, sarah, in spain. in the spring of 2020 after 3 years of proceedings, zara was found guilty by the danish colts. the fun we'll have to reimburse the
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commercial damage and agree not to imitate the reins trademark again. dressing well to be socially accepted. the logic digs back today was a half of instruct posts on fashion and beauty. related to me, cooling is a social media icon who goes by the name of know how lead to every day she posts videos and photos on social networking platforms. us us us of it use. uh huh. so it's unique. he the size of its phones, you know, and that's genuine. got hold on for some of them. but i've seen since you 1st session, this case here, united the condition of seeing the option to rule
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a us games. if those are the to you come to work, he shows or left with the street from the by told me to the if you out to me one place you a non controllable need to show, encouraged by big brands to know how to control specific regions of the brain, the, this is in the heart of the work of this american research specialist to be next. so shopping on the brain, a new remote coaching. there's an area that is just about here that is called the ventral straighten was a nucleus, the commons and this is a part of the brain that is often associated with for word processing or positive emotions. so most of the things that we care about a how positively someone is responding to a product or a firm or a brand will be represented by activity in this region. the more brands know about
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the way our brains work, the more they can influence our purchases. cost function must satisfy the reward 2nd, the fast way to achieve this cheap prices. like how do they did that allows you to visit to the stage require downs level left on his own mission of to on tennessee of angie who exposed this has to do a 12 volume, julio told a wonderful time if the price is particularly low. specifically, if, if it's low compared to what you're used to seeing or alternatives in the marketplace, it can actually be seen as a positive aspect or part of the appeal of a product you see of less as having to sacrifice that amount of money. but more that you're getting something and able to save much more than you would have had to pay otherwise. well, i think, you know, if you knew please hold somebody to prove and then decided on that, then you know the goal. and if that's a choice on please, this is including the suitcases and low prices,
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limited collections, constant stimuli, and above all social networking. fost fashion is me the ways and the traditional advertising, which is too expensive and not targeted enough. instead brands i'll calling on influence. it's like no lead time, not implementing a much more subtle marketing scheme. and we'll go find for to there's quite a bit of a series formula at least on the lights of national business to a 1000 strong. they don't hear what she says, the connection because i'm so high plus she's now you go from a company telling you why you should be interested in the product to an individual that you aspire to be your you really like, it seems like these people are talking directly to you and recommending these products. all of the social media platforms have find
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a way to tap into an interpersonal connection. that in a way excludes the more impersonal appearance of the firm or the company itself. they come across as being much more genuine. the influences of the stones of this new form of advertising on every side is a potential target. the moon, an influence that is, the more money there for a simple video, google need to connect up to 5000 your entire sites on yourselves. mon 40 mach best isn't feeling present, be jack. and so i say it was on show, some of them go onto guesses for approval. i'll spend hundreds of them from in danielle, which means a hub. the form y'all are shown to when y'all a, a parish on project can, can show you all set the audience over the sink. national, see, i play that here on is, i mean it is a function of the long story, different trades yesenia we spend on average between 2 and 3 hours a day, front of off of one that of every to use is cause of shopping,
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application the, the internet is the new mall. when you're looking at a young generation, where is it? shops constantly, constantly shops, you're constantly online and you're constantly clicking and your credit card is memorized by your smart device and you click on something and you click and it comes to your house. the for the, for the lead is a fast fashion. there is an urgent need to reevaluate the companies that have taken the risk to sell exclusively online or gaining traction even more reactive and even cheaper. they were inventing ultra fast. the, the brand boo hoo is little known to the general public. yes, it is the world's number one online foster fashion company in 2019 the ton of of
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this english brand approached 1000000000 euros. the book group has its own line and also other brands including procedural thing. 5 on each side who, who sells this dress for 9 years. at this price, you would think that it comes from an asian workshop. however, this comment was made in europe in the united kingdom. blessed a working class city of 300000 inhabitants in the centre of the country until the 19 seventy's less. that was the capital of english country whose unexplored to
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the tech style products all over the world. large factories employed thousands of workers. the, the text on industry has since returned. the less the workshops are a hidden world with cameras on north 12th up the last ticket to do what i get to watch when you go 1st. once people see it kind of it up. there is the 100 phone goes in less the entered into what 15 minutes know the man who was the loudest. the film is called sight killed g are regionally from talk histone. he's one of the cities. most successful entrepreneurs
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is effective way of, you know, making governments how many people are 90 to 90 to be working. this is one of the biggest, like the list of all of us person coming from less to on list a has good to manufacturing subsidy that nobody has an u. k. not even mean you can't, nobody has it in whole europe unless they can deliver any governments within unbelievable delivery time. less to is, must of profession governments, the manufacturer is return to list for its location in central england convenience to save time. time is very much on site coaches mind he develops his own label while supplying english fast function brands
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. if you one business in u k, you need to be very quick and delivery. we're going to save is finish coming in on this end. there's a picture of that, this is something is very nice, then you've done something quickly. similar, we have very close to the customer, was the government is ready. we do the same day. so we, i think several of them of these don't have and they want to make it in china if this and victor is attending the supplier. even give them a government same day. they didn't do 1st. the 1st was the day for about 4 to 5 days, then they haven't received it. okay. and david's response next day. if there are any changes to be made, then they have to resubmit the government that's been digging into the 10 days. so the students of this was on the
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right, the partisans number is ready to go. just pull us to us all, but then send you a receipt. so once you're to see you monday morning, please approve before to the book the somebody is gone. no, we really go through all the seo symbol i disperse them, did anybody? so once is approved, we will go through the pricing to the whole process from order to delivery. it's uh, 12 days. this is a unique point of less the, of our industry here that we can do quick the 1st service creek deliberately, the public is available here all the time. so if the customer needs the videos and believe we can provide them within 2 weeks time, we just one day, we cannot lose one hour again one day the, this is our committee. i was admitted. he is not days
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clothing design produced and delivered in 2 weeks twice in spanish disorder, unbeatable prices. but this efficiency comes with a high price. the workshop district has become a lawless own. in the heart of england, i assure you the system of sub contracting and this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force. they're on patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation,
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nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official say lots that are already in the billions of dollars. although the concept is still large and contained in the confines of the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a cease fire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve unique perspectives, why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera,
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[000:00:00;00] the, to hello, i'm elizabeth put on and don't have a date top stories on the elders era, demonstrations against israel as well, and gaza continuing at university campuses across the country from new york to michigan, florida's california, and texas through the system i'm doing the institutions comp time with as well, and companies that as long as the ministry assets and gaza the american association of university professors has condemned the columbia university president and board of trustees. that's also police arrested. hundreds of protest is on campus. they enter the historic code with some pieces and barricaded themselves on monday. is that these 23 palestinians, including 5 children,
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have been killed and is very s drives across garza since wednesday morning. a strike on it off on the south coast to children. that is rarely military continues to attack residential areas across the strip. within 34500 palestinians have been killed and nearly 7 months before the us secretary of state has left us read off to meet him prime minister benjamin netanyahu. jenny blankets pushing for a seas find to give them gaza, which he says is a chief of all blood control. nathan, yahoo! the us to the pauses, a ground defensive and drop on of columbia. and president, gustavo petro, it says his country would break diplomatic relations with israel. petro has been critical of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and austin jordan, south africa's case of the international court of justice, which accuses as result of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. and other news police in georgia have used to gas rubber bullets and water cannon against tens of thousands of protest as outside parliament,
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crowds of demonstrating against the government. so full phone influence though, the proposal of the plot organizations receiving funds from a pool to register as fun agents opponent say could be used to crack down on groups critical of the governments. the police 15 people have been injured and a russian missile and strongly come to your cleaning and pull city of odessa. the attack close to launch fire. a definitely belonging to a courier company was head odessa as a frequent target for russian attacks and has been struck several times in the past few days. well, those are the headlines they stay with us. the news continues here on al jazeera off the foster fashion. thank you for watching.
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the 1st question has intended arising informality arising pro carry t workers essentially work on a system of informal 0 our contracts. so they never have a contracts. less than a working class city of 300000 inhabitants in the center of the country workshops are a hidden world where cameras are not welcome. there is no shortage of jobs offers in the sweatshops, embroider cuts out well dressmaker. the tanya is a journalist equipped with a hidden camera,
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she will go under cover into the workshops of less to the i'm looking for a job. if somebody is looking to somebody, i learned very quickly. somebody showing the windows are covered though it's the middle of winter and there's no heating the cost of the trial period. are going 3 hours. this is
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a leak in the u. k. it's not even the minimum wage. even 14 i should come here every morning. ok to 6 o'clock this on your trip. any shop post, a brief demonstration of the sewing machine. and what is the only having arrived a few hours ago, tanya, a nova seamstress is making scott free of charge. the
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beast. goods will be sold online by one of the biggest boss punch in brands. curious to see the pretty little thing is one of the brands of the blue who created the scots, the time you manufacturers are sold for 15 years each barely 1 pm when suddenly work stops the workers paid by the hour
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a center with that compensation. this to you to model the list of workshops have a bad reputation, many brands on they're refusing to do production there, but not the boo boo group and its brand. pretty little thing. the brand on the rise in 2019 each sales doubled with a revenue of nearly $400000000.00 viewers. the a preexisting thing did not wish to be interviewed. the fence we managed to get access to the opening of the prison, showed the brand to meet it,
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c e o. who month come on to 2 years old. he's the son of a friend of the mood. come on a tons to boot. the father became a millionaire, surrounded by his bodyguards, his son enjoyed the attention. you don't think we want to be more than a fox, your website. we want to be a lot stubborn. we want to give good meaning to the customer. no good about yours. if you have a daughter, we think great, oh think should inspire gold in the right way it's made into you. how do you do that? yeah, we don't wanna be on the other one on one. i don't have the question to ask
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somebody else or somebody else, the workers, but we know that the to off to this event to 1st meeting president will think wrote to us the brand stated that he takes the workers working for president thing actually defending and they receive at least the minimum wage,
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the producing close at such a low price as a very high environmental cost, tech styles of the 2nd most polluting industry in the world. often oil for one part, one time the fabric is we call it $200.00 tons of water polluted. so $1.00 to $200.00 is the ratio. the more common there's, there is the more pollution there is going to be without infusion, from tracing in cleanup. technology is the fashion industry is going to expand by an additional 60 percent and the next 10 years. then we're going to get 60 percent more of who's under the pressure of public opinion. the text on industry is trying
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to re brand in trade shows. the color of choice for marketing is green. will gunning, responsible, recycling the guys of green fence the extent and fabric and calculates the shift. this goes many farms, depression, brands are using this cheap artificial. so the, this red dress from hazel's and the snake pattern sheath dress from blue on made of 95 percent. this goes this goes, is manufactured by a handful of companies around the world. among them is the bill of $40000000000.00 indian conglomerate into tex agent, in
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a sense the biggest names in this goes of buying from the law. you believe that the most if you're forested fish each, this goes according to bid is a blessing because it's good for the planet is however, in order to transform wood into fabric, many chemical to meet one of the most dangerous is a highly toxic solvent carbon di sulfide, c, s 2, the then the addition of a liquid called carbon by sulfide causes another chemical gene well as marketed as the green product. is it basically a lie? yes,
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it's an extremely interesting poison. the danger comes from the fumes of cs 2 to make the send you those which will give that this goes. it's thread like text you the one coke as it most in a box of silver. and then c, s 2 is added the emitter, this itself your work acid. the carbon by sulfide leaves the cellulose. unfortunately where it leaves the cellulose to is the work room where the workers are working just goes into the air. in india in the state is not the upper dish. the city of not the is home to the bill of groups plumbed, founded in 1956. it is a town within a time. 5000 was his work that day and night. and the gymnast not with
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the mandate. i'm not gonna get like i'm in sales, doing your main search. the one dana will see me now, but those can you believe it was something i guess i've done that. so i'm the one that give that to you how i live. i mean like i'm a leather wing of the month of another the actual cool well began working at the in 1991 in june, 2019. he's off with a heart attack which he says was job related. yes. month them the company or did say well, you middle middle or do our data a company or just so yeah, yeah. we schools go, you click that. got to do pretty stuff. got them. disclose, cool. so i'm going to make your bed langley reading need be the one that idea. come go up. yeah. well,
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i think i'm good enough. what about us and please don't go to that. that was getting the product at the this will put it up. i'll see if can give me what the middle, what that gives you. i think i didn't knew what the company is. look, i'm goodness. it wasn't exciting. yoga is how comfortable at the age of 58. he's on unpaid sick leave indefinitely. the other in the occupational illness is related to ballast activities. bella tells us that their activities have no impact on the health of the workers, or residents on the neck to sign. it is difficult to verify this as bella treats their employees in their own hospital, mild cases, i refer to the city's public hospital.
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the doctor chose to work in this hospital for 40 years. this surgeon has been its medical officer, a privileged witness of the a must have the protect deal. they used to attend that one off because regard management don't one give dish would come to bins will all be dead because they don't need to be exposed. if the upkeep of or what do you shouldn't get gardens or does it, they don't want people to fund our job until this departure in 2004 . dr. chona was the medical authorities who could have initiated studies on the health of the fellow workers. but he was not even aware of the existence of the c. s 2. there are no scale. millions
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of dollars. no, no, no. i don't know. do you want any such a what? we'll do something did don't, but i mean, did a water car to you any statement which was august? what effect please if they came to know there's something going on that it would all be done. they put a check on the, you know, normal the, we would you do in the last, we did the one that can be john. so you need the exit. i'm good to the good which documentation go, going to do it and they're going to bundle you have to be shipped to rest. yeah. he's one of the rest citizens, if not to, to defense the pollution links to the factory law student. he filed a complaint against the vis goes producer. actually they are not allowing the people to come inside the company. they are just all the way as hide the only thing
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in front of the all people. nobody can 3rd section against them, because they have too much on hand. the students complained. let's the match you up with dish staples ortiz in january 2020 the pollution control agency inspect it, the better factory. you'll thirty's photos the factory to take action. but above all, for the 1st time, they demand it to study the effects of pollution on the health of workers looking particularly at cs to the den stream from the plumes along the jumbo river. 20000 people live in around 20 villages.
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the thomas kennedy is one of these villages, located full kilometers from the plant. for years, the villages have been claiming more and more health problems the the residents, complaints were finally heard by the old silver tiers for the 1st time, doctors was sent to check up on the residents. the among the risk list patients was this father who came with his to disabled some via 2 of the few of the days before y'all. did it not much of a bunch of it's ridiculous that was to tell you that. so is going to tell you them
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as low as mid month on fall. let us go to high normal starting those got normal high button. it was nature by the they're going to get well, the little guy, the they're all new officials statistics. however, many inhabitants show similar symptoms paralysis, joint problems, even the loss of speech. in this thing, those, i mean, the thing people also think of the facility lives are lesbian. 26 year olds, and they bought, but it goes up $23.00 or 24 years. actually they are just basically the same but, and the growth of the party,
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this stuff and you just see the had on there because she's only going to be careful at the time of the visit government doctors can't, it's 209 people with health problems potentially linked to pollution to the inhabitants. the number one suspect is done. they accuse the plant of having dumped its waste into the river for decades. in the village of palmer, katy has no running water. the inhabitants drink water from wells fed by the jumble river. in 2018 bill are committed to distribute drinking water. the company finance is 6 daily deliveries,
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providing 90 liters to each family the, the company that are mailing the, the gigabytes with the company. give free. what is univision? because they know they, they are responsible for the position. i don't know why the why they are providing the water to the not the declare they provide a try to do with it. and then all their data responsible for the validation. and they'll only provide the order for doing thing for us, nor does that he uses to watch the crops. the farm is of palmer kitty still use polluted water from the jumble river. in january 2020, you'll sort use forwarded the to improve water quality down stream from the plum the the bad. refute school responsibility assessing that water pollution is not related
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to this because production and refers to the presence of all the industries. meanwhile, the global demand for this goes is rising not to the factory will increase its production and will soon be expand. the fashion industry wants us to believe that it will become sustainable. but in reality, the opposite is happening. the life span of a false depression. government is short, not only because we're getting tied to them and throwing them away. he's a sliding stick. a see a lot of good tired of using your own to hoof the shown feeling. but these wilks, i don't stick. same visit shown just the files and as was the ashton of cohort wouldn't onto it as a diesel effect. having guesses shown this man, noise all seed by finding diesel fast session time through deciding the see movies
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on missed am set and 10 loudon. so cost red and cones barely one percent of clothing can be refilled every year in your phone, 1000000 tons of textiles and up in the trash can we stop this fonts expansion machine? small brands are pleading for a ton to slow fashion. clouds of high quality, which can be reused and re so commendable lessons, but simply not enough. come slow fashion satisfied people the same. the studies by the french fashioned institute. i'm sure the less novelty installs means less shopping. it's as simple as that. i had a dollar for every time somebody asked me,
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tell me what i should buy as a nothing, nothing you have way too much stuff right. now what do we do? what do we say? stop spending money. this is not a viable economic solution. not shopping is not a solution to the industry. so fast fashion will continue to be popular and it will continue to show stride storage and proving toward circularity. so we might see mine or improve mentioned product development, but we will not see the end of the fast fashion, the and well failed with b. t. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon rain 1st to the arctic sea environmental region,
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and that's around the front of the line risk and the lights to reveal the truth as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been targeting, trying to get that, let support environmental jazz and ensure that the truth prevails for the 1st world press freedom day conference in 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. this background is us president joe, find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, guns, july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead, hama,
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who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives. including his own garza, the last picture on the 0 the, the hello welcome to look at the international forecast with the next batch of severe stones gathering across the plains, the great place of the us pushing into central parts of canada. i hated that most area of high pressure that's going to keep things up. i suppose at least instead of the us is concerned, i would tools east to sleep or $29.00 celsius in dc. so doing very nicely. but anyway, go with the next round to live. the storms law child the all tonight i mix thing, they have the possibility of some flash flooding all the way from the lakes down towards the texas east and texas into louisiana. west of that. not too bad, especially in the shower sandy possibility united with
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a high ground could be winfrey in nature. that's what we're trying to push this way . so the race was just running up to what was the places. it's wherever you apply pressure. and again, that is disabled unless you find dry and sunny, sorry, to across the use, the side of the carrot, painful the most popular fish. i was just drifting in here as we go through this day, the width of weather will be around hispaniola once again. what's the weather that just pushing across into southern cuba, jamaica kind of thing, a shower o 2 and a repeat performance really as we go wanted to friday, we're slipping a little further east was still a few showers, the southern past century america in the charts, military has been any charge since taking power in the co 3 years ago. now people will have a child to help their site where they us withdrawing it schools. i'm groups imposing the front of neighboring so do i need conflict? what lies ahead for the country child,
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the elections or knowledge is 0. cities with santa when these one of the world's most expensive, tim is in the black box and try his best and nice and foreign. one on one asian investigates the spot to capture india, sandlewood king, one out 0 examination being proactive. today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international film make cars and world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire financial sierra. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest,
5:00 am
the a peaceful protests in the us become a target of students at the university of southern california, other nations to face off with police, the hello i'm and this was put on them. and this is the algebra life from the how and so coming out, try to create a us not to peacefully protest, but create a new, a police or the rest at around 300 people at columbia university and city college. and accuse many of the not being students university students in gaza say they seem


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