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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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so through the rustic crossings in recent months, most of these bless and the bless i'm, we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the . ready ready ready a peaceful sight test in the u. s. become a target students at the university of california. well, the latest to face off with police. the kind of them are a kyle, this is out there alive from day, also coming up. trying to create chance not to peacefully protest for 3 to hear your police say they have arrested around 300 people at columbia university and city college,
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accusing many of not being students kind of sent in in garza so they feel hon. bye. the protests on us campuses and around the world. i'm colombian, pressing this all the petro says, he's breaking diplomatic relations with israel over the world. goss the demonstrations against as well as war on gauze are all continuing at university campuses across the united states from new york to michigan, florida to california, and texas. students are demanding that institutions comp ties with as well as companies that advance as ministry efforts in gaza. to as of the reports from new of newton past the teen, you know, 10 or many of them are students from the university that was rated by the police
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barely gave themselves inside one of the whole there the others are also from this university around 300 students for the to use the when the police entered this university has been detained. many of the students that are from the thing, they say they're protesting to shed light on the happening. and guys are right now to the killing and to displacement. that is happening in gaza right now. what this . 6 says sorry, no, no, to me. and this may 1st, we have also seen other protest across your 31st of many people carrying the pilots thing in the about the again, angry because of what happened with the to columbia university. and here in the city university of new york city where where do change, but not far away from where we are right now in food. i'm university students again
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over the university. they carried out and, and cab side. they weren't detained by the parties. what we're seeing is a strong residence over the tony and university to new york city across the united states. this students are saying that they're saying that they're the next generation in this country. they're fairly angry with what is happening and guys, now they're very little united states following parties, get it supportive is why they want to make their voices heard that it's all turning to the west coast now. and the latest on this situation that the university of california los angeles switch to a violent month attack, a peaceful incumbent on tuesday nights, thousands have gathered once again on campus on wednesday as the sunset. so in the evening, at around 8 o'clock, that now process of being rebuilding barricades around,
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back come overnight. some attack has waived as really flags as they assault and demonstrates is in some instances with 6 police are accused of standing by and failing to protect the student from finals. as move from los angeles was here on the campus of u. c. l. a student protestors spent part of their day cleaning up the debris from last night's attack on their campus and fortifying text them from further assaults. like the kinds of happened last night when mom pro israel presided demonstrators from apparently, from outside the campus came onto the campus and attacked the encampment with, with the pepper spray other type types of projectiles and fireworks as well as clubs and holes. now the fallout has been quite swift here and quite critical of the university administration with 200 faculty members. signing on to a letter,
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partially critical of the administration, saying they have a lost confidence in its ability to keep students safe and demanding that administration protect the students and not try to breakdown the cabinet or subject protesters to any disciplinary action like suspension or exposure. it could be said that last night was the moment when the united states with this just a tiny amount of the violence that is set of people gaza last 6 months. riddles, l g a 0 and the u. c. l, a campus summer altitude says professor of community and environmental says he always a of the university of wisconsin madison. he was detained an engine during the campus protest there and he told down to 0. he noticed passengers and police behavior when targeting processes. i have
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a strong belief that our obligation as professors is to protect the students from bullhorn and that is possible because of that i was trying to de escalate from the the, the officers who were surrounding the 10th. and i was trying to get them to de escalate and, and leave them alone. one of the officers said, bring him and pointing to me from the very beginning before even the the started contact with the, with the kind of the human chain that was around the camp and he said get him drop him. and so they targeted me. i don't know why, but i mean, it is really telling and very, very, but very problematic the fact that the 3 faculty who are arrested are all faculty of color including me and to african american
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professors at the university. and so that is kind of quite telling and even the students, many of them, most of them, the ones who were targeted with arrests and the tang were really people of color. and so the question is, was that a chance event was that's happening just because it happens, or is it a deeper kind of the framework that within which the police works, that is racist assumptions about people and how to deal with them and how to target them as well, palestinians in going, as i say, they fail hubs by the protests of us campuses and around the world. this place, children that accompanied darrow by le, held up signs, thanking protest isn't us colleges many cents? i hope the students will put pressure on that college is the government. i'm the instructional community to bring an end to the war and don't could already have this report. causes university students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world. we want you to
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continue all your bought this and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the was to stand with with the young people here. see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests, health and their name, thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the ward reward will be here by the end of the few of the a lot of others in the visit. the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital where i'm pretty sure you think you'll have one of the meet the kind of stuff and we appreciate. i think if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us in palestine and goes especially inc as a stripe. and may god help people and to bless you. thank you very much. and all
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the love the, from the policy in young people, 40 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part in protest around the world, raising insights. and for the kind of course they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in cause and hope that is young people who can succeed in bringing peace, something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city. i just ita central garza palestine. okay, well let's thank you back now to you said i have university of california in los angeles and here we can see the scene on campus right now is, is just on 8 p m local time. that's bring that whole correspondent rob rentals.
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he's that as well. well, we're seeing assisting the between the police, the line of police on the actual pro, pallets to palestine and can't manage the situation. looks very peaceful. what can you tell us? well, it might look peaceful, but it's pretty tense. the police have arrived in force on campus here about 2 hours ago, campus authorities, broadcast the message to the student, protest inside the guys a solitary camp that the illegal situation is illegal in camp. but then they had to leave and disperse immediately or face arrest. now where i'm standing is outside the can. what we see here, and i know its dark, but bear with me. what we see here are students and members of the community and
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others who are in support above the pro does a solidarity campers inside, but this is outside the camp. and further over in the, in the dark, the swords, those buildings are, that's where the campus and we have seen wines of police are police from various jurisdictions here in los angeles and sheriff, the cetera maneuvering and moving in in large files from one part of the campus to the other. probably try to keep people guessing, but they're dressed in variety or they have their fet tom clubs and they are apparently by all sides. ready to clear this camp and arrest anybody who doesn't leave this of course,
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thumbs less than 24 hours after a violence. co sign is pro is real. mom was allowed to rampage for 3 hours without any police intervention. attacking the in camp and peacefully protesting students end up beating them, growing objects that them firing incendiary devices. that them all sorts of, of violence went on, as i said, for 3 hours without police doing anything. finally, the police showed up and know what they left the attack. this go without arresting anybody. now tonight, it looks like the police are going to start arresting the students who have an accident. didn't any vile of acts whatsoever? well, what have you been hearing from the university administrators about the event space of last night and tonight? well, they put out a statement from the the top administrators saying that
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they regretted the violence that took place last night. and they were going to have a thorough investigation into what transpired and, and if there were any students involved, they would face disciplinary action. although it appears to most observers that the rioters last night were not students. but i would people from outside of the campus community, but be that as of may, they also said that they would investigate their police procedures and exactly how they, you know, handle the idea of providing safety and security for the encampment. but that was before and this is now and now the focus is on clearing the and campus, the administration of the this universe, d, u. c l a has declared it in the legal and campus. been here for a little less than
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a week, i believe. and or about a week and it is there are hundreds of students and faculty members in the workers from the campus inside the and campus. they're intense. uh, they've been quite disciplined and you have set up their own little community there, but it looks like the university excuse me, has chosen to lay a heavy hand as we have seen in many other universities like columbia university of texas. yeah, indeed we have. okay, well keep the right place i on the situation, but in the university of california until sunday is, is say, from a very tense situation with protesters and the incumbents being surrounded by police in riot, get around 2 hours off. so they have moons. the protest is to leave or face arrest
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will be keeping across it and coming back to you in the coming hours. thanks for the and these 23 policy names including 5 children have been killed in as rainy as strikes across gauls. up since wednesday morning. a strong cold rocker in the south killed 2 children is ready. military continues to attack residential areas across the strip. well them 34500 palestinians have been killed in nearly 7 months of war . i don't think the jordanian foreign ministry says is really satler's of a type to a convoys destined for garza. i mean, like what sense has this update from rafa? that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situations, the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers,
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there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one happens to be just a slowing into each one of the govern, the rates across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth as love, humanitarian aid, into the gauze, and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing blanket on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the award of past 6 months . i've been very difficult to get people's most needed a right now at this difficult time, the settlers on the northern part of the gaza strip. that's where a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel and. busy city, but they talked in an attempt to block it to your damien humanitarian colon voice
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coming to the jobs us for the despite the talk and the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination into the gall, this thread. they are carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the goals. and for the just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people, or the plastic efforts underway to reach a safe spot and also with the us pressure and how much to agree to as well as terms us extra state and state banking has left as well of to holding tools in the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is that a cx 5 do is achievable and can also told miss me, i'll have us still oppose is a ground offensive and rough. i'm still a head hair on alex's era, will tell you how historical treasures of gone are attending home for the 1st time in a 150 is the
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the hello welcome to look at the international full cost of the next batch of severe stones gathering across the plains, the great plains of the us pushing into central parts of canada, a head of that most area of high pressure that's going to keep things up. i suppose at least instead of us is concerned, i will cease to see $429.00 celsius in dc. so doing very nicely, but anyway, go with the next round, the live the storms. lots. how the or tonight i mix thing. they have the possibility of some flash flooding all the way from the lakes down towards texas east in texas into louisiana, west of that. not too bad, especially in the shower sandy possibility. united with the high ground could be winfrey in nature. that's what we're trying to push this way. so the race was just running up to what was the places. it's wherever you apply pressure and again,
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that is disabled. unless you find dry and sunny. sorry to use the side of the carrot, painful the most popular fish i was just drifting in here. as we go through this day, the width of weather will be around hispaniola once again with the weather that just pushing across into southern cuba, jamaica kind of seeing a shower, o 2 and a repeat performance really. as we go on to friday, we're slipping a little further east was still a few showers for southern past century america of the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition. populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric s u. v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction,
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from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the o. n h the the 3rd annual what you're going to 0 is reminder of on top stories this i'll demonstrations against, as well as well on dollars or continue as universe to come says across the united states. police at the university of california los angeles, appeared to be preparing for pros, has to order purchases to leave purchased, as have been rebuilding barricades around. com products and ends in gaza. say they failed to find the price has sent us competence and around the world. many cents, i hope the protests can put pressure on the government and the ancestral community
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civilian ends to at least 20 free palestinians, including 5 children have been killed in his rainy stripes, across gauze, as since wednesday morning is waiting that he continues to attack residential areas across the strength of columbia and present gustavo petra says his country will break diplomatic relations with israel is criticised as well as action since the thoughts of the will and gone. so at your request and to join south africa's case of the instructional court of justice accusing as well of genocide as andre around pepsi reports from bogus ha. the presidents, gustavo states are made the announcements in front of tens of thousands of his supporters in book at the end of the may day 3 can be all the governments of change of the presidents of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government and the president to his genocide all today,
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all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes. we cannot remain passive. if palestine dies, humanity dies and we will not let it die. peter has been increasingly as rarely actions in gaza since the stars the worth formerly requesting to join south africa's case accusing is realized. can decide that the international court of justice is real, responded by calling faith during the inc. i say my buddy supporters say their president does, right? you cannot gas it part of a is the right and this 3 seem to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect. international law is the earliest continue genocide. doing children, cutting ties is a bare minimum, necessary top zion is responsible for the dental of thousands of palestinians. the
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decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. the announcement so as i calculated to move to shore up to port that excited space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious, social and economic reform. gloom is this 3rd country in south america, do believe in believes to put ties with israel over the war, but it's by far the largest and most important you do it. okay. but if you at this time i spit out and into things come based here. major are losing the country and moment of great polarization that calls for taking sides and the expectation or the next attack by these riley and rough. uh, which will be more kind of in guys, up until the 5th of this decision might not change conditions on the ground. that puts him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm get the address, the same adult as for me is on the medical association of north america,
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have documented the latest trip to garza. they describe the severe injuries they have to trace the scale of destruction around them. a con you it is just decimated. no way you could all come back to like here the way it got to be are many people have used terms in different complex, you know, i've been to syria and it's somalia and also my other areas around the world and people mentioned oh it's i can hardly get in. it's like, like, you know, something undescribable. everywhere i saw this destruction and con, you, it is not a single building. was standing the at hospitals, schools most of our patients were, you know, 131-415-1617 years of age. for these lower extremity shrapnel wounds and that's
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something we just, i've never dealt with. it was something that was new. i didn't even see that in 2009 was a lot of adult patients back then with this is really a different scope of, you know, patient population that i just never seen. you know, i'm not a politician. another diplomat. all i know is, is that as a healer, one who, who is taking a hope to hear people. if a rough as attack there will be complete loss of life and the health care system will not be able to take care of this. the police in georgia have use tag asked rather bonus on was that kind of it gets tens of thousands of protesters outside parliament. crowns are demonstrating against the government circles for an influence bill. there's jump of all of our reports from
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tpc opposition process in the georgia campus. so i'm north winding down that becoming moved, violent tens of thousands and few rated by governments proposal to use a low on for an interference between to break into parliament and to rest barricades. while police responded with pepper spray and water cannons. i'm not afraid of water. i'm not afraid of gas. i'm not afraid of these people because of these people were sent in here. we are freedom fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom of america's georgia and prime minister iraq lee called by hades, a cold on police officers to show the patients at the writings that patients what was on the home display parliament to prove the loan for an influence in the 2nd reading, the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying
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to convince people that do will strengthen the countries independence to protect the site, to know is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing a client down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rides, georgia society even further you there. so 5 on the, on the right, georgia reports that a full not quality order to add a supply for us across manufacturer. boeing who revealed a large safety problems has been found dead. joshua dean died on choose day off to a short and southern illness is the 2nd whistle blowers who have been found dead from the boeing employee. john bonnet died in march days, also giving evidence against his former employer in a law suit. a new day, like to know makers in the solomon islands have chosen the next a prime minister who is supposed to bring the country closer to bank. jane jeremiah manada a is a former foreign minister and he won the c one votes and the secret ballot of 50
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parliament members. the election was closely watched by china also by the us as neighboring australia because of the potential impacts on regional security. the outgoing prime minister, strong security packed with china in 2022 and you in box special criminal court and central african republic has issued an arrest warrant for exiled. former president, full swap was he's a, he's facing charges related to human rights violations. nicholas hawks and wondering developments from the call incentive go. as he continues to be described by many people in the central african republic as a ruthless war, lowers the for president of the central african republic possible. i believe he's a has now and arrest warrant against him. this is seen as a victory to those that have been victims of violence during the civil war in the small nation of central africa that has left thousands of people killed
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millions of people displaced now, according to the judges, there is evidence of serious inconsistency, crime against humanity perpetrated by men that were following the orders of hans, what was easy passport was it is accused of many things and including of having tortured opponents in his private residence in the outskirts, somebody gained by somebody. it was a military come for the he also had a private residence in that camp. and the central africans would called a one time m. o, because a condition where so harsh and um there were 2 holes in the, in the ground where a man could only stand and upset a lie them. and people with sometimes be there full days and weeks and sometimes until it died,
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because it is an exhaust in neighboring senegal in the country of guinea. besides the president of getting to be so said that he has not received any international arrest warrant against it. because he's a, he's been living there for the past year and has continued to fuel the conflict in his homeland vis, central african republic. this latest arrest warrant by this you in back, special tribunal tribunal is seen as a victory for the rule of law. and many people hope the end of impunity in a country that continues to face a civil war. nicholas hawk allen to 0 the car, the treasures of gone and flutes, enjoying the colonial era, have returned home. artifacts from the sun taking them are on display as part of a deal with london. and victoria and albert museum left the museums on the growing prussia to a ton stolen african, aso, fox, and demona has more celebrations and gonna,
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as crowds gathered witness the return of what's been described as a nation's crown jewels is the 1st time they've been back on governance soil since they were taken by british colonial.


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