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tv   Dying Earth Beyond The Oil Age  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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a busy day is exhaust in neighboring senegal in the country of guinea. besides the president of getting to be so said that he has not received any international arrest warrant against it, because he's a, he's been living there for the past year and has continued to fuel the conflict in his homeland, the central african republic, this latest arrest warrant by this un, back, special tribunal tribunal is seen as a victory for the rule of law. and many people hope the end of impunity in a country that continues to face a civil war. nicholas hawk allen to 0. the car treasures of gone to lutes, enjoying the colonial era have returned home. artifacts from the us on taking them are on display as part of a deal with london. and victoria and albert museum left the museums on the growing pressure to a ton stolen african, aso, fox, and demona has more celebrations and gone to,
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as crowds gathered witness the return of what's been described as a nation's crown jewels is the 1st time they've been back on governance soil since they were taken by british colonialist a 150 years ago. the as dante king underlined the significance of the moment. the items that came back originally, the soul of the people on the display of this for you to see the item that was totally new to drop in 1974. not all of them was retained, but that's what we have the still them. what is the sort of a push on the 32 items were taken by the u. k. during the colonial era? some were lose it during wars with us on taking them. this long term loan took decades to negotiate and marks the silver jubilee of this sante king of the victoria and albert museum hopes. this will be a foundation for stronger culture links in the future, and to wait to move on from a difficult past. we knowledge the very painful history surrounding the
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acquisition of the smoke checks the history painted by the skulls of imperial conflict. uncommitted, again, as you are a fan and us museums are under growing pressure to return, stolen african items to their place of origin spinning. and nigeria, i've also been negotiating similar deals, the sante treasures beyond slaves, the public at the mind here. pulse museum for the next 3 years. vince and monahan, l just sierra allows it from a lower kyle for the moment you can keep updated on all the campus protests around the us on a website that's on to 0, don't com. i'll be back with more on that story and the other news off the dying to stay with the voters in panama, preparing to elect a new president on may 5th at the front run,
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their former leader. these kind of them have to, natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside the future stay without just us for the latest impediments, general elections, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the settle about the issue to make those chicken and all occasionally portray it will be more than a monthly quarter. sure. she said the not to show up the but we went out, but so i sent by natalie, cause you to even have a not a musket by the by not being honest with one of body to shop with the out the one on
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the capacity mancha. don't people this comfortable moya? nice to match up the price range of an option you on
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the on the hill and is it equally done so little? but the lending example on that let me use the table by the community that we see for but little if you have the water screws on wednesday i sent to sunday was they're not as good as, as i'm on the, on the bottom of the as soon as it equal 5, the research must be my deep media. the junk devante. be believe the citizen's show that this is all i saw these activities with the biggest with us on the it was and
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providing this will bill up on it as possible. if you think about what causes climate change, you're talking about burning coal, oil, or natural gas to produce the energy that runs factories or heats homes. you're talking about the very fundamentals of a modern economy. so we have to find a way to displace the use of fossil fuels in each of those activities. the means moving towards from a renewable base sources of energy. but there was a material intensity to creating solar panels, electric batteries, or wind turbines. and this is creating a boom in mining for the cobalt, the lithium, and all the key minerals to make those technologies is where they are use as of
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where the sea levels effect of the comp. i mean that's the only light thing i was going ask you about is when we called police a pro se. so just a moment they found this on demand and the 2 is on the vehicle while so it's crucial. who owns the mind? how would they financed? how would they government somebody always gets hurt. and unfortunately, it's usually the people in the world who are poor us and are least able to defend themselves, including in places like congo where the governance is a shambles. the
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middle of this is for the sending it to this before the informant and just the div . good. a simple model. so they've gone through please. yes, but the media that we've had to go. but so for men just to be a lot the, you know, at the pharmacy as far as sending it out as an on. yeah. that it, is it the well national completely the one that a little fed was withdrawn from not com. you my son? no, no, no, i mean on the
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not the one i should come on monday, the bottom of the phone day off on a job, but the job the flushing and what is she coming from? well, no, not perfect. and what is the name of the metro? it goes to the terminal, but the, the 40 something yeah, i mean most of the form data move image con demetris metric on met the man you let me know when i own you perform the vent, then somebody post government prevent the like the, the longest. good news junkie. provide us with the gnostic one of the show me see
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a god visual buses securities it does it advise you, ma'am? it is what i mean. you got these and all of identical and the shows you the, the passage unique buys the securities, operate as good lady. done a good example as it is a and for us to the black you've been watching. so what i find it for you should move with this big set in a t up by layer funding will become us not all much go flushing o d b, a bunch of fun in man, which we don't know yet. bush at finance. you your son. we thought that she was, you don't know, kindly get these just by the, by the way to come up with them when they probably don't get enough money. nice of them was, you know,
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the, the 3rd to that led to the printing, the minimum i was, i need to know when to find out the funds have been given my letting, think anybody's impression during a full size bathroom in particular for you, but the chevrolet amazing, the escape of oklahoma. they should be able to get them for more in general to, to should get
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a the the, [000:00:00;00] the window is open. this up us, us up a list, but we've been shown in front of somebody immediately, so believes that it was a level of a $10.00 on me, yet 80 to do the easy to negro do this. what does that mean yet? that is for the particle, what it is she, it, me, i, she's the part of these aren't, the vision was the
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of the lights on the lights on the silver bill. i see you see that? i think the streets of washington is, i mean it is a duty on the other off. uh, did you uh look see nicely with the diesel for them. uh, but the going on with the farm smartphone. i got a little thing at the top. so i need my tv equipment on the news news, windows 10 pro, i do my dates, use companies on the left of the show and then the man, the dolly too. i can see the price of the balconies of the shop with going with them. yeah, just so cool. man. but you should get him um, but we need what we should be month. funds. we offer buzzing going on with them
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on top of what any spots video saw and isn't have as the revisions. and that's what i expected you just brought the problem, but it's a lot to do that. is that the us get it the diesel duty did this example is the point of view on this part that's on the yet i do then on on proceed. is it going to be lead on the, on the left over to the book. and so they will be lower this but this one the yeah . because then honestly lot pretty got it. the same for the please. a lot of books on today that is just in yet a lot of what i did, it will not show anybody the lesson key to distribute will keep your feet to open the that still suffer feet in the, in the conditions in which that money is happening. in many countries, deep plate, exploitative of children of labor is they should be dignified and well paid jobs.
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extractive industries ultimately, always in publish the countries where they're expecting a very few exceptions to that. the working in the global south, where many people are living on less than a dollar a day. it's not so much about, you know, decelerating grace. because what we have is actually populations that are facing starvation and hung up because of climate change. the date need most need more of everything, not less. but how can we get more of everything without having to industrialize in
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the same way that the way the just the good people about these fucking idiots. but that's what i mean. yes. you see on that there's a big you'll see glass of that. you have less of that business, looked at the date or to do there's a status. i mean, yeah. yeah. did you get the so not the shop for get active in the next couple months mostly by law. you tell me the fair that is. yeah. oh no, hope you do to get, let me pick sheet the, the kind of good, the good, you know, you know, super,
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super no going to you. if you just money you can click on the news in the google to a bunch. i'm going to turn this, i much the money new. you purchased a so lucky mcgee from the me need to know is it versus the on the menu drill logo because there's some really i'm pulling up for
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me. see what i'm not gonna need. okay. name him my would you come on the most so much you will, but a really good just to give you a simple quiz is not the one the the seem to be the
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there is a simple narrative that being or fossil fuels will get us to below a 1.5 degree it's not enough. we need a mix of solutions. yes, we do need to scale down and reduce fossil fuels, but how do we do so without completely changing our way of life in terms of balancing growth and balancing the innovation? but what generally happens, especially in africa, is that a solution is imposed is always about offering alternatives and bringing people along to see what those alternatives want to buy this you did you finally, finally google it? that's good news. just it's all i see not really get what that shows on there, but that's on the plaza, shows the program that google funded the
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people that live bring it up a few this i thought the some of the pretty much about of the most interesting one because this only started to really, really be the sitting. what was the point you see by the bus
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on the list, but this one the yeah, the the, the, this is a long use block loving. yeah. they didn't do this at that. i mean, i'd be like visit, that'd be good. and one of the 4 digits, i think i face the middleton, you know, so not give them assess, but digit beautiful by deals will be on. are all going to read this. i sent that to please me. yet, but it's in the follicle book you supposedly bought this faucet bought in editing us on the on the 1st 30 by the the gross north today relies on this massive nets appropriation of resources. and energy basically means that the
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damages from the global norris gross, are effectively suffered in the global south. not is known as who compatible with the news about the deep transformation that's required of the transition toward clean technologies is one that is only available to precisely those who are most responsible for emissions. that is unacceptable. so there is a double responsibility of those who have higher carbon footprint 1st to clean up their own app. and secondly, to support those who also need to have access to a better life. the
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country is like the us. so like the you have a responsibility to make sure that while they are drawing on these resources that are important to to make the transition to the renewable energy economy are not extracted on the backs of people who just don't have any other options in life than to work in terrible and sometimes deadly conditions by you them the dream in the usa of electric, s, u, v, is for all the rest on the back of extraction from the mind of congo, and from the body. so kind of leaves workers who are supposed to bear the drugs of
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that stream. this is not a bible future. the i don't here. certainly people talking about is simply using less energy. i think we need to completely read the fine when we think of his progress. and instead of like more energy, faster, your bigger houses, bigger cars, we have to instead think of progress as more empathy, more compassion being and towns those you. this is which is dental sicily daddy's over the victim, didn't expect. so you can predict once a month if you notice all the logic loss somebody polluted this lot because some of the method that the need this and they said they can. so a lot of people are, they start sending you a buzz in the deep or so to show this
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to you, but you already spend the money when i oh my gosh. and you know you may somewhere but the should talk to the people talk. i use the bull, my degree one symbol, but when i want to be above but let's get my shuttle. but oh, what are they about? i need no one to who now i'm a shuttle name. what's up typically would you you know me even though somebody still saw something about the i mean before july it wouldn't affect the the me from implementing medical additional
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might be the no, no, no, no go need. okay. the image and woke up to a bunch of movie to turn this i much sense what was the money when lee can is on this other trio none. ms. vega, we need fi, do you have uh total well no. well pulling up from you never,
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never could somebody you can play the music for kind of 50 by the phone like once a month ago and i was reading it go sure thing. you know, guys, budget looks like you know, when i ship, i think that's what they should have done by the, in the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum, prepare border,
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and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joints in a battle for survival and to save the lung. so what's the word? how does he was using doing the fine glass? one of the biggest selections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render moody's b t p. increase it through the across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage. but in the, as an action on tuesday, around the world winning documentary is from around the world on l. g 0 pod came in to be used as the i o. c suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know,
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double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the peaceful prize us in the us become a target students at the university of california and the latest to face off with police, the kind of them or a kyle, this is alex, is there a live from doha. also coming up try to create


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