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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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us through the rustling crossings in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the a visual process in the us become a target students at the university of california on the latest face. so with police, the color that or kyle, this is alan. they're alive from doha. also coming up trying to create tre, on not to peacefully protest between us ponies. so many of the protest
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is arrested of columbia and city university of new york. i'm not students palestinians in gauze say they feel hurt by the protests that us campuses and around the wells and columbia and present. gustavo, petro says he's drinking diplomatic relations with israel everett's war on gossip, the demonstrations against israel's will. on gauze a continue at university campuses across the united states. police at the university of california. los angeles have moved in to discuss pro testers who are refusing to leave. here we can see thousands of police in riot gear surrounding demonstrations. so it gathered on the compass and approach as of choose police of inaction. earlier when a love of is really suppose is attach the come on tuesday night. a rebuilt becomes
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barricades and have ignored orders to despise. let's go straight to our correspondent robe reynolds. he joins us from u. c. l, a robust not 10 p. m. the. the order from police for the process is to, to this past was about 4 hours ago. we're now seeing live pictures of will police arriving at the scene. what's happening the of the world so far laura, they do not appear to have tried to enter the campus, dismantle any of it, or make any progress we can still see from the distance that we we're in force to be at by police orders. the palestinian flags waving over the camp and the people that you see behind me are, i think, several 1000 supporters of the gods. the solidarity student protesters who are in the in campus. they are showing their
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support by chanting 3 palestine intifada. another chance. meanwhile, a somewhat ball, so situation is a merge right in this crowd is several. prob zion is infield traders. they've come in and started waving their flag and making noise, perhaps a provocative pack. maybe some of the same dogs who attacked the camp last night. and it's, it's still less than 24 hours since that violent incident. and we've seen the pictures of that pro zion is pro, is really rioters attacking the encampment, being beaten back with police, refusing to intervene, neglected 44 hours while the violence grades. now,
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of course, leads routing forces much larger numbers and they are reckoning their efforts against those students on the university of southern cal of california, los angeles have been peacefully protesting for days they are seen to clear the camp hasn't happened so far that the roof tell us a little bit about missing counseling, we understand there's a, a few 100 people inside students, faculty members and members of the community. they have been barricades in themselves, ignoring orders to despise you, getting a sense that they're prepared to put off a fight or will they be a rest in peace feel like we've seen on campuses else, websites in columbia last night. i. my expectation is that they will not put up
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a flight. they emphasize peaceful nature of their protest from the beginning and have have really stressed that they are not going to try to hurt anyone. in fact, even when they were being attacked by this last night, they, they were really not fighting back. and it needs to be a lot of unusual people in this crowd as probably tell, but not to make light of it. i don't think that they're going to fight back. i think that they're probably going to undergo arrest the as a form of civil disobedience. okay, well we have got plenty of shots of, he's had a compass, we can see a events unfolding that we're going to keep an eye on them and come back to you during the course of the hours for the moment. thanks very much. i meanwhile,
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in new york, several bodies continued into the nights including a march. so went off campus. police cleared out demonstrations at columbia, and the city university of new york, around 300 people were arrested twice of the reports from new york. they showed up outside columbia university to support the student. protestors detain, doing the rate on this campus tuesday evening. they say students need to be heard not in prison. the students are understandably upset and what's happening in the world, and they have a right and they have to duty as moral individuals to protests. police entered hamilton hall at the university campus to remove students who had barricaded themselves inside. it's a 2nd time police went into the university in 2 weeks, at least 300 people were detained in columbia and in the city university of new york. but he's part of the barn and students have returned to this truth. this is
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what many campuses not totally in new york city, but across the united states, look life with a very strong police presence on the students that you can see here. say that they then stop. they say they're the next generation in this country. they're en route because of the war on guys that they're angry with the united states foreign policy and it's supportive as well. and that's why they want to make their voices heard. it may be fine to other people, but it's not to me. new york city mayor eric had them said the students were influenced by outside agitators, the like those who broke into the building didn't close students. it was led by individuals what not affiliated with the university. they needed the school needed the white piece assistance to clear hamilton hall. it'd be in campus outside. but this is something the students and the faculty deny. it was students. it was students at this university, undergraduate students,
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graduate students. the l side agitators in this case are the republicans in congress, or may or adams, senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell our university how to run into fair students are trying not to lose momentum in new york city and forwarded them university students carried out a sitting on the campus and again, they were forced out and arrested by the police. but the students don't seem to be afraid. they say they are fighting for a just cause and will continue demanding for the war on guys to stop the so we'll just see that new york some other to test professor at the university of wisconsin . madison. he was detained an injured during protests the and he told us he's noticed passes of but of police behavior. and they target to protest as that. i have a strong belief that our obligation as professors is to protect the students from
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bullhorn and that is possible because of that i was trying to de escalate from the the, the officers who were surrounding pretends. and i was trying to get them to de escalate and, and leave them alone. one of the officers said, bring him and pointing to me from the very beginning before even the the started contact with the, with the, the kind of the humans seeing that was around the camp. and he said, get him, grab him. and so they targeted me. i don't know light, but i mean, it is really telling and very the very, but very problematic the fact that the 3 faculty who were arrested are all faculty of color including me and to african american professors at the university. and so that is kind of quite telling and even the
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students, many of them, most of them, the ones who were targeted with arrests and the teen, um were really people of color. and so the question is, was that a chance event was that's happening just because it happens? or is it a deeper kind of um, framework that within which the police works, that is racist assumptions about people and how to deal with them and how to target them. palestinians. and also say they feel $105.00 of demonstrations that us universities and all the campuses around the world. the space children that accompanied darrow paula held up signs signed kane price has says at us colleges many since they hope the students will put pressure on their colleges. the government, i'm the instructional community to bring an ends to as well as school. and dr. diary has this report to the causes university students are saying,
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thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world. we want you to continue all your bought this and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the was to stand with us with the young people here, see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests, health and their name, thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the ward reward will be here by the end of the few of the a lot of others. in a univision, the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital where i'm pretty sure you think you'll have one of the meet the kind of stuff and we appreciate. i think if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us in palestine and goes especially inc as a strip and may god help people. and to bless you. thank you very much. and all of
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the, from the policy and people 40 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the park around the world, raising insights and toward the kind of course they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace, something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city. i just ita central garza palestine
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and he's 23 palestinians, including 5 children have been killed in his really strikes across gauze since wednesday morning. as franklin waffa in the south killed 2 children. is there any minute tre, is carrying out area types almost at the head of a pressing ground, offensive loans? 34500 palestinians have been killed in nearly 7 months of war. until dania and foreign ministry says riley status of a tech to a from voice destined for garza. i need lockwood sensors, this update from rough. that seems to be part of ongoing the deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situations, the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one happens to be just a slowing into each one of the govern, the rates across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it
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will ensure to be sufficient to smooth as love, humanitarian aid, into the gauze, and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war, the past 6 months had been very difficult to get people's most needed age right now at this difficult time. the settlers on the northern parts of the gaza strip. that's where a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel in the city. but they talked in an attempt to block a to your damian. humanitarian colon void is coming to the jobs us for the despite the talk a the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination, into the gall, this thread. they are carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part
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of the goals. and for the just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people. so it has hair on knowledge, is there, on tens of thousands of people are back on the streets of george's capital, protesting against the bill. they say spec chances of joining the european union and will tell you how gone this historical treasures are returning home. after a $150.00 is the the color the rang classic gathering gets again across the middle east. lots of this, the weather in the full cost as we go through the next couple of days. next patch of what, whether that is what is the goal setting it cost sweeping its way across the gulf.
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these things across here in the cost as it go on through west uh say it should brighten up the shot was never too far away. south of us, we have got some wet weather, initially, making his way across the way. 8 for the flooding concerns here. something positive sadie also thinks some live you down post the west. the weather will be on the other side of the gulf, making its way into iran and headed up towards afghanistan. some pockets of very heavy rain too into weight into good pot toby rock. so it gave batteries, lots of pools, flash flooding, the shower, stretched the way up to what was the black sea central. the nice scenarios of ducky, i sing some of that west. so whether charles or the sheriff just around the eastern side of the met, it's right. and it should stay dry in gaza temperatures here at around 25 degrees celsius. well, if you try to across all of that, the usual lifted up in the sand besides storms across the hall, right? scattering a showers once again coming back in across a good console of west africa into the gulf of kidney. it's also some west of weather. meanwhile, to making its way towards eastern times in the of the
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4 countless refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life. as he sofas li sold to provide for his family. this the vote scare us with this on that just the the,
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the again you are watching all just there has remind you of our top story is best our students protesting against, as well as will on guns with the university of california in los angeles. ignoring an order to disperse, please have moved in and surrounded the crowd is gathered on campus and ends in gaza saying they feel hon. bye. the protest set us universities encompasses around the world. many say they hope the demonstrations put pressure on governments to bring an end, as well as at least 23 percent of citizens, including 5 children have been killed in as rainy as strikes across condo since wednesday morning. the ministry is carrying out ariana tax on the southern city of rasa. had of a planned ground. assaults was rarely forces uh, conducting more rates across the occupied west bank. or hey,
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damaged homes and vehicles and the jealous and refugee county north of ramallah is where the forces also stores the cities of calculator and have for on let me 16 palestinians were arrested. israel's army has intensified its rage and the occupied westbank since the war and gone, so began in october, columbia, and present yourself at petra. it says his country will break diplomatic relations with israel. he's criticized as well as action since the beginning of the war and gaza actually requested to join south africa's case of the in special court of justice that accuses as well of genocide. and as long as around the se, reports from boca tom presidents, gustavo paid through, made the announcement in front of tens of thousands of his supporters and book. that at the end of the main day parade can be all the governments of change of the presidents of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government and the president to his genocide all today,
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all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes. we cannot remain passive. if palestine dies, humanity dies and we will not let it die. it has been increasingly as rarely actions in gaza since the stars the worth formerly requesting to join south africa's case accusing is really the genocide that the international court of justice is real. responded by calling faith or in the, in i say my, but the supporters say their president does, right? you could okay say part of a is the right in this 3 thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect. international law is the earliest continue genocide, doing children cutting ties is a bare minimum, necessary top zion is responsible for the dental of thousands of palestinians. the
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decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. 5th announcement. so as i calculated, to move to shore up to port then excite that space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious, social and economic reform. gloom is the 3rd country in south america to believe in believes to cut ties with israel over the war. but it's by far the largest and most important due to pay 50 and this die spit out and into things come based here. major our lives in the country and moment of great polarization that calls for taking sides because of the expectation or the next attack by he's running rough, or which will bring more kind of you guys up to 40 bitters. decision might not change conditions on the ground. that puts him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm 50, i just looked at the
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place 36 people have died. doctor highway collapse in southern china. it happened in gwendolen province. every rain and flooding cools the section of the road to caving on 20 vehicles, punish donald levine and the mountainous area. and as it is katrina, you have more from badging. it is highly collapse. took place in the long don't provinces, major city at 2 am on wednesday morning, just as china was entering its 5 day long labor public holiday. nearly 18 nieces of this bird trembled into the mountain is slow, low, it was dark. this area is removed and vehicles are going quite fast. about 100 columbus is our tragically 20 cause in tumbling down below and several dozen people were killed. at least 30 people were injured and i'm currently recovering and hospital. a large part of that highway has now been close to about 22 homes is an
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emergency. teams are working in that area. the close of the accident is still being investigated, but we do know that over the past few days, major city has received heavy rainfall and that region is currently on its 2nd highest. but for flooding, the rainy season began earlier than usual to see it in london. programs and over the next few weeks will extreme. what weather is katrina you as a 0 agent place in georgia, i have used to gas rubber bullets and was a kind of and against tens of thousands of protesters outside parliament grounds of demonstration against the government. so called for an influence, bel, yeah, type of all of a report, some too busy opposition process in the georgia capital. i'm north winding down that becoming move on and tens of thousands and few rated by governments proposal to introduce a low and for an interference between to break into parliament and to rest
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barricades. well, police responded with pepper spray and was a cannon's. i'm not afraid of water. i'm not afraid of gas. i'm not afraid of these people because of these people for son, and here we are freedom fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom of america's georgia and prime minister to iraq. lee called by hades, a cold on police officers to show patients at the writings that patients what was on the home display parliament to prove the loan for an influence in the 2nd reading, the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying to convince people that do will strengthen the countries independence to protect the site, to know is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing a clunk down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rise,
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georgia and society. so even further, you're there. so 5 on the, on the right. you see georgia. 2 in plains is at least 14 people have been injured and a russian missed all strike on the port city of a desa. it's not cause a major fire. supposing death i belong to a career company was hit, a death was a frequent target. the russian attacks has been struck several times in the past few days. there are reports that are full a quality order to add a supplier for us across manufacturer of boeing, who revealed alleged safety problems has been found dead. joshua dean died on choose day off to a short and sudden illness is the 2nd whistle blow to have been found dead. a form of boeing, employee john bonnet, died in march days of the given evidence against his former employer, and no suit to ecuador, has defended it. security forces decisions of stone,
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the mexican embassy, and kato, last month, and was told in special court of justice. the country acted to arrest what they called a common criminal security forces detained. that for those former vice president ok . gloss being granted political asylum by mexico. diplomatic disputes as ways tensions between the 2 countries on a regular reports. on wednesday it was echo doors turned to address the international court of justice over an ongoing diplomatic dispute with mexico. it didn't take long for tito's legal team to defend the actions of its countries. security forces regarding the rate on mexico's embassy last month. mexico has accused ecuador, a violating international law, and has called on ecuador to guarantee the security and protection of the mexican embassy in key door. mister president, this hearing is unnecessary and then justified, because ek weather has already provided assurances of its own volition,
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both to mexico and to this court. that it will respect and protect the premises of mexico diplomatic commission and keep them together with its property on archives. in full accordance with international lawyers also said the intrusion into the mexican embassy was done solely for the purpose of detaining hold head glass ecuador, its former vice president, who was evading arrest over corruption charges in a separate lawsuit filed before the i. c. j. ecuador is accusing mexico of violating international law for protecting a fugitive after mexico granted glasgow political asylum. it is abundantly clear that the sole concern the entire time was to ensure that the persons compete for serious corruption offences be brought back. the justice that's has now been done.
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it is also evidence that the use of april fife cannot be fully appreciated. without taking into consideration, mexico's highly respectable conduct. the read on mexico's embassy prompted condemnation from several latin american leaders. though it could be months before a final ruling is issued. mexican lawyers at the hague have asked the world court to award reparations to mexico and to suspend the equity or from the united nations . monuments it up a little alger 0. originally, okay, has been gun detaining migrants and refugees to being to push it through one to the home office released the video, showing immigration officials conducting arrest surrounding and on and approved last month. so no paving. the way for the controversial plan. we own raleigh is a bridge plesco consultants and commentator. he says the move as poss apartments originally. so next plans to win votes a little when the plan is politics with
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a real capital piece. this is about flying to drive a wedge between the conservatives, assigning on immigration, and we'll deal with this labor policy, assigning on integration. and i think for the conservative policy that best have of any kind of ha decent result coming to general election relies on that having a strong message around immigration. now we do know that the policy is fairly popular in the country. it will be it, there are a lot of vocal people in groups who are saying that is inhumane. who is saying it's on walkable but by and large it isn't popular policies. the questions are basically saying, asking the question for the government is, is this the type of policy that you want to be hiring your hopes on some sort of electrical, electrical success? and i think it's well worth remembering that the policy has no real barbecue. soon after the snowball white prize successful is trust, it was a girl boy, or as johnson which feels like a long time ago now. and you have politics and only now always see the plan come to
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fruition and said it does seem like a house which you see. nothing is printing is hopes on a very narrow optic tray and, and one of the plant as possible. i think all through the breaks it, but it's in 7016. a lot of people sold that, but it was going to sold the immigration problem in the you can really, although it stopped freedom move this we you, nation is coming in to the u. k. when i called him, doug stalked immigration, somebody's normally you countries. so we're talking about illegal immigration as one inches, but also legal immigration as another. and the reason why the u. k has a problem is that we do have an aging population, an aging workforce. so we need to have people that working age coming to this country to deliver economic growth. and what is a stipend economy right now? but then on the other hand, you go to the voting public, you do both to see cubs on integration and they get the straits is the mainstream policies you call seems to get a grip on it. treasures of gone to you to join the colonial era have returned home
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artifacts from the us on taking down the wrong display is part of a deal with london, victoria and albert museum. and.


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