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tv   Witness The Sea Wont Scare Us  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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man come to fruition said it does seem like a house which you see not just pinning his hopes on a very narrow austin victory and the client as possible. i think all through the breaks it, but it's in 76 days. a lot of people did that, but it was going to solve the immigration problem in the u. k. and really, although it stopped freedom this we, you, nation is coming into the u. k. when it comes and it stopped immigration from those normally you countries. so we're talking about the legal immigration and why should but all sides legal immigration as another. and the reason why the utah has a problem is that we do have an aging population, an aging workforce. so we need to have people of working age coming to this country to deliver economic growth in order to start with the economy right now. but then on the other hand, you go to the voting public, you do both to see cubs of integration and they get for straits is the mainstream policies you call seems to get a grip on it. treasures of gone, of use,
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enjoying the colonial era have returned home on suffice from the sun taking down the wrong display is part of a deal with london, victoria and albert museum. and the amount of time has no celebrations in gonna, as crowds gathered to witness the return of what's been described as a nation's crown. jewels is the 1st time they've been back on gone a soil since they were taken by british colonials to 150 years ago. the atlantic king underlined the significance of the moment. the items that came back originally the soul of the people. the dismay, this for you to see the item that was totally new to drop in 1974. not all of them understand what we have here. still them. what is the sort of a push out the 32 items were taken by the u. k. during the colonial era, some were loser during wars with us on taking them. this long term loan took
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decades to negotiate and marks the silver jubilee of this dante king. in the victoria and albert museum hopes this will be a foundation for stronger culture links in the future and to wait to move on from a difficult past. we knowledge the very history surrounding the acquisition of these old checks, the history painted by the skulls of imperial conflict, uncommitted again, this european and u. s. museums are under growing pressure to return stolen african items to their place of origin. the name and nigeria. i've also been negotiating similar deals, nissan tay treasures beyond the place the public at the mine. he a pals museum, the next 3 years. bins and monahan al, just era. well that's it for me. laura kindly couldn't find much more on our website. ours is there a dot com and i'll be back with more news of to wait. stay with us in these red sand, when these one of the world's most expensive to build the black box and try it has
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different mice and foreign one on one asian investigates the 5 to capture indian sandlewood king one out 0. the
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news, [000:00:00;00] the change that i'm gonna shoot on to the settlement on
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the, on the on the some done on the civil also and let myself the only thing i'm going to share some of the show me the article but the telephone lines on
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the or not the the the the, the, the issue is there's not how the the, what's the model of the del, you got the start of, of a,
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of those on my cell. no. was along with the slow on the machine on the little one of those little button and you know, the of the on the so that by the way, that's a big one of the uh, getting the hand out and i'm having to suffer for that necessarily on the face, the
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life i love, forget it. needs a good study and then a short visa auto pay . i like the last a lot a lot. the 3 me a visa or a lot of
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the lower east teen as because of the head of the how to brush i hang on the wireless the and then handles the well, this out also was the what the good movie to look up and where you were in the beginning,
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but i do the restore to sort of the stuff in but i'm sure okay, well allow me time tells me that the my the image of the see i see one from the mean and kind of walk in the shop. how about the shots on but you know, the one of the, the
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flex available in the, the the
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the what the news on the, on while it was the the phone number for the little fingers world and for some reason well in
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the middle so that i know somebody in the jungle kindly you know, that comes in, she'll be a whole new look of the up here. most of the, i think you the top of head also the vision is gonna is enough that when we go this like this still sitting there,
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most of the, of the stuff, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the vin and look of one quarter of them going that one and one of them in the beginning mean get this thing and they've shalean did for a while and then we'll have some new level. i mean my sheila, why the left us as a new universe, the levels altima the my loves. and so the, the, what the issue of why the
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level of the 1st 5 minutes must getting through about i can let people start know fortunately the the other, the lease and have so many again, living why that happened on the field was i was the one of the young kid that has to be in
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a center most loving visuals. no other than with india had an a c. and can you to enjoy now under the mattress. so the let me did what? 2200 to 205, and the one on the shelf we, some orlando, muslim muscular, the bad thing. nobody's mazda in. and this was intended for lucy norman england, and know someone on the label. and you know, we do, you've seen what
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a day it was good. i
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the the to be sure why it is, uh, have us on it for the new otherwise this me is, i've been in some of the was all like that the, the liability the
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comes with a demo. the only thing is that the height is on, on the unit, and then the, the close of the $2.00 to $22.00 long. i see. so in good england, president to the to hold the line david w to, to fit um is it was that it was
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a bunch a monthly shuttle. just a 200 stay the big stick, but it was a lot in the one thing run ash i love to get it from. know yeah. lanza lower than that. 80. yeah. okay. and the last name with the media. and then what is, you know, with the in the that i can dive on the items from the easily so about that. so i know that would be, yeah, i'm gonna think that will be an invitation level. so my son the little button and they just put it on his on when you do that, she'll be able to click it was a, you know,
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fix the version of the old list. they get that to of the honda is uh, i'm gonna use it as long as i can. what does it show? the little louder, how goes it wasn't as long as well that i'd wonderful infinity one is the one, the son of the the da and model divided by the amount of so done. but like just on us is done
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well no farther. they look for that thing, that's all about how much using the people used to hang up. let me get the for sure. what else to help you who do i need to get the people who completed the
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site for me to find how to go. so how does that headed to the higher was done was the little the most of was one of the wonderful going to
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show me the cause of the zip code in oklahoma. and i have been on the lies in his i know that in the nation few more along with the and then we'll see it all said i've got to go i that while she was on the phone with augusta on the, on the higher end in the mean, this will down on your thoughtful but allow me and it will have you had been
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managers on the
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the the coveted beyond wells taken without hesitation, fulton died for power that finds out while we live here. we make the rule. not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scare the people with that. and the people in power investigate, explodes, this and questions they use them to be just of our around one out there in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy, people for years they have borne the brunt of
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a legal mining activities their rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us, one of us to sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal. mine has returned every day we share their plans coming and going. present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for suffering indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the state vill expand the fight from their villages to the country's court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in definitely
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as 5 minutes to know the state. possibly else of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between them is uh, i'm the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, the, the police surround the peaceful palestine solidarity protests at the university of california. 24 hours off to the incumbent was attacked by a violent small the down or a kyle, this is allen's. is there a lie from doha also coming up and gone,


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