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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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which is the era, the police surround the peaceful palace sign, solidarity protests at the university of california. 24 hours officer there incumbent was attacked by a violent small the headed down or a kyle, this is allen's. is there a lie from doe ha, also coming up in gauze that we speak to palestinians who say they fail hubs by the protest, set us campuses and around the world. columbia. and president, gustavo petra says he's breaking diplomatic relations with israel over his will. on garza and heavy rain and china causes a mountain side highway to collapse. at least 36 people have been killed.
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the, it's just gone 6 gmc, that's 11 pm in los angeles, where hundreds of peaceful protests against the war and gone to a being surrounded by police and wanted to get them as races and continents have been ordered to leave the university of california, los angeles, come post bought that, refusing to dispatch the previous night just 24 hours ago. they were attacked by a group of israel supporters of correspondent robe. reynolds joins us now from u. c. l, a in na sands, and they is running the protest as in police. they've been holding the stand off for around 5 hours. now. tell us the situation that of the well, it's a, it's the kind of a stand off. the police have been maneuvering, moving their,
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their actual lines one way and another. and they may be trying to wait, you know, until the right moment to try to move in. but it does appear that they will be attempting to clear the encampment of the guy because a solid arity student protesters and those protesters, the students, and faculty and others who are inside the camp. hundreds of them are preparing for that eventually and getting ready for what seems to be inevitable. now. i'd like to introduce our guest danielle car, danielle. the is a assistant professor here at the university and has just come from inside the camp . thank you very much for being with us on al jazeera, what a degree of disappointment or unhappiness. do you feel about the this situation of the actions of the university over the past
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several days? i think it's hard to overstate the degree of just outrage and betrayal on behalf of the talking to you right now. and especially taking in light of what happened last night, which was an incident in which about $200.00 very violent counter protesters defended on the camp. and we're doing things like clicking fireworks and acting real violence of it. you know, it, it took several hours for the university to a to response and they'd secured the student safety. and so the, the irony that in the name of the student safety of the encampment will be facing him militarized police invasions night, probably sitting to your guys is just it's, it's hard to say absolutely how disgusting may get us back into your budget. as far as you have observed, do you believe that the student protesters would submit without resisting arrest
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the if and when the police come in the past inside the campus defensive, we know that we are uh, you know, the students know that they are facing, you know, the possibility of, of serious violence them the police and from the kind of protesters. but there's been constant non violent escalation training. and my understanding is that they will not resist arrest. so they've been emphasizing the peaceful aspects of this throughout, as faculty members. and i know that some 200 faculty members signed on to a list of bands and add positions to the to the university administration. what, what can you do you have perhaps some leverage with the system? well, you know, i think as receiving a, you know, increasingly professor is subject to violence, difference very little from what the state is, is needing out on students. i think that our community to realize but that our law
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lives with solidarity with the students. i think that, you know, we can try to communicate with administration as best we can, but we're getting many of the same patronized lines that students are getting, which is that this, you know, militarized police invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just upset just very, very quickly characterize the mood insight can i think that there's, you know, and understanding that there's, there's a possibility of serious violence, but i think there's a, there's joy in this all dirty danielle, thank you very much for speaking with daniel car, assistant professor here at the university of california los angeles. so the weight continues. laura, we will see eventually what happens. it seems quite they still move in. well, that's very to happen. we don't know. one thing i would say is that certainly this spring time of, of defense and protest is definitely raise the consciousness of
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a whole generation of college students about the issues involving israel, palestine because of the occupation and the us role in the entire complex heights. never before seen, and that may be one of the most lasting impacts of this entire experience across the country and days. well, many things and they will keep watching events though, as they unfold and loss on facebook. it works in class, they wrote many thanks. a this will students in new york continued to protest against the war in dogs. and despite the rest of almost $300.00 people, the previous nights at columbia and the city university is a heavy police presence at many colleges. but students say they will not be intimidated to stop that called for an end to the killing and gun. so try that by reports from new york, they showed up outside columbia university to support the student. protestors
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detain, doing the rate on this campus tuesday evening. they say students need to be heard not in prison. the students are understandably upset and what's happening in the world, and they have a right and they have to duty as moral individuals to protests. police entered hamilton hall at the university campus to remove students who had barricaded themselves inside. it's a 2nd time police went into the university in 2 weeks. at least 300 people were detained in columbia and in the city university of new york. but despite of the violence, students have returned to this truth. this is what many campuses, not totally new york city, but across the united states, look life with a very strong police presence on the students that you can see here. say that they then stop. they say they're the next generation in this country there and we because of the world guys that they're angry with the united states foreign policy
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and the support of his route. and that's why they want to make their voices heard. it may be fine to other people, but it's not to me. new york city mayor eric had them said the students were influenced by outside agitators. the like those who broke into the building didn't close students. it was led by individuals what not affiliated with the university. they needed the school needed the m y peters assistance to clear hamilton hall. it'd be in campus outside. but this is something the students and the faculty denied. it was students. it was students of this university, undergraduate students, graduate students, the outside agitators in this case are the republicans in congress, or may or adams senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell our university how to run into students are trying not to lose momentum in new york city and forward having
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university students carried out a sitting on the campus. and again, they were forced out and arrested by the police. but the students don't seem to be afraid. they say they are fighting for a just cause and will continue demanding for the war on guys to stop the so we'll just see to new york, some are all a to, to is a professor of community and environmental says he already at the university of wisconsin. madison, he was detained, an engine joined campus protests that and he told down to vera he noticed parsons and police behavior when targeting protest is that i have a strong belief that our obligation as professors is to protect the students from all harm. that is possible because of that i was trying to de escalate from the, the, the officers who were surrounding the 10th. and i was trying to get them to de escalate and, and leave them alone. one of the officers said,
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bring him and pointing to me from the very beginning before even the the started contact with the, with the kind of the human chain that was around the camp and he said get him drop him. and so they targeted me. i don't know why, but i mean, if there's really telling and very, very, very problematic the fact that the 3 faculty who were arrested are all faculty of color including me and 2 african american professors at the university. and so that is kind of quite telling. and even the students, many of them, most of them, the ones who were targeted with arrests and the team were really people of color. and so the question is, was the chance event was that's happening just because it happens, or is it a deeper kind of framework that within which the police works,
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that is racist assumptions about people and how to deal with them and how to target them to apollo citizens in gauze, i have welcom demonstrations that us universities and other campuses around the world, just based children that accompanied darrel, paula held up signs, thinking protests is that us colleges many cents? i hope the students will put pressure on that contest. i'm the government, i'm the international community to bring an end to as well as more and all category . as this report causes university students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world. we want you to continue all your bought this and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the was to stand with with the young people here see the feel connected to the hundreds of student protests held in their name. thousands of
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miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on board. we'd be here by the end of all the few of the, a lot of others in the visit been billed. the students are advantage steve, as of the medical workers and place policy, showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital the reason you think you'll have one of them is that kind of stuff as well for you shifting. if anything you are supportive you are giving us a good thing for us and for the signing guys, especially in cause us right. and may god help people and bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being in the portfolio. people held signs acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protesting around the world,
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raising inside the palace and using force. and they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace, something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city as ita, central gaza, palestine. diplomatic efforts underway to reach a state farm and gone. so with the u. s. pressure and how much to increase as well as tons, us extra estates on state bank and left as well off to holding towards the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu instead of 65 deal is achievable. think it also told miss neil who the us still opposes a ground offensive and rough. the on roof itself looks. our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed. it won't change. we cannot, will not support
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a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we've not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with the re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve the require a major military operation in rafa we've been talking fee is realize about that. we'll continue those conversations, supply trucks event and goals and goes up from the arrows crossing in the north of the strip for the 1st time since october. many palestinians that are facing salvation is israel has prevented aid from entering the region for months. i saw sharif has moved from the same the, the, the valuation, the window in front of your head filters into by the refugee camp in northern casa west 30 trucks carrying food, humanitarian a to provide for the 1st time to erase crossing my the,
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the, these radio keep patient folks as opposed to and i'm so the 1st time since october, the 7th, the introduction of the 30 to 50 monetary nice to northern guys that the trucks are tearing humanitarian aid flaw. time codes, rice and sugar from jordan and the world health organization. and the world food program, these trucks will be unloaded and while warehouses and v 8 will be distributed later, also to unlock it, i'm not sure about the process that we are. so what arrived into the north guns at a search of trucks and it'll be distributed to unload in the next few days. i don't to show you. i just feel like some bakeries and nose and guns were reopening for the 1st time since august. however, many of them were destroyed defiance randy, ball involvement, lessening of food crisis when israel and that's
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a total blockade at the stump of the wall. while they're seen as a crucial step, the risk of finding remains high, high muscle. it has more from rough uh, in southern gaza to shut it off. the top was getting bread is not an easy task. and gossip must not have been busy walked long distance is to get to a bakery. does this still operate? she's among thousands of people desperate for food and ordering gaza despite the recent arrival of supplies of the hello. i'm a woman on my own. my father is an old man and he can't come every day to walk these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well, that's all that's for to feed. her family estimate takes risk during her daily trip to the bakery. she walks it through areas through an entirely into level path for months of relentless is really bombard, plug into the coalition before the will. we had everything, there was painter,
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flower, meat, vegetables, and old supplies. now a can of tuna is impossible to find. and so his rice and other necessities and women in will on behalf of this, baker is now relying on supplies of a flower and fuel from united nations world food program. as soon as it opened the doors, the bakery was over one by large numbers of people. we have around 5 branches. we were forced to shut down as a result of the violent strikes on the gaza strip and the aggression that occurred . thank god, we were able to reopen the bakery after roughly a 172 days of its closure with help from the world food program as well as international efforts. this part of the war is real, announced that to, to the blockade of gauze, the aid has been allowed into this for a reason lake, but it remains limited. agencies worn humanitarian disaster maybe inevitable.
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the fear of famine is imminent in the northern parts staff running. the bakeries faced the huge challenges in getting supplies of 8, but despite the rest, they said they will continue working to ensure a bread reaches family in desperate need. any more, more data from rough on palestine, so that has hair on, on to sarah. tens of thousands of people are back on the streets of george's capital, protesting against the bill. they say has set chances of joining the european union . the voters in panama are preparing to elect the new president on may. 5th, at the front run, their former leader. these kind of domestic natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty,
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environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside their future stay without just us for the latest on panama, general elections. guns, july 20. 14. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital, mind call lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life including his own garza, the last picture on the 0. the, the challenges with the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, again what challenges there has reminder of our top story is this our police and right get all surrounding thousands of student protests as at the university of california, los angeles. defying an order to the bus the previous night. they were attacked by a group of israel and support. this was policed and fined for at least 2 hours and palestinians in gauze, i say they fail husband to protest. so us universities encompasses around the world, many cents. i hope the demonstrations put pressure on governments to bring an end
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to as well as the positives already security forces have shots and killed a palestinian fights one to 5 years, really on a and to come and the occupied west bank at a code wall says riley force is conducting more rates across the occupied west bank . they still in the cities have called kelly and have been at least 16 palestinians were arrested and one was injured. as well as ami has intensified as waves in the occupied westbank since the war, and also began in october of columbia. and present gustavo petra says his country will break diplomatic relations with israel is criticized as well as actions since the beginning of the war. on garza, petro requested to join south africa's case against national court of justice, which accuses as well of genocide as under around the se, reports from bogota. presidents gustavo paid through, made the announcement in front of tens of thousands of his supporters and book that
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at the end of the me day array can be all the governments of change of the presidents of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government and the president to his genocide all today, all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes come up to remain passive. if kind of sign dies, she minded to dies and we will not let her die. peter has been a crazy cuz he's really actions and guys us since the start of the war formerly requesting to join south africa's case accusing is really the genocide that the international court of justice israel responded by calling fit during the anti semite. but the supporters say their president does right? you cannot gas it, but a big is the right the necessary thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly
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democratic in that respect. international law is the earliest continue genocide, doing children cutting ties is the minimum necessary to stop zion is responsible for the dead of thousands of palestinians. the decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. method was that now samantha was a calculated move to shore up to port then excited space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious, social and economic reform. gloom is the 3rd country in south america to believe in believes to put ties with israel over the war. but it's by far the largest and most important you do it. okay. but if you and this di, spit out and into things come based here. major. our lives in the country and moment of great polarization, but the calls for taking sides and the expectation, or the next attack by these running rough,
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or we're gonna bring more kind of in guys up to 40 bitters. decision might not change conditions on the ground that puts him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm get the addresses, you know, what time the police 36 people have died off for a highway collapse and stuff in china. it happened in glendon providence. every rain and flooding caused a section of the road to cave in within 20 vehicles. to plunge down the ravine and the mountainous area was it was katrina, you has the latest from badging to this highly collab took place and going down programs has major city at 2 am on wednesday morning just as to and it was entering its 5 day long labor public holiday, nearly 18 nieces of disappeared, trembled into the mountainous lo load. it was doc,
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this area is rumors and vehicles are going quite fast about 100 kilometers per hour . tragically, 20 cause in tumble down to lower and several dozen people were killed. at least 13 people were injured and are currently recovering in hospital. a large part of that highway has now been closed. about 20 kilometers and emergency teams are working in that area. the close of the accident is still being investigated. but we do know that over the past few days, major city has received heavier appraisal, and that region is currently on its 2nd highest lead to flooding. the rainy season began earlier than usual to see it was on provence. and over the next few weeks will extreme, what weather is katrina, you al jazeera staging new to elect and you will make as the solomon islands have chosen the next prime minister who's punch to bring the country closer to painting . jeremiah manada as a form of foreign minister. he once 31 votes and the secret ballot of 50 parliament members. the outcome of prime minister struck
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a security patch with china in 2022 a former clothes he wants to supply a full. boeing who revealed alleged safety problems has been found dead. joshua dean died on choose day off to a short and southern illness. is the 2nd with the planet to being found dead from a boeing employee. john bonnet died in march just days off to giving evidence against his former employer in law suits a place in georgia. i have used to gas rubber bullets. i'm able to count them against tens of thousands of protesters outside parliament against the governments . so called for an influence bill in the shop of oliver of thoughts from too busy position processing the georgia capital. i'm north winding down that becoming move on and tens of thousands and few rated by government proposal to introduce a low on for an interference. the trying to break into parliament and the rest barricades. well,
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police responded with pepper spray and volta canon's. i'm not afraid of water. i'm not afraid of gas. i'm not afraid of the people because of these people were sending. here we are freedom fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom. gotcha. of america georgian prime minister iraq lee called by hades, a cold on police officers to show the patients at the writings that patients what was on the home display, parliament approved the loan for an influence in the 2nd reading. the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying to convince people that to will strengthen the countries independence, to protest, to say no is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing a close down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rides, georgia society even further. you there, so 5 on the,
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on the right. that's it for me, nora. kyle: the weather is next then inside story. the the color, the rag classic gathering gets again across the middle east. lots of this, the weather in the full cost as we go through the next couple of days next patch. so whether that is what is the goal setting? it cost sweeping its way across the gulf using across here in the cost as it go on through west uh say it should brighten up a shout was never too far away. south of us, we have got some wet weather, initially making its way across the u. y 8 for the flooding concerns here. something positive sadie also thinks some live you down post to the west. the weather will be on the other side of the gulf, making his way into
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a run and headed up towards afghanistan, some pockets of very heavy rain, too. into weight into good paul, toby, rock. so we get bad is lot, it's a close flash flooding. show a stretch straight way up to what was the black sea central. the nice scenarios of ducky, i sing some of that west. so whether charles or the chart just around the eastern side of the met, it's right. and it should stay dry in gaza temperatures here at around 25 degrees celsius. well, if you try to across the whole fabric as usual, lifted up in the sand besides storms across the hall, right? scattering a showers once again coming back in across a good console of west africa into the gulf of kidney. it's also some west of weather. meanwhile, too, making its way to what's eastern times in the the, the latest news as a boeing a military response. the situation remain fund nationwide with detailed coverage.
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it's only taking a few hours to turn the city streets into canals, rooms and isolated from around the world, showing by russian full series of levi and then the surrounding countryside, causing fires like this in the forests virtually every day. a hero sector states in israel and another push for state farm in gaza. he says a deal is achievable to full z a 7 month for, for these really prime minister has a game found to invade rafa. so how will benjamin nothing, you know, whose comments affect mediation efforts? this is inside story, the kind of they're welcome to the program on the clock. so the time is now until the


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