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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the weather us with growing it, schools, i'm groups imposing the threat of neighboring so dining conflict. what lies the head for the country tribes elections or not just the or the on the, on the clock. this is a news line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, police around the peaceful palestine solidarity protest at the university of california. 24 hours of seeing katelyn was attacked by finding him dogs always speak to palestinians who say they feel good by the demonstrations that us campuses and around the world columbia. and present yourself a picture of cities breaking diplomatic relations with israel over its will. on
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johnson. there's heavy rain in china, causing a section of a mountain side highway to collapse. dozens of people is that the so it has just gone a $700.00 us gmc, that's midnight and those times was where police in, right get, have surrounded a peaceful protest against the wall in garza, this demonstrators and incumbent have been ordered to meet the university of california, but they are refusing to discuss on tuesday night, palestine is on the darcy protest, is were attacked by a group of israel supports us. let's get the very latest situation. what reynolds is life on the spot. so room, tell us more about with the light. the situation is a protest is refusing dispatch. police are in large numbers just out tens of it.
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yeah, it's, it's getting pretty tense. uh, the police have the, uh, pretty much out the, uh, cause this other already encampment and uh they are there a large number of police from people that we spoke with do who have been inside or are inside the encampment. the mood is, is somewhat the, a peaceful, although somewhat intense as well. uh, people are resigned to what's going to happen. and by all accounts of the people who are familiar with the situation, the, they, they are not going to resist arrest. i'm just going to move over this way a little bit and you can see behind me something that's complicating the situation as far as the police are concerned. and that is that there's this large crowd of, of protesters who are supporting the encampment. the student protesters and they've
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gathered outside the perimeter of the ways of setup, where outside there as well with this crowd is pretty large. and i think that the police may be waiting for this group of people supporting the, the gaza, solid arity protesters to disperse or to leave, or just get tired and the board and go home before they make their move on the can rub, understand, there are buses standing by to take away anybody who, who ends up being arrested if arrested, do happen. tell us about the extent to which there's the sense that people might resist the rest or not. i think the general sense is that they will not, and that's based upon several things. one is that the entire emphasis of the can't encampment has been on peaceful protests on non violence.
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and even when they were attacked very violently, by a group of the several 100, his real supporters of about 24 hours ago now they, they defended themselves, but did not take offensive action against their attackers. so i spoke a short while ago to a faculty member who has been spending a lot of time inside the can evidence, based upon her experience and observations, he says she believes that most of the of the people in the camp will submit to arrest without resistance and that has been the case as well in many other causes, including the university of southern california where there were a 93 arrests just a week ago. and then some of the other colleges around the country that have seen these protests, real heavy, get a sense of the numbers of counter pro testers there if any ends or indeed,
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just outside agitators in general of the yeah, it's a little hard to tell me there were definitely some pro israel, a counter protesters involved in that. here a short while ago there was the people waving is really flags of dancing around the man blowing on a rams for and which is part of a hebrew tradition. and uh, there was a relatively small group, certainly nothing like the several 100 up here on tuesday nights. and it's difficult to tell her exactly how many other people may be under cover. everyone here is pretty much wearing masks and some wearing goggles and helmets. so it's a very mixed bag and mix group, but people are also in this group are sort of policing themselves. we've seen several times that they've quietly and peacefully supported trouble makers out of
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the crowd out to the perimeter of the, of the campus. the other thing is that this is an open campus. you can just walk in here from anywhere and you can come from anywhere in los angeles and, and show up here. so the be a mistake to take the, all of the people in this route that you can see surrounding b, r, r students. some of them are, but some of them that i've spoken to are from the community summer, you know, politically committed to this action. others are, are, are, are more interested in sight seeing. but the, as far as the counter protesters, they appear to have gone away. now you're not seeing them or hearing their, their boards anymore. so at least that part of the equation has been removed apparently. so that makes things a little bit less then. all right, well we'll see how it opens out just on midnight that 10 minutes past midnight.
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we'll be back with you as when things start to develop. thanks real. well, students in new york of not back down in that protest against israel's war and goes us despite heavy police presence at many colleges demonstrate to say they will not be intimidated. please made 282 arrests, columbia and city university of new york. and i was on tuesday night trying to buy reports now from new york, as they showed up outside columbia university to support the student. protestors detain, doing the rate on this campus tuesday evening. they say students need to be heard not in prison. the students are understandably upset and what's happening in the world, and they have a right and they have to duty as moral individuals to protests. police entered hamilton hall at the university campus to remove students who had barricaded themselves inside. it's a 2nd time police went into the university in 2 weeks,
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at least 300 people were detained in columbia and in the city university of new york. but he's part of the barn and students have returned to this truth. this is what many campuses not totally in new york city, but across the united states, look life with a very strong police practice on the students that you can see here. say that they then stop. they say they're the next generation in this country. they're n we because of a war on guys that they're angry with the united states foreign policy and it's supportive as well. and that's why they want to make their voices heard. it may be fine to other people, but it's not to me. new york city mayor eric had them said the students were influenced by outside agitators. but those who broke into the building didn't close students. it was led by individuals what not affiliated with the university. they needed the school needed. the white paintings, assistance to clear hamilton hall. it'd be in campus outside. but this is something
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the students and the faculty deny. it was students. it was students at this university, undergraduate students, graduate students. the outside agitators in this case are the republicans in congress, or may or adams senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell our university how to run into a fair the students are trying not to lose momentum in new york city and forwarded them university students carried out a sitting on the campus and again, they were forced out and arrested by the police. but the students don't seem to be afraid. they say they are fighting for a just cause and will continue demanding for the world guys to stop the so we'll just see to new york. well, let's see now from somebody look through to the professor at the university of wisconsin madison. he was detained and injured during the campus protests and told
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us he noticed, pack things and police behavior. when they targeted protests. i have a strong belief that our obligation as proof of service is to protect the students from all harm. that is possible because of that i was trying to de escalate from the the officers who else that i'm doing the 10th. and i was trying to get them to de escalate and, and leave them alone. one of the officers said, bring him and pointing to me from the very beginning before even the the started contact with the, with the, the kind of the human chain that was around the camp. and he said, gets him dropped him. and so they targeted me. i don't know why, but i mean, it is really telling and very, very, very problematic the fact that the 3 faculty who were arrested are all
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faculty of color including me and 2 african american professors at the university. and so that is kind of quite telling. and even the students, many of them, most of them, the ones who were targeted with the rest of the team were really people of color. and so the question is, was that a chance event was that's happening just because it happens, or is it a deeper kind of framework that within which the police works, that is racist assumptions about people and how to deal with them and how to target them. the policy ends in gaza, welcome to demonstrations that us universities and other companies around the world . it displays children to compton to follow, held up sign. thank you. protest is american colleges. many said they hope the students will put pressure on the academic institutions and governments and on the international community to bring it in to israel's will. in delta,
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very. as this causes universities, students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world, we want you to continue all, you will avoid this, and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the was to stand with the people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests held and their names thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one. our voice will be here by the end of all the few of the for a lot of brothers and a univision, the on the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital where i'm pretty sure you think you'll have. one of them is the kind of stuff. and what are you shipping?
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if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us in palestine goes especially inc as a swipe. and may god help people and to bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being and $240.00 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protest around the world. raising insights in for the product and using floors collier they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and hope that it is young people who can succeed in bringing peace, something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city as ita, central gaza, palestine supplied trucks of antique guns. it from the air is crossing in the north
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of the district for the 1st time since october. many palestinians are facing starvation is red. as accused of blocking a from the region for months on a shelf, ready for small from the sea. the window in front of your head filters into by the refugee camp in northern casa west 30 trucks carrying food on humanitarian a to provide for the 1st time to erase crossing my the, the, these radio occupation forces opposed to, and i'm, so the 1st time since october, the 7th, the introduction of the 30 tops with humanitarian aid to northern guys that the trucks are hiring humanitarian aid flaw time codes, rice and sugar from jordan and the world health organization and the world food program. these trucks will be unloaded about warehouses and the 8 will be distributed later also to unbox another. hello the yeah. so
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what arrived into the norfolk guns that a search of trucks and it'll be distributed to unload in the next few days. i don't to show you, i just deal let's get the right latest picture live from reference, southern gaza target losing this tiny bye for us. the entire x ray israel say that taking significant if it's the $258.00 trucks arriving daily. but in reality, all the people have gone to receiving what they need as well. so tell you what we can do. we can, what we do know is that how city is this, toss it to feel the impact of the relative increase of the humanitarian supplies into the gall. this trip, as the average of the humanitarian truck starts to get into the territory when a daily basis is less than $170.00 few military and a comb voice, or an ann denney phase. and that's completely
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a consider it to be in sufficient to match the evidence needs of golf. the population has. the entire territory has been consuming, at least $500.00 humanitarian commercial trucks on a daily basis in times of pre conflict, all the realities that now age started to float into the goal just for from 3 areas at 3 crossing we are talking about swapping term of some of the crossing in the south while today is depressing, has talked to, to practically working on the ground where at least according to our witnesses. on the ground, a 31 humanitarian troops had internet to the news of the territory loaded with food and medical supplies. by the fact on the ground that the entire stripe is suffering from unfolding humanitarian crisis. due to the full coup, a closure of a supplies and the initial phase of the, of the supply tingle the ground. a later with the progress and negotiations, the ministry has allowed for a relative increase of age into the gaza strip off the entire causes trip. according to the united nations needs a sustainable,
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an unconditional humanitarian. the flow of bait supplies to about the signs of time, and that is that's all completely looming of the horizon and target reunited causes a real trial for people have jobs a with ongoing strikes happening and tell us what's happening. david 9 yes, all the noise strikes on the bottom and where it's really heavy as the focus of these video attacks was very freemont showing the middle area where in the past couple of hours of missing more attacks on the, on the start rock refuge account. they have talk so most indeed in the refugee comes up. um, as the eye witness has happened, reporting the constant bombardment in a little hot area where the backs of the raging that, that we and how much flight isn't it is very sewage isn't the same time palestinian groups have been attacking is very troops are section 4 made spring junction in the middle area as the, as the is to isn't happening, reporting and mass confrontations. i'm,
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it's expensive flights change between post pots the in that area plot swimmingly, uh, the uh, to the re bombardment continues in the north of that territory. specifically in a ship i actually may, for who is with no casualty, still not being referred there, being repaired with default. imagine so you walk is i still operating on the ground that they manage to recover, to get bodies from a bridge, refugee camp. and now that being for pets for power, you are a target thanks very much for the to target. everything reporting now is ready for us as a rated 19 palestinian towns and villages across the occupied westbank. they damaged homes and vehicles in the jealous and refugee camp north of ramallah kia in the north and had brought in the south. they were also targeted at least 20 people were to pain. and in a separate incident to see me, a member of the took, remember day to palestinian own fashion has been shot and killed. the group says the security forces talking to document out for out is there a need?
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abraham is live for us and told him in the occupied westbank and need to tell us more about this county if you would just yes, we can tell you that there is tension here until cutty and this time it's not because these really forces are reading the town and the refugee comes near sort of cut in, but it is because of the tension caused from the palestinian authority after the sholtes and killed it palestinian mount, who's been warned by the brigades and the battalion, sorry, off at to get him refugee camp a new ships that a few chicken were sending hit in front of the tool, cut him nephew jacob, and we've been speaking to the family of the 31 year old who has been shot dead. and they tell us that the, refusing to to receive the budget. yes, because they believe that the policy, minnesota is going to do an autopsy. and the rejected injecting that last out there saying that their son has been targeted 3 times before by the palestinian authority
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. so there's a lot of pension here and orders. we've been seeing the battalions barricading themselves and we've been also seeing the palestinian afford. the pats rolling the area have the presence of the palestinian security forces. the boston new afar t says that they have shopped towards how much would fluid, because he had it shopped towards the palestinian security forces. but the family that we've just spoken to says that she left the house on armed. and they believe that this is part of the palestinian authority's attempt to stop the palestinian fighters from attacking these really forces. we've been seeing these really forces waving this area was weird here 2 weeks ago. and we've seen these really forces kidding for teams. palestinians just and then we'll ship it a few decap of palestinians say that this is part of the policy me in the 4th
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security core, the nation. and that's something to provide more and more protection towards these really forces. i need to meanwhile, razor being taking place in several areas across the arch, quite respect as well. we can say it's business as usual when it comes to these really forces raising palestinian cities and refugee camps all over. it would be easier for me today to tell you where they did not read. then said you where these really forces every then we have a house demolition that took place near jerusalem here in the occupied the west bank. and we've been seeing these randy forces and also arresting palestinians including women. and we've seen that tactic before. a rustling of family members to pressure other family members to have themselves over to these way the forces. so for palestinians, they know that even those rates are not necessarily headed towards a rough thing. people that are there to remind palestinians that they are under
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occupation and that these really forces have the upper hands and can really make their lives complicated whenever they need about to pitcher in to cut them in the occupied with back need of thank you. in columbia and president gustavo, petro says this country will bring diplomatic relations with his ro. he's repeatedly criticized as well as boring browser and requested to join south africa's case at the international court of justice. the case is relative, genocide was under rump. yes, the reports go from boca to presidents, gustavo paid through made the announcement in front of tens of thousands of his supporters involved with that. at the end of the me, day 3 can be all the governments of change of the president of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government under president to his genocide. all today, all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide,
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of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes. we cannot remain passive. if palestine dies, humanity dies and we will not let it die. there has been increasingly rarely actions in gaza since the stars the worth formerly requesting to join. so separate guests case accusing is really the genocide that the international court of justice . israel responded by calling fit during the anti semite, but the supporters say their president does right? you cannot gas it, but it is the right in this 3 thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect. international law is the earliest continued genocide. doing children, cutting ties is a bare minimum, necessary top zion is responsible for the dental of thousands of palestinians. the decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. the announcement so as i calculated to move to shore up
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to port that excited space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious, social and economic reform. gloom is this 3rd country in south america, do believe in believes to put ties with israel over the war, but it's by far the largest and most important you do it. okay. but if you and this die, spit out and into things come based here. major are losing the country and moment of great polarization, but the calls for taking sides because of the expectation or the next attack by these running rough, or we're gonna bring more kind of you guys up until the 5th of this decision might not change conditions on the ground, but it's him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm 50, i just eat what time. the
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at least 36 people have died off the highway collapse in southern china. it happens near the city of miss you in the glen dung problem. it's heavy rain and flooding cost a section of the road to k even more than $20.00 vehicles. plunged on a ravine in the mountains area. smells, is there as katrina you who's the latest from aging? is highly collab took place in the long don't program. major city at 2 am on wednesday morning, just as china was entering its 5 day long labor public holiday. nearly 18 nieces of this bird trembled into the mountain is slow, low, it was dark. this area is removed and vehicles are going quite fast. about 100 columbus is our tragically 20 cause in tumble down below and several dozen people were killed. at least those people were injured and i'm currently recovering and hospital a large part of that highway has now been close to about 22 homes is an emergency. teams are working in that area. the close of the accident is still being
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investigated. but we do know that over the past few days, major city has received heavy rainfall and that region is currently on its 2nd highest. but for flooding, the rainy season began earlier than usual to see it in london programs over the next few weeks. more extreme, wet weather is katrina you as a 0 agent educating you where at least a 188 people have been killed in floods and land slides. and after a month of heavy rains, the government says another 90 reports of missing racing fears. the death toll could rise homes, roads, bridges, and all the infrastructure being damaged and washed away in the eastern and central regions. in any 200000 people have been forced to need the homes and z is more to comp moreno expected this week. the risk of operation is on the way for a group from about 14 tours, trapped by the football, just entitled county and the great roof valley of the canyon. red cross is rescued . more than 60 people from the mass. i'm or a wildlife is
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a heavy rain and floods. i have caused rivers to best the banks. let's get the very latest from malcolm web, whose life was in the room in the central kenya of malcolm. it sounds terrible. how's it looking right now? or for the last 24 hours, the fortunately hasn't be somebody's riding around and i very be the capital in the surrounding areas. that's revealed the extent of some of the damage that's being done. we can take a look here. i'm standing on the remains of a road the cross. at a stream here you can see the concrete house and the metal railings, some people leaning against them. this was a smooth bridge. i had 3 small culverts to let a stream poss underneath the road. uh would there be some heavy rain full in binds road became not so done a cruising. we'll just back up uh all the way up the valley. uh that its uh the
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bits there's just beside us and say local residents became very concerned. the houses were submerged, the school was the bud. so they asked to kenya highways also to come here and pick out the roads and to destroy it and remove it so that the water is backed up. could escape. so that's the trends that we're looking at now they dug a, a gap of 3 meters and then the local community club together. just take a look to the left, down here to build this small foot bridge to put across the new the excavated gap. so that these people could cross on foot because no more cause we're going to pass across once that was the causeway had been destroyed. now that the rains off to that became even heavier and completely flooded the area. let's take a look to this side. the valley is a stream that comes down from the hills. this valley runs through the site built up area. this whole area with submerged. the roll over there is of us to the whole to
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the ground floor was flooded and is the same for the houses here. some people have to be rescued with roads a lot as the ground floor that homes was flooded. uh so when even heavier rains came off to the excavation of the road. uh it completely destroyed some new foot bridge that we were looking at just to minutes ago. that was a small footprints at the residence, a place across to here. and this guy which was escalate to excavated to be about 3 meters wide, is now about 3 times that size. the was a crossing through uh, as of right its, uh the, the sides of the trends that had been dug so now of course no cause composite. so what was that level has come down. you can see the expense of the damage to the surrounding homes. and businesses, yeah, they will be looking at over the water was about halfway up. that was the ground floor. who these, who are these buildings is completely submerged. there are still more rains full
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cost in the days ahead. uh, but with this kind of damage to infrastructure, the feeling the impacts of these floods is going to be felt so many months. yeah, pretty intense. and what you're showing is it's happening to communities. village is right across the region. welcome, thanks for that document, but i still a head here and i'll just share a finding, a balance, authorized to use and engine easiest, having to come up with solutions for public safety. often increasing the number of the the hello are the weather roommates? pretty unsettled, pretty cold across the west of positive you, but it will warm up as we go through the next couple of days is a lot of clouding too many west and air resume the way down into spain and portugal in the west side of the mediterranean. to the east of that and to the north for the
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time being is fine, had dry, high pressure in charge of leeway and lifting those temperatures into the mid twenties. the balance and also for was the weather. is that when it's a cooler weather? having said that, those temperatures are in the process of recovering. we got some cloud and rice 1000000000. yes. but the nice 3 windex studies to sort of england add scuffles. that's a little disappointing thing. a little role that will grasp the changes we go on for the weekend. what weather never really too far away, but trust me, it will crash the improve, particularly in terms of those temperatures. so how do i will make its way into what many but east of that one, sunshine, sunshine. meanwhile, across the good parts of the mediterranean central, the nice scenario is at least west some areas of the met. still say a few south noticed great the way along the north coast of algeria may be into tune, as you will see. uh, that was where the grass the fading out. meanwhile, let's see. so shells continued quite nicely. then nothing further north was of course, a good part of west africa. the
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latest news, as it breaks, another mazda gray of yours more power, city on voters, over 3 of the, their identities are large. they lost it on out of presidents awards with in depth reports that scale. this summit was something they've never seen before. from the heart of the story, almost 500 medical workers have been killed in spite because this trip, putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on a humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. talk to of,
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to on just the, the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out 0 reminder about top stores has a police in riot gear surrounded students protesting gates. israel's one dog at the university of california in los angeles demonstrates as to refuse to disperse on choose day group of israel support has attacked the peaceful institute, palestinians and gaza. say they feel hurt by the protests that you have seen investing encompasses around the world. many said they hope the demonstrations put
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pressure on governance to bring it in to israel to at least $36.00 people have died off the highway collapse and one don't provence in southern china heavy rain and funding cause the section of the road to cavan. well, the 20 vehicles punched on a ravine in the mountains area. so let's get more and on the top story, those protests that to us universities in solidarity with palestinians, we can speak with emily holz houser, who is a journalist with the southern california news group, joins us on the phone from the u. c. l, a campus, the pictures of which we are looking at right now. emily, tell us where exactly you are. if you would and what you're getting of a sense of the mood. hi, nick, i am at you slay. i have been on campus now for about 7 hours. i am in a little bit of a secluded corner of campus because i've been here for a while. but really what we've seen is um,
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a stand off between protesters and police and uh, earlier today of course for testers were kind of regrouping after there were a tax last night on there and cant went bankrupt counter protesters that was really violent. a lot of pepper spray and things being thrown and today i think tensions were already pretty high. and alicia the, uh there were rumors that lapd was going to clear the encampment, but that so far has not. com. it is after midnight now, and a quiet hours are the fatalities that many people are going to sleep. um, but it is part of seen there is a, the cabin is there in one part of the quad and there are, you know, lines of l a. p d officers in either direction outside of it. i mean it's, it's really just kind of astounding just to see how long we all were just standing there. i think the lapd uh, was a little surprised by the sheer amount of protesters that came out to support the
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encampment. but uh right now, um, as far as i know, okay, just to jump in though so. so what we have is there's 2 crowds ready. you've got the encampment of protest has been there for some time. and then you've got this, this latest crowd that's kind of developed outside the police lines. is that right? yes, absolutely. some of them came from another protest going on earlier today that was happening behind the cabinet. so them came from outside. there was ever students, but yeah, they've been there all night reporting a came in and cheering, and boeing and all that kind of stuff. sure, are you seeing any sign of counts? a protest is there of pipes outside agitators. i saw um, not a lot earlier. i know there have been some here. other reporters have seen it. i have not personally seen it because we were kind of trapped inside the quad, but yeah, there were some earlier, i don't think there were any major issues though in the mood of those who operate, testing at what do, what sense do you get of i mean, should the police go in and physically try to disperse them?
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do you think those people would resist arrest? are they totally peaceful of what's, what's your feeling about that? well, i think the cabinet has been very people since it's been here. i've been here, you know, several days out of their time here. and a lot of the issues that have arisen has happened when others have tried to approach. thing happens to be honest with you, but they will very much resists. they are well prepared. they have been thrilling at entering, taking shields all night. they have been gathering material the case or tear gas, any delay after that. they are some prepared people. they do not mess around, and there are a lot of people here who are prepared to get arrested if need be and when you say prepared, what do you mean a day? a lot of them have already, you know, made arrangements, family members that i'm just speaking in a go league or someone you know, knows the community then has sources and activist groups they, they, they literally, you know, act as if they are going to get
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a rest of the right phone numbers on their arms, they make sure that you know, their phones don't have face id on that. they make sure that their faces are hidden . i mean they, they quite literally are prepared to be, you know, similarly disobedient and get arrested for their cause. and, you know, there are thousands of people here who are very clearly willing and able to do that night. all right, emily, i get your perspective a live from the scene that appreciate that. that's how many hotels are from the southern california news group. and we'll keep the right place on the unfolding situation of air at u. c. l, a. in the united states. well, the us extra stay down to the blank and has left is relative to holding towards with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. you said a deal for seas far in garza and the return of captives is achievable. a diplomatic efforts are underway on several friends. united states is pressuring her last to agree to what blinking said was israel's extraordinarily generous proposal. blink. and also told that the all who do us still opposes
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a ground defensive in the southern city of rafa. on roof itself looks our position is, is clear. it hasn't changed, it won't change, we cannot, will not support a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with they re, the, the real ongoing challenge of from us that does not involve the require a major military operation in rasa. we've been talking fees or at least about that . we'll continue those conversations to okay, let's freaking out to have somebody who is a professor of international fans at cutting university joyce's here on the set. and so have some welcome at, let's talk about these, these fun to go stations on these us protests. but for us in the negotiations, what's your sense of where we're at?
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so sign on and i'll have most likely to accept what's on the table, what information to be seen, whether i'm asking and accept the these really proposal. these ladies have said that they offered some concessions. uh, but you know, the sticking points between 2 pots that are still there. uh, how much one is it permanency is $500.00 and the once and its a withdrawal. and is what it is you're not really offering them these 2 uh, 2 terms. so i think, you know, when, when direct can say when they're back in percent and administration say that the, the board is in the course of a massive means as if they're trying to blame him as in advance of whatever the outcome of the negotiation. but until this moment there is no, you know, be meant and what do you make of, what's pregnancy? and benjamin netanyahu says that the seats are nice, he's fine. he will go into raf or whatever happens or how does that impinge on that? because i wasn't to take this seriously as final to say, simply because he is in a number. he's in a really hot position now because at his, you know,
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people has left like been a gas furnace since the insect that is ready to get him and should go and sign a deal for as much and been fear of threatening him. that if you do this, you know, it will, there would be no government because they would put out of the government. so he's trying to send messages. you know, so to please everyone to, to be is really that t is and decisively though he's going to will at individual fund because there's a consensus in his well, involved the objectives of the war. but the question here is that, what can he do this and secure the release of the hostages? and, and this is really a tough task for nothing else. right now, it's amazing theory that could be a temporary cease fire. and the evacuation of a rafter could bent in place and then the invasion of reference, the offensive, the loan promised a ground defensive problem is by nothing i could take face then or visit the rest of that and nothing you have a sending to the for the scene is conveying the following that, you know, give us the boys, give us the hostages and they'll get effect. you know,
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this is not going to really is anyone with any kind of seen as even those who are really dying for to see as fast as they should be. a guarantee that this tim thursday is fat going to be permanent. l, oregon. i pay with a way for really uh, a constructive deal and, and a month to come or 2 months to come back with this message. you know, is the same mantra that to give us the boys and we're going to attack you. i don't think this going to be bought by the palestinians. okay, let's just finally i go to the us protests, campuses in the states. and they say this could be the most significant student move. mean, since the vietnam protest of the 19 sixty's as the degree, i'm intensity of protests in the us and elsewhere. the world is a surprise. you a left tv, a surprise that people say no to the war. what surprises me is the, the scope and i'll, and add the front desk to so many american universities are actually taking products. i, my said, was professor a couple of american universities. i know right?
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the campus very well. and i know even coming up with that critique against israel would be seen by the campus which has something offensive. and now this, this narrative of this anti semitism, a kind of a boogeyman is no longer valid in these campuses. and i think this will trigger probably on time paved the way for a different scene in america. and we, we can feel this maybe in, in months to come and you should come. but until this moment, this far, i think to be, i'm really surprised by the scope of, of the professors interesting, especially a given your experience with united states as a professor. thanks very much. has i'm thinking now families of some of the is ready to captive, held him down as a block traffic in the north of tel aviv that trying to keep up pressure on the government to greet with seems 5 deal with a mass that would include the return of their relatives, doctors from islamic medical association of north america have documented that late this trip to gauze,
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they described the severe injuries they treated on the scale of the destruction. a conduit is just decimated. no way you could all come back to life here the way it be. are many people have used terms uh in different conflicts. you know, i've been to syria, been in somalia and also my other areas around the world. and people mentioned, oh it's, i can hardly get into. it's like, like, you know, something undescribable. everywhere i saw was destruction and con, you, it is not a single building. was standing the at hospitals, schools most of our patients were you know, 131-415-1617 years of age for these lower extremity shrapnel wounds. and that's something we just, i've never dealt with. there was something that was new. i didn't even see that in 2009 was a lot of adult patients back then with this is really a difference. scope of, you know,
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patient population that i just never seen. you know, i'm not a politician. another diplomat. well, i know is, is that as a healer, one who, who is taking a whole to heal people. if a rough as attacked there will be complete loss of life and health care system will not be able to take care of this. the realities of the hours of cause. well well, bakeries and dogs and try to keep going to help those in direct need. the direst need, i should say, an ancients bred the rest of peace. anonymous with jerusalem's old city schools that hanging on pack is an oval bread baked in this old city for centuries, stephanie deca went to meet those who make it and see how the war on garza was effective. it's 4 am and the old city alleyways are deserted. we follow the same send of an ancient recipe. one that were told can not be mustered anywhere
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else, but in this holy city, a just below ground, a don's like rhythm. the go goes into the 300 year old oven built into these ancient rules, and fired by olive would groan from this conflicted land wholesale to here we have a secret to the cock. it just doesn't work outside of the old city of jerusalem. many of tried to go to the flower all the right ingredients, even the sesame seeds and sugar, but it's never the same, not in ramallah, no way. it's an age old tradition, an ever changing times. it's comfort, food is continuity. it's identity, but for the hundreds of years this ritual has taken place here and for all the conflict intentions that these old city rules have seen. everyone here tells us that these times are the worst of us during garza is on everyone's mind. but how much does the tax on october the 7th has had an impact here too many tell us they don't dare travel through israel anymore. is there a reason?
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palestinians have never been more divided or suspicious of each other than now? it's going to mash. i'm a salon side, you're walking in all the is what you lose around your arms. and so you look at you as if you're a threat, any movements you make and give them an excuse to kill your business here is terrible to. there are far fewer palestinians and tourists have all but disappeared . i got a familiar, cool, familiar taste, a childhood memory. there is comfort in a tradition that hasn't changed in centuries, even if the world around the country does 9, the ash when we have the we, we make it with a hands, we make it ourselves using wood. in other places they use machines and electricity . they just press a button, the work we do here, we learn from our grandfathers and will continue to do it just like they did. is the commitment to keep
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a much loved tradition alive. one that is intertwined with this holy city, jerusalem cock, and it sits in motion from those we talk to no other version comes close. it apparently doesn't have that special agent and totally blessing stephanie decker all g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. the newly elected members of parliament to the solomon islands have chosen the next prime minister to remind my mother has pledged to bring the country place into badging. he once 31 votes and the secret ballot by 50 and peas. the election was closely watched by china, united states and australia because of the potential security impact today passed by municipal elections. so i've been met with they are providing under struction all where you can only and livelihoods of suffered because of these violence.
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however, today we saw the world, the 3 of them that we must respite. and that was the democratic process of electing all privacy stuff. and to set an example for our children and their children as a full, a quality auditor, it is apply for boeing, who revealed the ledge safety problems that the play maker has been found. dead. joshua dean died on choose day after a short illness. he's the 2nd building with a blow to be found dead in a month. us is investigating building after a series of incidents cooled at safety records into question. george's parliament just voted in favor of a controversial bill proposing strict to check, so non governmental organizations. wednesday session was the 2nd reading of the so called for an influence bill, which requests 3 to be adopted into law at outside the parliament building in the capital of police use tear gas from bullets and water kind of goes tens of thousands of protests is in the shop of out of a pull,
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it's not for me to be c of the opposition process in the georgia capital. i'm north winding down that becoming move on and tens of thousands and few rated by government proposal to introduce a low and for an interference between to break into parliament and the rest barricades. well, police responded with pepper spray and was a cannon's. i'm not afraid of water. i'm not afraid of gas, so i'm not afraid of these people because of these people were sending here we are freedom fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom. gotcha. of america georgian prime minister iraq lee called by hades, a cold on police officers to show the patients at the writings that patients wasn't on display parliament to prove the loan for an influence. in the 2nd reading,
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the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying to convince people that to strengthen the countries independence to protest, to say, to know, is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing a clunk down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rise, georgia and society even further. you there. so 5 on the, on the right, georgia still ahead here notes here will tell you how done this historical choices . the returning height of 250 is the
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the again, indonesian authorities are recorded in increasing crockett all the time in the eastern new setting got a provence environment, let's say the destruction of mangrove forest has led to more conflict between humans and reptiles. and some studies to just engine easiest season. we'll make it 10 times more salt water crockett, all the time that any other country. jessica washington reports from jakarta or entities just south and most provinces, east visiting good communities, se then living in fear of a tough but it will not just rep tow the salt water crocodile. they can grow beyond 7 meters in length and weigh more than 1000 kilograms. gimme a fossil of us because we were looking for fish, some leo croaks on the tact me from behind. i sold my family and pushed it. my head was already in its mouth,
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so it was difficult. tundra needed almost 100 stitches in her head, and she says she can't sleep without having nightmares. more than a dozen incidents of sort of crocodile attacks have occurred in the past year. in this area alone, hundreds of debts have been recorded in the past decade, around the country. people here depends on rivers for their livelihoods. but they're also the natural habitats for the crocodiles, which are protected species in engine asia. config. i'm the one that s 3 habitats being disturbed by human activities such as fishing, the destruction of monica product site to make on screwed up and land caving for supply it on. conservation is say the root of the problem needs to be addressed. restoring damaged mangrove farmers home to food sources, such as fish, frogs and lizards. as well as the limiting human activity in designated areas. authorities say they are working on solutions to keep the public and the crocodiles
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say that follow him bow about the ones that are grad wizards. the public to keep the syria is a protected area. we can't drive away the crocodiles, but we can work together to protect them. because the syria is an ecosystem. there are all kinds of creatures here. the meanwhile, residents and wells by 1st you officials have captured at least 8 crocodiles who attacked people of life stokes, put them in temporary shelters. survivors like the so suddenly i'm saying they feel lucky to be alive. and like any crocodile attacked on the front behind. i grabbed its job, i kept trying to fight it and i tried to open its job with my friends, pulled no arms for me to cook without smiles. after the attack, he climbed a tree and waited. i was afraid that the crocodile would return and weeks later he says he's too scared to go fishing again. jessica washington out to 0 to kasha
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treasures from gone a new to during the colonial era, have returned home all to fax from the sunset kingdom around display as part of a deal with london's victoria and albert museum. with museums of under growing pressure to return stolen african artifacts from them on as more celebrations and gonna, as crowds gathered to witness the return of what's been described as a nation's crown jewels is the 1st time they've been back on, gone a soil since they were taken by british colonials to 150 years ago, the atlantic king underlined the significance of the moment. the items that came back. busy the soul of the people to hear this man is for you to see the item that was totally new to the in 1974. not all of them understand what we have here. still them. what is the soul of the 32 items were taken by the u
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. k. during the colonial era. some were lucid dream wars with the atlantic kingdom . this long term loan took decades to negotiate and marks the silver jubilee of this dante king. in the victoria and albert museum hopes this will be a foundation for stronger culture links in the future and to wait to move on from a difficult past. we knowledge the very history surrounding the acquisition of these old checks, the history painted by the skulls of imperial conflict, uncommitted again, this european and u. s. museums are under growing pressure to return stone african items to their place of origin. the name and nigeria. i've also been negotiating similar deals, nissan tay treasures beyond the slaves, the public at the mine. he a pals museum, the next 3 years bins and monahan l just sierra. that's it for now, but we will be back until the hour with more on this at the situation that the
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university of california in los angeles police house and force monitoring at the moment to make comments containing hundreds of pro palestinian protests against israel's actions in gaza. and more than a bit, the in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally around the front line risk and then lights to reveal emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been talk, it's true together not support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st well dressed freedom day conference and 2nd, to the 4th of may 2024 cities with santa when these one of the world's most expensive,
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tim is in the black box and try his destination for one on one asian investigates the spot to capture indian sandlewood king on out 0 examination being active, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis for climate revolution on alger 0. guns, july 2014. as is where the force is bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the deaf and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mancha lead,
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hama who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life including its own garza, the last picture on the . ready please surround a peaceful palestine solidarity process of university of california 24 hours off, provided more of the types the encampment the at on the clock. this is out. is there a live from? so ha, also coming up in gallons that we speak to palestinians who say they feel good by the demonstrations that us campuses and around the world. colombian president,


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