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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready police surround the peaceful palestine solidarity protests of the university of california. 24 hours after a vine at more of a time, the encampment, the at on the clock. this is out. is there a life from? so ha, also coming up in gallons that we speak to palestinians who say they feel good by the demonstrations that us campuses and around the world. columbia. and president gustavo petro says, he's breaking diplomatic relations with israel ridge war on guns that we looked at
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how the ancient onto banking talk is being capitalize in the old city of george. so it has just gone o $800.00 gmc, that's 1 am in los angeles where police and right get a surrounding a peaceful protest against the war. and guns that demonstrates is out of incumbents have been ordered to leave the university of california, but they're refusing to disperse at this moment on tuesday night, palestine on solid diety protests as were attacked by a group of israel supporters. and let's get the very latest from the scene real reynolds, this tiny, by 1st the from you see, i like in los angeles are real. how is that shape? you know, what, what do we expect to happen? well we have seen hours and hours of stand off between protesters, their supporters and a large number of leads, police are out numbered,
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but of course the police are that are trained in arm. there is a difficult, it's difficult to see inside the in campus itself from where we are. it's is behind me in the distance there, there is a line at least solve. so there's tween the crowd. you see behind me in the encampment about 7 hours ago now, the police 1st gave an order to this 1st thing. this is an unlawful assembly and that the people who did leave would be arrested. but then things ragged on. now we understand that just perhaps 15 minutes ago, police gave another similar order perhaps, and possibly an indication that things are now coming to a hit. but we are, but it's difficult to say from this vantage voice. we have not seen any
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intense activity from the direction of the camp, but they, there are a lot of supporters for the guys. so there are the protesters here walking around in this area of the campus. and that may be, that may be of concerns of law enforcement that they could play some role in the interfering in their operations if they are, in fact, going to try to clear the camp, which all indications are that is the intention, right? are you getting any sense of how protests is will react to any effort to discuss and then the willing willingness to resist the rest on the of the? well, i did. it's difficult to say, although we did speak to one of the faculty members who spent a lot of time inside the camp and was just in there uh,
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an hour or 2 ago we spoke when we spoke to her. she said that the emphasis throughout this purchase has been on peace, non violence, and non confrontational tactics. and that her, based on her observations and experience, it would be most likely that the student protests would submit to being arrested without resisting. however, that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to open the door and let the california highway patrol. well, it's in, they've fortified this camp the we understand that they are now, you know, donning their helmets and getting ready for whatever is going to happen. so happened. and that doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to fight the, the police. but it, it does mean that perhaps they will not be opening the door for them, but that's, that's probably the best way i can. i can put it right violence, of course,
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well spots by counts of protest is any sign of kind of protest this arrow indeed outside spaces of any kind of the other maybe 2 hours ago, a small number of pro, israel activists or, or counter protestors appeared here waving is rarely flag chanting, shouting, taunting the pro, gaza solidarity route is here, but they were heavily out numbered, there was no violence, nobody got hurt individually. they, they disappeared. so they were to of left. so i also point out that there is another area behind the camp. the camp is kind of a quadrangle, and on on 2 sides there are buildings. but on 2 sides there's open area. this one
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is one side of what's going on. on the other side is that there are a large number of states, the highway patrol officers and l a. p d officers there. so that may be the point at which they're going to make. and 3, if that's what they decide to do, but the to your question about counter protesters. yes, they were here not nearly in the numbers that they were last night. and although they tried to rile things up, they didn't create any violence. confrontations. all right, well believe that for the moment that situation at u. c. l, a in los angeles, back with you guys and when things developed. thank you, rob. well, me, most students in new york is not back down in that process. the gates, israel's war, and garza, despite the heavy police presence that many colleges demonstrate to say they will not be intimidated. police may 282 arrest at columbia at the city university of new york on tuesday night tourism co reports now from new york as
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they showed up outside columbia university to support the student. protestors detain, doing the rate on this campus tuesday evening. they say students need to be heard not in prison. the students are understandably upset and what's happening in the world, and they have a right and they have to duty as moral individuals to protests. police entered hamilton hall at the university campus to remove students who had barricaded themselves inside. it's a 2nd time police went into the university in 2 weeks. at least 300 people were detained in columbia and in the city university of new york. but despite of the violence, students have returned to this truth. this is what many campuses, not totally new york city, but across the united states, look life with a very strong police practice on the students that you can see here. say that they then stop. they say they're the next generation in this country there and we,
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because of the war on guys us, they're angry with the united states foreign policy, any supportive as well. and that's why they want to make their voices heard. it may be fine to other people, but it's not to me. new york city mayor, erica them said the students were influenced by outside agitators. the like those who broke into the building didn't close students. it was led by individuals what not affiliated with the university. they needed the school needed the m y peters assistance to clear hamilton hall. it'd be in cabinets outside. but this is something the students and the faculty deny. it was students. it was students at this university, undergraduate students, graduate students. the outside agitators in this case are the republicans in congress, or may or adams senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell. 1 our university how to run into
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a fair the students are trying not to lose momentum in new york city. and forward having university students carried out a sitting on the campus. and again, they were forced out and arrested by the police. but the students don't seem to be afraid, they say they are fighting for a just calls and will continue demanding for the war on guys to stop. the so we'll just see to new york, how this thing using dogs, a welcome demonstrations that us universities and other campuses around the world displaced children at the camping job by law. they held up signs spanking protests of american culture. many said they hope the students will put pressure on the academic institutions of government, and they'll need special community to try and bring an end to israel as war. and our country as report causes university students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world,
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we want you to continue all your bought this, and we need all the students in oregon of ass, it is in the wall and to stand with us with the young people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests held and their name, thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the world own words will be here by the few of the 1st, a lot of others in a going to visit the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital a leverage here think you'll have one of them that kind of stuff and whoever you shifting, if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us in palestine goes especially inc as a threat. and may god help people and bless you. thank you very much. and all of
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the, from the police being and $240.00 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protesting around the world. raising insights in for the product and using force collier they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace? something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city as ita, central gaza. palestine was applied trucks have entered, gone to from the air, is crossing of the north of the strip for the 1st time since october, many palestinians. the facing starvation, of course, in israel, is accused of blocking a from the region for months on a cell. sharif is mo,
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from the same, the, the, the valuation, the window in front of your head filters into value refugee camp in northern casa, west 30 trucks carrying food, humanitarian a to provide for the 1st time to erase crossing my the, the, these radio, keep patient folks as opposed to and i'm so the 1st time since october, the 7th, the introduction of the 30 to 50 monetary nice to northern guys that the trucks are tearing humanitarian aid flaw. time codes, rice and sugar from jordan and the world health organization and the world food program. these trucks will be unloaded and while warehouses and the aid will be distributed later. so to unlock it, i'm not sure about the process that we are. so what arrived into the norfolk guns at a search of trucks and it will be distributed to unlock in the next few days. i don't to show you
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a good deal. i want it to be no target. i was you who joins asli from reference. southern does the entire just give us an idea of how much difference this new arrival of age is making on the site. in fact, to these kinds of aids are increasingly important for the majority of calls. and so i really started to feel the relative mitigation in terms of the humanitarian conditions, but that's not absolutely the ultimate change that they were looking for. specifically that the usability military have been talking a deliveries to the gaza strip since the early days and months of the fighting. and later we're on the mounting american pressure and the reason on the date is close for increasing the capacitive aid to the gauze. this trip only on daily basis, according to committee of board is he and the 2 or 3 at least less than $107.00 is 70 humanitarian. a chokes are getting into the gaza stripe on daily basis, and that number cannot be really sufficient to match the events needs of causes,
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population. and recently the owner of what he and the south have been responsible for distributing aids for the vast majority of palestinians. while in the north today, there was a question cuz taught it to practically rating the on the ground does at least fit to humanitarian talks have been allowed to get into the most of the strip. um they will uh, double yes. be along sides of the template. you are responsible for these hate distribution for the vast majority of people who are suffering from high rates of long attrition. in the news, the news will have been cut off from receiving much needed live saving supplies there in the northern parts of the gaza strip. but yet we have been hearing me calls from a humanitarian organizations to allow for increasing the capacity of h to the gaza strip. at least 2 of us will be signs of salvation. that is correct, and that's all practically found along side of palestinians will have been
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completely suffering from such a cutting of a of 8 supplies for a long time. but recently i have just started to receive a very few limited number of humanitarian boys and are looking for what for a clear increase of such a to help them to recover from the aftermath of the east. ready did the military campaign on the tree. a target site, so that update target resume that in reference of and browser when it's ready for us as a rated 19 posting in towns and villages across the occupied westbank usa damage homes and vehicles in the jail, a zone refugee camp which is north of ramallah kalki yet in the north and had brought in the south rose targeted at least 15 people have been detained. as being a separate incidents, a senior member of the total cut in brigades piloting an armed fraction has been shot and killed. the group says palestinian authority security forces targeted off went out for a fighting, took place, arouse officer,
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the killing p. i said it hadn't responded to gun for a while on a routine patrol as the colombian president, because the petro associates, country will break diplomatic relations with israel is repeatedly criticized israel's war on garza and requested to join south africa's case against national court of justice. but accused is read of genocide as under up yet through reports now from the top, tens of thousands of his supporters involved with that at the end of the me, data rate can be all the governments of change of the presidents of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government under president to his genocide, all today, all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes come up to remain passive. if palestine dies, humanity dies and we will not let it die. peter has been
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a crazy cuz he's rarely actions in guys us since the stars the worth formerly requesting to join so tough because the case accusing is really genocide that the international court of justice is real, responded by calling faith during the insight semis, but the supporters say their president does, right? you can look at it, but this is the right in this 3 thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect, that the national local user realize continue. genocide doing children, cutting ties is a bare minimum, necessary top zion is responsible for the dental of thousands of palestinians. the decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. method is that now samantha was a calculated to move to shore up to port then excited space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious,
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social and economic reform. gloom is the 3rd country in south america to believe in believes to put type is with israel over the war, but it's by far the largest and most important you do it. okay. but if you start i spit on into things coming based here. major our lives in the country and moment of great polarization, but the calls for taking sides and the expectation or the next attack by these running rough, or we're gonna bring more kind of you guys up to 40 bitters. decision might not change conditions on the ground. that puts him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm get the address, you know, but i still had here, and i can see the extensive damage to the surrounding homes and businesses. yeah, they will be looking out over the phone, off layout rules for the ground floor. these for these buildings is completely so much that's where we live from. can you,
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where the death toll from weeks of flooding continues to climb the the hello that we have a diagonal divide across europe at the moment. so lots of next conditions to be found. we've got some very wet and windy weather, affecting west in pots down across the south as well, but across well, northern, an eastern area as well as sunshine dominates this thing. a lot of rooms here and temperature, the sitting very high that they will come down slightly as we end the week. but on thursday, the west of the wet weather moves across central parts of europe. moving into germany where we have seen a lot of a lot of that heat and very heavy rain effects northern parts of italy in particular areas around touring. and we still got as windy conditions across the
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mediterranean with amber warnings out for the island of sardinia. know ahead of that. so what with weather dominating across the balkans with thunderstorms in places like greece is let us know, semester donya and bulgaria is the go in. so friday you can see the west to where the moving into the low countries. but for the north, west, for person on the island of island, still some rainbow locked, wyatt and wilma in most places like scotland. nothing which weather still creeping into northern parts of spain and portugal, but we'll see temperatures come up here slightly over the next few days, but the heat is a dominating factor out east. the humanity has opened the gates of hell or in those seats. he's having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates,
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the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global self crude mistake talk to of, to, on the jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the, like, are you watching out 0 or might have our top story is a so i'm police in rock, have surrounded students, protesting against israel's foreign johnson at the university of california in los angeles, demonstrate this have refused to dispatch on choose day. a group of israel support
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is the types of peaceful sits in palestinians in garza say they feel hurt by the protest. us universities encompasses around the world. many said they hope the demonstrations will put pressure on governance to bring it in to israel's is ready for us as a rated 19 palestinian towns and villages across the west bank. they tammy's homes and vehicles, the jail as a refugee camp, just north of ramallah. at least 15 people were to take. so back to our top story, we can speak to a freelance journalist, been camacho, he's at the university of california campus in los angeles, where those protests as peaceful practice have been taking place. police surrounding the scene been tell us where you are on campus. are you within the encampment, or are you looking in from the outside? yeah, i am actually inside of the encampment where i see police officers have actually just broken through the barricade. just only moments ago. they are currently
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forming a line at the edge of the cam. right. and what's the sense of the mood amongst the protests is within the income mentor? are they planning to resist the rest? so will they just go piece for as well? everyone did rush over to where the police are, and so i do believe that there will be resisting the arrest at this time. yeah. okay. and to what degree of the a protest is with the cabins equipped to resist the rest because it's understand they've been wearing helmets is okay. yeah. so a lot of them do have helmets on the problem. the construction spiked on it all different sites there. i do see gap math and ballistic goggles, other types of goggles they do, they are where they do have uh some shields that they've built throughout the day made of wood. and i, that's all i can see right now at this time,
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i'm kind of hanging back behind the crowd at this time. i've got you all that can be so you say that this could escalate that it could get violent? yes, absolutely. i mean, all day they've been barricading up the encampment. i'm not sure if you've been here in the background, but there's a lot of people yelling at the police. and they're now forming a line, or sorry, they're now forming a crowd around the police, near the edge of being cabinet. right, because the police are there and huge numbers, aren't they? but i would say that they are outnumbered by the number of protesters, right? it's hard to tell because they've been in the cabin for a long time. at this point. i do know that the police work outside of the in cabin has been built up throughout the day. but i would say that inside of the cabinet right now, there's that be $400.00 people for about $400.00 people and they fall under people who are self employed as being there for a long time. anticipating something about to happen. it seems as if it is now beginning to happen. do you think that the police were waiting until was now middle
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the night was next on 1 am in the morning. what is it? it's 20 plus one, i think. as a way to tell. yeah. fit to, to make that move. yeah, i mean that, that's kind of been what people have been saying throughout the day at 1st i heard 9 pm and then i heard 1 am. and so obviously here we are now at $130.00. and finally, the barricade was broken through on one side, however, the other side seems to be left alone. um, so i'm just kind of keeping an eye out on one side so far. to tell us about the degree of passion that there is within amongst the protests is about this process protesting and protesting gates as well as actions in galaxy. yeah. so, i mean, you walk into the same cabin and the, the entire building, the outside of the building of royce hall for you c, l, a. where the cabinet is in front of is completely painted over by our install it arity with the palestinians. and you know,
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save you saying things like they've got the um, uh, no genocide and a part site. and so they all day they've been creating this are, and i mean they, they've expanded this camp over the, over the week and holding programs that you know, education for folks to learn about what's happening and god. and i would say, you know, the, the amount of passion that they're, that they have here's, i've never seen anything like it to be completely honest. and i've been covering things for about 8 years at this time. right, ben? just hang on. now. i just want to recap what was seeing at the moment of the many as has done to it seems that the most anxious please have 2 degree or moved in on this or traveling to a u. c. a, a in los angeles. and you come in containing hundreds of protesting and protest is $400.00 as families just say against israel sections in gone. so they have to, to, to leave or to, to discuss where they have not done. so it seems as if police have moved in not
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seeing it in the pictures at the moment. it's a certainly at the noise has been building up. so i've been given selects is what you're seeing right now. yeah, so i can see some more cost moving in from the uh, from the, from the area of the barricade that they were able to remove. and there the crowd of the protesters has kind of grown around them. so they're kind of surrounding dime in kind of a semi circle and they're, you know, they're chanting they're yelling at them, but i don't see the police making their full push in to the entire and cabinet just yet not making a full push this at this moment. in time, of course, police are declared the pro palestinian protest on the campus as an on lawful assembly. how do you think you'll start to use the police included the campus so far? it isn't data us administrator and how do you think they've handled these process that you feel in the other purchase across the us campuses?
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i think the way they've handled these. this is a complete failure on the, in, on the government, on the police being on the university. i mean, we're hearing that, you know, you, c, l a and the mayor has been in touch and, you know, they're, they're talking about what to do with these and cabinets. but, you know, now i'm seeing what they've been talking about doing. and i can tell that this is not going to be a peaceful event that's going on both. and i, you know, people will get hurt. and just as we saw in columbia or new york, you know, people were brutalized and i think that's just a complete failure. like people, people are just out here wanting peace, wanting bonds to stop killing kids. but here we are getting uh, getting beat up for that if the incumbent is eventually cleared and who knows what might happen is that process takes place. but if it is eventually clear, what do you think the protest is with do then to keep the voice is heard? i mean, that's a good question. i think they would continue to organize is they have said that you
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know, that they're going to do it until the bottom stop falling. and i mean, the, just today there were more than cabinets that popped up at nearby university's in los angeles or the los angeles area. so i think if this gets clear, they might go and help out the other ones or they might set up somewhere else. i, i don't know if people are likening this student protest movements to that of those that we saw or was seen in the 19 sixty's protests against vietnam when they've been so just just tell us about that. and whether you think it kind of matches that up. yeah, it did. 100 percent matches that i've been thinking about this all week. and now this is student protests that we've been seen that have completely taken over the united states and the colleges. sorry, there's people running around me, the colleges here in the, in the country. it's, this is the new, the latest iteration of the anti war movement. and we have students to thank for
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that to bring us into that new moment. okay, ben. uh, if you hang on there, if you can, for some time, maybe just wanna speak to a correspondent who's on this a note with him and comments. he's just outside going to speak to rob reynolds, who joins us from a u. c. l a campus in the scientist will say not inside the incumbent, se rubber. it seems as if in a small way the police are beginning to make that move. we're seeing pictures of very small scuffles taking place, but it's a certainly a lot of movement and a lot of agitation definitely a lot of move in large numbers of police are moving. some of these of the folks that you see around me who are here in support of the student protesters inside the encampment. they've been moving them not in this particular,


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