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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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it will it ever happen is i think it's, i don't know. i mean, i could have hope, i want to say yes that it can happen. but i don't, i mean, i don't know how, how far you know, how imbedded you feel that the, you see system or other colleges are with, you know, companies like boeing or black rock radio. and i mean, it sounds like there's considerable investment into these companies that could be wrong, but for students to demand their, to, it should not go to these companies. i think it is, there is a reasonable step one to die for divestment, but then it's important that you have a you, that we do appreciate it to tell us what's going on within the cabinets at u. c. l . a. if you hang on the for us, if you would. so it is just gone over $900.00 gmc, that's 2 am now in los angeles where police in right get who are attempting to clear a peaceful protest against the war in gauze,
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appear to have partially withdrawn from an account meant at the university of california. los angeles authorities had ordered them to disperse or to the protest as to dismiss at but that defined schools on tuesday nights at palestine. solidarity protest as were attacked by a group of israel supports as the police have been criticized for the delayed response to that attack. so let's bring it all across. one of your rentals to join us. now from u. c l, a in los angeles said rob, just give us the very latest situation. we had those a lapd offices within the income and they appear to have retreated. what do you see to yes, that's right. we're getting reports of telegram feeds from inside of the say the one, the rest, the lease on the opposite side of this area. this is
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on one side of the right there behind the face. you can probably make out the flashing red lights. that's where the parameter of words and wouldn't pallets is. the other side of that is where the um uh, the opposite side of the camp. that is where the lapd tried to kill man. you know, also we're also getting your word that the other through the police are coming from other directions to try to breach into the camp. so this is, i think i kind of thing thing uh you know, probe and retrieve, roll and retreat type of situation where the police are trying to keep the
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pressure on the people inside the encampment and find a weak spot to move in, in greater numbers. do you know about the numbers of police offices as understand their offices from in california highway patrol from the la police department and they pd and los angeles sheriff's department? you've got 400 protest is within this incumbent. how many place around the outside as well, i would say based on the number of police that i'd see right here as well as the police have gone in and out of these buildings. and also the, we've seen from some of the aerial shots it's, it's probably several 100 maybe equal in number to those protesters inside the solidarity can. and this, this is an extraordinarily big challenge. difficult challenge for the place in the
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sense of how they handle it. because it could easily spiral out of control and the authorities from the math real science moves all the way through to the president. the united states must be watching this with a certain amount of trepidation. absolutely, because of course, there is a of the political element involved in this uh, it is, you know, with them at the moment the, the, the action and the important thing is to keep our eyes on what's happening here. but if you brought in the lens out, these protests have been part of what a is very concerning to the democratic party in the democratic operatives around the white house and president joe biden, because they know that the young people in particular are very disapproving of his handling of the war and israel's warrant on gaza and of us support for israel in the war and gaza. and
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the political consequences of that could be very severe, not here in california because this is the state. it's pretty reliably democratic. but in other states like pennsylvania, where you'd seen protest, wisconsin, where there are protests today, and students arrested and, and other swing states. the margins in a presidential election these days are so small. it really depends upon a few tens of thousands of voters in a couple of different states, maybe a handful of states. so this problem is a problem for buying that. if he is seen closely tied the are already a seen closely tied obviously to the, the war against guys of but use if he's also seen tied to a botched operation that installs in some kind of disaster involving
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a student protesters that that's going to be very bad news for him and for all the other politicians involved. so yeah, you're, you're drops of ation is, is various do that every, every politician, every person in power has got eyes on this. and people will be also wanting to use the situation to their advantage. you know, it's a british size, whatever outcome happens here, if it is not a good, oh, okay, well, we'll leave it there for the moments rooms the, as you said, late just outside the campus, just to recap, we've just seen at los angeles police offices, maybe at some pace and must have been bought for the 30 of them, maybe in front of the main building that towards the incumbent. i think and said, we'll wait and see what transpires. the often many hours of stand of 7 or 8 house at los angeles police have moved into trying to clear this peaceful protest against
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the war in gaza. they've surrounded this and comments at the university of california, at both ortiz had ordered them to discuss. and uh, but the students have defied those schools. and on tuesday nights, of course, policy me. some of the guards protests retract by a group of israel. supporters has no sign of any counter protests here, but the police went into the in comments and they were very smooth number. very cautiously, i should say. and they have ceased retreated from that point, but we all seeing a lot of police movement around the protests. let's go to jump pelts, he's an independent journalist, joins us live on the phone from b, c, l, a campus. john, can you tell us where you are and what you'll see? and i'm in the uh you just feel like i was a solid area and cabinet and uh, yeah the, the protesters just sort of surround is the p d officers who are present then moved them out. they were,
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they were locking their arms and they were carrying umbrellas. um, it was a very sudden shift from sort of a quiet uh they were, they were actually having quiet hours so people could rest and sleep. and then there was uh, a sudden shift and there was a, a flash bang. and throughout the night there been dispersed loaders coming through loud speaker above, right, really tall. so it sort of in a quiet mode and then sort of the only people then it grew very alert. right. and then the police officers retreated. but while they with that did, did they speak to the protest is, did you hear the police officer saying, i think the furthest is, what did they say? i was behind a lot of people with locked arms, but i could hear the police speaking as sort of over a megaphone. and it was very inaudible from where i was standing. i i, i believe they were saying something about the rest. the rest are right and what is the said, the willingness to resist the rest or, or not to it?
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what is the defense of the meat of solidarity of the product test? uh, yeah, i would say it's very mirthful and active. uh, people have been uh uh, sharing, you know, who there was pieces ordered earlier. uh there was a charging station for phone there is, um a medic station and people have done no. did you ever wanna talk to us uh, you know, uh, at some point earlier in the night there was uh, a rumor that this became a 2 but start with and started wondering um around, you know, 78 o'clock i started asking people of like, are you gonna stay here the whole time and almost everyone i asked said yes, i can stay here until the end of the night. and i would say that especially after that left a conversation with the police. and then retreating that, that there was tearing across like the whole cam. can you see how this situation
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can be resolved by the police of the police can clear this area without in seeing violence. and um i believe that the, the uh, administrations and other colleges figured out a way to do it and it brown and i believe that they to go show you what the students to test drive that's from certain company. um it, in my opinion, when, when i've been a lot of these protests from 2020 on uh, when the police sort of enter the area with less, less the legal up and it never goes, well yeah, i should say that the mountains that these university across united states were least protested taking place. and not just here, of course, the majority of demonstrations, a cooling for the investment from companies that support israel and the war and jobs that you think that's what it would take care of the cna for, for the authorities. the campus will thirty's to say hey,
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at least let's talk about that. we can do that if you will clear that campus. do you think that would be acceptable to the protest? i don't want to speak for the protesters, but i would say that that's their main demand and that they're not willing to budge on some sort of movement from the administration. tell us about the fortification of being captured and tell protest is the uh, protect it and trying to prevent the police from making ending cache. and uh yeah, so there's barricades, i'm pretty much each side of the encampment there's, you know, there's, recall, there's a barricade over the doors of they, you know, there's, there's fences that are tied together. uh, people are drilling together, different materials to create new barricades and people are also, uh, sort of linking the sides of the barricades with
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a homemade shields and, and sort of a, it is just standing there since the block, the block, any sort of a space between the barricades, but yeah, from, from like, uh, when i got here about around 6 pm today to about uh, it's just still now i'm seeing people caring materials to bring over to a different area. so again, there's been, um there's been cost and building of barricade. it's a constant restructuring of the incoming. it's john, it's been 24 hours more than 24 hours since it divided into been pro sinus. protects is attacked in cabinets. these kinda protective supposed to be talking pro palestinian and kind of g r e c l a at. but as far as i can tell is be no sign of counts of protest is on this occasion. i don't want to speak to that just because i haven't been on the outside of the process. i've mostly been attacking cameron
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sligh's the entire day. i have seen reports on social media some uh, some folks who are on the pro israel side yesterday who attack protesters were photographed. whether it's based on the site or parents talking to police officers . um, which is just interesting because like, uh, natalie city it's, it's now illegal to carry me to a protest. so the police officer was standing with someone with patience and for the rest of them, john, finding out how do you respond to those who would say this isn't the right way to protest about israel's more and gods are that you shouldn't be interfering with the running at the university of california, or in the folders pretest as universities around united states i, you know, i don't have a firm opinion on what the right way to do a protest this, but i would say that it's definitely open to a lot of discussion about like who the university belongs to and who gets to the
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tape where that money goes to, especially at a public university like you see a way that i definitely think that the, these, all these divestment campaigns have opened up a lot of conversations about sort of what the purpose of protesting activism is on college campuses and where, where is outlined, where you can disrupt and effect change without you know, risky bodily arm. um, but i would say that uh, yeah, i think that's what's a strong side that's the kind of don't speak to just from within incumbent. it's usually a aware of the many as the stand off at los angeles police did move in within the income into, in a very cautious way. they have now since retreated. but we have seen a lot of movement of los angeles police offices around the incumbents in really a way to the next developments is as time goes on, we can speak to free lots, jealous, ben camacho again, use that within the income into months of protests and $400.00 the site protest is
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right there. so saying that what do you seeing now? hey, yeah, so uh, the area where the officers were pushed out, it looks like they put the barricade back up. um and then there is also now an area on the side where uh at the main entrance of really tall where protesters are gathered outside which yield. um, i think they may have heard some sounding on the door or something. uh they, they believe that there are police officers inside facilities that may try to come out of those doors. aside from that, everything that's kind of return to the normal inside of the cam. i see people sitting uh, talking uh, drinking water and uh, just kind of coming down from the earlier uh, happening to what we say. ben is a 100, is protest is making that voice had a but what we, we didn't really appreciate just looking at one is the degree to which this is
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august, raise it and organized a within the, the protests moves and tell us about that and how social media plays a role in how everybody's communicate with each other. yeah, i mean, so i, i've been a part of a couple of chats where people just post the updates throughout the whole day, you know, asking for supplies, asking for whether it's food or any other type of donations, camping supplies, medical supplies, and people bring them uh, they will meet their quote uh for the supplies though, they'll have too much and then they'll, they'll, they'll transfer the, the inventory of, of supplies to a different area if they have too much inside of the account. and then it's truly organized that was one of the 1st thing that i picked up on once i got here in the afternoon, um for the u. c. l, a and cabinet. um, i, you know, i could see them, i could see a donation clearly going in through one through one entrance and people going in through another side. and they kept the flow of movement going. the organizers,
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i mean the protests is clearly showing great deal to solidarity, very determined that all they ready for this to get out of control. are they ready to face out to the vitamins that that might actually happen if, if things do spiral, and i don't get that sense from them. i think that they are will take a defensive approach to their encampment, but i, i do not the uh them, you know, getting attacking or getting violent. uh i only see them uh, defending. so it, and even with the earlier, when lapd was in, was in here, all they did was just walk towards them and push them back. you know, there weren't, i didn't see any types of attacks or anything like that. it's just, you know, you push them back and that, that they walk back. all right, so that will leave with that may have been too much, i do appreciate,
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but if we don't join us, that within the perimeter of the income is there at u. c. l, a observing events uh, which is kind of going back to a stand off situation. we did of police officers within the cabinet for a brief while, but they have retreated and assessing the next plan they've been. thanks for that time being i, let's bring it in, has done that already. who is professor international affairs cutting university joins us here at onset info. huh. awesome. so the, the protest movements in the united states grows here. as we can see that you, you see a light, it's a reaching something of a, a pinch point, this net and really depends on what happens next. what absolutely, you know, it spins nobody and go with the last to see days and the with all the verbal attacks on these process from politicians, from the administration or from those right. it is. and even from a parent from last night was saying that it was beautiful scene to, to watch the police entering the campus. so with all of that, uh, it doesn't seem,
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it doesn't seem, does to the students of the to, to determine, to continue their process peaceful one. and i'm the, until the realize that will practice and this something very new in the americans. i mean, we haven't seen this, maybe, you know, people say that in 6 is add the, these are the campuses were like this, but that's the best. this is really new. that's right. so you're talking about the, the, the vietnam war prices. yeah. and people approach us in the 19 sixties and this is a quite to that you think can you see, are you familiar kind of passion here? i was in, you know, i was in a live been no, no, no. yeah, cool. as i said, probably the material is to the different a and it's reflects a why that i would say um, it's uh why the international assembly with the opinions and now with the social media and the with all the trust that is being shared delta against different of cm's is unlike and faith now when people, you know,
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here's about what happens. but now it's live in genocide is live and tvs and covering the media to. yeah, the media as paid in prominent, told in probably helping those people to come up and speak again is occupation genocide and also against the american funding of the world. so this a new, the americans to those people to tax fans. so they want to see there and tax funnelled into at sausages and, and this is really what keep to them moving has on you, you have a pretty intimate knowledge of, of life in the american universities. you profess that what for 10 years. so these are you surprised by what you're seeing here? when it was there, you know me to get this i think is right. it was really um, something difficult. it was actually easier to criticize is right in as well then in america, right? because the campus watch and because of the, you know, on ty, semitism, accusations that really made that position,
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that the assignments people ask simply because there's a lot be there, there's an a small b want to when the, the, the narrative. and now this is something new and different and that'd be charged by these or like ization and i, um, when it, when i was there, it was, i was just told you was really difficult. but now it seems as it's, this is a game changer. and we're going to see more critiques of these really policies in the west bank and occupied territories and, and they're making campuses right. and never the say that presents the problem for the american authorities all away from the mayor of los angeles to the president of the united states. you know, this support for his meals by my part to send and america. and this is a very important because to the american disagree in american politicians, disagree on everything that's supporting as well. and this is a disposition was never shedding by the public. and so this is the 1st time we see the scope of demonstration process. all civilians attempting for people to sign and
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we can get into occupations and genocide and also to do the issue of the investment, which is very important because those people understand the, the, that there should be a price tag. it is not enough to say stop divina stop. the genocide they went to exhibit the kind of 57 days later they want to. there's way you feel that there's new infinity and what about the mentions investment that or do you think that's like maybe a lot of these protest is, according to the dismiss divestment of the universities from companies that support at israel and the war in gauze, i do think that that is likely to happen. we see some of the other universities actually saying, okay, well let's at least talk about what the students are trying to defuse the situation . is that something that could happen here at u. c. l a and is it, is it like you to make any real change in policy with theresa media to be seen but it all depends on the, the moment i, me know, kind of students keep the same momentum. uh well, this turned into
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a really an issue in public opinion that all americans took about, and this would put a lot of pressure on these universities. so at the end of the day, the university would put their interest 1st. so if the demonstrations will be a cost for them, i think there will be a change. right? and we can see in real time right now to kind of pressure is pretty on this particular university use a light and trying to deal with the situation without it spiraling out of control. the police finding it very difficult. and what about going back to joe biden? to you as president, what's about him given it's the election? yeah, we haven't heard that much from him. as far as these protests are concerned. what, how, how much would deal, how much of a problem is that for us from destruction? i think a lot of the critiques coming out some of the protests are against by them as implicates and all of their chance and position and that they are not in line with them. are kind of the ministrations when it comes to funding the war. so they putting a lot of pressure on those people are actually and more democratic leaning forces. and this would hurt by just an election because uh and you know,
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in spring stays to be the mountains very narrow and probably those people, if they don't show up and they don't cast and the ballot, i think, you know, by then with pay a huge price and then from the very fine line to trade and especially important, you've given the amounts of youth pray testers, they're all yeah, yeah, yeah. you know, those people will also affect other people. and they, and you know what, what is more important about this is that they create a different directive number sense and they create a defensive, tentative, so american foreign policy visa, visa should be change this, where they say it's not entitled right is inside the policies in the policy of genocide then a commission, and the only way is to employ the put a scene into this tablet, the own states. and that's why i or this, what i understand from the free, free, free find a sign if need, that they should be given the rights of determination. this is the only way we can put that into the conflict. and this, these are all emphasis and these chance by for this test. right? okay, well,
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leave it there for that matter and test number already. thanks very much indeed for that. we're going to leave the situation in use ya at the moment, but we will come back to it just as soon as things start developing, we'll keep monitoring the situation. nice. you can see on screen, well, palestinians and dogs are welcome these demonstrations that unit us universities and other campuses around the world. despite children as a comment about held up signs, thinking for testers, it's american colleges. at many sites, they hope the students will put pressure on the academic institutions on the governments and on the international community to try and bring an end to israel school in a good 3. as this report causes universities, students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world. we want you to continue all your bought this and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the wall to stand with the young people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests, health and their name,
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thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on board will be here by the help of all of the few of the 1st and all of the above and univision, the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital. the reason you think you'll have one of them is the kind of stuff and rubbery shifting, if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us. and for this thing goes especially inc, as a stripe, and may god help people and to bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being and $240.00 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part
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honoring the protest around the world. raising insights in for the product and using floors collier they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who that is young people who can succeed in bringing peace, something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the community as ita, central gaza, palestine supplied trucks of ends of gauze or from the areas crossing in the north district for the 1st time since october, many palestinians that are facing starvation, as well as accuse of blocking any from the region for months, and social rates as well, from the c of the valuation, the window in front of your head filters into by the refugee camp in northern casa west 30 trucks carrying food on humanitarian a to provide for the 1st time to erase crossing my goal was to
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the these radio occupation forces of both of them. so the 1st time since october, the 7th, the introduction of the 30 tops with humanitarian aid to northern guides of the trucks, a carrying humanitarian aid flaw. time codes, rice and sugar from jordan and the world health organization and the world food program. these trucks will be unloaded and while warehouses and the aide will be distributed later, also suit and blah, blah, blah. so the yeah. so what arrived into the norfolk guns at a search of trucks and it will be distributed to unlock in the next few days. i don't to show you a good deal as let's go live now to reference southern gaza tank i assume is dining by for us the as it target. tell us more about the attacks that have been helped me have a nice yeah. neck and fox. uh they use,
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wait a minute, troy you have a, has completely launched a series of strikes of an item on delivery from apartments in multiple areas across the territory. the focus was very, pretty much on the middle of the area specifically. and i'm so rock refuge account as the is rarely artillery units have targets it i and a great cultural labs of the north of venice. ira account, at least in palestinians, half the reports of egypt. now those who have been wounded are receiving medical treatments and allow jobs and lots of hospitals. but yes, as we have for hearing from low hills in the north, they have been reporting and caught us from buttons in the vicinity of a ship. i just mean neighborhoods. where are the isabel, the forces have been bouncing residential areas without to now and the casualties being reflected at to this very moment. but like you to hear in rough, how we can continue to hear the sound of each valley. ongoing surveillance to drones dot continue to gather more intelligence information about targets that are
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possibly gonna be targeted within the coming hours. i like also of the ongoing threats that's it is really administers, have been moving with, which is the invasion of a rough a which is is right now the noise, the for the vast majority of cala city is but yes, because of health ministry has been confirming that at least $28.00 palestinians have to report that killed within the past 24 hours of bringing the total number of victims been killed since the outbreak of this conflict a circus. more than 34500 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th atari we've been once you of course, very closely to the pro palestinian protests on going on. campuses university comes as the united states have those protests, the, the how wide spread they all has that filtered through to people in gauze of the
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well, generally neck, people here in the territory. they are fully enclosed. what, what is happening in the american universities and multiple universities around the globe and regarding.


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