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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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quickly, i think this is about to be serious charges in both cases and they have told the yes, they will do that route that we are going to continue protesting no matter what happens here at the in campus on this night. so we're going to continue the process. so let's see what form that process takes and whether at some point, the university here, universities all across the country where the same thing has been happening. we'll figure out that it needs they need to. they feel that they need to have some sort of dialogue or will they continue to sort of suppress the 6 that i guess finally, will this extremely highly publicized events with, you know, dozens and hundreds of cameras focused on these students here in los angeles, the center of, of uh, entertainment and a film and movies and television will that have an effect. cumulative effect on
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public opinion in the united states about israel's more on gaza and the role that the united states government place. and so these and some of the things we can't predict, but we'll have to keep an eye on our website. so that's, and we'd be looking at pictures that are of some of those arrested. that was to keep balance of hand sizes on the white hand ties behind the backs made even seats, and some of the include the features that are going to be taken away on the family, less the charges, no doubt since rope was saying. and just to recap the whole situation of to many, many uh, 7 or $8.00 to start and off the los angeles police, eventually moved in, in a pretty cautious way for us and then run to doctor visit with larger numbers using flashbanc these big, loud at destinations, a gang of multiple multiple times. and now we have
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a situation where there were 400 people within a very well fortified incumbent. those fortifications have been pretty much taken down. 400 people down to a few 1000 says our eye witness accounts on the scene. and quite a few people are leaving. he said, that's where we're at. but the men will see how things progress will palestinians in does it have welcome these demonstrations that us universities and other campuses around the world just like children. that's a comp and bala held up signs thinking protest as it american colleges. many said they who the students will put pressure on the academic institutions on governments and on the international community to bring an end to israel school in the country . at this report, causes universities. students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world, we want you to continue all your bought this,
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and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the wall to stand with the young people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests held and their names thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on board will be here by the few of the, for a lot of others in the visit. the students advantage the those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital, the reason you think you'll have one of them is that kind of stuff as well for you shifting. if anything you are supportive you are giving us a good thing for us and for the signing guys, especially in cause us right. and may god help people and bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being and people are 40 people, health science acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia,
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where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protest around the world, raising insights in for the product and using floors collier, they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace? something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city as ita, central, gaza, palestine will supply drugs preventive billions of from the areas crossing in the north. the district for the 1st time since october. many palestinians, era facing starvation is ready to accuse a bulky aid from the region for months and social life is more from the same of the valuation,
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the window in front of your head filters into by the refugee camp in northern casa west 30 trucks carrying food humanitarian a to provide for the 1st time to erase crossing model the the. busy these radio occupation forces are both of them. so the 1st time since october, the 7th. the introduction of the 30 types with humanitarian aid to northern guides of the trucks occurring humanitarian aid flaw, time codes, rice and sugar from jordan and the world health organization. and the world food program, these trucks will be unloaded on while warehouses and the aide will be distributed later. so to unblock it, i'm up some of the products that we are. so what arrived in to the norfolk guns at a search of trucks and it'll be distributed to unload in the next few days to show you some of the 60 full palestinian prisoners it'd be
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released by the cut them i was i'm crossing from is relative clauses they've been arrested during his ready attacks on the strip. the body of another president named busy smelled cold, was also released tomorrow as while we was held by these rarely for 2 months. he says he was tortured, while in captivity, thus forced us to take off our clothes and left us naked in the open. when the weather was very cold. after that they dressed as in close like shrouds and beat us . we were treated like animals. they showed no respect, even to old people. severe beatings were constant to beat us what after they took us, depending on us the medical help, the doctor came to him and didn't stop insulting. these bad words against our own ripple women. when it's ready for us as a rated 19 palestinian townsend villages across the occupied westbank are
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yes, a demons. hayes and vehicles, the jealous and refugee camp north of ramallah, one, palestinian was shelton in jude drink confrontations oakia in the north and had brought in the south for also talk to at least 15 people also in the occupied westbank, a group of around 20 is really sat list on the are a lot community northwest of jericho, early on thursday morning. so late just in a series of attacks on palestinian veterans and intimidating them. some preventing hodges from grazing the sheep. families of some of these rarely captives held him dogs a block traffic of the north of tel aviv trying to keep the pressure up on the government to agree to a cx 5 deal with him. us that would include the return of the relatives i'm colombian, president gustavo petra says he's country will break diplomatic relations with israel is repeatedly criticized israel's war on garza and requested to join south
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africa's case at the international court of justice that accuses israel genocide and his own to rep? yes, the report style from boca to president goose, double paid through me the announcement in front of tens of thousands of his supporters and book that at the end of the me day array can be all the governments of change of the presidents of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government and the president to his genocide all today, all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes. we come up to remain passive. if palestine dies, humanity dies and we will not let it die. peter has been a crazy cuz he's really actions and guys us since the stars the worth formerly requesting to join so tough because the case accusing is really the genocide that the international court of justice israel responded by calling fit during the anti
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semite, but the supporters say their president does, right? you cannot gas it, but this is the right the necessary thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect. international law is the earliest continue genocide. doing children, cutting ties is a bare minimum, necessary to stop zion is responsible for the death of thousands of palestinians. but the decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. the announcements. so as i calculated, to move to shore up to port then excited space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious, social and economic reform is the 3rd country in south america to believe in the least to put the ties with israel over the war. but it's by far the largest and most important do it okay. but if you and this die,
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spit out and into things converged here, major to our lives in the country and moment of great polarization. but the calls for taking sides because of the expectation or the next attack by these running rough uh, which will bring more kind of in guys up to 40 bitters. decision might not change conditions on the ground that with him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm 50, i just eat up a good time. don't as strongly as loving medical association of north america have documented the latest trip to gaza. they described the severe injuries they treated in the scale of the destruction. to con you, it is just designated no way. you could all come back to life here. the way it video or many people have used terms in different conflicts. you know, i've been to syria and in somalia and also my other areas around the world. and
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people mentioned, oh, it's like an army get and it's like like, you know, something undescribable everywhere i saw was destruction in con, you, it is not a single building. was standing the at hospitals, schools most of our patients were, you know, 131-415-1617 years of age for these lower extremities trap. and that's something we just, i've never dealt with. it was something that was new. i didn't even see that in 2009 was a lot of adult patients back then with this is really a difference. scope of, you know, patient population that i just never seen. you know, i met a politician another diplomat. well, i know is that as a healer, one who, who is taking a hold of the hill people. if for rough as attacked there will be complete loss of
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life and the health care system will not be able to take care of this. all right, let's pretend to our top story now where police and los angeles been clearing and that's more common to the university of california has somebody as a professor of international affairs at the university joins us here in dough. so it has on the, i know that you taught what for decades, something like that in the united states. i was just, again, in the recipe and that was nebraska and okay, well, there you go. so, you know, very well, the workings of american universities. have you been surprised by the scale of protests that you've seen here? and what i mean, you see i late but across the states and, you know, i, of course, the scope was an imaginative for me, cause i was there and i knew when i was there that's, you know, to come up with any critique. again, a cigarette would cause a lot of troubles. yeah. and there's something called the campus which that was savage by mocking kramer on daniel pipes which monitor what, what is saved in the campus. and they report that so many people actually even have
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the guts to come to this 5 as well. and the iron is that it is easier to close sizes red and his lady universities, but nothing american universities. and now i think this has, has gone up after we've seen the, the demonstration, the front of the old civilian peaceful process. and people, you know, is booked in mind. again, this occupation against genocide, again is having link with this very universe this uh for the divestment. this is new. the school, this pride of these um products. uh, acura surprised me me this particular product as it used to live. i was uh too early to say for sure, but it looks like it's is dissipating and, and possibly possibly coming to an end at least for now. who knows what will happen next? what the next move, the students will be the what you all saying, the legacy of that protest like this and the ones it will happen, no doubt in the coming weeks. and those that are still on getting around the united states. it will be something that this just kind of change. the scenario is move
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board of a change in order to you know that that is a very, very important for american public to watch what is happening, an introvert hit this and then they ask questions. they would offer the following question, why would the students protest and either near the american ministration or the this matter, the universe, it doesn't have any answer of other than saying that, you know, these products are low for $0.40. but, you know, casting aside all of these lead arguments and american people would look at this and they will post like different question when and when it comes to them. i can stand these if it is really that a student complex. so will it make any difference, do you think ultimately in the end, i mean, the big zip old these protests might, i think so, i think, but we don't have any real implications festival on, on the situation. and goals are, it's not really going to make any difference. there is it? and secondly, on the us election. what if you look, if you look at the short term, i would say, you know, probably they will be met, minor changes,
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but i'm looking at the longer term. we know that in every, in like in the past, especially in the western hemisphere, is whenever we have university process, it would be, or was it preload for some, it's so now me political associates and i mean as so if you look at the longer term i think i don't think that the american scene is so going to be strict when it comes to free speech. uh, cuz sizing is right at this time has gone as not gonna come back again. mm hm. and we have more people and more students and more professors and they will speak up against that profession and general psych unimportant, obviously, if the people have garza who are such a beleaguered situation and facing daily privations, to have the sense of support from outside the country, it is very important because this is the evaluation of their own position. they've begun documentation and they're being attacked by the israelis the days and days out with all kinds of american weapons. and this is very important. so that's why
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people took to the street that was packing their marketing versus in order to tell them that you know, we need you. we are not as bad as the media projected us. and i think this is a very important they will take strength from that. all right, pass on. thank you for that. that's what i'm, but out of here in the thank you. that's bringing the savings. it is nice professor of politics and international studies specializing in the middle east and invitation. politics at the university. san francisco joins is now from go from books reading at stephen. what's your sense? uh, what i think is interesting here is it clearly is very evident. generational divide on the palestine, israel issue in the united states, as in the end, i wonder what that immediately might bring to bear on the events and the coming months. that's a huge gap. i really have not seen any political issue except maybe gay, lesbian writes, you know where they're such a huge division between younger americans and older americans. i mean is perfectly
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straight line you uh, in terms of the older people being much more pro israel younger people being much more pro palestinian and they did the, the good news is that the vast majority of younger people are, are pro palestinian. in fact, polls show a majority of younger american jews believe bite and supporting israel too much. and so this is a, this is a kind of generational divide. we have seen in, on other issues and other countries which it could have a profound political impact. right, right. now obviously there's gotten the democrats worried because the young people tend to vote, overwhelmingly democratic. but if they're angry, the democratic president in congress who is pursuing policies a c as in moral. it could impact voter turn out in, in november. and we can the democrats chances, do you think them were some kind of tipping point? i really think so i really think so. i mean, i've been involved in palestinian uh,
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issues for many years, both as a scholar and to a certain extent as an active list as well. and there has been a dramatic change. i mean, just a hit a norm, a saw that to, to see this kind of active as we've seen this activism before about a part tape south africa invasion of a rack. the back of the 1980s. it was the central tension in central america was supported by american corporations that are parts. hayden, south africa, the israel palestine was usually on the back burner. even among the, you know, people kind of left us to another progressive. do not give this to were concerned about other struggles in the global south israel. palestine was kind of the issue that, oh, i don't know, is it? it's kind of complicated. it's controversial. that's not, that's what it's not a, make a big deal about this, but not anymore. i mean, not. it is now front and center. and that this does, does make a, make a huge,
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a huge difference. and you know, i mean, we may not be able to stop this genocide, but what we're seeing now is gonna almost certainly prevent the next one. as we look on now with these pictures, the police dismantling what seems to be the remnants of incumbents. and no doubt, they'll be congratulating themselves on a job successfully done some arrests. a didn't get out of hand. is it like it might do at one point because it's still not completely ivy yet, but it's a at this point, it looks like it is. it is a dissipating so yes, you have to remember that used to be a lie, as one of over 200 university campuses in the united states that are currently experiencing major protest regarding us support for the war and gaza. and the university endowments being invested in corporations that are supporting the israeli war and occupation. many of these have encampments that are very similar to
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the one that was, has been forcibly dismantled on the u. c. l, a campus. so we're going to be seeing these, these protests will definitely be continuing in the, in the, in a, at least for the remaining weeks of this semester. and this is definitely not over, right? problem fall from done. so as you say, the majority of the demonstrations, if not all of nicole for the investment from companies that support is relatable in dogs, i do think universities will have to face up to this pressure and change the june and divest as quite possibly. i mean, initially, universities almost all resisted calls pro, r, divestment from corporations doing business in apartheid south africa. but that these demonstrations continued in various forms for years. and eventually a fair number of them did. and center alone are we seen initial resistance divesting from corporations that are contributing to climate change. and we're
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starting to see a few universities do that as well. but the important thing about divestment campaigns is even if they don't succeed in getting the universities to, to divest the attention it brings to the issue the attention. it brings to the fact that the young people across the country are, are morally of opposed to any kind of support for this kind of oppression. it will change things politically because they, they, their investment campaign, even though at least the other majority universities never did the best. in fact, it was, it was the main force that finally led the united states to put sanctions on apartheid . south africa when the united states that was south africa's biggest back are put sanctioned on on the in europe. and the other countries could join the global south and putting on sanctions. and that's what forced the south african white minority government to release nelson mandela engaged in negotiations and finally bring down
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apartheid. so that's why i'm saying, you know, these protests are probably, will not make that much of the impact on what's happening. garza, i believe the long term impact could be quite substantial. and what about the medium to, let's look ahead to november the election. oh, that's a good question because that as i noted that you know, the, the one that, uh, the, the anger that um the young people have towards vitamin and members of congress of both parties who continue to support the israel's war is quite comfortable. and given the united states has a 2 party system where essentially uh, republicans and democrats are the only real choices. uh, yeah, it could lower your lower voter turnout, which would be then bad. so the republicans are even worse when it comes to this issue. many people are thinking about 1968 if, when there were similarly similar divisions where both parties took were supporting
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the vietnam war at a time when most young people opposed it and, and the that brought us richard next up a. so, you know, the, these are, this is a big question, but 11 impact us might have is it really might embolden a buy into finally, you know, push israel harder than he's been willing to do before and, and use the enormous leverage. united states has been terms of the massive amounts of military aid that washington provides a to force so enough in yahoo to, to engage them to cease fire, to, to, to stop the, the mass of killing. and so that the, so indeed it could, it could still have, have the impact uh with the current situation as well. or finally, steve, another room or how does that mean? i mean, i was just going to ask, have you been overall surprised by the degree of a young protest in the united states, the student protests moving, if it goes
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a hard thing, it's kind of the protests before on other issues. how they suddenly, you know, they'll be years of more low level protests and then they'll be a trigger events you know, that will suddenly june, things will really take off in a dramatic way. and so i've seen these uh, these have these happen before, but the, but i am, i'm quite surprised pleasantly so that after all these years, the israel palestine has become such a big push to that. we are seeing this kind of of turn. now this kind of impact is this kind of a determination to, to risk arrest and risk being suspended from school because of this issue. and those, the numbers of students who are actually taking part in these and cap months are relatively small over to compared to the overall student population is clear. they have very strong support. and their representative of something much, much bigger. and i find just calling to inquire exciting, and then i yes indeed,
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i am pleasantly surprised at the at the, the numbers and the the middle of them. so yeah. and, and, and, and by mail since they don't mean violence. middleton see, i mean, the, the, the, the willingness to break the law as a risk arrest. and to make this such a visible uh, front page issue. all right, state, we appreciate that professor steven eunice as the soonest to speak to. so from go from back in sweden, thanks a lot. let's get a, a, an update on the situation on the ground that you can see the is spend up the fact that the g, c, l, a in los angeles, real panels is the real. what do you say well, of where i'm standing there because the, the edge of what used to be the gods of solidarity and camp. and then now it's just basically a pile of garbage junk, strewn everywhere. police have been tearing it down and throwing it off to the side
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and behind me you can also see the final groups of student protesters being confronted by police. they are the last of some 400 or so protesters who originally lived in the camp and you can see one of them being sled away by a police officer under arrest. a lot of people have been placed under arrest here tonight. um they will be taken to a least affility charge probably released in fairly short order. um, but uh it has been a very, very no doubt. it varies from attic experience to them as someone pointed out to me just now think of the students last night. they were attacked by
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a mob of ro, of israel supporters trying to destroy their in campus tonight. they are surrounded by hundreds of police officers and they're in campus torn down and, and they, in all of their, their fellow protesters placed under arrest a role from the furthest point of view. what would you say they would be breathing a sigh of relief that it didn't get too out of hands, but then again bracing themselves on what might just happen next of the certainly, i mean certainly been worse. and really tragic if uh, if, if there been, you know, serious violence or, or deadly violence, even that would have been a disaster for the authorities. i think that the authorities in terms of say,
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the leadership of the university of california, los angeles is probably in trouble already. i think that they're handling up this whole thing has probably not gone over very well with their, their colleagues, the faculty, the students, the alumni in donor class, either. but the powers that be probably are, are, are glad that it didn't turn out to be in an extremely violent situation. little chance of that happening, given the determination of the student protesters to maintain their, their peaceful protests and their attitude of non violence throughout their, their time in this was, which is now come to an end. yeah,
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you could argue the fact that this ended up relatively peacefully, i see, strengthens the, the hand of the students themselves. but do you think it will strengthen the arguments for divestment from companies that support is around the world? gone? 0 is a university like you see like likely to change tack on that? no, it's hard to say. i mean, i listen to your conversation with your previous guest about changing public opinion and the let's take another example of widespread student approach as the divestment effort to divest in companies trading with apartheid. south africa that in move we move. it started in the mid 19 seventy's and it wasn't until the 1980s that it actually had garnered enough support among public opinion. and the corporations were forced to come around that boy todd
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move and actually did change things as far as us policy towards south africa. so it can be a long process of the war and gaza. one would hope will not last that long, but the policies of the united states and israel towards palestine are some, are our long standing and have the potential to continue for a long time. so we will have to see if this is a spark that lights, a fire of a smouldering fire of public opinion that eventually changes.


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