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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the cindy's with saddle, he's one of the world's most expensive tim bids in the black box and try his destination for one on one asian investigates the fight to capture indians. sandlewood king one out 0 the the hello. i'm about this and then this is the news are live from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes, right? police in los angeles move in on large crowds of hunting for protesters, and then operations of care, you see at least palestinian solidarity in complex research on an on the situation on the ground and guys and remains unchanged. israel continues as war with more air strikes, pounding the strip, the 1st time since october 8 ends as guides, us through the northern. it is also part of citizens in the region,
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have been facing starvation. and we looked at holland ancient art of banking. this being kept alive in the old city of jefferson and for the dallas mavericks are close to the ceiling, a spots from the 2nd round of the m. the playoffs. a cross valley covers by 30 points and are now just 11 away from clinching the best of 7 series the desk on 13 gmc, that's 6 am in los angeles for why it's police have been cleaning a peaceful protests at the university of california. and it was one of the largest police raising student protesters since nationwide. demonstrations in solidarity jobs have broke out. the laptops stand off the loss of ours police fire and spun grenades to push a protest. barricade back reinforcements were brought in to surround the
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demonstrators and arrests were made, but a few students remain defiant with a call for peace in gaza. and we've got a team of correspondence covering the protests in the us. kristen salumi standing by at new york university focused. she have the time is going to have the latest from george washington university in the us capital. first we're going to have to fill a valve is joining us from los angeles. and so focus through what's been happening over the last several hours sign out of the toners pricing. now rob and it's signaling it ends of this protest. we think they pretty much taken every last process throughout. now. a few minutes ago there was a line of police facing the protesters out here. they were leading them out fairly peacefully. has to be set. i think they protested, say i realize that they called as far as they could for this particular protest. they were not really putting up too much resistance and you know, they were a few the left fall entirely. but we had the police officer sites that are going to come out on saturday. we've got to go in and then they brought them out. so now we
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went through the process with the police a walking through this and come and remember for days this is the a solid very tense area with tense pots right next to each other. now the face of every thread that this monthly, the ted's there is a re, i'd rather be there assigned to people. happy living here for a week and you can stay on the floor. some of the things that these people in the living often, you know, we've got gas that type way people are having to type things together. and you know, what was interesting about the 1st test is as we saw, the coming out, which they were all, all the majority of them were very guests must taught us. because obviously they were worried that there was gotta be, take us involved. all obviously we have violence, the other type type is that a fire extinguish overhead, presumably going to so you can stop a fight. in fact, we just started with a flash bag, which suggested maybe that may so we try to dispense some protests, although i'm not sure what they would pay, particularly because this area has no clear pops. we've settled fox, dudley. if you head over here, going to set you just slightly outside. they come into this re like, hey,
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that we're walking towards. this is where so where, where'd sides where they come with was. this was until a few hours ago, bolted up with fences and blocks of woods and crates to stop police getting good, but also to stop at the council for it just got to get because remember that we still have violence on tuesday night where that was pro is ready, suppose this tied up. i tried to attack those protests. we're just going to go back because this is where a number of assessed is being taken. that the lines of probably offices and they were ring zip ties. you can hear them. i'll just, i'll just be quiet for side, you can hear that still chance they've defined so they had with the park. they would just be told by the police that we have to leave. okay. it'd be right there. yeah. so we have to walk around this way, failed, try to stay as close to become the agency here because
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these huge pulses that allied job. this is the county of los angeles sheriff's department. we have these must have process, which we've got to be used to process to students so we can hear the determination obviously in the devices. and the protests are still charging there, but we use this h for the protests and you see i layers that are plans to choose some sort of protests going well, let's check it since the end of the process, is this the end of the protests? as you can say, we're asking them uh, we're not getting any answers. you know, at the high speed, i think the 7 of these campuses rob over the last week or so. and, and a lot of them, there is a lot of suspicion towards media because they see that the, hey, i use, yeah. like i know that they've seen it. there's been
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a lot of resistance to speak to the media directly, but to charlottesville. is this the end of the process? is this the end of the protest? is this the end of the protest? no. would you be back? i'm not saying i'm going to be back there. well, it's not the end. it's not going to be the end. the genocide ends in the funding for the genocide in the billions of dollars. would you say to say a total of this is this appointment very disappointing. 3 has to be by the shift to the sheriff's department. yep. that's the way they think. okay. yep. when they think side of the shows departments, wherever they, as you can see, they've got the buses lined up and would be led away by the shrubs. that i would
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say we have to move this screen here which you can see as we walk past here. this was a must save display that was sets up by those parish lady support has faced as being play. and you can see that her speech next to it has been playing images of october the 7th for several days. tire nights, particularly i'm told that night loudly as as a cows or protests hopelessly. now it is uh, it is no longer active, but uh yup. as we can say that these processes that are basically waiting the lining up, waiting to be booked. and they will line up on those of those huge buses. there was 7. all right, suppose the sheriff's department lives up plus a whole lot more out of federal site further away. and they will be taken to be processed, whether they will be charged with misdemeanors or whether they will be released. we will wait to see whether they will be back again because, you know, as we've seen with a lot of these products as they all closed out. but then they come back. they might not be an accomplice here,
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but they will be back on the distance you may be able to handle shortly. that's quite fights. there's a lot of other protesters who come up to show some, some of the i received who failed. thanks very much and do you want to say thank you to you and your team for giving us that to of why of the, the former camp site there and also being able to talk to one of those protesters who's being arrested. so thank you very much indeed. alon john noted by law firm this honestly used by law in re victoria every. she's a community activist and she's supporting the students. i understand you were attending the protests, but you left. let me ask you, 1st of all, what was the motivation for being part of the protests in the 1st place? so just real quick, i know the gentleman that just spoke, she said that we don't trust the media, and i do not represent the students. i organize the event, i do not represent useful a in any way whatsoever. so i just want to get that out there. my main reason was there is no way i don't believe that you can see the carnage. see the genocide,
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see that the, the trauma that we're witnessing, understand that our tax money is paying for it and not me to go to these events. these events are, are so important and they're so vital and they've been vital to every single community movement that's ever existed because, but something clicks something strict for a 2nd. 3rd week of october, when we realize exactly how complacent we've been, how complacent the way our our system is run has forces to be saved handed up. they've shrouded us from the rest of the world as this beautiful american patriotic thing. and now we're finding out and also we're find on finding out that not only have we facilitate the genocide of the indigenous people that lived here on this land, we've actually facilitated the genocide of so many people. so many people around the globe. i apologize that their grandmother in back we've facilitated the death
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and we wanted the death of so many innocent people in the world. and that was our, that's part of the motivation. part of the motivation for getting out there. let me ask you the people that you've been talking to over the last several weeks, or perhaps since october, the 7th, when the, the, this part of the war began who are the people that you were talking to? how wide is the, the collection of people that what are the differences amongst the people that you've been talking to? who share those call me goal of stopping the war in gaza, but may come from disparate cultural backgrounds or religious backgrounds of every culture. freed gender sexuality, religion, every single person is represented at these, at these marches. at these meetings. at these encampments, every single person from every corner of them will have found themselves to resonate with their story resonate for the past indians. i'm indigenous to the new
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mexico area, my family's from that area originally. and i as an indigenous woman, i didn't understand my own story in my own trauma, my own pain until i met palestinian and women who had experienced the same things their children were taken from them. they were subjected to horrible mis treatment in their own land. and i didn't realize how similar our stories are, and i think that it was specifically part of the tactic of how america is run. if the cheapest separated, if they keep us divided, we can never unite and realize that at the end of the day, we all have the same enemy. and the enemy is global supremacy. why? you see primacy. and frankly, capitalism, it's all these things make protests. accountants like this inevitable, you have, right, we've, they've raised a generation who is so desensitized to unnecessary suffering between
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all of like the students that are protesting. right now they're calling them the standard penetration. weiler calling with that because they have the list or sandy hook and not only are at the widest. the years after sandy hust or their government made choices against their safety every single day, every single day for their entire adolescence. their government was actively working against them on one side and had a promising them freedom and justice on the other. so it's to it every once, every way you can imagine lives there. i have met to the most amazing human beings from all walks of life and we all find ourselves there because it's not that we're angry to be or o'clock. we have fallen so in love with palestine and palestinian. it's inevitable lord and thank you very much and the loan of a toyota, right. so i should just by explaining that, lauren was referring to the sandy hook as the shootings at the elementary school
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assigned san diego in which children, which had long thank you very much indeed or facilities joining us now from new york university in new york. so bring us up to date with what's been happening there. well, frankly, it's more of the same pattern that we've seen in recent days. police move in and make arrest, make clear encampments, and then the protesters pop up someplace else. i'm at new york university. where that happened on april 22nd. there was an encampment in place, and the university called in police and arrested a 128 people, including 19 faculty members. and then days later, the encampment behind me was set up and here at n, y, u is where a park in a park nearby is where a lot of the demonstrators have been coming and rallying, including late last night. so let me bring you up to speed on that yesterday.
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after as nearly $300.00 columbia in the city college students were being processed for their arrests. a new encampment had sprung up at fordham university in the middle of the city. there, there were about a dozen tents in a building. it was a smaller protest. the protesters said they were doing it. out of inspiration from the columbia situation of about 15 students were arrested, their police called in, moved out that encampment. now we're hearing about stony brook new york. another school where students have set up tents as well in the demonstrations. just continue yesterday, when the students were being processed at police headquarters, a rally happened around the court house there. and the students who were supporting the students that were arrested from other schools,
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many of them went to that location. and then march here to n y, you and i parked nearby. there were hundreds if not thousands, blocking traffic throughout the street. so what we're seeing this morning is the quiet aftermath. this has been the pattern, the demonstrators say out late, the police are called out late in force, patrolling the streets, trying to keep the streets clear. and then the students retreat to their camps and regroup, and start up again in the afternoon. increasing. just focus through if we know what's been happening to those arrest and then what's next for them. but there's been a lot of questions about what the charges if any, are likely to be brought against these young people. yeah, absolutely. and in fact, i was speaking to the new york police department this morning trying to get a breakdown of the arrest, what they're being charged with. how many of them are actually students given that
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the mayor of the city, eric adams has implied that outside agitators are, are behind most of these demonstrations. and they don't have those numbers yet, frankly, and they could not give me that breakdown. we know that just under 300 were arrested, as i said, from colombia and city college with another 15 or so at for them yesterday. the charges met with the process is that they have to be a reign they're treated like any other criminal. they go in, they have their fingerprints taken. their mug shots taken most are released with assignments to appear in court at a later date. what charges they face. it could range from criminal, trespassing to disorderly conduct, to more serious charges. in the case of those who breached the campus property broke into that building on columbia university. but at the breakdown, as i say, it has not been shared publicly. just yet these students, many of them will have to appear in court. but it's not likely that they would face
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jail time, but they do have the threat of a criminal record hanging over there had as well as, in most cases, suspension from their universities, if not permanent explosion as christmas. so let me in new york university. kristen, thank you. we're going to head to the us capital. you see how the time see is there? george washington. universities have been watching these very strong pictures coming out of u. c. l. a. what's the mood for you? us of the. it's all quiet here and it remains quite and you get the sense actually off the civil republican members of congress came here yesterday. i'm from the mass. unless you close out the account with that, perhaps unwittingly, that means of america and really act does it look like she's acting on the dress? but we are all watching what's happening at other and comments. let's get the reaction. sarah, is with me. do we have you feel like moving in firing rubber coated steel books and unprotected once again, unwittingly wiggly, perhaps, given that they often trained why it is rarely built in their exchange programs?
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very similar to how these really street on to protest is. but what's your reaction when you see what these pictures? it's honestly discussing as reprehensible that you know the university intends. i mean, in partnership with these police forces would resort to violence instead of listening to the demands of the students instead of actually acknowledging their very, very realistic calls for the universities to divest from companies are completed in occupation of palestine to disclose what companies are the vested in, um, so she looking at you see a list of public school, but a lot of times these public schools will hide their investment by going to a private company. um, and then also just, you know, took the call to protect and design his voice is the fact that these universities and these police departments are putting zion is over the own people that they're supposed to protect, is disgusting. and the fact that they're putting the interest of a foreign entity over their own constituents in their own citizens is reprehensible . and i still enjoy doing the democratic party, the democratic party, main stay liberals, the other ones cooling and look the cups,
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cups that any of the republican members of congress where yesterday. cool. and you, as you see, might some clothing for you to be trying that you have jo button on the why that still seeming to like incite violence against you by cool. and you obviously, whether it's of election is what do you do? i mean, it'd be opinion polls show a majority of americans with you. what was west was a democratic outlet for that in, in an election. yeah. don't you have as, as a us don't democracy? i think a lot of people become disillusioned with the election process, especially within the past 4 years when joe biden ran 4 years ago, you know, promising all these big things that he never delivered on. and not he doesn't even he never plan to like the counseling student loan. and so i believe a lot of people no longer believe in the democratic process of pro currently in place. and they believe in um, having to do to other actions or to get their representatives to hear them. there has been for the last 6, almost 7 months people calling their congressional representative every single day . people writing letters. and it's falling on deaf ears. it's. they're being completely ignored, and the fact that you know, this is still continuing,
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this looking, continuing to send billions of dollars to israel for the weapons deals for military aid is extreme economy discussing their putting again the interest of a foreign power over the interest of their own people and they want this mind to stay in america and go towards housing to go to its food and go towards the health care they all you with as, as a summarize on social media. so it was yes, but you know, this may look fascist. but imagine how much more fascist it would look under donald trump. but that's the choice you have. i mean, is that a winning argument? so the democrats, you think, i think that's a very, very weak argument. if for your candidate, you are expecting people to be scared of someone else when none of the policies under trump has been reversed. when the infrastructure in this country has collapse, when people are like, when the interest has increased so much when people and the people have been going after layoffs through layoff and layoffs since blood and selection. so i don't think it's enough. and i think a lot of people are trying to recognize that, you know, the 2 parties are one and they have to resort to increments to have their,
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their wants heard. and for them to be to feel that they're being represented. you know, and especially after over 40000 have been murdered impala sign. um, there's been 76 years of occupation. there's been a 17 year on the and the zionist regime continues to arrest palestinians through this administrative pension. was basically, you know, detention without any trial without any charge. it's really disgusting. so there is a, it's a 2 sides of the same coin. there is no one is better than the other. both should not even be considered to be president, sir. thank. thank you very, very much. i knew that it was like phil is, was alluding to once again. i mean, you receive these crackdowns, but that just seems to fire up the, the demonstrators and the protest as you will actually have to say, there are even more times today. every day we've come here. they've been more and more attends with this brittany. okay. john, thanks so very much indeed. you have a time st. george washington university in washington, dc. well,
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we're getting reports. these really all i mean has opened fire at a truck says they made their way through the coate rhonda bus in guys a city that's the interest section on the major world, linking north and south guys. i've got a couple of zooms. joining us. i live from the alpha in southern gaza and tell us if we bought more, we know about that. and also what's been happening in the strikes so far today to yes, a roof, in fact, as a human and tell you in trucks we're heading to the north of the territory. the user in the military has opened the file and viewed too many, tell you in a token leading to the killing of one, a palestinian a 20 valve whose trucks, who have, who has been immediately killed by the use, verify it with others. also it'd be wounds that now they have. the attack has been carried out on our way to round about this area, which has been cold among palestinians. palestinians has a death trap where these really ministry has previously inclusively attacked and not only humanitarian hate to the top along side with 8 was even take see because
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we're trying to get a parcel of, of foods in order to attend with it, to the family members but right now, as we've been hearing from the, is really military that they are showing to facilitate the deliveries of 8 supplies to the north. now they have been attacking these a voice, and that's absolutely contradictory to what has been repeatedly sets of media outlets about that reality. and as promising as a waiting for such a attacks are completely still ongoing wrapping reporting about how now the air is addressing is talking to author rates in order to allow for further flow of humanitarian supplies. but also, our aides are flowing from the south to the north of, to being militarily checked by the is very military. and that's absolutely terrifying as the casualties among civilians were responsible for delivering such a supplies are increasing without to now any protection, not only for aid workers,
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but at the same time for those people who are trying to get these items even to pass them through the process of delivering get to hungry palestinians in the north of the territory. i've touch, let's talk about they say spar negotiations that are still going on. we were hearing that the how much, how it responds to those uh, the latest ceasefire offer from israel had been any practical mist negative, but that still meant the negotiations were going on. a single line from watching the same delegation from assist you to visit egypt soon. for further seas far talks, what are people's hopes they are in regards to these negotiations? what honestly, well you have been talking to uh, non post office citizens at 1st rough, our district. so we have been asking them about how their reaction towards the ongoing top supports he's fine grievance. they have a great sense of optimism this time regarding these on getting to start to initiate it by the hands of it use of the egyptian intelligence. but at the same time,
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people are actually afraid of a clock. so this home getting negotiations by day as we have been hearing from them, they say that obviously is for you. that does not include that this is on the return of the displace to the north and these valley full with a joe was from the gaza strip. definitely will hit a dead end as people are one to one thing only right now to return and back to their houses live peacefully against and they want to full. so say sion of old ministry acts on the ground that the bills and reconstruct what has been destroyed in terms of the civil infrastructure and even the residential house charge. thank you very much. indeed, tyler cowboy, soon talking to us in the dropbox in southern joseph. we're going to hear from mama to sean, i'll just be the senior political analyst. he's joining us from london, mom and i wanted to talk to you 1st about the, about the, the, the pro test. obviously they're having a lot. they're getting a lot of media coverage, particularly in the us, but there are questions over how much impact they are likely to have longer time,
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particularly in the run up to the american election. but i do want to ask you about the impact that it is likely to have in israel, particularly um, within that time. yeah. who coalition, given the fact, we're not just talking about the us. we're talking about protest worldwide on politicians worldwide. having to react to those protests unfortunately, there is, i can see i direct correlation between what's happening in american university and what's happening in terms of america. is there any good policy on the ground and god so not yet anyway, because this must go through washington on the one washington see it was the um, the pressure from the streets of the united states and pressure as the not the gum government to children, but of course, then we could talk about that correlation. but for the time being, what we could helpful is that, uh, there's, uh, there's an outcome that the children of the,
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to the students pause in the united states. because let's just remember, is that what these students are, are struggling floor main need is that fear universities divest from. uh, there's really like a time defense, cooperation for corporations is on. i mean, their main goal is american base is american brand. it's not is right, per se. yeah. oh uh, principal is about just to send out a sign. but in terms of the meet you don't just to, it's actually realize that but, and it's actually mothers. and it's actually weiss on the part of the students to be protesting peacefully, to change what is the own use of course it, these policies do make sure that their own institution investor in june. so it's
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not going to say what current is, at least you could say about conscientious generation. that is starting at the different american schools to be able to 1st express their opinion to have a freedom of expression. i'm to be able to influence the policies of their own school, which they are paying tuition in the tens of thousands of dollars. and i was talking to a guest a but an hour or so ago ago. and they were saying that it took him to the my, to our, to the us. and they were saying that actually in terms of the israel guys, a conflict. and it resonates maybe but, but about 2 percent of the american electorate certainly, or the american people age really not high on their agenda. in terms of the protests that we're seeing in the us. do you think that this is having any residence, a residence rather, whatsoever, politically, with the, the political structure in the white house and in washington dc. you know, uh, quite a few months ago the democrats were talking about, um,
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they need to bend uh to talk to uh, you know, uh, dean or when the, some of them, you know, instead of doing that, you know, they've been basically seen as warmongers, the american young not exactly helpful and then they're stuck with cracking monday . american young on behalf of a foreign government. it is really upstanding. anything just think of it at all, but not shooting over to his daughter was not catching up. you know, weeks after the process started in the united states, that the american officials, i'm sort of like, is ready to officials also for, you know, the more money. right. the was sales person, the, the people who are actually supporting, uh, uh, you know, these things, hundreds of billions of dollars of arguments are the ones was criticized in young people for peacefully post testing in their home campuses in their own universities
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. i mean, it's all, remember that this was a peaceful conference in american universities, basically students studying contractors. are you sure. holocaust and discernment design justice and thought a center they generally tend to be the bad guys. the students don't worry. what sizing them are basically, you know, either a couple more crimes for support for crimes, for interest. you probably will credit the wrong it's, i can see the interest that we are now or america media. but today's, what's the media involved in the base over what you said? the finish should have a defined what is the definitive under semitism? what is the printer shut off just as a pastime. we are really talking about a bunch of, you know, young americans, the general generation z i trying to horse of opinion principal on the deep one message on justice. i'm doing the piece for this issue. how strongly that we all of
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us, how got involved in some kind of a debate that has shown i'm sensical, the end of the day, but more than one goes my stop there wars. and they need to stop listening to the young people who only want a better environment and social justice and for the call, just as for the person modeling the shot, we appreciate it as always. thank you very much. indeed, the law says it's studying the latest proposal. for those, these 5 and a positive manner, delegations returning to egypt to discuss the deal with mediators. israel once from the turn of captains held in garza and return for the temporary to a spot. how much has repeatedly insisted on a permanent end to the war where they get more of that correspondence in autobody seriously. and stephanie deck, it was only a couple of days ago that i'm a spokesman and 11 on a summer hummed and had been quoted as saying that they were looking at this
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negatively. this seems to be a slightly different position to how much just taking away the things done with the negotiations as well. we're at a critical point we're expecting as of tonight, a formal response from him. as you mentioned, there's not any saying that they will send a delegation to continue the tools, so they're waiting for more than that. we understand from those close to the tools that they're i are expecting an answer either that is a no a that is the yes, in which case you'll see a ceasefire or they'll want some amendments. but i think what they're trying to push him out to do, particularly americans and anthony blinking said that when he was here yesterday, putting the openness firmly on that, saying that his role has made general generous concessions that it was now down to how much to agree to this deals no more room for procrastination or manipulation in the words of anthony blink and, and that they have to accept the deal. the controversy or the, you know, the sticking point has always been,
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as you mentioned there in your intro. how mass once a full and to the war. so this deal coffers a temporary sustained truth. but if you listen to these really prime minister news, he's really up to those words and the last couple of days, even standing next, anthony lincoln, that there will be no end to the war. and as i thought will happen, either way, so many people will tell you that that sends the wrong message to her mouse at a time when, of course, there is no trust between the 2 sides. we're going to have to wait and see a lot of speculation. if you listen to the media, you know, things that have mass will probably be rejected. you know, we don't know. we're going to have to wait and see. what we do know is that if this deal doesn't go ahead, if it's not accepted, the operation will go ahead that some things is ready to have made very clear. and we also know the american position on that, that they don't want a large scale ground offensive without being to safeguard over a 1000000 civilians. and anthony blink and saying yesterday is where it is. haven't shown any time for that. so very complicated times into our door cabinet,
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we'll be meeting they'll be discussing the hostages, and then 2 hours off to that you will be having a meeting of the political security cabinet. this is a monthly meeting. it happens to coincide today, but no doubt they will also be discussing these critical time. stephanie, thank you very much. indeed. we're obviously going to be checking in with you. is that well cabinet meeting happens, but for an hour thanks very much indeed. so when it's time for the weather is kara, had a lot of that was not in south asia where the scorching heat is still clinging on to much of india. temperatures have been well above the average of conditions dominating across the northeast. in this school in which a protest has found another way to beat that and making one of the classrooms a swimming pool for the students to cool down. and now the heat is still that of course, eastern areas, but it also dominates for the south of this. we have still got those red warnings out on friday into fact today for pots of under parish. but we all still like to see some whatsoever for places like, kinda in bangladesh. temperature is likely to come down through to monday. now,
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the west has to all the weather, however, it can be found moving across afghanistan into pockets down. we'll see that rain spread across moving areas here and eventually to the north of india through the weekend. and what weather is still the story across east asia with seems very heavy rain once again in flood. pit pots of southern china doesn't tend storms are likely to bring some exceptionally heavy down pools. and that weather will work its way for the east as we go friday to saturday, bringing some of that rain to shanghai. that remains lodging. dwight for the north of this across the korean peninsula and japan through the weekend. the still ahead on all the 0 can see the excess of the damage to the surrounding homes and businesses. yeah, they will be looking out over the way up to the ground floor. these or these buildings is completely said much. we're in kenya where the desktop for weeks of
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funding is planing and there's no love lost between these old friends. the latest ahead of this saturdays, baltimore showdown, and las vegas coming up in school. the calling attention to any quality pollution meant extra dismissal. cleanings in kenny is low income communities site. one brother was killed by police. the dentist that we say is but the one path of the one day, an organizer on the rapper. how old are these people from the begun supplementing buffer, then it has someone not to be put on the bus that hit the button. generation change, can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to examine it being proactive. today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're
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on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform and inspire you 2 options, a way to the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0 of the the watch and i'll just see it a reminder of our top so is this are why police have cleared a peaceful protest at the university of california in los angeles. it was one of the largest police wage since nationwide demonstrations in solid balancing garza
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and broke out police 5 strong grenades and made several arrests and administrations of some friends universities about a meeting with students in the capital of the powers that after days of anti war protests is a live pictures also from u. c. l. a. we can see some of the students being led the way who's being taken from the camp. and many of them have been also sitting by the road with the zip ties around their wrists point box to friends. the students who attended the institutions in france ceilings poll particularly say they've made no concessions and they're gonna keep protesting latasha boxes. joining us live from powers. so what's been happening with all these meetings? what's the result there? well, we had a meeting here between the universities, administrators, and some students. and they have been talking about what they will they think talking about the different sides of van taken to this meeting because what
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happened last friday is that that was a large protest. do some students at the seals university stage to fit in a police eventually evacuated that protests, but i here with me is safety. she's a student at the all supposed she was here on friday at the process and also in the meeting with the administrators. so see, before we talk about what came out of the meeting, tell us, 1st of all, what did the students taken to the meeting in terms of the demands? so we've been to the meeting with the exact same 3 demands that we had when we protested last week. the 1st woman was to have the town whole that actually happened today. the 2nd demand was to cut all ties with is rarely universities. and this, the 3rd demands was that uh, any investigation uh towards the students that were implicated in pro police and activism would be erased to none of the students that can probably be punished is what you're saying in terms of the response of the university administrative. what did they tell you? we didn't get any answer to what we ask. basically, it was
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a 2 hour discussion and it ended up with that ministration. not giving us any engagements. we wanted them to engage themselves. we wanted them to promote that they would at least start uh, investigation comedy towards the concern regarding the is where the university they did not talk about that. the only actual engagement that the director took and told us was that he was not engaging himself, not to call the police again on this. this is the only problem is that we get. so we didn't move forward like any of our answers. yeah, so he is, or if, if there was to be another protest you were saying the university administrators would actually allow the police to come in and evacuate the protest. escape. we also heard from one of the students who came myself to the meeting, that there was a student that starts with a hunger strike. is that correct? is actually a student the started a hunger strike a dis students. a lot of students are actually using the hundreds. right. right now we don't have the exact number. we're going to have it during the afternoon. maybe
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tonight's, but it's not on the wants to be. and it's actually a couple of students that started a 100 started to put pressure on the administration and for argument to be heard for real this time. twice. i see. thank you very much indeed. so you heard that from safety, one of the students that seals, po who's, who's been involved in these a purchase. and so there are 2 with protest, any people talking about how now we have a situation for some students assaulted august right back to the gotcha. thank you very much indeed. natasha boston, talking to us in paris of 64 palestinian prisoners. it'd be nice to buy it. i caught them up with sullivan crossing from israel to garza. they've been arrested during, is there any attacks on this trip? the body of another prisoner named as a smell hold on was also released. is there any forces of rated 19 palestinian towns and villages across the occupied west bank? the damage homes and vehicles and there's all his own refugee camp. north of ramallah, one, palestinian was shot an inch of june confrontations. okay. yeah. and then off on
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her own, in the side of what also targeted, at least 15 people were detained. in a separate incident, the senior member of the tool called on the games it's a palestinian on faction, has been shot and killed. the group says palestinian authority, security forces talking to them at all fault it. abraham has more for me to hon. refugee camp in the occupied twice by the tension is high here in the forward setting, refugee camp the neighboring area after the palestinian of fluids. the security forces up salting killed the palestinian flights or who is believed to be a member of the arm. but chileans working here in sort of getting on in nor some is refugee camps has been more and as a 31 year old fights are a key member of the battalion. according to his colleagues, the palestinian authority, according to the spokes person of the security forces, said that he tried and shots as the palestinian security forces he had in towards
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cut him late on wednesday. and that's why they saw of him. but when we spoke to the family, they said that he was not armed when he left the house. and they accused the palestinian authority of targeting arms, palestinian men for offering resisting these really forces when they confront this area. when they re, the, to cut him area and refugee comes and confront with the militarily. so it's remains a tense situation here with palestinians are accusing the palestinian authority of sizing with israel and trying to shut down any resistance against israel. knew that but he just need a full cut them. they occupied westbank, palestine also when they occupied westbank, a group of around to 20 armed is ready satellite a strong the out of all on melick hard to community northwest of jericho. early on thursday morning is the latest in a series of attacks on palestinian bedouins, which are believed to be named intimidating them and preventing houses from grazing
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their sheep. so you commission president, sort of on the land has unveiled a $1000000000.00 financial aid to package $211.00, a in a bid to cover the arrival of a refugee used to europe. the lock made up maybe announcement doctor talks with separate and lebanese officials and they wrote, 11 owns among the nations hosting the most number of refugees per capita. so 1500000 syrians are living in the country. at least a $188.00 people have been killed in floods and lands lives after a month of heavy rains in kenya. and the government says another 90 a reported missing raising fears of the decimal. crude rise homes, votes, bridges, and other infrastructure be damaged or washed away in eastern and central regions. any 200000 people have been forced to leave the homes. more rain is expected this week. rescue operations underway for a group of about 14 tourist traffic by flood waters and not a country in the great rift valley. that canyon red cross has rescued more than 60
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people from the mos i'm on. a wildlife is of heavy rain and funds of cause many rivers to burst their banks. welcome lab has more from campbell county and central . can you we're standing on what remains of a road just 3 weeks ago. yeah. any place that will it's a good policy. yeah. was on the defense, the concrete, so i come, i post on the meso rails, the red, 3 drain pipe, something see anyway, what's a good escape? and so when the heavy rains came that to this row, then it's in franklin's into an on plan, causing him must be flood up this valley. so the local residents hold the highways agency. an awesome to break, open the road using an excavator and they built this foot bridge so that they could still cross the gas. even more rain came wide and the got destroyed the foot bridge . now if we take a look up the valley,
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we can see some of the person issues affecting not just kenya, but many of in areas in the developing world. firstly, wrap it up and development here we can see apartments and houses, the construction of which hasn't even finished an unregulated construction of everything from informal settlements to join. commercial development is stressing what drainage is available. i also here in kenya development regulations, easily overcome is widespread corruption. and you can imagine how in the dry season this could look like a good place to build a home that would be green fields here. possibly a, just a stream or maybe no water or 2. but now with the, these torrential rains that have come in recent weeks with climate scientists. a tribute to climate change, the rains here with east africa, a part of the pacific ocean where the cycle and the el nino event brings will my
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ocean temperatures and heavy rain full here in climate sciences. say we're going to get more of this and feed. so now the convergence of all of these trends disasters, that's why we get a situation like this and the residents tell us that 5 years ago, a contractor was meant to build a new bridge here, but they failed to deliver. now the floods came, is destroyed, all of this flooded dozens of homes, of the school. people wondering when they're going to be able to bring their lives back to normal. malcolm web out to 0 can become so you can. yeah. it's time for this for his fire. rob, thank you so much. we start with the on the playoffs and the dallas mavericks had push daylight clippers to the brink of illumination. luca dante record recorded 35 points, tennis and 7th re bound to lead. the maps to a 123 to 93 victory over their house. the clippers dallas now leave the 1st around the series of 3 games to, to the mavericks are aiming to in just their 2nd ever championship title. the 1st
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was in 2011 game 6 of the best of 7 series takes place. friday in dallas of the boston celtics have advanced to the eastern conference semi finals. they did advise beating the mazda seats in june 5, jalen brown, and derek white. each scoring $25.00 points and the $108.00 teams, $84.00 with no fees either the cleveland cavaliers or orlando magic next boston have won a total of $17.00 and the championships. the last one was in 2008 to our spot at the paras olympics, men's football tournament is on the line later and cats hard indonesia play a rock in the 3rd place. playoff. at the under 23 asian cops, the winner is guarantee the spots of the summer games and denisia are listened to qualify for the term for just the 2nd time while iraq are seeking a 6 as me, you're in addition issues. i'd go live to tom sideline, who's covering this game at b? i'm deal. i've been calling stadium tom. the venue broke it's attendance record
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last week. what are the chances of it being broken again? yeah, that's right. for the chances are quite high. this is a stadium, that's how you said asian cop gains only a bassy or even hosted a knockout game. but it's in the on the 23 asian cop where the record attendance is happy, broken indonesia is game again. south korea last week broke the attendance just so i have a 9000 in the 10000 c capacity stadium here. and the semi final against is becca started a few days ago, almost broke the record as well. now this is the 3rd and full pile of final usually seen is a bit of a constellation game, but lots of a fee for woke up so it will be $3.00 so that way, but this one and carries an entire new meaning that the winner of this game will qualify for realistic games like to empower space. yeah. if entities are when it will be the 1st time in 68 years that they qualified and the crowds expect to the crime in it for this one. once again, i actually spoke to the indonesian football president last week ahead of his game
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and he says it would be a dream country if i qualify again. the nature of football, football, football, football, he is being the main thing. and the only supports the new nation that the beloved, you know, doesn't mean biscuit low, fully bloated them follow, but football is become, come to. so if you look at the button, so of indonesia, we are one of the biggest police in into work. so i think we have a big put in zillow, but again, we have slipping, julian, so we need to wake up. so far, we have a good results. they said that it was coming through, but again, you cannot stop you, prince. i mean, you can continue perform, i mean, the players, the quotes we as the solutions can really work together cited continuously. i mean, if we, if i close at the olympic, i think it's a good thing for us. so that was and denise it,
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what's about the rock? this is familiar territory for them. they've actually qualify for jo lympics 5 times before. and they actually have quite a good record in 2004 in athens by finished and 4. so just one came away from a bronze medal there. more recently and rio in 2016. they actually had a great tune the bad. they didn't lose a single game. they had to call the store again, selects it brazil name or, and type deal cases for in that one. so they'll feel quite confident of qualifying again. they actually beat indonesia in the group stages with the men senior agent come early this year. so they'll feel confident, but with unexpected reco crowds of indonesian fans flocking to the stadium shortly . he said he wants to play for pick off. is it 15 foot so you can see. all right, tom size land reporting a lie for us. the area will speak to you after the game. thanks for now. and pasta called lou believes has taught them side are moving in the right the direction as they look to qualify for next seasons. champions league last year, spurs finished 8 with 60 points. they've already reached that total this campaign
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with 5 games to go in the primarily they take on chelsea away later on thursday. the note north at london club are looking to close the gap on 4th place. aston villa who have a 7 point advantage having played 2 games more square as go into the chelsea match, having lost our tribals arsenal on sunday. i think they're getting pretty heated and las vegas ahead as it can now. lo, alvarez's world title defense against jamie when get on saturday of the company you fight on different parts for decades. has always had one name and it's mine. so put some respect on it. then it gets all the bad blood between the undisputed super a middle weight champion of his former products boxing it. legend, oscar de la jolla boiled over at the pre fight press conference de la jolla who now represents mon g and took some verbal shots that canal claiming his promotion was responsible for canal a success even made remarks about canal has failed drugs tests. okay, that is all you support for now. back to you via thank you very much. indeed. now
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at least 10 people have been killed and dozens are still missing. after flooding in southern brazil, present, lose enough feel of the sofa has changed. federal help in response to an appeal from the state governor, he blames the disaster on climate change and these june to visit the worst hit area is kind of like as more as the ready for battle against the forces of nature. the army has been deployed in southern brazil to help respond to flooding so devastating. the government has warranty could become a historic disaster. films, of course, extensive damage in rio grande, just so states with torrential rains, triggering slash floods, and land slides, restoring roads and washing away bridges. one was quote on camera,
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while the mail was sent to prison with filming a public advisory resilience, sorry to say at least 3000 people been forced from their homes in more than 75 towns and cities. many more have moved to shelters. if you have thought i wanted to stay in my house, i didn't want to leave. but with this, whether i can risk esteem. the flooding has been so severe in some areas helicopter, searching for those stranded. i've had to winds people to safety after being unable to land. oh no more heavy rain predicted to see results president, seeing here to made a rally, has promised the government's full support in response to the state governance appeal for federal health. the state of emergency has been declared and to refuse the flooding could become the biggest climate disaster in the states. history, car leg out to 0 and occupied is due,
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so the beta is trying to keep alive an ancient bread recipe. that cock is an oval breath synonymous with the old city, was palestinians of ethan. for centuries, stephanie decker went to meet those who make it and to see how the water garza has affected them. it's 4 am, and the old city alleyways are deserted. we follow the same send of an ancient recipe. one that were told can not be mustered anywhere else, but in this holy city, a just below ground, a don's like rhythm. the do goes into the 300 year old oven built into these ancient rules, and fired by olive would groan from this conflicted land wholesale to here we have a secret to the cock. it just doesn't work outside of the old city of jerusalem. many of tried to go to the flower all the right ingredients, even the sesame seeds and sugar, but it's never the same, not in ramallah,
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no way. it's an age old tradition, an ever changing times. it's comfort, food is continuity. it's identity, but for the hundreds of years if this ritual has taken place here and for all the conflict intentions that these old city rules have seen. everyone here tells us that these times are the worst of us during garza is on everyone's mind. but how much does the tax on october the 7th has had an impact here too many tell us they don't dare travel through israel anymore. is there a reason? palestinians have never been more divided or suspicious of each other than now? it's going to mash. i'm a salon side, you're walking in all the is what you lose around you are on. and so you look at you as if you're a threat, any movement you make and give them an excuse to kill your business. here is terrible to. there are far fewer palestinians and tourists have all but disappeared . i got a familiar, cool, familiar taste,
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a childhood memory. there is comfort in a tradition that hasn't changed in centuries, even if the world around them come century don't. 9, the actual one, we have the we, we make it with a hands, we make it ourselves using wood. in other places they use machines and electricity, they just press a button. the work we do here, we learn from our grandfathers and will continue to do it just like they did is the commitment to keep a much loved tradition alive. one that is intertwined with this holy city, jerusalem cock, and it sits in motion from those we talk to no other version comes close. it apparently doesn't have that special agent and totally blessing stephanie decker all g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. i'm gonna be back in a couple of minutes for more on our top story, the riot police treating a piano away, a peaceful protest at the university of california. los angeles was one of the largest police rates since nationwide demonstration support. and you guys will kind
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of be back in a couple of minute. stay with us. i'm about the a voters in panama preparing to elect a new president on may. 5th at the front run, their former leader. these kind of domestic natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside the future stay without just us for the latest on panama, general elections in these with santa, when these one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box and try it is different mice and foreign. one on one asian investigates the spot to capture india, sandlewood king one out 0 a week to look at the world's top business stories. how much is the rebuilding
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going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity. counting the cost on al jazeera in the brazilian amazon a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the enemy people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities. the rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and leasing us to let us 2 of us sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their pines coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still
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facing strong resistance from the powerful lobby in congress to the state vill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the, the white police in los angeles move in and large crowds of anti war protesters and an operation to clear you see at least polished in, in solar dollars, the income, the robot. this in this is all just a live from. don't have also coming up. israel continues is war on guys on with more air strikes, funding the strip for the 1st time since october 8 inches jobs. as soon as the northern edit crossings, palestinians in the region have been straight.


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