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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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seeing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state vill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the white police and the sun's rays move in and large crowds of anti war protesters and an operations of clear you see at least polished any of the solar dollars, the income, the robot. this in this is all just a life from don't have also coming up. israel continues is war on gaza with more air strikes, funding the strip for the 1st time since october 8 inches. gotcha. as soon as the northern edits crossings, palestinians in the region have beach facing stone, reaching out a search for flood victims. in kenya, at least
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a 188 people are getting killed in the past months. and the death toll is expected to rise the so is just going 14 gmc, that's 7 am in los angeles, or why a police have cleared a peaceful protest at the university of california. it was one of the largest police rates against children protesters since nationwide demonstrations in solidarity with garza broke out dr. a. stand off the last of hours, police 5 spun grenades to push a protest. barricade back reinforcements were brought in to surround the demonstrators and arrests were made. i'll just say this phil of l is joining us now from los angeles to tell us what's been happening over the last few hours felt step . speaking of those restaurants, there you go. that,
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that they all, and those buses are low dates. we've protested here would be taken into custody. that'd be facing one by one. and they are still very defiant. you know, some of them are talking, others are just smiling. we've actually heard singing within these buses. they're still saying the policy type for them. this is not over. this is about as near as we can get. we've been told several times by the sheriff's department to move. so we don't, we got to closer to like, risk getting arrested. but let me just walk you through what's happening here. we've got this big screen here. they have the boxes. this is the here for today's, this is the screen that was erected by those pro is ready. support is huge screen speakers, bridge web blaring music. busy every noise and shelby images of the october 7th hostages directly at this direction because this is where they come with was this punch request that a walking cross at the moment. this is where those kinds of protests is tied up. remember, choose a lot. they will quite find that they were fired, take us and best prior. they were throw best files in this direction at the protest
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as to what behind these railings. and this is what they were using to protect themselves. they had all of these wooden boards, which they were using as a barricade to make sure that people who couldn't get in. and this is what it now relates, okay. and come with it is an absolute mess. this has been a very densely populated area for several days. this is where all of those tens with us. i'm walking through. i can see bits of cas must. i can see ted tags is obviously people who have a good bit of fun. we've got cushions as well. i saw a fire extinguisher over that traffic codes and various sides, but these 10 said not being taken out by the l. a. p t a. and that's how i comes for now is i don't think you say a lie as ever, looks like this. it's the only advice for steve university. it's gonna take a long time or a couple of days at least get everything back to normal. but i would that with the distance, you might be able to see it as a product to be a flag and you might be able to hear but of use no time because there are some
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processes over there as well. they feed hair. i was not really close the is too much can side a child see this they gave is already a small drop the but of course, the main focus is those park test has to be taken into custody. as for the numbers that range anywhere between a 132, which is wonderful, but quite by the california highway patrol. thank you very much. the piece will be where you are supposed to be peaceful people here, sir. you were you were not processing. we're just here for peace, man. we love you and we appreciate you. thank you all have a good day. thank you so that we saw that there's a rest we had. the number might be around a 132. that was a number that was being quoted originally by the california highway patrol. but what do you provide that this and come with was sets 53 to 500 people. it could be much higher, although we could see some leaf or voluntarily as well. or for the big question of course is what's going to be happening next to to the process and obviously for those who being on the account, no, i know that in the last hour, so you were able to talk to one of the protesters who would be interested at is
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there any clarification? i mean is it for the post to protest as a u. c. l a as well. i mean for this particular incumbent. yeah. obviously cuz they will come thoughts. so they protests in general. i would say no from what i've seen. you know, these protesters of very, very determined phase comes out here for ties. echoes what we see that universities across the country. i mean, ah, speeds of several of these over the last week. while i saw a few of them was protest is all taken away. pay all booked at the box. they might not be tempting, elsie 8, but they all packed because for that this is something that will continue. i will consider you, as most of the shots have protests, they have very clear colors. they want the universities to tie best companies that have anything to do with israel. they want transparency about records show what's uh, what companies they're working with. and of course they want a ceasefire on it, so like that's each class obviously, but anyway, there,
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that's at least price as well because it's, it's becoming more of a move, but that a few protests for these people for level ad. so you see, i live in los angeles for oh, thanks very much indeed. low as photos explaining student protests is that you see how to use or the solidarity movement, but palestine is only going to grow stronger. elena, i spoke to community activist loan and victoria, reese, she's as the protest include a wide variety of people, every culture, read gender sexuality, religion. every single person is represented at these, at these marches. at these meetings. at these encampments, every single person from every corner of the road has found themselves to resonate with their story resonate to the past. and in i'm indigenous to the new mexico area, my family's from that area originally and, and i as an indigenous woman, i didn't understand my own story, my own trauma, my own pain until i met cause damien and women who had experienced the same thing.
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their children were taken from them, they were subjected to horrible mistreatment in their own land. and i didn't realize how similar stories are, and i think that is specifically part of the tactics of how america is run. if they keep us separated, if they keep us divided, we can never unite and realize that at the end of the day, we all have the same enemy. and the enemy is global supremacy white supremacy. and frankly, capitalism is all these things. make protests accountants like this inevitable. you have right. we've, they've raised a generation who is so desensitized to unnecessary suffering. well, certainly new york, so they are backing down and their protests against israel's warrant garza police made the 282 arrested columbia and city university of new york on tuesday night.
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the reasonable reports from new york, or they showed up outside columbia university to support the student. protestors detain, doing the rate on this campus tuesday evening. they say students need to be heard not in prison. the students are understandably upset and what's happening in the world, and they have a right and they have to duty as moral individuals to protests. police entered hamilton hall at the university campus to remove students who had barricaded themselves inside. it's a 2nd time police went into the university in 2 weeks, at least 300 people were detained in columbia and in the city university of new york. but he's part of the barn and students have returned to this truth. this is what many campuses not totally in new york city, but across the united states, look life with a very strong police practice on the students that you can see here. say that they
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then stop. they say they're the next generation in this country. they're en route because of the war on guys that they're angry with the united states foreign policy and it's supportive as well. and that's why they want to make their voices heard. there may be fine to other people, but it's not to me. new york city mayor eric had them said the students were influenced by outside agitators, the like those who broke into the building didn't close students. it was led by individuals what not affiliated with the university. they needed the school needed . the white paintings, assistance to clear hamilton hall. it'd be in campus outside. but this is something the students and the faculty deny. it was students. it was students at this university, undergraduate students, graduate students. the outside agitators in this case are the republicans in congress, or may or adams senator chuck schumer, they're the outside or is trying to tell our university how to run into
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a fair the students are trying not to lose momentum in new york city and forwarded them university students carried out a sitting on the campus and again, they were forced out and arrested by the police. but the students don't seem to be afraid. they say they are fighting for a just cause. and when continue demanding for the world guys to stop these, i will just see to new york tony to guys and now we're supply chunks. events at the strip from the at is crossing in the north for the 1st time since october. many palestinians bear facing starvation. israel is accused of blocking aid from the region for months on a socially, if has more from the see the valuation, the window in front of your headquarters into by the refugee camp in northern casa west 30 trucks carrying food on humanitarian
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a to provide for the 1st time to erase crossing my the, the, these radio occupation forces opposed to and i was through the 1st time since october, the 7th. the introduction of the 30 tops with humanitarian aid to northern guys that the trucks are hiring humanitarian aid flaw time codes, rice and sugar from jordan and the world health organization and the world food program. these trucks will be unloaded about warehouses and the aide will be distributed later also to unbox it. i'm up some of the products that we are. so what arrived in to the norfolk guns at a search of trucks and it'll be distributed to unload in the next few days. i don't to show you. i just feel like we're getting reports of these really armies open fire to separate a group of 8 shots as they made their way through the coate roundabout and goes to the city. that's the answer section on the main road linking north inside of gas.
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so we're going to go to honeywell who is calling us involved in southern gaza. what more do we know about what's happening quite a roundabout. first of all, honey. 6 yes, of all the incident is part of ongoing, the act of her on against the work aid workers. a detox and human to 3 and organizations on the grounds is not the 1st time we're seeing this deliberate direct attacks on, on a trucks that trying to reach the northern part and gaza city on addition to the ongoing a blockade by settlers on the northern part of the territory where the bid as of yesterday, the attack in to try to block a to jordanian a couldn't voice come into the got through despite the attack, they made it all the way. but right now that you're waiting around about a good way to traffic circle is look for us for these. the leverage attacks on a truck society is really monetary either by the, by artillery selling by time kills or direct machine heavy machine uh fire at
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a diesel truck to a group of a truck or trying to get to the northern parts and air that links to northern part with the central area and the southern part of this trip where it's heavy fire. 2 often and a one to driver, one truck driver reported killed and several other injury. it was not until 2 hours later were ambulance and civil defense goods. haven't it's knew about the incident . a rush to the area to save those who worried critically injured as the entire area. the kuwaiti, a traffic circles drawn as a combat zone, as a dangerous area bite is really monetary. and as soon as the person approaches area, there will be a shot at a right away. so do where these injured, where an addition to the driver was shot and killed were old, transferred to a heavy baptist hospital. that's the central part of garza city of the location at garza square. where do a transfer and the driver was
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a for non dad and several other injuries at the hospital right now. yeah, honey just briefing, can you bring this up today with what's happening in the wider strip as well, but in terms of the attacks may or strikes and so on as well as the barely hours of this morning and late hours of this afternoon, more attacks the place of the central area that were seems to be concentrated more as than stuff last night than the early hours of, of did a more, a mosque was targeted word that then the mentor rates and the dom of this month was destroyed. the central part of the site on refuge account and more of the public facilities for the western part of the central area were targeting. we could see literally as the drug by that area is cubic heavy, dark clouds of a smoke. and from there you as a result of the attack, there are also reports of more of hillary shilling that's almost non stop for the
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past few weeks. and it's part of what this really military is been ducting in the eastern area. it based stablish in this buffer zone that involves the clear and soft farm land, as well as the more of the remaining residential building in the area of this buffer zone is already a heating up 16 percent of the total area of the gaza strip. just further is shrinking in a really small, concentrated light for the area. uh no, no. the guy is a script. how do i go to southern guys or how do you think you? well, there's really voices of rated 19 palestinian towns and villages across the occupied westbank damaged homes and vehicles in the zone. refugee camp north of ramallah, one palestinian was shots and injured during confrontations. okay. up in the north and have it on the side for also targeted at least 15 people were detained under the separate instead of the senior member of the talk on the gates, it's a policy and function. there's been shocking,
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killed the groups as palestinian authority security forces talk is, is um at all for fighting to pace for hours off to the getting the p. a set of responded the gunfire while on a routine patrols are also in the occupied westbank. a group of around 20 armed is really such as have strong the out of on the left side community north west of jessica early on thursday morning is the latest in the cities of attacks and palestinian veterans, which they say is aimed at intimidating them. and preventing houses from grazing their she still ahead on notices here, brazil is government is approaching federal health to deal with severe flooding. that's true, but least 10 people the pod came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered states pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland, best produces the best spaces and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the weld,
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the the portion, i'll just need a reminder of our top. so these are this why are police of toyota peaceful process of the university of california in los angeles? it was one of the largest police rates and nationwide demonstrations and some odd dollars. and johnson broke out for these 5 stun grenades and made several of us supplied trucks to venture jobs up from the at us crossing in the north of the strip. the 1st time since october, many bout assyrians, they're facing starvation, is when is accused of blocking a single region from us. you commission president joseph on the land has unveiled
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a $1000000000.00 financial aid package to 11 a in a bid to cover the arrival of refer you refugees to europe a block. they don't make the announcement off adults and separate and lebanese officials and they route 11 on is among the nation, is hosting the most number of refugees per capita. some 1500000 settings are living in the country. at least a 188 people have been killed in funds in land slides. also in a month of heavy rains in kenya, the government says another 90 i reported missing raising fears that the death toll could rise homes, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions. really 200000 people to be forced to leave their homes and more rain is expected this week. kaufman saw it has more on the cleaning operations. and my, my home in kenya a this is just a small section of the area that was affected by the floods of the house government
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workers here volunteers. the red cross is here and they have been using a v machines like excavators because we are talking about what have that came with so much force you to put the cheese in bold is and over there we have the excavator that is doing the job and then after that, we have a people with shovels to try to dig through the mad, to make sure to try and see if there are bodies under there. so the situation is still going on and the recovery efforts are going to take awhile. so they've been speaking to some of the display c 4, who say that they're very disappointed by the government. they say that this is not a natural disaster. it was caused by blocks a drainage and they say that someone has to be held accountable right now,
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the accounting, the losses of some of their relatives have died and they are just trying to make sense of what happened and they want the government to give them on sides cost me so you are the 0 my, my hill. can you are these 10 people have been killed and dozens are still missing off the flooding in southern brazil. presidents lose and i feel a little of the sofa has prized federal help in response to an appeal from the state governor. he blames with disaster on climate change. i need you to visit the worst hit area, cadillac. as for the ready for battle against the forces of nature, the army been deployed in southern brazil to help respond to flooding so devastating the government has warranty could become a historic disaster looms. of course,
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extensive damage in rio grande, just so states with torrential rain, triggering flash floods and land slides, storing roads and washing away bridges. one was quote on camera, while the mail was sent to prison, was filming a public advisory resilience, sorry to say at least 3000 people been forth from their homes in more than 75 towns and cities. many more have moved to shelters. if you have, i wanted to say in my house, i didn't want to leave, but with this, whether i can risk sustain the flooding has been so severe in some areas helicopter, searching for those stranded. i've had to winds people to safety after being unable to land. oh no more heavy rain predicted to see results president seeing here to made a rally,
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has promised the government's full support in response to the state governors appeal for federal health. the state of emergency has been declared and to refuse the flooding could become the biggest climate disaster in the states history, car leg out to see or at least 36 people have died. after a high, we collapsed in southern china that happened to the city of my shoes in going down from ins. heavy rain and flooding costs a section of the road to caving more than 20 vehicles. plunged on a ravine in the mountainous area. the george's parliament has voted in favor of a controversial bill, proposing stricter checks on non governmental organizations outside the parliament building and the capital police use tear gas rubber, bullets, and water cannon against the 10s of thousands of protest as you're yourself on a reports from the basic opposition process in the georgia and capital. i'm north winding down that becoming move on and tens of thousands and few rated by
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government proposal to introduce a low on for an interference between to break into parliament and to rest barricades. while police responded with pepper spray and volta canon's, i'm not afraid of water, i'm not afraid of gas. i'm not afraid of the people, because of these people were sending. here we are pretty them fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom of american georgian prime minister, iraq la copa hades, a cold on police officers to show the patients at the writings that patients what was on the home display, parliament approved the loan for an influence in the 2nd reading, the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying to convince people that do will strengthen the country is independence. to protest to say, you know, is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing
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a clunk down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rides, georgia society even further. you there. so 5, all of our own to 0, georgia, indonesian authorities have recorded and increase inc. fucker, dollar tax and the east news. the thing got out of province, environmental is say, the destruction of mangrove forest has led to more conflict between humans and rep tom's. some studies suggest indonesia sees almost 10 times more salt water crockett, on attacks and any other country. jessica washington reports chicata of the easiest southern most provinces, east visiting good communities, se then living in fear of a tough but not just reptile. the salt water crocodile, they can grow beyond 7 meters in length and weigh more than 1000 kilograms. give me
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a bustle of us because we were looking for fish. some leo crocodile attacked me from behind a sort of my family and pushed it. my head was all ready and it's small. so it was difficult. tundra needed almost 100 stitches in her head, and she says she can't sleep without having nightmares. more than a dozen incidents of soul for the crocodile attacks have occurred in the past year . in this area alone, hundreds of debts have been recorded in the past decade, around the country. people here depends on rivers for the livelihoods, but they're also the natural habitat for the crocodiles, which are protected species in engine asia. config. i'm the one that s to re habitats being disturbed by human activity such as fishing, the destruction of mine, and go far size to make on screwed up and land. caving for salt by it on conservation is say the root of the problem needs to be addressed. restoring damaged mangrove farmers home to food sources, such as fish,
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frogs and lizards. as well as the limiting human activity in designated areas. authorities say they are working on solutions to keep the public and the crocodiles say that follow him bow about the ones that are grad wizards. the public to keep the syria is a protected area. we can't drive away the crocodiles, but we can work together to protect them. because the syria is an ecosystem. there are all kinds of creatures here. meanwhile, residents and wells by 1st you officials have captured at least 8 crocodiles who attacked people of life stokes, put them in temporary shelters. survivors like the so suddenly i'm saying they feel lucky to be alive. and like any of the crocodile attacked on the front behind, i grabbed its job. i kept trying to fight it, and i tried to open its job with my friends, pulled no arms for me to cook without smiles. after the attack, he climbed a tree and waited. i was afraid that the crocodile would return. and weeks later he
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says he's too scared to go fishing again. jessica washington out to 0 to casa. don't order 0 is next time robotics and stay with us. and obviously the the, the had that was not in south asia where the scorching heat is still clinging on to much of india. temperatures have been well above the average as conditions dominating across the northeast in this school and to produce has found another way to beat that and making one of the classrooms a swimming pool for the students to cool down. and now the heat is still there across eastern areas, but it also dominates for the south of this. we have still got those read warnings out on friday into fact today for pots of under progress. but we are still likely
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to see some whatsoever for places like data in bangladesh. temperature is likely to come down through to monday. now the west has all the weather, however, it can be found moving across afghanistan into pockets done. we'll see that rain spread across moving areas here and eventually to the north of india through the weekend. weather is still the story across east asia with things very heavy rain once again in floods. pit pots of southern china doesn't tend storms are likely to bring some exceptionally heavy down port. and that weather will work its way for the east as we go friday to saturday, bringing some of that rain to shanghai remains largely dwight for the north of this across the korean peninsula and japan through the weekend of the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation
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and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric s u. v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo, and from the bodies of candidly is workers. all just the risk new series dying are beyond the, on each, on the move in to 100 days of posits israel launched it's war on colors and response to the attack by him. not surprises. the killed over a 1000 is right. these on october, the 2nd the number of casualties keeps rising molded, 13 full 1000 palestinians have been killed. most of them, women and children, and another $77000.00 wounded. thousands more are missing, believe to be buried under the rubble of homes, businesses, hospitals,
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and schools. the us has a child and guns that is killed or wounded every 10 minutes and 60 percent of all houses.


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