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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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always come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm so robin, you want to mail to the news on line from the headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. right place in los angeles, move in on large crowds of and people protested. and then operations, u, k, u, c, l, a palestinian solidarity income. the situation on the grounding cause that remains unchanged as well. continues as full with more strikes,
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pounding the strip. the hours of the 8 ent of dogs are from the north. the fest for the 1st time since october is where the fault is 5. another trucks delivering supplies involves the city killing one driver. and a search for floods the victims in can you at least 188 people have been killed on the death told is expected to rise and we spoke these people saying hey, forgotten how to lose that song. sing a place in the wrong foot. lead final shelby alone, size bottle of keys inside sight. this policy 6 same and beat some records into a semi final tony blaze rode the is just going 1500 hours g n t. welcome to the news of, that's 8 o'clock in the morning in los angeles. why right, please. so being clearing a peaceful protest at the university of california that it was one of the largest police raids on the street in protest since nationwide demonstrations in solidarity
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with palestinians. a garza bro couch. more than 100 protest as well rested. now we have a team of correspondents covering the protests across the us, kristen sylvania, standing by for us in new york. she hubbard, tennessee is in the us capital of bill lavelle is that you see a la los angeles. the 1st this report from it to some concert, the columns of police in full riot gear advance information. while students try to hold the line. using plywood to 45, the camp hard hats and umbrellas to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against a police crackdown for our american universities. like you see ya have a strong tradition of campus citizens and the heavy handed police response is unprecedented. i was part of that, move it myself. and while students who are arrest did, if we, for example,
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set in an administration building or try to block traffic, usually the encampments were allowed to stay. what we're seeing or do you see a lady right now and what we're seeing and other campuses is intolerance. even for a peaceful protest that doesn't interfere with them. for a week, students at u. c. l. a. have camped here in solid dairy with palestinians. following the rallying call of at least 30 universities across the us. they want an end to the war on garza and for their school to divest from his route. 6 on wednesday law enforcement or did students and the professors, they support them to disband the peaceful protest or face arrest. we can try to communicate with the ministration as best we can. but we're getting many of the same patronized lines that students are getting, which is that, you know, militarized invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just at certain before dawn officers closed in
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on royce hall, clearing the court yard, arresting dozens after 5 hours, stand off. this is what's left of the solid there already camp. it's not the end. it's not going to be then now students in other campuses, i'm just wondering if their next if this i'm getting food, i'll just say are caused by the bill of i'll is on the satellite campus where the los angeles piece broke up those barricades and the incumbent for this process is to all intents and purposes now over at least for the baby, it's as you can see over here, we have these buses for the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are about 7 or 8 of these that are parked. they apply the side of the policies that all of those protests who are arrested or paid loaded on. and they'll be taken to an accidental site to be processed. and you can see over that and the distance behind
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this vehicle have all the remaining protests interested. they all lives up every zip size and they are waiting to be pulled by the bus. the vegas close to 5 police by the sheriff's department because california highway patrol. so they'd be taken onto the bus, which is kind of walk a little bit further around and show you exactly what else to be happening here. because we've got a police light here to stop the media, getting to close and walk around the media here who also the live shots. this screen behind us here. this is what for several days counts of protesters have been pro cost inc. uh oh, showing pictures of october 7th, hostages, and play over loud speakers. music had no use to keep the protesters awakens, keep the focus, and this is the periods. i'm sorry, this is the place where i'll choose a night. so those cows or protest is lined up and they tried to remember they were here for several hours and they were trying to attack the student and kept without
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the student incompetence was, hey yeah, i mean, this is what's left of it. so and then we had for today's barricades here. now, the ted slipping throat every life place me, this is a mess. i big it up. i'd tell you this stop, but this is, i should walk out of it. this is rather students happy living for taste. they feel they very dense and fire, but you know, it's about the size of a football field. so it's not a huge area that you can see a living here, the police and outgoing space dismantling the teds. the last few protests is what size of the cost of the little area tell you what it's this building over here. the police that some go voluntarily, some is, seems to leave at the right, a quote, but the majority of them was taken away by offices, and then they were brought around here, and they would take them to for processing. so the question is now, what does this mean for the protests? will it be the end of the obviously, for this particular protest it is, this is p one bit as receive huge amount of wells wide media retention and the
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police were very conscientious of that. so there was a real attempt to make sure they didn't use munitions, confessed speech of so one officer walking past the pockets, which he said was full of munitions that they have not had to be you had to use. but the protest as may be talked maybe on the, on this site we spoke to on a few minutes ago, seems to be prepared to be taken on a post. but he said protests off off of i feel about how to say right, a, b, c, l, a campus in westwood, los angeles, spectacle savings christmas. leave me now. here's the columbia university in new york and crystal to the very busy time where you will tell us about those protests that had been happening over the past 24 hours both through the nights and of course, during the day time. well the, despite a ras, crackdowns and suspensions the demonstrations continue and even in campus that
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college campuses continue. i'm actually at new york university and you can see here where students have set up their 2nd in cab taxi. they had another one set up in the main plaza of new york university, and the police were called in and over a 100 students and faculty members were arrested there. but they came back me to send this one up last friday and after those arrest had taken place, the students begin to question that just to go straight to the why. so i was present, but this talk about these college protest. let's listen to the test for 2 fundamental american principal. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. the 2nd is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are scars to say american people are heard. in fact,
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peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country, where our civil society, in order must prevail throughout our history. we've often face motorcycles because we are a big, diverse freethinking and freedom loving nation. the most like this are always those who rush in to score political points. but this is the moment for politics small for clarity. so let me be clear, peaceful, protested america. why on protest is not protected. peaceful protest is against the law and violence occurs, destroyed. property is not a peaceful protest against the law. vandalism, trespassing breaking window, shutting down cap is as forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is
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a peaceful protests threatening people. intimidating people is telling fair people is not peaceful protests, it's against the law. descent is essential to democracy, but the set must never lead to disorder or 2 to 9 the rights of others. so students can finish the semester and their college education. look, it's basically a matter of fairness. it's a matter of worth, right? there's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. people have the right to get an education. right to get a degree right to walk across campus safely without fear of being attacked. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti semitism or threats of violence against jewish students. there is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's ad i semitism from a phobia or discrimination against arab americans or problems sending americans.
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it's simply wrong. there's no place for racism in america and it's all wrong. it's on american. i understand people have strong feelings, indeed, convictions and america. we respect right and protect the right for them to express that. but it doesn't mean anything goes, it needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate. and within the law. you know, make no mistake. as present, i will always defend for your speech, and i will always be just as strong standing up for the rule of law. that's my responsibility to you, the american people, my obligation to the constitution. thank you very much for the policies in the region. so do you think the national guard to intervene for mr. president before you what, what, you know, just the english and that was probably one of the show to speech is i've seen from
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j by can when he takes to the elect and refusing state questions over what the state troopers, all the national guard should be called in to close down these come sort of popped up various universities across the us. he said free speech was fundamental rights as well as the rule of law. we are not total solitary in states, but protest process uh can a dis, a purchase would not be crushed and but the sent well, so we are a civil society with free thinking, a freedom loving nation. and we've been told as well to talk about the fact that every has the right to protest, but not the cause. chaos. and let's go live to our white house correspondent, kimberly how kit to, kimberly you will, listening into all of that. just as much as the rest of us. we've been waiting for the president to say something got to touch on something that you said it shouldn't
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be politicized. i was just wondering whether he was trying to allude to comments being made by his presidential rifle. absolutely, there's no question that that's exactly what he was trying to do. the us president joe biden has been under pressure not just by his arrival in the upcoming election presidential election, former president donald trump, but also from the american public who have been wondering why he has been absent. as these nationwide protests grow across college campuses. there have been comments from the national security council, spokespersons, deputy press secretary, the press secretary, all saying pretty much what the president said just now. these protests are not within the law that they the white house supports the right to free speech, the right to protest and to organize and freedom of assembly. but what they don't support is for there to be a protests that are not lawful. another words preventing others from being able to
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go to school from being able to feel safe, etc. so let's see. you as president did just now is distance himself from the. 7 it's made by former president donald trump, who tried to characterize these protests as something of more than just a protest of us president joe biden's policies and his support of israel. what the former president has done is characterized these protests as being something of a nature of the political and radical left. take listen. i guess this is the radical that this is a move is on the left of the right. the right is not the problem. despite what like, law enforcement, like say the f b i, director said that you worried about the right the don't worry about the right the right spot. worry about the left, move it from the left, these are radical left lunatics. and they've got to be stuff now is it's got to go
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on and on and it's getting worse and worse. and you know, they take over cultures and we're not letting of take over the usa. we're not letting the radical left moron take over this country. radical life to lunatics. radical left more items. i mean, this is not finding its way into the political conversation. kimberly, but it's how it makes you might say political capital for the either of these 2 tend to this as a head towards the poll. that's right. as the problem is, both of them are making some big mistakes here and you heard donald trump vilifying the radical left there and the name calling never works. but the other problem here is the job. i didn't had an opportunity as we heard him speaking just moments ago as he addressed the protests that are taking place across college campuses. you heard one of the reporters there asking will these demonstrations in any way make
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you rethink your policies? the answer was no, not even a hesitation or a qualification. it was no and that's what could have change. these are 12, this violence, or even some of this disruption. the fact that he was not willing to budge on that is also going to be a problem for the president because he needs these young people in order to win re election. and the problem for this president is he's traveling former president donald trump, and a lot of these battle ground state. given the fact that this could be a tight election in november of that could be very much the, the thing that she needs in order to win another term in the white house. so the us president sitting in the white house right now has a problem. and he's so far he has not changed his tax. indeed, i think the political traction is just around the corner for the movements. kimberly, thanks very much for your insights because students protesting across the country is now multiple demands. but one coming cole says that demanding the universities
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many in command of a multi $1000000000.00 endowment with diamonds sell over investments. and companies that have business or investment links to israel protest is ivy league brown university. for example, the 1st as an elite school to reach an agreement with the school, the end of an empty war incumbent. after convincing the administration to hold the vote, told me that the divest from companies that do business in israel last week, the student body at the university ventured in favor of investment referendum, 90 percent of those who voted, did so in favor that may seem to best ease of refuse to act, in spite of a student bite. fatima, about 30 states have adopted laws that effectively punish companies. the boy called israel said i have to do as capital she had pretend see who's at george washington university. and of course, while this debate about di divestment continues, and certainly it continues. why you all she have. it's one positive bunch of logic
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conversation that's been happening suddenly waldman politicians came there to work out what was going on that they had a narrative on the students had to now it's what was the narrative that they left with as well. i think that's the, this is the thing is the narrative, the by name just spelled out. it was exactly the same as extreme right wing, republican politicians who were here who are here yesterday. we were watching that bite and speech completely open mouth. we just had no idea what on earth he was referring to. this seems to be a consistent policy. if the wife has to present these demonstrations of violence and add the symmetric m when the clearly many of the leaders of these movements uh, a jewish themselves on the, any violence has come from the police or counter protests as when he was describing, basically the essence of civil disobedience to the normal times they load when it comes to monitoring duplicating of the civil rights movements. not breaking the law . well that's what motivates the kid was doing when, when it was the civil rights starts, we did when they side of the white certainly time to or the move from the white barrier of the boss and so on. and you have some, oh,
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everything has changed. i would have talked to one of the testers here. i want to do things, you're ordering bite and speech just on it. well, uh, biden spoke of the balance between free speech and of law and order. i think the question we have to ask ourselves is, is that balance struck fairly and is it struck justly? we've seen really for tally spring up across campuses all over the united states and it has not been distributed evenly at you see a way we saw a pro israel protesters literally constructing weapons intended to most effectively damage and hurt protesters that were on the side of a pro palestinian we did not see nearly the degree if any of police intervening in that violence. whereas we saw police literally dragging protesters sometimes like by the hair, by the next uh, in washington university, st. louis emory university, even at columbia university itself. so the question we have to be asking ourselves
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is, what is prompting a police to be choosing how to delegate a certain uses of force and why is it being delegated so unfairly? so i think a lot about a quote from the late uh sinead o'connor, who said that it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. how to just those are the only subject of a successful person to the full lot of television. as you have to look at me, i'll go through what you're like. yeah, we can break the rules of us. but i mean, why then do you think that you have a democratic, the democratic politicians are that way. the best students of liberalism sending in police to shoot rubber bullets, rubber coated steel bullets of the students. and then you have biden, basically trashing your call simply for them to genocide what's going on. and i think the politicians understand that fundamentally they are the ones that are continuing to engineer the conditions that we are protesting against. and that for us to continue to enact these protests poses
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a threat to their positions of power and in many ways their pockets, sir election. yeah, and that's the question i think we're actually look at funny sound is actually he just made the comments up and appeal to you guys. i think i would imagine the say look, i know it looks bad. i know when he's here, but i can just do whatever that he was just saying, just them, it looks bad, but it will be much less on the truck. but then of course, as reproductive right. suppose yeah, i mean the general method doesn't months for me to come and it was look this way look like fashion, fascism. but it would be much more faxes to me on the trump. i wrote about that all . i mean, fundamentally what we're focused on here are the material conditions. now that we have some say right now we're focusing on our investment goals for the university that we attend. who is using our tuition to continue to fund in funnel weapons to israel. i think the conditions here are sort of a microcosm of the same conditions that our country is facing, of our money and the support that we deserve being used to instead of fuel in
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active genocide. uh so i will say that uh right now this community is concerned with of lifting it because the goals that we know you have no representation, or actually these folders was all even representing the opinion polls. i mean, the majority of americans, once the american assault funding, the war ones, what does he find out? i mean, not even here, the americans, the whole of being represented. so what is the also that now? and the answer is that when we can't turn to politicians, we turn to each other. we've seen massive community support here. i think in many ways the politicians that visited yesterday perhaps were so angry because we saw they saw that we can care for each other better than they have cared for their constituents and their districts and the people that they supposedly represent. we have people, we have an economic crisis, we have so many people. house was facing terrible conditions here. we've been able to feed each other and sustain each other. and that is thanks to this idea of we're going to collectively unites for something that matters to us. how do i thank you. thank you so much. yeah, i mean, i think a conclusion that i've got back in speech was,
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was something else you. so clearly speaking to has done is really who all in these really low b and the weapons manufacturer. as a top see of the students would do better. maybe if they were able to see the fund within a few minute, 100000000 dollars into the bike and kind of a maybe then that'll be up maybe that see what happens. so maybe she ever time. so you, thanks very much. you, washington dc. the base one drive that has been killed when the is really all we have inside with a truck. so the co way, 2 ounce bottles in kansas city. and let's see into section of the main road linking north and south gone. so let's get more of this money. my move to join us from rafa and southern garza so honey, what happened during this come void of trucks and how come one drive is dead? the, the yes, well this is not the 1st time we're seeing these delivered a tax on
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a truck for aid seekers or humanitarian aid workers on the ground. and just to give a little bit of context this way, the traffic circle is controlled by that is really military. there is a humid presence of it's really times there are more vehicles, there are ground forces at the vicinity of the area. and normally what we're seeing right now, it's trucks that are allowed into the northern part in gauze and city have to get a special coordination and permit of from days really military at the traffic circle itself. now what happened as soon as the group of a truck we're approaching the collated traffic circles were heavy guns fire that was often on the truck. one driver was reported. killed right away there. several other injuries were at the side of the gun. the shot on the gun fired for at least couple hours before paramedics and civil defense to work allows to get in today, or this area is, has been drawn by. it is really military as the
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a combat zone. and we've seen in the past and many of the convoy trucks were shut out direct leave and many of the aid seekers. and we're approaching the area to get a supplies of food water, other items were killed at that particular area of the community. the traffic circles the injuries and the person that was the pronounce. it were old, transferred to the baptist hospital. that's a job, a square in the center part of the city. a reminder, this is not the 1st time it happened repeatedly, just last week, one aid worker coordinating the role jim agency for development and human history. and he didn't go that was killed in his, in the house. he was the shelter again, along with other people inside the house itself. just as all of us know that the buzzing sound that i can hear about the show talking to me, honey, is not your microphone. it states on getting his way, the drones which molded to the area uh decide when of health the is where the
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minutes we target those that they might want to put in the gaza straight. but let's just move onto the truck. so it'd be unable to enter the gaza strip today, some crossings that had been closed. the you as well right after october 7th? it's really military announce total. these are on the gun on this trip. then by total these, we need to completely cut off the from the rest of the, the world. no, no line to crossing was often on and remain virtually close till this woman adult the past couple hours. and within the past few days is really monetary announced, a plan of reopening, erica crossing. that's the north and part of the gaza strip. it's one 0 father. as the 5, the land, the crossing, including run that crossing here in the southern parts of the gauze from now and working at a, allowing humanitarian and operating rather here at the crossing hasn't been an easy task. not only because of the ongoing restrictions and instruction of uh, of
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a to float at augusta, but the ongoing of locket by settlers who are running these a protest on a daily basis and preventing ada trucks it from entering the golf trip. but what seems to be happening today, and that is consistent with the american, the american demands of increasing the amount of paid into the script. the despite the, the process that the other side of the crossing group of settlers who try to prevent the talked in boxes to put in their daniel 8 to avoid coming to the golf. true. but eventually these manage to get in on the rates. do the destination, the result to filled with the flower may have some food supplies, water supplies, and other survival lies in today. we're talking about any increase in the number of these products, the 30, but that's in the face of the greater the mountains they created by this war or the intense bombing campaign. this project was created on the ground that the, virtually it all difficult is the been happening and the bombing then pours the
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hydration and as far vision, those 30 trucks are not nearly enough, not enough for a couple families in the northern part, we're talking about it close to $600000.00 people, but it's struggling on daily basis with the ongoing spam and that includes acute shortage of almost every and necessities a person needs to survive. kind of move that forward to thank you. now says it's studying the latest proposal for the sign in a positive manner. delegation is responding to egypt to discuss the deal with mediation is wrong, won't suicide, attempt to tell them goals in return for a temporary trees. but a mazda has repeatedly insisted on a permanent tend to the will as close over to stephanie jack or any occupied east jerusalem, who has moved for us the 70. where do we stand with the sort of mediations with these negotiations to what i think you can call it a holding pattern while we were expecting was an official launch or from us
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specifically as to the proposal that they're studying. it's interesting. it's not heavy. i spoke to egypt, the intelligence had you also spoke with the call to her as leaders and said pretty much the same thing, which has been translated that as you mentioned, there are, there were assessing it in a positive spirit, but also that they look forward to maturing the agreement in a way that achieves the minds of our people and stop the aggression against them. so maturing the agreement gives you an indication that perhaps amending what is on the table, whether this is buying time from what we were expecting to be an official responsive for potentially acceptance or no, we're going to have to wait and see, but it is a crucial time really a pivotal time because if the ceasefire doesn't come to fruition at this point, is that a goal? she ations whether it's, you know, news today or over the next couple of days. and it's very clear that these ratings have made it, that the roof or offensive will go ahead. so these are very different time,
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certainly from previous times. and we've been close to negotiations close to a cease fire then things that fail full of and a part of the war continued. now what's on the table is that if there isn't a ceasefire, these really have made it very clear that they will be going into the course of these, right. the whole cabinet is expected to meet during the afternoon where you are. oh, are we expecting an announcement will come? we expect an announcement? yes sir. i actually expected to meet right now. actually 630 local time. uh, we don't know if there's gonna be any official announcement. usually there are leak cities, reading media as to what exactly went on. we do know that they will be discussing the captives and what the forces on the table and what they are waiting for. there are disagreements within netanyahu's, wider pontifical tablets that he's going to be meeting with 2 hours officer. that interesting, these really me just recently just now reporting that the leaders of israel
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security establishment. so you're talking about most of the external spy agency and the shouldn't that the internal intelligence agency saying that they're against an invasion of not finding reading between the lines potentially, that could mean that they're against any particular repercussions that, that could have. it's very complicated. next, and you also under pressure from within the men that keep him in power, his political survival from within his own cabinet. it's more bank rivera, and does a lot of smoke. church have made it very clear that they are against any potential dealing could potentially lead government. so he's being pulled to the side of the americans that are pushing for a ceasefire deal. forcing him not to engage at all fox. internally, he's under pressure from his cabinet, some of the ministers that keeps him in power to do it off buttons, not get any deal which they see is can fit you agent to help us. so we are in a very crucial time, very complicated insensitive time, and we're gonna have to wait and see what we hear from her mouse. whether that's going to be tonight or over the next couple of days. and then we can assess how things are going to move forward. yeah. what about to is that situation develop
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stephanie deck of that forest they'll keep, i'd east jerusalem. still had him all the houses that are in use. i will tell you how historical type is donna pretending home the 1st time in 150 is uninstalled, a flying finance and an air base. so this picture over here with the latest major league baseball, actually the paddler that let's have a look at the weather across the south america and we things are very active weather affects the southern parts of the confidence in the form of some very intense thunder storms. a boat rental rain to southern pots of brazil wishing wide spread disruptive flooding. now the governor of that states has a situation, remains critical and is more heavy rain to come. you can see that rolling its way
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further north, across into power wide, more northern areas of southern brazil. now behind that things have cooled down with seeing numbers below the average for places like santiago in chile and windows . there was in argentina, we'll see a similar trend as that heavy rain moves its way further. north temperature is offset to come down to cities like s and she on in power. why instead the heat will be building across the north northern parts of brazil. it does remain very hot across pace is mike venezuela. now the heat is a dominating factor for central america for places like panama, as well as mexico, velocity hot and dry here over the next few days in temperatures, offsets to rise. instead, we'll see where the weather dominate out. further east was a very heavy rain to come of the next few days for his spaniel. the
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why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, in a well filled with bt concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environmental gen. unless it's around the front lines lines to reveal the true emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been talking to together not support environmental jazz and ensure that the truth prevails. 30 fast, well dressed,
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freedom day conference and 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. the book about feel what challenges there was news with me. so robin and the reminder of all told stories, please of great, a student thing, tappman certainly university of california, los angeles, investing more than 100 people who are demonstrating the solidarity with palestinians in dallas. and we just heard from the us president in the past on file, which i bought. this said that the right to protest is protected for the violence. demonstrations will not be tolerated. the last 8 images. and they put to the test to 2 fundamental american principles,
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excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squash to set. the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. so the book dc is a professor of english and comparative literature at t. c. l. a is also the old of palestine inside austin joins us now from baby kentucky with us on the program of cultural in beirut lecturing. i believe, but you have been obviously at the incompetence of the demonstrations across at u. c. l. a. i did. if you had the president's speech in full, it was all your short press conferences a short time ago. but how do you describe the incumbents?
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you c, l, a and the people with right actually that it down that or what, but to down that of the thing cabinets, there was an extraordinary space. so it was a space for learning for a cultural experimentation for art, for creative, a. d for studying for thinking together for, for mixing different kinds of people. first thing decided to be said about the cabinet is it brought together a whole range of different sorts of people. there was some arab students there of course, but there were jewish students, there were black students that, that next students, asian students, all kinds of students mix together, different genders. people all makes together, people learning from each other. people of course focused very much on the, on, on the catastrophe unfolds. you guys are right now, but also trying to think how the palestinian cause is related to other causes for social justice in the us. i mean, one of the most remarkable things about the space, so it's kind of a pc that piece of paper on it brought together that sense of diversity that's, that's so reflective of american culture. so for example, quickly moving from,
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let's say she's about dinners or sh about prayers to listening prayers into then, you know, yoga or you know, meditation and things like that. it really brought together the sense of diversity of american college culture. indeed, i mean, the openness universities is generally understood wherever you are in the world. but in this particular case, how is the issue of you might say the occupation being discussed and addressed a debate to the u. c. l. a or even in the communities outside of it before october, the 2nd because many less well informed americans at least think this is a reaction of what's happening to a post october the 7th. but the issue will keep patient is that may really be highlighted after october, the a 7, i mean, how much is attack on so that israel and the subsequent retaliation of israel is not a much heated debates as to what happened as well. i mean, what happens, what's been happening in gaza since october 7th has of course drawn everybody's attention to the catastrophe. right? but people are also able to read that to contrast with the unfolding and connected
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to the larger history and the larger, you know, they hit the larger decades of occupation out of which the present crisis emerge. and, and, you know, that's the context that you know, that, that gives it meaning and, and allows us to understand it historically. but people have also been connecting that experience, as i said earlier, to the other struggles for social justice in the united states. like the women struggle like the struggle for the, for, for gender rights and the struggle for from black people's rights and so on. so there's a kind of convergence isn't happening. it's not, it's people have been aware of the occupation. people have been working against the occupation. people have been slowly integrating, as i said, their understanding of the question of palestine with these other social issues in the us. the, the disaster and gaza. just put it on the front burner and made it much more just because of genocide. it's of course, a desperate. the urgent situation and american students are perfectly aware of the complicity of our country in and, and having to, you know, make the ending dissatisfied and making it possible. do financing for support in the us and to endless, through the endless political cover of our government. and you've just touched,
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actually on my next question because students historically in the us have demonstrated in this way and all the various issues from getting down to south africa to black lives matter that use a whole range of domestic issues as well. how similar or dissimilar in terms of tone and conversation to these particular protests and gaza compared to historically what we've seen across the us in the past. a very similar in the sense that it experience that i had does it when i was in university, you know, when i was younger, was most of the south african at the, at the airport. i camping. and if that goes that and all kinds of ways, a part of what, one reason why that's really important is that students tend to be a bell whether of what's coming right. so student protests leads eventually to social and political transformation. and one thing we're seeing right now is a general momentous generational conservation taking place. so that when you hear joe biden speak, you could tell talk, she is, 1st of all with this young constituency, but with is going to give broader democratic constituents in general as
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a momentous transformation, taking place in the us, in terms of attitudes towards is wayland towards the posting and cause and the student protests are about whether of all that there's an indicator of what is to come to the us, just as a south african protest where the protest against a south african apartheid were. you know, about 3040 years ago. but there's one other big difference, which is that, that's the anti parts i put the test in the case of south africa, the anti party protest in the us, we're not repressed with nearly to, for all city in the violence that these protests are being repressed by and that's, we have to bear that in mind. the university of california basically unleashed the full force of the state full power of the state against its own students and faculty. because there were faculty in that camp to when it was what it was attacked by the police last night. so this, you know, it's, it's, it's starting to see a university throw, it's on students and faculty out of the bus and that way. and of course, it's not just you see a way of the universities, columbia, and emory, and other pieces of the doing the same, the same thing with that speak. so again,
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it's a sense of, of coming transformation the university. but it's places are a little bit like a microcosm of the political or the, the, the, the button administration itself. there's a sense that the world is changing and they're not yet. they're not, they're sort of out of sync with, with where we're gone. so they're kind of speaking to a different reality tied to reassert an old order when the genie is out of the bottle of the old order is not going to go back into play. is even though these, this right now, these caps are being suppressed as violently as they are. we're good, we're going forward. we're not going back. back to the, you know, to the 1980s where to go by themselves. seems to be living in one way that we will have slaves. i'm afraid that's not even dusky. it's been good to speak to. thanks for joining us from weber's well, the death toll from floods on land sites in kenya have risen to at least a 198. the government says another 90 people are reported missing, race will face the death coal. the toll could rise homes rights, which is on the infrastructure have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and
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central regions. 3200000 people are being forced to leave the homes for rain is expected during the week. and so it has more on the clear operations in miami who can you this is just a small section of the area that was affected by the floods of the house government workers here volunteers. the red cross is here and they have been using a v. uh, machines like excavators because they're talking about what have that came with so much for you to put the cheese in folders. and over there we have the excavator that is doing the job. and then also that we have a people with shovels to try to dig through the mad to make sure to try and see if there are bodies under there to the situation is still going
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on and their recovery efforts are going to take awhile. so they've been speaking to some of the display, so people who say that they're very disappointed by the government. they say that this is not a natural disaster. it was caused by blocks a drainage and they say that someone has to be held accountable. right now, the accounting, the losses, some of their relatives have died and they are just trying to make sense of what happened and they want the government to give them on sides cost me slowly, odds, they're off my, my heels. can you still head hey, on houses? that are corporate office and indonesia is to blame for the increase in the text. once you've beat that it's full of it's advantage versus the death to be 1st i go back hunting,
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speak somebody final with terry centureman. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global. your real estate destination in dubai. news the
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business latest these things that bind him to like global your real estate destination into by the welcome back into these most policies of, according to the increasing crocodile attacks and the eastern new sets in colorado, provence environment. let's say the destruction of banquet as far as has led to little conflict between humans and reptiles, that some studies address it into an agencies almost 10 times more assault tools across a dollar tax, but any other country. jessica washington reports not for me to account the easiest southern most provinces east visiting good communities, se then living in fear of
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a tough but not just reptile. the salt water crocodile, they can grow beyond 7 meters in length and weigh more than 1000 kilograms. can be possible if possible. good. we were looking for fish. some leo crocodile attacked me from behind. i sold my family and pushed it. my head was all ready and it's small. so it was difficult. tundra needed almost 100 stitches in her head. and she says she can't sleep without having nightmares. more than a dozen incidents of soul for the crocodile attacks have occurred in the past year . in this area alone, hundreds of debts have been recorded in the past decade, around the country. people here depends on rivers for their livelihoods, but they're also the natural habitats for the crocodiles, which are protected species in indonesia config. i'm the one that s 3 habitats being disturbed by human activities such as fishing, the destruction of monica product site to make on screwed up and land caving for
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supply it on. conservation is say the root of the problem needs to be addressed. restoring damaged mangrove farmers home to food sources, such as fish, frogs and lizards. as well as the limiting human activity in designated areas. authorities say they are working on solutions to keep the public and the crocodiles say that follow him both by the ones that are grad wizards, the public to keep the syria as a protected area. we can't drive away the crocodiles, but we can work together to protect them. because the syria is an ecosystem. there are all kinds of creatures here. meanwhile, residents and wildlife rescue officials have captured at least 8 crocodiles who attacked people of life stokes, put them in temporary shelters. survivors like the so suddenly i'm saying they feel lucky to be alive. and like any of the crocodile attacked on the front behind. i grabbed its job, i kept trying to fight it,
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and i tried to open its job with my friends, pulled my arm from the crook without smiles. obviously the attack, he climbed a tree and waited. i was afraid that the crocodile would return. in a week's liza he says he's too scared to go fishing again. jessica washington out to 0 to kasha. for this type of support. now he's on the thank you so much. so i will, the team who's seems difficult and how to lose a targeting a place in the road. lead final biologic, susan taking on rome or in the 1st like of the semi final chevy on. so i side or in bates and in 46 matches across the whole competition this season. they've already won the bonus league that the keys and also treat the german cup. final, like this are loose to rome. at this stage, they wrote the league last year. last year we were really close. i think that this economic really satisfied please one go to to go to the extra time but they didn't happen and it's it's, it's laid out in football. but many things have changed on our sides. some of them
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as well for romano. so you're expecting every demanding a semi final comment here to rome is always fantastic. got most viewed ready, steady, and i'll say all taking on the lens and the other semi the french side reached the last full thanks to a penalty sheets that went against ben feature, salanza light, the little pool in the cool says the roadside through to the culprits how do you find a weddle faced events this atlanta have never won a european trophy just now when the jump is like brushing the organization a little close, that's about finally jim inside basing price on your mind will know in the 1st like this, i mean, as david spoke triples, felt fiddling with power, essentially man had killing him by pay, but for us the adult men had home advantage for the 1st leg of this semi final. and it was time saw this struck the 1st 10 minutes before half the time when the boat fell to nicholas flew crooked duban,
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very nearly went to look who could get involved in the build up mazda a sub. it's a shot was well blocked by gm luigi. don't a roman after the break, p s g came out firing a by any shape pressure. they hit the frame is to go twice in a matter of seconds 1st and then extract the key me k me look in your spin sets up another great chance. put to copy and ruiz missed the target. don't mind remained a threat to the other end. jayden centers been transformed since being lined back to the club preventive to united. right. one of his many triples in the games. that's a full crowd. we couldn't find the finish. they didn't have the penalty shot when full credit kind. he'd been shopped in the back, but nothing was given. there was still time for one more opportunity for p a c
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to find the equalizer. but there's been the ballet fight over the bar. so it's advantage don't meant after game one is they look for that bush champions like title since 1997. well, p s d have what to do if that's when the trophy for the 1st time. the 2nd magazine power is next tuesday. they be stripes out you 0 the go. well it's on, i'm looking to keep us when chances of qualifying for next season's champions a live or bounce. that's like on chelsea. you name is primarily a 7 points. the drift of us in villa are in the fulls and final champions. the qualifications folks i'm bet building an environment here that, that hopefully glass suppliers and, and everyone involved to come in every day and, and push themselves to be the best. i can be the reality of it is there's no magic word so cool magic sort of solutions to, to any problems or challenges you have. but it will be a landmark for 100 the premier league game for chelsea's manager and richard punch it so you know,
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and he's up against his former club. but he was one of the business. he's really my, in my life and the computer in england and show you of these great, uh, you know, football in the country. and of course i seemed really close over the slice on newcastle united midfielder. sandra denali has been given a suspended seem of fund by english sites, a breaching best thing rules. it's holly and little. so i find $24000.00 and wound about his future behavior. it will return in october, but after completing a separate spin, my father was imposed by the it's highly and i say, it won't be in time for him to play the upcoming, your ice. brooks kept because as it's on the matter of time before another lift to go for wins, a major title. the remo series for tons of the single pull this week, well, tilt rack on about a possible mode you between the pga tool and the saudi arabian public investment fund, which banks live kept is the only live plant. so one of my just so far was when he
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claimed his face that the 2023 p j championship. it's going to happen over time. there's too many good players. you look at it consistently, you've got john price and dust. and um, can, i mean that's those are guys that are gonna win quite a few majors. um, as long as randomized, i think there's a good chance that people over the next as you know, 4 or 5 years uh, will have to. i mean, the mergers also between t i s and pga tour. i suggest the difference is not lift off. it's p a f and the pga tour. we have no idea. pga tour has no idea our job is to go play golf and that's it. the dallas mavericks that pushed daylight clippers to the brink of the nation in the m. b. a. pile slick a don't catch ya record a 35 points, tennessee, and 7 rebounds to meet the metrics they 123 to 90. 3 victory in this one of us now late the 1st round series, 3 games to, to the mavericks arriving to win the championship. just the 2nd son game 6 of his
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best of 7 series takes place on friday in dallas. gave 5 is over, we have to prepare for game 6. we then find a way to protect home understanding in this series. both teams have been able to win on the road and so we can't take anything for granted. okay, 6 is going to be tough. the boston celtics in advance to the eastern conference semi finals. they did it by basing the mom and he's in game 5, getting brown and derrick point age going 25 points. so places are the cleveland or orlando next boston. i mean, for that 1st championship since 2008 and that eventful night for like they'll just pitch it. yes. you know, very young a mode. so he negotiated that name miss as the $36.00 school as endings against the arizona diamond button. the thought is when the game ates and i think i might, so i continued to impress off to signing a 325000012 year deal during the obviously right
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. but as i suppose looking for an outside like 5 minutes under the treasures from god i looted during the colonial era have been returned home. all the facts from the sun taking them are on display as possible, deal with london, victoria and albert museum must have museums undergoing pressure through 10 stolen african artifacts. and most of them has the story celebrations and gone, as crowds gathered to witness the return of what's been described as a nation's crown. jewels is the 1st time they've been backbone, gone a soil since they were taken by british colonials to 150 years ago. the atlantic king underlined the significance of the moment, the items that came back for the soul of the people. the dismay this for you to see that the item that was totally new to drop in 1974. not all of them understand what we have here. still them,
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what is the sort of of what's on the 32 items were taken by the u. k. during the colonial era. some were loser during wars with us on taking them. this long term loan took decades to negotiate and marks the silver jubilee of this dante king. in the victoria and albert museum hopes this will be a foundation for stronger culture links in the future, and to wait to move on from a difficult past. we knowledge the very history surrounding the acquisition of these old checks, the history painted by the skulls of imperial conflict, uncommitted again, this european and u. s. museums are under growing pressure to return stolen african items to their place of origin bending. and nigeria, i've also been negotiating similar deals, nissan tay, treasures beyond the slaves, the public at the mine, he a pals museum for the next 3 years. bins and monahan, l just sierra. then you can read more about those one to thoughts on our website that i'll just come along with all of the,
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of the stories that we're covering here on the channel. i'll be back with more news on the other side of the break. but until let's have all of these teams here that's out there. thanks so much for your time. as your company, the . it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one in to return to class. for pin is needed, share a quick cost more than 6000000 toilets. and this is just one of dozens of public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses, despite the $7.00 magnitude strings at the, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including strict building unique perspective. why should the doctors don't get to
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have a site analysis? the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era us for calculus refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life, as he selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this on that just the charts military has to be charged for sticking power in the
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cool 3 years ago. now people will have a child to help their say, well, they, us withdrawing it schools. i'm groups beautiful, losing the front of neighboring so dining conflict. what lies ahead for the country child the elections, or not just the the so let me be clear, peaceful protest in america. while i'm protest is not protected. peaceful protest do us present. j biden's that students across america have the right to free speech, but voted against violence on campuses. that's as riot police and los angeles move in a large crowds of anti will protest as an operation to clear you see lice palestinian solid obviously encompass
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the thoughts of robin you what you all to do in life. my headquarters here in the also


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