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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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3 years ago, now people will have a child to help dare say. what are you with with drawing it screws? i'm groups beautiful, losing the front of neighboring so dining conflict. what lies ahead for the country child the elections or not just the the . so let me be clear, peaceful protest in america. a violent protest is not protected, peaceful protest is us present. j. barden said students across america have the right to free speech, but bold against violence on campuses. that's as riot police and los angeles move in a large crowds of anti will protest as an operation to clear you see lice palestinian solids obviously incumbent, the
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thoughts of how many, what you all the 0 life headquarters here in the also coming up the situation on the ground in gauze that remains unchanged as well, continues as will, with more strikes, pounding the strip hours off to 8 and to gaza from the newest. and the 1st time since october is really full. se is fine on all the trucks delivering supplies in kansas city, killing one drive. that's the welcome to the right place of a peaceful protest is at the university of california. it was one of the largest police operations. again, student protest as since the nationwide demonstrations in summers i received with goss that began after stunned of that lasted hours, please fine, it's done grenades to push back the protests to barricades. reinforcements were brought in to surround the demonstrators and the rests were made. the most
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significant points assigned to the sale a campus was in and around. royce whole west students erected tent and barriers. the university declared. it's an illegal gathering on choose day. phil of l spoke to my colleague, well, matheson ellia from u. c. l. a campus sign out its own as pricing. now rob and its signaling, it ends of this protest. we think they pretty much taken every last protest throughout. now a few minutes ago there was a line of police facing the protests out here. they were leading them out fairly peacefully as to be said, i think they protested, say i realized that they called as far as they could for this particular protest. they what not really putting up too much resistance and you know, they were a few the left fall entirely, but we had the police officer sites that are going to come out on saturday. we've got to go in and then they brought them out. so now we're going through the process with the police a walking through this and come and remember for days this is the a solid, very dead savvy. i would,
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tense packed right next to each other. now the facing goes further, this monthly. the ted's there is a re, i'd rather be there assigned to people, happy living here for a week and you can stay on the floor. some of the things that these people, if you're living often, you know, because that's the type where people are paid. having to type things together and you know, what was interesting about the 1st test is as we saw, the coming out, which they were old or the majority of them were very guests must taught us. because obviously they were worried that there was gotta be, take us involved of obviously we had the violence, the other type type is that a fire extinguish overhead, presumably going to so you can stop a fight. in fact, we just had a little flash bag which suggested maybe that may so we try to dispatch some protests as, although i'm not sure what they would pay, particularly because this area is now ok. it pops settle, fox dudley. if you head over here, going to set you just slightly outside. they come into this regulate here that we're walking towards. this is where so where, where it's side, where they come with was. this was until a few hours ago, bolted up with fences and blocks of woods and crates to stop police getting good,
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but also to stop at the council for it just got to get because remember we still have violence on tuesday night where that was pro is ready, suppose this tied up? i tried to attack those protests. we're just going to go ahead because this is where a number of assessments have been taken, that the line to apply offices and they were ring zip ties and you can hit them. i'll just, i'll just be quiet for side, you can head, i still chance i have to find. so the head with the i can, i would just be so by the police with these can be right there. so before for on this right, i'll feel product space plus the so you can say here because these huge buses, lines up. this is the county of los angeles sheriff's department. we have these
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mastic buses which we've got to be processed here, students the pilot the, let's check the system of the process especially under the process. as you can say, we're asking them we're looking at a video and so you know, at the high speed, i think to some of these purposes rob, over the last one and a lot of them, there is a lot of suspicion towards the media. and i know that, see if there's been a lot of resistance to speak to the media type directly. is this the end of the protest? the is this the end of the protocol?
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is this the end of the protest? no. would you be locked? i'm not saying i'm going to be back there will be it will be that it's not the end . it's not going to be then the genocide ends in the funding for the genocide in the billions of dollars. would you say to you see, i have to all of this is this appointment very disappointing. 3 has to be by the sheet of the skill. yep. leads to pass that will be living all you guys being stage over there. please, please tell me whether side of the shows departments wherever that, as you can say, to go, the bus is lined up and would be led away by the shrubs that i would. so we have to move this screen here, which you can see as we will past. yeah, this was a must save display that was sets up by those irish ladies supposes this has been
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playing. and you can see the speaker next to it has been playing images of october, the 7th for several days and nights, particularly, i'm told at night loudly. and as a council protest, obviously, now it is uh, it is no longer active. but uh yeah, as we can say a peace protestors that are basically waiting the lining up, waiting to be booked and they will line up on those other huge buses. there was 7. all right, suppose the sheriff's department lives up plus a whole lot more of a federal site further away. and they will be taken to be processed whether they will be charged with misdemeanors or whether they will be released. we will wait to see whether they will be box okay, because, you know, as we've seen with a lot of these price as they all closed out. but then they come back. they might not be in a conference here, but they will be back on. and the distance may be able to handle shortly. that's quite fights. there's a lot of other protesters who come up to show some sort of ours. busy yes, present,
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j barton is commented on the student protests that are being taking place across the country, saying that free speech is protected, but accusing the demonstrations of touching violent velocity the images. and they put the test to 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. as close ava tales, there was lighthouse correspond, kimberly how goods. and if the president was actually trying to calm down, it didn't seem like that from what he actually said. kimberly, of the,
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that's right. the us president saying that order must prevail. but missing from that statement which we should point out. he has been under pressure to make is the fact that he did not say that he would be changing his policy. and that's what is it the crux of these nationwide protest, something that these demonstrators have been looking for. they want to see the president and his iron clubs support of israel shift in some way to something that is more equitable in nature as that is what they did not hear from the us president . now the president didn't stop short of saying he would call the national guard to, well, the sometimes violent protests of it's taking place. but at the same time, he did not in any way move the needle with regard to his foreign policy. and that's what the student protesters were looking for,
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that what we also heard from the us president is him taking a shot without naming for our president. donald trump, essentially saying that he has use this as an opportunities for political ports. we've also heard the former president, donald trump, characterizing these protesters as something basically being made up of the radical left. take a listen to what he's had to say this. this is the radical left. this is a move is on the left and the right, the right is not the prob, despite what like, law enforcement, like say, the director said that he worries about the right. the don't worry about the right . the right spot. worried about the left is remove it from the left, these are radical left lunatics. and they've got to be stuff now is it's good to go on and on and it's getting worse and worse. and you know, they take over cultures. ok, and we're not letting us say we're not letting the radical left moron take
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over this country. so it is clear that both candidates for the november presidential election may be making some major mistakes right now. the last president named called for us president donald trump named calling back rarely works, but also the current president joe biden, who really needs the youth vote something that he captured wholeheartedly for the most part in the last presidential election. needs it again to win another term in the white house and in battle ground stays right now. he is trailing former president. donald trump is a number of key states. so this could be pivotal and the fact that he has said he is not going to change his policies with respect to israel. and his iron clad support of that could be the deciding factor. uh, so he's still going to be under pressure to potentially change his tax of that so far he is refusing to do can be how could that for us all white house correspondent,
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thank you. let's close eva to the us capital in washington dc. last you ever time say here's something about george washington university was just like a while ago when we had the president speaking, she had left us all of it. a gall greatly or yeah, it doesn't say what might be was that it was exactly what trump was just saying that a diesel violence and the symmetric extreme is um, so yeah, i think everyone here is just 12 other with the shop. do i think that's what they've come to expect, but let's talk to one of the projects. kylie is with me. yeah, bite months again, suggesting that well, i mean, what did you think of what, what do i know you've already just heard about what binds been saying well what are your, what are your rep? what are your comments about? honestly, there's a disappointment, but there is no surprise because we've been dealing with these allegations for months for years. if you've been in the palestine lament for me i remain said best . i have no hesitation whatsoever because it's some of our jewish allies work, our strongest supporters, right. and to conflate their support with anti semitism. it's honestly like it's,
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it's horrible. one of our students have been suspended here is do is um, so for the binding ministration to demonize us in this way. honestly, incredibly is the pointing it paints of targets on the backs of the muslim palestinian and anti sinus us. and we know it's not true very interested in the immediate tub. the shots are we on the sound as a counter protest on the way? yeah. organized way to say people who organize that you sell a mom who attacks being countless when buying it says this. so this obviously basically giving them a green light to attract races. so that is the lights. yes, absolutely. that's why we understand that our power is not going to be at the ballot box. it's in the streets. it's in the student movement because right now the people who are actually being attacked are people who are pro palestinian consistently and we have a president and ministration and the government that demonizes us and provides us no protection despite that. in fact, it expires that violence. so we know that we will stay here, we will protect ourselves because our government's not going to do that for us. how do you solve this? who is a great favorite on college campuses a few years ago. as
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a release of statements i look, i know it looks bad. would it be much less much less on the trump does. that's especially when it comes to civil rights when it comes to be productive healthcare . does that message land of them? but honestly, no, i don't know many out of missile more palestinian use at this point who are voting . i used to work for the democrats and i don't think i'll be voting at this point because i can't endorse someone who is overseeing the martyr in the 40000 of our people. it's just, it's honestly really disappointing because it feels like we have no representatives in our government, but that means we take to the streets and we fight for our power here. how do you thank. thank. thank you. thank you very much. so i think the other 5 sitting part of that speech was when he was describing what's permissible protests. no, it isn't. he was basically suggesting that the entire civil rights move, it was not permissible because it was breaking, knows that it's assembly and it places where people shouldn't be and it's sitting, it's launch couches councils that was reserved for white people in sitting in seats on the bus the result for white people, if you use by his full reader that he laid out that i'm both of you as
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a kid would have been a problem to the boston tea party, would have been a problem. it's quite a, it's quite a speech to digest. and i'm sure it's gonna be a lot of criticism as well as the as time progresses and it's something picked as well for you for the volume. and thank you for joining us from washington dc. a still head here on the needs of the search for flood victims and candidates at least 198 people that i'm not death told is rise the had that was not in south asia where the scorching heat is still clinging on to much of india temperatures have been well above the average of conditions dominating across the northeast. in this school in which a protest has found a normal way to beat that and making one of the classrooms a swimming pool for the students to cool down. and now the heat is still that of
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course, eastern areas, but it also dominates for the south of this. we have still got those red warnings out on friday into fact today for pots of under progress. but we are still likely to see some whatsoever for places like dhaka in bangladesh. temperature is likely to come down through to monday. now the west of the weather however, can be found moving across afghanistan into pockets down. we'll see that rain spread across moving areas here and eventually to the north of india through the weekend. what weather is still the story across the east asia with seems very heavy rain once again in flood. pit pots of southern china doesn't tend storms are likely to bring some exceptionally heavy down port. and that weather will work its way for the east. as we go friday to saturday, bringing some of that rain to shanghai. that remains largely dwight for the north of this across the korean peninsula and japan through the weekend. in the
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why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us presidential fight and write this down with his real, with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. government takes the bottom line, examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international filmmakers and well cross journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire financials, sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book of that to i'll just leave it with me. so robin and the reminder of all the top stories us present a by the side, the right to protest is protected. but the violence that demonstrations will not be tolerated, skills or condemn sentiment itself. anti semitism, just on the so be on campuses across the country. please. if a student to come been to the university of california los angeles, the rest of more than a 100, besides the people who are demonstrating and some of that receiving palestinians in cost, testing to the situation on the grounding casa, and at least one drive that has been killed when is ready, falls is open. the final ne trucks of the quite round about hunting jobs. the city about the intersection on the major road blinking north and south hunting about major pulls from rafa and southern gaza. this is not the 1st time we're seeing these delivered a tax on a trucks or a seekers or humanitarian aid workers on the ground. and just to give a little bit of context this way,
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the traffic circle is controlled by that is really a military. there is a human presence of it's really times there are more vehicles, there are ground forces at the vicinity of the area. and normally what we're seeing right now, it's trucks that are allowed into the northern part in gauze and city have to get a special coordination and permit of from days really military at the traffic circle itself. now what happened as soon as the group of a truck, we're approaching the collated traffic circles where heavy guns fired that was often on the truck. one driver was reported. killed right away there. several other injuries were at the side of the gun. the shot on the gun fired for at least couple hours before paramedics and civil defense to were allowed to get in today. or this area is, has been drawn by this really military as the a combat zone. and the we've seen in the past, and many of the convoy trucks were shot out direct leave and many of the aid seekers. and we're approaching the area to get aid supplies of food and water.
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other items were killed at that particular area. the committee, the traffic circles, the injuries and the person that was the pronounce. it were old, transferred to the baptist hospital. that's a job, a square in the center part of the city of it says it's starting. the latest proposal for a c sign in a positive by the delegation is attending to egypt to discuss the deal with mediation as well was the return of captive health and gaza in return for a temporary truce. but the mouse has repeatedly insisted on the permanent and civil that's capable of this world correspond the donkey by these teresa stephanie jacket . stephanie, would it be fair to say that we sort of in a holding pattern here? not quite sure which way this story is going to unfold in the coming days. yes, i think it's absolutely fair to say that we were expecting a response from us this evening. initially. it was supposed to come wednesday night
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and then it was going to be thursday night. you mentioned there, we heard from this amount of money off. now is ready media reporting that it could take another 2 days for how much to give an official reaction to the proposal on the table that according to the americans, israel has already green light to the words if it's not heavy to the directions and both the guitar is, of course, these are keen mediators saying that you wouldn't be sending a delegation to mature the agreement in a matter that achieves the mazda of our people. of course, how mouse has always stood by its main dom on, which is an end to the war. the cease fire do that's currently on the table, talks about various phases. the 1st phase is 40 days of a cease fire with the release of 33 captives for almost a 1000 type of thing and prisoners and the movement away from certain areas. it is where the soldiers and the goal is to strip on some kind of seems to be able to return to whatever is left of their homes in the north. people will tell you that
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if a ceasefire is achieved, that alpha is not likely to happen, but these ready prime ministers made it very clear that will happen no matter what deal or no deal. so you are saying that whoever you listen to, you've got so many opinions coming in now, you know about what should be done was a rough was going to go ahead. there's no pressure on netanyahu from a size. so i think we're going to have to wait and see what egypt comes back. what . what sorry, what have mast comes back with. and then we're going to get a better picture of the picture about how things are going to develop and date. of course, we will be expecting these very more cabinet to be meeting. we know they are meeting any, any sort of timeline, whether we might get some, some sort of comment out of that particular gathering. uh, they were due to meet about an hour ago. we haven't had any details as to whether it's ended, what's happening usually over the course of the evening. there may be leaks to these reading media about how exactly the discussions have evolved. we know that
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going to be discussing the captives. they're going to be discussing the deal on the table. they're going to be discussing a potential way for depending on what, how mouse as well. so you have the political security cabinet meeting in about an hour, according to the schedule, which is a monthly meeting and happens to full today. and what is you know, in quite a critical time if you will, and that is the wider cabinet of the government. and so of course there will, so they'll be serious discussions held about the way. ford is, we've been reporting that on y'all were under a lot of pressure from inside his cabinet, from the ministers that keep his political survival a reality that want him to go to off or not do a deal. so whether we're going to hear about what comes out of that, we're going to have to wait and see, but certainly what, nothing yahoo keeps saying is that there is not going to be an enter the war that they will go with it off off no matter watch deal or no deal with
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a force him out says that needs to be done to the war before they decide on any deal. so it gives you a sense of just how far away the 2 sides are. what does the negotiators have managed to get them to agree on something we're going to have to wait and see and do that. we'll keep in touch with you for any updates as they happen, stephanie deca it occupied east jerusalem. as though 60 fold palestinian prisoners have been released by the cause of sullivan crossing from israel to gaza. they've been arrested during is really a tax on the strip. the body of another president, named as this male code, was also released not one of the prisoners jamal se, uh, was held by these ladies for 2 months. he says that he was tortured, while in captivity. they forced us to take off our clothes and left us naked in the open when the weather was very cold. after that they dressed as in close like shrouds and beat us. we were treated like animals. they showed no respect, even to old people. severe beatings were constant,
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the b to sweat after they took us. if anyone asked the medical help, the doctor came to him and didn't stop insulting. these bad words against our own ripple women on the other side of death toll from floods and land slides and kenya has not risen to 188. the government says another 90 people are reported missing raising say it's about and death told the dry's homes rights bridges and all the info. so to have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions of the country. 9200000 people have been sold from their homes. well, rain is expected this week, malcolm lab has more from campbell county in central. can you we're standing on what remains of a road just 3 weeks ago. yeah. any place that was a good policy? yeah, was on the defense, the concrete black and white post and the metal rails, the red, 3 drain pipe, something. is there any way? well it's, it could escape. and so when the heavy rains came to this ro,
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then its environment into an on plan um, causing a massive flood up this valley. so the local residents pulled the highways agency and ask them to break, open the road using an excavator, and they built this foot bridge so that they could still cross the gap. even more rain came wide and the got destroyed the foot bridge. now if we take a look up the valley, we can see some of the pertinent issues affecting not just kenya, but many of an area is in the developing world. firstly, wrap it up and development here we can see apartments and houses, the construction of which hasn't even finished an unregulated construction of everything from informal settlements to join. commercial development is stressing what drainage is available. i also here in kenya development regulations that easily overcome is widespread corruption. and you can imagine how in the dry season, this could look like a good place to build
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a home that would be green fields here. possibly a, just a stream or maybe no water or 2. but now with that, these torrential rains that have come in recent weeks with climate scientists. a tribute to climate change, the rains here with east africa, a part of the pacific ocean where the cycle and the el nino event brings will my ocean temperatures and heavy a rain full here in climate sciences. say we're going to get more of this in feats and now the convergence of all of these trends disasters. that's why we get a situation like this and the residents tell us that 5 years ago, a contractor was meant to build a new bridge here. but they failed to deliver, and now the floods came is destroyed, all of this flooded thousands of homes that a school people wondering when they're going to be able to bring their lives back to normal. malcolm web al jazeera can become so you can. yeah. that at least 10
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people have been killed and dozens are missing up to flooding and southern brazil. present. louisa and i saluted the silver, his touch of federal help call her leg as well. the ready for battle against the forces of nature. the army has been deployed in southern brazil to help respond to flooding so devastating. the government has warranty could become a historic disaster. films, of course, extensive damage in rio grande distill state was torrential rains, triggering slash floods, and land slides, restoring roads and washing away bridges. one was quote on camera, while the mail sent to teresa was filming a public advisory resilience,
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sorry to say at least 3000 people been forth from their homes in more than 75 towns and cities. many more have moved to shelters. if you have, i wanted to stay in my house, i didn't want to leave. but with this, whether i can risk esteem. the flooding has been so severe in some areas helicopter, searching for those stranded. i've had to winds people to safety after being unable to land. oh no more heavy rain predicted to full results president, seeing here to made a rally, has promised the government's full support in response to the state governance appeal for federal health. the state of emergency has been declared and to refuse the flooding could become the biggest climate disaster in the states history. car leg out to 0 into these bills. ortiz difficult with the increasing crocodile tanks and east new set thing. dollar province environment, let's say the destruction of bankrupt follows. is that to more conflict between
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humans and rep tom's that some studies suggested indonesia sees almost 10 times will come out of tax than any other country. just to washington post move from chicago to any diseases. southern most provinces, east visiting the communities, se, then living in fear of a tough but not just reptile. the salt water crocodile, they can grow beyond 7 meters in length and weigh more than 1000 kilograms. can be possible if possible. good. we were looking for fish. some leo crocodile attacked me from behind a sort of my family and pushed it. my head was all ready and it's small. so it was difficult. tundra needed almost 100 stitches in her head and she says she can't sleep without having nightmares. more than a dozen incidents of soul for the crocodile attacks have occurred in the past year . in this area alone, hundreds of debts have been recorded in the past decade,
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around the country. people here depends on rivers for their livelihoods. but they're also the natural habitats for the crocodiles which are protected species in


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