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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the knowledge is with the vandals trespass breaking window, shutting down cavities, forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protests. us president drew a bond and defends police breaking out protests on university campuses across the country. the altima cried. this is now just a line from doha. also coming up at least 200 protest is arrested at the university
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of california in los angeles. a total of 2000 people have now been to time since the protest again was off. the agents had gone from the north for the 1st time since october. israeli forces fire on the other trucks delivering supplies, killing one driver, and to search for funds victims. in kenya, at least 118 people has been killed. and the death toll is expected to rise the we begin in the united states where us president joe biden has called campus solidarity prior to his taking place across the country. kyle's and said, order must profile. speaking from the white house east, west, that free speech is protected in america. but accused of demonstrations of turning violent as comments came just alice up to one of the largest police rides on the sol adair,
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seeing camden. since the nationwide demonstrations broke out at least $200.00 protesters were arrested. that you see, i like i pay the offices to send it on the encampment on wednesday night and into thursday morning the last day, the images. and they put to the test to 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech. and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send american people or heard. in fact, peaceful protest as an investor edition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. let's go strides to, i'll just there was one else corresponding kimberly how it gets. uh it can be can just give us a bit of background to buttons, comments,
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because how much pressure has he been on the display count about these protests and what is the reaction thing? he's been under enormous pressure and he's been uh silence for for a number of days. and so the pressure on the president has been intensified. and so finally the president took to the roosevelt room to speak out. but the reaction has been mixed and best uh, in many cases, disappointing the president not only uh, in many cases did not change his policy, but also many were looking for him to be more. 2 responsive, in terms of acting to, well, the protests. so he did neither in terms of his response uh the students looking for the president to change his policy in terms of his iron clad support for israel . something but he said he would not do. others looking for the protests across the
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nation to instead of continuing to wrap up for them to die down. but the us president saying that in fact, he is not going to call in the national guard what we should point out. and all of this though is a view as president did support the right for americans to assemble, he said, but they must be done within the law. it's a sharp contrast to his rival, former president donald trump, who is essentially ridicule. the protesters take a listen. this, this is the radical that this is a move in from the left of the right. the right is not the problem despite what like law enforcement, like say the f b i, director said that you worried about the right. the don't worry about the right. the right spot, worried about the resistance and move it from the left. these are radical lift lunatics. they've got to be stuff now it's, it's good to go on and on, and it's getting worse and worse. and, you know, they take over temperatures. okay. and we're not letting us say we're not letting
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the radical left moron take over this country. and now despite his name calling of the student protesters, what we're seeing in the polls is in fact, that says it seems but a former president, donald trump, is still leading in some cases quite significantly. in fact, according to the latest approval rating, pulls the current president's job. ivan is in the approval rating, his fall into an historic low in terms of his own approval rating. and so this is really not good news. in fact, in key battleground states, donald trump is leading across the board. and so joe biden does need the youth vote in order to win another term in the white house. and so the fact that he has not changed is israel policy is a tax that he may want to look at uh, between now and november when it comes time devoting day and day. thank so much kimberly. kimberly,
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how could i white house correspondent there the whole just air is full of how it looks back now at how the events that you see a lie on folded colored zip police in riot to advance information. most students try to hold the line using plywood to 4 to 5, the cub hardhats and the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against the police correct out for hours. but at the end, they would so much for the police to have more resources, but power out a brief to get the students of the property as swiftly as possible has told broke the last of the students would be taken away. sub high black bullets heavily . what the police gave them was lost, the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest for a week? now, students at u. c. l i have comes here. it's on it's our and see with palestinians.
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formerly the valley and cold have at least 30 universities across the us. they was that ad. so the world garza and for the school to die best from israel website, law enforcement supported students and the professors who support the to this found the peaceful protest. cool, place the rest, so we can try to communicate with administration as best we can, but we're getting many of the same patronize in lines that students are getting, which is that, you know, militarized invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation, just as certain before told office is closed it on royce whole clarity, the courtyard arresting, old who refused to leave after a 5 hour started off. this is what is left of the solidarity camp. it's not going to be the end of the genocide ends in the funding for the genocide. and now students of other campuses all left. what drink if they all next? and so as these protests has led on to the past,
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stay continued to chance to sleep policy types for that. the next destination will be to be booked by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates of these buses waiting to take them away. but is the process started by maybe on this i yes, but in general, absolutely not. these process to say they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about a much wider course. fill of out how to say right at the u. c. l. a campus in los angeles. police have also been removing student protest is from portland state university library. students had been occupying the brand for the price miller library in solidarity with palestinians and kansas since monday. please use loud speakers to repeatedly order students to leap or face charges of trespassing. the campus remains closed. can let's go to kristin. so let me know who is at rutgers university in new jersey and protest as they are also facing eminence eviction. the
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facts. yeah, that's right. just an hour from now is the deadline that was recently set by the administration here at rutgers university. you can see the 10 cabinet set up behind me. there's dozens of students in there, i would say, and a lot of supporters are gathering around now. and maybe if we pan over here, you can see there's a large group of faculty who have come out in support and they're now surrounding the camp. or actually they're going to hear an announcement on the latest from negotiations. and students apparently have been talking with the administration, but their intent is to surround the and cap been to try to protect the students who want to stay inside until their demands are met. we're going to get a little more information about what's been happening here from jeff doubt. he's a professor here and part of the solidarity team. protecting the students that perched out tell me why you came out. first of all, i mean came out mainly for the safety of our students and to protect their free speech rights. they have a right to protest their being peaceful. they shouldn't be violently expelled from
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the space. the university has said they are concerned about disruptions to finals. um have you seen disruptions? is that concern you? i haven't seen any disruptions. i mean there is music that you can hear. that is actually not coming from the protesters from a crowd house way down the crowd that was that a super loud. and this has been way quieter than you can hear the music from the street over this process. what is your concern about the precedent that this set? i mean, it's such a precedent that any kind of speech that the ministration doesn't like or donors don't like to be shut down again by awfully like holloway saying this is for the safety of the campus and the safety of the students. but he's going to send you the balance a police officer to do what they did at columbia, what they did it, you see, all right, that is not safe for anyone. so we're going to try to dissuade them from doing that . there seems to be concerned about the language used as these demonstrations and see, do you concerns that and again,
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how does this compare to other demonstrations that you've seen here? i mean, there were inside were demonstrations here 20 years ago that i was a part of and we covered the entire quad um, with those demonstrations and there were, there were people that were against it. there was a conservative group to set up a time to hang up, to hang up at the federal flag to try to provoke us. and there was a violence and it was safe and we made our points. we blocked roads. we had a strike here last year where we took over this very space, right? without any kind of incidents, right? this is about a politics that some people don't much doubt. thank you so much for speaking to out 0. and as i said, the students are meeting right now they've been negotiating with the professors will go get an update from them about what's happening. but we can see there are campus police right now around the campus. no new jersey police that i can see at this time, but that is the threat that the police are coming if the students don't leave. that
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is the latest we've heard from the administration. we did see someone try to infiltrate the camp here, yelling at the kids, calling them fascist. they asked him to be tempted to score it him out. he actually hit one of the protesters in the face, so it has escalated in a sense, but it's not the demonstrators who did the escalating in this case, it was somebody who was yelling at that. okay, well keep that very close eye on, not how things progress there in the was to come. that's kristen telling me for us at rutgers university in new jersey. the at least one drive that has been killed up is ready for us, is open file on a truck. so the quite around a balance in kansas city. this thing is a section on the major road linking north and south garza but it's getting moved from honey mach mood, who joins us from girlfriend. southern guys are into, i mean, can you just tell me a little bit more about the tax on i trucks?
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it and finally trying to get up north this long distance. it is not the 1st time and we've seen this happen in the past more than once, but right at this particular location, that's the way the traffic circle varying for you is for deliver. it is ready to deliver in the tax on either aid seekers, aid workers or the trucks to trying to reach the northern part and gauze. is it delivered much needed at 8 ends with supplies, water, and survival items, to desperate population? the we, what we know about the area, it's controlled by, there's really military. there are times there to be in the presence of the ground forces. they're also talking drones hovering the super work in the area. and what's happening today was the group of it aided trucks were on their way through the northern parts gauze city when they have these really military via open fire,
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have the fire at them killing one of the drivers once. right. that was go then several other injuries were paired at the scene and it was not until a couple hours later is where the school permit to get to get to the area and were able to transfer the injuries. and the person who was pronounced that this being a heavy baptist hospital just within the past 48 hours in another incident, right at the northern part of the strip, i would do virginia and come voice filled with the flour and water and some fluids of wise trained to make their way through the northern part of the gust of were attacked by google. the settlers will continue to protest and a lock. the entry of a to from the northern part that's a from air. it's the, the crossing one of the atlantic crossing in the northern part and surrounding the gaza strip. but despite the attacks, these trucks made their way into the dogs of the god, the northern part, and deliver much dated 8 to a really desperate population. this incidents,
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the reminders and indications that these really monitor is still doing everything in his power to prevent the delivery of a, to the people in the northern part while at the same time and continue to virtually block the rest of the land to crossing a day. i would sit around the gaza strip. me, thanks so much for that update. that is honey. mike moved from us the in reference southern garza moss. is it studying the license proposal for a cease fire and a positive manner? the delegation will return to egypt to discuss the deal with mediation as well. for more on this, we're going to go to the corresponding an occupied east, jerusalem, stephanie decker. and at this point in time, we seem to be in a bit of a holding pattern in terms of these negotiations. so yes, basically where we're at is waiting for an official response from us as to how it receives the is ready to counter proposal,
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which is currently on the table. it's had it for about 4 days. we understand that it's been clarifying a couple of points. we were expecting a response last night, then we were expecting response this evening that now we understand from his reading media that it could last another couple of days. we did have, it's about how many of the pitch go ahead of have mass to, to the agent. for an intelligence chief officer to cover his leadership, saying that they were viewing it in with positive spirits, whatever that means. and also that they wanted to discuss and maturing in the translation of the deal. you could read between the lines that potentially this is amendments, but at the moment all of this is speculation. what is on the table is initially a force you day a ceasefire and exchange for 33 captives. the release of almost a 1000 pounds of sting and prisoners. and these ready army maneuvering away from some of its locations in goal is, is to allow people to move back to whatever is left of their homes in the north is very complicated. why? because the americans want it to happen,
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the egyptians want it to happen. the language coming from benjamin netanyahu is that rougher will happen regardless of the dealer, not. he's under pressure from his right. we not to make a deal. so it's very, very complicated on a front at the moment the work happened at his meeting here. um and his role. uh well, so the political cabinet is going to meet the security cabinet this evening as well . they will be discussing the hostage deal. but, but again, at the moment it is really crucial, i think because if a deal doesn't get agreed upon in the next couple of days, or how many, how long it'll take at all fall will happen. and these ratings have made that very clear. so this is why we're at approved told them, and certainly when it comes to the goal is a more deep. thank you so much for a little fed zips. tiffany jacob for us unoccupied. east jerusalem. a techie a has. so you still imports and exports with as well, not getting a significant escalation intentions between the 2 countries. israel's foreign minister is ro can't says that took his prison. the other one is finalizing mutual
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trade agreements. and the statement cats denounced the move. so i think this is how it dictates it behaves. he said that as well with wilts, su alternatives for tried with all the countries. the senior palestinian dr from garza has died off to move in full months and this rarely custody. let's, according to to palestinian prisoner groups of non o bush was hit of orthopedics at ellis chief, a hospital in kansas city. he was a time, fine, is there any forces while working at another facility in northern garza, the joint statement, the palestinian president associations call his death and assess the nation. his body is in is ready custody. most of the heat here on the al jazeera international calls for georgia to drop its foreign influence bill as purchase, has returned to the capital for another night of demonstrations. and we looked at how in ancient awesome biking is being kept to live in the old city. of jerusalem,
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the however, it remains disappointing, the cool across the western pulse of europe, we have got to a fab and a cloud spinning in here. and some wet weather temperatures behind this loan, where the system have time just behind st to the teams rate. but ahead of us went through the 20s, sort of the way and still picking those 10, which is up to about $25.00 celsius symbol. so i get on to 20 for you. but you see that what the weather that same with the system that we're going to play out of right now, what a front back will make its way further, eastwood. so what's where the coming through head down towards the balkans running down towards bulgaria and nothing up to was remain the little thing. so what we're mentally into techie, i as well, stand towards the se. we'll see what the weather for the cool with that across central pos, if you had still some loans. i was the
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a small sort $22.00 degrees. these type of just the west, but nothing up in the right direction, but still with the cloud. them right around so they still remains somewhat suppressed. meanwhile, across northern parts of africa, a lot of dry kind of settled weather charts of the all chat with that to know them as a volunteer with nothing too much to speak of slipping into libya and the show is continuing to across the good parts of west africa slowly but surely making the way, let them know of the 4 countless refugees. english channel is more than a body of water. the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life. as he sofas li sold to provide for his family, the c won't scare us with this on that,
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just the begin watching. i'll just say a reminder about top stories, the salad. he was president to abide and said, the right to protest is protected with abundance of demonstrations will not be tolerated. he also condemned the sentiments of anti semitism. and as i'm a 5 year on campuses across the country, the police have cleared a student in cabinets at the university of california, los angeles. the rest of at least 200 people who were demonstrating in solidarity with palestinians in guns. and as ready as trunks have killed another $28.00 people in the kansas trip. as a mazda is,
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it's studying the length of the safe spot proposal in a positive manner. the purpose of sciences po university has rejected demands by protests is to review its relationships with is rarely universities, thousands of students, a staging, assess and response, and at least one student has gone on hunger strike, student supporting palestine side. the institutions made no concessions. university faculty held the town hall in paris, opt to students with students off the days of anti will protest. students blocked access to science is probably university last week demanding. it contains as well as actions. i'm address american check students. um and i, i'm concerned, i think for most i think the, the language that i'm seeing right now um, i'm here right now distributing some flyers which are basically explaining that the conflation between anti zionism and anti semitism is very harmful to jewish people
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. and anyone actually that would speak out for the, for the posting cause, and i'm here to express my concern over this conflation really because it's, it's, it's harmful. as in the you can, i demonstrate is a both the government's a licensed attempt to transfer migrants onto a floating detention center. i saw it, let me see, cuz would you to be removed from a hotel in london and taken bind boss to the be stuck home punch in the south west of england. but a large group of protests is blocks the road and slash the coaches, ties to hold the removal. the transfer was eventually canceled for brandon has more on this from london. this has not been restored to the streets around the best west and pack them hotel, but just a couple of hours ago. this was the scene of confrontations between protest as on police. the protest as attempting to stop the police from removing some migrants who was staying in the hotel and taking them to the former prison ship. the babies
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still come. there was a book date of people sitting in the, in the, in the road, linking jobs and preventing the police from getting the migrants out. there was a bus that was brought here to remove the migrants. it had one of its tires slashed . i'm was unable to move in there and that bus left empty and the migrants, well, put back into the hotel. i'm lodge, they as a result of the efforts of local campaigners from around this area. so we determined that the margins should not be removed when the best of all i've actually, that was so many people around thinking it was such a big resistance that no one ever got onto the bus. and then no one got taken. it's a baby say, which is the massive success sex of a people really sorry job. and then when the boss did eventually leave it, let them say it's also local election day here. and migration. immigration has been a major issue in that election to so the timing of this attempted removal,
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perhaps not an accident, but it's also interesting that in ma gave for example, last week has a very similar scenario happens where all thought is ones that to remove my guns my hotel van on take them also to this ship the babies stuck on another group of local campaigns prevented that from happening. so because a, it's a very difficult balance between what the government wants to achieve. i want local people are willing to let half a whole brand and i'll just, they're in south london. the u. s. has joined the issue and the you in and cooling on the georgian parliament to drop its foreign influence bill. the people in georgia had been protesting against the proposed new law every night for almost a month. the law would require organizations that give more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. demonstrate his award that it could be used to climb down on political defense and could stand in the way of the country's hopes to join the is you. really, a trip of
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a bolivar is at the george and capital with protests as half the gun gathering in front of the problem in the building for tonight's demonstration. denise is gearing up for another night of protests and people are beginning gathering here any of the parliament building, which has seemed, some very, very intense. ronnie's shaking the children comfortable. every night, for nearly 3 weeks, people have been protesting against the so called for an influence drop the floor, which the governing georgia dream policies eager to adopt under this low and chosen media outlets receiving 20 percent of that foreign funds a would have to read you says for an agency, the source you say the know this frank from the countries independent, while the opposition sees it as a clock down on human rights and freedom of speech, they call it the russian law as a similar legislation is adopted in russia to sign is criminal critics based process. normally start peacefully with an open later on sudden findings with
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police using both of canons and pepper spray to this hush for texas and push them away from the building. i mean, lot, georgia and pressure celebrated through other sweetie who opposes the little promise to be tight if it is adopted. but her role in the country is mostly ceremonial search. the tips, these are going to easily override her, be to with a simple majority. a was the us embassies. really? she said that the loan for an influence on the, on to west to red streak of the total source. i posting the country on a dangerous cause. i'm the european union has also criticized the bill saying that it will undermine georgia as poss to e u membership. what russian officials mostly do not comment on the situation here . you'd have some pop out of the ultra 0 to release the georgia or the death toll from floods and land slides and kenya has risen to at least 180 age. the government says another 90 people are reported missing. rising fears, the death toll could rise homes, roads, bridges,
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and other infrastructure have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions. now the 200000 people have been forced to leave their homes for ryan is expected this week. so catherine, so it has more on the clearing operations and my, i'm here in kenya, this is just a small section of the area that was affected by the floods. we have government workers here volunteers. the red cross is here and they have been using a v, uh machines like excavators because we are talking about what have that came with so much for you to put the cheese in bold is. and over there we have the excavator that is doing the job and then also that we have a people with shovels to try to dig through the mad to make sure to try
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and see if there are bodies under there to the situation is still going on and the recovery efforts are going to take awhile. so i've been speaking to some of the display, see for who say that they're very disappointed by the government. they say that this is not a natural disaster. it was caused by blocks a drainage and they say that someone has to be held accountable. right now, the accounting, the losses, uh some of their relatives have died and they are just trying to make sense of what happened and they want the government to give them on size cost me. so you are the 0, my my here can you in occupied east jerusalem bank is trying to keep alive an ancient bread recipe. cock is an oval bridge, synonymous with the old city. which palestinians have agent the sentries. so if they take
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a wind to meet those who make it and see how the war on gaza has affected them, it's, it's 4 am and the old city alleyways are deserted. we follow the same send of an ancient recipe. one that were told could not be mustered anywhere else, but in this holy city, just below ground, a don's like rhythm. the dough goes into the 300 year old oven built into these ancient rules, and fired by olive would groan from this conflicted land wholesale to here we have a secret to the cock. it just doesn't work outside of the old city of jerusalem. many of tried to go to the flower all the right ingredients, even the sesame seeds and sugar, but it's never the same, not in ramallah, no way. it's an age old tradition, an ever changing times. it's comfort, food is continuity. it's identity for the hundreds of years if this ritual has


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