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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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the cost on red chris the, [000:00:00;00] the fellow on top of the credit. this is the news. how in line from coming up in the next 60 minutes vandals trespass breaking window, shutting down, campuses forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. not of this is a peaceful protest you as president you a bonded defense police, breaking out protests on university campuses across the country. the us police tactics come under criticism of to tear gas and probable. it's
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a used against student protests as students continue to really in spite of the crackdown and culture universities to divest from is riley companies and georgians, protest against big government and the west ways in condemning the ruling policies . foreign agents bill, the beginning in the united states, we have president to abide and has cooled campus protests against as well as war and gaza tiles and said order must prevail, has come in time just hours after one of the largest police rides on the sort of terrace in cabinets since nationwide demonstrations pro accounts. at least $200.00 protesters for the rest of it. the university of california los angeles, the tensions on college campuses have escalated up to police, moved in to clear it,
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and cameron's leading to violence, confrontations to a white house correspondent, kimberly hillock it has more. i'm what president biden said. as student protests, some colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard, go see the images and they put through the test for 2 fundamental american principles,
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excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. president biden support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protest continue to ramp up across the country, new polls show that in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves. kimberly healthcare aus
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is 0. the white house, us as a nice and into the early hours of the style, los angeles police, dismantled as students and cameron's in support of palestine on the u. c. l. a campus. the most significant protest side at the u. c. l a campus was in and around voice whole with students, rate of tents and barriers. the university declared it and legal gathering on choose time. offices arrested more than $200.00 students. philip l reports from u. c. l, a colored zip police in riot to advance information . most students try to hold the line using plywood to 4 to 5. the cub hardhats and the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against the police correct out for hours. but at the end, they what so much for the police who have more resources, but power out a brief to get the students of the property as swiftly as possible,
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has told broke the loss of the students would be taken away sub hi black, while it's heavily what the police gave them was lost, the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest for a week? now, students that you see all i have comes here, it's on it's our and see with palestinians. formerly the valley and coal have at least 30 universities across the us. they was that ad. so the world garza and for the school to divest from israel website, law enforcement supported students. and the professors who support the to this by the peaceful protest. cool, place the rest, so we can try to communicate with the ministration as best we can. but we're getting many of the same patronize in lines that students are getting, which is that, you know, militarized. police invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just at certain before towed offices close did a voice, whole clarity, the courtyard arresting for those who refuse to leave after
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a 5 hour stop gulf. this is what is left of the solidarity count. it's not going to be then the genocide ends in the funding for the genocide. now students of other campuses all left. what drink is they all next. and so as these protests is lead on to the bus, they continue to chance for the policy type. for that, that next destination will be to be booked by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates of these posts is waiting to take them away. but is the process started by maybe on this site? yes, but in general, absolutely not. these process to say they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about a much wider course. fill of out how to say era. i think you see, i like campus in los angeles, a dentist say you dollars an attorney and legal and list, and she says, the lowest of california mean protest is, could see the legal system on this side. if they end up in court, there is a least
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a 100 or $200.00 arrest yesterday, i believe it will be unless those are dismissed. all right, they will be going through the 1st system and we are going to be during arguments from the, the children who were arrested about their free speech. right? we have very strong here in california. in particular, the courts have really recognized colleges are essential places for free speech frequently because of the nature of colleges causes a meant to be kind of like a hot bed area for free thinking and critical thinking. and so we have quite a bit of latitude, a brown, this kind of protest on college campuses, but they do have a really strong argument in the 1st thing. i mean, we will see that playing on the court not only doing with the rest, but i imagine there might be some sort of lawsuit against university as well. are the students that protest as advocates university have also set up tends to show
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solidarity with palestinians. early on this day they were given a deadline to clear the incumbents. students didn't reach to deal with the administration to secure some concessions in return for dismantling the attends the camp and had prompted ruskin to postpone the dies finals as well as other activities. but for more on this, let's go to today's about who is at rutgers university in new jersey into that is that, can you tell us little bit more about exactly what the steel involves? what, where i'm standing right now. these used to be filled with tens by students who have been carrying out any time been here for several days now. and when they, they were told that they have to leave this new conference at 4 o'clock local time, which is about 2 hours ago. but in the end, they started seeing that the police could come here and remove them by force. they opened up negotiation with the university and they managed to agree on 8 points out
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of the 10 demands that they had among those points. for example, there's scholarships for students from guys that will be able to come here to rutgers university. and amnesty for the students had been protesting here for several the for several days. creating in this university an arab cope, cultural center for many of the students that are here. they did not agree. however, on the investment that this is the biggest call that we're hearing and all the universities across the united states, it's putting an end to the way the university invest, the funds, the financing and companies that to students they are profiting from the world guys . and they did not agree on this, but we did to create a task force to continue discussing. most of the students that are here are telling us that the university does not in a way comply with what they have discussed. they would be back to your study on the, on this account, protesting there was some tension on this college where we are right now. the
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people here for chanting pro palestinian chance among other things that minute group of students carrying an american flag showed up here. there were some tension between both of them. a group of teachers and professors got in between both of them to try to separate them. however, one of the girls from the pro palestinian camp was slapped on the face. so this is just an example of the tension that exists in many universities across the united states in this university. in particular, when you talk to many of the students here, they're in a way, very aware of the bigger 5, not just the 5, but it's happening in this campus. but across the country, they're saying they'll be back here if it's unnecessary because they believe that they're standing on the right side of history. here that i said, i mean, you've seen it civil universities over the last week. what has happened to this, the students that have been arrested, have they been formally charged and do we know what with the,
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the well, the information we're getting for now is that, at least from the 2 universities that we have here in new york, which is the uh which one what is known as 20 and the other one is columbia university. apparently the columbia university students have been released. however, we're still trying to find out exactly where they have been charged or not. it's has not been easy. we do know, however, that some university is from another college remained detained. we're trying to find out more information about the latest news that we're getting is that at this point we've been talking to some legal experts hor, saying that to the columbia university is now being investigated by the ministry of education here in the united states for discrimination. against palestinian students, they're saying that the palestinian students of this past few weeks have been treated this differently. many of them, for example, have been either suspended or expelled from the university mostly because of being part of seen in them. this is something that he's being investigated right now,
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and it's just an example of what we've been seeing this past few days. just not totally protest, but also at least 300 people were detained on tuesday evening. that's when the police went into columbia university. i mean to another university to that's not far away from there. at least 300 people were detained. the information we have is that most of them have been released, but not all of them. okay, thank you so much for all of that today. so we really do appreciate it today. so by for us the address because university in new jersey is there a she have a tansy, is that george washington university. he sent us this report from the protest there in the 1st us here, george washington university, entered its 2nd week by raising it and almost hell, assuming flag of a university yard. in order to do so, they had to remove the george washington university flag and fights off some police attention. now enjoy buttons, speech. she suggested this is exactly the sort of action that should not be
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tolerated in the united states because it breaks the rules. jo button also arguing that the, the protest is here of violence, anti semitic despite the reality on the ground. right now the people who are actually being attacked are people who are pro palestinian consistently and we have a president and ministration and the government that demonizes us and provides us no protection despite that. in fact, expires that violence. so we know that we will stay here. we will protect ourselves because our government's not going to do that for us since the bug made his speech has been widely pointed out. but in essence, what the president was saying was martin luther king junior, had no place in the united states with his campaign of non violent civil disobedience. but for the protest as here, it came as no surprise. it was just pause. what they see is the double standards employed when it comes to israel, as opposed to other issues from jerry. but she advertise the elders here at washington. and from science as part of the university says it's closing his mind, paris, campus of
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a protest showing solidarity towards palestinians. the university has also rejected demands by protests just to review its relations with is fairly universities, thousands of students, a staging, assist, and response. at least one student has gone on. i hunger strike, the students blocked access to the university last week, demanding it condemns as rounds actions that i'm a jewish merican checks to this. um and i, i'm concerns, i think for most i think the, the language that i'm seeing right now um, i'm here right now distributing some flyers which are basically explaining that um, the conflation between anti zionism and anti semitism is very harmful to jewish people. and anyone actually that would speak out for the, for the post names cause and i'm here to express my concern over this conflation really because it's, it's,
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it's harmful. natasha butler has moved from the university in paris as well. the administrators of sales full university here in paris has had a meeting with some students, and this follows large prototypes last friday with some of the students stage, assisting others with purchasing outside the university in a show of solidarity with the palestinian people. but that was a protest that was cleared by police if actuated some students, say that the police were too heavy handed. now at the end of this meeting between the administrators and the students, we spoke some of the students. and what they said was that they had gone in with a said such as demo, and they all skiing the day university here in paris costs it's ties with. and he is ready to universities that are asking the university to have a more open an honest debate. they say about what is happening in golf. and they will say, once and insurance from the university's administrative, that any students taking part in these protests will not be punished and will not be expelled. where the students say at the end of the meeting, the universities response is very disappointing. that the university hasn't
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promised or met any of the mones. and now we have a situation in which they say, at least one of the students has decided to go on a hunger strike and protests until with the mon submit, they say all the students by joining and they say that they are now planning all the protests in the future, latasha butler ultra 0 part of the is ready for us as have killed at least 16 palestinians across the gallons. this trip on thursday, the drone imbecile targeted 3 preaches nearest schools in kansas city. 5 people were killed in his trunk and a house in the ovaries. refugee camp and many of the injured had been taken to l ox . the hospital. at least one drive that has been killed up to is ready for his items by on 8 trucks at the quite round about in kansas city. that's the in the section on the major road,
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linking north and south kansas honey mac. mood isn't rougher and southern guys are and sent us the sometimes this has been part of the process of preventing aid getting into the northern part. then garza city. this is not the 1st time was seen an incident similar to this one where a driver was shot and killed and other driver was different. a trucks were reported injury to, along with people who work at the side who are trying to approach this is more of like a military area controlled by these really military. there are times that are on the vehicle there rather have in the presence of the ground forces at the to wait the traffic circle that preventing people from approaching a truck or getting into getting the food supplies and trying to get in order to get back to their family then, and feed them in the pots with the an incident directly targeting aid seekers that humanitarian work as an attack on also aided trucks similar to this one. this is old as part of what's going on and from the restriction, the obstructions of the flow of a human,
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a 3 native from either the rough i crossing or from the northern part right now, it's a crossing the rear everetts is one of the roads elanda crossing that had been virtually blocked for the past 7 months. when these really military, they announced a total seas on the gods of that effectively cutting the gaza strip. uh, cutting it off and from the outside world they, it's likely a do it to happen. one more time because there's no stop to it and is likely to hinder any efforts of delivering much needed aid right now. do desperate population struggling with the threat of famine that has already caused the death of more than 30 people because of the ongoing in for the hide ration and star vision, their talks about more it is going to be allowed in 2000 and another part and more here in the southern part of the state, but that's not nearly enough in the face of the, the greater demands and the challenge of the created by the ongoing intense bonding
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campaign and ongoing war says it's studying the latest proposal for a safe spot in a positive manner, the delegation will return to egypt to discuss the deal with mediation. this is where i want the return of captive health and gaza in return for temporary truce. but a mouse has repeatedly insisted on a permanent end to the war. stephanie ticket has moved from occupied east jerusalem . a mazda is had the deal for about 4 days now, and there have been since yesterday we were expected a response yesterday then tonight. and now it seems that it could still be a couple of days away. it looks like yes, yes. and where are the leader? oh, how mass is questioning certain things in the deal clarifying and potentially may even come back with the amendments it's. it's not clear at the moment. well, we do know that there are 2 very opposing points of demons that have mass says it's early negotiate if there is a full association of facilities, meaning and then to the war. and it's not negotiating on that. and he's ready.
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prime minister says, well, there's not going to be an enter the war, and we are going to go into it off or whatever happened so publicly. these are 2 opposing sides that are impossible, really, to reconcile what is being negotiated privately. of course is what really matters. and i think for all the speculation that we're getting about, you know, whether that is going to be the idea of whether they're going to go into the alpha . we don't know until we have an official response from how mass. what we do know is that if at this point there isn't a deal that gets agreed upon by both sides. israel has made it very clear. it will go into the off the senior palestinian dog, different guns a has died off to more than 4 months and is rarely custody. that's according to to palestinian prison, a groups of the bush with head of orthopedics, at el cheapo hospital in kansas city. he was detained by his riley forces while working at another facility in northern cancer and a joint statement, the pellets and in prisoner associations,
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cool his death and assess the nation. his body isn't as rarely custody. the 60 full palestinian prisoners have been released by the crown of asylum crossing from is round to gaza. that'd be interested during is really a tax on the strip the body of another prisoner named as is miles haul. it was also released one of the prisoners jamal as a weight was held by the as ready. it was released for 2 months. he says he was tortured while in captivity. oh no. they forced us to take off our clothes and left us naked in the open when the weather was very cold. after that they dressed us in clothes like shrouds and b to us. we were treated like animals. they showed no respect, even to old people. severe beatings were constant. the beat to sweat after they took us. if anyone asked the medical help, the doctor came to him and didn't stop insulting. these bad words against our own ripple women. the united nations development program has looked at how deeply
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israel 6 months more ongoing. so just sit back, hopes for growth and said if the war continues, economic outputs could shrink by stood in 2024 compared to what was projected before the war. poverty across the occupied palestinian territories could search to of a 60 percent if the war extends to 9 months. and the crisis is expected to increase the number of people living in poverty by an additional 1860000. but in gas or oil analysis from the human agency indicates a sit back of cycles, human development by more than 20 years. russia kelly is from the palestine economic policy research institute. he says, a permanent se spot and an into the occupation. the crucial to the recovery process and gaza. as the report mentions the middle class, which is a very fragile middle class in, in both the west bank but also because it has been destroyed. so everybody in the
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basically have to assume 90 percent of the population or living within the levels of poverty. now, more problematic is not only, i mean, even an assumption of, of the best possible circumstances. very construction this i know is early involvement and generous international support and aid and supplies and suppliers even under those circumstances, you'd be surprised how organically the economy already is continuing to try to function like a nervous system that that's trying to re establish connections in the market in the, in the cleaning off of what little can be cleaned up, etc. but there's no doubt that this current situation will not just by itself recover and, and many of these models assume you know, 7 and 9 months of war. and then we begin recovery. you know, we might have 9 months of war. and then the subsistence level that we're at today will, will remain for dominant until you've invested really invested. you're talking about the destruction of capital stocks that goes back 20 years. you have to rebuild 20 years of the capital stock, but you know,
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used to produce. i do not think that any commitments of any sort towards reconstruction. these should be made by any of the down arrow or even international parties, until we have a clear commit to not only on the goal, but this, this, this discussion has been going on for 6 months about a political passport. if that's not, you know, and that cannot be a matter of informal behind the scenes, there has to be something explicit. so both as a fire, as well as a political solution, are key elements for any minimal recovery that would be power not only by the donors, but the people themselves, the people when they have a hope, when they have a rise. and you'd be surprised how, how community will read before and, and become productive again. but there are political provisions for this. we all know that, but, you know, so let's not, let's not over, let's not assume that these numbers that we've heard today 30 to 40 mill. ready in which began at 10000000000 a few months ago. and now that we still have some time to go before we know what
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this is gonna cost and who's going to pay for sticky. it has the soul inputs and exponents with his round marketing, a significant escalation in tension between the 2 countries. israel's foreign minister, as ro, cats, is took as president. the one is finalizing mutual trade agreements. kents denounced the move, accusing of the one of the dict, tauriel behavior. he said that is where i will su, alternatives contrived with other countries, missouri and state media as it say, 8 soldiers have been injured and, and as rarely as strong on the outskirts of the capital, damascus, they were supposedly headed buildings run by syrian secure. he forces his route has stepped up. it's a tax on around link targets in serious since the world council began the, the united states european union and the wind is urging the georgia in parliament
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to drop its foreign influence bill the people in georgia. i have been protesting against a proposal for almost a month to legislation would require organizations that get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to bridge. just as far as the agents. critics say it could be used to climb down on political descent and might block the countries, the chances of joining the use your leadership of all of a has more from to play c. a safe process is winding down and we saw a launch riley. since i know behind may know at the palm of building at 0 square, which is not far away from here. it's one of the most important trustful junctions over the children's campus. so, so thousands of people together that they were protesting on the blocks all the neighboring roads. police were trying to disperse them, but they failed. so people continue saying that they are against so called russian
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law. they do not want it to be adopted and they want to go to the end. they say that no going to stop for testing, even though georgia is going to celebrate the east that this coming weekend asap. east. we tend to georgia and georgians at georgia is a very religious and comedy oriented, so that going probably to so protesting over that period of time. but generally that going to to go as far as they say, the governments and also to say several detains or what several arrests were made by police right now here with me is the fuel gauge. he's the newest and he's ready to last a couple of my questions if i may, so you will be thank you so much for joining us. well, one of the arguments would be that there is no need need for it from a legal standpoint, because we already have enough laws in place that guarantees transparency for each commercial,
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9 commercial info to the land to just they have all over the agents to declare their about their income and the source of the money. where does it come from? so what, while we have this was the willing when the next a new one that resembles the russian culture part. it raises more concerns and questions, and that's one of the reasons that we are protesting is low because we have quite sure that it serves russian interest in the u. k. demonstrate as have blogs, the governments of licensed attempt to transform migraines onto a floating detention center. i just saw it, let me see, cuz would you to be removed from a hotel in london and taken to the, to the stock home? 5 in the south west of england. but a group of protests is blocks the road in slashed bus ties to stump, the removal of migrants, the transfer was eventually cancelled. but brandon has moved from london. peace has not been restored to the streets around the best western pack them hotel, but just
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a couple of hours ago. this was the scene of confrontations between protestors and police. the protest as attempting to stop the police from removing some migrants who was staying in the hotel and taking them to the former prison ship. the babies don't come. there was a, a book date of people sitting in the, in the, in the road linking arms and preventing the police from getting the migrants out. there was a bus that was brought here to remove the migrants. it had one of its fires, slashed, was unable to move in there, and that the bus left empty and the migrants, well, put back into the hotel. i'm lodge, they as a result of the efforts of local campaigners from around this area. so we determined that the margins should not be removed when the best of all right? actually that was so many papers around thinking. it was such a big resistance that no one ever got onto the bus and then no one got taken it. so it'd be the same, which is a massive success next to a people really sorry job. and then when the busted events,
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the leave it left them. it's also local election day here and migration. immigration has been a major issue in that election to so the timing of this attempted removal, perhaps not an accident, but it's also interesting that in ma gate for example, last week has a very similar scenario, happens. what all thought is ones that to remove my going from a hotel that on take them also to this ship, the babies still come. and another group of local campaigns prevented that from happening. so because a, it's a very difficult balance between what the government wants to achieve. i want local people are willing to let happen, full run and i'll just 0 south london. it was still a hit here, ronelle just air, the search for funds victims and kenya at least 188 people of data. and the death toll is expected to rise
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the color we have some re mornings on the way to come for read the south wells as we go on through the course of the weekend. we got this up a trough. hey, this black line here that's showing where the found right down pulls will gradually not seen across the state. still a little bit of wet weather down towards the southwest, some useful, rightful, just coming in across southern parts of wy, but it says savvy. we need to focus on developing system, this one, making its way across new south wales as it go through the next couple of days. one of those books may be seeing as much as a 100, maybe a 150 millimeters, a freight as a slides. this way towards the coastal fringes, some showers ahead of that. something of it onto a breeze where the enhancing those down pools and is that wet weather? especially for recess that going on into sunday. the early part of next week. little bit of whether to just coming into the no solid of these in a bit bye launch is fine and dry here with plenty of sunshine,
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sunshine to across so well the china of the korean peninsula pushing across into japan. but the rates still remains on the costs of southern areas of china. this area, right flick, 6 way further north was coming across into central parts of china ahead of that still dry and final set space of the korean peninsula. but right coming, the charts military has been a couch that's taking power nicole, 3 years ago. now people will have a child to help dare say with a us withdrawing it schools. i'm groups imposing, the french was neighboring. so that means conflict. what lies ahead for the country tried the elections, or not just the euro. cindy's with sand when he's one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black box to try his destination. foreign. one o one,
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a investigates the spot to capture in the sand. a wood king bed without 0 calling attention to any quality, pollution, and extra do visual killings and can be as low income communities. silent brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one past one day, an organizer on the wrapper. how old are these people for the begun for me, a teen buffle. then it has been put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy to you what you'll just hear. a reminder of our top story is the sound like you as president you about incentive run to protest is protected in america. but then violence of demonstrations will not be told them. writers fence,
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the students and faculty continue purchase across american campuses and solidarity with concept as well. as for freedom of speech, police have cleared a student in cabinet at the university of california los angeles. the rest of at least 200 people who for demonstrating some integrity with palestinians and cancer . and does ready for us have killed at least 16 palestinians across the gaza strip on thursday. the dry and miss alti, cuz it treat preaches, and their schooling causes 5 people were killed in a striking house and outreach for a future. each of the students protesting across the country, have multiple to bonds. but one common cause, demanding schools, stop doing business with israel. many of the universities are in command of multi $1000000000.00 endowments. the students have demanded a withdrawal,
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their investments from companies that do business with as ro, ivy league brown university became the 1st to late school to reach an agreement with the protesters. a brown ended an anti bully and cameron optic, convincing the administration to hold a vote on with a to divest from companies that do business and as round. last week, the student body advantage university voted overwhelmingly in favor of divesting. but most universities have refused to ag, despite student protests. furthermore, about that he states have adult the tools that effectively punish companies. the boy called as, while i'm talking to you is the co founder of the boy called divestment and sanctions movement. also known as b. d. is really a, he told my colleagues, so how rahman, what's behind the rise in support for palestine among american students? the 3 minutes free occupation forces shooting ballast and yes, it's been going on for decades. in fact, 76 years, a set of colonialism and
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a part time. but we've never seen a device driver side before. no history, the forces dare to commit life street just like before. the international court of justice has through that it's plus about genocide in tens of us experts, hundreds of international experts are saying it's a textbook case of genocide. death is very different and it's not just a genocide that's committed by some price state. this is a very important point. the not that states is a part or injustice, not. so those students are recognizing that their government, their institutions are compressed. so you have a scenario where students not want divestment from israel. they want to clear they want it transparent. in one particular case, it's going to happen. is it going to be hard to police and oversea? in your opinion, it's always hard to make sure that universities actually implemented what they come into. but the 1st step is to get them to come in. we, we can't, you know,
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jump from a to z, it's a gradual process. it's a longer process takes patients takes perseverance, but most importantly, takes power building cross. so it's power to make that ministrations. do no harm and the complicity industry i was trying to so i spent under like system of apartheid, which is not just about the investment now start vestment. it's also academic boycott ending projects with completing his regular university demonstrations in solidarity with pell assignment. also taking place of schools around the world, including mentioned at the university in the u. k. also della also a reports from manchester. this is a campus of a universe, the old mattress around what you can see behind me is a pro palace time pro. many all the people here protest people that are students, sylvain diversity of manchester and other universe, many of the out of school teacher sol as well as clerical and admin call. you can
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also see amongst them some parents who came here instilled with that are to, with the policy and photos and into the directly with their demonstrating some of those. now this is called the daily protest according to the organizers because they are about to stay here every day. and they have actually established an complement of more than 14 tense. and they are saying that they are here until the end of these posts listening to their demons these the months or may lead cutting, financial research cause, which is really, really situates and with the company is applying as well with arms and weapons being used against civilians. now and does. 1 according to the are going to i those, and this building the organizer. so this and compliment, have actually all fuel pipe one room. this has to make a rather uh, angry reaction from the university management saying that this thing complement is not authorized. and it's occupying the land of the university without permission. however,
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the professors are saying that they have only occupied one room in order to have some toilet facilities and some kitchen facilities or the people in competition until their demands are met. according to them, as of the last fall, we under a 0 match to send you a member of the to congregate, depend listening to faction has been shot and killed the groups is palestinian authorize. the security forces time because of the full the, the abraham has moved from total current refugee camp and the occupied with beck. the tension is high here in the forward cutting refugee camp the neighboring area. after the palestinian of fluids, the security forces up salting killed the palestinian flights or who is believed to be a member of the arms. but silly ends working here in for getting an enormous refugee camps. he's been more and as a 31 year old fights are a key member of the battalion, according to his colleagues and the palestinian authority,
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according to the spokes person of the security forces said that he tried and shots as the palestinian security forces he had in 4th, cut him late on wednesday, and that's why they saw him. but when we spoke to the family, they said that he was not armed when he left the house. and they accused the palestinian authority of targeting arms, palestinian men for offering resisting these really forces. when they confront this area, when they re, the, to cut him area and refugee comes and confront with the militarily. so it's remains of 10 situation here. what palestinians are accusing the palestinian authority of sizing with israel and trying to shut down any resistance against israel. knew that, but he just need a full cut them. they occupied westbank, palestine. the us judge has declared a mistrial, and a case brought forward by form the detainees of the abu ghraib prison in iraq. the
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form of the tiny said the civilian to interrogate his were complicit and the abuse they suffered at the hands of us soldiers. 20 years ago. after days the jury was at a deadlock. the military contract, a head argued that its employees had, had little contact with the 3 plaintiffs in the case. this hello is the executive director of the muslim, the account of public slab she has written extensively on is one of the 5 year during the war on terra and the detention of muslim prisoners. she joins us from washington, dc. thank you so much for joining us. here on the else is there a festival you were watching because closely were you surprised the jury wasn't able to deliver a verdict. um, honestly, you know, i wasn't sure where this case would go and it, you know, it was really hard to determine. it has been of course, 20 years since the framework crimes the court occurred. and um, so i knew, you know, the united states government has successfully slipped this under the rugs. so it
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was really hard to imagine, you know, what way this case and what way the trial would go because of that can just give us a little bit more background on this trial. i mean, us soldiers weren't involved, as we mentioned, but private civilian contractors. can you just explain exactly what they were accused of? sure, so they were accused of conspiring with military police to quote, stopping up the prisoners to prepare them for interrogations. and you know, we saw the result of that which were images depicting hieroglyphic torture. of course, there were individuals within the military, you know, the bottom wrong that were held accountable, but to date, including as of now, no contractor has been held accountable. specifically for 3 years you touch on this a little bit, but why does it take so long to,
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to goes to trial in the 1st place. uh, you know, several reasons. i mean, the legal process tends to be slow already, but um, throughout the process uh khaki tried to get it dismissed at least 20 times. and so it was a very painstaking process. and, you know, i really, the, um that know, commend the center for constitutional rights as well as the plaintiffs themselves for and during this long pass to justice. well, what happens now? will they be a re trial? that is apparently an option. um and you know, not being part of the, the legal sales force or a lawyer. i'm not sure where that will land um, but you know, i would speak as all of us can imagine with a process that has already been 16 years. um that can be and probably would be right um, really taxing for the plaintiffs, especially to continue their quest for justice to continue telling these horrific
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stories of what happened to them in the face of a legal system. right. that is not willing to give them the justice is just on that point, is the cost of what to of the, of the credit events. what does the side do you think about justice in america when it comes to military trials? i don't think there's justice at all. i mean, i think that the, you know, besides what happened in this trial and in addition to right, i mean, no one has been held accountable for the torture that was condoned. and really the ways in which the administration officials federal government were complicit and the torture. so you know, i don't, i don't imagine that there will and honestly ever be true accountability and justice for the survivors. and, you know, even if this case had been ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, it still means that the federal government got off the hook. and, you know,
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that's not going to change. but i think what we need to think about in terms of justice is that the plaintiffs were able to give their testimony in court. right? we're able to share their stories of the, her effect, torture and abuse. they suffered. and it's important for the world to hear those stories, because as i've written most recently about, you know, this trial and apple frame, the united states government is obviously very invested as well as khaki in, you know, course coercing. i'm nisha so that no one remembers this chapter in american history and it's not a chapter that has ended right. it's a chapter that is intentionally um, being forced and relegated to being swept under the rug because there isn't the accountability and no one wants there to be accountability, like i will have to leave a day. but we really do appreciate your insight into this. that's my hello, executive director of the muslim county publics. lab,
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thanks so much. thank you. as well. the just toll from floods and land slides and kenya has risen to at least $180.00 eyes. the governments is another 90 people of reportedly missing rising fears. the death toll could rise as roads, bridges, and other infrastructure have been damaged or washed away, and the eastern and central origins, nearly 200000 people, had been forced to leave their homes and move. ryan is expected this week. catherine story has more on the clearing operations. the my, my here in kenya. this is just a small section of the area that was affected by the floods of the house government workers here volunteers. the red cross is here and they have been using a v. uh, machines like excavators because we are talking about what have that came with so much force you to put the cheese in bold is and over there we have the excavator that is doing the job. and then after that, we have
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a people with shovels to try to dig through the mad, to make sure to try and see if there are bodies under there. so the situation is still going on and the recovery efforts are going to take awhile. so i've been speaking to some of the display, see people who say that they're very disappointed by the government. they say that this is not a natural disaster. it was caused by blocks a drainage and they say that someone has to be held accountable. right now the accounting data loss is some of the relatives have died and they are just trying to make sense of what happened and they want the government to give them on size cost me. so you are the 0, my, my hill,
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kenya. i'm working with reports from another affected area in kenya, campbell county, a jackson, and then goose says he's been trying to prevent a crisis in these community for weeks. the crisis came, the now is trying to make a footpath across these river where the road ones past the weeks of torrential rains flooded his neighborhood. on the outskirts of my robi in key, i'm the county people have to be rescued from rooftops. nearly 200 people are being killed and can use floods. so what does carry, it was told it was coming to the high speed. so it just needs of all of this to him that to a here i need to was not on was coming to my house. i have a good night, susan and my wife. i do them just get out of the house because i can see no danger . jackson's family survived, but the youngest of his property did not. the only way for the water to escape was through these 3 drains,
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which became completely overwhelmed. the rose and its environment. dams, the flies cruising, we'll set to back up this valley, flooding thousands of homes and the school, the jackson says the cold, the highways, all sorts see an awesome to bring and excavate to break open the road and release the walls to try and keep people safe and we though the community members says he built this foot bridge so that at least pedestrians could still cross even when cause could not then came more rain. and that was destroyed as well. rapid on regulated them and development is blocked, waterways and streams of drainage. some people here say they've never known rains or floods like this before. scientists expect climate change to bring more extreme weather can use eye clinic tourist destination, the mass i'm more of wildlife was of flooded when
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a river passed its banks. thousands of hotel where cars and tourists have to be rescued. can use red cross that's come to help in many places. people are asking why the government hasn't done more. as it is as easy as it was in rome. the pope offered pres this year in order to transmit, and i also wish to express to the people of canyon. my spiritual place is at this time a severe flooding has tragic a. taking the lives of many of our brothers and sisters, jackson says a company was contracted to upgrade the bridge neighbors home 5 years ago, but it disappeared with the money. so he's trying to make the possible, at least until the next rain full malcom web address. there can be county can yeah, it was still a hit here on al jazeera finding. a balance with our seasoned engineers here, a heavy to come up with solutions. public safety for an increase in the number of crocodile attacks
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the facility children had been interested in. this is increasing of curious down children gathered on suicide to take positive poetry computation. when a runaway truck rolled down the hillside, a video footage shows the dr. ellis vehicle flowed through crowds. many of the children managed to move out of the way, which only stopped after it destroyed attend. at least 10 people have been killed in dozens and missing off the flooding and southern purcell. presidents, louisa na, seo little of the sofa has pledge federal health power lake has more to
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the ready for battle against the forces of nature. the army has been deployed in southern brazil to help respond to flooding so devastating. the government has warranty could become a historic disaster. seems of cause extensive damage and we are grounded to so states with torrential rains, triggering slash floods, and land slides, storing roads and washing away bridges. one was quote on camera, while the man of center tourism was filming a public advised resilience r t say at least 3000 people being forced from their homes in more than 75 towns and cities. many more have move to shelters. if you have, i wanted to stay in my house, i didn't want to leave,
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but with this weather i can't risk sustain flooding has been so severe in some areas. had a cup to searching for those stranded have had to winds people to safety. after being unable to land, oh no more heavy rain predicted to full results president, seeing here to made a rally, has promised the government's full support in response to the state governors appeal for federal help. the state of emergency has been declared and they refuse the flooding could become the biggest climate disaster in the states. history. car leg out to 0. international authorities have recorded and increasing the crocodile attacks and the east nurse, a 10 g r, a province environmental aside. the destruction of mangrove forest says lead to more conflict between humans and rip tiles. so in the study suggests, indonesia sees almost 10 times more salt water crocodile attacks than any other
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country. jessica washington reports from to casa the easiest cells in most provinces, east visiting the communities, se, then living in fear of a tough but not just rep to the salt water crocodile. they can grow beyond 7 meters in length and weigh more than 1000 kilograms. gimme a fossil of us because we were looking for fish, some leo croaks on the tact me from behind. i sold my family and pushed it. my head was all ready and it's small. so it was difficult. tundra needed almost 100 stitches in her head and she says she can't sleep without having nightmares. more than a dozen incidents of soul for the crocodile attacks have occurred in the past year . in this area alone, hundreds of debts have been recorded in the past decade, around the country. people here depends on rivers for the livelihoods, but they're also the natural habitat for the crocodiles, which are protected species in indonesia. config about when the extra re,
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habitats being disturbed by human activities, such as fishing, the destruction of mountain co photo site to make on screwed up and land caving for supply it on. conservation is say the root of the problem needs to be addressed. restoring damaged mangrove farmers home to food sources, such as fish, frogs and lizards. as well as the limiting human activity in designated areas. authorities say they are working on solutions to keep the public and the crocodiles say that follow him bow about the ones that are grad wizards, the public to keep the syria as a protected area. we can't drive away the crocodiles, but we can work together to protect them. because the syria is an ecosystem. there are all kinds of creatures here. this. meanwhile, residents and wells by 1st you officials have captured at least 8 crocodiles who attacked people of life stokes, put them in temporary shelters. survivors like the so sally and say they feel lucky
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to be alive. and like any of the crocodile attacked on the front behind, i grabbed its job. i kept trying to fight it, and i tried to open its job with my friends, pulled my arm from the crook without smiles. after the attack, he climbed a tree and waited. i was afraid that the crocodile would return and weeks later he says he's too scared to go fishing again. jessica washington out to 0 to kasha. and this guy has a water that swelled press freedom prize to old palestinian journalists, covering as well as for on garza and international jury, said of richard, nice the coverage during motor, cold times of darkness and hopelessness. the annual prize pays tribute to journalist facing difficult and dangerous circumstances. at least 143 media workers in journalists have been killed in nearly 7 months of well, that's it. so this is how, but elizabeth front of will be here in just a moment with much more all the dies you stay with us.
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the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage, but in the, as an actions on, out to 0, the injustice, the mean case, the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day. everyone, hey, is watching the news on their mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching full the news. they weren't seeing that he was being destroyed
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in real time when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. facilities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man best produces the best pictures and those other people to ira long. and in order to be able to get that message out to the world, the sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the outer big language world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march. first, 2 may 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w w,
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w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m, the vandalism. trespass breaking window, shutting down cabins as forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. not of this is a peaceful protest to us president joe biden defense police breaking up protests on university campuses across the country. the hello on elizabeth put on and this is the algebra. ly from door ha also coming up


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