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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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wine shake him out a word for translation and international understanding. unknown. see is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the vandalism. trust bash, breaking window, shutting down campuses forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protest. us president joe biden defense clinic is breaking up process on university campuses across the country, the autumn. and this is all just the online from doha. so coming on, the us police tactics come on to purchases them off to
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offices, used to gas, and the rubber bullets again. adjusted on his way to join, miss ald kills 3 pounds to the ends, riding bicycles and got the city there among 16 killed across the district on thursday. the trojans continued to protest against the government and the west winds in condemning voting policies on agents boot the boot again in the united states where president joe biden has cooled campus protests against israel's one gaza calles and said ordered must prevail. his comment for one of the largest police raids on a solid out in cap meant since nationwide demonstrations began a few weeks ago that these 200 protest is the rest of the university of california . and i'll send you these tensions on college campuses have escalated to police is
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moved into clear and cabinets. liza is involved in confrontations. our white house correspondent can be house that has on what president friday says. a student protests on colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard. we've all seen the images and they put to the test for 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st
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is the right to free speech for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. president biden support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves kimberly healthcare al jazeera. the white house for testing students at the rutgers university campus in
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new jersey have dismantled their and catlin. dr. reaching and do it on thursday. they were given a deadline to clearly and cabins. students, the university officials agreed to support palestinian students. i was considered divesting from israel ross because university postpone and final examinations due to the protests. today's vote has moved from las vegas. it's most of the students we have spoken to say that they're disappointed with biden's comments and that, but they also say that they do not come as a surprise. they say that to the peaceful on to now have been completely a peaceful that the violence that has come and many of this campuses has come from the police when the rate at columbia university. when they rated, you'll see in a, in los angeles, among other universities and the other things they being saying is that his comments in a way, help profile of the arabs communities, muslim communities quite
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a spinning and communities in the united states. and we with a target, many of the students we have spoken to, grew up after $911.00 in this country. they say that they have been discriminated against them for throughout their lifetimes. and that's why they believe that right now, is there a time to speak up this pick up about? they've gone through up to speak top of what is happening in gaza. and all of them are convinced that they're standing on the right side of history. there's been approved of ongoing in the past few days and, and come samantha, where i am right now, that people, a groups of students stood up here and they said that they've been making lots of demands with the university. there was some tension today. they were given a deadline by they managed to agree on 8 out of 10 demands that they had among them . for example, the setting up a coach was sent to in this university, scholarships for students coming from garza to these university to be able to study for free and amnesty for the students that have been protesting this past few days . and that could have been sanction on the 9th and into the early hours of thursday,
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please dismantle the students encampment and support palestine on the university of california los angeles campus. the most significant protest site was in and around voice whole, where students are wrecked of tense and barriers. the university declared it an illegal gathering on tuesday offices arrested. more than 200 students from the valve has the latest on the campus in los angeles. the process, the site, hey on the you say a campus has now been cleans up even the top stuff that was holding all of the tests. and what was the tape rate and the possessions that the police cleared last a short time ago. in fact, what this does now is it shows you just how small the area was that these protests as well occupied your very densely populated area. but some 2 to 300 people were and that was 200 or so approach has to is that were arrested half now being booked . they have been cited on various misdemeanor charges, but many of them have said, what was the points he was cited?
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we were released i, we will continue to protest, but as i say very peaceful here. now, although it wasn't 1213 hours ago colored zip police in riot to advance information. must students try to hold the line using plywood to 4 to 5 the cab pods and the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against the police correct out for hours. but at the end, they would so much for the police who had more resources but power out a brief to get the students of the property as swiftly as possible, has told broke the last of the students would be taken away sub hi black, paula tell really what the police gave them was lost, the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest? no. for a week now students at u. c. l i have comes here. it's on,
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it's our see with palestinians. follow the valley and cold. have at least 30 universities across the us. they was that ad. so the world garza and for the school to divest from israel website, law enforcement supported students. and the professors who support the to this found the peaceful protest. cool, place the rest, the we can try to communicate with administration as best we can, but we're getting many of the same patronize in lines that people forget what you said. you know, militarized police invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just at certain before toward offices close did a voice, whole clarity. the courtyard arresting, old who refused to leave after a 5 hours start off. this is what is left of the solidarity count. it's not going to be then because of genocide ends in the funding for the genocide and now students of other campuses are left. what drink is they all next?
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and so as these protests is leveled to the bus, they continue to shop for the policy type for that that next destination will be to be booked by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates of these. posts is waiting to take them away, but is the process of over, maybe on this site. yes, but in general, absolutely not. these process, the site, they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about how much, why the close fill of out, how to say right at the u. c. l. a campus in los angeles. over in canada, university of toronto, students have joined the protest movement and solidarity was palestine. they've set up an encampment this some of that's what's happening in the us for testers, of the mon and the university divest from israel and refusing it of complicity and the destruction of gaza. we are witnessing some of the most horrendous crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though we are paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing it in companies that
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contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on live tv. and there they have ties with academic institutions that are holding the, the, the apartheid an occupation that's causing all this. the israeli forces have killed at least 16 pallets, dance across the gaza strip on thursday, a drawing missile target and 3 palestinians on bicycles middle school. and gaza city 5 others were killed in a strike on a house, an obligation refugee can and at least one drive a has been killed off to is really forces open file on a trucks at the quite round a balance in gauze, a city that is the intersection on the major vote linking north and south gaza. i mean my food sent us this update from dolphin southern gaza. this has been part of the process of preventing aid getting into the northern part. then garza city. this
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is not the 1st time we've seen an incident similar to this one where a driver was shot and killed and other driver was different. a trucks were reported injury to, along with people who work at the side who are trying to approach this is more of like a military area controlled by these really military. there are times that i'm in the vehicle there rather have the presence of the ground forces at the to wait the traffic circle. they're preventing people from approaching a truck or getting into getting the food supplies and trying to get in order to get back to their families and feed them into possibly seen incidents directly. targeting aid seekers that humanitarian work is an attack on also aided trucks similar to this one. this is old as part of what's going on and from the restriction, the obstructions of the flow of a human, a 3 and aided from either the route back roughly, or from the northern part right now is the crossing the rear everetts is one of several elanda crossing that had been virtually blocked for the past 7 months. when
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these really military, they announced a total seas on the gods the that effectively cutting the gaza strip. uh, cutting it off from the outside world that it's likely a do it just to happen. one more time because there's no stop to it and is likely to hinder any efforts of delivering much needed aid right now. do desperate population struggling with the threat of family that has already caused the death of more than 30 people because of the ongoing and for the hydration and starvation, they're talking about more, it is going to be allowed in 2000 and another part and more here in the southern part of the city, but that's not nearly enough in the face of the, the greater demands. and the challenge is it created by the ongoing intense bonding campaign and ongoing war. i'm us says that studying the latest proposal for us, the spot in a positive matter. the delegation will return to egypt to discuss the deals with
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mediators as well once of a ton of captives housing, gaza, and return for a temporary truce. but how moss has repeatedly insisted on a permanent end to the wall. stephanie deca has moved from occupied east jerusalem . mouse has had the deal for about 4 days now and there have been since yesterday we were expected a response yesterday then tonight and now it seems that it could still be a couple of days away. it looks like yes, yes. and we're the leader of how mass is questioning certain things in video clarifying and potentially may even come back with the amendments it's. it's not clear at the moment. well, we do know that there are 2 very opposing points of demons that have mass says this will only negotiate if there is a full secession of facilities, meaning an end to the war. and it's not negotiating on that. and these ready prime minister says, well, there's not going to be an enter the war, and we are going to go into it off or whatever happened so publicly. these are 2 opposing sides that are impossible, really, to reconcile what is being negotiated privately. of course is what really matters.
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and i think for all the speculation that we're getting about, you know, whether that is going to be the idea of whether they're going to go into the alpha . we don't know until we have an official response from how mass. what we do know is that if at this point there isn't a deal that gets agreed upon by both sides. israel has made it very clear. it will go into the ha, i senior palestinian doctor from garza has died off to more than 4 months then his ready custody of donal bush was head of orthopedics. at l. ship a hospital. he was detained by his rarely forces while working at another facility . and a joint statement, palestinian and prisoner associations cool. his death and assassination. his body is in his ready custody. are and 60 full palestinian prisoners have been released by the cut them of the asylum crossing from israel to gaza. they had been arrested doing is rarely a tax on this trip. the body of another prisoner is my hold. it was also released.
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one of the present is jamal is sal. we've was held by the israelis for 2 months and he says he was tortured while in captivity. they forced us to take off our clothes and left us naked in the open when the weather was very cold. after that, they dressed us in clothes like shrouds and b to us. we were treated like animals. they showed no respect, even to old people. severe beatings were constant. the beat to sweat after they took us. if anyone asked the medical help, the doctor came to him and didn't stop insulting. these bad words against our own ripple women who took care has seized o. m. p. an exploits with israel mocking a significant destination in tension between the 2 countries. israel's foreign minister, israel cat says, took a she's president at the one as violation. mutual trade agreements. cats denounced the move of choosing adelanto victoria behavior. he said that as well, will pursue alternatives to trade with other countries. are still
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a head on algebra, finding a balance of the art is in indonesia and having to come up with solutions for public safety. often increase in the number of co dollar tax. the in depth analysis of the day sidelines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in definitely is 5 minutes to the know that to stay forcibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera johnson, july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents
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of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mancha, lead, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life, including his own garza the last picture. oh no. does he have the, the challenges here with the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching all just bear with me. it is a reminder of our top story is the seller, us president joe biden has had the right to protest as protected in america. but the violence of demonstrations wanting to be tolerated, students and faculty continue to protest across american campuses. and so i'll have to ask you because that as well as for freedom of speech for police and clinton students, and kat mentioned the university of california los angeles. the rest of it needs 200 people and just very few. this is of killed at least 16 palestinians across the office. the trip on thursday, a drawing miss. alt targeted 3 people on bicycles middle school and got the city on 5 people killed in the strike on a home in uncle, a refugee camp unesco has awarded, as well as press freedom prize to o palestinian journalists, covering as well as worn gaza and international jew reset it and recognize that
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college doing what it called, times of darkness and hopelessness. the annual prize pays tribute to journalists facing difficult and dangerous circumstances. at least a $143.00 medium journalists have been killed and god bless and maybe 7 months of more. oh my god, did you hear that? and these live pictures of the award ceremony and the trinity and capital santiago, which is taking place on the sun deadlines of the world. press conference will friday may 3rd as well press freedom day. now your nest goes the you. when's educational, scientific and culture? organization, the chairman of the international julie of media professionals, mauricio why though, said she matters. he owes a huge debt to palestinian journalists, coverage, and commitment to freedom of expression. unit school says that condemns and the applause the death of doing lists and media will cause and once again,
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what you're watching there is the award ceremony taking place in the chilean capital. santiago that is uh maria vesa. she is a nobel peace prize loretta for the a, a doing this from the philippines. so we can see her attending the ceremony. and we believe that they will be at least one palestinian journalist at that ceremony to receive the prize. and we will bring you move from that as we get in the united states, the european union and the united nations. who urging the georgia impala mentioned drop as foreign influence bill people in georgia have been protesting against the proposal for nearly a month. the legislation would require organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding from a bowl to register as foreign agents projects. so it could be used to clamp down
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and political defense and my block, the countries challenges in joining the media shop. a while ago has more fun to play c. today's process, the quantity of winds in down in the georgia in tampa to be moved. the atmosphere was completely different, some pets to yesterday or the day before when police were trying to discuss the protests with was economy tear gas on purpose pray. a major riley was held today, not far away from the heroes where it's one of the most important trustful junctions in the georgia. this happens to a people blocks. this one looks old and they brings free a police twice to the surprise them, but they failed. people hit continue to charge no to the russian law. we already have enough laws in place that guarantees by thursday for each commercial, 9 commercial info its vantages. they have all the agents to declare their about their income,
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the source of the money we have doesn't start from. so while we have this was the willing when the next and new one that resembles a russian culture part, it raises more concerns. the georgia in parliament a bond below in the 2nd reason. yes, today on this side and final reason is expected on may the 17th and we're expecting more pros, it's closer to dante. in the meantime, the country is entering the east to break, which is going to last for full days, and there is a hope that things will be a little bit calmer, producer to find us all about all just the russ really st. georgia and the u. k. demonstrations have blocked the government's latest attempt to transfer migraines and asylum seekers onto a floating detention center. age people would you to be removed from a hotel in london and taken to a box or the south west of england. but a grove of protest is brought to vote and slashed and boss tires to stop the
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removal. the fine so was eventually cancelled for brandon has moved from london. this has not been restored to the streets around the best western pack them hotel, but just a couple of hours ago. this was the scene of confrontations between protesters and police. the protest as attempting to stop the police from removing some migrants who was staying in the hotel and taking them to the former prison ship. the baby still come. there was a book date of people sitting in the in the, in the road. lincoln johnson, preventing the police from getting the migrants out. there was a bus that was brought here to remove the migrants. it had one of its tires slashed . i'm was unable to move in there, and that bus left empty. and the migrants web put back into the hotel. i'm lodge, they as a result of the efforts of local campaigners from around this area. so we determined that the margins should not be removed when the best of all i've actually, that was so many people around thinking it was such
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a big resistance that no one ever go onto the bus and then no one got taken. it's a baby safe, which is a massive success section of a people really sorry job. and then when the positive ends believe it let them say it's also local election day here and migration. immigration has been a major issue in that election to so the timing of this attempted removal, perhaps not an accident, but it's also interesting that in margate, for example, last week has a very similar scenario happens. what of thought is wanting to remove migrants? my hotel that on take them also to this ship, the baby still come and another group of local campaigns prevented that from happening. so because a, it's a very difficult balance between what the government wants to achieve. i want local people are willing to let half a whole brand and i'll just their stuff on the desktop. i'm fonts and 9 slides in kenya has risen to at least 188. the government says another line 2 people are
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missing raising phase. the toll could drive many homes, roads and bridges have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions to indonesia. now, with all these of a quarter of an increase in crocodile attacks in the east new. so 10 got a province environmental to say the destruction of mangrove forest has led to more confidence between humans and reptiles. some studies suggest indonesia sees almost 10 times more salt water crocodile attacks than any other country. on today's the correspondent jessica washington reports from jakarta, indonesia southern most provinces, eastern, assisting good community. se then living in fear of a task that it will not just rep tow the salt water crocodile. they can grow beyond 7 meters in length and weigh more than 1000 kilograms. it is possibly possible, but we were looking for fish. suddenly
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a crocodile attacked me from behind. i sold my family and pushed it. my head was already in its mouth, so it was difficult. see. tundra needed almost 100 stitches in her head, and she says she can't sleep without having nightmares. more than a dozen incidents of soul for the crocodile attacks have occurred in the past year . in this area alone, hundreds of debts have been recorded in the past decade, around the country. people here depends on rivers for the livelihoods, but they're also the natural habitat for the crocodiles, which are protected species in engine asia. config about when the es. 3 habitats being disturbed by human activities such as fishing, the destruction of monaco, foresight. to make on that up on the land caving for supply it on conservation is say the root of the problem needs to be addressed. restoring damaged mangrove farmers home to food sources, such as fish,
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frogs and lizards. as well as the limiting human activity in designated areas. authorities say they are working on solutions to keep the public and the crocodiles say. that follow him by the, by the ones that are grad wizards, the public to keep the syria is a protected area. we can't drive away the crocodiles, but we can't work together to protect them because the syria is an ecosystem. there are all kinds of creatures here. meanwhile, residents and wildlife rescue officials have captured at least 8 crocodiles who attacked people of life stokes, put them in temporary shelters. survivors like the so suddenly i'm saying they feel lucky to be alive and late in the crocodile attack on the front. behind. i grabbed its job, i kept trying to fight it and i tried to open its job with my friends pulled my arm from the crook without smiles. after the attack, he climbed a tree and waited. i was afraid that the crocodile would return. and weeks later,
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he says he's too scared to go fishing again. jessica washington out to 0 to kasha. and that such a made as it was put on him for this half hour of news, but to stay with us, whether it was next been signed. strongly discuss is the standoff between american police and palestine solid down to protest as on university campuses. thank you for watching the hello. we've got some lovely, a warm spring sunshine across the korean peninsula and japan high pressure in charge here. that's keeping it settled and sunny the high. yes. is the lead on the atmosphere keeping those skies clear? they're not clear whether also extending into northern parts of china, really mechanical, southern areas of china, alaska, to bring in some of the give a change for many as we go through the next couple of days. that wet weather on
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friday, extending across a good parts of the southern china, pushing up towards central areas as we go on through saturday. some really big down pools, it will exacerbate the flooding concerns. we already have across southern positive china more bad weather on the way here it tends to push a little further east with weather coming back into the wailing 31 self. she's full sunday that cloud and rainy eventually sliding across the korean peninsula. hopefully something and they will try and provide to trying to push into southern past at that stage. so i brought us a good pod sofa. the philippines child said one or 2 showers said most especially doubtful just now. i just some showers that 2 across the entire china. yeah. so saves no rights across much of malaysia. a good part of indonesia, but we do have to give us guys that for java glass guys. more hot sunshine across a good part of india with temperature is widely into the forty's. the latest news as it breaks, frequent on said,
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fighting for access to the river. it leads to woods. this kind of has major fords, and that's where drugs are trafficked out of the country with india for ports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel if it's um, full of the water in it flowing in see the kind of a box which has already passed inside the standups between police and palestine. solidarity purchased as us college campuses are intensifying, violent confrontation as a giving rise to fee as an outside interest in all additions, all taking science. how will these protests affect the president or vice and say that for a 2nd time this is inside story,
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the color their lock into the program. i'm starting obtain


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