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tv   Al Jazeera World Gaza The Last Picture  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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or the hello elizabeth donovan. doha would be top stories on al jazeera us president joe biden has said the right to protest as protection in america. but that one and set demonstrations willing to be tolerated. students and faculty continue to protest across american campuses and solidarity with gaza, as well as the freedom of speech. police of clear to students in cap mentor, the university of california, los angeles, the rest of at least 200 people there. in canada, university of toronto, students have joined the protest movement and solidarity with palestine is set off on and cap mendez, similar to what's happening in the us, protest as a demanding the university divest from as well. and to accuse and get of complicity
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in the destruction of thought that we are witnessing some of the most horrendous crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though you're paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing it in companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on live tv. and there they have ties with academic institutions that are upholding the, the, the apartheid and occupation that's causing all this is randy forces have killed a 16 palestinians across the gaza strip on thursday. the drawing missile tiger to 3 people and bicycles from your school and gaza. city and 5 people were killed in a strike on a house and i'll put a refugee camp ticket has seized all trade with this rate and locking a significant escalation and tension between the 2 countries. israel's foreign minister as real cat says to cuz president edible on is violated trade agreements.
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cat says out of the one is behaving like a dictator. he added israel will pursue alternatives, trade with other countries. so reinstates media says 8 soldiers have been injured and that is really as try on the outskirts of the capital of damascus. it's supposedly has a building run by sylvia and security forces. israel has stepped up its attacks on a wrong link target, some serious since one gossip again. guns and haiti has an almost a series of attacks and the capital just days off to a new prime minister took office. people are feeding to safe pots of full try, prints to escape the volumes of criminal gags control most of the city patients, according on the new government to boost the police force and restore low in order to model the model. the way shooting faded intensely with heavy way upon, it is a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they have been sitting fight with things non stop. the death toll from floods and lance lives in kenya has risen to at least 188. the government says another 90 people are
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missing raising fees. the toll contrives many homes, roads, and bridges have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions in the united states, the european union, and the u. n. o, urging the georgian parliament to draw. that's fod influence bill. the people in georgia have been protesting against the proposal for media month, the legislation of apart organizations that get more than 20 percent of the funding and brought to registers. farm agents for success could be used to class down on political defense and mind blowing. the conference tonsils of joining the russian forces of reportedly focusing on most of their attacks on the strategic town of chests of yeah. and east and ukraine. after months of heavy bombardment, the town has been reduced to rubble. ukrainian officials say russia wants to seize
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it by may 9th, when it marks the soviet and victory of a nazi germany. it's capture will give russian forces control of a crucial hilltop for further attacks of the don't yet. region. unesco has wanted, it's will press freedom prize to old palestinian journalists covering israel's one, gaza, and international to us that it recognized that coverage during what a quote of times of documents and hopelessness. the annual prize pays tribute to journalists facing difficult and dangerous circumstances. the feast, 153 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza and nearly 7 months. oh my god. those are the headlines to stay with us out of the world is coming up next . thank you for watching the
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on the good. when was this the
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1st one for the
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tennis channel? what is the phone at all? yeah, i need it if that uh, can i be oh yeah, i mean up to what i'm gonna send them to the experimental hallway on to say i'm a little behind on a frequent the, the multiple, the best time presented in the can. both of them fit shortly for the hood. yeah. and if in a 100, but the, i mean, is the actual fund fee as to what the bubble contracted. and it was time view involved in was in, with the, the, to put on kind of way to model sort of a pulse. we had to kind of the got a course here to the side of the on the final try to look a lot of us today, many of the stuff we will have some water over here. so what it will have the most
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of what it would look like, you know, somebody talking to somebody else. so what i know of who you face saw or where you could add them, you saw what add them kind of a sort of 2nd kind of the kid that had the stuff either going to be on the bus men as you really don't want to jump the one that has come out of the sudden for some kind of how do you like come on? i love the just the, the one that i saw the i'm only i'm of inside of shannon. someone can give it some one of the of us see, you saw what? uh huh. so what does, we'll see in the queue, the selected for the software that implemented landman. so lots of and the, and then usually wouldn't give us and then for you there. but we should be that yeah, let me check with you as that usually i need someone just kinda sort them i would handle sofa. couldn't issue tell you said a lot
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of the level. so what was the name? yeah, i know. sorry, a friend of mine, and no campus rooms. phil, how probably on united se i was in the middle of like a cessna, and i know the one in the system can say, definitely. i mean, we've worked with a specific and before that you've had the one that had a bad jam, there's a hook up to the lawyer by a much and i mean in, in the didn't been, was this murphy, i hope the i'm in the district attorney and i had a good one. i had my goodness of us to expect to be c o with with the law. well, i'm at this and i left, right the,
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the, how about doing what about buys can be given of his dad and how come home can see little i did this, the defense the walk with the down for the month of open ended and made any letter to meant that at the score less than the who was the hub, had them for the good and they have to the next the bottom about us have to be at the point this also little bit in the eloquent issue for me on the mountain my to do what definitely special from what i've done this before and investment the site if i'm going on a or from and i live, i live with a handsome the number to the to ship. we ship them again. am in the global shot, a anonymous lot of them kind of need to get an estimate then by the end of the next lesson plans. and they then, when it ends in may then have the most of the known and as it may, then it will make legally at that point, it then ends in may then also what, what does that to any of those kaluan? one of the show up, i'm a no, no, no, i'm gonna do this even with a global shot a the
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nanny slice. so what is the, what is it? how do you let them see a different then on it? mission him now? yeah, dash one hello and then heading to the will is and out. it's a bit how the gap so that mean little i was listed on the line. i'm can you help build more time when i started getting to business also with the kids that are up to speed what the whole you this with about the cost of the tough out as well as what the gap whole. lemme yada for them and most of the i know you live with have you had the that a i need, i mean for sure, but bless us. i also had a the gloves off of the chalet that i had to count him pump. initially. the staff he left in the battle was so full about the soul, where when quick i missed the full how to one of them had come into
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the, the course of the cables. but none of the sort of you the,
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[000:00:00;00] the check the up, the me. so either the, the shifting men had g one was the middle with the in why them of the money? but we were doing that if that's what, but he and i don't know, i don't know that center what was sent away is that if i say your to this i have well, he added that it is off. well, they said that a has been so happy in well with the not for this to have the one of my part of the better of them and i will do it has at the she's
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the dental i thought a minute the somebody that assessed has that almost done, which the most of my for the month of the at the end, no assessments and nothing had been decided not to. yes, ma, so sweetly. i know the last last to the, to collect we have the much at the i don't have them as it was done when like the one on my side, this comes from bullet that sort of one of the most or 4 counts have to coordinate this. i've got about a hold of somebody, the value for this. i have a good one moment and if it was the level of the enemy,
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the lock had the film and had it. but the government might la a little bit of rest of the list and stuff last and one of you looked at the annual max records animal class,
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which means they apply the the the fact that off some of the to the how is thought about on with bus is a, can have a vista, can easy f one document have little hit. it's been most helpful. and the most i seen and usually eckleman what kelly blacken demo leo, you've got that in. and one of the step below you
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an address and the address the heavier had a heavy b. i'm what. ringback the hell a theater, hey. when you are like, gotta be in the film with such fun. must have, hey, new back put in the less than 100 bucks. i have a good the most of my studies, but the problem was, i would assume last year said lead advantage the, the business. i've been sick about of the time home and saw just the, just the so i, lemme was in the fear the total solve the problem like and headed out of 10 to the police and the whole of a sudden and the kind of a lot of work to so he only during the time of the size of how do i feel to get another yeah,
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i'm just getting us out at this house down there on the phone because the fresh way on the go now most of the set of so what am and then the women as well. yes, you can have that for assessing what the need for a couple of the the . c the on
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, if the side had the theme in a city with off model. what all of them in the thought was just get us out funding this model for liaison, national figure that out. if i'm not on the follow up beside the logistics of somebody, i wasn't, i look at the mission on a shuttle wasted enough. what to say about the sauce has to about the fact that it's the size. what kind of bizarre, just behave and how much that i've had when i left the candidate that was on my
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list of the houses, what kinda sort of the mean of somebody and those who missed on that is the only on the food. yeah. and the mobile, if he doesn't postpone this in makin 1st all of web, let us sleep another month upon mobile phones for all of them, all the sudden, lots of us lazy. i'm. yeah. yeah. so yeah, the, so you go to the bathroom of how to go and ask you a you what to have shot of fun with the job. almost all the documents in the are shut off,
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unless for who many of whom level episode honestly will have one that on the top left a lot. let me just so the, so the, the, some of them of the can for that and as they need a normal the demo, what kind of service i saw, but kind of feeling myself kind of a sudden i saw that were best on a fun move from us or you don't kind of edit this about the, the, the so the fee is still good if this is a, if that will support the them. see that this is for the shronda for example, and look on what kind of 10 was for. so the software on the, the, the engine a gun to do
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a do other than the why that and then in the design of the put the order, the infinity. what for the, what is that it's a gen ed. and if you have to either select with the engine with georgia to either that or somebody might have to kind of an official had the office of photos are by the end of the, of the sofa, lin, mccann. and so he will not be an actress of that, the just not a bit less than i was in the nations balance i'll be in specialist will have them in, in the process or are there other than that less of the the was the, was an either the, as i said, look at the same thing. okay, so in a flash job. so i mean that is enough for this. so you know,
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this our size and the . c c 4 mcafee 1011 saucy, may have been the most, i've not been in the ultimate defend, made any sort of list. this is definitely best that i didn't know to the infant. hi, beth, none of us, man. so the limited anomaly, the back to the amount of mazda being the one that i will talk about on this, elijah well mccain should have been a model for how one of the most to have a moment. it was sort of a plus the fact that i'm in the, at the service center and no but no sale at the. busy pharmacy, that's nothing i can and how going out of a saw a book of the federal law shut up. i'm on the assumption of the show of headset up
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to the south inside. what do i get to them? i can move rush of a couple of the funny again, i couldn't get to know how to ship as a shuttle. i could almost the shut the eh and the can the smoke a 5 digit them in the, in somebody have them again, right? if it was me like you on a look solve, i'll have liam's fishes and so that i'll then i didn't know when he was, i've eaten denby but i don't like the video a come in. and he may see it in the head. that's what, that's a good email. he doesn't know does need a new method of has that can load with my father. the sluggish was on my head to follow up with him. and then after this coming up, we still wouldn't enter what's left on the left to dallas off. the news i want to know is meily. while i'm at the end of the session, i have enough said how this is that
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a good center that in the soul of the law. so the . 6 the fish it all for sort of a 500 because you i'm so long that i yeah, the kind of the public kind of like and i didn't ask towards a different account. and one of them seemed to shut the printer for the slip to fall with my dad lives now. so. busy the fucking and most of the on the sides of the problem on the front of the other. so yeah, that would put them on them. uh yeah. and the lights mobile mobile followed them. can you give them a tool? just a couple of them as i'm in the shuttle. yeah. and then you get the if in the i can
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how. com yeah, the them on hold on a have to come see us as well. familiar to me. i believe instead of going to select on the server or just shoot me a flush on the, the system with, i can still get the sofie in with you with this, i've gone on with the dns and i've sent him again. what's the this and the software on that the key of them is to have that for whom do i have to go to my other one more if i use i haven't drawing me to accept will do well. well little is fema model. so there's to that in the 2nd cause of the what i'm v b c this month, any, and i remember, and then the se, in how did with our,
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how does this dish of washington numeral custody. and i'm a co massey. he has a little headset and those that are young adults. yeah. it has the full no more pama the the the center is you have it still with me. hello. on the, on my shoes and i had, did my on my lead should double look a lot of the up the 1st. what about the hedge of the lives you love it to the
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bossy mama. the style above a did your yeah. do this easy to do the creative up to so i'm sure you do both agenda for all the fish under a how you handle up. so the sad 16. what just with these heavy, these are what the end of the, the 11 days that ended the mold and 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember, the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago, the 11 days in may. all i'll just say are
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in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environmental gen, unless it's around the front lines lines to reveal the truth as they continue to expose environmental issue and corruption, many have been targeting truth together. let's support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st world press freedom day conference in 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. after a 10 year journey, in which it has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the how to rubik language world wide. shea come out award for translation and international understanding. unknown. see is the opening of the nomination period for the year?
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2024 starting march 1st to may. 31st nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the no, i'm in the classroom and don't have at the top stories on al jazeera us president job, i didn't, has said the right to protest is protected in america. but the bottom set demonstrations won't be tolerated. students and faculty continue to protest across american campuses and solidarity with gaza as well as for freedom of speech. police have cleared a student and counting into the university of california in los angeles. at least 202000 people have been arrested across the u. s. is where the forces of code that leads to 16 palestinians across the gulf. this trip on thursday,
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a drawing missile target, a 3 p people on bicycles, new schools in regards to 35 people killed in strive clubhouse, and albert, a refugee camp, and other news, gangs, and hayes who have launched a series of attacks on the capital just days off to a new prime minister took office. well people are fleeing to say, foot pots of poolside friends to escape the violence of criminal gang control. most of the city, by the way, shooting faded intensely with heavy way upon. it is a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they have been sitting fight with things non stop. the death toll from floods and lance live of kenya has risen to at least a 188. the government says another 90 people are missing, a raising fee is the told could rise many homes, roads and bridges have been damaged or washed away in the eastern and central regions. the united states, you are paying union and the u. n. o. urgent of georgia in parliament drop foreign
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influence bill people in georgia have been protesting against the proposal for nearly a month. the legislation would require organizations that get more than 20 percent of a funding from a bro to register as far as the agents. critics a could be used to clamp down on political, defend unesco, has avoided its world press freedom prize to old palestinian journalists, covering as well as one, gaza, and international jew reset it and recognize that coverage during what it cost times of darkness and hopelessness. the annual prize pays tribute to journalists facing difficult and dangerous circumstances. the police, a $143.00 media wilkinson jaden, was to be served in gaza and nearly 7 months. so for those of the headlines, i'll just do a wills continues. next,
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thank you for watching the uh,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the
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the the, the, the, the, the to the status of the the how would you solve them the solve the local level, come to the solve, my the know you thought about 5 most of you had them. i can't hold on how well no, it was on my i'm of the, as a boss on my end of the well of the left side of themselves to put them on,
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but other to him i've loved the bottom of i said, i'll get him out of the door to them again the . 2 the,
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the, the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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full on. busy the, the minute so the for the say i said this of about how to deal with the how i sit in the bottom of the club and i do the said that's not what they didn't say the follow up on the be a particular move actual particular genuinely guy the out of food which i see in the middle is just at the chevy and say a lot of this actually feed all of them from being formed by the less of a plan, dental. how many of the kid and then the bottom of a say the cyber 2nd will that you put them on to the level by so then i can write that i'm checking the to be is it the the fed or something? i'm sure i have been utilized stuff in this off a little bit of
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a lot of the stuff on the home can begin to feel. mission set the middle of the studies. i got in the 555 for all of them in the book. at the put them on the bus some of them at the front of them on the center of the valley. i mean august 7 for look at the for the shuttle mhm. so the good
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when when was the 1st one for the the the so the hit sassik those they higg affected. you know what if i didn't, i live up and move it in. so she had the little, i missed on my luck. and obviously i had a little who was i have to hand is i must willow. it should balance was by then to
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be a shock, a swarm of dish. i won't let her miss the dental at the bottom of this. i'm a loss or not and it was the citizen was how of putting up them. ok. so this is the fee. yeah. yeah, let's go to issue a quick test. uh, how does it, was it not on this how and not a whole heck, oh okay. some house that i'm alone. i know. okay. so can i show i'm gotten the limit isn't less than the last good or so most of most of us know something like that once
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a week with someone at least so that's the low credit. loma echo. don't know what's the should come for with that for not that was there should have with the how to fit into the especially with the with the district good. instead of the advice which was for the lord have a lot look the 2nd lowest. ringback for sure, sure. the the,
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the, the the, the, the, the, the, the, the the the, the, the, the, the the
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the, the, the, the, the. 6 the the, the hold on for did you sell it in his head for this to get what was done with his hand? well now shahid. so heavy, given the some kind of an out of a pallet out of a pad is what's the deal at the one like added
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another, some shipping. and that's what you said it was, it wasn't kind of the most the most often you you're not gonna much, i'm not sure what's your favorite when you come up to that come us the visual one in hospice, understand that one and what of this? i'll sit on the left hand side here, but haven't been and michelle, we have another system that the folks that are come with danny, and know what had listen, but we had to kind of go when did i know it has your name, your has you had the what is the head of setting up by the 30th of 15 when i got the letter, when i looked into june, try to do this, will get a little for yourselves for who the bottom to solve it kind of trim. it was the full affinity,
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a 100 and then what it to infinity. and if i don't need to kind of say it again and let a couple of times it's what i yeah. so what i it and about sure a
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pull up over the phone with chad and they actually had the on get off at the the time the so i don't always discuss all of them as i was last. i got to to let chad sort of been especially game had a gun which had had low. so the officials based off of what a fasting blood sugar that that cannot us the model. it was the see it and the possibly had problems about not all the math now i live at the admin died and how
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that was the theater had to of those are the sort of thing that i had. and i'm not gonna have to have this. i'm, i'm a woman hedge you'll medicine efficient and then while they were and then i'm latham and beautiful said ben, who men are heavy when at janet because of the intention of deliver yeah, feed fee. i don't think that would that cost the welfare this web had the major venue for several years should have it as well because i didn't wanna and she had hit the gym the i'm a little talk to them, but if that well, they get lots of teeth oh it, oh my la 5th boy and the motor as a how did he go to him? so i'm very much so as not to have this, i'm too old. and we're still at the mtv id or productive almost the disability. and
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hopefully that's what it had to him, but i felt to move onto the calm because he's got him the that a national by the on the was stuck in the, in gone when i'm fishing. now, what about the and all the feel like doing a better fit? i data in this. what are the do my them about? well, on the ambush, i could with the thought on the do my own model, assuming that i'm going to have the book he or she or so for i'm, i'm gonna love what the deal is around the one that to special stores. if it to
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the same conditions of tenants of less than one is get a course on the good way instead of sort of shipping her by the way and on the on to see about us how to play in that so. so anyone have a complaint at the bottom of the most of the defendant by yeah, and if you have credit, the thing is because open fill up on if it helps cool. and if it, how you get to the, i don't wanna talk to someone, heather and you call us said it didn't get to you and it has kind of messed with that. and so it gets all the sense in the you credit who wouldn't have to put the
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left about moving bits when we, i just hold off on, instead of just uh, and that's what i did. okay, so put canada, putting the u. haul given the can i get the process i live within the key. i have a last name. oh,
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i can tell the other side of the philadelphia, philadelphia the 2 arab writers from different country these but with much in common mind upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry, what's the width? and he used to fight the whole world. and course something to do. a syrian professor with lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in lebanon, syria, how this going to the rock that comes can see him was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria, on that, which is 0. the hall chairs solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself,
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and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life. earliest in my life, those dentures we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we want. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are walking in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the hello. we have more springs the homes of developing across the great plains because the somebody has a rep there across the deep south of the us, just pushing up towards the legs. now the system rolling through harris, organized the weather will make its way 5, a switch, live the storms,
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keep cool some localized flooding. that's a possibility. challenge of the toner that wrapped in here. and you can see how it runs all the way down louisiana into texas, pushing up across the tennessee valley ahead of that. the c, 27 celsius. make the most of that last friday's weather. it clouds over it cools down as we go, one of the sas de temperatures of around 80 degrees and right eventually coming in here as well. i'm not as lively as across the high valley, the tennessee valley, but there will be some showers never the less than that. well, as you can see, it standing across a good part of the texas, the west. we've got some web activities. the snow is it, push it in, across the sea that are the about us. and we're going to see tablets as a press to about 15 south east in san francisco with the cloud and rain rolling in here. plenty of rain rolling across his spun. you'll have at the moment, so what's the weather in the jamaica?
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southern pulse of cuba. but it's able to, we'll put a rico where the showers really will bust into life as a go one through saturday. the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is cobalt. who own the mind? how would they explain and how would they govern the dreams usa of electric s u. v . 's for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the on age. it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one, in to return to class for pets needed here could cost more than $6000000.00. and this is just one of those, and this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings
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are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the 7.2 magnitude string to pos quick, the damage is relatively contained. i would say that's thanks to taiwan, is designed to prepare and this including its strict building, the vandalism, trespassed breaking window, shutting down campuses. fortunately, the cancellation of classes in graduation not of this is


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