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tv   Witness The Sea Wont Scare Us  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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county and kenya jackson and didn't goose as he's been trying to prevent a crisis in these community 2 weeks. the crisis came, the now is trying to make a footpath across the river where the road once past weeks of 2 in 2 reins flooded his neighborhood on the outskirts of my road, b. in key, i'm the county. people have to be rescued from rooftops, nearly 200 people are being killed and can use floods. the what does gave me it was told it was coming in the high speed. so it just needs of all of this to me that were here. and it was not on was done to my house. i have a good night, susan, and my wife, i do them just get out of the house because they come to no danger. jackson's family survived, but the youngest of his property did not. the only way for the water to escape was through these 3 drains, which became completely overwhelmed. the rose and its and diamond dams the flies
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cruising. we'll sits back up this valley flooding thousands of homes. and the school to jackson says the cold, the highways, all sorts see an awesome to bring and excavate to break open the road and release the will to try and keep people safe and with other community members says he built this foot bridge so that at least pedestrians could still cross even when cause could not then came more rain, and that was destroyed as well. rapid on regulated and development is blocked, waterways and streams of drainage. some people here say they've never known rains or floods like this before. scientists expect climate change to bring more extreme weather can use eye clinic to its destination. the mass i'm more of wildlife was of flooded when a river passed its banks. thousands of hotel workers and tourists had to be rescued
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. can use red cross that's come to help in many places, people are asking why the government hasn't done more as it is as easy as it goes in room. the pope offered pres this year in order to transmit the i also wish to express to the people of canyon. my spiritual closeness, at this time, a severe flooding has tragic a. taking the lives of many of our brothers and sisters, jackson says a company was contracted to upgrade the bridge neighbors home 5 years ago, but it disappeared with the money. so he's trying to make the possible, at least until the next rain full malcolm web. i'll just say right, can be county can. yeah. that'll be more news would be laura kyle, off the witness say with the in these woods sandlewood is one of the world's most expensive tibits in the black
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box and try his destination. foreign 11 a investigates. the spot to capture in the sand. a wood king bed. without the
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look that i'm going to sit on to the the the, the, the
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out loud. little about the some done on the photos van with myself. the only thing i'm really sure her mother should only be like, yeah. but the lines on the,
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not the middle of the the, the, the video which was a, is not how the literally, what's the model file, let me know if you let me know and you got the, the start of a, of those little my cell phone bill was the sort of the
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machine on on i'm a little wireless little button and you know, the, of the stuff, you know, so that way that's a big one of the uh, getting the hand out and i'm having to suffer for that necessarily on the face. the life i love to forget it
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needs a good study and then a short visa auto pay. i like the last a lot of a lot. the 3 me a visa or a lot of the
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lower east teen as because of the head of the how to brush the hang on the wireless the and then handles the well this out a little effect. the also said in the middle of a good movie to look up and see where you are in the beginning, but i do the restore to
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sort of the stuff in but let me show okay, allow me time tells me that the my, the image of the see, i see one from the mean and kind of walk in the shop on how far is the shots on, but you know, the one of the, the flex available in
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the the the
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what the news on the on while we give you on the 4 legs a little more of a little of the world and some of the items. so let me give me a little slip that i know somebody in the
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jungle kindly belong to another company and she'll be a whole new look of the top here. most of the, of the top of head also the vision is gonna is enough that when we go these to like this, still a city of the
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the, the
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vin and look of one quarter of them with that one. and one of them in the beginning mean get this thing and they've shalean did for a while and then we'll have some new that when the machine, the left us as a new unit, the levels altima the my loves and the so the, the, the new issue of why the novel, the 1st 5 minutes, one less can do about i can let the, the whole style fortunately the the other
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the lease and has only been living why that has an old was i was the one the young kid that has to be in a sin, most loving visuals. morgan is in the had an a. c. and can you
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to enjoy now? when did you notice? so the let me did what? 2200 to 205 and the one on the so we, some orlando, most of them was getting a bad thing. nobody's mazda in. and this was intended for lucy norman in line, and someone was labeled and she has been doing. you've seen what a i'm glad you paid was good. i the,
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the initial why it is uh, have us on in front of a new island what this means so i can send them the was all like that the, the liability is the one that comes with
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a double. the only thing is that the height is on the unit and then the, the close of the $2.00 to $22.00 long. i see. so in good england, further into the tool to learn david w to, to fit um is it was that it was a bunch a monthly shuttle just
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a 200 civic bit stick. that is that when i was a lot in the land and get it from nowhere land loaded in that area. yeah. okay. and lived in the area and i was, you know, in the that i can 1000 miles from the originally. so about that. so i know that would be, yeah, i'm gonna think that will be an invitation to the level. so my son the little button and they let me just say, i understand, well, hold on a shot. when you do that, she'll be a little quick. it was a you know, 6 of them. yeah. any version of the old i believe they get that to of the honda is
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this. uh, i'm gonna use it because i figured i'd like somebody to show that a little louder. how goes it was as long as well that i'd wonderful infinity one is the one the son of the the the banners being in level divided by the amount of so done. but like interest on us is done well no farther. they look for that thing,
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that's how much using the people used to hang up. let me get the for sure. what else to do? i need to get the people the on my side
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on how to go. so how does that i headed to the higher was done was the little the most of was, was showing the cause of the the zip code in oklahoma. and i have been on
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the lies in his i know that in the nation for you know, the and then the field also not gonna club to go i that she was on the phone with augusta on the, on the higher end in the mean this for the on, you know, it was a little, i mean and it will have,
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you had been managers on the the
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the the latest news as it breaks, frequent upsets, fighting for access to the river. it leads to woods, this country's major reports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. with in depth reports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of it's um, all of the water in it flowing in see the kind of river which is already passed inside. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest backer? does us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in?
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definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such some time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway. from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally stored on the front lines. lines to reveal the truth as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption, many have been targeting
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a true together. let's support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st well dressed freedom day conference and 2nd to the 4th of may 2020 for the vandalism. trespassing breaking window, shutting down campuses forcing the cancellation of classes in graduation. none of this is a peaceful protest. us president joe biden defense police breaking up process on university campuses across the country. the other down the right, kyle,


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