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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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towards environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails, fuzzy, fast, well dressed, freedom day conference in 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. the a vandalism, trespassing breaking window, shutting down, campuses forcing the cancellation of classes in graduations. none of this is a peaceful protest. us president joe biden defense police breaking up process on university campuses across the country. the other down the right, kyle, this is alex is here alive from the also coming up. us police tactics criticized off to offices use tear gas and rubber bullets against student
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prototypes in gaza is ready for involvement. killed 6 palestinians, including children inside the home. the southern city of ruffled, flat a student in, during this timeframe and the wells press. freedom prize is awarded to old palms, city and jealous for forcing on israel's devastation. for on the we begin in the united states for our present job i and that's called campus protest against as well as will on golf chaos. and to said order must prevail. his comments fully one of the largest police raids on a pallet to be installed as our team come and says demonstrations erupt across the country. a few weeks ago, please, 200 protesters were arrested at the university of california. los angeles. tensions
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on college campuses have arisen since police have moved into class incumbents a white house correspondent, kimberly hawk. it has more on what president biden had to say. as student protests, some colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard. we've all seen the images
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and they put to the test for 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence. people are scars to set. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country, present abiding support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that, in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves. kimberly helped get
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algebra 0. the white house were protesting students that not because university in new jersey have dismantled their incumbent off to reaching a deal with compass administrators. other on 1st day they've given a deadline to clear the area demonstrations, say university officials agree to support palestinian students. i'm consider investing from israel protest. fullest right goes to postpone the final exams, tries about who has this report from new jersey of the us president joe biden has finally spoken on the protests on violence raging across universities. in the united states, the president says, the rule feel must be upheld while a protest is not protected, peaceful protest is against the law and violence occurs when i'd read it goes university, new jersey. students say the president is making a mistake. they say they want to help in the war and guys bring justice for the palestinian people. so what i would say to the president is, you know,
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what was happening in columbia and you say that was a freedom of speech. and it was peaceful people, which i think the only the only violation that was done was actually by the police themselves. they were the ones attacking. and i'm not sure if you saw recently, but there were people that attacked the protesters at. you'll see all that tension has been high at this campus in the past few days. these young people say they feel discriminated against because there must name and born after 911. and they have to speak up against the war on guys. we've been discriminated against our whole lives and a lot of comments that are made to us are not in any way shape or form true. and it drives us harder to continue to fight the students headsets happening, camping here, and given until thursday to leave, or face eviction. but they managed to reach an agreement with university of sorties . the students and the university were able to agree on fate. out of attendance of the students, had, among them is creating an arrow of control center in the university scholarships
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for students from guys that will allow them to study in this university for free. and also an amnesty for the students have been protesting and this campus for this past few days. they also agreed to create a task force. but we continue discussing the universities finances. it's links to israel and to the companies that students here are saying are profiting from the world, guys on what he's probably to be agreed. and students say their site is not over the one presidential biden, to know their generation, and they're called to in the killing. gaza won't be annoyed. denise, i will defeat in new jersey. the student didn't come and he's c, l a was dismantled by police on wednesday. nights and ends the early hours of thursday. the most significant protest side on campus was in the underground voice hole. my students erected tense and barriers. 8 of us who declared it an illegal
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gathering on choose day. the level reports from the university of california, los angeles, the process, the site here on the you say a campus has now been cleaned up, even the top stuff that was holding all of the tests. and what was the tape rate and the possessions that the police cleared last a short time ago. in fact, what this does now is it shows you just how small the area was for these protests, but occupying are very densely populated area. but some 2 to 300 people were and those 200 or so protest those that were arrested half now being booked. they have been cited on various misdemeanor charges, but many of them have said, what was the points he was cited we were released i, we will continue to protest, but as i say very peaceful here. now, although it wasn't 1213 hours ago, the colors of police in spain right to advance information must students try to hold the line using plywood to 4 to 5. the cub hardhats and
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the brothers to protect themselves. hundreds of students pushed back against the police, correct out for hours, but at the end, they was a bus for the police who had more resources, but power out a brief to get the students of the property as swiftly as possible has told broke the loss of the students would be taken away sub high blood fall, it's heavily what the police gave them was lost, the child's hundreds were arrested. is this the end of the protest? no. for a week now students at u. c. l i have comes here. it's on it's our see with palestinians, follow the valley and cold, have at least 30 universities across the us. they was it ad so the world garza and for the school to divest from israel. 2 or when does the law enforcement supported students and the professors who support the to this, the peaceful protest cool place the rest,
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the we can try to communicate with administration as best we can. but we're getting many of the same patronize and lines that students are getting, which is that, you know, militarized invasion is in the name of the student safety. and i think like this is like presentation just at certain before toward offices close did a voice, whole clarity. the courtyard arresting, old who refused to leave after a 5 hours start off. this is what is left of the solidarity count. it's not going to be then because of genocide ends in the funding for the genocide. now students, other campuses are left. what drink is they all next. and so as these protests is leveled to the bus, they continue to shop for the policy type for that that next destination will be to be put. it's by the los angeles county sheriff's department. there are several rates of these posts is waiting to take them away. but as the process started by, maybe on this site, yes. but in general, absolutely not. these process, the site, they will continue to go as long as they have to for them. this is about how much,
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why the clothes fit live out, how to say right at the u. c. l. a campus in los angeles. dana side dollars and a tiny legal unless she says california is laws mean protests as could see the legal system on the side. should they end up in quote there was uh huh. at least a 100 or 200 a rest uh yesterday. i believe it will be unless those are dismissed are right, they will be going through the 1st system and we are going to be during arguments from the, the children who were arrested about their free speech. right. we have very strong through california, in particular, the courts have really recognized that colleges are essential places for free speech. recently because of the nature of colleges causes a meant to be kind of like a hot bed area for free thinking and critical thinking. and so we have quite
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a bit of latitude, a brown, this kind of protest on college campuses. so they do have a really strong argument in the 1st. and i mean, we will see that play out in the court not only doing with their rest. so i imagine there might be some sort of lawsuit against a university, as well as really bombardments are killed. 6 palestinians in a residential area. north of rossa and southern garza is where the forces truck, the shaheen family home. several other people have been in just as well as increasing funding campaign in and around rafa despite international pressure not to launch a minute, tre, offensive on the city. any 1500000 pilot students are seeking shelter in the area of to fling as well as attack elsewhere in the territories. and he's one driver has been killed off to his writing forces, opened fire on a trucks at the q a round about and garza city. that's the intersection on the major road linking
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north and south casa honey mountain. with census this update from rasa in the south . this has been part of the process of preventing aid getting into the northern parts and gaza city. this is not the 1st time we've seen an incident similar to this one where a driver was shot and killed and the other is the driver was different, a trucks were reported injury to, along with people who work at the side who are trying to approach this is more of like a military, the area controlled by these really military. there are times that i'm in the vehicle there rather have in presence of the ground forces at the to wait the traffic circle to preventing people from approaching a truck or getting into getting the food supplies in, in trying to get in order to get back to their families then and feed them in the positive scene, incidents directly targeting aid seekers that humanitarian work as an attack on also ada trucks similar to this one. this is the old ad part of what's going on and
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from the restriction, the obstructions of the global human to 3 native from either the roof are crossing or from the northern part right now it's a crossing gray areas is one of the roads and a land crossing that have been virtually blocked for the past 7 months. when these really military, they announce a total fees on the cost of that effectively cutting the gaza strip, cutting it off from the outside world that it's likely a do it just to happen $1.00 more time. because there's no stop to it and it's likely to hinder any efforts of delivering much needed aid right now. do desperate population struggling with the threat of famine that has already caused the death of more than 30 people? because of the ongoing in for the hide ration, his star vision, there talks about more it is going to be allowed in 2000 and another part and more here in the southern part of the state. but that's not nearly enough in the face of the the greater demands and the challenges are created by the ongoing intense
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bonding campaign and ongoing war uh, city in general is covering as well as well. on gauze i have been awarded unesco as well press freedom prize a to but a student in july, discovering garza and in passenger reset, it recognize the courage during what it cool times of darkness and hopelessness must go said the award pays tribute to jealous, facing difficult and dangerous success and senses at least 143 media workers as to unless have been killed in gauze in nearly 7 months of war. less than america has salisia, newman reports from santiago. i'm in the museum of fine arts here instead of chat with chilly, with a ceremony and a just a short while ago. and it's really emotional ceremony in which it was announced that the panel prize for world press freedom would be given not to one or 2 or 3 to
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all of the palestinian journalists for covering the war on gaza. the policy, the num bassinger was here, there were many people in the room or even crying a lot, as i say, a lot of emotion, very, very strong applause. so clearly the journalists who are also attending the ceremony that would come from all over the world just about for world press freedom days. we're in agreement. we've had a strong, strong explore massage research, sorry to say that we need to support this moment that you'll notice the other students will next. because we've seen that globally, we've been doing release of facing many face underwater, underwater mail that could not be in the heat, that ice man for sick with you on this be a match. so we're seeing that we need to say stop, please stop. now we need to defend the field, especially on for me through the fence. i'm from all of the safety, the video release. i'm probably it. we went to save this woman. that's us too many
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. we've had a few that we've seen in your values. we've had a few that they ask chorus that they are coming back to the feel of the question. so that is the message that to world isn't debt to the journalists who develop stevie and journalist for covering the war on gaza. now this is just the beginning of what was the 2 more days of activities here in truly dealing with the world's press freedom day journalists are coming from all over the world and will be discussing not only what is happening in the occupied territories in palestine and in guys how, but also the threats and the risk sort of being faced by general. this is from all over the world. you see a human out to 0, sun. yeah. so the head here on out and sarah, patients in the capitol porter, prince, flee, the heinsman raging gang violence on the search for front victims. in kenya, at least a 188 people are dead. and that's who is expected to ride the
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the hello the as yet more wet weather in the full costs across parts of the middle east is the latest batch of stormy weather, which has swept across the gulf. we had a few lightning strikes. rumbling away here as we went through wednesday into with us day friday looks a little dry. what was the chance of the course of an old shower to coming back and having said that the may right will be down towards a month to watch. yeah, i mean, big down pulls that into like that eastern side, all the rocks all moving for the race with cyber towards the caspian. so northern parts of a rock thanks and lobby sounds that will cool some localized flooding. i met with the weather, making his way towards i've kinda spun again. something of a flood risk coming in here. we can see some wet by the 2. coming into the ducky,
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i ever the next style saying the sake of scattering the showers here on friday, western areas of syria could catch you a shower to just around the coastal fridge is. i think south is that it will be a loss each, right? that's the case too. as we go through west ash diapers, queens coming through. having said that, what the weather all the way across the was the best for us at that stage after care of it is generally dry plenty of sunshine. kind of just showers there across central parts of africa. and we also have a developing tropical system making his way towards eastern path canceling the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere.
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why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live with the public? have to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era, the the, [000:00:00;00] the annual what your reminder of our top story is. this is randy from bob memphis killed 6 palestinians in a residential area. north of rossa in southern casa, is ready for his truck, the shaheen family home, several of the people of being and just us present. joe biden has said, the right to protest is protected in america,
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but the von and said demonstrations will not be tolerated. students and faculty continue to protest across american campuses and solidarity wisconsin as well as for freedom speech and police and play at a student and coming to the university of california. los angeles, arrested at least 200 people. the video of one of the processes at u. c. l. a went viral when he played it to the media. filming his arrest, 22 year old wine and jewish american was beaten and detained before he was released . and now he says he will go back to continue his protest. the i was on the front lines. i was, you know, tops, hit me with a bit, tons. and they, you know, they grabbed me, i did not resist the rest. the school rather physically intimidate their students, basically had 2 students. i didn't even consider that as was so frustrating. 4 we
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didn't do anything wrong. they received a citation for an awful assembly in abroad after attacked by scientists in pod voice. right now. sure. and we had 25 squares ations because our people had their head split open by pallets and wooden stumps have been trying to us. not a single person who perpetrated these attacks was arrested. not a single one by myself. my mother's trish eye drops us. my grand uncle is acute sinus. hi steven. if you see us um and its in bold and meet. so take media and i mean what we've achieved was that people, i never thought with the cabinet. i people who didn't seem politically active there after they saw us get attacked and there was no accountability for it. we will be,
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we will be just about to we're going to continue to be here. are going to continue to fight for guys. and we're going to continue to fight for the people in the house ever and kind of the university of toronto students have joined the protest movement in solid. darcy with palestine. they've setting up an accompaniment similar to what's happening in the us by test. as of the monday, the university divest from israel and the accusing it of complacency and the destruction of garza. and then from the ceiling po, university says as closing its main power as compass of a process, the showing solidarity tools, palestinians university is also rejected. the mom's buying process is to review its relations with his writing universities. thousands of students, a staging assess, and in response there's one student has gone on 100 hunger strike. students blocked access to the university last week, demanding and condemned as well as actions a. i'm a jewish mark and check students. um and i, i'm concerns, i think for most i think the, the language that i'm seeing right now um,
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i'm here right now distributing some flyers which are basically explaining that the completion between anti zionism and anti semitism is very harmful to jewish people . and anyone actually that would speak out for the, for the post names cause and i'm here to express my concern over this conflation really because it's, it's, it's harmful. well, it's actually something that has more from the university in paris as well. the administrators of seals full university here in paris has had a meeting with some students miss fuller's lodge protest last friday, with some of the students states, assisting others, and purchasing outside the university in show of solidarity with the problems, sending people for thousands of protests that was cleared by police effectuated, some students say that the police were too heavy handed. now the end of this meeting between the administrators and the students, we spoke some of the students and what they said was that they had gone in with
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a certain set of demo. and they are asking that they university here in paris costs it's ties with. and he's ready to universities that are asking the university to have more opening on this debate. they say about what is happening in golf. and they will say, once and insurance from the university's ministration is that any students taking part in these protests will not be punished and will not be expelled. where the students say at the end of the meeting, universities response is very disappointing. that the university hasn't promised or met any of the mones. and now we have a situation in which they say at least one of the students has decided to go on a hunger strike and protest until the demons met. they say all the students by joining, and they say that they are now planning all the protests in the future. latasha butler ultra 0 part of the
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united states european union. i'm the u. n. o. during the georgian parliament to drop as for an influence bill, people in georgia, i have been protesting against the proposal for almost a month. the legislation would require organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as foreign agents are 6 that could be used to come down on political defense and might blow up the countries the chances of joining the u. ship of oliver. as a whole from the busy of the day so so, so glad to do wines. things out in the georgia in thomasville. but they moved the atmosphere was completely different. some pets through yesterday or the day before when police were trying to discuss the protests with both autonomy to a guest on purpose pray. a major riley was held today. not far away from me. i'm here with one of the most important trustful junction in the georgia. this happens
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to people look surprised, look old, and they bring street a police twice to the surprise them, but they failed. people here continued charles, no to the russian law. we already have enough laws in place that guarantees by thursday for each commercial, 9 commercial info, its vantages, they have all over the agents will declare the about their income to the source of the money. where does it come from? so while we have this was the willing when the next a new one that resembles the russian culture part, it raises more concerns. the children's holloman's a bond below in the 2nd reason. yes, today on this side and final breathing is expected on may the 17th and we're expecting more pros, it's closer to dante. in the meantime, the country is entering the east to break, which is going to last for full days, and there is a hope that things will be a little bit comma 0. but this here to find us about 0 really st. georgia
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gains in haiti of lower so series of attacks on the capital. just days off to a new prime minister, took office haitians, a cooling on the new government to boost the police force and restore. no, an older send them on a home has more law and order is broken down. in puerto prince families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way shooting very intensely with heavy way upon to the terrible situation that we have been expediency since last night till the afternoon. so i did find things non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they've burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i have these transitional government announced the new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into
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a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say there's no hope, the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets to close the school. the circumstances we are now experience in our country are un thinkable. we see no way out. what is where in this insecurity, because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang violence so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer bends and monahan al jazeera and the okay demonstrations of blocks, the government's latest attempt to transfer migraines and assign them. so it goes on to a floating detention center. 8 people which used to be removed from the hotel in london. then taken to the barge in the southwest of england, a group of protest as blocks of age and slash bus bus kinds of stop that removal.
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dozens of counties in the us state of texas have been declared, deduct designs off the heavy rain full and flooding. officials, according to mandatory evacuations for residents living on one river in the houston area. they belong to those who stay will likely be trapped in the homes for $2.00 to $3.00 days. i since also been affected by paula. i was just in road closures. lorraine is expected through friday to the governor of the us state of arizona has over time legislation from 18. 60 full. the bond to boston, katie holt signed the repeal officer. the state supreme court found the $160.00 a little could still be enforced. the states had relied on the now overturned roe v wade. national. know that guaranteed the right to abortion and repeal comes into effect. it'll make termination legal up to 15 weeks of pregnancy. for the land slides across can you have killed a 188 people? hundreds of thousands have been forced from the homes. welcome lab reports from
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campbell county, and kenya. jackson in goose says he's been trying to prevent a crisis in these community for weeks. the crisis came to now is trying to make a footpath across the river where the road once past weeks of to into reins flooded his neighborhood. on the outskirts of my robi in key, i'm the county. people have to be rescued from rooftops, nearly 200 people are being killed and can use floods. the what does gave, it was told it was coming to the high speed. so it just needs of all of this to him that to a here. i need to was not on was done to my house. i look good and my children and my wife, i do them just get out of the house because they come to no danger. jackson's family survived that the youngest of his property did not. the only way for the water to escape was through these 3 drains, which became completely overwhelmed. the rose and its environment. dams,
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the flies cruising, we'll set to back up this valley, flooding thousands of homes. and the school to jackson says the cold, the highways,


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