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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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send you out from al jazeera news at your fingertips, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello online site. this is a news line from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. civilian homes targeted. yes, again is really strikes, hit 7, gaza at least 7 palestinians have been killed by the state in the discovery. well press freedom cries, owners palestinian janice that we're facing on israel view on golf. u. s. president joe biden, defense police action on university campuses,
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while students to mount an end as wells move on, gosh, on the spine. please cross down. students continue to protest across the united states. cooling for universities to develop, divest from the hello welcome. we begin this news out in southern gall, so where is riley strikes of killed at me, 7 palestinians in a residential area. north of rafa. a family home in the area was targeted. israel has increased its forming campaign in. i'm around rafa despite international pressure not to launch a military offensive on the city. $91.00 and a half 1000000 displays palestinians all currently seeking shelter in russia off to
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fling israel's attacks elsewhere in gaza. that's great to tarry, couple of zoom, he joins lie from rafa. and southern gaza at target. what more can you tell us about this latest strike on this family's home? a 1000000. in fact, it was a completely dead strike about target said the residential house in the northern parts of rough districts is specifically that at least 7 palestinians have to report of killed including 4 children that it's not completely on. interesting right now that the vast majority of the victims are including children because that was happening when a daily phases in the vast majority of strikes that have been bouncing the entire densely populated area. rough, i thought, was that what proceeding the attack, we witnessed a clean certification of the hovering that, that you're spending surveillance to drive in the same area trust, just solely few mates has from the house, but some sheltering. and we could have gladly fuel the shaking of the ground due to the ears value as
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a surprise that was carried out without any private warning. and gotten to the vast majority were completely civilian spots. yes, we have been witnessing more attacks on all the parts of the attack treat, including under say ross, and even operate refugee camp where the latest, at least 9 at palestinians have their report of injury at the s drive that's talking to a residential house and a bridge bought people that have been some funding, multiple information about the constants ongoing been bought meant by the out to the units in the for on the farm lands of the refuge, it comes to it's newly top and strikes in the north of the territories. specifically in as a to neighborhood where i'd report sure lines alongside with the residential houses have been bound to despite the fact that the military has operated in such areas, turning the entire north, a vicious, tripping to a graveyard. the pile of russell that happened resulted from the unrelenting south of military invasion that was carried out by these very forces in such desperate
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area of the territory tax stay with us because i want to get your reaction to the news this morning. the palestinian gen is covering israel's war on gauze. i have just been awarded unesco as well. press freedom prize to but a sit in july, discovering a guy who is a 123 media with his engine. this have been killed in dallas the, in the nearly 7 months of work that has taken place the entire queue. or of course one of those janice, you've been that day in day out reporting from guys on extremely difficult circumstances. what is this a would mean to you as well? uh, basically what i can say is that a palestinian gen and this have been the eyes and ears of the international world regarding what was happening of the territory over the course of the past 6 months
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. and right now they have been continuing the own report thing despite all the unbearable humanitarian and security conditions and folding them. they have been reporting since day one of the fighting, moving from every single place to another. just to get the full picture of what was going on and to keep it informed to the world. and they have been also witnessing an unprecedented set of disappear and even frustration within that report. in terms of the unprecedented college compressed that they have been loaded with due to the tragic stories unfolding from every single house of the palestinians inside the gaza strip. so you have been suffering from multiple tripling and obstructions, including the lack of internet connection, the internal displacement, and all this the daily struggle in order to get the basic food items and even to afford propose security for their own family members. but also, despite all of that on despite the fact that the casualties under the debt to the monk civilly and among also journalists have been rising current assembly. they
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have been reporting on the ground without any fear. just for one purpose is to keep the world informed. so from the goals or stripe, we'd like to send a clear message of thanks and appreciation to old palestinian gentlemen who have been the bravest of it on the reporting on the ground delights of the ongoing prevention from the east. very military, for international correspondents and international gymnast to join the gaza strip. to be on the side to post the news. to hear the story is the only a lot for control trips up by the long side with the is really ministry in the north of this trip. as will palestinian jenna this happened, sacrificing with everything possible just in order to keep proposing the story from the ground for the truth ability on neutrality. indeed, i'm thank you to you talk about zoomed that for us in rafa in southern guns. the united nations has urged israel to drop its plans for
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a possible ground attack on rough uh the specs best. and for the us, extra general says it would be fatal for display civilians on humanitarian aid operations in the strip. rough eyes at the heart of our guys, the humanitarian operations. it a, it is a trans chip of point for live saving assistance that arrives and gaza from rough uh, from the rough, uh, and the current show on crossings. it is where dozens of 8 organization store the live saving supplies they deliver to civilians across the gaza. strip, most importantly they are hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa to escape environment, famine and disease. for them a ground operation would be more mean more suffering. civilians must be protected and international humanitarian law must be respected by all, as well as we have just been discussing with reports of tarik unesco has on it a policy and you can join us for they were covering israel's morn garza an international jury,
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said it recognized that conference during what it called times of darkness and hopelessness. let's hear now from my latin american edison to see a newman. she reports from santiago, where the ceremony was held. i'm in the museum of fine arts here. i just had a chat with julie with a ceremony and a just a short while ago and it streamlines emotional ceremony in which it was announced that the panel prize for world press freedom would be given not to one or 2 or 3 to all of the palestinian journalists for covering the war on gaza. the tennessee didn't bassinger was here. there were many people in the room or even prying a lot, as i say, a lot of emotion, very, very strong applause. so clearly the journalists who are also attending the ceremony that would come from all over the world just about for world press freedom days. we're in agreement, we've had a strong strong, it's going to assess, assess, sorry,
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to say that we need to support this moment. did you notice the other students were nice? because we've seen that globally, were you? but you are released and facing many face of the water on the wall mirror that could not be in the heat, that ice man for us to put you on a spin us. so we're seeing valid, we need to say stop, leap, stop. now we need to defend the feeling of pressure on to me through the fence. i'm from all of the safety, the video release, a lovely. it went to save this woman doesn't ask, do you mind if you have a few that we did a scene in your values? we've had a few that they act torres, they are coming then to the feel of the question. so that is the message that the world isn't debt to the journalist who develops stevie and journalist for covering the war on gaza. now this is just the beginning of what was the 2 more days of activities here in truly dealing with the world's press freedom day journalists are
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coming from all over the world and will be discussing not only what is happening in the occupied territories in palestine and in guys have but also the threats and the risk sort of being faced by general. this is from all over the world. you see a human algebra son, pm, x of them, of age looks at the state of media globally at a time of increasing threats and talkative attacks. journalists are facing unprecedented. dangerous watch dogs say that we're, we're getting into the gaza media workers are under siege. oh my god, did you hear that? of the the says israel's military offensive
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began in october. more than 140 journalists have been killed, marking district one of the most dangerous places for reporters. as a healthy, you know, for this been in the palestinian generalist and god are exposed to the most horrific attacks and live in the worst conditions on as they sacrificed themselves and their families for the sake of doing their job and completing that mission. want to tell the world about the truth on the ground, but the danger is not confined only to worse zones. several countries, i mean post tighter laws and regulations governing journalists in georgia. mess protest are taking place against the so called for an influence bill, which the governing party says will strengthen independence. but critics aids designed to crush the same thing planned down on the dependent media outlets. china is newly expanded state secrets law, which previously applied only to military and diplomatic activities. now covers work secrets,
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which many fear is undefined and could impact the reporting of all state institutions. some west them countries are accused of surveilling journalists. in the u. k. 2 journalists in belfast, the police set up a truck in order to uncover their sources. is the peer troubling when politicians ice, those donald trump is the most famous of them. but the problem can be seen in many countries, demonize and undermine john was because the minds trust in all the information that we have. and it forces people into polarized information bubbles. journalists have additional obstacles this year due to the record number of elections worldwide. in toggle, for an immediate were banned from covering mondays parliamentary elections. in india, local media outlets are often pressure by the government and powerful business owners. and many foreign journalists have been denied visas to cover the elections . in a year of increase in castillo,
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the there are calls for better protection of journalists who sometimes pay the highest price to tell a story. axles i'm gonna reach out to 0. we can speak now to sign a collide loan. she is the edison chief of photo and media and a former report, a for apple daily, hong kong. she joins to fly from typeface on keep your time. you are of course, assume a report that both apple daily, which used to be on call is not just pro democracy payment before it was shut down in 2021. hong kong press freedom situation has of course been under the spotlight since beijing impose that national security. know back in 2020. so tell us a bit about your experience of being a janice in hong kong in the challenges that you face that okay, so i've been like um, working as a journalist you know, going for 18 years and the national is acreedo,
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an exit in 2020 like impose a very like march, threat to trust, freedom in hong kong. we have observed that like um for the past couple of years like um major news outlets correct down like apple diety or stand news and um, my full my auditors and cliques, they are now in jail and under trial waiting for um the um, the sentence and um and uh, like some of the journalists are forced to leave hong kong if they wish to continue to work as a journalist. so that's why we left home called and established a diet for our media, social media now in taipei and like in the society, it was free speech. so, but we can also talk that like um, after even like after after the national security roll um then the press freedom has gone down to an as track down. and then um like less than the last couple of
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moms like last in, in march. we have our goal, 23, and that's it as well. so it for the like quite down press freedom and freedom of speech and home phone and the connection between home, people with people outside hong kong, including press outside home, co, measurable press as well. right? i believe you can even have a copy of apple daily in your home without getting in trouble with the law in hong kong. you talks about jealous having to leave home home. you yourself. um one of those. uh how frustrating is it that in order to continue your job uh, continue to do reporting uh you've had to move the country to move to ty, pay to continue to be a john this how, how challenging is that? i think the major taller said we wish to focus on hold on news because we want to like just to, to, to, to supplement the doc hole. now
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a local hong kong news outlet. so he's papers that the news that they can not cover, but it is so difficult for us to um, cuz the news without being on new ground right in the, in the problems. so it is the major challenge that we wish to if you want to continue to report a news on a phone call without being in home call. that's the major challenge. and what about the why the asian region? is it any easier for janice to do that? jump safely um, freely to um, what uh yeah. ation. i mean i think um doing um um, as a reporter in china own home can we will be quite different clothes in the form of the southeast asian countries like my mind um different countries. so um, so i, i think um, it is like one of the trends that like use rooms they are moving out of the country because of the, the correct number of press freedom because of the surveillance of the government
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or even the white terra, like a crate and assigned to you oh, in the media industry landscape in like generally news in general. uh like the. busy at the station, like for example the um, today they uh the, the, the press um like its human rights. um price awards. um they have like announce the winners and they have added a new category called example exam one, use room category for this year. so because of course they, it, this is a major trend enough to ration that many people would have to leave their own country if they want to like, report, general me and tell the truth. okay, thank you for highlighting that point. sally, can i loan uh, edison chief of faith on media a former reports of apple daily and hong kong working in ag zone in taipei, as she was dis,
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just describing this. thank you. and the united states president joe biden has cooled, kansas protest against as well as on guns like tales. and as said, oden must prevail. his comments follow one of the largest police raids on a palestinian solidarity in counseling the system especially big down across the country. a few weeks ago, at least 200 protesters were arrested at the university of california in los angeles. tensions on college campuses have risen since police moved in to create the incompetence of white house correspondent can we help it has more on president findings, comments as student protests on colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence, speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to
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protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says that while he sees it, there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard, go see the images and they put through the test for 2 fundamental american principles, excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the
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consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country, present abiding support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that, in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves kimberly healthcare houses 0. the white house of purchasing students at rutgers university in new jersey have dismantled that and coming off to reaching a deal with campus administrators. the on 1st day that were given a deadline to clear the areas. i'm going straight to say university officials green to support palestinian students and considered divesting from israel purchased for us. what goes to postpone final exams. teresa by reports from new jersey, whether students in 6th grade demonstrations, all peaceful us,
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president joe biden has finally spoken on the protest and violence raging across universities. in the united states, the president says, the rule of law must be upheld while a protest is not protected, peaceful protest is against the law and violence occurs when i'd read it goes university, new jersey. students say the president is making a mistake. they say they want to help and the war and guys bring justice for the palestinian people. so what i would say to the present is, you know, what was happening in columbia and you said it was a freedom of speech and it was peaceful people were chanting. the only the only violation that was done was actually by the police themselves. they were the ones attacking, and i'm not sure if you saw recently, but there were people that attack the protesters. you'll see all that tension has been high at this campus in the past few days. these young people say they feel discriminated against because there must name and born after 911 and they have to speak up against
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a war on gaza. we've been discriminated against our whole lives. and a lot of comments that have made to us are not in any way shape or form true. and it drives us harder to continue to fight the students headsets happening, camping here, and given until thursday to leave, or face eviction. but they managed to reach an agreement with university of sorties . the students and the university were able to agree on fate. out of attendance of the students had most of them is creating an arrow of cultural center in the university scholarships for students from gaza. that will allow them to study in this university for free, and also an amnesty for the students have been protesting in this campus for this past few days. they also agreed to create a task force that we continue discussing the universities finances. it's links to israel and to the companies that students here are saying are profiting from the world guys on what he's probably till the agreement. students say their fight is
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not over the one president joe biden to know their generation and they're called to in the killing. gaza. won't be annoyed. did he said will defeat in new jersey? okay, that's spring. and mohammed a master is a media studies professor and political analyst at the doha institute for graduate studies. good to see you again. mohammed, what did you make of president biden's comments on the university protests last night to me? it, it seemed notable, but he didn't address students demands why they were protesting or any of the values that we've seen in, in recent weeks by police. so, right, well the united states government doesn't have a very deep playbook when it comes to dealing with protests. they have a very simple playbook, and so if you look back at the comments that the us government was making during the civil rights protests or during the vietnam war protests, or during the iraq war protests, etc, etc, you'll find it's, it's the same,
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essential, essentially the same line, right? they blame the protesters, they don't address the demands and in this case, they're not addressing the obvious one sided violence. i mean, he seems to be suggesting that there is protest or violence when in fact, overwhelmingly the violence has been perpetrated against protesters. but again, i don't think we should be particularly surprised because this is what the united states government does. whenever there are protests that disrupt the status quote, do you think it was a missed opportunity for president biden because he had a chance that to speak to young vases, who are furious about is happening of the goals are, will. well, i think it's been 7 months of missed opportunities for biden. right. i mean, i think one analyst set it bad as does that fighting is basically committing apo career suicide political suicide. i think he's all but the giving the 2024 election to donald trump. if you look at all of the opinion pulling data, fighting is really struggling and he's struggling with the youth. but he's also
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struggling in swing states. if you look at what happened during the primaries a couple of months ago, you had major swing states like wisconsin and michigan. people showing up democrats showing up to protest about saying they're uncommitted by the 10s of thousands. more than enough people then will be needed to swing those states in the direction of donald trump and of donald in a bite and loses those swing states. he's going to lose the election. it's really inexplicable when you, when you, you know, look at all the data to, to try to examine or understand what biting the democrats are doing. uh, have you been surprised by, by these process? i mean, to scale the, the, the of the act as is activism for the israeli palestinian issue. i mean, it's something we haven't seen before, isn't it? so on the one hand, it's surprising because this has never been a domestic issue. this is the 1st time and us history that the palestinian cause has become a domestic issue. right?
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so from that standpoint, it is surprising. on the other hand, it's not surprising because this is a genocide. we haven't seen this level of violence and oppression against the palestinians. best number one, number to the use of been opposed to what israel is doing. they've been the most opposed to where it if you look at the opinion pulling data, which i just referenced, you consider what's happening to be a genocide by and large. they are opposed to is really aggression. and they're very sympathetic to palestinians and the palestinian cause, cause this is what all of the polls suggests from you. gov to harvard, harris to gallop and other and other polls. and also we have to remember that throughout american history, especially if you look at the model, you know, by 50 or 60 years, it's been young. people that have spearheaded these kinds of movements. so for all those reasons, i don't necessarily think we should be that surprised, we have to keep her eyes on what happens over the next few weeks. are these heavy handed tactics that police and university administration's using?
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are they going to be able to successfully clamp down on these protests as academic years come to an end for our students going to continue to show up despite the threats, do you think they will do you think? did you think there's momentum here to really bring about change? i think that there is a lot of momentum, and i think that these heavy handed tactics will actually have a backfire. and in fact, i think people, i think students are going to, you know, have even more resolved now to show up to these protests. but i will say that one thing that works against the student movement right now is the end of the academic year. typically does a time when students go home for the summer, they have summer jobs, they're not on campus. so that's the, that's the one question that i, that i have and i don't have an answer to that. yeah. okay, good to get your perspective mohammed mastery media studies, professor and political analysts, the doha institute for granted studies, or now how much says it studying the latest proposal for a cease fire and what it calls a positive not instigation,
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is returning to egypt to discuss the deal with mediators this ro, once the return of captives held in gaza in return for a temporary truce, but how much has repeatedly insisted on a permanent end to the will. stephanie deca has moved from oki potties to risdon. thomas has had the deal for about 4 days now and there have been since yesterday we were expected a response yesterday then tonight and now it seems that it could still be a couple of days away. it looks like yes, yes. and we're the leader of how mass is questioning certain things in video clarifying and potentially may even come back with the amendments it's. it's not clear at the moment. well, we do know that there are 2 very opposing points of demons that have mass says it's only negotiate if there is a full cessation of hostilities, meaning an end to the war. and it's not negotiating on that. and these really prime minister says, well, there's not going to be to enter the war, and we are going to go into the office. whatever happened so publicly, these are 2 opposing sides that are impossible, really,
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to reconcile what is being negotiated privately, of course, is what really matters. and i think for all the speculation that we're getting about, you know, whether that is going to be the idea of whether they're going to go into the alpha . we don't know until we have an official response from how may i ask, what we do know is that if at this point there isn't a deal that gets agreed upon by both sides. israel has made it very clear, it will go into it off off. so head on this out, is there a new south? i'm catherine slowly in my my hugh town essentially telling you about the ongoing operations following floods that she was thousands of people, the the
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hello. it remains disappointing. the cool across the western pulse of europe. we have got a fab and a cloud spinning in here, and some wet weather temperatures behind this loan, where the system have type of just behind st to the teams rate. but ahead of us, which is the twenty's, sort of a way to still picking those temperatures up to about $25.00 celsius symbol. so hanging onto a 20 frame bottom. but you see that what to whether that same with a system that we're going to play out of right now. what a from that will make is wife of a switch. so what for the coming through head down towards the balkans running down tools, bulgaria, and nothing up to was remain the little things when we're eventually into techie i as well as dental was a se was see what to whether it's a lot of cool with that across central pos, if you had still some loans, i was the, a small sort $22.00 degrees. these type of just the westward matching up in the right direction, but still with the cloud, them right around, so they still remain somewhat suppressed. meanwhile, across northern parts of africa, a lot of dry had settled whether chance of the shower that the modem there was about here,
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but nothing too much to speak of slipping into libya and the shell is continuing to across the good parts of west africa slowly but surely, making the way southern off the, the latest news as it breaks, frequent upsets, fighting for access to the river. it leads to which this country is major ports and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. with in depth reports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of it done all of the water in it flowing in. see the ton of river, which is already passed inside is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of sec, thoughts,
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an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis, covent that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm, we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching out. as a reminder, on top stories this hour is there, any bombardment has killed 7 palestinians in a residential area in northern rasa,
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in southern gaza. is there any forces struck a family home in the area? several people were injured. the unesco wells press freedom prize as go onto how this thing done this covering israel's one gaza at least a 143 media workers. and janice has been killed in golfer and nearly 7 months of us. president joe biden has said the right to protest is protected in america, but that von in set demonstrations will not be tolerated. students and stop continue to protest across the us campuses install the guarantee wisconsin, as well as for freedom of speech. as a video. busy was one of the party testers use ya, has gone viral when he played into the media, filming his arrest. 22 year old ryan, a jewish american was beaten and detained before he was released. he now says he
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will go back to continue his purchase. the i was on the front lines. i was, you know, cops hit me with the titans and they, you know, they grabbed me. i did not resist the rest. the school rather physically intimidate their students, visiting her students. i don't really even consider davis. that is why it's so frustrating. we didn't do anything wrong. i received a citation for an awful assembly. after attacked by scientists in pod void, but by nationalist we had 25 squares ations because our people had their head split open by pallets and wouldn't stop us. not a single person who perpetrated these attacks was arrested not
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a single one by myself. my mother's trish. rapture is my grandchild cause acute sinus. hi steven. this is serious and it's in bold and made. so take media and i mean what we've achieved was that people i never thought with the absolute cabinets. i. people who didn't seem politically active were there after they saw us get a target and there was no accountability for it. we will be, we will be just about to we're going to continue to be here. we're going to continue to fight for cause. we're going to continue to fight for the people to the task. to dina cya though is an attorney and legal i'm is, she says california is laws mean protest as could see the legal system on this side . if they end up in quote there was. uh huh. at least a 100 or $200.00 a rest yesterday, i believe it will be unless those are dismissed. all right, they will be going through the 1st system and we are going to be during arguments
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from the, the children who were arrested about their free speech right. we have very strong through california in particular. the courts have really recognized 6 college kids are essential places for free speech. recently because of the nature of colleges, houses are meant to be kind of like a hot bed area for free thinking and critical thinking. and so we have quite a bit of latitude and brown just kind of protest on college campuses. so they have a really strong argument in the 1st and then we will see that play out in the fort not only doing with their rest. but i imagine there may be some sort of lawsuit against university as well, or students purchasing across the us have multiple demands. but one common cause, demanding schools,
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still doing business with israel. many of the universities on come out and multi $1000000000.00 endowments students and demand that they stole the investments food companies that do business with israel ivy league brown university became the 1st elite school to reach an agreement with the purchases around ended. an empty will encompass it all to convincing the administration to hold a vote on whether to divest from companies that do business in israel to last week . the student body at bonnet, university, invited, overwhelmingly in favor of divesting. most universities have refused to act despite steve and protests found them all about 30 states have adopted, knows that effectively punish companies, the boy called israel mall, but good to use. the co founder of the boy called divestment and functions movement was in there and his b d. s. and he told mind calling so hell rom and what's behind the rise and support
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of palestine amongst american students. this really ministry occupation forces shooting palestinian. so that's been going on for decades, in fact, 76 years of cetera colonialism and a part time. but we've never seen a device driver side before. no history, the forces dare to commit life street just like before. the international court of justice has through that it's plus about genocide in tens of us experts, hundreds of international experts are saying it's a textbook case of genocide. death is very different and it's not just a job, a site that's committed by somebody state. this is a very important point. they don't, and states is a part or injustice out. so those students are recognizing that their government, their institutions are compressed. so you have a scenario where students not want divestment, uh, from israel. they want to clear they want it transparent. in one particular case, it's going to happen. is it going to be hard to police and oversea?
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in your opinion, it's always hard to make sure that universities actually implemented what they come into. but the 1st step is to get them to come in. we, we can't, you know, jump from a to z, it's a graduate process. it's a longer process takes patients takes perseverance, but most importantly, takes power. building cross whose power to make administrations due to high and their complicity in this or i was trying to. so i went under my system a part time, which is not just about the investment now. so government, it's also academic board card ending projects with competitors are universities in cabinet. the students that the university of toronto have joined the protest movement in solidarity with palestinians that demanding the university divest from israel, and accusing it of complicity and the destruction of kansas. or we are witnessing some of the most for renters,
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crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though we are paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing it in companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on live tv. and there they have ties with academic institutions that are upholding the, the, the apartheid in occupation that's causing all of the war and gaza is the deadliest conflicts for john. this in modern history, at least a 140 jobless and media workers have been killed. so far, at least 40 more have been arrested. i'll just say we're a spoke to the family of sight. i'll tell you who was killed within the 1st few days of full honey. my food has moved me. you. the story was among the 1st journal listing dogs that to die covering the war. he was the editor in chief of homicide news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't,
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i'm going to continue in that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as caring and just calling to me and said was to his mother. but his children did get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died. very young, gods will help us. guy the piano afraid was killed when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a remote neighborhood in gaza. city, just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated an order, and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a change tactics and struck a different, much a closer target. going him and 2 other journalists, they had been wearing and flak jackets and helmet. teddy clearly identified them as oppressed. a death has left his father at a loss. you missed limits. and if i saw that you didn't see side means so much to me,
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but that's why you used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us and the say it more than $140.00 medial workers have been killed in nearly months of war, including all you are the right camera man, founder of the car. and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families, and even more data from rough uh, call us time. the tech is government has seized o inputs and exports with israel and is ready for administer. israel count says the turkish president and the one is violating mutual trade agreements. cots denounced the move, accusing at one of what he called victor, how are your behavior? he said the israel will pursue alternatives for trade. with all the countries the saw can,
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could complicate efforts to recover the bodies of those killed in kenya. it's flooding $52.00 for these have been found for thousands is still missing in floods . the local say what caused by a lot drain. i'm torrential rain, catherine. so it is in mama, here in town, in central canyon, a government with cuz invalid t as in my my you have a lot area to cover declaring debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the much flood waters gosh, down stream hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found. many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any big residency? the incident was caused by a bluff stream,
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which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the whole market was and the people in your state, they are just lucky to be alive now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his nephew from somebody saying he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national re weighs corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced that getting caught new floats and medical ok. if you have any be established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place. because that team is got into the ground with subsidies. what at 20 front. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page. if it was negligence,
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that is blame on the government. both were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. katherine, so you all just 0 my my hear central, can you? this is occupation orders of been issued off. the flooding in the us state of texas officials ordered and people living alone the sun just into ribbon in the eastern area to leave that homes. they say those who don't leave could be trapped for 2 to 3 days. all right, and is expected on friday at least 10 people have been killed and thousands on missing off the flooding in southern brazil present newly enough here. new to silver has pledge federal help. car lake has moved. so the ready for battle against the forces of nature. the economy has been deployed in southern brazil to help respond to flooding so devastating. the government has warranty could
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become a historic disaster. seems of course extensive damage in rio grande. distill states with torrential rain, triggering flash floods, and lance light is towing roads and washing away bridges. one was quote on camera, while the mail sent to teresa was assuming a public advised resilience. sorry to say at least 3000 people being false from that homes in more than 75 towns and cities, many more have moved to shelters. if you have, i wanted to say in my house, i didn't want to leave, but with this weather i can't risk sustain the flooding has been so severe in some areas. helicopter, searching for those stranded have had to winds people to safety after being unable to land. oh no more heavy rain predicted to fee result president
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seeing here to made a rally has promised the government's full support in response to the state governance appeal for federal health. the state of emergency has been declared and they refused. the flooding could become the biggest climate disaster in the states history. car leg out to see the still ahead on out. is there
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a find out why the month long violence and haze capital shows no sign of and the the the
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us judge has declared a mistrial. and the case brought forward by full met detainees of the abu ghraib prison in iraq format, detaining se, interrogate those contract to buy the military were complicit in the bees. they suffered at the hands of us soldiers 20 years ago. off the 8 days the jury was at a deadlock. my allow is the executive director of the most the county public slab. she says she doesn't believe they will be accountability of justice in this case. besides what happened in this trial, and in addition to right, i mean, no one has been held accountable for the torture that was condoned. and really the ways in which the administration officials federal government were complicit in the torture. so, you know, i don't, i don't imagine that there will honestly ever be true accountability and justice for the survivors. and, you know,
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even if this case had been ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, it still means that the federal government got off the hook. and, you know, that's not going to change. but i think what we need to think about in terms of justice is that the plaintiffs were able to give their testimony in court. right? we're able to share their stories of the horrific torture and abuse they suffered. and it's important for the world to hear those stories because as i've written most recently about, you know, this trial and apple frame, the united states government is obviously the very invested as well as khaki in, you know, course coursing amnesia so that no one remembers this chapter in american history, and it's not a chapter that is ended, right? it's a chapter that is intentionally um, being forced and relegated to being swept under the rug because there isn't
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accountability and no one wants there to be accountability. russian forces are reportedly focusing most of that tax on the town, the chest of yeah, in eastern ukraine. the town has been reduced to rubble off the months of heavy bombardments equation. officials say russian wants to seize it on may the knife when it marks the soviet victory of a nazi germany. capture will give russian forces control of a crucial hilltop for further attacks on the don't yet squeegee and, and also put them to 15 kilometers away from the main supply. helpful ukrainian forces is that the children have been injured in the suit. zach regent in august on children gathered on the state to take part in the poetry and competition . with a truck rolled down the hillside. video footage shows the driver this vehicle plowing through the crowds. many of the children managed to move out of the way of the
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truck, which only stopped often. it destroyed. the gangs and hazy have launched a series of attacks from the capital of his days off to a new prime minister. took office ations. according on the new government to boost the police force and restore no an order and to them on hand has no law and order is broken down in port. the prince. families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting very intensely with heavy whip on to the terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they have been sitting fight with things non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they've burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i have these transitional government announced the new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security
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to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violence of the people here say there's no hope to the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets so close to us. the circumstances we have no experience in our country are un thinkable. we see no way out. what is worrying is in security because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang biling so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer bins and monahan al jazeera and the u. k. demonstrates as have blocked the government salacious attempts to transfer migraines on that side. him seek is on to
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a floating detention center. 8 people would need to be removed from the hotel. the nonsense i'm taken. so as far in the south west england, a good price is blocked, the road in slash box ties to so that removal for brendan has this has now been restored to the streets around the best western pack them hotel. but just a couple of hours ago. this was the scene of confrontations between protest as on police. the protest as attempting to stop the police from removing some migrants who was staying in the hotel and taking them to the former prison ship. the baby still come. there was a book date of people sitting in the, in the, in the road, linking jobs and preventing the police from getting the migrants out. there was a bus that was brought here to remove the migrants. it had one of its tires, slashed, was unable to move in the air and that the bus left empty, and the migrants web put back into the hotel. i'm lodge, they as
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a result of the efforts of local campaigners from around this area. so we determined that the margins should not be removed when the best of all right, actually that was so many people around thinking it was such a big resistance that no one ever go onto the bus and then no one got taken. it's a baby site which is a massive success x, a people really sorry job. and then when the boss to defend the leave it let them say it's also local election day here and migration. immigration has been a major issue in that election to so the timing of this attempted removal, perhaps not an accident, but it's also interesting that in ma gave for example, last week has a very similar scenario happens. well, well, thought these ones that to remove my gums, my hotel van and take them also to this ship that they'd be still kind with. another group of local campaigns prevented that from happening. so because a, it's a very difficult balance between what the government wants to achieve. i want local people are willing to let half a whole brand, and i'll just, they're
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a south london the united states, your opinion, i'm the u. n o o j and the georgia in parliament interrupt. it's for an influence though, people in georgia happen protesting against the proposal for nearly a month. and legislation would require organizations to get moving 20 percent of the funding for my board to register as far as the agents here. leadership of all of that has moved from to blue c device, process the ground to do winding down in the georgia in tampa to be moved. the atmosphere was completely different compared to yesterday or the day before when police were trying to discuss the protests with was economy to a gas on purpose pray. a major riley was held today, not far away from the heroes quest. one of the most important trustful junction in the georgia, the capital, a people broke this quiet look over the neighboring street,
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a police twice to the surprise them, but they failed. people here continue to talk to the russian law. we already have enough laws in place that guarantees best thursday for each commercial, 9 commercial info to the land, to just they have all the agents to declare their about their income and the source of the money. where does it come from? so what, while we have this was the willing when the next and you one that resembles the russian culture part. it raises more concerns the georgia in parliament, a box below in the 2nd reading. yes. today on the side and final reading is expected on may the 17th, and we're expecting more pros, it's closer to dante. in the meantime, the country is entering the east to break, which is going philosophy full days and there is a hub that things will be a little bit comma 0, but this period of time, you know, should pop out about 0 really st. georgia. okay, that's it. for me,
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money inside the best means that we'll be back in the a week. the look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing inflation come down in many costs. well, to understand how it affects daily lives, outline for us how big a problem is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on outages forgotten, victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric s u. v. as for all the
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rest on the back of extraction, from the mines in the congo and from the bodies of candle, is workers all just the risk new series dying or be on to the on age in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the gentleman of the people for years they have borne the brunt of a legal binding activities. their rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, i'm drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us to let us to send a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of things. digit is reserved for self. indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're
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still facing strong resistance from the powerful lobby in congress to the same vill expand the fight from their villages to the country's court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the civilian home as to august said yes, again, as rainy as strikes, hit 7 gauze. at least 7 palestinians have been killed the money in sight. this is out of their life from dell also coming up. but


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