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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the country's court rooms and electing the wrong politicians to save their lives. the civilian homes talk and said yes again. as rainy as strikes, hit, southern gaza at least 7 palestinians have been killed the money in sight. this is out of their life from the also coming but a simian. you'll notice. 3 press freedom prize on his food, palestinian john is there, we're closing on israel's got us president joe biden defense police action on university campuses, while students demand an end to this route and the edits on the way
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come in to recover dozens of bodies off the devastating floods from the heavy rains are expected we begin in southern gaza, where is riley strikes of killed at least 7 palestinians in a residential area, north of rasa. a family home in the area was targeted. israel has increased its foaming campaign in and around the rough and despite international pressure not to launch a military offensive on the city. nearly one and a half 1000000 displays palestinians all seeking shelter in rafa up to fling as well as the tanks. elsewhere in garza, the united nations has urged israel to drop its plans for ground to tack on roof of the specs best and full. the un secretary general says it would be fatal to display civilians and humanitarian aid operations in the strip. a rough size at the heart
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of our guys that humanitarian operations. it a, it is a trans chip of point for live saving assistance that arrives and gaza from rough uh, from the rough, uh, and the current show on crossings. it is where dozens of 8 organizations store the live saving supplies they deliver to civilians across the gaza strip. most importantly, they are hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa to escape environment, famine, and disease. for them, a ground operation would be more mean more suffering. civilians must be protected, and international humanitarian law must be respected by all. that's good. that's how i got those whom he enjoys as live from rafa and southern gaza. so talk, what more can you tell us about this latest strike on this family home in the north? a for alpha? to yes will fact. in fact, the strikes of course,
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rough district usually intensify off to midnight where the majority of bus a bus majority of palestinians are sleeping. but the latest was really, i plugged the as at least 7 palestinians have to report it kills including 4 children where the entire building was a show tough for palestinians who have been mostly displaced from the houses bought . yes, the house has been targeted without receiving any uh, probably a warning where there is the vast majority of the victims were young children and the realities that russell had been intensively attached in the course of the past few weeks as the people here in a rough i completely feel the notable surge of attacks not only from a but also from land is really off to a unit for our station close to real fast food has been attacking the eastern part . so rough, uh, uh, within the past, the 24 hours in a very unfair student form and that's absolutely terrifying. the light of the ongoing repeats it's,
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it's threats released by use very politically and minutes relate as regarding a potential military, encouraging of that densely populated area. if negotiations to reach to us, useful agreements with homeless has have pets to a dead end the box. we can plug a record of the strikes, of course the strip, including and most iraq to refugee camp alongside with as a to and neighborhoods in the another of pots of garza where civilians have been confirming that they have been here in constance tend to be shooting off the residential houses and i've recalled true lands whether it is very minute 3 that have tons the entire no other insect into a pile of russell. okay, thank you for that tired but i want you to stay with us because i want to get your reaction to the fact that published to me in journalist this morning covering israel's will. on gauze i have been awarded unesco as well press freedom price to but a student in july, discovering does at least
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a 143 maybe work has been done. this have been killed in gaza in 7 months. i feel sorry. just go with your one of those janice, you've been reporting day and day out from gaza on the extremely difficult. a 2nd sense is what is this a would mean to you? well this a was as to set it to be extremely vital for the vast majority of, of kansas gentlest. who have been reporting day and night on the ground since the beginning of this conflict between how my son is about to have been trying to work tirelessly in order to deliver the truth to the world about old, the latest developments, political, humanitarian and even security issues. i know what a just to drove a full full traits about the realities, impacts very densely populated area. now, within the past, over the 6 months, we have been losing a lot of our colleagues who have been killed along with the family members. well,
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some of them have been attacked as c, as the were doing their own job reporting with tiny yet kind of a protection being afforded, joining the force since october. the 7th, within 140 journalists, had been killed by is ready fire without even any kind of impunity. and that's absolutely contradictory to the principles of international humanitarian. lo, we're doing that as aust. if williams will, must be avoided to be attacked as there are no play targets for the military. but what palestinians a generalist has been doing within the past couple of months is that no matter how difficult is the human at target and security conditions, they completely continue the own report saying, an order to keep the world informed and the from the same time to let the voice of palestinians be head across the territory and all the course to charge me of course, the entire float. okay, thank you for that tire cab. i assume that for us in a rough as well as we were discussing that with hurricane us, go has own the old palestinian gen us for they were covering israel's war and gaza
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and international jury said it recognize that car is during what it called times of darkness and hopelessness, alas and american edison, lucy and even reports from santiago, where the ceremony was held. i'm in the museum of fine arts here and had a chat with chilly with a ceremony, and then just a short while ago. and it's really a most single ceremony in which it was announced that the candle prize for world press freedom would be given not to one or 2 or 3 to all of the palestinian journalists for covering the war on gaza. the power speed in vassar was here, there were many people in the room or even prying a lot, as i say, a lot of emotion, very, very strong applause. so clearly the journalists who are also attending the ceremony that would come from all over the world just about for world press freedom day. we're in agreement. we've had a strong, strong storm assess, assess, sorry,
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to say that we need to support this moment. did you notice the other students with things? because we've seen that nobody will you but you are released and facing many face underwater, underwater mare that could not be in the heat. that ice man for stick with you on this be an ash. so we're seeing valid, we need to say stop, leap, stop. now we need to defend the feet on a 1st you on for me to defend. i'm from all of the safety of the your values. um probably it went to say in this moment that's the ask you mind if you have a few that you that i've seen and you have others. we've had a few that they act torres, they are coming then to the feel of the question. so that is the message that the world isn't debt to the journalist who develops stevie and journalist for covering the war on god. now this is just the beginning of what was the 2 more days of activity be here in chile, dealing with worlds press freedom day journalists are coming from all over the
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world and will be discussing not only what is happening in the occupied territories in palestine and in guys have it also, the threats and the risks that are being faced by general. this is from all over the world. to see a human al jazeera cynthia, ourselves, i'm of it looks in the states of media globally at a time of increasing threats. i'm talking to the tax journalists are facing unprecedented. dangerous watch dogs say that we're, we're getting into the gaza media workers are under siege. oh my god. did you hear that? since israel's military offensive beginning october,
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more than 140 journalists have been killed, making the strip one of the most dangerous places for reporters as a healthy you know, for this been in the palestinian generalist, and god are exposed to the most horrific attacks. and live in the worst conditions on as they sacrificed themselves and their families for the sake of doing their job and completing that mission one to tell the world about the truth on the ground. but the danger is not confined only to worse zones. several countries, i mean post tighter laws and regulations governing journalists in georgia mess protest are taking place against the so called for an influence bill, which the governing party says will strengthen independence. but critics aids designed to crush the same thing planned down on independence media outlets. china is newly expanded state secrets law, which previously applied only to military and diplomatic activities. now covers work secrets,
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which many fear is undefined and could impact the reporting of all state institutions. some western countries are accused of surveilling journalists. as in the u. k. 2 journalists in belfast, the police set up a truck in order to uncover their sources is deeply troubling. when politicians, i suppose, donald trump, is the most famous of them. but the problem can be seen in many countries, demonize and undermine, generalist because the minds trust in all the information that we have on it. forces people into polarized information bubbles. journalists have additional obstacles this year due to the record number of elections worldwide in toggle. for an immediate were banned from covering monday as parliamentary elections. in india, local media outlets are often pressure by the government and powerful business owners. and many foreign journalists have been denied visas to cover the elections . in a year of increasing castillo, the,
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there are calls for better protection of journalists who sometimes speed the highest price to tell a story. access i'm gonna reach out to 0. sally, can i loan is the edison chief of sites on media, on a former report of the apple daily home. com which was shut down by the government in 2021. she said home comes national security, lowest closing money, john list to leave and work in excel of the national is acreedo, an exit in 2020. like impose a very like a lot of threat to um, 1st freedom in hong kong. um we have observed that like um for the past couple of years like major news outlets correct down like apple diety or stand use and my for my editors and leaks. they are now in jail and under trial waiting for um the, the sentence and um,
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and uh like some of the um drawers the for to leave home calm if they wish to continue to work as a journalist. so that's why we left hong kong and i established a diet for media, social media now in taipei and like, and the society. it was free speech. so, but we can also talk to that like after even like after, after the initial, to create a little um, then the press freedom has gone down and it's crack down. and then in march we have our goal for you 3 and that's it as well. so it for the like quite down press freedom and freedom of speech and home phone and the connection between helping people with people outside of including press outside home. and it's a natural process as well. i think the major challenge that we wish to focus on hold on hughes, because we want to like to, to, to, to, to supplement the, the, the doc hole. now a local hong kong use outlet. so he's papers that the news that
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they can not cover, but it is so difficult for us to um, cuz the news without being on the ground right in the, in the problems. so it is the major challenge that we wish to if you want to continue to report a news on a phone call without being at home call or the united states president joe bought and has cooled campus protests against israel's, on gauze, and chaos has said or the must prevail, his comments follow one of the largest police raids on a pallet peninsula, doris in kemp, and since demonstrations began across the country a few weeks ago, these $200.00 processes were arrested at the university of california. in los angeles, pensions and college campuses have risen since police moved in to clear the incompetence of white house correspondent kennedy hook. it has more on the president funds comments as students protest. some colleges and universities across the united
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states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says that, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard, go see the images and they put through the test for 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be
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upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country, present abiding support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that, in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves kimberly healthcare houses 0. the white house in from ceilings per university says it's closing its main power as campus solves to a public opinion, solidarity purchase that the school has also rejected. demands by protest as to
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review its relations with is right and universities. thousands of students are staging a fishing in response and it's one student has gone on hunger strike. students blocked access to the university last week. demanding condemns israel's actions. still head on al jazeera on that why the mountains, no violence and hazy capital shows no sign of ending the fellow. we'll see some rather warm weather into pots of the eastern and northern europe. up to we'll see, you know what it stays up to. will scandinavia allows eclipse guys must big area of high pressure here, keeping things settled when it's coming in from a general se the direction before the south got some of
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a stormy conditions. just around italy, the bulk is pushing further. ace was another area of life pressure. i still keeping it rob at the steps across the northwest. let me go to another area of life pressure. this one here that's got a slide explained to the by of biscuits, introducing yet more wet, wet and windy weather at times coming for your hay, but at least the winds thoughts into coming from over some of the direction. so temperatures will pick up even though it will remain unsettled across the west and possibly continue with the right across the pallets of spain and portugal. some of that will slide its way and still show us the air into italy. the bulk engine light is the sliding over tools, the black se, oh, but what's the key? i, as we go on into the we can further north of the temperatures we got into the low 20, so 21. stall. com, a 23 for also much that would be great actually also as warm as with red. she could see on. so i stick to that whatsoever never really too far away, rather breezy across the side of the mediterranean, of a breezy tube into the far north of africa, one or 2 showers, the libya,
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the indians with sand. when these one of the world's most expensive tibits and the black spots to try his destination for what a one a investigates the spot to capture in the sand. a wood king went out, which is the examination theme packed of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire financials, era the, [000:00:00;00]
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the they watching out as a reminder, on the top stories this hour, is there any bombardment, skills, 7 palestinians in a residential area in northern wrong and southern golf charlie forces struck a family home in the area, several of the people when the next guy weld press freedom prize has some some kind of some janice covering israel's born gaza. this a 143 media records from janice dawson in nearly 7 months. you as president joe biden has said the right to protest is protected in america, that violence ad demonstrations will not be tolerated. students and stuff continue to protest across the us campuses in solidarity with gaza as well as the freedom of speech. orthodox christian worship is a mocking good friday and no 2 parties use them. does he have a celebration,
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have been overshadowed by israel's will and gaza? stuck the deck as of the faithful let out, making their way down the v at the little saw retracing jesus, his son carrying the cross marking of course the crucifixion of jesus christ on holy friday. usually you would have many more religious tours here as part of this procession on orthodox easter. um of course the word goal is, is affecting that so far less people here. and also for the 1st time you have no permits issued to palestinian christians from the occupied westbank by these ratings, usually in times of tension. it hasn't completely stopped the permits, but this time none of them happen to now to attend to the procession will now make its way further down the b i the little so this is the,
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the 5th station station of the cross. and then making their way down these alleyways towards the church of the holy sceptical where of course it's believed jesus christ was crucified, buried and resurrected on easter sunday. stephanie decker, which is 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. the cycling can complicate efforts to recover bodies if those killed in kenya is flooding. 52 bodies have been found, but thousands are still missing in slots that locals say were caused by a blocked drain. torrential rain. catherine sway is in my my here town in central kenya. of the document was invalid t. as in my, my, you have a lot area to cover declaring debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mud flood. waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders,
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thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any big residency? the incident was caused by a bluff stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what, how much it was and the people in your state, they are just like to be alive now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his nephew from somebody saying he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national re weighs corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp
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for the displaced that getting caught new clothes and medical. ok. if you have a be established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place. because that team is got into the ground with someplace what at 20 plus plan. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page. if it was negligence, that is blame on the government. a loose were waiting for news of the missing relatives say that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen saw you all to 0. my my hear central kenya. the international committee of the red cross as to if it's drive is, has been killed by gunman and sued on the attack. happen in del, for in western saved on the i see all see says is team was led to assess the humanitarian situation in communities affected by violence. so don's army and the power military rock and support forces have been fighting the move in a year. millions have been forced to flee that elections. the
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case governing conservative policy has lost a parliamentary bi election and is expected to sell for heavy losses in local elections. of a 2 and a half 1000 council states were up to grab across a 107 districts, which is being seen as a test as prime minister machine. so next, popularity ahead likely general election later this year instead of diary forces, he's in london for us. how are you? these are pretty disastrous results for the conservatives of the state making very depressing really indeed. yes. this parliamentary bi election in black pool south because i've just had been prepared for a loss that but it was a very major loss, a 26 percent swing from the conservatives to the main labor opposition party. it's lead a key, a stomach has wasted no time in getting to black pool on friday morning to
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celebrate with his winning candidates saying that this is a national vote. the black pool speaks for the country and sending a message, the receipts through not cuz it is time is nearly up off the 14 years of conservative rule. certainly the conservatives had been trying to put out a strong face uh brace face on it. on friday morning saying that they need to keep messaging about the achievements over the is a recent policy as well on things like migration and education. but it is looking a pretty bad science and a pretty bad set of results coming through already. and harry was still waiting for the final votes to come through to be counted as, but looking at the local elections results. i mean, they don't, it's not looking any best as it, you know, the council elections around. so looking like a very worrying indicates it for the conservatives somehow it's just suggesting
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that they look like they're losing about half of the seats. they were contesting, but from a relatively high. what's a mock? when they would last congested 3 years ago, they could be looking at around $500.00 seats being lost. and most of them, uh, or least it has been a lot of game for labor, especially with the right wing populist reform party have been doing well. they've been getting traction in recent months. they've been somewhat splitting the right and center. right. and so it's so late, but benefiting from that late that has seemed a bit of a speed bump in alden new manchester with 2 of its cabinet members of the council. the recently defected over the issue of labor's policy on garza, but other than that, that has been a very encouraging rosetta results already so late. but more coming in, during the course of friday, i did decide today they'll be a little bit tension on 2 major maryland regional elections in the northeast and the west midlands to see if the tories,
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the conservatives hold onto that. but even if they do, both of those candidates have really been distancing themselves somewhat from the conservative party. so it will be something that a psychological boost, potentially. but still, the concept is looking like they're in a pretty deep hole, head of the general election, likely in just a few months. okay. like it's about how every force of effort in london, the gangs in hazy, have launched a series of attacks in the capital. just days of the new prime minister took office haitians, according on the new government to boost the police force and restore law and order . intern monahan has no law and order is broken down in port a prince. families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting very intensely with heavy way upon the teeth, a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they have
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been sitting fired with things, non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they've burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i hate these transitional government announced a new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say there's no hope, the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets across the school. the circumstances, we have no experience in our country on an thinkable, we see no way out. what is worrying is in security because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang biling so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat
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until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer. bends and monahan al jazeera to us judge has declared a mistrial, and a case brought forward by former detainees of the upgrade present in a rock. the former detainees say that interrogates is contracted by the ministry, were complicit in the bees. they suffered at the hands of us soldiers 20 years ago . to 8 days the jury was as a deadlock, ma allow is the executive director of the muslim count to public's lamb. she says she doesn't believe they will be accountability of justice in this case. besides what happened in this trial, and in addition to right, i mean, no one has been held accountable for the torture that was condoned. and really the ways in which the administration officials federal government were complicit and the torture. so, you know, i don't, i don't imagine that there will and honestly ever be true accountability and


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