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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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is the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm real about this, and this is the news on life from jo. how coming up in the next 60 minutes palestinian homes of left in ruins overnight is really strikes and southern guns of killed at least 7 people. women and children are among the debt by the state in the discovery world press freedom flies owners, old palestinian journalists for their reporting on israel's board, on jobs you as president joe biden, defense police action on university campuses,
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while students demand an end to israel's war on gossip. i'm catherine floyd in my my q. u central, telling you about the ongoing operation formerly floods that she was dodson and it's for the english kimberly to enter the most crucial weekends of the season . table top or as our stolen 2nd place. manchester city are both in action on saturdays with just a few games left in the 10 g m t. we're going to begin this and use our in gals over is really strikes of killed at least 7 palestinians in a residential area in northern rough or a family home in the area is being targeted. israel's increased as bombing campaign in and around rafa. any 1500000 displaced palestinians are seeking shelter there. that's the new model up from 3 missiles hit. these innocent children, a mother had the 2 girls sleeping on her lap. there was sleeping on her lap. the 2
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girls whose i'm pretty much is that there's been over them at the source on thought they left by the school. there were only a few meters between them and the school. at 2 o'clock there was a miss so and their house was gone. how was their house destroyed? meanwhile, more a trucks have entered gas. it, but the agencies say, but it's nowhere near enough. israel has been accused of preventing deliveries since the war began. the u. n. has urged is really officials to drop their plans for granted attack, and often they are hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa. just to cape environment, famine and disease. for them, a ground operation would be more mean more suffering. civilians must be protected and international humanitarian law must be respected by all topic about resumes, don't you just not a lie from what off i in southern gaza. what more can you tell us about the story from the family home? a yes,
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we're up inside the is there any uh flight to just have to get to the residential building in the northern part of rough, our district or at least 7 palestinians have been killed, includes include children now. the a tech has been carried out in an area that's a sort of jason to make shift times and in a very densely populated neighborhood where palestinians have been taken as a refuge. the clarity you think the key it talks on the ground. move said, strikes, of course, growth of districts move on to the bottom. it could clearly overhead from the eastern side of that city and lights of the ongoing expectations about a potential military encouraging and growth of district. but we have been waiting to see more attacks and separate part. so i'm going to include, i'm going to shoot, i just need nickel, who's in the car, most of the newest of district, we're back to the raging. we in the palestinian um 3 times along side with is valley. um me as we have been here in new information from, i was just in the mid areas talking about the since awesome. the re bombardment,
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such as described to be extremely intensive, where they had been attacking farmlands on agricultural, including residential houses in such areas with numbers of casualties being transferred to the hospital to receive medical treatment. the old over strides boxes, the goal is to strip since the out to for, to this conflicts, according to the united nation has to have contributed to rising productions among women to reach 10000 palestinian women being killed since the beginning of the conflict. and that number is absolutely and extraordinary, since even during the previous rounds of conflict that the rock said we and how my son is. well inside the pursuit and play, move on to go talk about mortgage trucks entering. does it bring us up to date with what's happening there? yes um, within the past couple of weeks we have been records in kansas now its
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a slight increase of the numbers of the humanitarian. 8 took some book for example, yesterday at least 200 to 12 humanitarian 8. 12 had been allowed to get into the south for a through outpost boat. as russel, i'm currently on the side of the 1st thing, but yet this, these numbers can not really match the needs of tons of completion. we're talking about 1.4. please have you residing here in a rough law and there are still other people who are still trucks in the north of the gauze are strictly have been receiving limited amounts of 8 supplies. but they have been recently receiving much needed and leaving it like saving supplies that consider it to be the 1st time since the beginning of the world from aris cross thing where we're talking about. so it's a one humanitarian 8 to being allowed to get into the northern parts of dollars. i thought totally problem city is, has been consuming at least 1200 commercial trucks and tons of pre conflicts. and now the numbers that gets in are considered to be
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a truck in the ocean in terms of the admin needs of gauze. this trip to stay with me for a moment because i want to tell people about the fact that today palestinian journalists have come covering israel's warning gauze. i have just been awarded. unesco is world press freedom trucks to but a student in the discovery you guys are in international jury said it recognize the courage during what it called times of darkness and hopelessness. at least a 143 medial workers on journalists have been killed in garza, in 87 months of 1000 spoken to the family of site automobiles who was killed within the 1st few days of the war of honey. my mood has more from rough on, i saw you, the story was among the 1st journal listing dogs to die covering the door. he was the editor in chief of homicide news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the stress. and then i didn't. i'm going to continue and then i had
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many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as caring and just kind to me as though you'd was to his mother. but his children did get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died. very young. god will help us guy, that's the key, i'm afraid was guilt. when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a remote neighborhood in gaza. city, just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated in order. and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a changed tactics and struck a different, much closer target. going him and 2 other journalists, they had been wearing and flak jackets and helmets, clearly identified them as oppressed. death has left his father at a loss with limits. and if i thought i didn't see side means so much to me that i used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable
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to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us to hear more than $140.00 medial workers have been killed in nearly months of war, including all you are the are a camera man, founder of the and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families. and even more data from rough uh, call us time. let's go to try to go those them again in a rough time, you're one of those teen teams. one of those reports is, who has been talking to us every day from guys since the conflict began to tell us what this award means to you personally. but also, of course, to the other journalists who are working in gasser as well. definitely role at the basic roles of the journalist, any part of conflict or to promote peace understanding to be the voice of the voice list. i'm going to respect diversity and all of these features and quantities happy
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of 1000 palestinian gentlemen who have been working on the enormous pressure since they wanted to fight seem to have been suffering from all kinds of stage. similarly to local palestinians and probably civilians. of course, the territory and the spelling they have been seeing in the ground to inside a surgery they have been moving to areas of targeting. and so i think just to let the rules see what is happening, insight goes on basically what we can really talk to induce generalist actress. multiple areas of the territories that they are relate to sacrifice just to keep the world in the schools and don't really what happened to at least move them 126, thomas the new tenants who have been killed as they were trying to tell the world the truth, some of them have been killed as that were reporting on the ground. others have been killed alongside with the own family members in a completely unbearable humanitarian condition. so this one has been aware that for the vast majority of causes joint as t,
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i can set it to be something that will push them to ways to increase the estimates in order to keep the bring the truth regarding the dentist tides of ministry campaign and the territories to be so clear, what's the value to include them to be clean due to the ethics of journalism regarding regardless what the cost definitely will be for that time. thank you very much indeed to you and the teams and guys have had a couple of assuming that also thank you. whether or not it is what comes out of work for palestinian journalist came on world press freedom day, which highlights the challenges facing journalists around the world are those unavailable looks at the state of media globally at a time of increasing threats and targeted attacks. journalists are facing unprecedented. dangerous watch dogs say that we're, we're getting into the
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gaza media workers are under siege. oh my god. did you hear that? since israel's military offensive beginning october, more than 140 journalists have been killed, making the strip one of the most dangerous places for reporters as the healthy you know for this been in the palestinian gen. listen, god are exposed to the most horrific attacks and live in the worst conditions on as they sacrificed themselves and their families for the sake of doing their job and completing that mission. want to tell the world about the truth on the ground. but the data is not confined only to worse, owns several countries. i mean post tighter laws and regulations governing journalists in georgia, mess protest are taking place against the so called for an influenced bill, which the governing party says will strengthen independence. but critics aids
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designed to crush the same thing planned down on the dependent media outlets. china is newly expanded state secrets law, which previously applied only to military and diplomatic activities. now covers work secrets, which many fear is undefined and could impact the reporting of all state institutions. some western countries are accused of surveilling journalists. in the u. k. 2 journalists in belfast, the police set up a truck in order to uncover their sources is deeply troubling when politicians ice, those donald trump is the most famous of them. but the problem can be seen in many countries, demonize and undermine journalist, because the minds trust in all the information that we have. and it forces people into polarized information bubbles. journalists have additional obstacles this year due to the record number of elections worldwide. in toggle for an immediate were
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banned from covering mondays parliamentary elections. in india, local media outlets are often pressure by the government and powerful business owners. and many foreign journalists have been denied visas to cover the elections . in a year of increase in castillo, the there are calls for better protection of journalists who sometimes pay the highest price to tell a story. access i'm of which out. is there a whole bunch and no, no is own award winning them by william? john was known for his investigative work and corruption. he's joining his life from johannesburg. thank you very much indeed for being with us. i was reading through a brief biography. i of you, you've been arrested several times. i'm going to talk about one of them. first of all, in 2020. you were drilled, i think for $45.00 days for reporting on corruption during the covered pandemic. talk as to what happened when the police arrived at your home. a thank you very much for having me. what happened was that i, i started reporting on the must have moved to
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a 5 i find which was meant to leave yet the effects of coverage bring in equipment and accessories like months. um the only box is on p. f is bye with been held a press conference, they wanted me against my importing and said that i was tired of seeing the image of the president and his family because they were partially involved in what was happening. then on the 20th of july, it is a wednesday morning. the police came to my home with citrix service, and they used an age of 47 to the french door which led to into my dining room in. 3 and then they went straight to my bed where i was, but i was, i was also aware of what has happened in the past. and by the way, people have just been abducted and they disappear. so i started filming, i live on facebook, so as they enter my bedroom,
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i have catch up their mind their faces. and i think that is one of the videos that the out and as of to me for the one of the things that came up and in the back to the people me in january 2021 you're interested for the 3rd time in 6 months. have you tried to change or ameliorate the way that you do? you are reporting to limit the amount of exposure that you have and to less than the risk of being involved with the security forces that i think it seems today. so, well, basically the whole day, it's an important day to reflect on those issues that you correct. right. and one of the things that i've come to understand is that why don't you limit yourself all the exposure to those kinds of abuses in the higher speed? it means also, if you, you give this up to what is happening, especially if it's investigating work. the only way you can not end up being
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obviously is by stop reporting about corruption and it means that the bad guys will get water from do so do you have it for do you find it difficult not to get people to believe your stories? if there is so much antipathy that you are facing from the governments that you are reporting on the official them that you're reporting on. does it start to affect the way that people read your reports and understand what you're trying to do? i think it is done to help was the teachers actually made people want to read mall of my wake. so when i started reporting and true, the 18 using social media i applied for a lot of people following me on twitter. now, i've worked all by immediately, the phone was on by, on my social media platforms, including trees out with over 750000 people following me. and at the i don't know see, to start, i now have a wider audience in reach that the state of media that is controlled by the
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government guy for more people reading my me to you all add for your so media then they do on the biggest newspaper buttons, bible, so give the rest of the throwing me into prison. and this certainly is actually done the opposite of what the government wanted to achieve. you just made people want to be more than what do i understand what's going on into the bible. and i did look more people now giving the leads in terms of what's happening, especially with state corruption reports blackboard has released a report just recently on the basically which was very depressing reading if you're, if you're a journalist and that there seems to be an increasing amount of track down on press freedoms around the world. what is your view of uh, the potential for press freedom on the african continent particularly, but to indic is particularly also in the areas that you cover. and i think it goes without saying that uh, a country that says if the price intends to do well uh, in,
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in governments and unfortunately many pods. uh and i forgot to do my own purchase back with uh, software on that. and this is directly linked to the way democrats is dying across the well, it's not just into the bible and i forget, but of course, the wild you end up with people like to try while going south to the press money played citizens using properly using to try to undermine the price because they know that the press exposure is dish. and i need guys as really a needs and need a country likes to buy with even worse because we only have one television station which is owned by the state. and is i've tried to do because by with my junior or the 1st 2 countries and such sorry, and i forgot to have television. but today's viper is the only country of any significance. and i think that is when you want to be stationed and used as a product that to make up. busy for, for the, for the stage, for, for gauging,
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lies, and approved for my dad that which is meant to diverge people, some of the things that are happening and of course, and also these, these matched undermined people like myself when we called wisdom topics. and that's where we use the worst and government simply because we are doing on ocean and we appreciate your being with us and i'll just be honest and thank you very much indeed for your time. i a thank you very much. like the and science police begun removing students on the seals whole university campus where they've been in protesting and solidarity with kind of sign. please. a lot of pictures from congress. the schools rejected demands by protesters to review its relations with is really university and dozens of students have been staging a, sitting in response. 6 of them and gone and hunger strike. students blocked access to the university last week,
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demanding it condemned israel's actions. today morning they called us in again, and they said, here's what we can propose to have a room available on monday for the exams. you need to leave these rooms and move to the cafeteria to continue your occupation if that's possible. and we're open to campus. but there were no insurance has given that they wouldn't be a police intervention after people leave the rooms. because once people leave the rooms that give them access to food, there is no guarantee anymore that they would be able to access these rooms. right now there is no way for the student success food because the police had locked off the streets. there was no way for them to talk to the journalist. the windows were the only way and still school does not want students to have access to these windows and decided moved to the cafeteria. but i believe the negotiations take place in good faith and there was no good faith put forward by didn't station to say if students would be sanctioned or students would also be protected from demand that they've been asking for since the town hall. and before is to have a working group to investigate partnerships that violate international human rights laws. and we think that it's a very fair demand. unfortunately, unfortunately,
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the director has explicitly claimed that he is not interested in doing so on. the question of this working group is out of question. it's never going to happen. so unfortunately, the students, i mean, mobilized in the united states, president joe biden's called samples of protests against israel's war on gaza. chaos. and he said, order must prevail, is coming to follow one of the largest police raids on the palestinian solidarity encampment since demonstrations began across the country. a few weeks ago. at least $200.00 protesters for the rest of the university of california, los angeles. these tensions on college campuses in prison since police moved in to clear and conference or why does correspondent company how it gets got more on president buttons, comments as student protests on colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5 and finally broke his silence, speaking from the white house roosevelt room,
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the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point, hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard. we've all seen the images and they put to the test for 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send. the american people are heard in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to the
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consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country, present abiding support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that in fact, the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic loaves kimberly healthcare houses 0. the white house protesting students at rutgers university in new jersey have dismantled their encampment after reaching a deal with campus administrators. however, on thursday they were given a deadline to clear the area demonstrate to say the university officials agreed to support the palestinian students and considered the vesting from israel. the post, as far as work goes to postpone final exams. in canada, students at the university of toronto have joined the protest movement in solidarity with palestinians. they've set up an account,
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but they're similar to what's happening in the us. they're demanding that the university splits from israel and accusing it of complicity in the destruction of guys. we are witnessing some of the most horrendous crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though we are paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing it in companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on life tv. and there they have ties with academic institution that are upholding the, the, in the apartheid an occupation that's causing all this going to bring in mohammed almost where he's a media studies professor and political analyst at the doha institute for graduate studies. good to have you with this analogy 0. i want to talk about the ripple effect that these protests that we're seeing in the us are having, because we've just seen picked just about the protests that are going on. it seals poll university and funds. we've seen other protests around the world as well. all
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of this, i would imagine being driven by the presence of social media, the ability for the student, se in the us campuses to be able to film what's going on and immediately spreads out the costs of won't talk to us about the impact about solving social media has been a, has been a game changer. there's no question about the mainstream media in the west. and if we want to look at the united states, in particular, is an atoria as for adopting the destructive official line, not because there is official censorship, censorship, of course there isn't. but because these western media apparatus is like the american apparatus or the british apparatus have what media scholars call structural constraints in place, right? there are these kind of filters that end up dictating what kind of news is produced, right? this is why you see such a sharp departure if you watch cnn, or if you read the new york times from say what you get on democracy now or in the interceptor on o g 0 or in the middle east. i and other, and other outlets not only of what's happening and gaza, but even of what's happening on the ground with, with
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a protest. so students are able to use social media. and remember, young people are most likely to be plugged into the social media sites like ex, instagram and tick tock. so they're getting one version of reality that departs significantly from the reality. that is, that is being depicted by mainstream media. they have galvanized support for the palestinian cause, and it's not surprising therefore to see all these opinion polls that show which the young people that are most likely to be sympathetic with the palestinians and to be critical of israel and western policy. these are the gods because they are the ones who are plugged into these social media sites. it's world press freedom day. we've been talking about that earlier rolling over use the, the, i just regular reporting. they published any reports and guys are being awarded for their work there. i wanted to talk to you about the world press freedom generally you would referring interestingly to this federal constraints within certain western organizations, particularly when it comes to reporting certain things. but what else are we seeing
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in terms of the kind of constraints and repressions that are being put on the press around the world, particularly at the time what it is so important when people are protesting and in relation to some to the war in gaza? when it comes to getting that message out, well, one of the really important structural constraints that media scholars talk about is sourcing. so if you want to cover the news, if you work for the new york times or the washington post, what do you end up talking to at the end of the day you're into talking to government officials. well, we know that overwhelmingly, the united states government officials, for instance, are supporting israel officially. right. and they're also supported by a pack the, the biggest lobby organization in the united states, the pro israel lobby. so that's one of the reasons why you end up getting the kind of coverage that you get. it's interesting to know what you're talking about world press freedom day. well, report is about borders released their world press freedom uh, index off for 2024 is just released within the last 12 or 14 hours. and the united
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states actually dipped pretty sharply. they're down to 55th in the world, in the press freedom rankings, and in their report, it's pretty scaling. report is without borders is talking about how us officials are calling for the rest of journalists. they're talking about the protests and they're talking about how journalists have been barred from covering the protests. in some instances, they're talking about how journalists have been assaulted and arrested. so the united states is actually taking a hit here, not only politically and in terms of their global standing, but also in terms of how they're viewed as a center for, for global journalism mohammed. i'm not sure a, we appreciate you being with us. and obviously the thank you very much indeed, the still ahead and i'll just see them. the cost of living crisis in bangladesh. families cut down on basic goods as prices rise. and in sports, the new york knicks, when massive game 6 explains their playoff series actions va coming up laser to program
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the hi lo, we'll see some rather warm weather into parts of the eastern and northern europe tools. the united states up to a scandinavia allows eclipse. guys must big area of high pressure here, keeping things settled when it's coming in from a general se the direction of the south and got some other stormy conditions. just around italy, the bulk is pushing for the race was another area of life pressure. i still keeping it raw, that the steps across the northwest. let me go to another area of light pressure. this one here that's kind of a slide explained to the by of biscuits, introducing yet more wet weather west and windy weather at times coming for your day. but at least the wind starts into coming from of a suddenly direction. so temperatures will pick up even though it will remain unsettled across the west and possibly continue with the rain across piles of spain and portugal. some of that will slide its way in still showers the air into italy, the bulk and notice the sliding of tools, the black se. oh,
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but the was the key. i as we go one into the we can further north of attempted to speak up to and to the low 20. so 20 wants to still come a 23 for also next that with me great. actually i'll slow as warm as with red. she could see on, so i stated that whatsoever never really too far away, rather breezy across the side of the mediterranean, of the breezy tube, into the far north of africa, one or 2 showers, that libya the 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the as railey bombing 3 years ago. the 11 days in may all the outages,
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they're examining the impact of today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe the setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or find it on alger 0. the the, you know, to zeta, reminder of our child stories this are, is really bombardments killed the 7 kind of standing in this in
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a residential area in northern rafa in southern gas. or is there any forces chunk, a family home in the area of several other people have been injured? the dns sco world press freedom prize has gone to palestinian journalists covering israel's war on garza, at least a 143 medial workers. and journalists have been killed in gas or in nearly 7 months or in front of the police. because we're moving students on the seals, this whole university campus, but it in protesting and solidarity talestine. he's a lot of pictures from powers disclose, rejected the mountains by protesters to review its relations with his reading universities a cycle and could complicate efforts to recover the bodies of those killed in kenya's flooding. 210 people have been killed. a 90 more are missing in floods, local sable caused by a block drain until a racial rain customer. so i witnessed recovery efforts in my mind who john in the
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central king. the document was invalid t. as in my, my, you have a large area to cover declaring debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mud flood, waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found. many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any re residency? the incident was caused by a bluff stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the whole market was and the people in your state, they are just lucky to be alive. now hashed and guerria is here to look for his
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nephew from somebody saying, he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national re weighs corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced that getting caught new floats and medical ok. if you have a be established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place, because our team is got into the ground with sublease, what at 20 plus plan. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page. if it was negligence, that is blame on the government. both were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. katherine, so you all just 0 my my hear central, can you? catherine is joining us live now from the nairobi. done so you've moved to where are you? where before catherine,
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what's happening where you are. yes. and we have an update from the government since the last 24 hours of 20 people across the country have died because of the floods. the death ball now has come to a $21090.00. people are still missing and thousands are displaced and some of the areas that have been affected, the government has us residents to move from areas like re was and downs as well. right now i'm a very near a dumb calls and i will be dumb. you can't see it, but to this a stream of flows into the dumb and since the heavy rain started the re, re what has been bought slowly, affecting uh, neighborhoods here. uh we are in camera. um it's an info more a settlement. uh,
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so people have been told to move, the government officials came and pull those that mark that just showing people that they need to move. now the government has said that the people who have been affected will be probably provided with temporary uh, shelters with food and i dont probations. uh, but we've been talking to residents here and could bear up with the yes, they are okay to relieve they need safety as well. but then they haven't seen any government presence here. they say that's no one has come to talk to them. no one has told them where they should go, so there is a lot of uncertainty here and it's not just p i and compare off like, you know, the company now the areas as well, where people have been told to move confidence. thank you very much. indeed. catherine, so i bring us up to date from and i will be done. it's guys in haiti as long as the series of attacks and the capitals as days after
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a new prime minister to coffers. haitians are calling on the new government to boost the police force unrestored law and order offense. and monica has more law and order is broken down. in puerto prince families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting fading intensely with heavy way upon the teeth, a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they are in search and find things non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they for businesses, attack police stations and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i hate these transitional government announced the new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say there's no hope,
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the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets to close the school. the circumstances we have no experience in our country are un thinkable. we see no way out. what is worrying is in security because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang violence so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until order is restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer bins. monahan al jazeera united states you were being union and the u. n. o are all urging the georgian parliament to drop it's for an influence bill of the people that in georgia have been protesting against the proposed law for almost a month to legislation would require organizations. they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as phone an agents. critics say it could be used to clump down and political descent and it might block the countries
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chances of joining the, you know, shelf of oliver has more fun to be c of today's process. the gland to your winding down in the georgia in tampa to be moved. the atmosphere was completely different, some pets to yesterday or the day before when police were trying to discuss the protests with was economy tear gas and pepper spray. a major riley was held today, not far away from the heroes quest, one of the most important trustful junctions in the georgia, the capital a people blocks the square and look over the neighboring street. a police twice, the surprised them, but they failed. people had continued to chop know to the russian law. we already have enough laws in place that guarantees by thursday for each commercial, 9 commercial info its vantages. they have all over the agents to declare their about their income, the source of the money we have doesn't start from. so while we have this was the
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willing when the next a new one that resembles the russian culture part. it raises more concerns the georgia in parliament a bond below in the 2nd reading yesterday. and the 3rd and final breathing is expected on may the 17th. and we're expecting more pros, it's closer to dante. in the meantime, the country is entering the east to break, which is going to last for full days, and there is a hope that things will be a little bit comma 0. but this here to find us 0 really st. georgia, the british prime minister of issue so like is facing yet more questions about his leadership after another set of by the local election results for these governing conservative party. more than 2 and a half size and cancel seats were off and drums across a $107.00 districts and comes as soon as party some of the defeats in a parliamentary, bi election in blackwood south losing the seat to the labor party. how the faucets in london for us talk us through the results. first of all, henry,
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or we have some very bad news for the conservative policy along a number of different uh, results sort of tracking. most importantly, essentially what happened in black pool south, the constituency that had been held by the conservatives, that member resigning a, made a lobbying scandal in the past. the substance, how you doing this bi election? the concept is always pretty convinced that we're going to lose that, that was going to return to what had historically being a labor seat. but the margin by which they lost it was pretty stunning. a 26 percent swing from what had been a 3 and a half 1000 vote majority for the conservative to now a 7 and a half 1000 majority for labor. the labor lead a chemist on a very click on the scene this celebrating with his winning candidates and saying this was a national message to the conservatives. essentially that that time was off the 14
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years of rejection. he said, obviously, so not. and his policies, the concert is only just making it in the 2nd place. there is well ahead of the populace, right wing reform party. and the gaining traction of the recent months is also seen then really dissipate conservative numbers along a lot of the council states and which they stood a some very significant gains for labor of the conservatives, according to some analysis looking like they might lose some $500.00 council seats across england, which is pretty much at the, at the worse end of the projections ahead of these polls. and so all in all of a good night for labor, bad one for the conservatives, of their labor did run into one bit of difficulty in oldham. with 2 of its cabinet members of the council, the defect to the way from the policy over cause a policy other evidence of the movement, but the labor as well being affected. but the main story, the major losses of the conservative party, the conservatives were already facing
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a lot of turbulence when the machine so not took over as prime minister, he'd been filming prompting a promising stability when he came. and what does this on me know for the future, i'll address you soon. i the conservatives and the governments a well, yeah, i mean, as a week has been some gearing up to these elections, some of the talk about a potential leadership chinese to originally. so you're not compared to being dying down, but it was sort of bedding it and stuff, the bad news, but the news has been extremely bad. there is potentially one bit of soccer that the conservatives might get if into high profile matters elections in the northeast in t side and in the west midlands. if the conservative incumbents hold on that could give the policy something to rally behind. but it's also saying that they aren't particularly representative as contests of the white and national picture. each of those candidates to varying degrees has been very much running
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a campaign based on their own and posted onto their own policies and much less about the conservative party nationally. and so the sorts of questions that refused to not could protect potentially be and hoping to avoid likely to rid of the head again about his leadership. whether the tories could really have a full lita to prime minister since the 2019 election. that seems unrealistic. but maybe that will be kind of live questionnaire get in the coming days. got a positive in london. hardly. thank you. many people in bangladesh have been under pressure by a worsening cost of living crisis. inflation is want to get more than 9.5 percent and is likely to increase. i'll just say there's tons of charging has more from the capital duck in bung with dash. what i had been across growing economy in recent years is not being overshadowed by storing energy and food prices or with the cost of inputs rising and foreign currency reserve dwindling. the government has been
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forced to borrow from global agencies that impose all strategy measures many on know struggling to be or the addition of cost. right, is that set price is do fluctuate in the market, but the most we go up making a very hard for the fixed income and middle class people. they have no choice but to manage by cutting down on purchases or buying poor quality items. in a recent survey by their country statistics, bureau phone, about a quarter of families are taking out loans to meet their basic needs. incomes are stagnant and for i must say, prices are been kept down fairly levels by middle men in the supply chain automatically built in us the way things on. now we've gone through a couple of how far will cost from planting cutty. the prices have gone up for fossilize and diesel renting tractors and employing workers, and we just comp abandoned funding. according to another survey by salvation economic around 70 percent of households in bangladesh. i've been forced to change
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what they do to high prices and recently abroad from a buying of their she and your size from people here are paying more than consumers in europe and the us it for basic essentials like eggs, cooking oil and move into that. so i'm a konami's also say business syndicates are manipulating markets to keep prices high. and i've also criticize of the policies of the central bank. so the 3 factors that have driven up inflation. all the energy price adjustments, major devaluation in tucker, which included the for the import prices. and we also saw the lack of response from bangladesh band in imposing or from traction, or you monetary policy. the government says it will expand its social protection programs. so it'll home some wide ones. we will import all buy from local sources, any essential commodities that might be needed under the current prevailing situation to keep the market on the distribution process stable and even keep both
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the stocks. although foot prices are falling in some countries, the cost of essential fluid items is continuing to go up in bangladesh. despite the government's efforts to stabilize a ton of each other, y'all gives data duck the still ahead on, i'll just say them in sports. the tennis world number one is closing in on another title victory. father is going to be here with action from the madrid open. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the start for sports his father rob, thank you so much,
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arsenal and mattresses. city are getting ready for a potentially huge day in the race to win the property lead title on saturday. both teams are in action leaders. arsenal were host born with, with the gunners currently topping the table by one point. they're looking to win the champions set for the 1st time in 20 years. as for manchester city, they welcome wolves for the attend, despite trailing arsenal city, have a game in hand and have won the po for the past 3 seasons. so this is what the runnings look like for both team ourselves. that's half is it's half is probably there a way trip to old trafford while man city still have to play tottenham who of course held them to a draw in december to old journey is now is mad he knows all about winning the lead to add the gray, who of course want it in 1985 when i'm technical with every 10. so andy,
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this is where we are the arsenal versus manchester city. i'm. are you surprised that we're here right now at this point in the season and do you think liverpool are out of it? well, 1st of all, i was barely able to hear the sleep season file. normally my address is that you've got it wrapped up over the last 3 years of it's done and dusted. i'm. i'm so please do. we have some of the blade. so because of the form of optional, i'm not surprised that it's that close. as far as the pool, i think the last 2 weeks of done front of it, but i think that i the race as purely between these 2 mindset to be no, will hold them there. they can do it. can us know the next 2 or 3 weeks or sure, if they can. okay, well tomorrow to tomorrow or tomorrow, hosting form as well. man city are hosting both. they're both at home. do you think both teams will be able to win this? well, i think if you ask any football, find a pop from board within those funds, they will say to you, these 2 teams will when they're both at home for whom records are terrific. they're both in good form,
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very good for them. and i would be amazed like many other football funds at fossil and my, just a sec, you don't when the we can games. i mean, if one of them is a split box in the run up to the end of the season, where might it be? well, let's get through games, you've touched on them at the beginning of your bill within there. and also i've got to go through all traffic. no. normally that would be a real tough game, but that's my chest united. i'm nowhere near where much as you that you should be dropping off. so we'll be very confident that can go down. and when that football much, much is to say you have a little bit of a bulky team to go and play and that spouse a week. so that's a game that could easily not when i'm not saying that can lose it. but the could drop points in that game, but can you believe that tottenham funds with what their team to hand the table to ass? no, i don't. so that's a 5 day one. so 50 and also get through those 2 games that may just be the one point in the separation. now i've heard you say
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a couple times. mm hm. but you think are, are going to win this? yeah. why? well i'm, i'm usually hope was it predicting. but when also came back from the winter break fatah, they've been the best team in the country by far the one, but they really have proof against the aston villa when they lost the game feature . i think it was that was a big blow to them. so i believe the form is good. i believe the belief is that i believe better than last year. and i just have a sneaky feeling that will be one last twist. before the end of the season, and if that is, it might just be that game against toner because we were kind of here last season we're arsenal. we're really close to the do you think this is there was a twist up yet. and last season. do you think this is a different team? are they showing more confident and stuff better? i think you learn from your, your, your, your weakness and also upsetting the way i'm from last year. dixon rice has been a massive addition to the score cheese. each driven the forward is driven, the more suddenly the find, the position for chi, how else there's stopped to get goals for them. and please, as i said before with,
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and i, when i look at them, i see a belief, i really do see a belief and a desire to win the title. that doesn't mean they will because this much as i say said something special. okay. and before we go, i just want to ask you about your old team aston villa last in the conference league last night. at the time they come back to think the as simple as far as the con willie, that's a different answer altogether. it's a tough one. so tough us, i think if they did going here, he's gone that even level to play, olympia goes away. they may, they may have got for, but i think it's going to be, they're going to need one of the best performances as not the best performance of the season for going to be shipping. okay. well, looking forward to watching these last few games and the season and the great always great to have you on thank you so much. i our rocks football team of qualified for the only big games after they beat indonesia and extra time to finish . 3rd, in the under $23.00 asian cop tom size land was at the game. and cats are,
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is capital dow $8000.00 people tax in to watch the 3rd place playoff often seen as a conservation game. this had a lot more writing on it. a ticket to paris 2024. the majority of the fence are indonesian, some of them flew over just to the match and they retreated to an early lead. i. the gen is lay strike funny with back up in this. iraq found them equalize at 8 minutes later in the media couldn't deal with the scrambling the books. so you to seen had the last touch that was enough to force dimension to extra time. the crucial moment came in the 96 minutes early just seen was allowed through to one to right. so it plays for the side. it's the 6th time they've qualified. so the games, not all is most fit into media. you have another choice, again, skinny and a when to take so inter continental play up in paris on may, 9th. it's another chapter in an already impressive and then pick for what history for a rec, full place in 2004 and beats. and in 2016,
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this young group of foot blues will looks impressed on the global stays in paris. once again, in a few months time from size and out 0. so the new york next to eliminated the philadelphia 76 ers reach the 2nd round of the n b a playoffs. the next is jakevian brenson have $41.00 points to come in the 1st and b player to score 40 or more. it's close at a series and it's michael jordan. 10 for chicago and 1989. the next going on to beat the 76. there's a $118.00 to $115.00 k one for the 2nd round series will be in new york on monday. no matter what going forward. it's every situation is different. obviously this is a really big task for us and we're able to come on top, but going forward you don't know what the future holds and so on. maybe a different tests, maybe something completely different, but there's definitely helps and obviously be want to learn while winning to the next will play the indiana pacers of that box. have to be pacers visa, milwaukee bucks a 120 to 98 in the safe. always hopping and t j. mcconnell work,
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the top scores for indiana will reach there for some final and executive kind of swelled them. one e guess line tack has reached madrid open the final for a 2nd street year polish player dropped his for games and her some of the final went over american madison to use more time grand slam champion last out to rena sutherland in last year's title decider. trying to hide for have a chance for redemption because sub blanket has reached the majority of final. once again, the defending champion came back from the set down seat 2022. when will the champion elena rube akina to set up a rematch of last year's final? and in the men's drawn injury force danielle medley, deb to retire from the quarter final against check point your, your hedge. can hedge capital face canada as she likes? okay. las and 8 and the last 4 taylor fritz and andre brew black is in other stomach finals and in the any child to try them. a police be the boston bruins to
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force the game 7 and there stanley cup play on series. toronto topping the bruins to one in game 6 to me. police came back from a free one series deficit to avoid the nation. thing 7 of the series decider will be back in boston on saturday. okay. and that is, are useful for now back to you, right? thank you very much indeed that china has lost approved to collect samples from the far side of the moon. i want it. yeah. it's only 6 little emission names to pick up rocks from the hoff of the moon that time. and i think faces away from the eyes of the spacecraft carries a lender that is going to screw pump some of those walks and send them back to us. so i'm just thinking rocks from the there could reveal secrets about the formation of the solar system. it's fold to be a step towards china's promise planned to build a lunar base by 2035. my name is going to be here in a couple of minutes with me on all these stories and go about this and stay with us . and i'll just hear
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the 2 arab writers from different countries, but with much in common main upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry. what's the width? and he used to fight the whole world and saw something sort of a syrian professor. lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that which is 0. the latest news as it breaks, frequent on such fighting for access to the river. it leads to woods this countries major ports and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country with in depth for ports. ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections at the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of
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a dumb pool or the water in it flowing in. see the kind of a box which is already passed inside or calling attention to any quality pollution meant extra disease. ok, and county is low income communities by one brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one passed one day, an organizer on the rapper towel for these people fully begun. so for me it's in buffalo and it has someone not to be put on the bus that able gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a dizzy though. this is a region that is rapidly develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflicts, political ups, people. some of those we talked to elsewhere saying that they sled update hearing that other villages had been a talk. what we do in all just sarah is try to balance the stories, the good,
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the bad, the id, tell it as it was. and the people allow us into their lives, dignity ends. you mind if you ask me to tell this story. the palestinian homes left in ruins or even though it is rarely strikes in the southern gauze, i have killed at least 7 people, women and children among the dead. the money in sight, this resolved. is there a light from the also coming up, but a steaming, you'll notice the world press freedom prize on is kind of thing and john list for that we're seeing on as well as on golfing in the us president joe biden,


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