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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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what we do and also sarah, is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the i'd be tell, it says it was. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity ends. you mind if he asked me to tell this story. the palestinian homes left in ruins or even though it is rarely strikes and the southern goss, i have killed at least 7 people, women and children among the dead. the, by my name's life as is out, is there a life and also coming up. but as damien, you'll notice the world's press freedom prize on is kind of sitting in douglas for that we're seeing on as well as on golfing in the us
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president joe biden defense police action on university campuses, while students to mom and, and israel's police and friends have begun removing students from terraces, seals to university kemp, the hello welcome to the program. it is 11 g m t. we begin in gaza way is rarely strikes of killed at ne, 7 palestinians in a residential area in northern rasa. a family home in the area was targeted as rails increased, it's bombings campaign in around rossa. when any one and a half 1000000 displays pa, the students are seeking shelter. that's the new model up from 3 missiles hit. these innocent children, a mother had the 2 girls sleeping on her lap. they were sleeping on her lap the 2
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girls just and so he's been already met the choice until they left by the school. there were only a few meters between them and the school. at 2 o'clock, there was a miss, so and their house was gone. how was their house destroyed? meanwhile, more a truck, so vented garza, but agency se there's nowhere near enough. israel has been accused of preventing deliveries since the will began. you know, it's nation has urged as rarely officials to drop the plans for a ground to attack on rasa. the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa just escaped bombardment feminine disease. for them a ground operation would be more mean more suffering. civilians must be protected and international humanitarian law must be respected by all. we can speak now. it's entirely couple assume he joins us live from rough and southern gaza tag. what can you tell us about these latest strikes in northern rasa? specifically on this family's home?
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a yes, this family has been a completely attacked by the is verified to debts that targeted their house without any prior warnings of 7 members of the family have been killed, including 4 children who were sleeping peacefully before being hit with a multiple messiahs that destroyed the building that they were living inside. now these kinds of attacks continued at the same time and other multiple areas. of course, the territory not only and roughly that plays that type. what and this at least just is really a tax on the course of the past. couple of days, but what we can see is that within the past hour, the is very military fight. it gets has half targeted the municipality of, of us on village and the eastern pause of con, you, in a city. they have completely reduce it to the russell as a part of their ongoing belatoya contains that did not come china until now in such areas. but then meanwhile, we've been hearing more explosions of the middle area,
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specifically, and a great refuge account as the, as by the minute you will claims have launched a series of raids that target said agriculture lands and that's densely populated area. now, it's also remembering that people started to gradually leave a roughly to the mid area in order for their edit believe that it's going to be a safe zone for them. but what we can say is that these areas have been subjected to multiple attacks. it within the past, the 24 hours of casualties have been transferred to the hospital to receive proper medical treatment. so what we do know is that the intel in clay has been on the bottom. and so from the north, through the south and lights of the own going anticipation of a potential military and cogent for rough, our district which is, according to the united nations that will bring a completely big, a humanitarian crisis than ever. if there's going to be more expansion of the fighting to reach the last remaining shelter for the vast majority of gauze
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population. okay, thanks for that. sorry, but stay with us because i want to get your reaction to the news that palestinian john is covering as well. as war and gaza, i've just been awarded the unesco willed press freedom prize. to simeon july. discovering does an international jury said it recognizes the cards during wouldn't cold times of darkness and hopelessness. least the 143 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza and nearly 7 months. i'm so tired you've been reporting day and day out from. does that? what does it mean to you this award? it's a kind of appreciation for a client for what palestinian generalist have been doing since the beginning of this complex. they have been a reporting tirelessly own regarding all the latest developments in the palestinian
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in the writing including the gaza strip. and also the, regarding the developments in terms of the humanitarian and security issues. of course, the territories, those palestinian genesis have been completely clean due to all ethical journalism . ethics of journalism that they have been toads within bacteria that have been moving from multiple places in order to get a critical information on to get a very vital source of information to be released and even to be told to the international community. they have been covering the entire developments of events with full credibility and may late. they have been oh so what can get for that to keep the world informed? so palestinian journalist they have been showing on president bravery that is completely inc. comparable with an any kind of coverage that they have been made since the previous conflict or erupt. and of course they received inc. sites. thank you for that. sorry. come by, assume that for us in russia, in southern gaza,
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or the war and gaza is the deadliest conflict for john list in modern history. now is there a spoken to the family of signed out to will who was killed within the 1st few days? a full name of noon has his story. as i saw you, the thought we was among the 1st journalist thing dogs are to die covering the war . he was the editor in chief of, of thomas, the news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't, i'm really can be in that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as tiring and just kind to me as so you'd was to his mother. but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died. very young, gods will help us. kind of guy, that's the key i'm afraid was guilt. when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a remote neighborhood, in ga, the city, just
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a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated in order. and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a change tactics and struck a different, much of closer target. going him and to other journalists, they had been wearing a flag, jackets and home instead of clearly identified them as oppressed. death has left his father at a loss with them at the end. the 1st of all i didn't see side means so much to me, but that's why you used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us and the whole to hear more than 140 medial workers have been killed in nearly 8 months of war. including alger, the right camera man, found that i moved up, and journalists have accused israel, of deliberately targeting them and their families. and even more data from rough call us time. in from police have begun. removing students on the sales
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poll university campus where they've been protesting in solidarity with palestine. the school has rejected demands by protest is to review its relations with is reading universities. thousands of students have been staging a fishing in with phones. 6 of them have gone on hunger strike. students blocked access to the university last week, demanding that it condemns israel's actions. today morning, the called is in again, and they said, here's what we can propose to have a room available on monday for the exams. you need to leave these rooms and move to the cafeteria to continue your occupation if that's possible and will open the campus. but there were no insurance is given that there wouldn't be a police intervention after people leave the room. because once people leave the rooms that give them access to food, there is no guarantee anymore that they would be able to access these rooms. right now there is no way for the student success food because the police have locked off the streets. there was no way for them to talk to the journalist. the windows were
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the only way. and small school does not want students to have access to these windows and decided moved to the cafeteria. but i believe the negotiations take place in good faith. and there was no good faith put forward by didn't station to say if students would be sanctioned or students would also be protected from demand that they've been asking for since the town hall. and before is to have a working group to investigate partnerships that violate international human rights laws. and we think that it's a very fair demand. unfortunately, unfortunately, the director has explicitly claim that he is not interested in doing so. and the question of this working group is out of question. it's never going to happen. so unfortunately, the students, i mean, model life a while we can speak now to natasha butler. she is live in paris. natasha. what is the latest going on at this university? the policy was saying, you had that student that you had some 50 students who was a staging assistant inside the seals for university, which is the building just over the around the corner. um,
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many of them would that is the noise. but what has happened to the last few hours is least of actually moved in. and they have is like 2 h as those students. i don't, as you can see behind maybe on this line or police offices. but they have the students that they took out of the building, that being kind of filtered out slowly, they're allowed to leave as themes and they will can post us one by one or in twos of tossing a few questions with police officers. it seems to have gone all for a piece late. that is what we understand. but what we know from now is that the university, as today, friday is shot for the students at least this part of the campus. okay. thank you for that natasha. but know that for us in paris, the size of the united states were president joe biden has cooled campus protest against as roles. one goswick tales and his said order must prevail. his comments folder, one of the largest police raise on the palestinian solidarity in town in the system, ministrations began across the country. a few weeks ago least 200 protesters were
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arrested at the university of california. busy los angeles pensions on college campuses have residence in police, moved into class. those incompetence and white house correspondent give me hope it has more on president barton's comments. as student protests on colleges and universities across the united states continue to intensify us president joe 5. and finally broke his silence. speaking from the white house roosevelt room, the us president said that he supports americans right to the sense and also to protest. but he says that it must be done so lawfully. he also says that when it comes to his iron clad support of israel, his policies are not going to change. he says that, well, he sees that there is, in some cases, violent freedom of expression. he is going to, at this point,
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hold back on any calls to bring in the national guard. we've all seen the images and they put to the test for 2 fundamental american principles. excuse me. the 1st is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices her. second is the rule of law. both must be upheld. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to send of the american people are heard. in fact, peaceful protest isn't the best tradition of how americans respond to consequential issues. but, but neither are we a lawless country. president biden support for israel could, in fact, determine whether the former president, donald trump returns to the white house. in fact, as student protests, continue to ramp up across the country. new polls show that, in fact,
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the current president, jo bivens approval ratings have fallen to historic gloves. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house, i'm protesting, students at rutgers university in new jersey have dismantled that, and cabinet and south to reaching a deal with campus administrators. earlier on size day they were given a deadline to clear the area that ministry to say university officials agreed to support palestinian students and consider divesting from israel the protest. fullest right goes to postpone final exams. took a straight administer man bullet has said trade with israel will not was you until a permanent si. fi is secured in gaza on those they took years, government began halting o imports and exports with israel is really for administer. israel caught, said turkish president edwin is validating mutual trade agreements,
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you accuse otherwise and victor tauriel behavior. meanwhile, in canada, students at the university of toronto have joined the protest movement in solid. darcy with palestinians. they have set up an encompass the similarly to what's happening in the us and demanding the university dive, messed from israel and on keesing. it's a consistent in the destruction of gaza to say we are witnessing some of the most horrendous crimes of our lifetime. and we feel as though we are paying for them because our university is taking our tuition money without our consent and investing it in companies that contribute to the suffering of the palestinians that were watching on live tv. and there they have ties with academic institutions that are holding the, the, the apartheid an occuptation that's causing all this. still ed's own out of their cost me slowly in my mind, hugh town essential telling you about the ongoing operation following floods
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that she was the on find out why the money songs gang violence and hazy is capital shows no sign of ending the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know the state, possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jazz choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, in a post colonial with the scholars of european imperialism,
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run the nowhere most. so then in the democratic republic of congo, wherever restrict history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch committed to come out and witness presents. this is come on a jersey the the colleges when the, the, all the
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working out is there are lined up. i told stories this hour is ready. bombardments has killed 7 palestinians in a residential area in north america in southern gaza. is already shows the strong a family home in the area. several of the people were injured in from police, have the gun removing students on the seals co university campus where they've been purchasing, install a direction. with these pictures from paris, the school has rejected demands by purchase. this review it's relations with. is there any invest the unesco wells press freedom price has gone to palestinian. john is covering israel's on gaza at least a 143 medial work. as a journalist, killed in the office is 7 months the announcement is that award for palestinian douglas came on. we. busy press freedom day,
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which highlights the challenges facing janice around the world. acts so same of it looks the stage of media globally at a time of increasing threats and targeted attacks. journalists are facing unprecedented. dangerous watch dogs say that we're getting into the gaza media workers are under siege. oh my god. did you hear that of the the since israel's military offensive beginning october, more than 140 journalist had been killed. making the strip one of the most dangerous places for reporters as a healthy, you know, for this been in the do not tell us any in general, listen,
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god are exposed to the most horrific attacks and live in the worst conditions on. so they sacrificed themselves and their families for the sake of doing their job and completing that mission. want to tell the world about the truth on the ground. but the danger is not confined only to worse zones. several countries sending posts type are laws and regulations governing journalists in georgia. mess protest are taking place against the so called for an influence bill, which the governing party says will strengthen independence. but critics aids designed to crush the same thing planned down on the independent media outlets. china is newly expanded state secrets law, which previously applied only to military and diplomatic activities. now covers work secrets, which many fear is undefined and could impact the reporting of all state institutions. some western countries are accused of surveilling journalists. in the u. k. to journalist in belfast, say police set up
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a trap in order to uncover their sources is deeply troubling. when politicians, i says, donald trump is the most famous of them. but the problem can be seen in many countries . demonize undermine, generalist, because it's on the minds trust in all the information that we have, and it forces people into po, to rise. information bubbles, journalists have additional obstacles this year, due to the record number of elections worldwide in toggle. for an me, they were banned from covering monday as parliamentary elections. in india, local media outlets are often pressure by the government and a powerful business owners. and many foreign journalists have been denied visas to cover the elections. in a year of increase in castillo, the there are calls for better protection of journalists who sometimes speed the highest price to tell a story, axles i'm gonna reach out to 0, assign clone components, okay,
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assets to recover the bodies of those killed in kenya's flooding. 210 people have been killed and 90 more missing, and slugs local say were caused by a blocked drain. i'm to run terrain. catherine soil fitness witness recovery f. it's in my ma, how you town in central kenya. the document was invalid and t, as in my, my, you have a large area to cover up here in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mud flood. waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses. when the torrents pass was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. so do you watch any rig residency?
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the incident was caused by a blocked stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what, how much it was and the people in your state they are just lot to to be alive. now how should guerria use here to look for his nephew for some you see he says this was a man made disaster fema. this was caused by the state and national roadways corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced. the getting caught new floats and medical ok. if you have a be a subsidies to whether there was even brokerage in the 1st place. because our team is got into the ground with somebody support at the 21st. so it would be pretty much want to say there was a real page if it was negligence. that is blamed when the government boots were
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waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen, so i'll just 0 my my hear central can you to the british prime minister originally sooner because facing get more questions about his leadership often not a set of 5 local election results for his governing. conservative party of a 2 and a half 1000 council states were up for grabs across a 107 districts. this comes as the next policy suffer to defeat in a parliamentary, bi election in blackwood south losing the state to relate the policy russian forces reports of late focusing most of that tax on the town of chess of y'all in eastern ukraine. the town has been reduced to rubble, often months of heavy bombardment, equating officials say russia wants to seize it by may. the 9th, when it monks be say, the victory of nazi germany is kept to will give russian forces control of
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a crucial hilltops fall the tax on the don't yet screech. and it will also put them just 15 kilometers away from the main supply homes for ukrainian forces. united states european union. i'm the u. n. o o. during the georgian parliament to drop it's foreign influence. bill people in georgia have been protesting against the proposed rule for almost a month. and legislation would require organizations to get more than 20 percent of the funding from the broad to registers for an ages. critics say it could be used to clamp down on political dissent. i'm my slump, the countries chances of joining the new of the sags and hazy have launched a series of attacks in the capital just days off. the new prime minister took office patients a cooling on the new government to boost the police force and restore. no in order
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to monahan has no law and order is broken down in port. the prince. families are fleeing to safer parts of the city. as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting very intensely with heavy way upon to the terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they are considering fight with things, non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they've burned businesses, attack police stations, and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i have these transitional government announced the new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violent people here. say there's no hope, the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets to close the school. the
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circumstances we are now experiencing our country, unthinkable. we see no way out what is wary and is in security because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang violence so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer bends and monahan al jazeera. china has launched a price to collect samples from the false side of the main off one issue the to the v 6 learned emission aims to pick up rocks from the office to move that permanently faces away from the spacecraft. carries a lander that will screw pump some of these rocks and then send them back to us.
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that scientists think rocks from that could reveal some secrets about the formation of the solar system. like a that's it for me, money inside, whether it's next then inside story, we'll discuss the standoff between american police and palestine solidarity purchased the hello. welcome to look at the international full costs. we'll see the weather on the town for the korean peninsula for japan. over the next day, we'll set a magnet. we have high pressure and shots. i settled fine, sunny, and warm, but we do have weather systems gallery across southern parts of china. yes. again, that will be some heavy down polls coming in half the flooding concerns that will exacerbate the flooding conditions that we do have across southern china floating on, saturated ground already of course. and that will just flick its way
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a little further. reese was run across the china sea south, caressing some very heavy downfalls, could see some flooding as a result of that. one more try today. they're having to pad on the sunday. come monday that went to weather will move through the safety pad using a slight tools, western and southern parts of the country. process cars come back in behind the police to say some drive by the at last coming into some parts of china july symphonic. what's a good pos of india? i say fine, look at the temperatures. we're getting into the low fourties now costs a good part of the country. they severe heat warnings to remain in place. few more shells of tools and all say so, but the was fun with that. so that should hopefully just ease the heat that we are seeing here. but with these heavy down pools in place, we are likely to see extensive flooding. so many of the hearing this fact, the more fossil fuels we burn, the higher the planet and we'll get reporting from the correction job. i says the
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federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age workers, right side effects targets is an in depth coverage. how is any of this except it isn't acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story of the standoff between police and palestine. solidarity purchases and us college campuses are intensifying to violent confrontation as a giving rise to see as an outside interference. politicians are taking science. how will these protests affect president or vice and say that for a 2nd time this is inside store the
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color, their lock into the program uninstalled the okay. now student demonstrations and.


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