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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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well, people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see it is very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about us and this is the news on life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the label protest against israel war involves a show no sign of relenting powers. with french, the least, the weights of students protested permanently to university palestinian homes. left in ruins overnight is rarely strikes and the southern gaza of killed. at least 7 people. women and children are among the dead. but
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a scene in the discovery because all the world's press freedom fries, all those old palestinian journalists for their reporting. and israel's one gods. plus catherine slowly in my mind, the central telling you about the ongoing operation following floods that i'm in support team was premier league enters the most crucial the weekend of the season. table tougher as arsenal and 2nd place. manchester city are both in action on saturday. just a few games left in the season the we're going to start this news with a growing global protest movement against israel's war on guys, police and powers have entered funds as prestigious sales po, university, and remove student activists who had occupied its buildings. the school was rejected,
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demons by processors to review its relations with is really university's dozens of students have been staging the system in response. 6 of them have gone on hunger strike, joshua buffers. joining us live from powers, tell us more about the fact that the police have gone in and are taking out the students. the yes, well the students have actually been evacuated from cs for university, which is wonderful. since most prestigious universities of nice for science university, i said, well, we haven't had about 50 students wherever side. many of them spend the night say to test it in, in. and it shows on the day or 2 with a lot of people that needs to have a school, which is a mild, say within another way, some to build a one by one. and most of them would let go. but we heard from some of those students who are the off, which they said no way, we feel very defiant refills that it's on a case of lisa coming into our campuses. resealed all sorts itself in silence. and
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they are still saying that they will continue to protest into some school, sandra moms all max of the monks, the demands they want a fraction 1st is to separate the ties with is really yeah, the university has already to be saying that absolutely not that they've got no intention of cooperating or, or suddenly acquiescing to the demands of the protesters. and we can see some pictures here of some of the protests which are clearly still very, very strong. still valley determined that they're going to most of these demonstrations yes. look for in another part of just to see where outside the storage post to your building in the central personnel. hundreds of students and not just some fields for the students from a number of universities. harris, you come here to demonstrate to share your thoughts, are 2 pieces, a full finance, one goals and again they feel that their voices all are being funded. so i spoke to one student union leader who said for her is actually unacceptable. lisa,
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coming into campuses to say, sealed the places where people can have to face the size of the story campy shades and they say that they feel increasingly thoughts that is no longer possible. that is why they say that. ok to find the test was demonstrations in the coming days, but actually thank you very much indeed. natasha boss of air force and power as well in the united states president joe biden is called compass protests against israel's war on gaza. chaos and he said, order must prevail as comments follow one of the largest police rates and the palestinian solidarity account. since demonstrations began across the country, a few weeks ago, at least 200 protesters were arrested at the university of california and assigns of these tensions and college campuses of prison. since police moved in fear incompetence. i'm going to go to christmas center me who's at new york university in new york city, and i was just within the last hour. so i understand that police were moving in.
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i've new york university talk us through what's been going on so you might be able to see behind me the police are still on the scene here as university staff are clearing out the remnants of this and cabinet there were about . 9 16 students there were exactly 16 students were told by the palestine solidarity in captain coalition here at n, y u that were arrested around 6 am mobile time. they are still being processed at police headquarters. the police were called in by the administration of n y. you are request to clear the area behind me the uh, the mirror plaza. here is the joint re shared by the city and govern by the city and the university. this is a city campus right in the middle of new york, so it's a public space. they said it was in violation of a deal between the city and the university that present prevents outdoor occupation
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of loitering. camping in space is like says obviously the students that we've spoken to are telling us that they're still very committed to coming back here and making their voices heard. this is actually be one of the 3 locations that we're clear. and this morning is the last 3 in cabinets that we know of in new york city . there is another school called the new school where we're hearing about 30 students 30 to 40 students. were taken away there. and another smaller gathering of parsons for we're hearing also being sweet this morning. so there appears to be a concerted effort to move these students out in clear the last to be from countless happening this morning. chris and clearly there's a lot of media attention being focused on these a campus protest and we can hear or, you know, the other news crews who are, they are reporting on this as well. so there's a lot of attention being paid to have the police are going to handle this. and of
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course the protesters are going to be charged with once they've been arrested. do we have any indication yet of the kind of charges that people are likely to be facing? of the yeah, the uh there, there is a lot of attention here and you can see the people standing behind me i. we ask them to move. they seem to be trying to shield the area behind them, where there's massive supplies that were gathered. so the and cabinets bought boxes of water tends to food posters are being taken down. the charges that they're looking at were expecting a, something like trust passing, resisting arrest as possible charges for the students here. i should also point out that this location, next to the uh, is next to a building owned by the university called the pulse and center site share is supposed to be an annual event. a dinner on the annual spot,
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dinner from the jewish students association. here it's billed as one of the largest student events of this sort. the largest use student gathering was about 2000 students, staff, alumni, parents and friends were expected to be here. this evening. the demonstrators are saying that are going to hold their own shots that are outside of this area tonight . chris, and thank you very much and being present. so let me talking to is from new york university, new york city, we're going to go to my counter who's at george washington university in washington, dc. so what's been happening there more while it's tranquil here and university just stopped at 9 am in the morning in read last 24 hours. that has been a something of a scuffle over the presence of a flag. here students raised a palestinian flag taking down the universe, the flag campus police to be processed, and in fact,
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donna went back up again. however, finally, university police took it down. and interestingly enough, handed the fag back to the a testers overnight to the american flag that flies here in universe. the odd has been taken down by campus police. but this protest now into its 9th day, it has been largely peaceful throughout. uh, washington, police. the police have been around, they have been keeping an eye on this protest. they are contacting, what they say is a watching brief. despite calls from the university administration, they have declined to come in and remove the protest is describing this as a peaceful protest. so maybe try and call the george washington university. obviously that's not necessarily what's being reflected on other campuses around the us. joe and joe biden has called it chaos and says order must prevail. are we hearing any other reactions from the by the ministration? yes indeed,
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one must remember as well as at move in 2000 people have been arrested across the country. so this is not really a reflection of what has been the tenant as many of the university protests of the secretary of state and to be blinking has been in the middle east. and recent days he returned to the past 24 hours and i asked his spokesman with these protests across the united states, featured in any of the conversations that the secretary had. the spokesman said, yes indeed, the topic had come up. but he said not in what he called a substantial the basis. however, this is clearly an indication that these approaches have made that mark not certainly domestically within the united states, but also within the political negotiations that are aimed at ending as well as will and garza mark. thank you very much indeed. that's mike kind of talking to is from george washington university in washington,
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dc. what the, what item does is really strikes of chilled at least a 7 palestinians in a residential area in northern does offer family home in the area was targeted. israel's increased as bombing campaign and underground rough, nearly 1500000 palestinians are sheltering their. that's the new model up from 3 missiles hit, these innocent children, a mother had the 2 girls sleeping on her lap. there was sleeping on her lap. the 2 girls just and so he's somebody moses of it's been already mother's choice until they left by the school. there were only a few meters between them and the school. at 2 o'clock there was a miss so and their house was gone. how was their house destroyed? well, meanwhile, more a trunks of enters guys. a bit agency say it's nowhere near enough. israel's been accused or preventing deliveries since the war began. the u. n. has ours is very officials to drop star plans for a ground attack on the rough of the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to
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rafa to escape environment, famine and disease. for them, a ground operation would be more mean more suffering civilians must be protected, and international humanitarian law must be respected by all dotcom thousands. joining us not alive from with all fire and southern guns, a topic that starts with a striking the finally home. what more do we know the yeah, that strike, in fact trump has resulted to the killing of 7 palestinians, including 4 children, mainly that house was completely attacked without receiving any prior warnings. education from these very side fox. yes, we have been recruiting more tax and all the costs of the gaza strip and closing in hon. unice city where they use while the fight to just have level to the ground up a sound use it municipality where it's has taught it recently to provide the area with what to the web with working on fixing who was a pipes that were destroyed as a part of the, as ready as a result of the, as of the is very ongoing military,
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encouraging for the city of hon. you, in a spot to relatively, in the north of this trip. because when the military has august, says the one of the most in the north of this trip is specifically in the valley about town. as the vast majority of the vast majority of the attacks within the past 24 hours have contributed to killing at least the $26.00 palestinians. till now i'm tired. we've been talking about some more a trucks entering garza but obviously nowhere near enough just bring us up to date with what's happening with the a that is getting in the vast majority of the humanitarian a took saw on getting into the gaza strip. for sure, it's in order to match the needs of golf since population has recently moved, images have been a should imagine from the addiction board showing those and even hundreds of humanitarian soaks, lining up a long cree is on that side waiting for the permission to get into the gauze as
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truth on the vast majority of those i read it practically cannot read to get into the gauze check if there's going to be any puts into a mediterranean cage and for rough, which will be completely a big blow for all humanitarian operations. by humanitarian organizations across the street. but yes, power city is this hosted recently to see you in touch prop of development in terms of the numbers of these trucks spot to now we're talking about less than 170 you military and talks on a daily basis that's all gets in into dos of it cannot really even appropriate to match all the admin things of dollars. this population i've taught in capitalism talking to some southern garza teller. thank you. how the study and journal is coming? israel's watering does it have just been awarded. unesco is world press freedom prize to, but a student in the discovery does an international jew reset it, recognize the college doing what it called, times of darkness. an sleeplessness,
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at least a $140.00 free media workers, and journalists have been killed in gaza in 87 months of want entre 0 spokes. and finally, upside. i'll tell we'll who's killed within the 1st few days of the war and my phone has more from the offer you the thought we was among the 1st journalist thing dogs are to die covering the war. he was the editor in chief of, of thomas. the news agency and was documenting is ro, deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't, i'm going to continue in that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as tiring and just kind to me. a said was to his mother, but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died very young, gods will help us. the guy got to be on the safe side. was guild when his really forces bom, several media buildings in a 3 mile neighborhood, in ga, the city, just
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a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated in order. and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a change tactics and struck a different much a closer target. going him and 2 other journalists. they had been wearing and flak jackets and home instead of clearly identified them as oppressed. death has left his father at a loss with limits. and if i thought i didn't see side means so much to me that i used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us in the say that more than $140.00 media workers have been killed in nearly months of war, including all just the right camera man, founder of the car. and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families,
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and even more data from rough policy time. i'm joined by palestinian journalist and filmmaker funds such as com. he's with us live from cairo. thank you very much indeed for being with us. how significant is it to journalists, palestinian journalists coming to work, particularly in gaza to receive this world? press freedom award the 1st. uh, thanks for having me. of course, let's start with the people who are just really starting to process or of course, but disagree in service. or any of course is targeted directly, money journalists working in the future regardless trip and targeting them of inside their houses with their families. of course, the out of state and practicing and journalists, is this the work very hard work? i believe the pages i work best to say would work during the summer months. and
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that jones is still being the price of a bar there during this. is there a to focus on put a spotlight on this that was the engines to guide the cause of the air sykes directly on the many goes to also co pays the other uh spectrum. uh another in the nation. many areas, tennessee and journalist, one crossing a check point for why team from the, from the to the southern areas based off that they make them. i think you have a nation that they ask them to make it whole stuff like that. and they're trying to make them scare out. it says i'm moving more and it's supposed to be older and coverage. i got a circuit today and it's just every to the people voices, phone calls. i sent the picture to the wrong. now just need someone to. ready put a spotlight on that,
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but so put some focus on them because they're actually dying every day. today. one of our colleagues, wireless waiting that has like, coming from the north, the southern areas. the rest of it has like too many. jennifer space, a lot of stuff they trying to distract the challenges to working with their neighbor necessary to of course there isn't boasting just will know, but it's very necessary to document cover every single every single according thing got stuck on every single wish. they still paying the price. i'm been living intense now, so there's a it is trying to get but i think also in general, across the coastal surface, very difficult. they're trying to make the big one busy with the basically the like journalist as well. they are honestly. ready intense, they're actually wasting a lot of time to achieve basic goal spike uh, taking a shower that takes a long time find a drinking work takes a lot of time. time time,
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it's running really quickly, and causal. and jonas are suffering so much. have a student is deserved, this will work. and this is a for i want to ask you, you must, you referred there to losing colleagues. you must have lost friends and colleagues and send the certainly, since there's conflict back the big on back in october. have you seen journal this thing guys are deciding? that's enough. i can't do this anymore. i have to stop. or is it a determination to keep going of its many jersey and calls on the dispute is to give us the money the money journalists were working there in the future. they refused to leave. but if you refused to get back away to another country to egypt, for example. but of course, there's many also there's some jealous they there because the most, the family members i know
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a lot of the could each day last as an entire kind of the just yeah, this also. so right now i'm jeep. parsed to me, they take it the course, we are human and we life is necessary for us. we have to live to continue working to continue covering the war and causal. sometimes the leading goes on as a right division. there's a lot of journalists who prefer to stay there despite the fear, despite the on that all the situation there. and of course yes, let's do some. ready that was the most who decided that to leave that face, i can't take it anymore. there's a lot, a lot of jobs. they still having the power to keep the cover the coverage over there. how does the shock on we appreciate your being with us and i'll just do this . i thank you very much indeed for your time. thanks for having. thank is trade, minnesota all not a bowl. i've had a said trade with israel and will not was in until
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a prominent so as far as security goes up on thursday to kids, government began halting all imports and exports with israel. israel's foreign minister is on costs, says talk, he's president. and the zip type out of one is violating mutual trade agreements. cots also choose that one of the tutorial behavior c u k has that as the 2nd volume of sanctions targeting is rarely settlers any occupied westbank. functions are being imposed and for prominent far right individuals, their assets and the u. k of being frozen, they're going to be bought from traveling to the country. also in the target list are 2 groups, which is said they want to expel palestinians yolanda, and you can government says there's been an unprecedented rise and secular violence over the past year. the cycle and could complicate efforts to recover the bodies of those killed in kenya
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is flooding 210 people have been killed and 90 more are missing in floods, local say were caused by a blocked drain until venture rain costs. and so i witnessed recovery efforts, then my muscle tone in the central king, the government was invalid t. as in my, my, you have a lot area to cover declaring debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the model. flood waters gosh downstream. hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses on the torrents pos. what swept away in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how fond of the whole magenta. when there was a body found over there, there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. so do you watch any rig residency? the incident was caused by a blocked stream,
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which then caused water to accumulate in a dial. the app stream that was the what, how much it was, and the people in your state, they are just lot to, to be alive. now, how should guerria is here to look for his nephew who's missing? he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national roadways corporation and they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel upstream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at comp for the displaced that getting caught new clothes and medical care. if you have read the published whether there was even brokerage in the 1st place, because that team is going to be on the ground with somebody for what, at the 21st. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page. if it was negligence, that is blame on the government. most were waiting for news of the missing
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relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen, so you all to 0? my, my hear central, can you the autonomy to west africa. now russia and us troops have been operating as of the same military base and to show for at least several weeks is as government has asked the americans to leave you a secretary of defense lied austin is confident about his trip security. i think you know, the airbags 101 were uh, 4 inches is, is a new sherry and a air force base that is co located with a international airport in a capital city. um, the russians are in a separate uh, compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. uh, and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, on the safety and protection of our troops. something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our,
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our force protection tongues and hate to your launch to sue's of attacks in the capital. just days after a new prime minister took office haitians or calling on the new government to boost the police force and restore law and order friends in monica and has more law and order is broken down in puerto prince families are fleeing to safer parts of the city as gang violence intensifies the way of shooting varied intensely with heavy way upon the teeth, a terrible situation that we have been experiencing since last night. they have been setting fire to things, non stop criminal gangs, control large parts of the city. they for businesses, attack police stations and broken thousands of inmates out of prison. i have these transitional government announced a new prime minister on tuesday. many hope bass would restore security to hazy, but so far the violence has only intensified. this school has been turned into
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a shelter for dozens of families taking refuge from the violence of the people here say there's no hope to the country until it becomes safe to walk the streets. so close the school, the circumstances, we have no experience in our country on an thinkable, we see no way out. what is worrying is in security because in a country where there is no security, nothing can move forward. more than 1500 people have been killed by gang biling so far this year. and the un says 5000000 people are struggling to get enough to eat until orders restored. ordinary haitians will continue to suffer. bends and monahan al jazeera. still ahead and i'll just see the cost of living sizes and things of that. families come down to the basic goods as prices sort. a new k is governing conservative party could be looking at heavy losses of to local and regional elections. kind of support the new york next we're not dramatic games 6 to claim step,
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playoff series action from the n. b a coming up later in the program. the 2 era writers from different countries, but with much in common main upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry, what's the width? and he used to fight the whole world and saw something sort of a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in lebanon, syria had us going to the rock. that constantine was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that which is 0. now let me tell you about safari, the co result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and looked at very close here like common here, sits on to play with
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a large 3rd space with a look in my private now. thanks, royal, i can also offer somebody valley equal resorted in gun the the the you want to know just need a reminder of our top. so is this our, is there any bombardments killed 7 palestinians in a residential area in northern rafa in southern gaza. is there any forces structure finally home in the area? several other people were injured. police in paris have entered funds. there's procedures, sealants, is full university and remove the students active institute occupied in building, building, protesting,
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and solidarity with policy. schools rejected demands by protesters to review its relations with his reading universities with united of that award for palestinian john. this came with world press freedom day, which highlights the challenges, facing journalists around the world, ourselves. none of which looks at the state of media globally, at a time of increasing sites and targeted attacks. journalists are facing unprecedented. dangerous watch dogs say that we're getting into the gaza media workers are under siege. oh my god, did you hear that of the, the since israel's, the military offensive beginning october,
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more than 140 journalists have been killed. making the strip one of the most dangerous places for reporters as the healthy, you know, for this been in the palestinian generalist, and god are exposed to the most horrific attacks and live in the worst conditions on us. they sacrificed themselves and their families for the sake of doing their job and completing that mission. want to tell the world about the truth on the ground. but the danger is not confined only to worse zones. several countries, i mean post tighter laws and regulations governing journalists in georgia mess protest are taking place against the so called for an influence bill, which the governing party says will strengthen independence. but critics aids designed to crush the same thing planned down on independent media outlets. china is newly expanded state secrets law, which previously applied only to military and diplomatic activities. now covers work secrets, which many fear is undefined and could impact the reporting of all state
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institutions. some west them countries are accused of surveilling journalists. as in the u. k. 2 journalists in belfast say police set up a truck in order to uncover their sources. the peer troubling when politicians ice, those donald trump is the most famous of them. but the problem can be seen in many countries, demonize and undermine, generalist because the minds trust in all the information that we have. and it forces people into polarized information bubbles. journalists have additional obstacles this year due to the record number of elections worldwide. in toggle, for immediate were banned from covering monday as parliamentary elections. in india, local media outlets are often pressure by the government and powerful business owners. and many foreign journalists have been denied visas to cover the elections . in a year of increase in castillo,
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the there are calls for better protection of journalists who sometimes pay the highest price to tell a story. access i'm gonna reach out to 0 because that is the co founder of the solve adult and digital use outlook as father. he's joining us from amsterdam. thank you very much indeed for being with us. the focus with the award has been on the journalist of course, covering gaza, but that has barely been a point find that journalists have not been under threats and some parts of the world, particularly of course, central america. a rob, thanks for having me. let me or if you will allow me to start joining the worldwide expressions of on the ration and solely that everything with our policy and colleagues in gaza and the west bank. uh, i think they deserve a monument for keep telling the story to be the eyes of the world in
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such a terrible moment. um like we do under accountability for the more than a $140.00 colleagues killed in the last 6 months. but also for those ones target to before i have in line, particularly sharing a couple actually we are just to see justice in this case. i'm sure just the phase and please interrupt by and forgive me for interrupting you . i just stood explaining, of course, the viewers who are joining shooting out blocks. those are now just to get a journalist and she was shot and killed by, as is rarely soldier, while she was covering the military. is there any military action at the janine refugee county? forgive me, charles, i interrupted. you please go on. no, no, no offense. fence for explain who beth, rob, industries, ocean front america, the region of the world where i come from. the seems before the building. well, there has never be no more difficult time for journalist in central america,
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particularly the range of author retirement needs and in the region. and the conclusions between organized crime, politics, and security forces are seriously threatening the practice of journalism. those kinds of reporters are being killed as much are in prison, or in excited numbers increased by the day. i'm sorry. i think you started carlos. can you still hear us and we may have lost the line there. can you hear me? okay. yes. yes. i can hear you. that's great. please go on. if you can, a slowly moved, you know, so low to particularly the concrete where i come from president medieval kelly has violated the constitution to a mass power up to a point where there is no more real slow turn on. this are being harassed, threatened, and surveyed with a use of new technologies identified or we found out a 22 out of 30 members. we had our phones infected with this funding program paid during more than
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a year. i have to tell you wrote that we are assuming these are highly compatible. and so the nature of vegas was in the us 0 sport in chicago as i forget me for. i'm charging you, but i wanted to ask you about something you're talking to a few months down, but obviously your focus isn't always salvatore. is it a particular reason why you're in almost a dom is a, is it a concern that you have about going back to the region that you're reporting on for the last year and a half, we've been taking journals in and out of the country. uh, the government from the book and is congress passed a law of the view in 15 years of prison for anyone for publishes anything about guides. and we were, and we're still publishing the negotiations between president kelley and the leaders of the bearings the president has up choose us of money laundering, and we have for ongoing investigation and fax it issues. so i can go on an order of
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we have drones floating in front of our windows and loss have been passed as i told you to prevent this from uh, furnishing deals with the guys. so the situation um the problem is, is not very comfortable and we've been taken charlie, so you know, nice myself call us. we appreciate you being with this call is not a profile. you have a solid daughter and digital news outlet outside of thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you very much. from of course the docks kristin wash of it as a mocking good friday and occupied east jerusalem this year. the celebrations have been overshadowed by israel's war on goss. i'm 70 deca as more the faithful let out making their way down the via the little song. retracing jesus, his son carrying the cross marking, of course the crucifixion of jesus christ on holy friday. usually you would have
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many more religious tours here as part of this procession on orthodox easter. um, of course the word goal is, is effecting that so far less people here. so the procession will now make its way further down the be the little. so this is the, the 5th station station of the cross and then making their way down these alleyways towards the church of the whole east africa where of course it's believed jesus christ was buried and resurrected on easter sunday. stephanie decker, which is 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. the british prime minister officially soon august, facing yet more questions about his leadership after another set of bonds, local election results for his governing conservative policy. more than 2 and a half size in kansas seats have been up for grabs across a $107.00 districts in kansas city lights parties suffer to the feet in a parliamentary bile, actually in blackwood surf losing the st to the labor policy. how the false it has more from london among assume a bad results for the conservatives, perhaps the most high profile,
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the by election laws in black pool south where the former conservative member resigned a made a lobbying scandal. the swing to labor was 26 percent of the labor leader to use donald was the to celebrate. he said, that was an incredible swigging labor's save and a national message directly. so not the conservative party, the conservative only just be the right wing populace reform party in the 2nd place and elsewhere across the country where reform stood in council elections that also took support away from the conservators. it looks like they might be on close to loose on $500.00 council seats across the country, very positive views as well. and council elections for labor. they run into some trouble vote in oldham, near manchester, where to cabinet members of the council, the defect, to the way from labor, a garza policy elsewhere. some evidence as well as the muslim vote being affected by accused on this policy on the conflict in the middle east,
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as well as that we've seen took of a potential leadership challenge to receive so not the prime minister, somewhat eval wayne, today's leading up to these elections, but now the results are coming in on the best so bad. that pressure seems to be rushing up once more. one potential sign a sucker for the conservatives is if they kind of hold on to, to high profile matter and seize regional mass who have been campaigning, lodge the vote away from the national record of the party. so they might not be full that much in terms of national politics to read into those 2 results. how are you suppose that? i'll just hear a lot of people to manually that shopping under pressure my. what's the cost of living crisis? inflation is running a more than 9.5 percent, and it's likely to increase. obviously there's times of charging has most in the capital dot com in valuable dash while it had been
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a fast growing economy in recent years is not being overshadowed by storing energy and food prices. with the cost of inputs rising and foreign currency reserve dwindling. the government has been forced to borrow from global agencies that impose all strategy measures. many are now struggling to be, or the addition of cost, right, is that set price is do fluctuate in the market. but the most of the go up making a very hard for the fixed income and middle class people. they have no choice but to manage by cutting down on purchases or buying poor quality items. in a recent survey by their country statistics, bureau phone, about a quarter of families are taking out loans to meet their basic needs. incomes are stagnant, and farmers say prices are been kept down fairly levels by middle men in the supply chain automatically built in us. the way things on now we've gone through a couple of our costs from planting cutty. the prices have gone up for faster lives,
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as in these obviously renting tractors and employing workers. and we just comp abandoned funding a according to another survey by salvation economic around 70 percent of households in bangladesh. i've been forced to change what they do to high prices and recently abroad from a buying of their she and geo size. so some people here are paying more than consumers in europe and the usa for basic essentials like eggs, cooking oil and milk until then. so i'm economics also say business syndicates are manipulating markets to keep prices high. and they've also criticize the policies of the central bank. so the 3 factors that have driven up inflation, all the energy price adjustments, major devaluation in tucker, which included the for the import prices. and we also saw the lack of response from bangladesh. bang, imposing the contraction or you monetary policy. the government say is it will
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expand its social protection programs. so it'll hold somebody at once. we will import, sold by from local sources any essential commodities that might be needed under the current prevailing situation to keep the market on the distribution process stable and even keep both the stocks. although foot prices are falling in some countries, the cost of essential fluid items is continuing to go up in bangladesh. despite the government's efforts to stabilize the temperatures are y'all gives data duck still ahead on order 0300 year old time re surfaces in the philippines because of the climate prices. and in sports, we're looking ahead to the final of the under $23.00 asian chop. we're going to tell you why both these things that already went to
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the the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the stuff in support here as far. rob, thank you so much. our snow and manchester city are getting ready for potentially huge day in the raced when the primary leak titled on saturday. both teams or an action leaders are so host born meth. while the gunners currently topping the table by one point, they are looking to win the championship for the 1st time in 20 years. as for manchester city they welcome was to the it's you had spite trailing. are small city have a game and hand and have won the po for the past for a season. so this is what the running look like for both teams arsenal. toughest test is probably there a way trip to old trafford on man city still have to play taught them who of course
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help them to withdraw in december to earlier and spoke to legendary forward and the gray who won england's top division title with everton and 1985 he believes arsenal are far better equipped to be manchester city, to the title this year. as compared to last season when they finished as runners that the both at home the home records are terrific. both in good form, very good for them. and i would be amazed like many other football funds, a fossil in my, just a sec, you don't when the we can games. i mean, if one of them is a split box in the run up to the end of the season, where might it be? well, let's get through games, you've touched on them at the beginning of your bill within there, and also i've got to go through all traffic. no. normally that would be a real tough game. but that's my jest united. i'm nowhere near where my address you that you should be. so i think actual will be very confident that can go with it. and when not football much, much as a say you have a little bit of a bulky team to go and play in that spouse a week. so that's a game that could easily, not wait, i'm not saying they can lose it,
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but they could drop points in that game. but can you believe that tottenham funds would want their team to hand the table to avenue door? so that's a 5 day one. so if city and also get through those 2 games, that may just be the one point in the separation. now i've heard you say a couple times. mm hm. but you think are, are going to win s. yeah. why? well i'm, i'm usually hope was it predicting. but when also came back from the winter break, fatah, they've been the best team in the country by far the one, but they really have proof against the us and velo, when they lost the game feature. i think it was that was a big blow to them. so i believe the form is good. i believe the belief is that i believe better than last year. and i just have a sneaky feeling there will be one last twist. before the end of the season, and if that is, it may just be that game against totally. the trouble is still very much on so was informed a football team in football right now. and german champions,
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bar laboratories in have one the 1st like there, your rope, leak semi final away to robot. david stokes reports that can be few best. it seems in any sport right now. then by level choosing. chevy, alonzo? sorry. they've already wrapped up the blue in this league shall to reach the gym and cup final. and when's it to this one and beaten and $46.00 games. but they were up against an informed right beside and a full miserable atmosphere. the study island because the italians it last just 3 games since daniel is a rusty, replaced jo. say media is coaching january and they need the item, the scoring to remedy to talk to such a lovely word. but a terrible mistake of the bank was severely punished by level accusing. they pounced on a lease passed and slowly in boots put them ahead several more chances followed before the break, but with no end result was far just why far? into the 2nd hop and robot push todd for an equalizer, but again, it was laboratories into came up with
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a goods robot. i'm drake. we something special that's a double that leaves us still roman had the chances that sorta as moody this time, the shots and royce, at the end time you abraham couldn't hit the target with his head that. 3 so to know that finished in lubbock, who's in a very much in control heading into the 2nd leg back home in germany. the other sent me final finished full square shot after lunch. and that it must say before the french started level things up with a great strike from chance and then box. and we'll put you in a team. the 2nd legs in probably to open the toys coming up next thursday. david stokes 0 to 0 are from 60 nations. we're down to the last to contesting the ac under 23 asian cub final. either japan or is becca sign will be crowned this years champions later. and don't
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have to on a gas raska is that the adjustment been home of the stadium and don't have for us to have the match. and job title is up for grabs. later these 2 teams of already unlocked one big achievement. getting this far is that right? that's right far. yeah. you can say that both of the teams already went is because this tournament has doubled as a limb pick, qualify as far as when the teams deposit. and the 2nd son have qualified by virtue of finishing in the top 3. now for the deposit, it was an unprecedented 12 payers. and a little bit gave them when they qualified with the chain. when i in fact say one of i need to asian team to one metals at a little bit games, they have to go all the way back to mexico in 1968 where they won the bronze medal and the full fist on the $23.00 team of have some of that parents wouldn't even remember that perspective. so on it is a much more historic achievement disqualified really picking, to say,
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never done it before. and in fact, they all team from a central asian country to be like that. and then take a lot of emotion, a lot of history to them. and so we will just wait to see how they get on the outside of the big coolant. they're all from the. 4 6 are you guys sorry? v o n d, but it will go down now to winning the site so. all right, well like are, are really fun out in the spirit down there and having to start all of that. how do you see this final playing of the course of these teams have one the title, the on the 23 titles, the full deposit, one and 20, seeing when it was last high. so they would pass on the 2nd on the one. it's 2 years later when it was being held in china fox,
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no team has won it twice. so history is on the line here at the justin been how much stadium i bought these parties not retail the quite well at the time with a pub say the expect type was in charge when the 2nd phone team due to tom, in the semi finals in 2022 pounds types go or u. s. he says that his team's mission is not done yet without that type. so you to have to come see that was back installed the full, the title, head lights are on. they all be run this out from 2022. they also have one head to head meetings between these 2 teens and tall asian cops on the 23 tournaments on that yet. so can see the goal is they've kept plane sheets and 5 of those matches the site makes a great happens to be here. how does the game which kicks off in around about an hour and 45 minutes now. all right, joanna guys are all set reporting my for us and we'll see you after the game. thanks for now. to a rest football team that's
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a qualified for the olympic games after the beat indonesia and extra time to finish . 3rd in that tournament. tom size land was up the game. $8000.00 people tax in to watch that the place playoff often seen as a consolation game. this had a lot more writing on it. the ticket to paris 2020, for the majority of offense or indonesian, some of them flew over just to the match and they retreated to an early lead i the gym as lay strike, finding the back of the next iraq signed them equalize the 8 minutes later in the media couldn't deal with a scrambling the books. so you to seen have the last touch. that was enough to force dimension to extra time. the creature moment came in the 96 minutes and it just seemed was allowed through 21 to read the place for the side. it's the 6th time they've qualified. so the games not was most fit into media. you have another choice, again, skinny and a when a take, so inter continental playoff in paris on may, 9th is another chapter in an already impressive. and then pick for with history for
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rec, full place in 2004 and beats in, in 2016. miss young people, footloose will look sir for us on the play station. paris, once again in a few months time from size and out 0. so the new route and next eliminated. this'll adelphia $76.00 to reach the 2nd round of the m b a. playoffs. the next is generally brenson had $41.00 points to having the 1st and the players for 40 or more to close at a series. and michael jordan, you did for chicago back in 1989. next going on to be $76.00. there's a $118.00 to a $115.00 games. one for the 2nd round series will be in new york on monday. no matter what going forward it's every situation is different. obviously this is a really big task for us and we're able to come out on top. but um, going forward you don't know what the future holds and so on. maybe a different test, maybe something completely different, but this definitely helps and obviously be want to learn while winning. and the next will play the indiana pacers. net spots. have some pieces be to milwaukee
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bucks a $120.98 and gain 6. o be top in and t j. mcconnell where the top scores for indiana to have reached their for 70 final ejected 8th. okay. that is all used for for now back to you. right. all right, thank you very much. sorry father, thank you so much. sure. all right, okay. china has launched a problem to collect samples from the far side of the move. no one. no. it's only 6 luna mission names to pick out blocks from the half of them in the permanently faces away from the earth. a spacecraft carries alonda that is going to scoop up some of the rocks and send them back to sciences spring rocks. from there, there could reveal the secrets about the formation of the solar system for phase 300 year old time in the northern. the philippines has resurfaced after it was a match for the construction of a reservoir 50 years ago, a drive which is lost it for months and extreme heat in recent weeks of cause was
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on the down to dry up barnaby. lowe's got this story from the ruins. the concrete ruins of a centuries old town. very much still in place. after half a century underwater since spent the behind in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build a reservoir. it's resurfaced a few times, but never this early in the year in this long. that the like it the, when the dams, water level drops, we usually see the cross but only the cross. now it's an entire area of the town, including the symmetry in both. it's a dry season in the philippines, but experts say climate change is aggravating. the effects parts of the country have seen record heat in recent weeks, and the all new winter pattern has lingered for months without the it hasn't rained within the water shed. areas about dams, and in addition to that war to evaporate quicker because of the extreme heat. the one on intended benefit, however, has been a growing number of tourists. well,
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the town to fund the behind is gaming world wide beam ford reemergence from underwater. local say they're not celebrating because of them doesn't have enough water to generate power and provide irrigation. and we, sonya gunter was 2 years old when the government moved the entire town. but got to come in at the what, although i'm happy to be able to see my birthplace. i'm sad there because i worry about how this could affect our farmers. visitors are amazed but say they're just as concerned doing this now. it's really interesting, but it's also scary for, for the future. if it's a trend that's going to happen and going forward. it's gary for those who live around it right now, because it isn't just the remnants of the old town disappeared, but an entire patch of green and brown were water used to flow and boats, though abandoned, used to sail, find it below al jazeera, but the behind the river in the philippines. i'm going to be back in
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a couple of minutes. remote on these stories. i'm roll madison. stay with us on all the unique perspectives. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera of 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember,
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the children killed during the as railey bombing 3 years ago. the 11 daisy may hold out as they are we are looking at now is low. the flow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the well to talk contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single use sashes, which environmental group say are small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities,
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as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the pot of sending and solo drivers. he protests among the worlds continue in paris. police of removed students stating this, such in a sense as whole university, the general about this and this is all 0 life and don't have also coming out of the


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