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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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and add to the countries environmental buttons and diseases. government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the pot of sending install the drivers. the protests around the world continue empowers police have removed students stating this, such and a stance this whole university. the trouble about this and this is all to 0 life from don't have also coming up palestinian homes left in ruins. overnight is very strikes and southern guns of killed at least 7 people. women and children are among the day. but
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a stadium drama discovery was press freedom, prize owners, old policy and journalist from their reporting and israel's war on guns fund. i'm catherine slowly in my my hugh town, essentially telling you about the ongoing operation following floods that your thousands of the we're going to start this how far with a growing global process movement against israel's war on guys are police in paris . i've entered francis prestigious sales support university and remove student back to those who the occupied its buildings. the schools rejected the mountains by protests as to review its relations with his reading univers sessions. dozens of students have been staging a 2nd and responds. 6 of them have gone on hunger strike. this ash a boss is joining us live from past the josh,
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i understand that those removal of the students has been in taking place. talk us through. what's been going on the yes, there was no students anymore in uh see also the university in paris. so what we have to spend is that we're about 50 ultimate stage. i know, even i'd say, said before police moved into the university and evacuate to them, it seems to go in a call by the students for being a school sound like it has 15. what they say me say that they remain very defiant. they are full on the happy, the police has come into the building, they fluctuate to them. they see that as a refresher, move on behalf of the french police force one student, the leader. when he came out said, look, we have go students who are or the hunger strikes, we've got other students will say that prepared to sacrifice, to give all the exams in order to show. so those are 25, seem people who go to mall and some of the moms, if at all university services sizes. it's really
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a university. and unless these dom on so much, we want to continue to process the $75.00 to $5.00, even though the police did move in to clear out that process. yeah, the university saying that they are not going to address any of the students concerns. and as you're referring to there, it seems as though, nevertheless, there is at least a body of students who are prepared to dig in and make that protest continue. yes, i mean, i mean, in another part of paris outside the historic policy on building whether all uh, probably a couple 100 students, not necessarily from seals folder from other universities across paris. do come here to show solidarity with assume people to pull finance award garza and also they say to try and highlight what they see is increasingly repressive. it's not fixed by the police. enter encompasses one student spectrum is absolutely on
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a subset of both of these universities. a space places where you can have to page where people's control crossings, where students have the free right to process freedom of speech be allowed all of these the things that people feel students feel a being a road is a hearing for all. so there's still a lot of frustration, a lot of anger, i'm requesting to hear all clearly saying that they want to continue to demonstrate in the coming days. natasha box of empower us. thank you very much. well, in the united states, president joe biden is called the campus protest against israel was wondering, does that chaos and his said order must prevail, is comments, follow one of the largest police raids on a published? i mean, sometimes you can, since demonstrations began across the country a few weeks ago, at least 200 protesters were arrested to the university of california in los angeles, tensions and college campuses and business since police moved in to clear income. and so we're going to go to my county is that george washington university in washington, dc said, mike, we've been seeing
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a lot of on rest our campuses across parts of the us. what's been happening for you on the as well. this is rains largely peaceful. the sitting at george washington university, now into it's 9 stay. part of the reason for that is that very early on in the sitting at the see police said that they would not moved in unless that is some evidence of unlawful activity as they posted the university administrators, the dos the police to move in, but they declined to do so, and this has remained the way that they have acted, they are maintaining what they call a monitoring brief. and although they remain in the vicinity, they say they will not remove these protesters unless there is evidence of unlawful activity going on. so this has been largely peaceful on this particular campus. that was some argument over a flag that was raised here, a palestinian flag university security took it down,
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it wouldn't tap again. and then once again, the university security took the fact on an interest, maybe 10 to the back to protest as universities, security overnight also pulled down an american flag that had been waving here. so although there's been these minor infractions between the demonstrators and the, or thirty's, particularly with regard to the university administration, which has taken a fairly hard line on the protest as a threatening to suspend the number of them. but generally this sound like a number of other areas really off the united states as remain generally peaceful. yeah, so peaceful at george washington university, but joe biden saying that is with regard to just some of the other campuses, it has been chaos on the order must prevail. are we getting any other reaction from the by the administration the as well. interestingly enough, the secretary of state anthony blinking has just for to and from a long visit to the middle east where he was holding negotiations on
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a spot in israel's war on gaza and humanitarian. really, aust, is spokesman with the, the issue of these protests had come up in discussions on the secretary of state's visit to the region. he said, yes, that had been brought up on the number of occasions. but in his words, not in any kind of substantive basis. so basically it was something that was being talked about by the 6th just stated his meeting with other officials and other ministers. however, it wasn't pods both negotiations searches, but something made quite clear. nothing substantive about it, but it does go to indicate that these protests has had the impact on the domestically within the united states, but even in widen negotiations taking place in a bit to end. okay, tail israel as well and gaza montana in washington dc. mike, thank you. the
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in gaza 26. people have been killed in a for the $51.00 have been injured because of is really a tax over the last $24.00. but they have chosen food, at least 7 palestinians in a residential area, north of or off, or a family home. there was charges. israel's increase is bombing campaign in under run drop, despite international pressure not to long term and actually offensive. and the city that somebody new model up from 3 missiles hit these innocent children, a mother had the 2 girls sleeping on her lap. there was sleeping on her lap. the 2 girls whose i'm pretty much is that there's been over them at the source on thought they left by the school. there were only a few meters between them and the school. at 2 o'clock there was a miss so and their house was gone. how was their house destroyed a let's go to honeywell who is joining us, involved in the southern gaza. honey, tell us more about this strikes on the family home.
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yes, rob. well, people across throughout by city are still a sore, being waking up from the shock of what happened as early hour this morning. about a 3. i'm a 330 at a um or an hour this morning were in a house that was targeted and severely damaged. parts are totally destroyed, where people inside this house 7 people have reported skills, mostly children from one family. the only survivor of this attack was the father. everybody else in the family was killed in india, todd. and, and this is happening amid all the talks about of the 10. so, and a possible deal uh in, within the coming days. but it still does really monitor you showing no signs of a slowing down or may not be a tops across from us. it'd be just within the past 45 minutes reports of from a tax on the western part of dropbox. and then they are evacuation zone and this is
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part of it's also a chain of attack that happened a fairly our hours of this afternoon. we're drawing the fire missile near evacuations on the inside of the full bonnie or the western parts over a vice city where a 1000 of families have been shouldering inside the makeshift tens that they have set up since the evacuated from the northern parts guys of city and more recently defend from the area the refugee cons, as well as the city of han you and is this really monetary meanwhile, continues to destroy public facilities on target more residential homes in the central area, mainly in the refuge account of abrasion and then they'll fight on a refugee kind of the new the new refuge account. a known in the central area as a block to also in the about the area, the body of tons of other refuge account, more reports of but talks on public facilities, destruction of infrastructure and residential homes. a being targeted, distort just for things people into further internal displacement as people to try
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to go back to the city of hon noon as many the eastern part of that is very military withdrawal from their leaving trails of distractions and where civil defense accrued municipalities a stop are trying to re supply the area with water, so people are able to get back to those areas. the building or the means, the valley view facility itself was destroyed as early hours of this day, just preventing municipalities, staff from doing their work and continue to help people settle it back into the area, leaving the whole area right now with no water source whatsoever. and honey, obviously all these people and guys are needing desperately more aid, more food, and so on. i understand that there is more a to entering the step just briefly talk us through what's been going on there or
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the latest updates we receive the from drop the heck cross things and come up with style him there about a $300.00. it's trucks that have been allowed into the gaza for the northern part, but with the difficulties of these some of these a truck reaching areas for the, for very desperate population in the northern parts a and gaza city. those a 300 trucks are filled with the central survival license, water supplies, and food supplies. that right now is just in the face of the, the, the challenge of the created by the intense bombing campaign by the famine. that house it's read in the northern part and causing in force. the hydrogen is star vision, making it very difficult in any assessment if we look right now on the ground because it needs a close to 500 trucks on daily basis, non stop constant supply of food supplies and other survive. the life is a human, it's for you and it's in order to combat these difficult conditions,
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which is not happening right now with the virtual blockade on all the land crossings bite is really military probably mount hood from roswell. thank you. the city and journalist covering is rose water and guys that have been awarded. unesco is world press freedom price to do but a sit in july. discovering does an international jury, you said it recognizes kind of doing what it calls, times of doctors and focuses unesco, said the award pays tribute to journalist, facing difficult and dangerous circumstances. at least a 143 medial workers and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months. so one will journalist from the occupied westbank say is when the forces of trying to silence palestinian voices online and on the grand they've been detained. intimidated, and in many cases banned from doing their job. one journalist was placed under house arrest and prevented from using her phone on the internet either. but him has
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this report from the occupied westbank. she's a journalist, but with no phone internet or access to the field. and it's really court cuts off somebody edge away from the outside world as part of her conditions release form in his way. he deal. if she communicates online or speaks to us on camera, she could be arrested and coming back home with somebody it was in her 7th month of pregnancy. so we were worried about to we filtered 1st to be allowed to work from home. but then we were surprised to see the court's ruling. all of this for was accusing her of incitement of, of post on social media. she was allowed to give birth in a hospital. her baby is 3 months old now, but she has no idea when she'll be out out and fears that her career might be over . $43.00 palestinian journalists from the occupied westbank are still in his way
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the jails, almost half of them are held on the administrative detention, which is arrest without charges at least $260.00 cases. so these way the forces ups truck taking journalists from reporting journalist clearly identified as members of the process and doing their jobs are protected under international law. but in palestine, media workers say they're not. and that the protective gear noon is depressed the best that should keep them safe, is turning them into a target. has a lot of families are open, let me check above us sharina blacklist. kevin was shocking to all of us. the port that had to bid has been in the field for 15 years. and do you members, when his way the forces killed and just need a journalist 2 years ago, while reporting jimmy to clock off this video, he's trying to dodge put in during his way the way to the occupied with my head,
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the level of the mute i still have to have them feel that when to come with their own, these really forces the more cautious because like, feel within the national backlash much if we managed to push to english away, it's as if israel has a green light to commit more crimes against palestinians journalists often deployed in groups as a safety measure. this is this colleague, sam. yes, i am a how the sammy was late, arrested with them to charge the almost demo. well, they're telling us that the situation is with israel blocked international reporters from entering the besieged because this trip, after their attack started palestinian journey to see they rose to the challenge. they want to tell the story of more displacement and loss. but more often than not, they are forced to become part of it. the, the he just eat all the occupied westbank palestine orthodox, christie worshippers, a mocking, good friday and occupied east jerusalem of this year. the celebrations have been
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overshadowed by israel's war on gaza. stephanie decker has more of the faithful that are making their way down the via the little song retracing jesus, his son carrying the cross marking, of course the crucifixion of jesus christ on holy friday. usually you would have many more religious tours here as part of this procession on orthodox easter. um, of course the word goal is, is affecting that so far less people here. so the procession will now make its way further down the be the little. so this is the, the 5th station station of the cross and then making their way down these alleyways towards the church of the holy sceptical where of course it's believed jesus christ was buried and resurrected on easter sunday, stephanie decker, which is 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. still a half now does he find barnaby little in front of milan?
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northern philippines for the town was a merchant in the 1970s to build a reservoir has resurfaced due to exchanging a long dry spell the hello. it's fine and try across the good parts of the korean peninsula, add also into japan. large big area of high pressure keeping it settled and sunny quiet. so the little me, i was very so that's the clear skies here, but we have got more cloud and right in gathering across southern parts of china. so the flooding concerns coming in across the saturated ground that we have here that will lead to a good deal of disruption. once again, it is so moving feature that it will punches, way across the east. china say i have a to was the korean peninsula. so this,
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that change that's going to bring some weather into the korean peninsula, temperatures folding back to around 20 celsius. that is so make the most of that fine dry day in such a pad of 20 item total because that weather. yep, that's coming your way. we'll see the cloud gathering the rain pushing into solving pos for q issue using across into western areas of hon. she by the end of monday, the pride this guys welcome sunshine at last, coming back into southern pulse of china will say a few showers across the indo china, one or 2 showers coming into the philippines. hopefully hoping to break the heat in both cases. plenty of showers, meanwhile, across malaysia and indonesia, and it continues may model cost a good possible in the cooler and west of the bank with ash ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you want to know just a reminder of what top stories this are and guys are 26 people have been killed and 51 have been injured because of his fairly attacks over the last 24 hours. that's always include at least 7 palestinians in a residential area, north of the off on family home. there's been talk, it's
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a place in progress of entered funds. those procedures seals to university and remove student doctors to dr. finance buildings. living hotels, solar down with pots, dispos rejected demands by protesters to review its relations with this way, the universities, thousands of people in yemen are holding a demonstration of solidarity with palestine in some of the central areas of the capital. so now are packed with yemen. these holding flags and chanting in support of palestinians in gun. so hopefully military spokesman says they're going to keep up the campaign against ships they say are linked to israel in the yeah, well the, we announced the implementation of the 4th stage of escalation targeting ships heading to the ports of occupied palestine. this 4th stage of escalation will remain implemented until the cessation of aggression and the lifting of the
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blockade on gaza. we will target all ships that violate the decision to band navigation, to israel in the mediterranean sea, and any area we can reach if the is really intimate launch is an aggressive operation. and rough uh, our forces will impose comprehensive sanctions on all ships associated with the occupied palestinian ports of any nationality. ships of companies associated with the occupied ports will be prevented from passing in our area of operation, regardless of their nationality and destination. to kids trade minutes. oh not a whole lot has said trade with israel will not resume until a permanent the ceasefire secured in gaza on thursday took care of the government began halting oh, imports and exports with israel. israel's foreign message on cards says turkish president, enter. zip type out one is a violating mutual trade agreements. constance also accuse out of on a victor tutorial behavior the u. k. has on, on a 2nd round of sanctions targeting is where the settlers in the occupied westbank
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sanctions are being imposed on for prominent for white individuals. their assets and the u. k. a being frozen. and they're going to be barred from traveling to the country. also in the target list of 2 groups, which they've said want to expelled palestinians from the land became government says those being an unprecedented rise and secular volumes over the past year. cycling could complicate efforts to recover the bodies of those killed in kenya is flooding 210 people have been killed and 19 more are missing in floods, local say were caused by a blocked drain until venture rain, catherine, sorry, witness recovery efforts and mamma, who h on in central can you? the document was invalid and t, as in my, my you have a lot area to cover up here in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mud flood. waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders,
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thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. so do you watch any big residency? the incident was caused by a blocked dream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was really loved how much it was and the people in your state they are just like to to be alive. the hyphen guerria is here to look for his nephew from some you see he says this was a man made disaster fema. this was caused by the state and national railways corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost
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everything are at the comp for the displaced that getting caught new clothes and medical. ok. if you have read the established whether there was even brokerage in the 1st place, because that team is got into the ground with sublease. what at 20 for. so it would be pretty much want to say there was a real page if it was negligence, that is blame when the government boots were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. catherine. so i'll just 0 my my hear central kenya. but it's probably most of issue sex facing yet more questions about his leadership after another set of 5 look, collection results for his governing conservative policy. more than 2 and a half 1000 kansas seats were up for grabs. across a $107.00 districts and comes as the next parties, some of the defeat in a parliamentary, bi election in black, full size, losing the seats to the labor policy. high, false is good, more from london. among assume
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a bad results for the conservatives. perhaps the most high profile, the bi election loss in black pul, south where the former conservative member resigned a made a lobbying scandal. the swing to labor was 26 percent of the labor lead, a ts donald was the to celebrate. he said that was an incredible swinging, labor's save and a national message directly. so not the conservative party, the conservative only just be the right wing populous reform party in the 2nd place and elsewhere across the country where reform stood in council elections. i also took support away from the conservatives. it looks like they might be on close to lose some $500.00 council seats across the country. very positive views as well. in council elections for labor. they run into some trouble vote in oldham, new manchester, where to cabinet members of the council, the defect to the way from labor of gauze of policy elsewhere. some evidence as well as the muslim vote being affected by
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t as tom is policy on the conflict in the middle east, as well as that we've seen took off a potential leadership challenge to receive through not the prime minister somewhat ab away in the days leading up to these elections, but now the results are coming in and the best so bad that pressure seems to be rushing up once more. people in bangladesh are being pressured by cost of living crisis inflation is that more than 9.5 percent? it's likely to go up, i'll just 0 is time your children's got more from the capital costs in bond with dash what had been a plus growing economy in recent years is not being overshadowed by storing energy and food prices with the cost of inputs rising and foreign currency, reserve dwindling. the government has been forced to borrow from global agencies and impose all strategy measures. many are now struggling to be, or the addition of cost, right,
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is that the price is due fluctuate in the market. but the most, we go up making a very hard for the fixed income, a middle class people, they have no choice but to manage by cutting down on purchases or buying poor quality items. in a recent survey by their country statistics, bureau phone, about a quarter of families are taking out loans to meet their basic needs, incomes or stagnant. and farmers say, prices are been kept down fairly levels by middle man in the supply chain automatically built in us. the way things on now we've gone through a couple of our costs from planting, cutting the prices have gone up for 5 devices and diesel renting tractors and employing workers, and we just comp abandoned funding according to another survey by salvation economic around 70 percent of households in bangladesh, i've been forced to change what they do to high prices and recently abroad from a buying of the she and geo size. the some people here are paying more than
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consumers in europe and the usa for basic essentials like eggs, cooking oil and milk until then. so i'm a konami's also say business syndicates are manipulating markets to keep prices high. and i've also criticize the policies of the central bank. so the 3 factors that have driven up inflation. all the energy price adjustments, major devaluation inc dock. com, which increase the forward import prices. and we also saw the lack of response from bangladesh, bang, imposing, or from traction, or you monetary policy. the government say is it will expand its social protection program. so you know, home, some items we will import, sold by from local sources, any essential commodities that might be needed under the current prevailing situation to keep the market on the distribution process stable and even keep both as stocks. although foot prices are falling in some countries, the cost of essential food items is continuing to go up in bung with dash,
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despite the government's efforts to stabilize a temperatures rate, i'll just see the doc china as long as to probe to collect samples from the far side of the moon. i want it. yeah. it's called 76 and the aims to collect drugs from the off of the moon, the permanent be faces away from the f. a spacecraft, carrier is alondo. that is gonna screw pop rocks and send them back to us a 300 year old time in the northern philippines has resurfaced, after it was submerged for the construction of a reservoir. 50 years ago, a drugs lasted for months and recent extreme heat is also made to watch on the dams dried off. barnaby lo has the story from the ruins of punts of bodies on the concrete ruins of a centuries old town. very much still in place. after half a century underwater since, but the behind in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build a reservoir. it's resurfaced a few times,
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but never this early in the year in this long that the, like the, when the dams, water level drops,


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