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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and serial then yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the students around the world continued to gather in solidarity with palestinians with protesters from new york to paris, saying that they refused to be silent. us police dismantle yet another protesting cabinets, arresting dozens of people in new york university on the ground in gaza,
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at least $26.00 palestinians are killed in 24 hours after israel targeted russia in the south. but a student in the discovery and the world press freedom prize, honors all palestinian during lists for their reporting on israel's one god's spirit . also on manchester city, all set to resumed back home says to win the english formulae title also i need to stop cities from becoming the 1st team. so when full consecutive championships, the, it's $1500.00 gmc and student protests in solidarity with palestinians. a gaining momentum in spreading from the united states around the globe in paris. people are rallying after police remove protesters. ok. occupying parts of the seal,
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spoke university gate. the police removed at least 50 protesters, 6 of whom had begun a hunger strike and were staging sits in the students from multiple universities and now gathered in central powers. the mood remains defiance. they say that they will continue to protest until their demands for divesting from israel or met novelty. that's why the demands remain the same. the hunger strikes continue more and more people are joining it on campuses in paris and the regions. you know, the universities people are going to just start hunger strikes to and we won't stop until investigative committees are set up to ensure the university partnerships with the state of israel, with his regular universities cut off because they are actively participating in a risk of genocide and human rights violations. police in berlin have blocked the entrance to the humboldt university where students are protesting and solidarity
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with palestinians. and the last few hours several people had been arrested. meanwhile, police in new york have removed students from a solidarity encampment at new york university. similar police operations were carried out at columbia university. and you see a la earlier this week with more than 2000 people arrested around the country. well, we've got correspondence covering the story for us for multiple angles in a moment. we'll get the latest from new york university christine salumi. is there mike? hannah is a george washington university in the us capital. mike will come to you in a moment. first bill, let's head to paris. natasha butler is standing by. so you're with protesters happen with protesters. what are you seeing and what are you hearing in central powers? well that was uh no protest or just behind me here in central powers in front of the phone. do i have to say it's pretty much over now, but what we did see was hundreds of students had come here from different
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universities across the city to show solidarity with palestinian people. but also, if they said to talk about what they feel is growing depression from french police, from authorities and fonts from the government when it comes to speech to which is a student protests i speak to once, do you do need to be said look into unacceptable as far as we're concerned, do we think police officers coming on to university campuses, universities should be places where students cancel and to base about issues at all . sides can come to the table freely. there should be places where freedom of speech and freedom of expression, i'll call it instead they feel like they sort of writes those values and say, i want to uphold all being eroded. they feel that the government's becoming more repressive and also the police and they particularly feel that is the case in terms of these protests of the talking about cause. but just talking about people suffering that. and one student poses student union needs of the we spoke to said look, the problem is we want to have it's based on what's happening and goals. so we won't
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have it. today's about a distance of toys that are off between friends universities and his reading universities. so we feel we call and have a conversation that is being silence in natasha much spotlight in france has been on the seals, po, campus, and central powers. because it's such a high file prestigious universities very much, you know, in the, in the, in the public domain. what happens there often makes headlines. so what's the status of the field spoke process? i mean, you talk to roy, it's a point that's our sales please. one of the problems is most prestigious universities, maybe political science students. in fact, some of the change, the things i know, we talked about politics. many of us might even go into politics. many fronts of leaders to go stands for university. yet when we try to use politics, ourselves to page issues, we feel as if we're not able to do that. so that's interesting. what has been happening, who feel for is a series of protests and systems,
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the latest one. we to assist, you know, the night some 50 students occupied the building police moved in earlier today. they evacuated those students. what kind of happened comedies. the students led out . they went out one by one, sometimes i in past, but when they did come out, what they did say was we're going to continue the process we fill, but the university administrators need to hear some about them on some of the malls . all those things like got some ties with his reading universities, but we should always say, feel the way for you to protest and stage of these kinds of demonstrations without being in that word refresh. so it looks as if we probably will see more process more assistance in the coming days in seals full. but other universities perhaps to . okay, that's really interesting. we'll continue to follow that and you will continue to cover that for us. also 0 is natasha butler in paris. thank you very much. in germany, police have arrested several protesters taking part in a, sitting at humboldt university in berlin. our correspondent dominic cane was there
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. the police have just started taking away some of the most vociferous of the protests to people drag through a sofa. it's happened because a protest has had 4 bottles of water to assist to sustain them during this process . they've been ethic not for several hours and the arrival of baseball football fields was the capitalist of the police to move in and drag people away. you can see that rossville. somewhere around about 30 people sent. yes i came across in this price taping. can hear what the singing about how to sign up, and that sort of thing goes with the salt and smoke and say happy, strong overlays throughout the owns. the other side is the gate. so you can see what the police presence here. there's also another small, a price that's, that people seem similar songs, surgeons, johnson, and that sort of thing. remember, the full flow receives, wanted this process to be shut down some considerable time. a good question is, how much longer will the police allow this to continue remembering, they have already dragged away some of the most vociferous processions. we shall
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see dominic thing else is there cooling? but let's go live now to kristin salumi kristen, you're outside the new york police department. you've been covering these campus protests. multiple encampments in new york had been cleared out this morning. what can you tell us? what's the latest where you are? yeah, the last 2 in cabinets remaining were cleared in the early morning hours here in new york, that's at new york university and the new school and were told 16 students from n y you were arrested and 43 from the new school and were i'm out is basically a street corner not too far from police plaza, which is surrounded by a lot of gates and not very accessible to the public. and the reason we're here is because about a 100 students are waiting for those who have been arrested to come out. this is like called their legal support team here that to help them with the process to
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welcome them when they come out. students who need medicine inside the police station where they're waiting to be processed. they've brought medicine for them. so it's a form of support to find out more about what happened this morning. i've got one of the students who was at n y, u with me, her name is ed up and she was sleeping, i believe, and attend when the police arrived. tell me what happened. uh yes, i was asleep. of someone came by tens, opened it. it was about 5 or 6 of us and not tense and said that the barricades are down. and my pd's here, they're going to start arresting. so i mean, they got up, i have like a civic role and then cabins. and so i went to like trying to figure out what's going on. and i thought we'd have more time than the it happened all in about half an hour. in total. i tried to got some supplies,
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i got my own back and stuff and went to go knock on as many times as possible to where people. yeah. and so 16 were arrested, but you were saying that at least 50 people were in the encampment. so did they give you time to leave and, and how did that play out? um yeah, so they, we didn't get time to leave. but when they started entering. 5 they started like shutting out that it's like you need to leave, you just 1st get yourself leave what we are with if you me right now. um people or so we were doing making sure the all the tons of clear that no one, no it was missed was because we've seen that last time. the way they approached the 10th was extremely violent. but this time, it sounds like it was a little bit more calm when it happened and, and i, i should point out that, you know, over here we have a legal support. you can see there's a lot of students gathered what are, what are the people here doing for the so yes,
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um, any or rustic systematic um, it's very hard to go through that, especially if i have any specific like issues and you're not prepared. i also like to see like your friends be taken and into that and tucked away at the for the paper with the barbara barbara. at least they know that they're not going to be alone immediately. they can know that their legal operation will be taken care of so that they get reminders that they have someone to check back in with. um, we have food for them. we don't know how long usually like is last time it took hours to come out. i guess the medical table because we don't know she was, i don't know if there isn't at the new school by noon. know some of us were to to a little her hard. yeah. great, thank you at it for that update on what's been happening at it was actually arrested in the 1st encampment that was set up at n y u. a 133 students and faculty members were arrested in the 1st round. not as many this time there was more preparations underway,
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more people were allowed to leave. it was a different environment in the early morning hours, but traumatic for the students, not in the last 2 gathered here to support the legal process. now the students were hearing are being charged with trespassing, not the extreme same charges that were at columbia and other places where people were actually in campus building. so there are those charges were harsher, but not in the last well. now the students will now have to follow up with the courts and come back after their release as they are released here, the students cheer them. and as they come out, but they'll have to be back here for court proceedings in the near future in question. just before i let you go, does that mean right now there are no probes as far as you can make out. no protests left in support of palestinians in new york. not at all. the encampments have been cleared away,
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but we are getting notices about more rallies and more events planned throughout the day, including at n y, u, right near where the and cabinets were set up. later this afternoon, they are planning to go back there and again, a rally for the cause and there's a but it's similarly up at columbia university. we're hearing of the gathering there later this afternoon as well. so the students aren't giving up even though the cabinets are gone. the demonstrators are still planning to take to the streets . okay, that's really interesting because it needs breaking up. these and cabins isn't necessarily the end of the actual support movement and protest movement personally . so moving in new york, thank you very much. let's check in with mike hannah. mike, you are at george washington university, the federal capital washington dc. washington has been a bit of an outlier in this entire campus protest movements since the beginning, because washington authorities decided not to use force not to clear the protesters away from where they were. is that still the case or yes,
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it is. indeed, it was actually the d. c police department that turned down a request from university authorities to remove the tents from this encampment right at the very beginning that was 9 days ago. now once the d. c, police refused to do that day was said strongly that they saw no signs of unlawful behavior. they would continue to monitor the situation, but would not take action unless it was specific acts up on the full behavior in this in kept meant. now since then, that had been some changes that have been more tense coming up here even though the night some more tents with pitch. so the number here is going, some members of faculty have joined the demonstration, although they declined to be identified at this particular point. another major change has been a barrier that has been evicted, erected by the police along the public streets that run this just behind the edge of this university yard. now that barrier was removed, which was seen by the demonstrators here as
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a major achievement. they have just released the statement which says it's directed to the city and community and it says, with your help, we have won the space to breeze. we have a free team chance to achieve our goals. now the principals at structure all struggle a more important than ever. so the students here and the demonstrate is generally intent on continuing this protest and kaylee the d. c. police content to sit back and monitor the situation, allowing the situation to remain as a test for the past 9 days, dodge the peaceful mike the, the situation that you're describing is so different from what we've seen at other campuses where they've been arrest. and just as a reminder of yours, if in more than 2000 arrests and the last 2 and a half, 3 weeks in the us, what you're describing is so different in dc than what we've seen in new york and other cities. i wonder, what is the difference,
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why is this playing out differently in dc as well say oh, interesting differences in terms that the fact that george washington university is in fact a private university. but the street behind me that for example, is a public space. now the key difference here of what has happened here to other places is the position of the d. c. police. right at the beginning, university authorities off the d. c. police to come in and remove the protest is d c. police decline to do so, as i said, because they found no evidence of unlawful activity. now this another potential reason for this thinking back to june 2020. when dc police cleared, protest is from the street using the tongues and a t, a guess back to provoke, to really bad optics, full the d. c. police department. and very clearly this is at the back of the
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mindset. they do not want this type of optic to happen again. plus they have the support of the districts may at least be very clear that whatever the police decide she will back and she has continued to express the support for the decision of the police, not to remove the protest. mike, if i can get you to look at the entirety of this, the big picture nationwide, across the us for and the 3rd week of these protests, they've mushrooms across the country. what in your assessment is the broad impact at this stage of these process? it will, it is having a massive impact to it in an incremental way, initial days, it was basically many politicians and the general public schools that this is something that will p to out. but it hasn't p to the test. in fact, gains momentum spreading, as you say, across the countries campuses. now this has an effect, a divided politicians. you have put dominant
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t republicans deeply criticizing the protesters. you have a number of democrats, for example. you've expressed the support for the democrats, who and themselves for the protest is and who themselves have been partially critical of us contact and supporting israel. and it's will on gone, said. and one must remember as well down the line. there's an election here independent. and this, increasingly, as these approaches play out, is going to have an impact on that election. the protesters to a person on adamant that the bite and administration has to take responsibility for what they call it's, i'm qualified support of israel. and this may will have a tail on effect. come to them, the selection that will be so interesting to watch mike hannah, thank you for your reporting. thank you for all of that context. the reporting there from george washington university and dc of
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the training to the situation on the ground in guns. and now where israel's attacks continue, at least 26 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. a woman and her 6 children were killed in a strength on a home in rasa. they included a disabled teenager and a 6 year old. nearly 1500000 displaced palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern city. israel has vowed to launch a full scale military operation. they're getting all about to show we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children, an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey a message. what is the fault of these children? what have they done to have the building bumper? 3 rockets. what did they do? these children were sleeping? sure of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand. what did they gain? will they do to us?
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is unfair and forbidden. more aid has entered garza but agencies say that it's still nowhere near enough. 237 trucks made deliveries on thursday. israel has been preventing much needed supplies from coming in since the war began . the union has urged is really officials to drop their plans for a ground attack on rough. the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa just escaped bombardment. feminine disease. for them, a ground operation would be more mean more suffering civilians must be protected and international humanitarian law must be respected by all. let's go to houses. here is honey mountain mode, who joins us from rossa in the southern part of the gaza strip. so honey, every day, every few hours, even there are new strikes, bombardments on gaza and more palestinians are killed. what's the latest that you
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are learning? yes. well right now, how seniors are dying on the record number due to run live relentless 0 talks across the for it, whether he and over crowded southern part of this trip where overnight we looked at the entire family been mostly children, the oldest survivor of the families the father, very else in the family that were still during this residential home were pronounced dead as they were transferred to the hospital some of the ashi. and it seems that we, we with the images in the footage of, from the hospital looking at children arriving to the hospital in plastic bags that were shredded by the intensity of the attack on this particular residential home. this is not the 1st time we seen the. the graphic is, is it is a ride of from hospital. it happened before a different parts of the gaza strip, but it just high number of children have been killed in this war. and since the beginning of the, of the attack, the fox, the gaza strip,
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but surely our hours today more attacks of the western part of robust city, particularly in new york. they evacuations on the milwaukee where people inside their tens, not only do they have to hide it from the flag, to scrap those into the phrase falling in their tents. but it just that caused a great deal of tonic and push people for more internal displacement into further into the central part of robust city. up seeking shelter away from this evacuation zone that was announced then designated by this really military as a safe though. meanwhile, in the central area, there's really military continued to pound across the refuge account. and this time many of the other braves refuge account. we're not all the wisdom within the past 24 hours or 5 people or from one family inside residential home, but also more injuries reported throughout the day is transferred to a lock sauce hospital deep by dollar. we're seeing more error strikes either by attacking drones or by the top jet. these are death succeeded dropping on
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a predictable bonds on people inside the residential or the past 24 hours in the depths of almost 51 people, mostly women and children and honey. today, as you know, is world press freedom day, the un has chosen to honor of palestinian during the slight yourself. we've been doing remarkable work under extreme extreme pressure. what is the past almost 7 months been like for you as a reporter in this for as well the, the barely, the pos, nearly 7 months have been very, very stressful. difficult than uh, do you need to monitor day to day events? not only that, but you need to keep also staying protected and saved right on the side of coverage on your way home or in doing field work is not easy, but it just this they hold the men's significance for me. as a journalist,
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covering this genocide, the war from the gaza strip just illuminating the profound importance of my voice and other journalist, voice and revealing deep uh, deep flight of palestinians, people across the gauze. and for, for the past 7 months, the daily struggle of not only making sure that we're covering the unfolding and evolving events across it, but also more importantly, staying safe and the state of protected the with along with our family members who have evacuated more than one time is from one place to another on a personal level. i evacuated 4 times until i ended up here in dropbox. it and every time it was more, it's a new may have a new struggles in finding a place, then making sure it's a, it's somehow save but somehow protected. but at this warehouse, it proven that there is no safe place across the gauze for this day is important because it, it should light on the importance of, of
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a blue find the voice is the quotes for just the same pulls for, for peace and calls for for stability and in the region, and more importantly for how this thing is i've been struggling for for the past few years. it's due to have a peaceful day journalist across the board of pay the hit price for telling the truth and for covering the unfolding events and the atrocities committed by these really military and honey. thank you very much to that account. i know you've been working on this in preparation for this day and i want to, i want our viewers now to see the report that you've put together on a palestinian reporter who was killed in the very early days of this conflict in gaza. let's take a look. so you the thought we was among the 1st journal listing does it to di, covering door. he was the editor in chief of, of thomas,
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the news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't, i'm really can be in that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as caring and just kind to me as so you'd was to his mother. but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died. very young, gods will help us. kind of guy, that's the key i'm afraid was guilt. when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a 3 mile neighborhood, in ga, the city, just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated an order. and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a change tactics and struck a different much a closer target. going him and 2 other journalists. they had been wearing a flag, jackets and helmets. clearly identified them as a press. a death has left his father at
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a loss with limits. and the 1st of all i didn't see side means so much to me that i used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now and i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us in the city of more than $140.00 media workers have been killed in nearly months of war, including alger, the camera man, founder of the car. and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families. and even more vienna, from rough paula stein, it's released from the occupied westbank say that is really force is a trying to silence palace. the invoice is online and on the ground. they've been detained and terminated, and in many cases banned from doing their job. one journalist was placed under house arrest and prevented from using our phone or the internet. did. abraham has this report from the occupied westbank. she's a journalist,
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but with no phone internet or access to the field. and it's really court cutoff, so may edge away from the outside world. as part of her conditioned release form. and as we do, if she communicates online or speaks to us on camera, she could be arrested and coming back home with somebody. it was in her 7th month of pregnancy, so we were worried about to we filtered 1st to be allowed to work from home. but then we were surprised to see the court's ruling. all of this for walk, for accusing her of incitement, of, of post on social media. she was allowed to give birth in a hospital. her baby is 3 months old now, but she has no idea when she'll be allowed out. and fears that her career might be over. you $43.00 palestinian journalists from the occupied west bank are still in his way the jails, almost half of them are held under administrative detention,
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which is arrest without charges at least $260.00 cases. so these way the forces ups truck taking journalists from reporting journalists clearly identified as members of the process and doing their jobs are protected under international law. but in palestine, media workers say they're not. and that the protective gear noon is the press, the best that should keep them safe, is turning them into a target. has a lot of families are open, let me check above us. sharina block leads to him, was shocking to all of us. the port that had to bid has been in the field for 15 years. and do you, members, when his way the forces killed and just need a journalist 2 years ago, while reporting jimmy clock off this video, he's trying to dodge putting a lot during his way the way to the occupied with the the mid of a soft out. i'm feeling that when to come with their own, these really forces the more cautious because they feel in international backlash
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much if we managed to push through and looks away. it's as if israel has a green light to commit more crimes against palestinians. journalists often deployed in groups as a safety measure. this is his colleague, sam. yes, i am a how the sammy was late, arrested without a charge with the almost demo. well, they're telling us that the situation is what is real blocked international reporters from entering the besieged because this trip after their attack started palestinian journey to see the grooves to the challenge. they want to tell the story they for displacement and loss. but more often than not, they are forced to become part of it. you the, he just eat all the occupied westbank, palestine or the u. k. has announced the 2nd round of sanctions targeting is really settlers in the occupied westbank sanctions are being imposed on for prominent far right individuals. their assets in the you, k are being frozen and they'll be barred from traveling to the country. also on the
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target list or 2 groups, which have said that they want to expel palestinians from their land. u. k. government says that there's been an unprecedented rise in separately violence over the past year. still a head on alpha 0. torrential rains, lash major parts of tens, india and kenya in east africa. we report on recovery efforts in central canyon, the you k is governing conservative party could be looking at the heavy losses of the local and regional elections. and in sports, more injury concerns for the reigning wimbledon champion, is in a race against time to be fit for the next grand slam towards the hello. the flooding rain continues across the southern part. so presented. we got this la, jerry, or cloud as
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a stationary why the front running rights have power required down across the se offer. so it's been pulsing bands of heavy right across a similar area for the past few days. still further heavy showers over the next couple of days, but hopefully gradually becoming less where you can see friday. so use the heavy down, pulls across a similar area, assess today a shout was still there. i was, i said, not quite as widespread, but they all still there and never the less that will exacerbate the problems that we have here to the south. is that a lot of try whether something positive or, and teen. and the truly seeing some very breezy conditions. once again, further north, uh, because some very great weather up to the north west oper, sale, and the seasonal raise a coast across the north of south america. joining up some very wet weather that we have a close and troll past of the caravans. still saying some live the showers just around the greats, around tailors, the showers running down to the sea islands, still some showers that into jamaica whatsoever. sliding across puerto rico, just running towards when,
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which as we go through. so that's what i wanted to share. i was still in place that just around 7 pots of central america, severe storms. meanwhile, continue through the great plays making the way for the east. the now was the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is most important. which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out of there. now let me tell you about safari, valid equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon,
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occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on within large tears faced with a look in my private now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in, gone the the, you're watching else a 0 reminder of our headlines this. our police in new york have been removing students from the encampment that new york university within 2000 people has been arrested across the country. so far since students solidarity protests began, a woman and her 6 children have been killed in, in this really strength on
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a home in rough or is really attacks of killed at least 26 people. in the last 24 hours, the unesco world press freedom prize has been awarded to palestinian journalists covering israel's one gaza, at least a 143 medial workers enter and list have been killed in gaza and nearly 7 months of turning to west africa. now russian troops have entered a military base in new year where us troops are station new jersey government has asked the americans to leave after a cool in 2021. us secretary of defense lloyd austin says he is confident his troops are 6. i think you know that everybody's one on one we're at 4 inches, is, is a new sherry and the air force base that is co located with the international airport in the capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment.
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and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, i'm a safety and protection of our troops, something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection a okay, word of background on this advocacy hill region has long experience violence in large swats of ungovernable territory. american troops have operated in these year since 2018 to fight armed groups linked the iso and to al qaeda. but in countries within this aisle, there's been growing dissatisfaction during that time with the western forces in their inability to end the attacks. meanwhile, russia has been lobbying to fill the security void. it's paramilitary groups, like wagner have long formed partnerships with governments in the soho and after new share burkina faso. and molly each experience cruise their new military leaders chose to increase cooperation with moscow. instead of the west, victor okay, is
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a professor of international politics, peace and security at the coffee, a non international peacekeeping center. you are joining us live from the gun a and capital aqua. you 1st of all, so your read on this. i mean, it's very unusual to have russian troops and us troops sharing a common space like i can't think of any recent moment or place where that has happened to your very right. um, this is very interested in and that's all my take my, you know, what i'm, this is more like an actual occasion from the side of rush. yeah. and then to prove it point that would be out of control. not only in the chair, but of linda, so how and i will implement this going and then georgia let and they are. my guys know that, well, we don't really care what you're saying. yeah. and you have to do our business and for the long term it has implications for not only didn't deserve. so there's
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a whole region. and then we also took the regional corporation agency, economic pointed cheese. okay, that's the continental bodies like that a you weren't because what it's going to be a response to the so it is really an interesting time. and now we, we're looking at what's going to happen. why do the countries in this region and the latest instance of this is new share? why do they prefer working with russian forces then western forces? well, it comes to the point where let's go back, for instance, when, when, when these concrete new gen, booking up muscle and then models, right? the saint germain is a games to form from when you call loose like friends. so it's come to a point where these countries feel that we need a new partnership. okay, we need a new by like a full question. i the, in military, in that it cannot make, what am i mean? so whatever it is now up to them to decide of who they want to be engaged in going
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forward and i think he's on the trajectory be willing to participate with russia on the whole levels. haynes, when he missed the click. okay. yeah, so solution with the rush awful by law trial corporation going forward. okay, the aim here, you've explained the political underpinnings of this. but from the security perspective, the aim here for all these countries is to fight. these are groups that are linked to isis linked to al qaeda. what is russia's track record in terms of fighting groups like that? well, well say no we, we, we know what your husband, good and very good read when it comes to science and these address. okay. no, interested in being shipped to hills. hey, i'm grouped okay. on the russian side of the rock now who was doing it?
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so bates, in, in trying to find or seem to find these out, group simple cannot possible and then elsewhere without sexes. no, this means that they may have it surely when it comes to fighting these groups, we could see these groups also a region split sometimes. okay. that was a line and so when i look at you was the russians, and this is not good to secure drawers furniture in the region large. so you're going to be blown to it to rio. inflict ok, try to winter trees to try to stop the domains and this won't be able to catch them during quite surprises. if it is not control of that early stage, i will ask you about civilians and all of this and civilian populations will live in the zones where there are these attacks. and the subsequent fighting between the
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security troops and the arm groups. i ask you this question because russian forces paramilitary forces, such as wagner have in the past, been accused of not protecting civilians or sometimes even of packing them. very true. worship incidence is a red report way bottom is like 2 regions. ok, i think the symbol is in most cases now the motors are on the polls back now. and now that it's not to consider as evidence in this case. so you would likely see arise, tennessee for them, casualties, destruction on properties. do blinds ation. also public current and government system. so in 10 civilians would be the one thing to do. you mind change or wise, you wouldn't have organizations coming in to even try to help the siblings
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because they may not be given the opportunity to find the job even access to areas to help these people the need. and that's going to be a very basic question that we can come to going forward. okay, so that will be something to watch as well. victor ok, professor of international politics, peace and security. thank you very much for joining us today. the parental rains have lashed parts of east africa, causing flooding and land slides that have killed hundreds and displaced hundreds of thousands of people. the region is now bracing for a st cloud and it will bring more heavy rain and huge waves to the coasts of tens. india and kenya and the psych loan could complicate efforts to recover the bodies of those killed after the torrential rains. i'm sure 0 is catherine story reports on recovery efforts in my my, you town in central, can you the document was invalid t, as in my, my you have a lot area to cover declaring debris as a look for more bodies,
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possibly chopped under the mud flood waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any rate? resident said the incident was caused by a bluff stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what. how much it was and the people in your state, they are just lucky to be alive now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his nephew from somebody saying, he says this was a man made disaster. he might,
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this was caused by the state and national re weighs corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced that getting hot meals floats and medical ok. if you have a be established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place. because that team is got into the ground with subsidies, what i fully funds. so it would be pretty much want to say there was a real page if it was negligence, that is blame when the government boots were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. katherine, so you all just 0 my my hear central, can you british prime minister really soon? aca is facing questions about his leadership as to another set of disappointing local election results for his governing conservative party. more than 2 and a half 1000 council seats were up for grabs across a $107.00 districts. this comes as the next part of the suffered of defeats and
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a parliamentary, bi election in blackwood south losing the seats of the labor 40, sorry, fossit reports from london. solomon's the conservatives. it'd been preparing for a bad set of results. but a poem entry, bi election in black pool delivered and now the defeat stinging unit scale. a 26 percent swing to the main o position label party. the conservatives only just beating the right wing reform policy and the 2nd place in black pole. a message has been said directly to the prime minister, directly to the prime minister, because this was a paula bent tree vote. this was directly to richie food i to say with fed up with you all decline your tales of your depression. and we won't change in local council elections across england, a similar story. conservative counselors losing seats in numbers at the high end of pre election projections,
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particularly with reform field candidates and attracted right wing votes. one of those just months out from a general election on focus completely on the job at hand that's delivering for people across the country. if you just look at what we're doing in the last week or so alone in a $900.00 pound tax caught hitting people's pay slips, the 1st failed to saw them see off to rolando. at the same time, what of labor said will they said that they are going to scrap the rolanda scheme. and as far as i can tell, offer an amnesty. these elections will fall from a labor clean sweep. the party lost control of holding counsel to labor counselors having defect to the policy on gaza. there was evidence elsewhere of, of dropping off and leave us traditionally solid muslim vote to the benefit of the liberal democrats in green parties. the conservatives refused to next some solace in the result of one of 2 regional marrow keys that they would defending ben house and holding on in the t's valley is majority down from 70 to 53 percent very much
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everyone. the idea that the conservatives would have another leadership election present the country with a full prime minister since the last general election in 2019 had appeared to be dying down in a day is running out to these elections. but the results have been so bad. the news so relentlessly the pressing to the conservatives, that the pressure on mercy, so next position as intensified. once again, i suppose that i'll just say rough london, still a head on alpha 0 in sports. it's 47 games in counting for europe's most informed football team. and here's why any richardson will be here with that story. interesting. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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the palestinian christians in occupied east jerusalem were preparing for orthodox easter. but many say that this year, a celebrations will be subdued because of the war and gaza. and because of his really restrictions from the cell which reports so forth, the docs christians and occupied east jerusalem are preparing for the annual commemoration of what they believe was the resurrection of jesus christ. like other holidays during israel's war on gauze, though orthodox easter celebrations are scaled back this year. a tour guide tells us ordinarily this time of year would be the peak season for visitors. it should be loaded by people now, but simply due to the situation, we've got nothing. as a pull guard, i've got no words,
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nothing to do. and we're so why being as much as we can in previous years, the streets have been packed with thousands of people. now they're deserted. typically around 852200000 pilgrims are in the old city for orthodontics, east or celebrations. but like other holidays this year, facilities are muted, overshadowed by the war on gaza. palestinian christian say the war is into the only challenge they face. this is not that they will celebrate the only like through money. and we celebrated with many uh, restrictions influenced by deep is really police, were worshippers in the christians. we know be able to reach the church as we used to do in the, in the past this year. no palestinians from the occupied west bank oregon's a strip will be allowed into the city to pray. but despite to be is really restrictions. palestinians say they remain hopeful because easter is
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a celebration of new beginnings. have the central edges ito, occupies east jerusalem palestine. a time for all that sport news we promise to andy richardson is in the studio with us. andy, thank you so much sir. it will only also consult much of the city from traipsing yet more english football history portfolios team and with a chance of becoming the 1st team to win full consecutive lead titles also have a one points advantage of the top of the table going into the running but have played one more game them city that suits teams as an action on the south of they also are responsible and this was fitzy. that'll be taking on rules. let's have a look at the games to come for both teams. cities still have to play, taught them and help them. sewage rule in december also is tough. this type of could be a way to manchester united on saturday, though it's a lunch time kick off against bonus. just focus and put
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all your energy and focus in finding that determination and, and that, and that willingness to, to do our best to in the right to win games and, and the 1st one is almost, he's at home. is it going to be and i'm going to, i'm gonna see it again towards the game and to just be present on meeting the moment. and let's see what happens loudly as far as small spikes a full play. i'm the guy who won the english championship with davidson back in 1985. he says also much better equipped this season. so upset much as the city both at home. the home records are terrific, both in good form, very good for them. and i would be amazed like many other football funds at fossil in my, just a sec, you don't when the we can games. i mean, if one of them is a split box in the run up to the end of the season, where might it be? well, let's get through games, you've touched on them at the beginning of your bill within there. and also i've got to go through all traffic. no. normally that would be a real tough game,
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but that's my chest united. i'm nowhere near where much and i just should be dropping off. so we'll be very confident that can go there. and when not football much, much as a say you have a little bit of a bulky team to go and play in that spouse a week. so that's a game that could easily, not wait, i'm not saying they can lose it, but they could drop points in that game. but can you believe that tottenham funds would want their team to hand the table to ass? no. i door so that suffice day one. so if city and also get through those 2 games, that may just be the one point in the separation. now i've heard you say a couple times. mm hm. but you think are, are going to win s. yeah. why? well i'm, i'm usually hope was it predicting. but when also came back from the winter break, father, they've been the best team in the country by far, the one, but they really have proof against the us and velo when they lost the game fleet through. i think it was. that was a big blow to them. so i believe the form is good. i believe the belief is that i believe better than last year. and i just have
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a sneaky feeling there will be one last twist before the end of the season. and if that is, it may just be that game against totally a lot of trouble with trophy still very much on for football is most inform, same nice gym and champions biolife accuse and life on the 1st like that you wrote the lead semi final awaits. are wrong, matt is david stokes reports that can be few best. it seems in any sport right now then by laboratories in chevy, alonzo. sorry. they've already wraps up the been this league shall to reach the gym and cup final and went into this one and beaten in 46 games. but they were up against an informed right me side and a formidable atmosphere at the study island because it's how the ends at last, just 3 games since daniel diversity replaced jo, say media was coaching january and they need the item, the scoring to remedy to talk to such a lovely work, but a terrible mistake of the back was severely punished by love, accusing the parents,
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but at least past employee inputs put them ahead. several more chances followed before the break, but with no and results that was for just was putting into the 2nd half and wrote but push todd for an equalizer. but again, it was never cousins who came up with a goods rubbish. and drake was something special to double that lease from the still roman had the chances that sorta as moody this time, the shots and royce, at the end time you abraham couldn't hit the target with his head. so to know that finished and level accusing a very much in control heading into the 2nd leg back home in germany, the other 70 final phony schools. when the child, after months had met at most, say before the french started level things up with a great strike from canceling ben box. and we'll put you in
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a tree. the 2nd legs and probably to open the tories coming up next. those like david stokes o g 0 in the near next eliminates of the sales office of the success to reach the next round of the m b a. playoffs. the next gen and brunson, helpful to on points becoming the 1st. but it's a score full say almost to close out a series since michael jordan back in 1919 on the next going on. so when this 1118 c, 115 game, one of the conference, semi finals coming up on monday. and that series is with the indiana pacers that some of the places be the milwaukee bucks once. once it's a $98.00 here in that game 6 is going to have an up. so here we can see 2021 champions. again, we have to reach this stage, the 1st, the 1st 58 mo injury concerns, but tennis will number 3, co sound crows ahead of the. the 2nd grand slam told him announced a friend sharpened the spaniard. it will still andre room 11. this week's madrid
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opened his pool area coming to tell you nice thing with the injury. press full. so i pulled out of the false loan royce. and on the nancy calling last month, it's one year old dot erase to be fixed the franchise. can i get some do i may this way. okay, that is useful. so. all right and the richardson there. thank you so much. and the china has launched a probe to collect samples from the far side of the moon. i want it off. the chinese 6 lunar emission aims to pick up rocks from the half of the moon, the permanently spaces away from the earth. the space craft carries a lender that will scoop up some of these rocks and send them back to earth. scientists think that those samples could reveal secrets about the formation of a solar system. it's thought to be a step towards china's plan to build a lunar base this by 2035. that's it for me. so then you for this news hour, we're going to take a very short break. we're back in 2 minutes with
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a full slate of workers. the in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon rain forest to the arctic sea environment are generally still around the front lines with the lights to reveal the truth as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been targeting truth together not support environmental and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st world press freedom day conference in the 2nd to the 4th of may 2024, very low collins and public confrontation. young people across the u. k. a puts in their forties on the line to force the attention of the issues that much to, to that climate change is a symptom of
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a system that's breaking down. when every other week fails, die with action was to be left open to a democratic societies or one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down an honest, peaceful, half generation changed on 204 countless refugees. english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for us from any see phone scare us. with this on a jersey to northern america is a region of wonder of joy tragedy. and yes, of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you have to be able to relate to
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the human condition. no country is a lie and it's my job to shed light on how and why of the us police dismantle yet another protest encampment arresting dozens of people at new york university. students around the world continue to gather in solidarity with palestinians from paris to berlin. they're saying that they refused to be silent. the time several, then you get to have you with us. this is alice's 0 live from the also coming up on the ground in gaza at least 26 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours


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