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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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tragedy of violence, but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the cuban conditions. no, it's a lie and it's my job to shed light on how and why the us police dismantle yet another protest encampment arresting dozens of people at new york university. students around the world continued to gather in solidarity with palestinians from paris to berlin. they're saying that they refused to be silent. the several venue is good to have you with us. this is alison 0 live from the also coming up on the ground in gaza at least 26 palestinians have been killed in the
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last 24 hours after israel targeted rasa in the south. but a student in, during this timeframe and the world press freedom prize, honors all hell listing in turn lists for their reporting on israel's war and got the we begin in the united states where police in new york city have removed students from a solidarity encampment at new york university, similar police operations were carried out to columbia university. and you see elaine california earlier this week with more than 2000 people, arrested around the country since these campus protests began our correspondence and covering the story for us across the us. mike hannah is a george washington university in the capital 1st. so let's go to kristen salumi. kristen, you're outside the new york police department to near new york university. you're
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there because students were arrested and taken in by police. i believe you have someone with you who was recently released from detention from jail. that is correct. the police arrested about 60 students this morning at 2 locations . in fact, new york university and the new school. the students are still being processed in police plaza, which is behind me here. and where i am a student legal support team has gathered. there's at least a 100 students and teachers here to help the students when they are released from the process of being arraigned inside police. pause and i have one of the students who was arrested this morning here with me now. his name is raleigh. hi roy. thanks for joining as worse so. so tell me what happened. i guess it was 6 am this morning . yeah, most of you guys were sleeping. what happened?
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yeah, so we didn't know this was going on. of course, a lot of us were still in our times when, i mean i got checking up my, my 10 me, a lot of people got choking up by the police just coming in and it was sort of like a hectic scenario. we didn't get any warning about this happening. of course we were, you know, in there peacefully and then just kind of without warning the cops came in and took over that quite quickly. and you were telling me there were about 50 students in the encampment, i guess when this happened somewhere arrested some not how did that shake out? it's just in terms of who was arrested. was there time to leave it you want it? yeah, so we kind of, you know, we go through the scenario kind of beforehand cuz we know that police have been quite brutal and quite aggressive in other encampments. so we have a plan in place for what happens when police and, and why you ultimately cause the police on us. and so we know who's going to get a rest here who's willing to get arrested. of course, we don't want people to get arrested, but then it's all about safety and trying to get the students out as and once
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a week come out and, you know, just trying to avoid this escalation, that the police obviously try to continue and push on the students, yeah. and of course this is the 2nd arrest that happened the 2nd suite. yeah. a smaller group now. there. but what are you willing to do now? i mean, is this going to be the end of it? you know, evidently this as only made i think our movement stronger. we have a bunch of support from all the other and cameron's and, you know, i think it's all about just coming together and i figured out like what, you know, what we do. i mean, we still have our mission, we have our 4 requests, we have, you know, type estimate, we have the ending of the tel aviv campus. we have cops off our campus. and the thing is we just at o and also an academic community. i mean, they've been trying to trans suspensions on the students who are peacefully here. i mean, the thing is they can't are, and cameron was also just like a beautiful place. i mean, we were planning, she bought tonight. we have
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a lot of jewish students. i'm jewish myself who are planning to buy um we had some music being played last night. we've been having amazing food and we have been having citizens and talks and lectures and it's just an amazing educational and kind of beautiful. busy busy place to be and so this in can, man is one thing. we're super disappointed and why you and the way they've gone about this and you know, we were in a public spot and they took the barriers way while we were sleeping and came in. but that won't stop us and i think we just continue moving from here. right. thank you so much for your insights on what's been happening there. right. told me that they spoke to the administration last evening and were told that there were no plans to remove them from the encampment. that obviously changed overnight. so again, on what's happening here with the legal support as people come out of the police plaza, one by one, after being process the are rated by the support team. here they are shared.
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there's been chanting of earlier one that stood out to me over 40000 dad and you're resting kids instead. so here they're still very determined to keep up the. a movement and that's about dinner that they're planning as expected to happen outside of where the in cabin was later this evening. yeah, and as you explained, says previously, and this is really interesting to point out, the encampments are gone, but that doesn't mean the rallies are no longer going to be happening. kristin salumi reporting outside the the police station in new york city. thank you very much. kristen. we got a mike now mike, hannah, you are george washington university in washington dc. make the story behind you. i see many pins. and that already tells a very, very different story paints a very different picture from what's happening in new york. why is that of the boy? yes, indeed at the very beginning of this demonstration and that's now and it's 9th day
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university or far as he's also the d. c. police to come in and move to demonstrate as the police decline to do. so they said there was no evidence of any unlawful activity. they would not take any action unless they defined or soul such activity as they have maintained what they call a monitoring role, the police in the vicinity. the public roads behind me as being sealed of foot i beside 5 police vehicles. but one of the major reasons why this has remained largely peaceful is because of that decision taken by the d. c. police. now there's been some clarity about the flag sagas that occurred over night. at one stage, a palestinian flag was raised on one of these flag poles. subsequently it was taken down and then the american flag on another flagpole was taken down. now the universe, d as released the statement making very clear as this flag was taken down by the university security,
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not by the demonstrators. both of the flagpole set being disabled. so the flags can be blown at this particular stage. the university is also issued a statement in terms of what is happening in coming days, the end of year exams begin tomorrow, and all the exams that were due to take place and buildings around university yard at the move to other locations. the university says to that it is still planning for the commencement to go ahead at the end of the universe, the despite the so i'm going demonstrations. okay, so that's interesting. the university george washington university has found a way to work with and around the encampment and these demonstrations, do you get a sense, is there something that would trigger, or perhaps a more forceful response? because in the last few weeks, you know, we've seen the red lines, then they vary from campus to campus. it will cause campus authorities to cause it to call the police and have the whole police could place cleared. are there any
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such red lines that you know of where you are? well, i think it's a matter of the pay the, the university of sorrow to use have already tried to get the police involved. they also have threatened a number of the demonstrations student demonstrate is with suspension. they've identified them incidentally by the tag keys that they've used to go into bathrooms in the neighboring buildings. so from the university administration point of view, they had wanted this created from the very beginning. but the d. c. police, as i said, refused to act on the list of a science of law for activity. now that is the key issue here, which goes back to why i said it was behavior. the demonstration themselves very aware of that. in fact, as i speak at the moment, there's a meeting going on, which we are told is about security. and that very likely is going to be briefing the demonstrate is what to do and what not to do. in other words, to avoid any action that would give the police
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a reason to move in. and that would give university authorities a reason to escalate the requests to be see police a to pull list, getting compliments apart. so this really looks like at this stage, like a sort of lamar tree for the rest of the country on how something like this kind of work. you know, because the u. s. president said that there's basically a competition between freedom of expression and also orderly conduct. both of these things can happen at the same time. at least that's what's happening where you are, mike hannah, thank you so much for your reporting. a student protests in solidarity with palestinians are spreading from the united states to other countries. in paris, people are rallying after police remove protesters occupying parts of the cl, spoke university. the police removed at least 50 protesters, 6 of whom had begun a hunger strike and were staging a sit in students from multiple universities have now gathered in the center of the
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capitol. that's what you see there. the mood remains defiance. they say that they will continue to protest until their demands for cutting ties with israel are met the customer, the demands remain the same. like hunger strikes continue more and more people are joining it on campuses in paris and the regions. you know, the universities people are going to start hunger strikes to and we won't stop until investigative committees are set up to ensure the university partnerships with the state of israel, with his regular universities a cut off because they are actively participating in a risk of genocide and human rights violations. alpha 0 is natasha butler reports from paris. that was a large per test. so just behind me here in central powers in front of the phone, do i have to say pretty much over now. but what we did see was hundreds of students had come here from different universities across the city to show solidarity with palestinian people. but also,
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if they said to talk about what they feel is growing repression from french police, from authorities and frauds from the government. when it comes to speak to a student protests or speak to wants to union lead. you said, look into unacceptable as far as we're concerned that we think police officers coming on to university campuses, universities should be places where students can pool and to face about issues of suicide. can come to the table freely. that should be places where freedom of speech and freedom of expression all go at it. instead they feel like they sort of writes these values and say, i want to uphold all being eroded. they feel that the government is becoming more repressive and also the police and they particularly feel that is the case in terms of these protests that are talking about cause, but it's talking about people suffering that. and one student poses student union needs of the we spoke to said look, the problem is we want to have it's based on what's happening goals. so we won't have to base about this, which is, ties that are all between friends,
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universities and his reading universities. but we feel we call and have that conversation, that it is being silent. sales for is one of problems is most prestigious universities, many political science students. in fact, some of the students have been saying, look, we talked about politics. many of us might even go into politics, many from the leaders of go see us, please say yes, when we try to use politics ourselves to debate issues, we feel as if we're not able to do that. so that's interesting. what has been happening is the old school is a series of protests and systems, and the latest one, we saw a 60 days and nights some 50 students occupied the building, at least moved in early today. it seems like you, rachel, those students looking at happened calmly for students who laid out. they went out one by one. sometimes i impass, but when they did come out, what they did say was, look, we're going to continue the process. we feel that the university administrators need to hear some of altamont. it sits in at humboldt university. in berlin has
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ended students there were protesting and solidarity with palestinians in gaza. all those who are detained have now been released, but they're waiting to find out if they will face any criminal charges officer has dominant kane has this update from really see the police are moving in. they've decided to continue to take people away. they've been doing so in ones and twos and threes over the course of the last few hours. these people have been here since 12 central european sign that's amounts of very clear. they believe that they have the right to do what they're doing, but the university all parties say they have a house that they won't the police to move these people and wait for the month of the protest is a very clear. there has been not ever a clear condemnation of the genocide in drove on the other hand like events were cancelled that were organized by critical students and academics. academics are facing a lot of pressure right now and um yeah, universities do not support in arms. and margot,
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they do not are not implementing civil solve this yet. the overall question which overall has everything here is, will this former student process assist in the coming days in the coming weeks? someone that came houses, they're pulling the let's bring you the latest from the gaza strip now where israel's attacks continue, at least 26 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. a woman and her 6 children were killed in a strike on a home in russia. they included disabled teenager and a 6 year old. nearly 1500000 displaced palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern city. meanwhile, more aide has entered gaza, but agencies say that it's still nowhere near enough. 237 trucks made deliveries on thursday. israel has been preventing much needed supplies from coming in since the beginning of the war. and the u. n. has urged is really officials to drop their
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plans for a ground attack on rough of the hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled to rafa to escape environment, famine and disease. for them, a ground operation would be more mean more suffering civilians must be protected, and international humanitarian law must be respected by all. let's get more from honey mount hood joining us from rafa and southern guys that honey, what's the latest on is really a tax environments industry. okay . all right, we'll get the connection audio connection back up and running with honey. but it is the world press freedom day, just wanted to get the name right world press freedom day that's being celebrated by unesco and it has been awarded to palestinian during this writ large palestinian drill is working out of the gaza strip for the work that they've been doing over
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the last 7 months under extreme pressure. honey, my mood has been reporting on this look at me. so i you, the thought we was among the 1st journalist thing does it to di covering the war. he was the editor in chief of, of thomas, the news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't, i'm really can be in that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as caring and just kind to me as so you'd was to his mother. but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died. very young. gods will help us. guy that's beyond the 5th grade was killed when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a remote neighborhood in gaza. city just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated in order. and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a change tactics and struck a different, much of closer target. going him and to other journalists they had been wearing
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a flag, jackets and home instead of clearly identified them as oppress or death has left his father at a loss with him at the end. the 1st of all i didn't see side means so much to me that i used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now and i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us in the city of more than $140.00 media workers have been killed in nearly months of war, including alger, the right camera man, found that i moved up, and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families and even more data from rough paula stein, honeys, live with us now. honey, thanks for the scramble on the audio. it's working now we can hear you. we just watched a report on one of the 1st palestinian reporters was killed in the very early days of this war. you've been reporting this for us from almost 7 months. it will be 7
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months and less than a week. can you just share with our viewers what that has been like, and we know your work? we've seen it on camera the behind the scenes, the the is well, the past 7 months haven't been really easy at all. if i can characterize it by, by one word, it's been large and the very stressful because not only about this particular difficult time is that but the coverage. yeah. and then in getting in front of the cameras reported about then on the out of the death and destruction was marked as being very depressing, very disappointing because often often time i would dream of waking up just to report about something positive, other than the, the ongoing defend destruction in the process committed, but in between there is the daily struggle that it,
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it doesn't appear in front of the camera. the are they making sure that we stayed and protected and safe and providing for our families, making sure they're staying in a safe place of evacuating from one place to another. too much of the, the pressure a bowl. it bowls around the idea of staying safe in a place where there is a shatter sense of safety given the fact that it brought the hasn't been very safe . and the fact that we have evacuated more than one time on a personal level. i evacuated for times of the be and my family and my extended family as well. it from one place to another all the way from the northern part of the godfrey to further southern part here in and drop by city. the deal is struggling. walk in, in, in rubble fold roads, the queueing in line for bread and water and waiting for food parcels to arrive on time. the. the news regular right now is the guys running out of cash and in front
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of 18 ends in order to have enough money. so you can make sure you have all of your necessities and the, and supplies it for, for the family. all of this happened while at the same time, you want to make sure that there is the professionalism there is efficiency in what you're reporting about. the facts that you're talking about are old verified. you're talking to viewers who are looking into learning more and learning about what's going on in a way that is the professional. that is the, the facts, a grounded, all of this happen in a very stressful environment that has no guarantees of safety whatsoever. the vist we are wearing does not. it predicts us then, that unfortunately, the bombs in the bullets always win over the last when a, when over the, the best that we are wearing the helmet or the vest or the job that we're doing. as we see in the, throughout the 7 months, a 100 list, a 140 medial workers have been killed as an indication that no one is safe,
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including journalists who are reporting about the very atrocities that in crimes that committed by these really military. throughout this war. the yeah, and the bombs and the bullets as you put it as spoken again in the last 24 hours, killing $26.00 palestinians, including a family 6 people or women. 7th, a woman and her 6 children in a home in rossa. what happened? the right and this is not the 1st time we're seeing this happening. this pattern of deliberately targeting entire families have been dominating this the end for the past 7 months. entire families have been obliterated by and by a relentless airstrikes of from the northern part. the goal is to fit a central area and now on daily basis happening in over a private dropbox city. these people are, displays families, they're seeking shelter, then these residential homes are being targeted and the reason darn, and these,
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these residential home thick and shoulder because they were told by this really military to evacuate here because it's not safe in the part. and god bless the door, the central area to avoid being bombed the have to be here, but it end up being killed inside these residential homes and entire family. 7 members of mother and her children. and some of the footage that we looked at it from inside the hospital of the children arriving in in a plastic bag. so they were shredded by the intensity of the ears price on their residential home. the only survivor of this attack is the father. and when i say this is not the 1st time, was the entire family as being obliterated. i'm not exaggerated because it's happened before. where is there only one survivor of of entire families. and just that happens to be the father and other times having to be a little child to be the survivor or a mother survive these attacks. meanwhile, these really measure, it continues to strike across the central area just within the past half an hour. and in striking those that refuge account targeting residential homes where keep
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monitoring and getting more updates on the targeted residential homes and then the site out refuge account honey. my mood reporting from rafa and the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey. is still a head on alpha, 0 more. torrential, rain and floods of parts of tents and he and kenya will be reporting on the recovery efforts there. the hello. it's fine and try across the good parts of the korean peninsula and also into japan. nice big area of high pressure keeping it settled and sunny quiet, so the little me at the space. so hence the clear skies a but we have got more cloud and right gathering across southern parts of china. so the flooding concern is coming in across the saturated ground that we have here that will lead to a good deal of disruption. once again,
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it is so moving feature that it will punches way across the east. china say i have a to was a cream financially, so that's a change that's gonna bring some wet weather into the cramp an inch. that type of just pulling back to around 20 celsius the in. so make the most of that fine dry day into japan of 20 item total care because that weather. yep, that's coming your way. we'll see the cloud gathering the rain pushing into solving pos for q issue using across into western areas of hon. she by the end of monday, the pride this guys welcome sunshine at last, coming back into the southern pulse of china will say a few showers across the indo china, one or 2 showers coming into the philippines. hopefully hoping to break the heat in both cases. plenty of showers, meanwhile, across malaysia and indonesia. and it continues may mon, across a good possible india color at west bank with ash
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right. know collins and public confrontation. young people across the u. k. a pushing their bodies on the line to full of the attention of the issues that my sister, that climate change is a symptom of a system that's breaking down. what every other lead sales guy with action was to be left open for us. democratic societies are one to allow for there to be no politician in this country has ever shut down. an honest people have generation changed on our 20 the there watching else 0 reminder of our headlines police in new york had been removing students from being kept them into new york university. more than 2000
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people have been arrested across the country so far as and students solidarity protests began. a woman and her 6 children had been killed in is really strength on the home. in rasa is really attacks, have killed at least 26 people in the past 24 hours. a turning to west africa. now russian troops have entered a military base. and this year where us troops are stationed, users government has asked the americans to leave. after qu, last year, us extra of defense lloyd austin says that he is confident as troops are safe. and i think, you know, the airbags 101 were uh, 4 inches is, is a new sherry and a air force base that is co located with a international airport in a capital city. um, the russians are in a separate uh, compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. uh, and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, on the safety and protection of our troops. something that we'll,
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we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection africa as hell region has long experienced violence in large swats of ungovernable territory. american troops have operated in new jersey since 2018 to fight arm groups linked to iceland al qaeda. but in the countries, within this aisle, there's been growing dissatisfaction with western forces and their inability to end the attacks. meanwhile, russia has been lobbying to fill the security void. it's paramilitary groups, like wagner have long formed partnerships with governments in this the hill. and after new share burkina faso. and molly each experience cruise their new military leaders chose to increase co operation with moscow. instead with the west, victor okay, is a professor of international politics and the co fee and international peace peacekeeping center. he says that russia's presence in the chair is part of a wider plan to expand its influence in the style. this is more like an act of the
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location from the side of russia and then to prove it pointed out of control not only in the chair but was really into so help. and i will implement this going. and then to also let the i make is know that, well, we don't really care what you say. you have to do our business. and for the long term it has implications for not only getting the jack, what is the whole region. and then we also took the regional cooperation agents, economic ok to the continental, what is like a, what is going to be the iris things to be. so it is really an interesting time. and now we were looking at what's gonna happen comes to the point where, let's go back for instance, when, when, when these concepts measure enough for so and then model, right? the sent to means that games for my, for when you know,
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colors like friends. so it's come to a point where these countries feel that we need a new partnership. ok, we need a new by lex corporation. either in military and economic or whatever mean. so whatever form is now up to them to decide of who do want to engage in going forward . and i think based on the trajectory, the willing to participate or operate with russia on all levels hangs down when it comes to play the play. okay. yeah, so citizen, when do rush awful by like try pushing going forward. parts of kenya and tanzania have seen weeks of devastating floods in land slides. now more torrential rain is on the way threatening to the rail recovery efforts. katherine story has more from the town of my mosley and central acadia government with because invalid and t, as in my my you have a lot area to cover up here in debris as a.


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