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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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and add to the countries environmental buttons and diseases government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, i'm just as he's saying this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes will be placed under arrest us please cross down on the student, palestinians, solidarity, and captains. the protest as move the demonstrations into the street. the
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students in europe also gathered in solidarity with palestinians in paris, in belen and in london, saying they refused to be signed on world press freedom day. we hear from john. this is covering the walls. dudley is conflict for media walk as israel is full on thomson. i'm catherine slowly in my mind. essential telling you about the ongoing operation following floods that your thousands of people, the student protests and solidarity with palestinians or gaining momentum spreading across the united states and around the world. police in new york have removed students from a solidarity and coming to new york university. now similar police operations at columbia university, u. c. l. a and other universities have already seen more than 2000 people arrested
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invalid please, is brought to the engines to humboldt university. arresting several people that protesting and solidarity with palestinians and in the french capital, paris police. when we have at least 50 protest is occupying parts of sealants as po university. now 6 of them had been on hunger striking with staging assistance as well. we have correspondence covering all of the developments on the story across the united states at this minute. philip bell is at the university of california, irvine, john henry, and is at the university of michigan. but we'll start with teresa, but she's at new york university towards the last hour you were telling us a little bit about the shabbat dinner plans on the n y u campus today have that they've gone well, why? here in washington square, this is also in new york city. we have to put away from new york university because apparently organized are saying that we're not allowed to all dish about dinner.
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that is happening here right now. as you can see it live behind me. there's about a 100 to 100 people that have gathered here. they're holding us about dinner people . i've been praying. we're able to see christians, most of them, jews getting together right here where we are right now. there's several posters that read, you say, criticising israel is no anti semitism. you will say a ceasefire. now, i'm on the other thing. suddenly this is shows a bit about what's been happening in the city where students have been protesting all across the city. several universities in columbia university and then use who people have been detained or uncomfortable, but still this is a message that those 12 can stand to her and the other. they want to discuss the possibility of fees. they're demanding of these firing, gaza the one to shed line to what is happening in god's among the, the killing hunger,
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the displacements of hundreds of thousands of people. and to raise a, despite the arrests that you've just been describing. i understand that students all coming together and continuing to riley and that's likely to continue for sundays most certainly where we, where just until a few minutes ago we were outside the new or university. there wasn't any time. right there. people were relieved early this morning. we do know that in another conference they used to work. oh, so we moved by force. there were also patients, but still people went outside the university. hundreds of them together to protest against what is going on in gaza. the other thing would be talking with students and members of the talk to the is about something that concerns them, which is what they say is a bad on difficult thing. what they say is genocide, a bond on this thing is room for these things that every thing they say they're being accused of being on the same you take on. they say that this is just
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a discourse in a way to be able to be fight against the opposition. so certainly, students are on the streets even though they're known to them in conflict right now . in new york university named pars is in columbia. i was with a group of students of columbia, many of them have been detained, but they say that they will continue. this process is not over, that they will continue pressuring their university and the u. s. government for changing policies. they want the universe of these to divest 2 halls, the financing and the funds of the university to be investigated. and companies that basically brought put them on the war. and that's why they said that they were remain active on the street to raise the for the, with a very nice has for us from those ongoing solidarity demonstrations in new york. thank you teresa. let's get the scene now from university of michigan in ann arbor and speak to our correspondence on hendrick, john torcous through what you were seeing. i understand the graduation ceremonies.
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small ones have been going ahead despite the protests that have been taking place. that's right, that these projects have been largely peaceful. i should say. every thing we have seen has been a peaceful but there have been some small disruptions of what we've had so far. our little ceremonies for individual as individual units. you have a history, students, etc. the big graduation is on saturday and that's 8000 students. there will be 6300 people attending. they've got to go through all kinds of security to get in there. but let me just introduce aucker, who has been watching what's been going on here and you can tell us a little bit more about those disruptions. what's happened? yeah, so we've have multiple discussions today. and so, protests, university of complicity and genocide, at one of the most recent protests students stood up with science and their hand banners and sort of sage. and they were assaulted by both parents and staff members
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. and then when the students were leaving the boat in on their way back to the encampment, they were intercepted by a group of police surround it, and all issued citations. so there, there have been a pro chairs that have been designed to disrupt what's going on in order to draw attention. right? correct. exactly. because like if you're not disrupting and people ignore you, then your message isn't getting out. and just a minute ago we were hearing people chant region walker, and that was a reference to a paul walker. one of the regents of the university tell us why that happens every time you have a region walk by here. yeah, so 1st i was resumed paul brown, my last name is y. sorry. um. but yeah, so we've actually been on our and cabinet for about 2 weeks now. um one of our dom is, is for the board of regents to meet with us. so we can have a discussion about why the university and use that i've asked. and this has been a demand for like the last couple of months. and instead of the board of regents actually meeting with students,
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they keep giving them the work around and completely ignoring them. so the fact that paul brown was here today on the guy who saw being had met lets us know that he's well aware that we're here. he's well aware of our demands, what he's choosing to ignore them. right in the diana it gives me the name of the space where we are where this encampment. ready is let me ask you, graduation is tomorrow for undergraduate students. you've got hundreds of people who put in their time their investment into this protest camp. what happens after graduation does everyone just go way? uh no, so students and community members vote on campus and off campus have stated that they're committed to staying on the cap until human service and other demands are man, um, you know, event the cabinet wraps up like the disruptions were not. so there's a protest chat that goes by will not stop, we will not rest. and we mean that we will not stop. we will not rest until the university of michigan diversions from some israel. and uh, i think i know what the answer to this is. if you knew that something was going to
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happen tomorrow, would you tell me? absolutely not. but i will tell you like, you know, once it was half a day, is great, but as you did a little earlier when we saw that disruption with those students who were being taken away by police, well, it's your say a walker, a thank you for talking to me and i, i will remember that that regions name is paul brown. paul brown, not paul walker. thank you very much. you too. so the big ceremony is tomorrow, we'll see what happens. as i said, everyone goes through sports arenas. style security volunteers have been appointed to look for what the university calls disruptions and what happens tomorrow. would just have to wait and see what would be what change hi, sandy, john, 100, that i've university of michigan to not all the for us. thank you john. well, let's get the view from the university of california irvine and speak to phil about . so your about an hour away from u. c. l, a. where we've seen those confrontations and recent days that was attack. so that
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violence. now this is the same university. you were telling sally, but a different campus. tell us what you've been saying. as yeah, i mean, this is effectively what you might refer to as a sista protest to what we saw. you see, i lied because we'd like you say we're still within the u. c. system, obviously it's not in the difference. we have a much smaller gathering have about 30 to 40 people compared to the 3 to 500 them, right? you see like, oh, so you're not seeing that the finance that we saw in los angeles when those counts of protests was tied up for, you know, effectively these people are in touch. you know, i'm told that some of these protests is actually what led to the protests and allow you because we're so close. they could go up after the date, they can come back and they can help each other out. and even though the, they the, the guys here, the protesters are talking to administration officials while they're active negotiations. they all also prepare for what happens if there's negotiations filed, in fact, what protests are telling me that those protest is from you. see, i like have actually given them a sort of guide on what to do in terms of the supplies that need. things like gusts must
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a case. there is take us deployed and also medical supply. so we'll do that. hopeful that they will reach a resolution with the administration officials. they're also making sure that they've got something got leslie just in case i'm telling you, we're telling us already. this is also a part of california with very different demographics from los angeles. you've been speaking to them there about her approach to, to what we're seeing there on campus. so yeah, you know, so los angeles has much logic is right, the population. whereas hey, it's out of this part of orange county and of i, there's large and mostly population, which explains why you would have more like you would have tons of protests and like can, you would have now well, initially happen, hey, it was that the company was x stop established on monday the same day that the you sell it and come, it was established. i'm the administration set straight away. that's the legal you guys have got to go. they told the police, but anybody who left his account must not be allowed. can that for people didn't once leave, but obviously they need to go to the toilet. they need to get food that was said
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rescinded and effect mash set. so the police to not go in and i spoke to her a little bit earlier and she said that she is continually pushing for the police not to go. and she said there was no need for the police to go. and she was horrified by what you saw, and i like she said there was no need for that to happen. they have, they would have to go through her if they wants to go in. so she is very, very firm. she says, these protests just need to be able to read test peacefully. that is what they intend to. they want to all intents and purposes, that is what they all continuing to do. i'll also say they all hopeful they will come to some kind of resolution, but that just prepared for what happens if they don't have receipts, obviously, and a lot of places, there are lots of folks that breaks out. they started at the breakdown. no one really knows what's going to happen here. well, we will continue watching so little that on campus for us university of california as i thank you. so a lot of students at george washington university have also set off a solid ology and kept them there. and like comedy central, so something became moments in this demonstration came shortly after it began 9
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days ago. then the university or thirty's, aust with d. c. police to move in and remove the demonstrate as they declined to do so, saying there was no evidence of any unlawful activity since then. they've been present, but have nearly monitor the situation. what also may set this demonstration, aside from many of the others throughout the country, is the degree of self regulation of the demonstrators at 11 o'clock each day, they meet here to review what they call safety procedures. they are reminded that they may not speak directly to police or the media that they are elected representatives who will do so. and so they have maintain a degree of calm and this encampment avoiding giving the police any reason to move in avoiding as well, giving the universe csra to use any great to reason to the mom that the police move in. well, end of the exams beginning set today, and then the is the commencement,
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the graduation in some, 2 weeks time on sunday. the 19th. the question is, 1st of all, with the listing complement will still be here, whether they demonstrate this of continue to avoid any red lines that the police may interpret as breaking the law or whether they will go away at the end of the university. yeah, that is a question that we will see the answer to in the days ahead. mike kind of, i'll just sarah washington, the mean model on the ground and goes on. is there any attack on a school or has injured a number of children and bala, they've been taken. tell us the hospital and central garza dozens of this face. palestinians were sheltering about school within 40 in 1870 children have been killed. and at least a 1000, a 663 injured since this war began. earlier to a woman and her 6 children were killed in an attack on a home and rough uh,
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intruded disabled teenager under 6 year old baby one and a half 1000000 displaced, palestinians have been seeking refuge and not southern city. can all look about the ship. we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just wanted to convey a message. what is the fault of these children? what are they done to have the building bumped for 3 rockets? what did they do? these children were sleeping? sure of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand. what did they gain? all they do to us is on faith and forbidding. paula stand in her and this i have been left in ruins, following his rarely attacks on the jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza. take a look at the scenes of the widespread devastation that witnesses a is rarely forces. only one residents of one house to evacuate before carrying out
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this attack. hold and see families including women and children, have them from left time of how this thing and jealous covering israel's for on garza had been awarded. this is unesco wild press, freedom price to do but a sit in july. discovering does an international jury said it recognize the courage during what times of dawson and hopelessness. at least a 143 media walk. isn't john list have been killed in garza and nearly 7 months out of the houses here is honeywell for the fort from the dangers faced by douglas in the goals district. they hold a significant significant importance for us as journalists covering the ongoing war across the gaza. strip that has so far for the past 7 months, cost to use more than just the word more than just genocide and genocide of the lax on the ground. it's, it's, it's, it's about the very existence of palestinians on this land and that's, i think,
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has been, and my views in many journalist to view the, the drug, the drive for us to keep going. because it not only it amplifies voice is for justice and it changed, but also it symbolizes the importance of, of our voice and in the drawing and sitting lights on the daily struggle to delia, a profit as a parts high, the genocide committed against palestinians. the past a 7 months have been very difficult, very stressful for everyone here, including journalists do are uh how i pay the have a price for covering the truth and for filling exactly what's going on across the the gaza strip the from the tax on homes. this talks on, on civilians as well as the almost 100 for the media workers have been killed in and during this, this word, the shadow sense of safety. the inability to make sure that you are protected and safe for you and your family members,
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or sheltering with you or so during someone else. that bill is struggle of queueing for a long time for water and, and food, and others. the revival items and, and, and in between, you know, you have to be prepared to get in front of the camera. the camera do virtually are still areas that are quite risky and do any of this for document what's going on against policy. and it hasn't been really easy for anyone here. but for journalist, particularly, it has to be really trustful, very difficult. many of our colleagues and a friend have paid a hipaa price, either losing their lives directly as what happened with our colleagues or from the bureau itself. as well as our camera man and other journalists, other colleagues who lost their family members, they were being punished by they were having their family being directly attract. john and i strongly occupied, westbank also say is really forced as a trying to silence, posting invoices online on the, on the ground. they've been detained and terminated,
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and in many cases banned from doing their jobs. one journalist was placed on the house arrest and prevented from using her phone or the internet needed. abraham has her story from the occupied west, but she's a journalist with no phone internet or access to the field. and is really court cuts off, so may edge away from the outside world as part of her conditions release form in his way. he deal if she communicates online or speaks to us on camera, she could be arrested. i'm coming back home with somebody. it was in her 7th month of pregnancy, so we were worried about to we filtered 1st to be allowed to work from home. but then we were surprised to see the court's ruling. all of this for want for accusing her of incitement of, of post on social media. she was allowed to give birth in a hospital. her baby is 3 months old now,
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but she has no idea when she'll be allowed out. and fears that her career might be over as yet 43 palestinian journalists from the occupied westbank are still in his way. the jails, almost half of them are held under administrative detention, which is arrest without charges at least $260.00 cases. so these way the forces ups truck taking journalists from reporting journalist clearly identified as members of the process and doing their jobs are protected under international law. but in palestine, media workers say they're not. and the protective gear noon is depressed the best that should keep them safe, is turning them into a target. has a lot of families are open, let me check above us sharina blacklist. kevin was shocking to all of us. the port that had to bid has been in the field for 15 years. and you, members, when his way the forces killed and just need a journalist 2 years ago,
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while reporting jimmy to clock off this video, he's trying to dodge put in, during, in his way the way to the occupied with my head, the level of the bid, as a softer, i don't feel that when to come with their own, these really forces the more cautious because like fear in the national backlash much if we managed to push to english away. it's as if israel has a green light to commit more crimes against palestinians. journalists often deployed in groups as a safety measure. this is this colleague, sam. yes, i am a how the sammy was late, arrested with them to charge the almost demo. well, they're telling us that the situation is when israel blocked international reporters from entering the besieged goes a step after their attack, started palestinian journey to see they rose to the challenge. they want to tell the story of more displacement and loss, but more often than not, they are forced to become part of it the day,
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but he just eat off the occupied the west bank of palestine as well as really soldiers have stormed a town. most of toll car and then the occupied west bank facing has been taking place there between troops and residents of darrell, goshen published a new media is reporting that heavy gun fund and phones have been used. we understand that rate is ongoing within meanwhile the u. k. has announced the 2nd round of sanctions targeting is really sets as in the occupied westbank functions of being imposed on for prominent for rice individuals, the assets and the u. k. of being frozen. and they'll also be bod, from traveling to the country. also in the target, based on 2 groups, which have said that they want to expel palestinians from midland. and british governments has been an unprecedented rise and such a vines over the past year. the
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total john's long time advisor and full in the white house official hope picks has testified to a new york course and the former president's hush money. try and fix told the jury about the full out in trump in assess old. during the 2016 election campaign of the video was released, showing him bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on the criminal trial or the payment made to an adult film installed during the campaign, allegedly, to keep her from making their relationship public key times the challenges are politically motivation. this is they should be wasting time when they do so many people. in the meantime, you can do anything. they have no time left because there are always other c. the police and canada have arrested and charged 3 people over the matter of
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a permanent secrecy. them all 3 men or indian nationals and they were arrested in the city of edmonton. positive, seeing the job was shot dead by most gunmen outside to seek temple in the event tree. but last year, canadian prime minister just intruded using the thing behind to the killing, leading to a diplomatic fall out. here, daddy has the knife allegations. india has accused st groups and kind of the standing separatism in their native land. and we'll underscore that today's announcements are not a complete account of the investigative work currently underway. their a separate and distinct investigations ongoing into these matters. certainly not limited to the involvement of the people arrested today. and these efforts include investigating connections to the government of india. russia's foreign ministry says moscow is willing to consider serious proposals for ending the war with ukraine. a spokeswoman of
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a said that russia one security guarantees and also for the west to stop supplying alms to keys, used to go ready to go. i might have thought i see a speaking globally. russia has always been and remains open for diplomatic settlement of the ukraine crisis that takes into account rushes security concerns to settle the crisis in an old includes the fair and stable way. one must eliminate its reasons. first, the west must stop feeding ukraine's own forces with weaponry. keys must stop its military activities, and ukraine must return to the roots of its state codes neutral. no, no lined, no nuclear status. germany on the check for public have blamed russia for a series of cyber attacks. felons as an investigation has found a members of the ruling social democratic policy were targeted. russia has denied involvement. these are full sites. i don't know might us to you was this incident shows once again that the russian threats of security and peace in europe is real and the norm is. and then it is not only directed against the ukrainians,
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but also the u. n. they to states such as germany, i can inform me that we have some of the acting shows you the affair of the russian embassy to the federal foreign office. at least 9 people, including 7 children, have been killed and a bombing out of displacement camp in eastern democratic republic of congo. and all the past and was shot and killed by the army. and the often off the camp in the city of gomez, home to thousands of refugees who fed the violence. the m 23 rebel group has been waging and offensive in eastern congress since 2021. neighboring rolanda is accused of bashing the rebel grief and accusation. it denies its not care who's responsible for this attack. hosting in the g o. c in 8. soldiers have been handled the death penalty by military court. they're accused of disaster and cowardice, while fighting and 23 rebels. human rights groups have condemned the quotes decision and what county has went out from grandma. the sort of this convicted in
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the government being was oki did by the military court and accused of court is it was a for jody or the citing sort of just to commute act going 20 to duty or disciplines according to the mandatory justice which accounted swift sort of gives them on the 11th. no 1st is the quarter to this of this convicted sort of just the clothing to court on is going to 6 of those of the office of what for me to the why is this sort of his way forward engaged on the 4th line against them turned into levels into $30.00 to $1.00 of my cc to go south to establishing the facts against they accused the co convicted each and declared the death penalty against the 9 offices . apart from the death penalty, the court has decided on the definitive dismissal of the 9 convicted officers from the congo each time. and for them to be arrested immediately. the set is handed down to the is it going? i just want to appeal this sort of does the risk of being the 1st to be executed after the live, to in mid to much of a more authority on of the defend out of,
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to been forced into the successful 1000 through the communities on the has been the 1st thing to enter the 2 bedroom on the ground for the last 2 years, which occupies civil areas and has moved closer the siege of almost east las here on friday more than 10 people were killed and then around 17 of the seriously injured and central doors, me totally to see, to go my video, to officials accusing them to, to, to be brought to buy one. but this like is this one has been rejected by them. 2310 by 2 gun allan way connie josie, to go my, the democratic republic of coma, a cluster head here analysis era will tell you why russian power military troops invented a u. s. military base in the hello. we all got to say some very heavy rain into eastern pots,
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all the australia over the next couple of days. it was lots of storms here. that's why the system here that is an intensifying area of very wet weather, which will slide its way across the great dividing range, bringing some pretty wet weather into eastern pots of the southwell southeast in areas of queens. then little swell of cloud to just down towards the southwest level for a little bit of whether it's a southern positive w way. nothing too much, but it could do with the rain here. so that's no bad thing. we could do with the rain clearing away from the east coast. my do as we go on through the weekend, it does remain in place. so i'm pos could see 100, maybe a 150 millimeters of freight. so the risk definitely a flood risk here as a shout was linked on into the early part of next week. one o 2 shows that i went to new santa but a lot of fine and dry weather for the most part. for the try for the current potential and also for japan as we go once reset state not to find equal southern positive charge for the heavy bus of rain will cause more flooding,
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get more flooding across the southern areas. then. so shy was grassy east over to will cease disabled bright to hope the weather talk soon behind. it does start increasingly on settled across the korean peninsula and eventually have a push into 2 pad. the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind, how they find out how they governed the usa of electric s u. v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candle, is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o. n age, your wealth cekada a duty and a growth using for p. use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the
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cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients visit the costs are requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the talking back to watching al jazeera. and let's remind you about top stories for sound. police in new york, having removing students from the incumbent at new york and investing more than 2200 people have now been arrested across the country since students solidarity purchased for gas and is really a topic on a school and
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a central garza has injured a number of children, they've been taken to a lot of special, thousands of just based palestinians were sheltering about school and they're all unesco wordpress, freedom prizes going to a palestinian john lessons covering as well as more on goals. at least a 143 media watkins and john. this have been killed in garza and nearly 7 months now. all student protests and solidarity with palestinians have also been taking place in europe. in paris, police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the south. phillips film says po university. from where i'll correspondent natasha about that. sent this report. the french police into powers whose prestigious seals pro university campus to remove thousands of students who staged an overnight sits in school for an into israel's foreign garza offices to the students outside. if for allowing them to leave the area in small groups,
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most remain defiance. i don't know if you guys will set up a system on well, our demands are clearly we want an inquiry into the academic, an economic legs between our university and those in israel. because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strikes. i mean, obviously we're drawing, but the director said is changing nothing. you know, the parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to going to building the students are here to show solidarity with the palestinian people. but also to denounce would say, say it's growing police impression on university campuses. they cannot, as soon as there's a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when
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a group of counter demonstrators arrived to these quickly intervene to restore com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's a clear yes, that will be possible if the protest continues. and so now the students say they have no intention of backing down and trashed the butler, which is 0 power. but in germany and police arrested several protesters taking part in the fit in a tumble, june invest in berlin. i'll correspond to mccain was that. and the police have just started taking away some of the most vociferous of the protest. this 2 people dragged away sofa. it's happened because a protest who has had 4 bottles of water to fit to sustain them during this process . they fanatic not for several hours and the arrival of those votes of office was the capitalist of the police to move in and direct people away. you can see there are still somewhere around about 30 people said yes, i caught you in this price taping and hear what a singing you've. i've had
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a scene of that sort of thing. goes of the sort of spoken say happy shante over those 2 hours. he owns the other side of the gate so you can see what the police presence here. there is also another small, a price expert people seem similar songs, plugins, shots, and that sort of thing. remember, the pharmacies wanted this process to be shut down some considerable time. a good question is, how much longer will the police allow this to continue remembering, they have already dragged away some of the most vociferous prospectus. we shall see . some of the king altos air cooling as a student showing sold as an insurance policy as well. so it says outcomes outside university college london. they've bound to continue that protest until the university divest from is really institutions that they say, profit from the war. and garza for brendan reports from central and events in american universities. offset me inspiring students here in the u. k. to come out and protest about what's happening, jobs right here, p u c l in central london, but there are protests and encompass other universities,
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new castle warrick. manchester. here you see, oh, it's a relatively small group. i would estimate around 50 people to have tense on the moon, outside the main headquarters building of university on a something and making a present stroke with a megaphone, but also being addressed. but also not related to who is a medical doctor who worked in gaza at the beginning of the war on the seo the universities to divest of the investments in israel. the blood of $15000.00 palestinian children is on the hands of anybody who owns chairs in these companies that are provided with them. and i've actually increased by 10 for the delivery of weapon systems to is ray. and since the 7th of october, now, while a government's in america has been cleared by the police here, that seems to be a motel on approach. and, and they used to have issued
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a statement say that they were all monitoring the situation and they will manage this in line with a legal, juicy, and commitment to promote freedom of speech within the law. whole run an algebra, central london. well, students occupying a library it, goldsmiths university in the u. k. have announced that management that has seated to their demands. among other things, students wanted more scholarships for palestinian students. they had previously occupied a building on campus for 5 weeks in february and march alley. we spoke to somebody or ali, she's a student organize at goldsmith. she says they are proud of what they've accomplished. the students that goes with the pods a comm paying that's been going on for 6 months, really, since outside of of the 7. it's in both products us and will couse options with, you know, included occupations like the 5 weeks occupation. the thought was said before, i'm gonna currently have just decided occupation of the library. we have several of minds to out in relation to all university, you know,
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all universities on complicity on providing support to policy and use the best thing that be one of the most single things we want is the palestinians, scholarships. so now this university will provide to extra positive, disclose that some one of them, but include the undergraduate scholarship. i mean, this is the fast univers temper in which we're on the offer, under the graduate scholarships deposited in. so me think this is really important, considering that's a destruction of educational infrastructure and gaza. we recognize that those mis how small, uh, investments and you know, the in about, think of universities in for and, but we still think it's simple and let me down one office that we had, anyone in companies thought the altima was a really good thing. the one was about one of the left to the is available occupying. we have one that is not going to be renamed after 3 novel. that's why we will occupied the meet the department of goals may seem to have that recognition of, you know, opposed to being done to the so it was my that by the idea, but not that memorialize of the seen a bus table be, you know, amazing or something we're really proud of moving on a new nest uh has also got
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a case that it's thought too fast. one press freedom day to journalists covering the global environmental crisis. the agencies says it's recorded the killing of at least 4040 on this investigation. environmental issues over the last 15 years. unesco report says attacks on environmental janice to move and doubled in recent is always health of douglas of i'd say they have self sensitive sophia being attacked . depression i spoke to baba triana, she's a press freedom adviser at the international press institute. she says environmental janice, pushing their lives on the line. in order to write the reports of interviews over for did you want to lease the rent on time a daughters around the world. and uh, and what we have found is that the level of pressure they are under their level of impacts they're under is immense. and of course, the attack against environmental jointly, joint a list of broadly correlates with the general press freedom situation in different
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countries. so obviously countries where we see more confidence stories in general. we wouldn't want to see more attacks against environmental join or less. but indeed, we also do see regional differences here in latin america. there is very much an issue with physical violence physical attacks. that is a problem very often from groups that work together. little companies controlling the mining side door or the logging sector, and working together with organized price organizations and united states and north america. part of europe, we see a lot of online impacts as well as of tax. again, joe, and i need to call the climb up, protest. and these of you have seen a lot of this in the, in the, in germany, particularly not of parts of europe. but so yeah, there are a regional differences. but the general approach to the general meeting is that these attacks, again, environments of the kind of majority are on the rise. and,
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and it, even though you know, they don't, you know, across the well because there's prime minister issues to non conservative party has suffered a bad defeat at the local elections of these poses. so it comes as months before parliamentary election, while the main offices and david policy didn't make gains, small apologies and independence. well, so it's pretty good showing high force that reports now from london elements. the conservatives, it'd been preparing for a bad set of results, but a problem entry, bi election in black pool delivered to natalie, defeat, stinging unit scale, a 26 percent swing to the main opposition labor party. the conservatives only just beating the right wing reform policy in the 2nd place in black pole. a message has been said directly to the prime minister, directly to the prime minister, because this was a paula bent tree vote. this was directly to richie food i to say with fed up with you all decline your chaos, your depression,
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and we won't change local council elections across england. a similar story. conservative counselors losing seats in numbers at the high end of pre election projections, particularly with reform field candidates and attracted right wing votes. one of those just months out from a general election on focus completely on the job at hand that's delivering for people across the country. if you just look at what we're doing in the last week or so, allowing a $900.00 pound tax comp heading people's pay slips, the 1st failed to saw them see off to rolando. at the same time, what of labor said will they said that they are going to scrap the rolanda scheme. and as far as i can tell, offer an amnesty. these elections withdrawn from a late clean sweep. the party lost control of olden counsel to leave the counsellors having defect to the policy on gaza. there was evidence elsewhere of, of dropping off and leave was traditionally solid mostly, and vote to the benefit of the liberal democrats in green parties. the
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conservatives refused to next, some solace in the result of one of 2 regional merrill t's that they would defending then how to and holding on in the t's valley is majority down from 70 to 53 percent very much everyone. the idea that the conservatives would have another leadership election present the country with a full prime minister since the last general election in 2019 had appeared to be dying down in a day is running out to these elections. but the results of being so bad, the news so relentlessly, the pressing to the conservatives, that the pressure on risky so next position as intensified. once again, i suppose that i'll just be around london. hundreds of people gathered inside the i to commemorate the victims of a school shooting. a minutes of silence was house outside of the elementary school in central belgrade, which was the size of a mass of shooting one year ago. a 13 year old boy opened fire and killed 9
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schoolmates and took it a nationwide cross down on guns. it's all still a head for you here on out. a 0. security is ties in preparation for mondays elections and chad as several position groups. cool for the polls to be postponed,
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the the the welcome back. now security has been heightened across chad. how's the country heads for presidential elections on monday? several opposition members have called for boy cards. need 10 candidates have been approved to run and address reports now from the capital engineering,
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a political campaign c, and chad have reached a climax across the country. securities post office just say you to remain so before, during and after me on this presidential vote for us. all forces had been mobilized in addition to other measures to ensure a violence free election. they will secure the electoral process to allow champions to exercise their civic duty to the presidential election is expected to transition chad from military to civil after i disputed referendum in december military dom, how much took over after his father, long term lead address. debbie was killed on the bottom fronting printed to one candidacy through criticism from the opposition. the campaign has been largely peaceful, but it's what happens after the election that water is most charged and there is always fear that something bad will happen after each election. i hope it doesn't
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have to happen this time. so some of the people are killed in the run up to the election including violence, the blood to the debts and the rest of all positions because at the end of february, many chad. yes. looking forward to this election just as some say they're staying away. those opposed to the vote in says the process that produced the candidates as low as a result. some groups, according one charges they like total commission says preparations for the elections. i compete, it is a false graphic. we believe after the election, a constitutional order will be restored and the security situation will improve a great deal. but to get to the main opposition party says they must be an accept or free unfair process. and what the people tell them you decide is going to be what everybody should ask. this is what we are pushing for. and this is going to be, i hope, the case to making sure that the, for the 1st time about the history, which i didn't want to come to was the need of looming large of what this election
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is concerned about. security in april, the charge in government demanded a small group of american troops stationed in charge. leave the country. that decision would likely leave a void in its flight against i'm because like i so, and book or many people here see the boat as crucial to put chide on the pass of reconciliation. if it pays, they say the country could be punched further into political and such as how much increased obviously by giving a positive kenya in terms of the as in weeks of devastating floods in land size. and now even more torrential rain is on the way it's happening to the rail recovery efforts. catherine, so it has more now from the town is my, my you in the central can you the document was invalid and t, as in my, my, you have a large area to cover the appear in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mod flagged waters gosh downstream. hiring huge
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cheese and boulders, dozens of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the soles. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any rate residency? the incident was caused by a block stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what the, how much it was. and the people estate they are just like to to be alive now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his nephew who's missing. he says this was a man made disaster fema. this was caused by the state and national re weighs corporation . they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it
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should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced, the getting caught new clothes and medical ok. if you have read the established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place, because that team is got into the ground with sublease, what at 20 plus. so it would be pretty much want to say there was a real page if it was negligence. that is blame on the government. both were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen, so i'll just 0 my my hear central can you of autonomy to west africa. now the russian troops of entered a military base in asia, where us troops are stationed. these, as government had all the americans to leave off to recruit last year. he was extreme defense with austin that says he's confident his troops all safe. i think you know that everybody's 101 we're at 4 inches is, is
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a new sherry and the air force base that is co located with the international airport in the capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and this is something that, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, on the safety and protection of our troops. something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection. whole applicants, the whole region has experienced, is a violence. american troops have operated in a, in these yet since 2018 to fight groups linked to iceland, al qaeda. but in countries within this, a how there's been growing dissatisfaction with west and forces and they see me in a been issued and the attacks. meanwhile, russia has been lobbying to fill that security void and it's permanent, 3 groups like wagner have formed partnerships with governments in this
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a how and often new job became if also unlike each experience cruise, then you minutes, really it is choice to increase cooperation with moscow instead of the west, well evicted, okay, is a professor of international politics advocacy in on international peacekeeping center. he says that russia is present and media is all positive of why the plan to expand its influence in this house. this is more like an act of location on the side of russia and then to prove it point the control not only in the chair, but linda. so how and i will implement this going. and then to also let the, i guess no, that, well we don't really care what you think you have to do our business. and for the long term it has implications for not only getting the jack, but there's a whole region. and then we also took the regional cooperation agency, economic fornia, cheese. okay, that's the continental. what do you like to watch?
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what is going to be the irish things to be? so it is really an interesting time and now we look it up. what's gonna happen? comes to the point where, let's go back for instance when, when, when these concepts nature of booking up muscle and then model, right? the sensor mates against, for my, for when you know it's almost like science. so it's come to a point where these countries feel that we need a new partnership. okay, we need a new by like a question either in military, in an economic or whatever needs. so whatever form is now up to them to decide what do you want to engage in going forward and i think based on the trajectory, be willing to participate in operate with russia on all levels. haines, the what am as to hopefully be clear. okay. yeah. so citizen, when do rush f o by electra corporation,
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going for august on has received a the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 i left on. the government says it will give the economy a much needed boost, but still more money is needed to keep the country flowers study a car points size installed and it's not as bad as corinne. con ernst is living, selling water, mountains. you rupees. he makes are worth increasing, the less inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent day laborers and traders like kareen say they're struggling all the available. i'm 74 years old and at my age, people rest at home. but unfortunately, still i have to work to feed my kids and i have to pay the utility bills which are going up day by day. while the government isn't interested in our plate. pakistan has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the money has helped the country avoid default bring inflation down and increase its foreign currency
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reserves. but many pakistani say they are not seeing the benefits of the model of the internet. we are worried about the sky. it all, could you going to station look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. we kind of hold this. on the other hand, the government has voting money from the i m s, but i haven't seen in my life, but it does help the poor people like us live and instead but in a small texas. so that'd be gone to you've agreed. prime minister should battery has been clear the tax times economy can't survive without another long term biomass baylash, which he hopes to get in the next few months. to do that, the government has been pressing ahead with i am f demands, including tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. the agency says reforms are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at this market and it's not a bad and across pakistan will likely take on those costs for the a car, which is here. no, a 300 year old town. and the northern philippines has we set this up to was,
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have matched for the construction of a reservoir. 50 is a gun bonnet below. has the story from the ruins of fonda buckner, of the concrete ruins of a centuries old town. very much, still in place. after half a century underwater since, month of going on in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build a reservoir. it's resurfaced a few times, but never this early in the year, in this long. that the, like the, when the dams, water level drops, we usually see the cross but only the cross. now it's an entire area of the town, including the symmetry in both. it's a dry season in the philippines, but experts say climate change is aggravating. the effects parts of the country have seen record heat in recent weeks, and the all new winter pattern has lingered for months without the it hasn't rained within the world to shed areas about dams. and in addition to that war to evaporates quicker because of the extreme heat. one unintended benefit, however,
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has been a growing number of tourists while the town to fund the bottom line is gaming world wide beam fords reemergence from underwater. local say they're not celebrating because the dam doesn't have enough water to generate power and provide irrigation . and we saw on your guns, it was 2 years old when the government moved the entire town. but got to come in at the what, although i'm happy to be able to see my birthplace. i'm sad there because i worry about how this could affect our farmers. visitors are amazed but say they're just as concerned team is now it's really interesting, but it's also scary for, for the future. if it's a trend that's going to happen and going forward. it's gary for those who live around it right now, because it isn't just the remnants of the old town disappeared, but an entire patch of green and brown were water used to flow and boats. now,
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bending used to sail, find it below al jazeera, but the behind the river, i see the philippines. a well that set for me and associates has this problem. we'll have one news and just the this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis for the so i take now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said residency fail us selling
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and testing with anything down. so as we speak, these really speak is, or is, there are, every was know we're giving each don't finish and know the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes, nothing you on whose success it may be better, maybe was, but it's the one has to address that systemic stay with us for the latest developments on out. just sierra a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and perilous jungle. the only land route to south america for migrants. city, the size of the united states a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for come to some of these, it's a risk. they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on
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a jersey to in the us is hallways of inside the people around the world. this has been going on for a number of our report 30 to an international perspective to try to explain to global audience how this could impact the lives. this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good. the bringing the news to the world from here, the will be placed under arrest us please crackdown on students, palestinian solidarity and cabinets. protest is a little bit demonstrations into the street, the bottom. and this is our jesse or live from doha is so coming on


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