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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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he bids in the black box and try his destination. forrest one on one age and investigates. the spot to capture can be assigned to wood. king bed without the the park will be placed under arrest us please clock down on students in support of palestine, but protest as move the demonstrations into the streets, the autumn. and this is our busy or life from joy. how also coming out the students in europe, so gather and supported palestinians in paris and been then in london saying they
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refused to be silenced. the and ongoing his reading rate in the occupied westbank sold a store in the town north of to come in and destroy home belonging to alleged palestinian funds that scott, i'm just seeing you in in san tablo chimney. what journalists from all over the world are gathering to discuss their survival. i mean, unprecedented french to those covering everything from wars to the environment. the student protests and solid out even the palestinians, the gaining momentum spreading across the united states and around the world. police in new york have them move students from the solidarity and comment at new york university. many of the students who asleep when the raids again, some of the police operations at columbia university of california,
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los angeles and other campuses have seen more than 2200 people invested. and hundreds of people have gathered nearly new university and suppose the detained protest is today's the boy reports. i'm here in front of new york university where you can see hundreds of people have gathered here to show solidarity for the students that have been hey, there also demanding an an investment which is what we've been listening in many universities, the space which is supported in financing for the finance investment of the funds, the university started in companies that students, they are profiting from the war in guys that just this morning. very early this morning. a group of students had, i think kind of meant that right there, where you can see that when he had been, was removed by the bodies this morning. we also know that 2 other inc confidence in
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the new school. but also in parson, where we moved 5, if what he's trying to prevent from that thing up here in new york is riley saying that this type of demonstrations are types of music. however, the people you talk to here are saying that this type of demonstrates the occupation that is using to when defense, you can see here several members of the jewish community have together here to show their support for the policy and people. there's also a factory team members from n y u set of also come here to show their support for the palestinian calls right now over 2200 people have been detained in the united states across over 40 universities 3046, the master rest in the united states and many of the students have been accused of misdemeanor in the case of what happened in columbia university. on tuesday evening
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were hundreds of people were detained. most of them had been released. however, they're saying that they were put in solitary confinement. and they were missed suite, this is happening just as president biden has expressed himself about the terms that are happening in the united states must remain. but what the, well here are saying that just as much prevail and that's why they continue to demonstrate the show their support for the product called the new york student protests. so also spread to europe. french police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the sales play university from way natasha buckler. sent this report. french police into powers whose procedures, seals, po, university campus to remove thousands of students who staged in overnights fits in school for an in to israel's war. and gaza offices to the students
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outside before allowing them to leave the area in small groups, most remained defiance. i don't know how system on well our demands are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic, an economic legs between our university and those in israel. because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strike, others with drawing, but the director said is changing nothing. in another part of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all the old building. the students are here to show. he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce will say, it's growing police repression on university campuses. they cannot assume that there is a university fit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict.
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there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived, at least quickly, intervene to restore. com for monday university students are expected to assist exams. it's a clue that will be possible if the protest continue. and so now the students say they have no intention of backing down. and so i should butler, which is 0 power and germany police arrest of several protest is taking part in assisted in at humboldt university. and then a correspondent dominant came, was there. the police have just started taking away some of the most vociferous of the protests to people drag through a sofa. it's happened because a protest is had 4 bottles of water to assist to sustain them during this process. they've been ethic not for several hours and the arrival of baseball football fields was the capitalist of the police. to move in and drag people away. you can see there are still somewhere around about 30 people. so yes,
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i can cost you in this price taping, i can hear what the singing leave of how to sign up and that sort of thing goes to the salt and smoke and say happy shante over those 2 hours. he owns the other side of the gate so you can see what a police presence here. there is also another small, a price. that's the people seem similar songs, surgeons, johnson, and that sort of thing. remember the full force he's wanted, this price has to be shut down some considerable time. a good question is, how much longer will the police allow this to continue? remember, and they have already dragged away some of the most vociferous assessments. we shall see dominic thing allergies. they're pulling students inside. hop camp outside the university college london and they say they will continue. they protest on till the university divest one is rarity, institutions, the profits from the war and gaza pools. when and reports from central london events in american universities offset me, inspiring students here in the u. k. to come out and protest about what's happening, jobs right here, p u c l in central london,
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but there are protests and encompass other universities, new castle war. manchester. here you see a, it's a relatively small group. i would estimate around 50 people who have tense on the moon outside the main headquarters building of university on a certain and making their presence felt with a megaphone. but also been addressed by another sister who is a medical doctor who worked in gaza at the beginning of the war on the u. c. o. and the universities to divest of a investment in his route. the blood of $15000.00 palestinian children is on the hands of anybody who owns chairs in these companies that are provided with them. and i've actually increased by 10 for the delivery of weapon systems to his room since the 7th of october. now, while a government's in america has been cleared by the police here, that seems to be
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a motel on approach. and on the use of l have issued a statement, say that they were all monitoring the situation and they will manage this in line with a legal duty on commitment to promote freedom of speech within the law. whole brennan alda 0 central on the, on the ground and gaza. and his rarely attack on a school has injured a number of children. and they all belong to being taken to unlocks the hospitals and central gaza. dozens of displays. palestinians were showing at the school, nearly 15000 children have been killed and at least 8600 injured since the war began. item is rarely attack on the southern city of alpha has killed at least 2 palestinians. a residential building was targeted. several engine people have been taken to hospital earlier and mother and her 6 children were killed in the bombing of a home and would offer they included disabled teenager. and the 6 year old can all
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of how about the shep? we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey your message. what is the fault of these children? what are they done to have the building bumped for 3 rockets? what did they do? these children were sleeping, 2 of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand what did they gain? all they do to us is on faith and forbidding or the doing this morning that as well as planned military assault on and off, i could lead to large numbers of civilian deaths, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians are colleagues from unicef. worn that are ground operation there would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe. for some 600000 children, the agencies executive director catherine russell, said that nearly all the children living and rough are either sick. it are either injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized for living with disabilities. meanwhile,
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the world health organization reports that have the 12 hospitals and costs that are still partially functioning. 3 are in rough up w h o says that those facilities will quickly become non functional if there is a military incursion into rafa. either full scale military operation wrap up and lead to a blood bath. palestinian homes have been left in ruins, fall on this rarely attacks on the giovanni of refugee camp in northern casa. these are the scenes of widespread devastation. witnesses saves rarely false, is only one's residential one house to evacuated before carrying out the attack. well that says he, families have been less homeless. that is where the army has still in the town, north of total, cut them in the occupied westbank with this fighting between troops and palestinians. and then i'll go soon, as one of the soldiers have destroyed a home they besieged earlier. they say the men inside cap killed a soldier, lost ya to do it unless the media workers have gathered. and she lays capital for
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the us. go world press freedom day conference, palestinian journalists were pushing on as well as one, gaza. one the see has taught prize. a latin america editor, lucy in human reports from santiago the standing ovation. as the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced. a collective award honoring the palestinian journalists covering the war wrong does none were able to come in person facing the pool while the paint, the much one of the recipients. i'll just see here is guys a bureau chief wide. i do sent a message of appreciation. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bombs before he himself was targeted and nearly killed. he says palestinian journalist and guys need justice and protection. i mean him know for via they can not do the job. so these are the mortgage feeling that these himself could become to news or become the headlines
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instead of being the ones that important videos. how about they need to do this? at least 143 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war making that the deadliest conflict in modern history from members of the profession. but palestinian journalist are not alone. many others have targeted around the world. in today it will be this your to between 20182023. 83 generous, were murdered in latin america. i love these figures which are chilling and check, whole list to action. i only surpassed by the more than 100 gen list roots in the motor and gone. so this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalists covering the environment. the numbers don't lie . according to a newer report commissioned by unesco, the number of attacks against the journalists who are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. this includes physical
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attacks as well as murders, and this at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented climate crisis. nobel peace, laurie, it's an journalist, maybe i've missed the leads, but the biggest threat to press freedom is somebody new pollution and power. big tech companies. big tech has by design, distributed lies leaves with fear, anger, and hate faster and further than journalism. it's used to attract journalists, it's used to tear apart, right? that's the foundational corruption, the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalist to be held accountable. the one that the prevailing system of impunity serves as a blank check to kill the messenger c and human al jazeera santiago. i mean
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muffled reports on the dangers faced by journalist from gaza as they hold a significant significant. it's important for us as journalists covering the ongoing war across the gaza strip that has so far for the possibly most cost to use more than just the word more than just genocide and genesis of the lax on the ground it's, it's, it's, it's about the very existence of palestinians on this land and that's, i think has been and my views in many journalists to view the, the drug, the drive for us to keep going. because it not only them for the fives voices, for justice and it change, but also it symbolizes the importance of, of our voice and in the drawing and sitting lights on the daily struggle to delia, profit as a parts high, the genocide committed against palestinians. the pos. 4 a 7 months have been very difficult, very stressful for everyone here, including journalists do are uh how i pay the have a price for covering the truth and for filling exactly what's going on across the
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the gaza strip the from the tax on homes. the attacks on civilians as well as the almost 100 for the media workers have been killed in and during this, this board, the shutter sense of safety, the inability to make sure that you are protected and safe for you and your family members or sheltering with you or so during someone else that bill is struggle of queueing for a long time for water and, and food, and other survival items and, and, and in between. so you know, you have to be prepared to get in front of the camera. the camera do virtually rush to a areas that are quite risky and do any of the for the document, what's going on against how often it hasn't been really easy for anyone here for journalists, particularly, it has to be really stressful, very difficult for many of our colleagues in a friend, happy to have a price either losing their lives directly as what happened with our colleagues or
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from the bureau itself, as well as our camera man and other journalists, other colleagues who lost their family members. they were being punished by they are having their family being directly attacked. the still ahead on knowledge. a 0 security is tied. and chad ahead of monday's presidential election, several positions of school for the partner to be postponed, the hello. it's fine and try across the good parts of the korean peninsula and also into japan. nice big area of high pressure keeping it settled and sunny quiet. so the little me at the space. so hence the clear skies a, but we have got more cloud and right gathering across southern parts of china. so the flooding concern is coming in across the saturated ground that we have here
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that will lead to a good deal of disruption. once again, it is so moving feature that it will punches way across the east. china say i have a to was a cream financially, so that's that change that's gonna bring some wet weather into the korean peninsula . temperatures pulling back to around 20 celsius the in. so make the most of that fine dry day into japan of 28 in total care because that weather. yep, that's coming your way. we'll see the cloud gathering the rain pushing into southern pos for q she using across into western areas of hon. she by the end of monday, the pride this guys welcome sunshine at last, coming back into southern pulse of china will say a few showers across the indo china, one or 2 showers coming into the philippines. hopefully hoping to break the heat in both cases. plenty of showers, meanwhile, across malaysia and indonesia, and it continues meanwhile, across a good possible india color and west of the bank with ash the
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humanity has opened the gates of hell in those seats. he's having orlando's effects, as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, you oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. part 2 of 200 jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the you what you're going to say of me, elizabeth donovan, doha, i've a mind to of,
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on top storage the south police in new york have been removing students from an encampment at new york university for the 2400 people have been arrested across the us and student protests against, as well as long gossip again a few weeks ago. at least 2 palestinians have been killed is rarely attacked on the southern assessing of it off button, gaza. residential building was targeted, several injured people have been taken to hospital area and all that and has 6 children were killed in the bombing of a fun drama. and the eunice caldwell press freedom prize has been awarded to palestinian journalists coverage as around school and dawson, at least a 143 meeting workers and journalists have been killed in the gaza and maybe 7 moms of allison in christians and occupied east jerusalem of preparing for orthodox easter, but many se the c a celebrations will be subdued because of the war and gaza. and
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is there any restrictions on the side who reports, orthodox christians and occupied east jerusalem are preparing for the annual commemoration of what they believe was the resurrection. of jesus christ, like other holidays during israel's war on gonzo orthodox easter celebrations are scaled back this year. a tour guide tells us ordinarily this time of year would be the peak season for visitors. it shouldn't be loaded by people now, but simply due to the situation, we've got nothing. as opposed lot, i've got no words. nothing to do, and we're surviving as much as we can. in previous years, the streets have been packed with thousands of people. now they're deserted, are typically around 862200000 children's are in the old city for orthodontics east or celebrations. but like other holidays this year facilities are muted over
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shadowed by the. busy are on gaza, palestinian christian say the war is into the only challenge they face. this is something they will celebrate. the only lights are monique, and we celebrate it with many uh, restrictions influenced by the israeli police, were worshipers in the christians. we won't be able to reach the church as we used to do in the, in the past this year, no palestinians from the occupied westbank, oregon's a strip will be allowed into the city to pray. but despite to be, is really restrictions, palestinians say they remain hopeful because easter is a celebration of new beginnings. have the central edges eat all occupied east jerusalem, palestine. the united nations and the us have condemned an attack on the displacement of camp in eastern democratic republic of congo, and which at least 12 people were killed. the state department says the attack came
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from positions held by ones and forces and the m. $23.00 rebel foot fence and one ahead has more confusion and panic after shell struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo. arm conflicted force these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping. we started dragging as the thumbs were fired at the can. the, the shells were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility and are blame each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camps, they artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the of the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning. and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation.
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hundreds of thousands of people of fled, the latest up surgeon fighting the un and western powers. accuser, wanda, of packing m. $23.00 fighters, a charge one denies the years long calls like this part to humanitarian crisis. at this place, people run short on basic necessities, and as fighting continued to spread, their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. fence and monahan al jazeera russian troops have entered the military base. and these a way us troops stationed these, as government, had asked the americans to leave off to recruited last year. us secretary state and lloyd austin says he's confident as true. so say, so i think you know, the airbags 101 were uh, 4 inches is, is a new sherry and a air force base that is co located with a international airport in the capital city. um, the russians are in a separate uh, compound and don't have access to us forces or access to,
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to our equipment. uh, and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, on the safety and protection of our troops. something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection security has been hyphened across chad is the country holds the presidential election on monday. several opposition, members of quote from boy cost address reports from the capital jemina political campaign see, and chad have reached a climax across the country. securities post office, just say you to remain so before, during and off to me on this presidential vote force. all forces have been mobilized in addition to other measures to ensure a violence free election. they will secure the electoral process to allow champions to exercise their civic duty to the presidential election is expected to transition
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chad from military to civil rule after disputed referendum in december, military dom, how many took over after his father long company they addressed debbie was killed on the bottom fronting percentage on his candidacy, drew criticism from the opposition. the campaign has been largely peaceful, but it's what happens after the election that water is most charged and there is always fear that something bad will happen after each election. i hope it doesn't have to happen this time. so some of the people were killed in the run up to the election, including violence that led to the debts and the rest of all positions. because at the end of february of the many charges looking forward to this election, just as some say they're staying away. those opposed to the vote in says the process of producing candidates is flow. as a result, some goods i calling with charges they look total commission says preparations for the elections a complete mr. balls covet. we believe after the election,
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a constitutional order will be restored and the security situation will improve a great deal. but to get to the main opposition party says they must be an acceptable free and fair process. what the people of trying to decide is going to be what everybody should ask. this is what we are pushing for. and this is going to be, i hope, the case to making sure that the, for the 1st time on history is tied into a lot of controls that he does looming large of what they say election is concerned about security. in april, the charge in government demanded a small group of american troops stationed in charge. leave the country. that decision would likely leave a void in apply to guest. i'm because like i so, and book or many people here see the boat as crucial to put chide on a pass of reconciliation. if it fails, they say the country could be punched farther into political and such as how many degrees. obviously the,
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given the canyon government has all the people living the a 178 damns to evacuate. they homes as long as he's a one. and that continue and heavy rains could see dams and was of was below of a catherine. so i have a pull, it's from library, b of the east residents must vacate the homes as soon as possible. leave me a revised in nairobi this month says his nowhere to go. i have nothing. i have no money. my salary is only due next week. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon relocation look is, has been issued to or pass on leaving unplanned supplements within repeating hundreds,
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opposite long reverse streams and at the water closest kenya and neighboring towns. and you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights, the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that robi has been, was sent by pull drainage and illegally build settlements. in some areas. people leaving near the narrow be dumb, say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow, the down. it doesn't look like march. it's covered by what the highest says. so when it overflows the, what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move a field adjacent to the dom, delta fernando, at where we go and is a governmental people told us to pack up our sinks, we have done that,
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we have children. so what's next door to? she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine solely on to sierra ruby, a donald tom's long time advisor and from the white house official hope hex has testified to a new calls and the former president's hush money trial. hicks told the jury about the fort alton trumps. and the 2nd, during the 2016 election campaign, that soft a video was released, showing him bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on trial, so concealing a payment made made to an adult film actress during the campaign, allegedly, to stop her from making the relationship public. she says the charges are politically most evasive. they should be wasting time when they do so many people.


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