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tv   People Power A Crude Mistake P2  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 5:30am-6:00am AST

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she says she's still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine solely onto sierra robi dunham thomas long time adviser and from the white house official hope hex has testified to a new a cold and the former president's house money trial. hicks told the jury about the fort alton trump's and the 2nd during the 2016 election campaign, that soft a video was released, showing him bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on trial, so concealing a payment made made to an adult film actress during the campaign, allegedly, to stop her from making the relationship public. he says the charges are politically most evasive. he says they should be wasting time when they do so many people in the meantime, you can do anything less
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because there are see police in canada have arrested and charged 3 people over the murder of a prominent sick leave to last year. the shooting death of had a beeps and not just damaged ties between india and canada. rosalind jordan has this update. mass gunman ambushed and killed hardships in nature outside the 6th temple near vancouver, where he worshiped in june 2023. 11 months later, canadian police announced a break in the case. i am here today to announce that we arrested and charged 3 individuals for 1st degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in relation to hardy nature's homicide. need john, an indian born canadian citizen was a leader of a group demanding a separate seek homeland in northern india for that the government of prime minister, now rendering moody, had designated the jar a tower wrist. but when canadian prime minister just intruder accused modi's
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government, applauding, new jars, killing ties between the 2 countries, disintegrated diplomats were expelled from both countries and canada called off trait talks. even so the canadian said there was some cooperation with their indian counterparts during the investigation. i would be frank out, correct. got characterized that collaboration as rather challenging and difficult for the last several years. authority say more people could be arrested rosalyn jordan l g 0 that sits in a elizabeth put on that to stay with us. the news continues here on alex's era, after people in pounds the and now is the time to be direct. the creation of the humanitarian crisis is a tactic. we do not do. it was the policy that we have the was from us,
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particularly that was very upfront. on out of the or the, during the 2023 you in time it come from delegates, agreed to the establishment of a loss and damage funds. a formidable countries affected by climate change. the critics, all these polls fall short of what is needed, and that's put the spotlight back on the development between the global move lot you responsible for excess global carbon emissions on the asked durations of developing countries in the south facing the worst effects of impact the 2 of us special investigation people empower, examine what this means for you can, which is function of all projects, right? well, facing criticism over the environmental and human rights in the
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in december 2023 in due by cop 28. came to an end with an historic agreement that the world needs to transition away from fossil fuel and even protest is demanding an end to global inequality. and so some progress with the creation of an awesome damage funding for countries worst affected by the time of pricing. we shouldn't be proud of our historic achievement, but there was a cautionary note. and the agreement is only as good as it simply means.
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that is a problem because few rich nations seem willing to come back on extraction that the fossil fuels which created their wealth. and at the same time, their support for the loss. damage fund remains deeply inadequate, and the current sledges are miniscule compared to what is needed. not failure has left many countries of the global cells looking for other ways to finance their development. and perhaps that is why exploration for new oil and gas reserves is currently going on in at least $45.00 of the $54.00 countries of africa. with as many as the global south nations have discovered, finding the oil is the easy been holding onto the profits more difficult? the problem is that the reliant on building north finance and building not operations in order to expedite as resources. and these companies are fundamentally
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driven by, by profit, by their margins and not the development of global. so the countries and all too often, oil comes with another den site, just task this month. and manual toner, it's with these extended family in the albertine region. if you gunned where they rely on the crops, they grow for food and the small income that now the family has a new done welcoming neighbor. this is total energies massive use, central processing facility or cps with crude oil from the to link the oil fields will be processed before being tight onwards via the east african crude oil pipeline to the coast of tens and the 10s exports abroad. but in march 2023, he wants to run off from the c. p. s slot is the manuals cross destroying them. the
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lab stopped export them. yes. and the passing that through our alarm, this is about nama, be destroyed by the blood. it is over the this really what the day also when emmanuel says total failed to pay compensation or take effective steps to stop the flooding. he says he was told he could not be the spokes person for the family because his elderly mother is a officially acknowledge project affected pass him or pap felt him. if you have 9 at home, but they were seeing out one head is the one that would be be clarity and predict the effective date for the manual in his family. this is not just a bureaucratic inconvenience. it's a disaster. yeah. living like a broad would not know maybe to model.
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yeah. it in the when it is 2nd as calm because we don't have money got down to die . starting in april 2023 to tell was sent or copied into a series of lessons complaining about the damage in a statement to us to tell say they replied to a lesson from emmanuel in august 4 months later, promising an investigation to find the thing claimed they say that since then and manual and his family have declined to respond to create a claim denied by the family to tell say they remain open to engagements with the family to resolve the issue that they are committed to developing a solution to the funding and that following a study to water retention funds know, being constructed but then it all happened again
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to be the best thing that was part of the process by doing it is uh the introductions with by the water just on the road fridge valley can its, with his wife and 10 children, the 2018 fridge was told he must make way for a well god, one of 30 plan to the area. i don't know if i'm going to talk to my house, you finish up our kids. when you leave school, you the site. but total didn't wait, they brought to the machine, putting down the big trees, which was here, a lot of noise. the contract has cleared trades land of the trees and bushes which provided firewood to various to picks. we can reach around for food and think close to some with not one, but 2 separate fences on the roads way uh, blocked my pizza di sells so so my income, my children, the,
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i'm not long of going to school there for the 50 person is not being supposed to be predicted like insulated, was it like this? i'm not going to. this is my house. i looked for money. i knew i knew to this house . and so no. just stay all night. to town says the engagement with fred begun in june 2021. producing new house was completed by december 2022 and he was offered 10 pre accommodation in the meantime. but the team that refuses to move, basically he's being paid compensation limited increase of, most of the assets disturbance allowance for the to use the late the process of resettlement. they claim the fences were installed for the families safety to protect them from construction works. then it's got a, i'm throwing away in an hour and i was expecting by now i'll be by the
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you can see some of was before we had arranged to conduct an interview with xfinity details, general manager and uganda. but his office canceled the day before and referred us to the global headquarters in the palace when we weren't able to interview the company's kind of space to the english books passing shackle marciello. we met project directive people who talked about the ladies in getting you hers to a 2 year sometimes denied that compensation to nice human rights kind of intimidation. they choose, i ones. yeah. i went and you're going to what i'm talking about through god that it is not talking about you do that because of just which some documents i wanted to discuss with the people affected by as a product. and i so how's it? well, so 2 sided waves is we'd be getting your offices as easily as access to electricity access to what i discussed with people who else reporting buys a product of. so for a, for example, for this goes to leave foremost,
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did you by any chance, meet the phone? so it is negative 6 acres of that, of course, of that. did you by any chance, meet a woman who i've seen and your publicity to it has to be easy because we met them as well and they will feature in our film. we then went back and met ordinary people and to be such a people sitting in front of us and it's a i a 3 comes with the same offer for the me. oh sure. no, no, no, no, we're not. or because i was finishing good somebody something. so i had the opportunity to discuss with a lot of people not to i was talking about people that take the advisor product but so we've, so you've got the people, you know, and for, for them it is an opportunity for them. and it is an important sioux falls, a country. unfortunately, some opportunities, like the provision of a network of new over x are actually bad news for locals. someone will be constructed to me at the visual and yet they have not received compasses, shown not only little by the with him and the facility, the rigs is going well,
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each gun or something that somebody has learned is affected. and he's not recognized as it project affected bus one, that kind of company. but we see how it is 2 or 3 meters from the road. people who are on the roads. a way of going to see that as project affected by sons. i have no doubt about that. if the house that is next to the road now, it does not mean that it was there before. so some of these people whose houses are next to that road, maybe they have just come to that road because it's a very attractive place to be. that is not joseph from him, sees it projects called us, but this is where by that are just going to pass. and they said that this must all go. yes, this is this much of go this one of the we the house on the took off of the a no compensation not published on the house such as if it does get compensated for
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the loss of his friend or a compound, but not for the fact that he's high school, be noisy, dusty, and then his view on suitable for raising a family. i have 14 members on my funding. it's something that they use and appreciate this call by the name did i still have my children on play who have all the areas most impacted by the oil murchison phones and national park is perhaps the best known one of the most important incentives, bio diversity in africa, home to many endangered parts and animals and to find a for an income generate to you. and it's hard. murchison for total plants to build a 12 pads and online through the park. and at least 2 more may come later. each will pad will contain multiple wells and will be linked by new roads and oil
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pipelines. stock is very huge, which is well the $4000.00 square. see how we really use for 0 oppression? is one point was clocking on each of the. we have to take on the performance minutes, we got the as a buyer's details that they were using. so by fighting of games pushing, we're storing with it out. we for a station today, the 1st rig is already drilling in the park. that night, the top and apparently operating 24 hours a day, it dominates the area in 2018. the n g o ox fund commissioned an independent analysis of the project from consulting engineer bill powers. frankly, no one should be drilling into national park. you would, depending on the terrain, not even enter the park, but hit targets in the park from outside park. and we're now drilling 10 kilometers as far as on way under the ground to get to an oil charger. so since the 19
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ninety's, the oil companies have had this capability, i'm not convinced about a, by your diversity, was a priority for us. you have chosen to minimize our impacts, tons of by the, by with the bas which you're not minimizing it's, i mean you could minimize it by using extended beach technology in 1999 to tile bill sales with 11 for longer to reach it. would it be more expensive? why didn't you do that? i don't you. you're probably going to agree with different to what we have chosen. it is the best way to point the other big issue with these all developments is when you drill oil wells, you produce a lot of waste. a lot of that waste is going to be classified as hazardous waste, thousands and thousands of times in the state of the art technique is to immediately take that drilling waste that you've brought to the surface have a separate well where you can you direct it back down deep into this one nation. so there's this other wise to toxic through is it is really minimized
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injecting waste, but then there's technology. it's been around for decades. why when you do it elsewhere? are you not doing it here? because of the about saying we uh, we were really no toys out to new guns because we don't want to, we have to spend a lot of money. we are taking their commitment for purchasing please enter. increments the highest send us the don't do the ingestion while she just put it in trucks and haul it off to a hazardous waste site. you save money and that will involve hundreds of journeys a week in and out of the park, taking drilling waste to this purpose built disposal plot over a 100 kilometers the weight of all the animals affected by that traffic elephant. sensitive to noise and vibration among the most at risk sign him with a gun to fight this dispute with the beat, the invading the committee to sunday. i think it doesn't mean i mean,
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i passed around to need the guns, hesitate to use congregations in police a district for over 20 years, and magical to come over to opt out in the mean. yeah. con condo on the shuttle or touching, going on. then one night he was startled by an elephant in the dock and fell backwards, breaking his leg. that day i go to the truck and i am finally to installing this fence every day. even in the night. a few days earlier, 2 other men were injured by an elephant and the 3rd destruction of messiah young we too, i believe that our report. so allison switching being driven out to the park and are actually talking people that the people killed. we have done
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a lot of citizens has nothing for this project. definitely. it is not the link to our project. the oil companies in system. they have vigorous grievance procedures, but many low cost complain of government intimidation or even violence. innocent describes one meeting with government officials at the very start of the refinery project. this guy came with i knew, take me down to kind of my fist up. i finally had put in the store and they hit about 300 people. that duane that's $84.00 informing you that you have audited in obtaining the sales for 2 days. now, asking me why do you meet the project i've sent in the past ones? why do to, why do i to petition this again this to the or the for those deacons come keisha and 5 members of his staff. little rush to and help for 3 days. josh, we operating permit and t o protests have been violent. keep broken up. this
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demonstration, 9 people were arrested. each one of these are the you must be aware of these claims that critics in the developments unified being harassed and even stated. we don't condone any aspect of mishandling anyone, but i can tell you that sometimes these people have gone into demonstrations the security that people have to call me not to ensure that those demonstrations do not disrupt roll on order. the. the activist meanwhile decided to fight this huge international corporation. they should take the campaign to an international audience. we are holding the new to the course of action yukon. threshold for re engage. totally totally should have organizations to
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have come together like by africa and civil society groups to try to stop the construction of the of this. by tonight i want to tell just of funding our destruction. through the ico project, the groups launched an international campaign calling on banks to blake caught the comp. we've announcing $27.00 commercial banks like public statements to make it known publicly one way or another that they're not going to finance is pipeline. we're seeing 23 interested insurance companies, so they're not going to undermine the pipeline. so the pipeline is really struggle for financial support. and the total cost is approximately $4000000000.00 us dollars for the construction of the east africa code on the pipeline part fine, but using this way, getting points executive is, is that wrong? we have made an investment decision on, on a capital expenditure of approximately 4 to 5000000 is the funding place. uh the
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answer is yes. at this point in time, you may know that the shareholders committed to fund the pipeline and you're saying that the funding is assured by the shareholders that the shareholders have to raise money and stuff and something like 2 to 3 to. so i've started to be in terms of guaranteed loans, right, that we're in the market right now, raising that. and this point in time we see no consent whatsoever in being able to raise. and it just seems very confident. but i mean, the majority of banks and ensures how fine so i basically don't want anything to do with this budget. you are right, that some plan does have backed out for the reasons and that is fine. but i can assure you that these 2 large port of lenders who engaging with and so therefore, that's the basis for confidence between after they get the funds, the must be paid with the interest that assumes oil prices remain high. despite the
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global drive to move on from fossil fuels, given that example transition agenda, do you really believe that this project will be viable a? we are different even convinced of these. suppose that the viable. why? because the grid is always the menus increasing to it is in line. we have our strategic, which is saying that we launch a new project when we have low emission and in terms of duration we own it was the 20 years project. this project from the end of 2045. ok, so it is in line. we've always tried to g, which is not 0 as to 2050. so you're going to go on finding a huge quantities of carbon until 102045, and then suddenly solve the solve the problem. i don't understand where you have to, to, to about 2 to the quantity of coupling. i just said that these are low emission project . it's a ridiculous argument. i mean, for stats as the pipeline we're told has a 25 year lifetime reaching that 0 by 2050 doesn't mean we stock oil production in
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2016. so we're already at $1.00 degrees and $1.00 of the global warming, we need to start dramatically reducing emissions. i hated that. what's that do? what we get the pedestal points, that's kind of the state for that. that means that these happening today. what it is, the visual and see you with the noise. you must stop beat. if we also say it and hold it, so some one to make some money, then we lose that. what we find out to go above d space. we want us to nimble queen troops afforestation to add assume image was the countries in the most i've been promising that was sent that mitch the must duty, but we're talking about justice. we're talking about what is owed to the nations as a global. so for not admitting inputs and mechanism for making that happen because at the moment people like president in the 70 and you're going to have will say
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we're getting no support from the bible north. we have to develop, we have to mitigate the damage the use of the global north, like causing us because we've got to get our oil to anything with gulf. so that's why i think the lawson damage funds is just so important to calculate how such a fund could be operated, equitably findings to and came up with a formula, a carbon budget, which would enable the world to meet the 1.5 degree targets. so we divided up the total carbon budget across a $168.00 countries based on their population sizes. and we wanted to know how much each country has admitted in comparison to their fair share as historically. and what did you find fluid results show that most global self countries are still well within their fair share of this 1.5 degree budget. but the global north, as a group, has already overshot. it's fair share by 2.5 times. and we've calculated that over a 1000000 countries with a total of a $192.00 trillion dollars to the rest of the world by 2050. to compensate for this
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appropriation of you believe what you've translated into real estate goes is, is so startling. and frankly, so unlikely to come anywhere near to being achieved that it's, it's, it's pretty depressing. but if you think peace of mind can be seen as depressing, we can also imagine the risks of not addressing the impacts of climate change for the un estimates that more than a 1000000000 climate refugees. if we don't get emissions back on track, the figures from signings team or i want certainly hi, put in a sense they provide a reality check given before comp 28. the usa is climate invoice refused to even use the language of reparations. are you planning to commit america to climate? reparations. that is say, we have to pay some other country because they had a flood where they had a hurricane or a type know a while under no circumstance was very good. so we had just called the 28th promise
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of a loss and damage funds spent today. it's currently touched at $700000000.00 us dollars . is that anywhere near? adequate? no, it's not. same facts. the world's largest historical polluter of c. o. 2, the united states has pledged around $18000000.00 so far, which is comparable to the price of an apartment on fixed up and in new york. fast their contribution to reservations for the damage costs, which now it got the domain to sold that extra to the global noise. as for agent as problem is that does before did what have we done with the before doing the we few our, the companies come here and the revenue, the, the pointing it we're seeing because we have to pull,
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we've gotten what signal we've got that i would need the a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. the only land route to south america for migrants city, the size of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp, just families. it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the dairy and go on up. josie to in a well filled with
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b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon rain 1st to the arctic sea environmental generalists around the front lines with the lights to reveal the truth. as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been targeting truth together not support environmental and ensure that the truth prevails for the 1st world press freedom day conference in the 2nd to the 4th of may 2024 forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change, exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain and how would they governed the dream and the usa of electric, s u. v is for all the rest on the back of extraction,
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from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candle. is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the own age. the new york will be placed under arrest us please correct. down on students supporting palestine. protests is moved at demonstrations to districts the commentary johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming out the students in europe also gather in support of tennessee opinion seems to.


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