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tv   101 East Indias Red Sandalwood Kingpin  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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to do that, the government has been pressing ahead with, i am asked demands, including tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. the agency says reforms are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at this market and it's not a bad and across pakistan will likely take on those costs for the a car, which is here. a 300 year old town. and the northern philippines has resurfaced off . it was to much for the construction of a reservoir 50 years ago. a months ago, drought on extreme heat and recent weeks have caused water in the dam to dry out. but even though has the story now from the ruins of pennsylvania, the concrete ruins of a centuries old town. very much still in place. after half a century underwater since, month to behind in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build a reservoir. it's resurfaced a few times, but never this early in the year in this long. that the, like the, when the dams,
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water level drops, we usually see it across but only the cross. now it's an entire area of the town, including the symmetry in both. it's a dry season in the philippines, but experts say climate change is aggravating. the effects parts of the country i've seen record heat in recent weeks, and the all new winter pattern has lingered for months without the it hasn't rained within the water should area is about dams. and in addition to that war to evaporate quicker because of the extreme heat. one unintended benefit, however, has been a growing number of tourists. while the tunnel from the bottom line is gaining world wide beam forts, reemergence from underwater local say they're not celebrating because the dam doesn't have enough water to generate power and provide irrigation. and we sonya gunter was 2 years old when the government moved the entire town. a man at the watch. although i'm happy to be able to see my birthplace. i'm sad there because i
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worry about how this could affect our farmers. for visitors are amazed but say they're just as concerned team is now it's really interesting, but it's also scary for, for the future. if it's a trend that's going to happen and going forward, it's gary for those who live around it right now, because it isn't just the remnants of the old town disappeared. but an entire patch of green and brown for water used to flow in boats, though abandoned, used to sail bonnet below al jazeera behind the river. i see the philippines as you can find more information on analysis on our website, delta 0 dot com continues. harold noticed there also $1.00 oh $1.00 east. the state . the voters in panama are preparing to elect the new president on may. 5th at the front
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run, their former leader. these kind of domestic natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside their future stay without just us for the latest on panama general elections. in these red sandals is one of the most expensive timbers in the world. it's also an endangered species and an agent national black mocker trade has decimated valuable forests. one least 5 percent of reg, send us is that a lot us to 80 to 90 percent is gone like 2015 like that. he made more than $120000000.00. one man is accused of being at the top of the trade. so who meet? so who's for me is wanted for international trafficking. afraid sandlewood and
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attempted murder on public officials in india. 101 east investigator indian, send a warrant campaign and the fight to capture the me of the pieces and to pull headquarters easily on from for the 1st time, interpol has a load of camera crews into their environmental crime, unix. and let's go straight down to business. let's have an updates on suspect number tree salvador. have you any updates on this case? the media national, which is linked to the reps. um there are some are some double the timber trafficking. he saw circular stuff of them to mark. there are some pictures in the
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country to see a civil rights regarding this guy and we verified several of them and it was, it was negative so far. salvatore ortega is an operational code and nature at the into polls unit a sound, a little flushed when i last spoke to somebody or whatnot. and i'm going to go there. i would assume the course a, but i would assume that i guess the, the when i don't and i already know what i mean, not even the worst time. then i remember sitting by the letters, you just don't have the whole place cost. i don't understand things, i mean, that sounds, i mean, something i don't know for the whole mess and i want it and there's, i'm going to have you started. i will check the status on the june the 1st of the trying and water notice to get it and then i'll probably
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put the budget on this smuggler later and go highly to play at x to with the night . you put a little smug, little what this one is it under 200 sending real hard on april hijacking tunnel with a smug look i might of the station to tell them forest in under produced india is the only place on the way red sandlewood cross the loop which is 20 points 15, but no one is red. sanders had been funded by purchase this energy smuggling task force has been assigned to protect what a law practice items is due to allow the police. uh they're going to get on the, on the 100 to 200 designs are a number to the partition, but over the next one is just the size ceiling. a list of them are the,
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the unit sets up roadside checks to try and stop the traffic is escaping with or defeated. electronic the we had to turn ice on the south east coast of india to meet a journalist who has been investigating the legs. king pain of the smuggling trade . so who's committed? i'm so that going to do with them a lot. i'm a the, the investigation from the times of india. or i've been talking south allow me for the past 10 years. and so so how many the i was born in 1960 and tell me a lot of the state of my building to the police rhetoric send those for you. so grow
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the most of the time i really needed to the boats i bought is one of the biggest boards in india. the steve was working in the smaller painting jobs like working in a handkerchief company and a flower shop. then he moved on to the secret, it's the indonesian cigna. it's the 2nd, it's from single boat used to smuggling to india. why our town? i told them he stopped at the sound of smuggling food. a cool now is a former senior police officer surgeon. he said, it isn't $100.00 to goes using india. does it a credit? wouldn't even say not the net parties, minnes loveless. living in big time like
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the from some like scores to the sh reports from she forced to go by single port militia, hong kong, directly to this dana funded by police . i'm nabby lot of 2nd on photo and smugglers. the everybody's saying claudia, selling the red sanders done the name crops of the in progress reports a solid bike. it's also how me my use like a gang stuff, a king finish car, buying guns to language for the 1st time he has been caught. he has been put in the prison,
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isn't doing for and then investigating agencies of track the major international racket reported retreating and the smuggling of endangered red sanders hiding endangered products produced red sanders. this lot of it on 2000 loss was intercepted by the director of revenue intelligence valued at folk road over bees, which stretches about 6 times more than the international market. in these directory to a revenue intelligence or d r i. is it the full front of a psych, again, smuggling m. v or ryan was a deputy, had the and lead to send a would boston new york to look for a new sort of back to things in the movement of carnival in those picked up candidate southern country that's going to change the phone. the product code
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declared us she li, rate dimension is unusually higher part of the contain a long suspicion. it's all doing was going to run it, contain mentally examine that. you can do that. so i can combine the last one solid. i mean, after the age of 50 to contain is via ryan and his team quarter table. so the rentals that we do have fox hotels in china, on the phone, in the lobby, on that us to them, the, to them the 1st time. so who i mean when behind the box, the key was also from the hotel and brought to my office
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the g 3. and on the summons that i on i think to the 3rd center as my reading. therefore, i will not give a statement. this was unusual. them out of that more of a to deal with this. i thought of. yeah, i knew you should do amazing by offices taking the little under according to told is knowledge what the top and bottom. i mean, the, the, with the one for engaging are talking to the, to the converse that it is told or do yes, slugger. but if he had done this to the audition or directors into,
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to my dad has tons of domain deposit is. why did you say this statement taken on new shortly, but it wasn't enough of what i'm not talking 1st off. the then the lives of solid company comes with the big chest. they find as a case saying to release him. so hello me. these are least come talk on base. now again, stop smuggling then be started. a biscuit is a violent kitty is caught up with a loaner available on the bike, cool, but none of us to not to be able to get them of the part of the
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state against the gunning down the operation set to be again small, close in the living family to what i'm in just a moment that i will come and see it and don't want to see what the united dependent can be. good to go for not is a senior officer of the indian for service and being invited to 15 under sometimes a $100.00 on a lot of stuff and on to one or 2 on guard and to continue to have a garden free and be able and then doing 6 and i was sort of so really for you one, the one going to album and then if i told them one day, i don't want to probably i'm guessing that in the sense of moving forward in the
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i am david, i'm going to find my direct and then the police on deposition and it's all, i mean was one of the big spun left. so who would try to bring him to book and i mean, i know i don't wanna change them in the window at the time as well as that very few escape actually solved. and i mean these today in maybe even by the one for the most elegant j, chicago. as a criminal intelligence analyst went into poles in single pole spelling is warranted in over 36 cases. yeah. since 2016 and support issued
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and red notice against him at the request of the indian authorities expected to be based out doing um and operating use business from there. the child allow me to actually either underneath the bottom of it, to the the way this is connected with one of the, probably a one day to individualize reading change over the christmas. funny the, it's a bit complicated because the individual was, wanted, is, hasn't committed an offense in the country where he's located. he is wanted by and
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not the name of the country, but indian police receive a lot of information about the whole her needs whereabouts. most of the mentors of solar alpha and some of us are from the exec very up. let's go. so don't like this. i don't we meet with one of the police is confidential informants into by the spring reporting of the whole need. should i stuck with infinity between nor do money? the window instead of taking this business? personally, i give information to the police constantly sometimes things like, what do you do it? somebody what kind of describes the
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re sent everything on the general police. because here's the who's available, and soon they had a strong tip for the police wonder some of the somebody condition in the house. and if i really started to ask everyone if that is a part of a traditional structure. so we, i mean, so we asked what she was doing, what's going on. and you said the organizing a big event was $200.00 a month ago. we need the critical, critical village other than the even going into what a one to one of the, the the while on the, i know we sent that assembly. and then i'm uh, when the,
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when the indians miller and barely the line they made visible everyday, then the lot of 100 smugglers, at least that's what he said was having the information the while the most out of the colony, you will need when to the food that wasn't difficult to collect the data and simple enough. so when the misleading did and that again, the amount of one of them and they gave me missing the all sort of, i mean the wife will keep the data in light, so many smugglers to do. but because one thing he used to which he made a lot of money, they both believe
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a few years ago. it seems like 2015 like that. he made more than $120000000.00 copies of the cards, which is what she wants. properties boss, me less than 3 commercial buildings, the device, todd hotel investments, lot of buildings, dad for him, but his family members the big so much so that he has a legal support is liars working for him in india. he has police is fond of stuff here. so, so looking for him. yes, customs. he was very confident. i'm on the list. the son was picking up of
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the in 2015, policemen who are tracking sahu. i mean they have name and his son. i don't have them in the criminal cases. so by the time is manage in the end you most certainly in august thinking got like he has a company here, but he doesn't know the indian police are very do for you guess select line valid so not in school is looked at by the notable directly to that and go to my go agencies, what about i had to say and but like i knew agencies or later in the,
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on the inside we all just had an idea how he works. how the outdoor leaves picture doesn't mean that just a passport says what a bit of so we knew him in a, in a lot more like of the walking dead. they would identify the tune up the line to the airport. police got information or on the, as he came with the immigration, it was that us to we
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were shopping, police received a phone call from so who, how me the reaction was like, uh, i mean uh any, any loading fi that you want that i have some great, new offer. based off the deal is you need more than 20. it gives us like an estimate. you need me to come on saturday, you lou, my son solvable. i mean that i need to southern to the headlines in the study. and then you'll study. i've redone in the on 50 and that is a b, as i say, well okay, we've got by that gives you comments that we can do, let me know you like them. so
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who was hesitant to come to india? he thought the even better man is the systems you go to fight it out legally. i believe i'm a little, i'm going to go to natalie window able to we did to me and from the pictures we have got to me and the cost, most of the costs have pictures of his funds or the costs such photos help us track down the locations of one is supposed to make songs him to buy the i'm looking for a home in the security guard cools the who for me for
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the semester. i'm a, i'm a, i'm a journalist. i just trying to talk with your father, so it's about the red sun. there's the acquisition you, you've heard about it for me is business. okay, a big birthday, but if, if it's not, so why does it have it doesn't surrender to the police and defend this case legally . this is the biggest issue that we were unable to track down his father. so who won the most? so i was struck you know,
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giving information to the bodies about so the new us for any of the, what's most of it is, let's try it isn't just that i think it's a dyslexic, the directions, the present and the concrete actions are taken to struggle. so who need remains a wanted man, the streets for countries which is a 195 member countries. so if he is traveling to another country and there isn't a lot, she goes, then he could get the rest of the journalist don't go to says more needs to be done
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to track the king pin down. now, failing to get him. and also there's a lack of political village to get him because i found a smuggling is not directly hard thing and even like that of them know, bombings. there is no drugs here. it's only they're cutting the trees, but they're not realizing that killing the planet. they're not realizing they're clearing the forest then not realizing that the environment is destroyed, the in the solomon islands, the deadly legacy of world war 2, remain on the lounge. why is placed it and exploded it. now i do see they are
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literally the sense of taking the time on $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets the solomon islands some time to escape a war that ended decades to go on on examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international filmmakers and will cross journalists bring programs to inform and inspire financials. sierra pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to scientology use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era,
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i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis for the so comply, take our crash, being exposed to many of those companies that styled suddenly easily on that day they said nobody failed of selling and testing with him down so as we speak, these really speak every one's no, we're getting each going finish. and the fact that each route is that the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes nothing. yahoo success may be better, maybe was but it's the one has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing, you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of chase. frank assessments, how has relations declined between them is uh and the united states of america. the
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crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story on al jazeera, the despite it's a police crackdown on student protests, demonstrations and support a protest on growth across the us and around the world. the con, carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from the also coming multiple is ready attacks on southern gall, so leave at least 9 people that meeting. so i'm gonna send you an incentive. oh jenny, what journalists from all over the world are gathering to discuss their survival. i
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mean, unprecedented to those covering everything from wars to the environment. i'm talking slowly in my mind.


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