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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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x plus, what's the future for tick tock to the american boxes. cancel the costs without a 0. my lie. you mention ease the ice on our which is here the . despite to please correct that on student protests, demonstrations and supports of protest, i grow across the us and around the world, the ontario it's on. so this is out of costing life from also coming in. reference southern garza is very strikes can at least 90 plus 1500000 space to experience a show thing in the city. the ground operation they would bring catastrophe on top
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of catastrophe. un officials, one against on these very ground, the sofa on the ground. and say that northern cancer is facing a full blown stomach, plus i'm just seeing human incentive. oh jenny, what journalists from all over the world are gathering to discuss their survival. i mean, unprecedented french to those covering everything from wars to the environment. the beginning, the coverage in the united states with student protest and that sort of balance with palestinians of gaining momentum spreading across the u. s. and around the world that demanding an end to israel. is that a 7 month war on gaza? welcome. 2400 the testers have been arrested on campuses across america. place in new york have removed students from install a diety and competence at new york university. many of the students were asleep
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when the raid began to raise a boat reports from new york. the during tab meant at new york university was we moved by the police early friday morning. but in the afternoon, the students took their protests back to the campus because i am so angry at the city of new york and the government of the united states, which has basically taken a position of repression and violence against the students. just for protesting, just for raising their voice, since they are facing such incredible violence for standing up for their rights and for standing up against it. and the students were joined by hundreds of people who marched around downtown, new york, demanding and then to the war. them guys and to us military aid for as well. but not everyone was happy. a several men approached the protest stairs and accuse them of being how my supporters here are trying to maintain or come in.
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i think you'd be trying to prove that people are surrounding him with me in order to prevent an explanation of students who are angry. at least 12 pro palestinian students were detained in 2 campuses in new york city. on friday, they were taken one by one for the police, the eviction was a success. most of the students were accused of misdemeanor and trespassing. a good operation. no one got hurt. no incense, bold institutions, a happy. we're happy and we're moving on. but people here are not a few blocks away. students, him, protesters gathered for actual by square. they want to use that you wish day of rest to send a message of peace and co existence. students here believe the fighting in justice and vowed to continue on the streets demanding and then to the war city. so
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we'll just see that new york as well. some of the biggest protests on the west coast were broken out this week at the university of california. los angeles, but a similar encounter which is gaining ground, the university of california, irvine. philip was that he sent us this report. i have seen here a week now, and they're not planning on getting any west suits and less talks with a university all successful. this is use of volume, it's about an hour's drive south of ally protests is living in this accompaniment k on night to man. things like the others, the university type best from companies supporting israel and cooling for a ceasefire, and israel's will on casa. this process started on monday, a few days after the launch of what you see. i like, hey it, they've been active talks with the officials. i'm like, they weren't like that protesting, peacefully desperate to make sure there is no violence like we saw a bad lights on tuesday when it's really supporting counselor,
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protest is. it's not so peaceful to display works on metal objects. a police during the account like they did. i do see i like but nothing is guaranteed . i know you guys are in touch with the protests that were you say like what do you make of what we saw that? and could that happen here? we are in contact with them and they actually did warn us. they told us gear up on protective gear, get a face feels goggles to protecting gloves, all that and sure it's a scary and it's horrible what happened. but our community support has been amazing and they have brought us all that we need and we are prepared. this process could be referred to as like sister protests to the one that we saw in los angeles because we're still within the use the system. although this is a night and day difference, whereas that you say like we have 3 to 500 processes in that campaign. yeah, the number is new, but to 30 to 40. also we saw about 5 minutes that you see i like this here. we
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haven't seen any that could be because this area is demographically, it's quite different. the volume has a large muslim population, which probably means most support, unless the likelihood of large numbers of count of protests is tied up. that's different to ally which has a much larger jewish. i'm pro, is ready population. and the may have, has told the police not to go in. they can work this out. and no matter how long it takes you negotiate what they're teaching. these kids that are standing up for piece right now is that if you don't get your way, you fight your way through and that's something they're fighting against. and so they go on camping, here is c as a small sacrifice, compared to what the people of casa, are experiencing, the volume that you see right besides, they've reached an agreement with the officials, according to the university of their account with will close by the end of day friday, i hope without head to but only if that demands a match. fill of out, i'll just say right, you see a vine in orange county, california,
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the university of michigan, the health graduation sermon is despite the continued protest action. for more than the week, the university has managed to maintain a peaceful dialogue with its students, stonehenge, and reports from an all. but this is the protest encampment at the university of michigan where demonstrations continued on friday as smaller and graduation ceremonies occurred. we talked to one of the professors who was attending one of those ceremonies, professor derrick peterson. here's what he had to say. and it's usually a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain and break up the cabinets. that is served the purpose, really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it. that what if anything, universities should be provoking informing and driving public discussion and not in
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a sort of imposing a top down view of consensus, an order, the counselor and administrators dreams about what he had. diversity ought to be. students are full of ferment and opinions. there, they've got agendas from a variety of points of view and it's important that universities would honor that diversity and not try to for the big graduation ceremony. here at the university of michigan happens on saturday. that's where an 8000 graduates will be celebrated by a crowd of over 60000. to get into that ceremony, they'll have to go through sport, stadium, style, security, and volunteers have been appointed to make sure there are no disruptions in the crowd. whether there are any disruptions we'll find out on saturday. john henry and l g 0. ann arbor, michigan. student protest have also spread to europe. french police removed at least 50 people occupying also the seals, po university. from when a tasha buckler sent us this report, now the french police into powers whose prestigious seals pro university campus to
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remove thousands of students who staged in overnights fits in school for an into israel's war and gaza offices to the students outside before allowing them to leave the area in small groups, most remained defiance. i don't know how system on well the minds are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic, an economic legs between our university and those in israel. because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strike, others with drawing, but the director said isn't changing nothing. in another part of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all the old building. the students are here to show. he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce will say, say it's growing police repression on university campuses. they cannot, as soon as there is a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have
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a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived, at least quickly, intervene to restore. com for monday university students are expected to assist exams. it's on clear if that will be possible if the protests continue. and so now the students say they have no intention of backing down. and so i should butler, which is 0 power the, the head of the u. n. well, food program says northern gauze or is not, are experiencing a full blown famine. she says, thousands of palestinians are starving off to more than 6 months of war. is route continues to restrict the slow fee amount of time and aid by land and sea into the
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gaza strip. united nation says you in, convoy carrying aid from jordan to the gaza strip was attacked by it's very centralized when it passed through the occupied westbank. this is very a tax on the southern city. a rafa have killed at least 9 palestinians. several others were injured in taken to hospital or the other into 6 children were also killed off. it is rarely a tax on the home in eastern rafa. pain all, how about the shep we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children, an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey a message. what is the fault of these children? what are they done to have the building bumper? 3 rockets. what did they do? the children were sleeping. sure of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand. what did they gain? will they do to us is on faith and forbidden. west coast now to honey mac, mood,
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who joins us from rafa in the southern goes a hunting. what more can you tell us about what's been happening as well? well, despite the, the talks of ongoing, the progress made in cairo for the potential seas fire, there's really another stories here with no signs of of slowing down the tops across the street board. then it up in the, the constant artillery shilling or the, the presence of the drones across the uh, the overcrowded drum city. and the central area are really causing great deal of intimidation and forcing people into a great state of panic. just given the on how on a predictable the situation could have. busy within the coming hours, the overnight attacks that caused the, the, the murder of the 3 people inside a residential home. they've been filtering, and one is a local resident and the 2 other people are evacuated. those are just part of
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a displaced family coming all the way from the northern parts and ga, the city i've been in reference to the for the past months. and since the beginning of this word, the attack on this residential home already, not only causing the 8 civilian casualties, but also forcing people into more internal displacement of this, the pattern that we've seen within the past months, the intensity of the tax across the city forcing people to be on the move uh several times it from one place to another. just one more proof and i've been larger, consistent with what people have expressed, that there's no safety place across rock city, including the areas where people work towards the evacuated because it is safe. meanwhile, in the central area is really military continue to strike the refugee camp nearly the northern parts of enough and the site on this particular area. all of the roof is you can was under heavy bombardment of these really military and it's the ground
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forces invaded it over the past, the 3 weeks to spend at least 5 days of aggressive attack. this for vast majority of public facilities that infrastructure and more of their residential homes. some of the people who in that particular area evacuated all the way to rough i city, ended up either in the exact oceans on, in the last the orange parts. over on the part of the strip, more strikes targeting residential homes and remaining public facilities. you know, as a to neighborhood and further to the north of garza city. that's it. generic jamalia town and jamalia refuge account. okay. honey met mood. thank you very much indeed for that. update that for you and is warning that as rose sand minutes we have sold on the rafa could lead to large numbers of civilian debts. and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians are colleagues from unicef worn that have ground operation there would bring
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catastrophe on top of catastrophe. for some 600000 children, the agencies executive director catherine russell, said that nearly all the children living and rough are either sick. it are either injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized for living with disabilities. meanwhile, the world health organization reports that have the 12 hospitals and causes that are still partially functioning. 3 are in rough up w h o says that those facilities will quickly become non functional if there's a military incursion into alpha. either full scale military operation, ralph, or could lead to a blood bath. these ready military has demolished a house with some people spit inside town north of to car mean occupied. westbank is where the forces had surrounded the building and ordered its occupants who they accuse of carrying out the shooting attack in november to come out. they say the men inside killed a soldier last year. i was on this or need it was because of gathered in cities capital for the eunice got welled, press freedom,
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a conference published and engine this reporting on as well as for goes at one. this is talk tries, well that's in america editing to see a name and reports from santiago. he's standing ovation as the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced. a collective award honoring the palestinian journalists covering the war wrong does. none were able to come in person facing the pool while the paint, the much one of the recipients. i'll just see here is guys a bureau chief wide. i do sent a message of appreciation. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bombs before he himself was targeted and nearly killed. he says palestinian journalist and guys need justice and protection. i mean him know for via they can not do the job. so these are the mortgage feeling that these himself could becomes a news or becomes
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a headlines instead of being the ones that are pushing videos. how about they need to do this? at least 143 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. making that the deadliest conflict in modern history from members of the profession. but palestinian journalists are not alone. many others have targeted around the world in community as your to between 201-820-2383 generous were murdered in latin america. i love these figures which are chilling and check, whole list to action. i only supposed by the more than 100 gen list roots in the motor and gone. so this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalists covering the environment. the numbers don't lie according to in your report, commission by unesco, the number of attacks against the journalists who are specifically coming in by and has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. this includes physical attacks as well as
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murders. and this at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented climate crisis, nobel peace of laureate and journalist monday as nessa believes that the biggest threat to press freedom is gonna be the pollution and power. big tech companies, big tech, has by design, distributed lies, leaves with peer anger and 8 faster and further than journalism, it's used to attract journalists. it's used to tear apart, right? that's the foundational corruption, the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalist to be held accountable. the one that the prevailing system of impunity serves as a blank check to kill the messenger c and human al jazeera santiago. what's the head off to the brain? a farm, and east of democratic republic of congo hills at least 9 feet. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i ask how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes with nothing, you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments how to relations decline between them is uh and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners, and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, 11 days that ended more than 60 young life. in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the israeli bombing. 3 years ago.
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the 11 daisy may hold out just their the challenge is here with the the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking back reminder of our top stores this place in new york had been removing
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students from an encampment to new york university. for the 2400 people have been arrested across the us since student protests against as well as 1000 began a few weeks ago, is very a tax on the southern city raft that has chose at least 9 palestinians. an attack on a residential building killed sweeping. some of the others were injured, taken to this very minute treat has demolished the house. people still inside town north of to car pod westbank is where the forces had to choose to solve defensive turning out the shooting event to nations. some of us have condemned an attack or displacement happen. eastern democratic republic of congo, at least 12 people were killed in 31 injured us state department says the attack came from positions held by roland and forces on the m. 23 rebel good. fentenol that has more confusion and panic. after shells struck
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a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo, an armed conflict and forced these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping. we started dragging it as the bombs were fired at the cannon. the shells were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m . 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility and are blame each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camp, se artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the of the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning. and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation. hundreds of thousands of people of fled, the latest up surgeon fighting the u. n. and western powers accuser one, the backing of $23.00 fighters
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a charge one denies the years long calls like this part to humanitarian crisis. at this place, people run short on basic necessities. and as fighting continued to spread, their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. fence and monahan al jazeera of the canyon government says, ordered people living there, 178 damns to evacuate the homes authorities. a warning that continuing at heavy rains could see the dams and reservoirs of a float. catherine story reports now from the road east residents, most of the katie holmes, as soon as possible. leave me a revised in narrow b. this month says he has nowhere to go. i have nothing. i have no money. my salary is only due next week. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from
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wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon relocation look is, has been issued to or pass on leaving unplanned supplements within repeating hundreds, opposite long reverse streams and the water costs in kenya and neighboring towns. and you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights, the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that robi has been, was sent by pull drainage and illegally. bu settlement is some areas. the people who are leaving near the narrow be done say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down, it doesn't look like march. it's covered by what the highest sense for when it or bus news the what comes to that,
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how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move to a field adjacent to the dom. delta fernando, at wherever we go and is a government where people told us to pack up our things, we have done that we have children. so what's next door to she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine slowly onto sierra ruby have a right and flat thing and southern brazil of kills at least 59 people. 70 others. i'm missing 4 days of damn, pools of forest. more than 10000 people from the authorities of declared a state of emergency for all trumps long time advisor and former white house official hope picks has testified to new york court and the former president's hush money trial. hicks told of jerry about the full out in trump's interest who joined the 2016 election campaign. a softer video was released to showing him bragging
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about touching women inappropriately. trump is on trial for concealing a payment from a to an adult film actress during the campaign, eventually to stop it from making their relationship public. besides the charges all physically motivated, as he said, this is right, they should be wasting time when they do so many people. in the meantime, you can do anything less because they're always under see police and canada have arrested and charged 3 people over the merge of a permanent seagly. the last yeah. the shooting dead. all, all the but seeing the job damage ties between india and canada. growth in jordan because mass government ambushed and killed hardships in nature outside the
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secret temple near vancouver, where he worshiped in june 2023, 11 months later, canadian police announced a break and the case. i am here today to announce that we arrested and charged 3 individuals for 1st degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in relation to hardy majors homicide need on an indian born canadian citizen, was a leader of a group demanding a separate seek homeland in northern india. for that, the government of prime minister now rendering moody had designated new jar a tower wrist. but when canadian prime minister adjustment rudo accused modi's government, applauding new jars, killing ties between the 2 countries, disintegrated diplomats were expelled from both countries. and canada called off trait talks even so the canadians say there was some cooperation with their indian counter parts during the investigation. i would be frank out, correct. got characterized that collaboration as rather challenging and difficult.
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uh for the last several years, authority say more people could be arrested rosalyn jordan l g 0 small analysis era dot com. the weather is next to the inside story look. so the generational divide in the us is rose on gotten 2 statements, the, the hello, it's brightening up nicely. now with cross the radiant peninsula, please guys. now coming back through. i like to spell it. right, right. well, a stormy weather that's in the process of pulling out of the way fast. i can still bring a shower to run by right around kata briefly, and then it will ease out to the why. still a few showers into i mine into a human for a time, something positive savvy, but essentially it's forming up in the be all going to see more in the way of hazy sunshine,
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sunshine to just around the southern parts of the bank. but further north, we got some great risk when speeding some very heavy showers in to west and past of syria into ducky and those shallow slipping down into 11 on as we go on into sunday . it will stay dry. the just around a gauze of we are going to see temperatures into the mid twenties. it allows you to our costs, know the positive advocate, $1.00 or 2 shells just around it. that's it, that we have got a few showers along the spouse, the price seasonal range showing that had to go southern past or west africa, but nothing too much to speak of. finding a shout was continue across uganda and also west and pops of kenya. and then notice we have this intensifying tropical sideway, making his way towards times in the really heavy right, and also some damage. he wins
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the the enjoy your free speech. the us how speak of faces anti war protesters at columbia university poll suggests an increasing number of young americans, assigning with palestinians. so what's behind this generational gap in the us response to the war on garza, this is inside storage. the


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