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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite the $7.00 magnitude strings at the old quaker, the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is disaster prepared this, including strict building the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on monday inside. this is the news life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes round operation there would bring catastrophe on top of the catastrophe. un officials one against then is rodney ground, assault on rafa and say that north and gaza is experiencing a full blown fireman. is really strikes can at least 9 people in rough uh, with
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a 1000000 and a hoff displays. hollow, simians, all shouts spring. is there any forces demolish a home in the occupied westbank while some suspected fights is what? in size. and despite the police crack down on the student, protests, demonstrations against the war on guns and continue to grow across the u. s. on around the world, the ahead of the u. n. well, food program says northern garza is now experiencing a full blown fireman. she says thousands of palestinians, a starving offset, more than 6 months of wool, as well as still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the gauze and strip. at least 31 children have died of mel nutrition. i'm the hydration in gaza because of the a blockade or well, the un is warning the israel's
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a planned ground assault on rasa could lead to large number of civilian deaths. and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians are colleagues from unicef, one that of ground operation there would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe. for some 600000 children, the agencies executive director catherine russell, said that nearly all of the children living and rough are either sick. it are either injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized or living with disabilities. meanwhile, the world health organization reports that have the 12 hospitals and causes that are still partially functioning. 3 are in rough up w h o says that those facilities will quickly become non functional if there's a military incursion into alpha. either full scale military operation, rough or could lead to a blood bath. it was rarely a tax on the southern city of rough. i have continued and killed at least 9 palestinians. several others were injured. taken to hospital alia on friday,
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another. and his 6 children were killed. often it's rarely attack on that home in rough time. that's good to honey must need. he joins us from rough by himself and gauze that honey. so the attacks on rasa continue. what is the latest way you are? the yes, well, despite the detoxing kyra about a potential ceasefire deal, these really military is showing no signs of slowing down the attacks. and the, there is more of the ongoing, the threats of expanding the in the ground invasion throughout a city just further causing the state of panic and fear that people don't know where to go after the rubber has been the last refuge so far for the past 7 months for 1500000 displays palestinians old cornered. in this a small part of the gaza strip. a tax continued to happen to throughout the week that within the past weeks that there is
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a pattern of directly targeting families inside residential home. the overnight attack of a residential home is let's do the, the murder of a 3 people inside a residential home. they've been filtering, and one is a local resident or from rough i city to others were sheltering inside this particular house, the coming all the way from the northern part of the gaza strip. and they ended up and drove out because they were full to evacuated. here to avoid being bombed into northern part where there's really military announced that as a combat zone, only to die here. mean why this is really military, continue to strike the rapids. you comes in the central area, mainly we're talking about the kinds that has been a major sights of relentless attack of drones and ears strikes and also con. so normally none stops artillery, selling millions, the northern part of the service, and in the area between why do you, does that and the refuge account itself for the northern part of the district,
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mainly in the southern part of garza city and the northern parts of the city itself, more of us talks targeted public facilities and residential buildings. that's what we're hearing from people on the ground. and does the people have been moving from one place to another just to fleeing the horror of these non stop constants, error strikes, or a killer silly of these particular a that really we're talking about. they couldn't river hood as well as the know the parts of garza city all the way to devalue. yeah, the refugee camp and about the town i just within the past a half an hour reports of a tax on the eastern part of han eunice city. there's really military at its expense, at least 4 months inside con, you own a city on when it left at withdrew from day and left a trail of the destruction that was station auto devastation of all social service . the facilities and old means of life in the city is turned into a pile of ruins, but it's still that did not deter it is really
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a monitor from continued the bond remaining residential buildings and public facilities that they spent part at all feeds into one strategy of continuing to establish this buffer zone that these really military announce that it was intended to establish it at the initial weeks of this war. already eating up a major parts of the eastern part of the gaza strip and its further shrinking the size of a really small, densely populated area. and honey, uh there's been another warning from the united nations about the fam and the full blown famine they describe. that's going on in northern gauze. i we know communication to the northern parts of gauze, a is guess. i mean, what is your understanding of the situation that of the way quite a catastrophic and within, within the past weeks, how the spread of famine has been the major cause of the death of more than 30 people, mainly from the vulnerable group,
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the children there also people with health complications then health problems inside remaining health facilities, but they enforce the hydration to enforce its tar vision. the, the deliberative blockade on the, in 3 of a human interior in a mentally food supplies water supply then and major survival items including middle supplies are the reason for what's going on. right now. in the northern part, it's just spreading widely. there the large number of people, mainly among children who are suffering from malnutrition, from our vision. if you do the ongoing intense bombing campaign that has a really further complicated the problem of delivering aides into the northwest part and according to director of units, it would describe that every it's try and not only in overcrowded rough, but it's worse than the northern part of the either injured or the being the mountain malnourished or they are suffering from the ongoing gets trauma that is
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affecting not only their physical health but also mental health. okay. thank you for that. honey must need that for us in ruffin southern gaza. this is really a talk on a school has injured a number of children in there. all by left. the been taken to i'll ask the hospital in central garza dozens of displays, palestinians with sheltering out that school, nearly 15000 children have been killed. an 8000 engine since school began. meanwhile, and the occupied westbank. these rarely military has demolished a house with some people still in side. it happened in the town of token of israeli forces surrounded the building and ordered its occupants who may accuse of carrying and attack in november to come out. i say the men inside killed a soldier last year. she didn't protest in solidarity with palestinians have been gaining momentum spreading across united
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states and around the wealth. students have been demanding an end to israel's nearly 7 months on gossip. it's a 2400 protests as have been arrested on campuses across america. on friday, police in new york, remove students from a solidarity and count and new york university. many of the students were sleep on the rates began. teresa by reports during compliment that new york university was removed by the police are leaving friday morning. but in the afternoon, the students took their protests back to the campus. i am so angry at the city of new york and the government of the united states, which has basically taken a position of repression and violence against the students just for protesting dress for raising their voices. they are facing such incredible violence for standing up for their rights and for standing up against. and the students were
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joined by hundreds of people who marched around downtown, new york, demanding an end to the war on guys and to us military aid for as well. but not everyone was happy. the secretary man approached the protest stairs and accuse them of being how my supporters here are trying to maintain or come in. i think then we've been trying to prove that people are surrounding him with me in order to prevent an explanation of students who are angry. at least 12 pro palestinian students were detained in 2 campuses in new york city. on friday, they were taken one by one for the police, the eviction was a success. most of the students were accused of misdemeanor and trespassing. a good operation. no one got hurt, no incense, bold institutions, a happy,
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happy and when moving on, the good people here are not a few blocks away. students from protesters gathered for extra last 4 years. they want to use that jewish day of arrest to send a message of peace and co existence. students here believe they're fighting in justice and vowed to continue on the streets, demanding, and then to the war city. so we'll just see that new york. well, some of the biggest protests on the west coast were broken out this week of the university of california, los angeles, but a seminar and comment is gaining ground at the university of california in irvine for lavelle. is there a scientist, this reports i've seen here a week now and they're not planning on getting anywhere i see and less talks with a university all successful. this is you see a volume. it's about an hour's drive south of ally. protests is a living and this incumbent day and night to man. things like the others,
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the university type best from companies, supporting israel and cooling for a ceasefire. and israel's will, and garza best protests started on monday, a few days after the launch of what you see. i like, hey it, they've been active talks with officials. i'm like, they were like, they protesting peacefully, desperate to make sure there is no violence. like we saw the lights on tuesday, but it's really supporting counseling for testers. it sucks the peaceful demo. display works on metal objects. a police store big the account. like they did, you see i like, but nothing is guaranteed. i know you guys are in touch with the procession stuff where you say like, what do you make of what we saw that and could happen here. we are in contact with them and they actually did warn us. they told us, grew up on protective gear, get face shields, goggles, keep protecting gloves, all that, and sure it's
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a scary and it's horrible what happened. but our community support has been amazing and they have brought us all that we need and we are prepared. this protest could be referred to as like sister protests to the one that we saw in los angeles because we're still within the u. c. system. although this is a night and day difference, whereas that you see a light, we have 3 to 500 processes and not comp here. the number is me, but to 30 to 40. also we saw about 5 minutes that you see i like for us here. we haven't seen any that could be because this area is demographically, quite different. the volume has a large muslim population, which probably means most support, unless the likelihood of large numbers of counts of protests is tied up. that's different to ally which has a much larger jewish. i'm pro, is rated population, and the may have, has told the police not to go and they can work this out. and no matter how long it takes you negotiate what they're teaching. these kids that are standing up for peace right now is that if you don't get your way,
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you fight your way through and that's something they're fighting against. and so they go on camping. here is c as a small sacrifice compared to what the people have. garza are experiencing the volume that you see right besides they've reached an agreement with the officials according to the university of their account with will close by the end of day friday. i hope without head to, but only if that demands a match. fill of out, i'll just say right, you see a vine in orange county, california. and the university of michigan, a graduation ceremonies have been held, the spied continued protest action more than a week. the school has managed to maintain a peaceful dialogue with his students, john 100 reports from an off. and this is the protest encampment at the university of michigan. we're demonstrations continued on friday as smaller and graduation ceremonies occurred. we talked to one of the professors who was attending one of those ceremonies, professor derrick peterson. here's what he had to say. and it's usually
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a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices to arrest and detain and break up the cabinets. that it serves the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. if anything, universities should be about for voting and forming and driving public discussion and not in a sort of imposing a top down view of consensus in order. the counselor and administrators dreams about what he had. diversity ought to be. students are full of ferment and opinions . there, they've got agendas from a variety of points of view, and it's important that universities would honor that diversity and not try to foreclose the big graduation ceremony here at the university of michigan happens on saturday. that's where an 8000 graduates will be celebrated by a crowd of over 60000. to get into that ceremony, they'll have to go through sport, stadium, style, security,
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and volunteers have been appointed to make sure there are no disruptions in the crowd. whether there are any disruptions we'll find out on saturday. john henry and l g 0 in arbor, michigan. students in europe are also showing this solar darcy with palestinians. french police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the ceilings, po, university, and powers. from one to tasha butler 7. this report, the french police into powers whose prestigious seals pro university campus to remove thousands of students who staged in overnight sits in school for an into israel's war and gaza. offices to the students outside. if for allowing them to leave the area in small groups most to remain defiance, i don't look at best most of setting up our system on well, our demands are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic, an economic legs between our university and those and israel because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we
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also have 6 students on hunger strike. others with drawing, but the director said isn't changing nothing. in another part of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all the old building. the students are here to show. he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce will say, say, is growing police repression university campuses. they cannot assume that there is a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived to these quickly intervene to restore. com for monday university students are expected to assist exams. it's on clear if that will be possible if the protests continue. and so now the students say they have no intention of backing down. and so i should butler,
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which is 0 power. but james, where he joins us. he in the studio in though he's director of the golf study center and contact university. good to see you again, materially. so what do you make of the fact that despite the crackdown we've seen on university protests in recent weeks, the movement just seems to be growing. or i think what's, what's to be seen is a great evidence that the, the failure of the is what 80 and the metacognitive which try to impose a different view on what's happening. and because the and the last a 7 months and the movement within the generation now between 18 and 20 years old, it says sign that all of this not at of all of the slogan is no longer accepted. there is a generation believe what's happening and as, as, as a genocide, cutting the civilian, it's obvious, killing woman is obvious, killing children is of use. no need someone to teach them what's happening because this is assigned to projection of the negative and the story. and this rule then
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this is that addiction of the many can administration policy. this is a, i think it's a, it's a, the was signal to buy them. and this ration, few months before the election that this a new generation which you made a long on. and voting does not accept your slogan another to a tool that may be the case, but do you think it's going to actually lead to any sort of concrete change? will it make a difference to the situation in the ground? will it bring the students what they want, the end of divestment between universities and is really companies. first of all, the change has happened because it, the crucial institution is no longer a platform to convince people of what you want. the people decide to say what they believe, and that's the change has done already. number 2, they may not achieve everything now to him, to, to force the universities, to change their, i would say, or nations with is what 80 institutions. but the, the id has been,
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or the scene has been put on the ground now. and the idea is being repeated many times. and they would be looked of doubts, a lot of suspicions about new future activities. they would be at the immunization to this kinds of activities so that the change has been done so, so far. just changing text, a little mature of how much delegation arrives in egypt today for what is being described by some as a dual di negotiations in terms of seized by what we've been here before. many, many times. do you think anything is different this time around? i think 1st of all, what we are talking about this demonstration at universities, these, these are a new phenomena. now we, we did not see it a few months ago. this is a new total pressure on the government's united states, u. k. france, germany, and those are important companies when it comes to the support, the resume, the popular opinion and view is changing, changing rapidly until the the war,
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mtv clinical disability is supporting dependents. penny is and has the whole idea of you know, that is what it is. a victim is changing. so all of this actually puts in the pressure on by that and this vision on the is what it is on other parties to, to move toward a ceasefire. sooner than data because the more they delayed, the more the job wouldn't be wides in between the tools that are to that is what elizabeth time or actually is a kid is, is, is acting as an aside because in terms of where things are on, on, on negotiations, my understanding is that the bull is currently and how much is cords of their reports that as well as given how much one week to agree to assist, filed the strike thing that they will launch a invasion in rough all the wise. but the worry for how much the cost is they might release all these hostages, but as well goes in anyway, i've been called official statements. we are, we are now seeing. and the last 24 hours part of the political push out on time us
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to pressure the leadership to give more concessions. i don't believe how much would it be to do to get any concession considering the number of the victims already the in because the end of the suction happens because they have a responsibility on accountability to what their own base. so i think there is a discussion now lives in details about she's probably out of we will, whether we put it on the the event or read this a bit to the goal without what dimensions. uh, i would say a long term seized by a, there are some details now they may need, they may need to what from us once, without with the mentioning it because we are gathering today from the, as long as the item you did that the government once a long time sees fired without mentioning this in the deep. and let's go with that with highlighting because they don't want to be embarrassed before it on a base as well. really interesting to get your perspective again, my name's wary at the director golf study center cutoff university.
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the canyon government has ordered people living near a 178 damns to leave the homes authorities. a warning but more heavy rains in the region could see downs and reservoirs overflow kept us so as to support the east residents must vacate the homes. as soon as possible, leave me a reba in narrow b. this month says has nowhere to go. i have nothing. i have no money. my salary is only due next week. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon relocation look is,
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has been issued to or pass on leaving unplanned supplements within. they pay under jobs along reverse streams and the water costs kenya and neighboring towns. and you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights, the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and illegally build settlements. in some areas, people leaving near the narrow be down, say the know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down, it doesn't look like march. it's covered by what the highest says, but when it or both news, the what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move a field adjacent to the dogs. you gotta look at delta fernando at wherever we go.
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and the government will, people told us to pack up our sinks. we have done that, we have children. so what's next? daughter? she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine solely onto sierra roby to okay. let's get bonus with dr. martin. we're changing. he's director of population health and environment at the canyon based health engineer. i'm or if he joins us live from library b. thank you so much for your time, sir. how unusual is it to see this amount of rain full in kenya? so i'm used to money. the very did the substitution. yeah. you know, keep this thing off of the funds. we just actually giggle the country roads. yeah, there's 3 months in school. so just the grades, notes on the cruise must come on. that's are supposed to be both the forms
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really big. so it's a big that's a good experience. right. as you were describing it out, as we heard in the package, it is the poor and the rule. people who are most at risk when it comes to this kind of a natural disaster that lady in the saying that she has nowhere else to go. uh, well, all the kind of impacts we talking about. uh there is of course, the issue of disease is that one. and indeed this is a big complex function because it's against their nightstands. and so trying to do the found the d in the box and then it goes must the dates of about 50 just one just at once 2 mortality to display. now i've been so country you know, in victor, this is 1st of the visa stuff for sure. we have cases for them. we
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expect, but tuesday to fix something. just monday, just didn't game and she's going to i'm going to talk to each other. this is a one you're, you're going to meet people. they're upset that they are going to need to as a speech process, which is impossible. so by the us to get in front of people in able to talk to somebody. ready or chevy, just before i keep sports. so when you're talking about nutrition, that's the other b, which is blinkers. click on this pretty soon the, the, i'm going to call you guys. right? i really appreciate your time. unfortunately, the connection, the sound connection to you wasn't a 100 percent clear, but i understand that just to what you were saying, dr. mountain maternity direct. if a population health and environment i'm ref, and then geo based in. all righty,
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thank you. thank you. now in the united states to be a storms bass springs, the houston area intensifying and already dangerous flooding in texas. officials devoted people living along the san jacinto river to leave their homes. they say those who don't move could be trapped for 2 to 3 days. in southern brazil, heavy rain and flooding of killed at least 39 people. 70 others are missing. 4 days of downforce have forced it. 10000 people from the homes. authorities have declared a state of emergency and floods and land slides of hits a mountainous region in central indonesia killing at least 14 people. the people in south center west, the province have been dealing with heavy rain since thursday of a 115 people have had to leave their homes. floods outlines lights caused by
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seasonal down pools. all common in indonesia still ahead on al jazeera explosion in the eastern democratic republic of congo kills at least 9 people on security has been increased in charge ahead of monday's presidential election. that opposition groups, according to the pole, to be postponed, the the hello, the web to us remain unsettled across the western positive here, but at least it will and it'll monitors it go through the next couple of days. we've got this cloud spilling in from the atlantic, couple of areas of low pressure. there's quite a nasty one here that's going to say this way i would towards the black sea. and another one just rolling in from the atlantic that will fade. but whether into
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spain and portugal, as we go through sash, they on into some basic se, increasing kind of rate coming through here into from's, up towards the low countries of it'd be best to find on the cards for some 16 celsius they're in london with some weather around, that is something of the improvement, at least in terms of those temperatures, won't be enough to scandinavia. i will tools the politics dates, i'm fine and dry, whether it's eastern parts, if you say that, whether that windy or whether just sliding in the across stuckey i what, what a sweet 6 way in across a good pos of best buy and puts cool. must even rain for a while. 53, remain a problem as well as your drive. meanwhile, across, know the parts of africa. few show us just around this. a harbor fading out of the way. plenty of shows across the coastal pot south, west africa, a little spotty as we go one into us sunday they all the never the less and noticed plenty of them around for temperatures into the forty's. the
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now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome. upfront. on out the same day shift is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence.
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the watching out is there a mind if i top stories this hour, the head of the u. n. world feed for grams is northern garza is now experiencing a full blown fireman. she says thousands of palestinians starving, often more than 6 months of pool, as well as so restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the gulf stream. in the okay, pod westbank, these riley military has demolished a house with some people still inside happened in the town of to correct. is there any forces surrounded the building? an old and it's occupants occupants who they accuse of carrying and attacking the
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members to come out and see them protest in solidarity with palestinian sol, gaining momentum, spreading across the united states and around the world. demanding an end to israel's nearly 7 months on guns. 2400 protesters have been arrested on campuses all across america as well. janice and media workers have gouges in chiles. capital for the unesco weld. press freedom day conference, palestinian douglas reporting on israel as void and gaza have one. this is tom price. last american has salisia, newman reports from santiago, he's standing ovation. as the we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize were announced. a conductive award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war wrong. does none were able to come in person facing the pool. while the 18th,
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the much one of the recipients houses here is guys a bureau chief. why i do sent a message of appreciation. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bombs before he himself was targeted and nearly killed. he says palestinian journalist and guys need justice and protection. i mean him low for one of the p a. they can not do the job. so these are the more bit feeling that these himself could becomes a news or become the headlines instead of being the ones that are pushing videos. how about then you do this at least 143 media workers, and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. making that the deadliest conflict in modern history from members of the profession. but palestinian journalists are not alone. many others have targeted around the world in the, in the community as your to between 201-820-2383 generous, were murdered, and less than america. i love these figures which are chilling and check,
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whole list of action. i only supposed by the more than 100 gen list roots in the motor then gone. so this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalists covering the environment. the numbers don't lie . according to a newer report commissioned by unesco, the number of attacks against the journalists who are specifically covering the environment, had risen, 42 percent in the last 5 years. this includes physical attacks as well as murders, and this at a time when the world is facing an unprecedented climate crisis. nobel peace, lori is an journalist, maybe i've missed the leads that the biggest threat to press freedom is the mean, the pollution and power of big tech companies. the tax has by design, distributed lies lease with fear, anger, and hate faster and further. then journalism, it's used to attract journalists,
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it's used to tear apart, right? that's the foundational corruption. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the one that the prevailing system of impunity serves as a blank check to kill the messenger. to see in human al jazeera, something i will. yes, go has also dedicated it's searching fast, weld press freedom data, jen is covering the global environmental crisis. you an agency says it's recording the killing of at least $44.00. janice, investigating environmental issues in the last 15 years. is report says attacks on environmental janice have more than doubled in recent news. many hosp the janice surveyed say they have been self some sense of fear of being attacked or pressured poverty on fees. a press freedom adviser at the international press institute. she
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says environment. we've done this all pushing my lives on the line in order to write the reports of interviews over full. did you want a list of our mentor? i'm a joiners around the world. and uh, and what we have found is that the level of pressure they're under their level of tax they're under, is immense. that of course, the attacks against environmental jointly join a list of broadly correlates with the general press freedom situation in different country. so obviously countries where we see more confidence stories in general, we would also see more attacks against environment to join a less. but indeed we also do see regional differences here in latin america. there is very much an issue with physical violence physical attacks. that is a problem very often from groups that work together little companies controlling the mining side door or the logging sector,
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and working together with organized crime organizations and united states and north america. part of europe, we see a lot of online impacts as one is attacks again, joe, and i need to call the climate protested piece of you've seen a lot of this in the, in the, in germany in particular in other parts of europe. so yeah, there are a regional differences, but the general approach to the general meeting is that these attacks, again, environments of the kind of majority are on the rise. and um, and in the know, you know, you know, you know, across the world the u. k. has announced a 2nd round of sanctions targeting is riley settlers. in the okey pond, westbank imagines are being imposed on full prominent fluoride and visuals. are assets and then you k a being frozen and they'll be bod from travelling to the country. will say when the target list of 2 groups, which have said they want to expel palestinians from the land. british government says there's been an unprecedented rise in is rarely secular violence in the past
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year. hello, sending questions in ok. pony's jerusalem, preparing for orthodox each to many say this is, celebrations, will be subdued because of the war on garza and the is ready restrictions come to salute troops, orthodox christians, and occupied east. jerusalem are preparing for the annual commemoration of what they believe was the resurrection. of jesus christ, like other holidays during israel's war on gonzo orthodox easter celebrations are scaled back this year. a tour guide tells us ordinarily this time of year would be the peak season for visitors. it should be loaded by people now, but simply due to the situation, we've got nothing. as opposed lot, i've got no words, nothing to do. and we're a surviving as much as we can. in previous years,
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the streets have been packed with thousands of people. now they are deserted, are typically around 862200000 children's are in the old city for orthodontics, east or celebrations. but like other holidays, this year facilities are muted over shadowed by the. busy are on gaza, palestinian christian say the war is into the only challenge they face. this is something they will celebrate. the only lights are monique, and we celebrate it with many uh, restrictions influenced by the is rarely police were worshippers in the christians . we will be able to reach the church as we used to do in the, in the past this year, no palestinians from the occupied westbank, oregon's a strip will be allowed into the city to pray. but despite these really restrictions palestinian se they remain hopeful because easter is a celebration of new beginnings,
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have the central edges eat all occupied east jerusalem palestine. the united nations and the us have condemned attack on a displacement camp in the eastern democratic republic of congo. at least 12 people were killed in 31 injured. the us state department says the attack came from positions held by ones and forces and the n 23 arms group. vincent amount of hand has the confusion and panic after shells struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo armed conflict and force these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping. we started dragging it as the bombs were fired at the can. that the shells were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides and i responsibility and are blaming each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camps,
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they artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the of the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning. and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation. hundreds of thousands of people of fled, the latest up surgeon fighting the un and western powers. accuser, wanda, of packing m. $23.00 fighters, a charge one denies the years long calls like this part to humanitarian crisis. at this place, people run short on basic necessities and as fighting continued to spread, their increasingly finding that nowhere is safe fence and monahan al jazeera russian troops of entered a military base in his uh way, us soldiers stationed mich, as government had all the americans to leave following a qu last year, where you're
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a secretary of defense lloyd austin says he's confident his troops all thanks. i think you know that everybody's running. one we're at 4 inches is, is a new sherry and the air force base that is co located with a international airport in a capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and this is something that, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, i'm a safety and protection of our troops, something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection security has been increased across charge as a nation for pass for monday's presidential election. several position members have cooled for a boy called to of the votes for which only 10 candidates have been approved to run it interest reports from the capital in jemina political campaign see, and chad have reached
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a climax across the country. securities post office. just say you to remain so before, during enough time on this presidential vote. for us all forces have been mobilized in addition to other measures to ensure a violence free election. they will secure the electoral process to allow champions to exercise their civic duty to the presidential election is expected to transition chad from military to civil disputed referendum in december, military dom, how much took over after his father, long term lead address. debbie was killed on the bottom fronting printer doing his candidacy, drew criticism from the opposition. the campaign has been largely peaceful, but it's what happens after the election that water is most charged and there is always fear that something bad will happen after each election. i hope it doesn't have to happen this time. so some of the people were killed in the run up to the
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election including violence that led to the debts and the rest of opposition because at the end of february, many chad. yes, i'm looking forward to this election just as some say they're staying away. those suppose through the vote in says the process of producing candidates is slow. as a result, some groups are calling one charges to buy. the electronics commission says preparations for the elections. a complete, this is a false graphic. we believe after the electronic constitutional order will be restored and the security situation will improve a great deal. ok. but to get to the main opposition party says they must be an acceptable for you and fair process. what the people of champion decide is going to be what everybody should ask. this is what we are pushing for. and this is going to be, i hope, the case to making sure that for the 1st time of our history, it's turned into a lot of controls that need
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a looming lodge of what they say election is concerned about security. in april, the judge in government demanded a small group of american troops stationed in charge. leave the country. that decision would likely leave a void in its flight against i'm because like i so, and book or many people here see the boat as crucial to put chide on the path of reconciliation. if it fails, they say the country could be punched farther into political and such as how many degrees, obviously the given organ transplants are becoming more common in ukraine as a direct result of the war. previously, many patients would travel to russia for the procedure, but since the invasion in 2022 ukrainian hospitals happen force takes the capabilities with over a 1000 procedures completed since 2022 john home and has moved from k. even a warning. his report includes images of open heart surgery such as well
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could keep medical clinic number one. they've recently carried out 5 multi organ transplants. that would have been on thinkable a few years ago. but 2 things have changed, and ukraine, which have jump started organ transplants here. because it's been in the 1st a new little from 2019 to establish the legal framework for them. and the 2nd will it many, many people who previously would have had the procedures in russia or bella roost. now by post though, countries didn't have that option anymore. ukraine's transplant sector had to expand a boom boom, out necessity in just the 1st 3 months of this year. there's been more than 130 a wooden trunk xbox phone, the 19 different medical institutions across ukraine. so when you think that about 5 years ago, the number was close to 0, that's a big change. below them is one of the latest ukrainians to benefit. so he so we didn't have such
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a platoon that is before it is very different now under you. when i tried hard programs and 2011, i would just move from hospital to hospital. now i'm getting grilled treatment. he had his trunk spun a week ago. soon he should be back home with his wife and his new hall. the more people are waiting an estimated 5000 ukrainians annually need a transplant. it's a major challenge for public health sick to that's only recently begun to provide to the adult and a totally, yvonne york headed the cardiovascular department here remains. boy and the we've got good feedback from patients. they see that transplants all possible that may be in ukraine. it's not necessary to go elsewhere for this that the results of good and patients survive. misled feeling sick to know little oppressions a successful. but you've got a still hurtful. you've come a long way from assume
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a region staying in a rented room in the capital, waiting for the coast. we have a trust because i don't have a choice, right? it's scary, of course, that seriously stair of hope. fear hoping that everything will work out of to all these go to national of medicines, keep his health going to his to at least that to is now possible. don't home and out to data. keith, the police in canada has arrested and charged 3 people over the matter if a permanent sink leader last year, the shooting death of how deep saying new john damaged ties between india and canada. and jordan has a story. mast gunman ambushed and killed hardships in nature outside the secret temple near vancouver, where he worshiped in june 2023, 11 months later, canadian police announced a break and the case i am here today to announce that we arrested and charged 3
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individuals for 1st degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in relation to hardy nature's homicide. need john, an indian born canadian citizen was a leader of a group demanding a separate seek homeland in northern india. for that, the government of prime minister now rendering moody had designated new jar a tower wrist. but when canadian prime minister adjustments, rudo accused modi's government, applauding new jars, killing ties between the 2 countries, disintegrated diplomats were expelled from both countries. and canada called off trait talks even so the canadians say there was some cooperation with their indian counterparts during the investigation. i would be frank out, correct. got characterized that collaboration as rather challenging and difficult. uh for the last several years. authority say more people could be arrested rosalyn,
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jordan l g 0. so hes on the out, is there a wide pockets? tom says it needs more long time. it's not funding this farm. receiving billions, load the to a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and perilous jungle. only land route to south america for migrants. city, the size of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for kansas families. it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on the jersey to examine its being active. today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus
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talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future by the prices for climate revolution. on alger 0. unique perspective, why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time. on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the total drums long time advise, and for the white house, official hope hicks has testified to renew your court in the form of presidents hush. money trial. hicks told the jury about full outs and trumps in a circle during the 2016 election campaign. that solved a video was really showing him bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on trial for concealing a payment, made to an adult film actress during the campaign is a vicious, vicious they should be wasting time when they do so many people.
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in the meantime, you can do anything. they have no time left because they're always out there. see it's august on has received the final bill in the face, $3000000000.00 international monetary fund loan. the government says it will give the economy a much needed boost for the a call reports that installed. and it's not as bad corinne. con ernst is living selling water about 40 rupees he makes are worth increasing. the less inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent. day laborers and traders like kareen say they're struggling all the available. i'm 74 years old and at my age, people rest at home. but unfortunately, still i have to work to feed my kids and i have to pay the utility bills which are going up day by day. while the government isn't interested in our plate. pakistan has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the money has helped
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the country avoid default bring inflation down and increase its foreign currency reserves. but many pakistani said they are not seeing the benefits of the the internet. we are worried about the sky. it all, could you get a station look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. we kind of hold this. on the other hand, the government has voting money from the mess, but i haven't seen in my life, but it does help the poor people like us live and instead but in a small texas. so that'd be gone to you've agreed. prime minister should battery has been clear that pakistan is economy can't survive without another long term biomass baylash, which he hopes to get in the next few months. to do that, the government has been pressing ahead with i am f demands, including tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. the agency says reforms are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at this market and it's not about and across pakistan will likely take on those costs
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a for the a car which is 0. 3 and roll town in the northern philippines has resurfaced stopped. it was the marriage for the construction of the rest of the law. 50 years ago, months long droughts and extreme heat and waste and weeks has dried up, put them on below. it has the story. the concrete ruins of a centuries old town. very much still in place after half a century underwater since. but the behind in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build a reservoir. it's resurfaced a few times, but never this early in the year in this long. that the like it the, when the dams, water level drops, we usually see the cross but only the cross. now it's an entire area of the town, including the symmetry in both. it's a dry season in the philippines, but experts say climate change is aggravating. the effects parts of the country i've seen record heat in recent weeks,
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and the all new winter pattern has lingered for months without the it hasn't rained within the war to shed areas about dams. and in addition to that war to evaporate, it's quicker because of the extreme heat. one unintended benefit, however, has been a growing number of tourists. while the tunnel from the bottom line is gaining world wide beam forts, reemergence from underwater local say they're not celebrating. because the dam doesn't have enough water to generate power and provide irrigation. and we, sonya gunter was 2 years old when the government moved the entire town by going to come in at the what, although i'm happy to be able to see my birthplace. i'm sad there because i worry about how this could affect our farmers. visitors are amazed but say they're just as concerned. team is now. it's really interesting, but it's also scary for, for the future. if it's a trend that's going to happen and going forward, it's gary for those who live around it right now,
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because it isn't just the remnants of the old town disappeared. but an entire patch of green and brown for water used to flow and boats, though abandoned, used to sail bonnet below al jazeera. but the been on the way of the philippines. i'll be back at the top of the, at the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a site and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it.
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the stream announces era of the . ringback the, there's a deliver it mission of house to mean humanity in western and it needs to be question. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past. in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon rain 1st to the arctic sea environmental generalists around the front lines. risking the lines to reveal the truth. as they continue to expose environmental issues
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and corruption, many have been talk. it's true together not support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st well dressed freedom day conference and 2nd to the 4th of may 2024. the adult p u n. official. one is a full blown famine in northern garza and says it's moving south the, i'm not inside the in, out here. it is life. and i've also coming up as early as strikes kid. that nice 9 people in the rough uh where 1000000 in the home displays palestinians all


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