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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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are now is the time to be direct creation of a humanitarian crisis is a tactic we do not is it was a policy that we have the was from us, particularly that was very upfront on out of the or the fan open fan and the north and it's moving its way south. so un official warns of the dies situation on folding in northern golf at walls, civilian struggle to find the i'm on the inside. this is out. is there a life from the also coming up is ready as strikes can at least 9 people in rough uh where 1000000 and the hall displays, palestinians are sheltering. joining forces demolish
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a home in the okey pod westbank while some suspected foxes were inside. and despite the police cracked down on seeing, purchased demonstrations against the will on gauze and continue to grow across the united states and around the world. the head of the u. n. world feed program says northern garza is now experiencing a full blown fireman. she says, thousands of palestinians all starving off to over 6 months of israel. meanwhile, still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the gauze was stripped at least 31 children have died of malnutrition. i'm the hydration in gauze that because of the a located of what i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north,
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and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports and various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it has always worked that way. i was rarely a tax on the southern city of russell, have killed at least 9 palestinians. several others were injured and taken to hospital alia on friday, another. and his 6 children, mo, was killed off his ready attack on that home in rough. uh, let's go to honey. my mood, who is with us in rough and southern gaza. honey, so the attacks on rock and continue. what is the latest way you are? you familiar? where as we expected, those will arrive to gather reviewing hospital from the tax on eastern con eunice
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goes with serious injuries have been have for now says dad, in the hospital because of the insufficient medical, this, of, and the serious injuries that this has stated from the attacks on the eastern part of hon. you is that the increasing the number, the total number from overnight attacks and dropped behind the central area. and the northern parts to 11 people right now is 2 more people i've been added to the last as the arrive to the hospital and pronounced dead by the medical staff. other injuries are still waiting for sufficient medical staff to intervene on a provide with the proper treatment to save lives. at this moment, there are more of over night attacks here and rough i city a residential home in the eastern part of the city, including a farm land. that's one block away from the same particular residential home that was target no injuries are reported or from the side of the farm land. but from the residential building, it's free. people were killed, that's
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a local residence from rough behind to evacuated. those been displaced the from the northern part and gauze, and fit in the central area emilio, the refuge account, the major side of attacks, of ongoing attack since the, the positive few if the pos to which one is really military, invaded the area and destroyed the vast majority of the public facilities and the residential building in the area, but a 3 me or people have been pronounced that were killed in the, in the say, right, refuge account for the northern part of this treadmill is they to a neighborhood. and the eastern part of garza city. also 3 people were killed and several other injuries reported to a transferred to a lively baptist hospital. despite all the talks right now of the progress made in cairo for the seas bar deal, we don't see any signs of slowing down right now. there's still a drones that i on and off within the past few hours in the area. there are also reports of more of these attack, drones and surveillance thrown in the central area and the northern part,
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no signs of slowing down. okay, thank you for that honey. my mood with that updates in rough and southern gaza. now one person has been killed in and is running right near took room in the occupied westbank problem. standing in red crescent says, is there any forces preventing medical crews from reaching the body during the incursion is riley forces demolished? a house in the town of did a goose and they say the house shelves to the palestinian fight to the killed a soldier last year. and that's good. his name is robbie. he is live in ramallah in the occupied westbank zane. so run this through exactly what has happened this morning. well, we're here actually just outside of tucker and ne of tucker him. where in the village just behind me there i'll go soon. there has been a raid ongoing for the last 12 or 13 hours yet another dramatic night for this
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region. what we know is that around a late afternoon yesterday there was a build up of israeli military vehicles and soldiers special forces around to look around. and around midnight last night they went into the village just behind me. and since then, that village has been under siege now, the special forces and the soldiers that went in seemed to have been targeting $12.00 story home. specifically. they opened fire the reclass as that ensued and they were targeting. what we understand were fighters related to how mazda a senior member of a must have confirmed to all to 0, that those fighters were part of a car some unit. now what we know is that they fired at least 10 shoulder mounted a weapons at that home. and what was left of it, they destroyed with a bulldozer hours after that clashes continued between us rarely soldiers and palestinian fighters. we know that at least one person was killed. we know that there were women and children inside the building when this raid was carried out. and so far there hasn't been confirmation of exactly how many casualties there have
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been. but we do know that drones or overhead we can hear them from where we are. and we do know that the re, the operation does seem to be ongoing at this point in time. so far, only one person has been seen to have been killed. we seen images of a body of one person outside the home that they targeted. and zane, i believe, has been an attack on a john list in the area. what can you tell us about that as well? what we do know is that they've been stopping ambulances from going in, and they've also been targeting the reporting, the news teams that are inside the village and carrying out any sort of news gathering that they can at this stage, you know, at least one new screw had their camera shots and, and damaged and we do know that they've been targeting, according to reports from the news teams on the ground inside the village, snipers, positioned on rooftops have been trying to 0 in on the news teams that are on the ground inside the village at this time. okay, thank you for that same buzz,
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rob you that for us in the occupied west bank. now is there any forces of also rated the town of bonding name which is just outside hebron in the occupied west bank military vehicle was could be seen storming the town and a number of his rarely troops have been patrolling the area raising the occupied westbank have been a nit nightly occurrence since israel's will on gauze again last october. she didn't process in solidarity with palestinians have been gaining momentum spreading across the united states and around the world. the students that demanding an end to israel's nearly 7 months will on the concept of a $2400.00 protesters have now been arrested on campuses across america, on fridays and eastern new york for move students from
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a solidarity in camps in new york university. many of the students were sleep when the raid again theresa by reports the during tab meant at new york university. was we moved by the police early friday morning. but in the afternoon, the students took their protests back to the campus. i am so angry at the city of new york and the government of the united states, which has basically taken a position of repression and violence against the students just for protesting just for raising their voices. they are facing such incredible violence for standing up for their rights and for standing up against. and the students were joined by hundreds of people who marched around downtown, new york, demanding and then to the war them guys and to us military aid for as well. but not everyone was happy, or several men approached the protest stairs and accuse them of being how my
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supporters here are trying to maintain or come in. i think then we've been trying to prove that people are surrounding him with me in order to prevent an explanation of students who are angry. at least 12 pro palestinian students were detained into campuses in new york city. on friday, they were taken one by one for the police, the eviction was a success. most of the students were accused of misdemeanor and trespassing. a good operation. no one got hurt, no incense, bold institutions that happy. we happy and we're moving on. but people here are not a few blocks away. students from protesters gathered for actual last 4 years. they want to use that jewish day of arrest to send the message of peace and co existence . students here believe they're fighting in justice and vowed to continue on the
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streets, demanding, and then to the war city. so we'll just see that new york now we had a corresponding honey mass. mood mentioned it earlier, delegation from how much has travel to cairo to discuss a cx, 5 day with mediators. the group is full to be studying the latest. is there any proposal for a c spot in a positive? none of us get move without correspondent in ok. potty stories from stephanie deca, so we seem to be getting leaks about a possible deal. what are you hearing of the yes, as you mentioned there they are leaks. so we have to quantify that saying that nothing official has come out yet. however, there are leaks in our media that's being picked up by the use rate of media as well that how mouth intends to agree, one of the leak saying to the 1st phase of the proposal. this is a proposal that is broken down into 3 phases. but all the or the saying that they
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will agree to the deal in general. of course, i must have had this proposal for about a week. now, there have been intensive negotiations behind the scenes of how i'm asked, questioning certain things in what seems to be in is where the counter proposal for reggie, the american saying that his role has made a generous offer generous concessions. putting the bowl firmly in how boss has court. this is how many of the americans really have been pushing for now. we also seem to, according to these weeks having american delegation, including the head of the c, i, a, in cairo, i think again, we need to be cautious. but where we are at is that a pivotal point in these negotiations, we've been waiting since wednesday night really for a response by how mass to this proposal. then it was thursday night, then it was the next 2 days. so it does fall within the timeframe that we are expecting some kind of final response. so we're going to have to wait and see. but why are we at a pivotal moment? because israel has made it clear that if there is not a cease fire, if there isn't
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a deal this time around, that they will go into the hall and stuff me. i mean, it's interesting that you highlight that point, but roughly because it's, it's not the 1st time we've had that sort of warning from the is riley's. i mean, how serious is that spread? do we do? we know the reality of whether they are going to go into rough or not a while i've been told into a source that is close to the negotiations and from what i've been told, if a deal is accepted regardless of what these ready, prime minister says and that is, that they will go into the alpha with or without a z o is that they will not go inside off if a deal is accepted. of course, what does get said publicly by politicians and what gets agreed upon privately under the table are often 2 very different things because they need to talk to their support base they need to. i'm prime minister netanyahu was under a lot of pressure from the extreme right in his government anyway,
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putting all that aside. but there is a real threat of these, right? he's going into it off of the americans are doing everything to stop that. the objections are doing everything to stop that. so what is different is that you've lucy and, and i think of these 2 allies, egypt and america. trying to avoid what would have been potentially a large scale ground of a invasion of it off. what you heard from honey that people in gaza are terrified. they've had this looming over their heads for months. we know people who have less the goal is that only because of the looming threat of it off by having to find money, i don't know how to get them and their families out. it is a terrifying ordeal for the people when we talk about the politics, but that's the reality. so these leaks now we're going to have to wait and see. i think we need to urge caution because anything could change at the 11th hour. i'm being told that there isn't a deal yet, but i think what is clear is that there are serious negotiations happening in kyra right now. and of course, when you know that the, the rest of the day tomorrow,
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perhaps we will get a sense of if there is going to be ideal or not. so these really are critical times at this point. ok. thank you for that, stephanie. that because i 1st in east jerusalem, so head on al jazeera going it alone with transplants amid the installation of more how conflict is propelling you cranes don't cause for it and evacuating with misery to come thousands of leaving flood head pods. can you as a country prices for spotlight, the the hello, we've got a little cloud making its way into window china, so hopefully that will just smoke the handle sized very high temperatures that we have seen recently. a little bit of weather coming for, you know, the south, the way where it's across the central and eastern parts of indonesia,
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over towards us all the way. see, have to was popular beginning the a 100 millimeters of rain. just making his way in here and still some pockets of very heavy rain here as we go through sunday. weather, continuing across mount shelves, malaysia, pushing further northwards live the showers. you can see some wet weather coming back in to vietnam. and as i said, that should help to just ease those temperatures down over the next couple of days, which is still less, as you can see as we go 13, monday. by monday we could also have a few showers sliding the way into the philippines. we've seen some very heavy showers recently into that eastern side of australia and to make this little clump of cloud, 17 millimeters of bright, this particular location in new south wales in the space of 24 hours surround the heaviest rank. but we've seen here for around 12 years, wetso weather will continue to just ease its way further east, which as we go through the remainder of the weekend early part of next week to increase the unsettled with effect risk for the east.
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the holding back you watching out. just a reminder of our top stories. this, our, the head of the u. n. world feed programs is northern garza is now experiencing a full blown famine. she says, thousands of palestinians, all starving offset, more than 6 months, as well as still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the cause of stress. in the occupied westbank, these rarely ministry has demolished a house, but some people still inside. it happened in the town of 2 grand charley forces surrounded the building and audited occupants whom they accuse of carrying and out and attacking the vendor. to come out, the canyon government has old and people living near a 178 downs to leave the homes stores. he's wanting more heavy rains and the region can see downs. i'm the rest of was overflow. katherine sawyer reports from norway
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be east residents. most of the katie holmes as soon as possible. leave me a revised in nairobi. this month says, is nowhere to go. i have nothing. i have no money. my salary is only due. next week. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made, was by the el nino with a phenomenon. miss rhodes told reports pain. dia, picture the rains with increasing both into ration and intensity for the rest of this month, and possibly after kenya and neighboring times. and you have seen
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weeks of devastating floods and launch lights, the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that ruby has been, was sent by pull, drainage and illegally. bu settlement is some areas people leaving near the narrow be down say the know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down. it doesn't look like march, it's covered by what the highest sense, but when it obe us news the what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move to a field adjacent to the dom, delta fernando apps where we go in the governmental people told us to pack up our sinks. we have done that, we have children. so what's next door to? she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine
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solely onto sierra ruby let's go and catherine. so issues lonely for us outside that them in our base. a counselor and bring this up to speed on the situation that of the yes and it rains very heavily. all night the math department had already warned us about that to them. you know, the officials have been updating people about, you know, the safety areas, places where people should go as well. and we have returns to narrow be dom, one of the area that has been affected. thousands of people have been told to. and you know, this rains have complicates, are complicating. i'm already a dire situation because a lot of people here are saying that yes,
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they want to of up to 8. they want to go to safety. but it's a problem because they have not seen any government presents. they haven't seen any government officials who have come to tell them that this is where we are relocating you to us. so we so a lot of women, they had the broad closed the property, the children as well. and the ways had all nice all day. uh, to get this relocation and when it came uh at night they had to go back to that homes now when it rained last night, this is the situation that you see people, some of the people are still in the homes. they say that they have nowhere else to go with that. the dumbass, if you can just pan a to a there, this is the outlet, the what size? very serious. um and you know,
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the people who are here are saying that this is something that they, this is something that they deal with on a daily basis. and yes, the ones to call back, they want to go to a safe place, but they don't have money to relocate and they're still waiting for the government to move them to somewhere else that is safe as okay, thank you for that catherine. so a that for us in already in the united states, severe storms of bathroom, the houston area intensifying um, already dangerous flooding. and texas officials to vote. and people living alone, the sun just into river to leave the homes. they say they don't move, could be trapped for 2 to 3 days in southern brazil. heavy rain and flooding have killed at least 39 people. some of the others are missing. full days of down pools of forest move in 10000 people from that homes. authorities have declared
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a state of emergency and funds and land slides have hit a mountainous region in central indonesia killing at least 14 people. people in the south west. the provence has been dealing with heavy rain since 1st day. old and a 115 people have had to leave the homes seasonal down. pause on, coming in indonesia. the police in canada have arrested and charged. 3 people over the mazda of a permanent sink need to last year. the shooting death of haul deep seeing the job damage ties between india and canada. crossing jordan has this update. mass government ambushed and killed hardships in nature outside the secret temple near vancouver where he worshiped in june 2023. 11 months later, canadian police announced a break and the case. i'm here today to announce that we arrested and charged 3
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individuals for 1st degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in relation to hardy nature's homicide. need john, an indian born canadian citizen was a leader of a group demanding a separate sick homeland in northern india. for that, the government of prime minister, no rendering moody had designated any jar a terrorist. but when canadian prime minister justin true, the accused modi's government applauding new jars, killing ties between the 2 countries, disintegrated diplomats were expelled from both countries and canada called off trait talks. even so the canadian said there was some cooperation with their indian counterparts during the investigation. i would be frank out, correct. got characterized that collaboration as rather challenging and difficult for the last several years. authority say more people could be arrested. rosalyn,
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jordan, l g 0. organ transplants are becoming more common in ukraine. previously, many patients would travel to russia for the procedure. but since the war you courtney and hospitals have been forced to expand that capabilities. john holman, has moved from caves and just a warning. his report includes images. some viewers may find distressing. a search as well could keep medical clinic number one, they've recently carried out 5 multi organ transplants. that would have been on thinkable a few years ago. but 2 things have changed, and ukraine, which have jump started, organ transplants here, has been in the 1st a new little from 2019 to establish the legal framework for them. and the 2nd, the rule, it met many people who previously would have had the procedures in russia or bella roost. now by post though, countries didn't have that option anymore. ukraine's transplant sector had to expand a boom boom,
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out necessity in just the 1st 3 months of this year. there's been more than 130 a wooden trunk xbox phone, the 19 different medical institutions across ukraine. so when you think that about 5 years ago, the number was close to 0, that's a big change. below them is one of the latest ukrainians to benefit. so he, so we didn't have such a platoon that is before it is very different now under you. when i tried hard programs and 2011, i would just move from hospitals to hospital. now i'm going to include l treatment . he had his trunk spun a week ago. soon he should be back home with his wife and his new hall. the multiplan waiting, an estimated 5000 ukrainians annually need a transplant. it's a major challenge for public health sector that's only recently begun to provide for the adult to an a totally. yvonne york headed the cardiovascular department
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here remains. boy and the we've got good feedback from patients. they see that transplants all possible that may be in ukraine. it's not necessary to go elsewhere for this that the results of good and patients survive. misled feeling sick to know little oppressions a successful. but you've got a still hurtful. you've come a long way from assume a region staying in a rented room in the capital, waiting for the coast. we have a trust because i don't have a choice, right? it's scary, of course, that fear is ms. tara pope. the fear of hoping that everything will work out of to all these go to national of medicines, keep his health going to his to at least that to is now possible. don't home and out to data. keith, a pockets don hasn't received the final 1000000000 of a $3000000000.00 international monetary fund loan. the government says that will give the economy a much needed boost fairy
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a call reports that installed. and it's not as bad. corinne can earn, says, living selling water about a few rupees he makes, are worth increasing. the less inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent day laborers and traders like kareen say they're struggling all the available. i'm 74 years old and at my age, people rest at home. but unfortunately still i have to work to feed my kids and have to pay the utility bills which are going up day by day. while the government isn't interested in our plate. pakistan has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the money has helped the country avoid default bring inflation down and increase its foreign currency reserves. but many pakistani say they are not seeing the benefits of the, you know, i've got the internet, we are worried about the sky. it all, could you give the station look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. we kind of for this. on the other hand, the government has voting money from the mess,
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but i haven't seen in my life, but it does help the poor people like us live and instead, but in us of more texas. so that'd be gone to you've agreed. prime minister should battery has been clear that pakistan's economy can't survive without another long term biomass baylash, which he hopes to get in the next few months. to do that, the government has been pressing ahead with i am f demands, including tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. as the agency says, performs are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at this market and it's not a bad and across pakistan will likely take on those costs for the a car which is here. how does the new christians in ok, bodies stories of them all preparing for orthodox east us. many say this is celebrations. will be subdued because of one cause a is there any restrictions on destitution?
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orthodox christians and occupied east jerusalem are preparing for the annual commemoration of what they believe was the resurrection of jesus christ. like other


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