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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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to court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing beyond this ghost, nothing yahoo success, it may be better, maybe was but it's this one has to address that suspended state with us for the latest developments on out just sierra the the hello. i'm about this and this is the news on life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes. there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south to talk to you and official ones of a guy as humanitarian situation unfolding in northern garza. while civilian struggle to find food. is there any strikes target, displace palestinians in rough time across garza, at least $32.00 people have been killed over the past $24.00. was much of guys are
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in the room and is it says find negotiations between israel and thomas, which a critical stage is very forces killed to palestinians from they accused of being fighters during a rate in the occupied by spanish and kidney. i'm evacuations with more misery to come thousands of leaving floods hit areas on the nation. braces for a cycle, and i'm far as fun with the sport. the dallas mavericks of advanced to the 2nd round of the n b a playoffs. they did it by eliminating the la clippers and games 6 of their series. the maps will face the oklahoma city center. now the sun gmc, we're going to start with the deteriorating humanitarian situation in gaza. that had a video on world food program says northern gaza is now experiencing a full blown farm. and she says, fuzz, as the palestinians are stopping,
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often more than 6 months of war. israel is still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid by land and sea into the straight. at least 31 children have died of long nutrition and dehydration and gaza because of age lucky. what i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire and the ability to have unfettered access. uh, to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the uh, in the, in the guys uh, it varies ports in various various k crossings. uh, but we, you know, it has always worked that way. is rarely a tax and the something is that you have it off. i have killed at least 9 palestinians. several others have been injured in taken to hospital and it brings the total amount of screens killed in gas over the last 24 hours to $32.00. another 41 people have been injured. we've got to go to hunting law clues. he's joining us
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not from profit in southern gaza, so as far talks going on in cairo, but the attacks continuing and off. what's the latest where you are, the palestinians across the gauze for rob are keeping an eye on the talks in cairo and hoping for a solid announcement for potentials. these fire data is going to save them from the horror of this ongoing genocide. the more but the same time the given during this intense bombing campaign did, according to a statement by the government media office. the video military committed at least 3 atrocities across the central area of northern parts. and here and drop by city. going up close to 32 people and doubled the number of the critically injured. the vast majority of them ended up in the northern part garza city in health facilities that are not prepared to intervene and properly and provide medical proper medical intervention to save life. here and drop off city where 1500000 displaced,
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palestinian been children for the past 6 months. 3 people and over night attack, killed one look of residents from the city and to be to displace individuals who are sheltering inside the resentment home. several other injuries, including women and children, transferred to on the job a hospital in the state hospital. so attacks on residential buildings caused the death of 3 people reported and transferred to a lock saw hospital. meanwhile, these really military continue to attack public facilities destroying infrastructure, 1000000 dates and part of the city and the northern eastern neighborhoods, including as like to a neighborhood were more public facilities and residential buildings. targeted, keep hurting people from one place to another, trying to seek shoulders and safety in different parts of gaza. city 9 people reported skilled and update that we had it into possible of ours that they were
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receiving it from gods. or if you're in a hospital, just those who transferred to gather if you're in the hospital within the past couple hours, you do talk from the eastern part of finding a city, fill them onto their ones, and pronounced it inside the hospitalized. they arrive with severe injuries and could not be saved by the medical stuff. and having another warning from you and about the funding in northern garza. but how about is the situation where you are we're quite catastrophic in this report by you and it's very consistent. what we have be reporting about within the positive role months of zane for is the hydration, the in force as far vacation as the direct by product of the ongoing and this bombing campaign, the, and the deliberate blockade and restrictions on the delivery of a to the northern part in gauze and city despite the fact there are 7 land the crossings, none of them is a function operational,
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improper re right now or efficient efficiently here in southern part of this trade brought by crossing operates at the lowest capacity possible. in fact, the number of aided trucks have been allowed into the doctor, not nearly enough when compared to the greater need the created by these difficult conditions you to the intense bombing campaign and the ongoing, relentlessly restrict in the northern part of the story is even more tragic, there is a deliberate prevention of 8 to be delivered to the northern part and all the city ongoing restrictions on the flow of a trucks. in addition, there is a deliberate prevention of certain survival items. nothing certainly needed there being excluded from these ada trucks to the point when compared to the, excuse me, the aid of products and arriving to galvan to know the part is not the kind of supplies that are needed by the people. most vulnerable groups are suffering including women and children. honey, thank you very much indeed, honey mama talking to us and we're off in the southern gaza. well, how much size?
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it's starting, the latest is really proposal for the cx 5 and i quote positive none of the groups allegations travel to kind of just to discuss the deal with mediators. we're going to get more in this for the correspondence, stephanie decker and occupied the eastern reason. so what more do we know about the talks and kinds of stuff? there's been so much speculation over the last week. a mazda, of course, has high discount a proposal by israel, which is backed by egypt, and the americans for a week or so. there's been intensive negotiations with some of the questioning certain items back and forth. we're now having leaks in the media that have mouth intends to accept. and specifically what they're saying at the moment is the 1st part of the deal. i have to stress these are leaks in the media. there is a delegation of how much in colorado at the moment, also from what we understand as an american delegation with the head of the c, i a, in cairo at the moment. so these leaks are indicating that for half time us will be
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accepting the 1st part of the proposal. we're going to have to wait and see anything can change. but we are expecting this to be the timeframe we were waiting for him. us initially it was said wednesday night, they were going to give their response and it was thursday night and it was in the next 2 days. so it is within this time frame. and i think at this point in time, we're expecting them to give a category, answer whether yes or no. and certainly that's something the americans have been stressing. they were keen to put people from me and how math is court at this point saying that israel has made with what lincoln called us actually of saint anthony blinking, generous concessions. but of course, we always have the sticking point with her mouth saying they want to full enter the war before and negotiation. israel says it won't agree to an end to the world. that's the public statement. both sides made of course, what gets agreed on price list lease between the negotiators is a different issue. so i think sometimes we're gonna have to wait and see in the
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next coming hours, perhaps 24 hours. what's going to decline? i just have one of those critical elements as of course the weather nobody is really military is going to carry out an attack in rafa and we've just been hearing some tiny there. the level of concern for, for health and the lack of humanitarian aid that's getting into that area. i would imagine people in the off i'm going to be watching this very closely in this of the yes, i mean we have our own friends and colleagues have been going into gaza for the best part of 19 years that have flood causes that try to get some money together because it's very expensive to leave because of because of the human in for us on that also wanting to remove their families that many people will tell you they would have stayed in goal is that even under the terrifying conditions if there's an alpha offensive hadn't been booming, so terrifyingly over their head. so politically, these are the prime minister maintains, and he said it next to blanket and that he's ready to go into the dealer know, deal of the american say that if there is a sci fi,
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there will be no alpha mice or is this close to negotiation says that if there is a deal, there will be note off. so again, we have to read between what gets said publicly, what gets agreed upon privately, i think now what's clear when it comes to that off off, if there is a deal or let's say if there isn't a deal these raise of sides that they're going to go and of course something that the americans and egyptians are very much against, but i think again, we need to urge caution. we're gonna have to wait and see what will finally come out officially and then we'll have a clear idea. saturday, thank you very much indeed. stephanie deca and ok buddy's to this and then we can go to a summer honda and he's a senior spokesperson for hamas. he's joining us on the line from bay road. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. can you tell us what if anything has been agreed by hom, us? i don't think you're gonna have a need. i have to say that to, i'm still negotiating and discussing the own, all the points for the to the get terms to the categories and that you,
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since i'm clear that we are moving forward, there's some good points. the some of the in the reaction from the other side. but to now what else to talking about the main issue, which is the complete she's for you, i have to complete with the phone cuz we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through. uh, this to uh, declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if, if i may say that one of the key elements has also been the nothing benjamin netanyahu stated, aim of sending the, is really military into a rough, a, whether or not a cx 5 is signed, or what is your position in that what's your understanding of that and have there been any guarantees given about preventing that from happening? i went to the top so there was some guarantees that this wouldn't not take place if there was a ceasefire. but unfortunately, and there was
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a clear statement from uh, an attorney at hall uh saying that uh they gotten this deluxe may have been, if it was, this is found on sale with continues that, that's a good start. that to me, that would be nauseous, filed, and that means that the data attack would be continued, which is again switched to our discussion. at least we, we, we want to know exactly what does that mean. that statement, and the actual phone them, the dates of the i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for us. each product means that there will be no more attacks against does the need this and does that include in the middle of the if i understand what you're saying correctly, sir the, the distance between what you of what thomas is hoping for out of these negotiations and what benjamin matching yahoo in times for guys, and in particular, rafa is very wide and yet you seem optimistic that there can be some movement forward. can you give us an indication of where you think there is something,
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there is some room for negotiation to close that gap. it was, in fact we, we, i negotiated for more than a few months and each time we are making the uh, from a small photo of strips. but we didn't achieve what to what really we want to, which is the complete use for it. and with going from does that, but i believe we can talk about a, the optimistic or pessimistic. we have to talk about that in a position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to know if the united states administration have said clearly to, to now and i'll send you an off, you'll have to do this on back. i showed you what that would happen. so let's say the, the, the, the, the, the one was supposed to on some of the questions. now the americans and no one has,
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if stay besides that, this must stop. that's what happened with this is what you have talking about now and i think going to be it does a lot of the times in egypt on top of the doing the good jump. they are doing their best to achieve that. this is why i've still hoping to achieve the main goal a complete to sweat under the door from this i will, i want to put a scenario to you if the us was prepared to give. i guarantee that these really miller trade was not going to go into it off i, i, under any circumstances, would that be enough of a guarantee for you to sign this see, or the least the initial stage of this things 5 agreement, or one of the guarantees enforcement, and if that was given that will give a good which bush for the negotiations, but also need to have steps to be uh, decided on $310.00 in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed,
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but we also need a key of stage months which should solidify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know it is i've trying every time to get out of that much much. so the guarantees i'm lucky enough, it's important, but it's not only they need to think we need guarantees and we need also click on that and it's kind of clarified with you. so that the, the way the logistics of what is playing out here are we talking about and aimed to, to get a final permanent agreement on long term. so as far are we talking about the initial stage of several stages working towards an eventual permanent cease fire one, what do i talking about is a complete that management throughout my to can just about the 1st page. we have talking about
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a management including the 3 state stages and i don't to him, she's filed, i'm about to ask you in our position from day number one. and to me, banking, the secretary of state said in his recent visit to, to israel that the, the pressure was on how much to accept this. is there any sort of see spar agreement though? certainly the one that israel had put forward by making concessions should you choose to do. so in the negotiations later on today, do you feel that takes the pressure off from us and place it back with israel? i was actually in the, to my bought to mr. bank and have said that most of the time that the shuttle was on how much. and i believe now they understand what that, that one was undermining the process or the time was missing on sense. so they need to make that in for a shuttle. so i decided because he's that supplier, he's that he's the to the, he's good and the side was doing,
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did you know side didn't good stuff that's more to push out and it's in the out when make us close to make that needed arrangements. i believe that if mr. blinking it's been some fuel more i was in uh and under the fuel issues that needed, that is meant drugs. i've been talking about the shuttle much. one final question, sir, i want to ask you in terms of what you did, the time scale that you're talking about in your assessment, how close is hom us and israel to reaching a deal that will eventually see the fighting stop in gaza? why do i have to say, we need to hear the one sentence from drugs as a commitment from inside complete says file complete with a door to find goods at the building. uh does that happen with? well, i have tried also with a fair eh, there's not exchange. is that that was
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a commitment form is that are in i think we would achieve directly, they need it. that is much less on the honda and senior spokesperson for how much we appreciate it. thank you very much indeed. the muslims, why it is joining us in a studio in the how does the professor of contemporary middle east politics at colorado university thanks very much for being with us. and there is a degree of optimism, at least going by holding us on the homes at hampton is saying, and we are to quote him moving towards negotiations. which may mean we get some sort of result by the end of today. i'm yet the gap between what israel once and what, how much, how much wants seems very wide still what's who assessment, where do you think the negotiation competing that i think what we are seeing now is more confusing because are we talking about the 1st stage of few stages or as you said, the correct the always talk about the 3 stages which we have within the last few hours. the talk about the 1st to stage the agreement on the 1st stage. and this can
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be understood that thomas, want to have to release itself from the pressure globally, causing the not to state. so they are given concession on the 1st stage, which needs to 40 days, uh, sort of a ceasefire. uh, 13 a exchange cop tennessee 330. i think uh uh old and sick uh, captives. and by that, moving to a 2nd sir. what do you have just now lets this into is different actually. it's coming back to the main for the conditions. which means that's the discussion to negotiation in the 1st, basically cycle still we are talking about the 1st made the principles that how much is to talk about that issue is the motor confusion is coming from is right. because the time that discussion came about sort of agreement on the 1st a stage in the military and the prime minister now came to say actually there is no
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agreement off. we wouldn't go to the god this any agreement. so that basically again, just takes us to the 1st. so i think all of this, the reflection from the side of selection of the vision within the is what it is and the christ within is why the politics have mass more cautious. i mean, listening to something that they seem more cautious. they don't want to show that there is any your progress has be made, but also they don't want to say things are, it hasn't been changed. i think it's obvious that assumptive change happen. otherwise, i would not expect when best to be in that agent. i would have to expect with the orders. i should explain what anybody's had of the see. i hit the sky and i'd like to just go to the, to the, to egypt. so that, that additional from caught out and time us now in, in title. so i would not expect all of this movement. i listed as sort of progress has the main. and the discussion goes on because i got into this, i thought there's a holiday and is right, i think we should with, with this more progress. maybe after 66 or somebody look look inside because part
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things goes back to norman and his wife. and they should receive some the action from that i'd be obviously, since i started the contract in october, the 7th we've, you'd, all the media has that have been covering this every time. there is talk of some sort of movement towards things like we jump on it and there's a lot of speculation, stuff and i from, from your assessment. are we looking at this ad to, in a sense, to optimistically in that we are hoping to see the results of some sort of agreement for us these far at the end of this, these negotiations? when in fact, what we should be doing is looking for what you're talking about, which is as a garage or is it a movement closer and closer towards? i do eventually push forward towards a ceasefire. i think distracted, typically the, the, the whole debate has been changed. i think they knock this tape once a ceasefire, even for, for to this cause this, what i say a few goals, when the pressure inside the united states would be the do use the move. i think the best the would be less the pressure from moving to that action would be less,
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it to think that it would appear in kansas and is, are in this shouldn't change the platform. the scene is what i should, the more, uh i had the 2 states. so these, if you look at that, i think that many times when you push even to the 1st stage, even to the 1st is to, to have it did on the 1st the stage. and keep the complicated method is for the 2nd or the 3rd stage, which basically a complete this is vile and living. for example, the number of captives the find, the number of the study and prisoners. and the final release of the captive is a captive. and the piece is about for the 2nd, the state of the state, but i think now the americans want this. christy sees fly out of now for 40 days. i think that the focus will be in the next 4 to 24 hours. i, i do believe that they will push to send you out to that even, even with given a guarantee back off of operation wouldn't be posed,
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would be put them in and hold until we finish the discussion about the 2nd or 3rd distinction emergencies. where we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed. thank you. at least 2 palestinians have been killed by his reading forces and already to mil to crime and the occupied westbank. the rate is still underway, the palestinian red cries and says is ready. forces are preventing medical crews from reaching the casualties. is there any forces also demolished a house, and the time of that i would assume they say a polish stay and fight to the accused of getting a soldier last year was inside the house. so but, so he's joining us now from there and in the occupied westbank. just run this through what's been happening this morning saying as well, we're here ne of tucker in there. it'll go swing village just behind me. the region is no stranger to these hours long sometimes days long is really military operations being carried out and essentially civilian areas. now this res, seem to have been targeting what they describe as palestinian fighters of senior
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high mazda official confirm to us that they are with cosign units. and they were targeting one specific 2 story building. it started about 14 hours ago. they hit this building with at least 10 shoulder fired rockets. there were clashes that happened afterwards. we've heard gunfire since we've been here, but it seems to be dying down to many of the vehicles witnesses say have left is really arm or cars have left. there's still a drone hovering overhead. there's still at least 3 vehicles in the village behind me and a bulldozer. they seem to be looking through the rubble of the building that they attacked. and what we're hearing from one witness, a reporter on the ground, said that they did find one survivor and have detain this person. at least 2 people have been confirmed, killed in this attack. we know that he is released took away at least 2 bodies a few hours ago, but we're being told that there are still casualties. there are injured, there are perhaps more data according to eye witness reports. but essentially, crucially, as long as he is really, is, are there, they are blocking the local residents or ambulances from the red crescent,
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as you said, from entering and helping anyone. so what we're hearing is that they are still there operations are still ongoing. this is about 13 or 14 hours now we've seen footage of a heavy clashes, the sound of gunfire footage of at least one person lying dead on the ground. we've also seen and heard reports of snipers on rooftops that have been targeting journalists that are currently inside the village, trying to report on what's going on. we've seen tear gas fired as well. and as long as he's really present, sir, they're, we won't have a full accounting of exactly how many people are hurt or injured. so the residents there waiting for this to be over. but it could go on for many more hours than this obviously in the occupied westbank. so the union governments or the people living near the 178 times to leave their homes authorities a warning, the more heavy rains in the region could see dams and reservoirs overflow. catherine, sorry reports from nairobi, east residents,
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most of the katie holmes. as soon as possible, leave me a revised in narrow b. this month says he has nowhere to go. i have nothing. i have no money. my salary is only due next week. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon mister rhodes, called reports paint di picture the rains with but least increasing both into ration. i mean intensity for the rest of this month. and possibly after kenya and neighboring times, and you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights,
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the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that robi has been, was sent by pull drainage and illegally bu settlements. in some areas, the people who are leaving near the narrow be done say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down, it doesn't look like march. it's covered by what the highest sense when it or both news the what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move to a field adjacent to the dom, delta fernando, at wherever we go and is a government where people told us to pack up our things, we have done that we have children. so what's next door to she says she's still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine solely onto sierra
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ruby are customs always joining us live now from the night will be done as catherine bring us up to speed on the situation where you are. yes, and we have returned to the narrow be done. uh where people have been. uh, heating the cold by the government. uh to move from this on safe area. so last night, a trade quite heavily. and when we came back, we found this. this is was off um from the dumb us some people uh who had evacuated, went back to that houses. um, because they said they don't have anywhere else to go. now the problem right now from the residents that we've been speaking to, they said that says they want to relocate, they wants to move to say flat areas. but they're not, they're not getting any direction from the government to. they say that they need to be told where exactly they are moving to. they need to be told what provisions
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are in place. they have children, they have properties, they need to protect. now the government says that the people are going to be successful. people are going to be moved to temporary shelters. we're still waiting to see where the shelters are. so this is a consign of people here. so yesterday they waited all day for the government to come and tell them where to go and buy my own farm. and they hadn't been told, they went back to the homes and then they found this, you know, the rain and the houses was flooded again. so several people have already died of the last couple of weeks. so they're saying that yes, they wants to move, but they wants to move in order and they want the government to come and be clear. give them clarity so that they can go to the safe areas. that's and thank you very
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much, catherine. sorry, talking to is the night roby down. it's still a head and all does it. i'm going it alone. we're trying spawns, despite the isolation of war, how conflict is propelling ukrainians. doctors forward findings forward. a huge boost for the japanese football is ahead of the elliptic games in power speeches. laser on, initially the hello parts of scandinavia had been as warm as southern europe in the recent days that will change by the end of the week. and we got a fab, the cloud spilling in from the atlantic, some west of weather coming back in across france, modem areas of spain and portugal, in particular, this area of life pressure just sliding into the by a bit gay will introduce the majority of the change hard pressure wherever tools
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east composite, we've been drawing in a southerly way and looking at $21.00 south just in stockholm, the $23.00 and also on a public madrid road. and athens, as you can see, but that's not what's the weather, drives its way across from the low countries using it's another positive, gemini pushing up into sweet. and i know where those temperature is full back significantly. you will notice that change that as we go on through sunday, still some won't around. i have a towards the know safe but some for you, right? whether they're across the west and south west, and pass off, you like to whether to just making his way across, took a that eastern side of the mediterranean. meanwhile, across north africa generate drive you share with the into southern pos of algeria central parts of libya show us continue across the good parts of west africa. as the seasonal rise continue to drift, know the
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11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the children killed during the is really bombing 3 years ago. the 11 days in may, all i'll just say are heavy fighting. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. it's the consequence of war. the human suffering that we've before time. we brave bullets and bombs, and some of the world's most trouble regions, the army floods in the face of idols advance. it is one of the most serious thoughts of violence in recent years. in some instances we are the targets because we give voice to those demanding freedom, the rule of law. and we always include the views from all sides, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you want to go to 0 reminder, withheld stories. those are almost as if studying the latest is really proposal for a cease fire in a quote, positive manner. the group's delegations traveled to cairo to discuss the deal with mediators. israel once the return of captives housing jobs in return for a temporary truce for thomas has repeatedly insisted on a prominent end to the war that's killed. more than 34000 palestinians. had of the u. n. worlds who programs as northern guy says nobody experiencing what she calls up full blown farm. and she says,
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thousands of palestinians are starving after more than 6 months of war. israel is still restricting the flow of humanitarian aid to buy land and sea into the gods district. one time the syrians being killed by his very forces and the radio to call him and the occupied west by the right still under way palestinian red presence says is where the forces of preventing medical crews from reaching the casualties is reading. police have scale doc, security and occupied east jerusalem, a head of an important religious holiday. palestinians, and other christians are preparing for all the adults is to on sunday this your celebrations a subject because of the morning garza and is very restrictions. and this a who reports orthodox christians and occupied east jerusalem are preparing for the annual commemoration of what they believe was the resurrection of jesus christ. like other holidays during israel's war on gonzo orthodox easter
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celebrations are scaled back this year. a tour guide tells us ordinarily lease this time of year would be the peak season for visitors. it should be loaded by people now, but simply due to the situation, we've got nothing. as opposed lot, i've got no words. nothing to do. and we're still logging as much as we can in previous years. the streets have been packed with thousands of people. now they're deserted. typically around 852200000 childrens are in the old city for orthodontics, east or celebrations. but like other holidays this year, facilities are muted, overshadowed by the war on gaza. palestinian christian say the war is into the only challenge they face. this is something they will celebrate the only like through money. and we celebrate it with many uh,
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restrictions influenced by the israeli police were worshippers in the christians. we know be able to reach the church as we used to do in the, in the past despite to be is really restrictions. palestinians say they remain hopeful because easter is a celebration of new beginnings. have the central and just ego occupied east jerusalem published time. we're drawing nearby or having to find a job. who's the director of the singers church in romano? thank you very much. indeed sir. for being with us, we had in honda's report the some people are trying to remain optimistic at this time despite the lack of the crowds and the restrictions that are in place and tell us what times are like for palestinian christians at the moment. we're thank you for having the the you know, those things have been experiences, experiencing huge challenges and not the only uh since the 1st week of october,
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but uh for 75 years of military occupation and uh, exciting uh, this, we have the cushion community uh, celebrates the uh uh that's and there's a section of our lord jesus christ today is holy set that they, it's a very, very important day for both christians and all the land where they celebrate the holy fire coming from generals and then and with the holy 5 is candidates and distributed all over the churches and in the holy land and even beyond the holy land to jordan devin and even to other places around the world. this here, this is, is very sense of own and just if it is a mutant, uh, uh,
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there is no sense of joy in the sense of the community having the joy of setting the rating. uh east. of course we are very, very sad of what is happening and guess uh, what is happening in the west bank and all the devastation that it's getting to the posting a community. what are people uh yeah, the problem is my apologies for interrupting, but i wanted to ask what people in your potters are telling you about the way that they are feeling the way that they're being affected by they the restrictions that are being placed on them and they the, the, upon an inability to be able to celebrate and the way that they would like with the o as, as old was there has always been restrictions to go to jews. and to celebrate with the, uh, uh, oh, christians and jews. and uh, as, as you know,
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since october 7th, most payments have been removed and people are not able to drive into jules. and then uh, this is something boasting is, and in particular i've been doing for for centuries, visiting jews. and for this study, especially in the uh, of course, there is a cloud of sadness that is over and over. you know, our community does. uh, people are very devastated of the war. very devastated to comically because of the restrictions because of the implication of payments of workers. um, people are very uh, you know, uh that was stated by the seen uh, the pictures the news they received from guys, uh on an hourly basis. so there is, there is a sense of despair,
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sense of sadness. but even though we never lose hope, because what we are celebrating today is we spent a blessing the lions that over crowns barclays. we're celebrating that life always comes there. and that is the very foundation of the christian faith, even though we are, we are living in the address that dented a difficult situation. i don't think because she can me to when it loads fold. because we live by phase and by a whole 7 sided jobs. so we appreciate you being with us and i'll just here to thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you for having the leaders from the organization of islamic cooperation are holding a 2 day summit in the gambling capital to discuss israel's war on gaza. representatives of $57.00 countries, including pablo style will discuss a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. also on the agenda, tensions between israel and to run the board and so done on the rise and just on
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a phobia and racism on some of them is joining us now live from the gumby and capital banjo. so what are the lead is discussing, apart from the new stuff that we've just talked about, the heads of states and delegates for more than 50 countries. i'm missing in the building behind. they are discussing a number of issues, but the main ones is the conflict. is red as well, and the positive before the summit, spotted to foreign ministers met and dropped the resolution within the resolutions . if there is an immediate, there is a code for immediate ceasefire, any community and a to be logged into the goddess street. that was a new should, would be passed the model by the heads of states under denny. this is not the 1st time the the all i see has met. since these guys were on legs that started. i told them in november, heads of states and members of the out of like literally the solely comfortable following dot. suddenly they came up through the strong one. explain what's going
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with we look see file and communicate them paid for the allowed people to die. like clearly moving or coming to bill, you know, that's where the oil is had quoted in the following, that meeting the ministers, one is really against escalating the quantity is i'll just stop by talking to you right in in the seat in capital in damascus. but the public, the need is in the building behind me for calling for an immediate cease fire policy is one of the funding members of the bulk of the public opinion issue. reading lots us to begin to get to a hit today. but when you look at that, then it gets some of them. i'm not very keen to speak publicly about, is that i fulfill over the percussion dc. this is one of the issues that, that one of the aims of the somebody, they want to bring. the goldman bus together so that they can speak with one voice
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. also what you have is, is rise threatening to evade roughly this is open, great, close on to the need is i'm, they, us, they are warning dot com. and the black box comes of mohammed. we appreciate talking to us there from the gun being capital bone 0. thank you. it occupations in the us have condemned an attack on the displacement, camping east of democratic republic of congo. at least 12 people were killed and 31 were injured. the state department says the attack came from positions held by one and forces and the m 23 on group. and monica just got more confusion and panic after shell struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo armed conflict and force these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping, we started running as the bombs were fired at the cannon. the shells were launched
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from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility and are blaming each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camp, se artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the of the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning, and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation of hundreds of thousands of people in the flat, the latest upsurge and fighting the un and western powers. accuser one, the backing of $23.00 fighters, a charge one that denies the years long calls like this part of humanitarian crisis . at this place. people run short on basic necessities and spies and continued to spread their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. vent and monahan al jazeera, the organ transplants are becoming more common in ukraine. previously, many patients would have to travel to russia for the procedure. but since the war, the printing hospitals have been forced to expand their capabilities,
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john homeland is got more from keith. let me give you a warning. his report does include images that some of you might find distressing such as well could keep medical clinic number one. they've recently carried out 5 multi organ transplants. that would have been unthinkable a few years ago. the 2 things have changed and you cry, which of jumpstart could organ transplants here because it's been in the 1st a new little from 2019 to establish the legal framework for them. and the 2nd, the rule, it meant many people who previously would have had the procedures in russia or bella bruce. now by post though, countries didn't have that option anymore. the cranes transplant sector had to expand a boom boom, out necessity in just the 1st 3 months of this year. there's been more than $130.00 . we've been trunk xbox for phone,
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the 19 different american institutions across ukraine. so when you think that about 5 years ago, the number was close to 0, that's a big change. below them is one of the latest ukrainians to benefit. it's a huge, we didn't have such up opportunities before. it's just very different now on video when they've had heart problems in 2011, i was just most come across to the hospital now i'm good to include all treatment. he had his trunk spun a week ago. soon he should be back home with his wife and his new hall. the more people are waiting an estimated 5000 ukrainians and you really need a transplant. it's a major challenge for public health sector that's only recently begun to provide for the adult to an a totally. yvonne york headed the cardiovascular department here remains. boy, in the we've got good feedback from patients. they see that transplants all possible that may be in ukraine. it's not necessary to go elsewhere for this that
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the results of good and patients survive. misled feeling sick to know low prices a successful. but you've got a still hurtful. you've come a long way from assume a region staying in a rented room in the capital, waiting for the coast. we have a trust because i don't have a choice, right? it's scary, of course, that fear is ms. tara pope. the fear of hoping that everything will work out of to all these go to national of medicines, keep his health going to his to at least that to is now possible. don't home and out to zeta. keith. go ahead and order 01 progress on this as it needs more long time international funding, despite to receiving billions in loans and in support. if you turn out to be a glorious day for rel, madrid, we're going to explain why. in a few moments,
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the for countless refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring, and it's desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life. as he selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this one, i just examine the dean. today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now . if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future. quite
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a crisis for climate revolution on alger 0 on the the side of this board, his father rob, thank you so much. the dallas mavericks have advanced the 2nd round of the n b a playoffs. they did it by eliminating la clippers and game 6 of their series, kyrie irving, and liquor dr inch both for them for the formats to help in the average speed. the visiting clippers a 114 to 110. dallas will face top seated oklahoma city center in the western conference semi finals game, one of the best system series. it takes place in oklahoma city on tuesday. and then the east orlando magic held off visiting cleveland cavaliers to force the game 7 in
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their 1st round playoff series. orlando's apollo bank heroes, 27 points, leading them to a 103 to 96. when the series moves to cleveland for game 7, i thought we just did a great job in the everybody, all 15 guys just sticking together. um, it was a lot of communication every time every hurdle. and now it was a special moment. you know, just everybody being engaged in a game like that and it's a big day in the race to be crowned premier league champions. both arsenal and manchester city are in action. the gunners will be taking on board with shortly at emerald stadium. a win win seemed to extend their lead at least briefly to 4 points in the city. play later in the day. arsenal are looking to win the real title for the 1st time in 20 years. just focus and put all your energy and focus in finding the item in ation. and that willingness to me to do our best to and the right to win games and,
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and the 1st one is form of these at home is going to be a number that most viewed ident drawers, a game, and to just be present on meeting the momentum and let's see what happens. manchester city take off later on they host wolves who actually beat them in september city trail arsenal by a single points for crucially. they played one game less to do a 12 points otherwise. would it be difficult because i said it's so strong. so consistent is difficult. going to draw a points with what i said, this depends on us around the dread can win the lot of league a title later on saturday. they can clinch the championship with 4 games to spare in one of 2 ways. the 1st, if carlo and chalabi side, the titus and barcelona failed to beat sharona. the 2nd is if major and drawn
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against titus and barcelona loops at jerome now. no, but the fuser to but it's hard to compare this squad with any of the what i see and the squad without wanting to compare it with the previous ones i've had is the extraordinary collective commitment and lack of ego. and i've let it bit loud. have kept alive their hopes of playing in the champions league next season and knock you williams got both goals as the bees have taffy to nail away in a match that solve them. get 2 players sent off the result. that means they trail, 4th place, athletic. i'm addressed by 3 points at medical have played one game last however, depends man's football team will be heading to the paris olympics as continental champions. japan beating his backs on when notes when the asian under 23 title in comp time. joanne, i guess roscoe was at that final for us a story when to japan, the 1st time and the country has clinched the under $23.00 asian come twice. the
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young summer i blew adding to the title of a one here in doha in 2016. but it wasn't an easy final again, just biggest on the signs to the team would have depend marching to the beach. having had the stronger performances at the tournaments going into the decide to boost practiced on having conceited a single goal in any of that 5 matches and cast off and hung onto that impress, to see until still pitched in, substitute the key mode, assuming it with a low sure foot moments later. a huge twist. when the 2nd son rewarded the penalty of their v a. l check if a japanese humble. mar ali, ruffling any of steps up, it is no match for japanese, keep up the one. no, it was enough to see japan seal so
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a dramatic victory for japan here in the 123 asian comp. these teams can consider themselves when is with this tournament, sampling is going to be qualified. they 1st made it through the power scapes, trying to get out at their house. justin been how much they need. the andre group lab has reached his 1st ever madrid open final. the russian players who knocked at royal number 2 carlos alcaraz in the quarter finals beat american taylor fritz and straight sense to advance the canadian. he likes o j alley, offended for his 2nd year rebels. master stipend is in full position for the spring race in miami. is formula one makes its 1st stop of the season in the united states, the title holder and current championship leader finished i had it for ari. charlotte laclare, for shopping teammate surgery, a prize was 3rd fastest. it was not a bad day for mercedes as louis hamilton qualified in 12th, while his teammates,
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george russell, finished in 11th. this for a race takes place on saturday, had of qualifying for sundays, main ground. pre. i thought of the practice, you know, i was quite confident, confident that you know, we could really find football. then in qualifying it didn't really look like that for me. but somehow we still ended up in, in for a site. i didn't know what, what happened to the other cars in the last left and the, and a child the vancouver canucks have advanced the 2nd round of the stanley cup playoffs. they beat house the natural predators one, nothing game 6 pies suitors score. the only goal of the game, vancouver, we'll play another canadian team. the edmonton oilers next after they beat the l. a kings in their opening series, 23 year old and defending champions of las vegas. golden knights have managed to keep alive with their hopes of reaching the 2nd round. they beat the dallas stars to nothing tati series and force a deciding game 7, which will take place on saturday. okay, that is all you support for now back to you,
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but i thank you very much. indeed. no pakistan has received the final 1000000000 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the government says it's going to give the economy a much needed boost spots. more money is needed to keep the country afloat. this credit card reports not installed and it's not as bad. kareen can earn, says, living selling water amount as opposed to you re, pc makes are worth increasing. the less inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent day laborers and traders like kareen say they're struggling all the available. i'm 74 years old and at my age, people rest at home. but unfortunately still i have to work to feed my kids and have to pay the utility bills which are going up day by day. while the government isn't interested in our plate. pakistan has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the money has helped the country avoid default bring inflation down and increase its foreign currency
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reserves. but many pakistani say they are not seeing the benefits of the, you know, i've got the internet, we are worried about the sky. it all categorization. look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. we kind of for this. on the other hand, the government has voting money from the i m f. but i haven't seen in my life, but it does help the poor people like us live and instead, but in a small texas. so that'd be gone to human breed. prime minister should battery has been clear that pakistan is economy can't survive without another long term biomass baylash, which he hopes to get in the next few months. to do that, the government has been pressing ahead with i am f demands securing tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. the agency says reforms are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at this market and it's not about and across pakistan will likely take on those costs for the a car, which is here. money is going to be here in
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a couple of minutes with more northern stories that don't forget the website course . audra 0. don't com. i'm about this and stay with us on the in a well filled with b. concerning transformation is underway from the amazon lane 1st to the arctic sea environment are generally still around the front lines. lines to reveal the true emergency as they continue to expose environmental issues and corruption. many have been talk. it's true together let support environmental jazz and ensuring that the truth prevails for the 1st well dressed freedom day conference in the 2nd to the 4th of may. 2024 pod came in to be used as
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the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay tile up to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era for gotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain and how would they governed the dream and the usa of electric, s u, v, is for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo, and from the bodies of candle. is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the
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o n h. the colleges? when all the adults un official ones as a full blown famine in northern garza and says it is moving south the i'm, my name's heidi, this is all and is there a life from the will? so coming up is rarely strikes target, displace palestinians in rough uh,


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