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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. commer takes the bottom line, the the hello, i'm about this, and this is news on life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, i talk to you on official warns of a full blown fireman in northern johnson and says it's moving, solve guys a ceasefire negotiations at a critical stage in cairo as a homeless representative holes tolts with us cause heavy and exemption mediation to palestinians are being killed by his really forces in a 15 rate on data, on gross. and you know, tell me how to find west by mass evacuation is opposite the deadly floods as kenya,
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braces 1st cycle and ins for the dallas mavericks. some advance to the 2nd round of the n b a playoffs. they did it by eliminating the alex the birth again, 6 of the series, the mouse will face the oklahoma city center. yep. the, we're gonna solve the humanitarian situation in gaza, which is getting even worse. the head of the u. n. world food program says northern garza is no experiencing what she calls a full blown finding. cindy mccain says sizes of palestinians are starving, often more than 6 months. of war, israel has been blocking 8 millions of palestinians trapped inside the besieged strip access under which has more of the people because i haven't had much to eat system where it began. and now for the 1st time, the you, when says
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a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. where i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the into, in the guys that get various ports and various various k crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always worked that way of israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of 8 to reach palestinians international efforts have shifted to air
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dropping supplies. but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. it's har, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a cease fire and, and begin to, to feed these people at, especially in the north, in a, in a more. and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire garza population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march. efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the
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ceasefire. but the only means as elusive as ever x was i moved out, is there. is there any attacks in the southern? so do you have it off? i have killed at least 9 palestinians. several others have been injured in taken to hospital since friday. at least 32 palestinians have been killed throughout garza and the 41 people have been injured. gonna go to honeywell who is joining us and that off i in the southern guys are talk us through the latest attacks. first of all, honey yes . well, despite the fox and the progress that being reported on the detox meeting, cairo's, that doesn't seem to deter, there's really military from attacking residential homes across the government just so it doesn't even determine the uh, the attack drones and surveillance. a drone from why get
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a very low level here across over crowded roof? i city, we're more than 1500000 displays policy. they've been children here since the beginning. and since the initial wars of then it's a weeks of this genocide of war, just within the past few hours, the drone fired 2 missiles, at least on a residential homes in the southern part of garza city. that's a sobre neighborhood where people i've been sold during the evacuated from different parts of the city, mainly from the central part of garza and the eastern part of, of the city itself is seeking shoulder and one of the residential on to children reported killed and several other injuries at old, transferred to the lead baptist hospital and already over one the exhaustive suffer from their lack of medical supplies and extreme georgia medical. this stuff just making it very difficult a to intervene and it provides it proper health intervention and save lives. and overnight attacks and dropbox video looking at 3 people were killed inside a residential home as
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a result of an air strike that severely damaged the house. they were residing in the local residents, including 2 individuals, evacuation, who are among displaced families in the city, and several other injuries are close to 10 injuries, all transferred to the john hospital. the past 24 hours have been very violent, very low. you will look at close to 38 people have been killed across the gaza, strip it as a result of the constant ongoing joint attacks. yours strikes as well as the artillery setting. many of these trends, a part of the, i mean, was people who were inspecting the trails of destruction and devastation caused by this really military when it the talk, the city of hon. you and as for the past 4 months, we're also attacked by a spied drones, a fire that these one missile. the 3 people arrived to gather a few in the hospital. and just then minutes of their arrival to the hospital, they were pronounced dead because they arrived. steve was severe injuries and they
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were bleeding severely. other people are still in the hospitals and just the risk of not having medical supplies just putting their lives at risk right now kind of, let's talk about the humanitarian situation. and guys are we have some new ends was through the program. had saying that it was not facing what she calls a full blown simon in northern gaza. and that that situation is moving further side of course to where you are in rough. um, what is the situation that it is? well, it's hard to talk about the situation here without making a reference to the ongoing on a president catastrophic human history and situation. since the initial weeks of this genocide award, the full season post and the gas are pretty much cutting off the gaza strip the from the, the, from the rest of the world, there were no entries or exists operational z or in, in, across the gaza strip. the land, the crossings are virtually blocked by these really military. we only have rough i
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crossing and so far the number of a, the trucks and human is the amount of the material. it's the, it's not, not nearly enough to do the grade or needs are created by the intense bombing campaign and by the difficult conditions. and it tries, it is a created on the ground at the northern part. there is a famine going on is not science of it. it's already happening because it has already killed close to 31, a people nearly children who suffered the front of the mountain nutrition to do to day and for the hydration to enforce this power vision. those with health problems and health good complications including and pregnant women or for treating those were the chronic conditions in need of certain kind of food supplies and medical supplies that are completely blocked by these really military and the fact that they are ongoing restrictions on as on the flow of the humanitarian and make it very, very difficult. these really military not only is blocking the entry of human history, but also executing it said in port in
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a survival items needed for hospitals needed for people who are not, who do not live on a normal supplies. they need certain kinds of supplies. the are virtually now prevented by this really ministry, making it worse for people to survive these difficult conditions. tiny mach mode in a rough uh, southern garza, honey. thank you very much. indeed. you want a delegation from hama s. as in cairo of adults with mediation from egypt and in colorado, which is what so it leads to asses 5 is 0. once the return of captains held in gaza in return for the temporary truce, almost has repeatedly insisted on a permanent end to the war. or some, a 100 is a senior spokesperson for all of us, and he's told, i'll just say this is organization needs a guarantee from the us, the drop off the boat to be attacked by his rantings. well, i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete she's find out i've completed the phone cuz we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this
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to uh, declare a positive onsite if. if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from uh to the whole, uh, stating that regardless to what may have been if that was found on here would continue that. that's a good start. that to me, that would be nauseous. filed and that means that that could be continued, which is again sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean. that statement the, the actual phone number data of the understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does the, i need this and does that include in the middle of the we have to talk about that in the position of the united states, because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to know if the united states administration have said clearly
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to, to now, and offers. and off you have to do this on back. i actually would, that would have been the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given that will give a good, which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also need a key of statement which should solidify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantees i'm not good enough, it's important, but it's not only they need to think we need guarantees, and we need also cleared commitments. let's go to one corresponding well how much i'm jim's who's in kind of a forest. and 1st of all, is there any, is there any response or comment about obviously as far talks
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so rob, what we've heard in the last hour is a remark that's being attributed to an anonymous seniors, really official. that's uh, being picked up by a lot of media outlets throughout israel, in which this official is saying that israel will not agree to any permanent in to the war in gaza as a condition for a cease fire. and that israel will not agree to not in phase but off. now it's not surprising to hear this because this is the language that we've been hearing practically every day from the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and other senior israeli officials for months when negotiations have been ongoing. and when there have not been negotiations, so that's really the only thing we're seeing from any is really officials at this hour. what's going to be key going forward in the hours ahead is what's going to happen with regard to a potential is really delegation. going to cairo to participate in the talks
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because what we've also seen earlier in the day is really media out, which is that is really officials have said that no delegation is going to go back to cairo unless they sense that there is a positive response coming from how much now, there's a lot of devil in the details when it comes to all this. this is a critical moment. everything on the line right now, and you can see when you look across these really media landscape that clearly a lot of officials in the last 24 hours believe that they could be close to a deal. but they anticipate that how much will potentially say yes to the proposal that was made by israel. but this is by no means done. you still have to be cautious and there is no official response yet. what's going to be really paramount in the hours ahead is, what is how much is going to say, what is their response going to be? is it going to be a yes to the different phases of a potential deal? or is it going to be a yes with potential questions and possible amendments proposed?
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that's where we are right now. it's a crucial time. it's a critical our many people here. if you look at the reports throughout these really me, the landscape, believe that a deal is as close as it's ever been. but at the same time, nothing has been finalized yet rob vomiting. in the meantime, i finally decided correctly, there are protest schedule, i think, and kind of even coming up with a couple of hours time, which is another indication of the level of pressure. but then that's when you all who coalition must be facing as we get closer to some sort of negotiation, talk us through what we can expect when those protests take place of the yeah, that's right. well, if you look, stay behind me uh, just down the road, that's where caplin square is. that is the epicenter pro test that take place every saturday. it's various protests that happen. we're expecting them to start in about 3 hours from now. you're going to have anti government demonstrators. people who are coming out that are demanding that benjamin netanyahu will resign is prime minister. they want to see elections held. they want to see another government come
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in because they do not trust benjamin netanyahu to carry out what needs to be done in the war. then you also have coalition of family members relative to those captives that are still being held in jobs that they come out a week after week as well. and they are continuing to put pressure on the prime minister and his coalition to do whatever needs to be done in their words, to try to get those captives back home in israel. now they are calling today for more people to come out to put as much pressure they is. they can't, especially at this particular day because they believe they are potentially very close to another deal for captives being returned. now, what do you think it's very critical, right? now is it one of the reasons they are asking for more people to come out this evening is because they believe that if a ceasefire is not put in place is not agreed to. they believe that if an invasion of stuff happens, that that means that their loved ones will be in the line of fire and that they
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will very much be in danger of being killed if that operation were to go forward. so they are going to be coming out on mass. they are going to be once again demanding that the prime minister do everything that needs to be done, to make sure a cease fire happens and that their relatives can be returned to them. proper momma jump dream and kind of a mom and thank you very much indeed. we're going to get more and these totes, with all just is hush them all hope. all right, so um, earlier on the, some of them was saying that he was a cautious optimism. adult positivity if you like about the tools. but danny was saying that the key points is the invasion of an alphabet, particularly the removal of his reading troops strong guys, and we just saw it as mohammed was referring to. and i know known this senior is really official being forwarded to st. nope, that's absolutely not going. we're going to go into a rough or doesn't matter about the seems fight. it sounds as though the different, the distance between the 2 sides is still incredibly great despite the optimism surveys. but however, i have to say with which a point where you never get in any deepest with homicide, these around
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a commitment from these right is about not innovating growth. how much does understand that they sold the dynamics are shifting. there's massive pressure on them to deliver on face to now let me give you some updates on this deal. the talks austin underway with the hope of finalizing an agreement. all the teams are on the ground. operating auto has a technical team that a technical team is always an indication of c about in the past. in the 1st agreement, by the end of the november working out the details of the agreement, logistics, the roots of the captives arrangements with the security. uh uh, the security details of that or that deal and the humanitarian aspect is extremely delicate operation, because this is why you get in to the point where you have to talk to. yes. yes. and want and his people to distribute difficult delicate security operation. and what also the egyptians play the crucial role. they have been floating ideas about
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aspects of the agreement and faces of the, of these, like with that, how must understands now. and this is why they are still to find a live disagreement. there's not going to be any mention of a permanent ceasefire, and it's going to be based on phases. but the lease was hoping to achieve is by the 1st phase where there's going to be an exchange of prisoners that they would like to ensure that if they decide that they're going to be 3 phases of the agreement, they would lot like to see a ceasefire at the expense of something like 100 days, that happens throughout the 3 phases of the agreement. they believe there would be an international consensus. all the need to put an end to this conflict in terms of the chapter of the but like this bombardment of gaza and the seized by a becomes a political reality. but they don't have things set into stone when it comes to what happens next. and this explains why you're seeing this late date of anxiety among key leaders of how much, how much has 2 branches just to make it easy for all of us. that is the political
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bureau, which is based in doha. but there is also the combat the leadership based and goes into a $1070.00 and how much decided he's going to have a political bureau of the one who would have to articulate the vision of how much is going to be non. but yes, yes, and one who has a huge leverage over the move at the moment you see someone like how do that, how you're traveling from beta to cairo. you've got the strong site that we're going to have something significant because it is yes. yes. and what is the deputy commander and i want to, i wanted to ask you about the relationship with cos out in the moment, but i did a someone comes and was making the points when we spoke to him earlier. that the responsibility for what happens next, essentially lies with the americans because they acknowledge that homeless has been under pressure from what i'm doing. thinking was saying that us secretary of state that the ball was in the homeless court and they feel they've never made a move their make their, their relinquishing if you like on passing that pressure back elsewhere, they're moving it onto the, the americans because they believe that the us is the one that is going to be the
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cache, the other ones are going to be able to force israel to do this. i'm give a guarantee. he said that these are the military would not go into the offer, but that strikes me as somebody is watching this from the outside as very difficult to maintain for the americans to be able to make that kind of guarantee on behalf of the israelis not the reason why a sudden the home that made that statement is that because how my soul, the americans are adamant or moving towards a new phase where i'm us, we'd have no say on this. but this is why it's becoming a very good special thankful that and i want to ask you very briefly because you were talking about the relationship with with cots out there. now i saw again when we were talking to a summer honda and he was very um, being very complimentary about the role, the cato have data and obviously the role that egypt has played in the negotiations as well. how do you think cause relationship with how much is going to change if at
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all, moving forward as these negotiations maybe progress over succession. it's up if it's a moment for all the part is a delicate one. i've been in touch with people familiar with the government as it gets out of government reassess or reassessment which has been mentioned. and basically the concern is this. they believe that they have been unfairly characterized as a, by this 5 by, by some of the key players in this agreement. and they say now that they would have to reassess the board as a key broker and, and that if they see no end in sight to this, then obviously they would have to ask how much to relocate. they do understand that this is a critical moment and they want to make sure that if the, if the international community and if these ryan is on how much want to continue that role in the role. they have to respect the clubhouse vote as a, as, as, as a broker. they believe that they has been manipulated by different political
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agendas. they don't seem to be confident. there's going to be a d that is going to be conducive to a permanent piece. but they say, if you want us to be on board 2 things need to have with respect. i will as i keep the data, but to do a a, do you have to have how i'm us because it's the political bureau that's that, that relates old the most important information to yes. yes. and while until the command in gaza and no secret. yes. look outside his i pretty much frustrated by the happy and describe those unfair characterization of why they have been doing over the last few months. and by the way, if to model that aside, to reassess that both to pull out for us, come asked to leave kata. i think he's going to bring this whole thing to square one. do with some more uncertainty about the future. however, while as point of the person you talk to is a spots of the wells about what happens to model with or without the deal,
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they will tell you even with the deal, there's going to be a seismic shift in this part of the world. and this is why in every capital in the gulf region, in particular, there is a great deal of anxiety of what happens in next. and this explains why we're hoping to see. and until this conflict, they would like to see an announcement hopefully made tonight. but they remain pretty much anxious about what happens next for 2 reasons. first of all, who takes over in gaza? this is something that the americans have spots of the outgoing supporting these parts of the world, financial and political. but they don't see how he's going to be implemented. number 2, they don't know whether this is going to lead the region is going to lead to most ability or just for the instability and more violence. and it's going to be a crucial few hours coming up. and i know we're going to be talking to you regularly to try and get those updates as well. thank you very much indeed. hash symbol. how about certain protests and solidarity with palestinians are gaining
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momentum in the united states. people's across america demanding an end to israel's war on gaza and for their universities cut to front cut, financial ties with israel. university of michigan at auburn is expected to hold a graduation ceremony despite continued protest action of the college. i'll just say it is john henry, is there john? what's happening? well, they've decided to hold bag graduation ceremony. and they've decided to allow this encampment to remain up. there had been smaller graduations this week here, but today on saturday, this is the big 1. 63000 people are packing a stadium called the big house to watch. 8000 graduates get their degrees. i couldn't something happen a palestinian protest. absolutely. couldn't. we think that it's likely the reason for that is simply that that to what they've done in previous graduation ceremonies
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on friday. and there was a group of students during a smaller graduation who held up signs in the middle of the ceremony. they were escorted out by police, briefly detained, and given citations. if they're going to do that at the small ceremonies, you can bet they're gonna try to do it at the big ceremony where everybody is watching. but it will be a little more difficult because you have to go through sports arena, style, security, metal detectors, that sort of thing. and you're not allowed to carry a lot of objects in, at the university of hired a number of volunteers whose job it is to remain throughout that stadium and look for disruptions and shut them down if they happen. but this is a group of people who's trying to draw attention to this problem. so it's pretty likely that somebody is going to try to do something if they can do it in that stadium as john 100 and so he does from out in the arbor in michigan. let's go sides to, i'll just give us your help in time. so he's in george washington university in
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washington. do you see any sign of the process changing or diminishing their no trouble actually, each time i come here each day it's able to, it feels like that more even more tens that have been erected on university square . it's, it looks, students are just waking up, it appears after what must have been a rather uncomfortable night. it's very cold and rainy now, but says from what we can tell there's still a regular determination to, to see this through. so the students have very well aware they say of just how terrible the conditions aren't gauze. and so they're not going to complain about a little bit of rain, a bit of rain and cold air in the main development we've had them last 24 hours. is george washington university. administrators have put up an enormous us flag on the side of a building overlooking university square, and now it's on the pay whether that some sort of form of passive aggression or whether they're all celebrating. but being count mother is a great example of the tradition of us protests given sort of statements we've had
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from g w i. i would imagine it was a bit more of a sort of a slightly passive, aggressive move box where they usually engineer to you. the students have turned it into a bit of an off installation at night last night by projected an enormous picture of joe biden on that flag with the woods genocide. joe on top of the really it homes that projection. so i think unfortunately, george washing university have, have contributed to a rather impressive on installation against genocide and the games. the us to ministration is policy exact, but we'll keep your place to say advertising st. george washington university in washington dc. so yeah, thank you. of the $6.00 settings are being killed by his very forces another evening until crime and the occupied was find the last of 15 hours. the palestinian wrote, present says this ready forces preventive medical crews from reaching the casualties is where the forces also demolished a house in the town of dental wilson. they said a palestinian, the size of the accused of getting a soldier last year was inside the house. same post office joining us from the dental office and then the occupied was fine runners through what's been happening
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there as a whole. let me take you right to what's happening on the ground right now. we're here at the scene of last night's raid and the attacks this morning by is really military. what we're looking at now is the result of modern urban warfare being brought to small town palestine. the people here who lives here for some time. they say that they've never seen anything so violent the federal hooks and has never experienced anything of this scale. these really military began the raid at around midnight, went in last night. they took over a house just across the fields from this house, and then they started opening fire on this house, they used at least 10 shoulder mounted shoulder fired rockets to begin. the operation on the house of firefight ensued. we've heard mixed reports that there were fighters inside residents here,
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say that the building here was massive and was also home to at least 5 families. so what we're witnessing now is a desperate search and rescue attempt. and the longer we look at what's happening here, very much feels like search and recovering more than anything else. now we know that he is released took away at least 5 bodies from just drove in from what was left of the building when they were done. and we know that the rescuers have found at least one body since a man who is missing his head, so incredibly violent seems played out here overnight. an array that lasted 15 hours would begin 24 hours earlier. we were hearing reports as of troop movements yesterday. afternoon before this took place and what one residents here told us, one was speaking to him, was that they've been watching. seems like they're playing out in garza for months . and it's the 1st time they've experienced it firsthand saying thank you very much indeed zane best and i'll be talking to us from the occupied the west bank. it's still a head and i'll just say the key part of that it used to celebration is also adults
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. christians pack the charge of the whole. the simple fact for the holy far settlement and installed a mass of booths for the japanese football is the head of the games details later on in the show, the 4 countless refugees, the english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a youngster, tracy onto the same is brother's life selflessly sold to provide for his family. the c won't scare us with this on a queuing this fact. the more fossil fuels we burn, the hot or the planet we'll get. we're forcing from the option to bite,
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says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it with the in this generation age where it goes right directly targeted and in depth coverage. how is any of this except it is not acceptable. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you, closer to the heart of the story of the what, the, [000:00:00;00] the, what, you know, just need a reminder about child stories. these are how my says is studying. the latest is really proposal for c spots in a positive manner to groups delegations, travel to cairo, to discuss the the overly. this is a once of
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a ton of top tips held in gaza in return for the attempted suicide. but how boss has repeatedly insisted on a permanent end of the war that's killed more than $34000.00 on the strings ahead of what you and the world food program says. northern garza is now experiencing what she calls a full blown funding. just as far as the palestinians are stopping, often more than 6 months of war, israel is still restricting the flow to monitoring 8 by land and sea into the guns and stuff. but it's palestinian trauma surgeon who served as a doctor and gaza says he's been denied entry to funds while on a flight from london, author gossen about fits, that was expected to address the french senate later on today. i will say that was denied entry to germany earlier last month and says, german authorities place the one you're buying. the news entry to europe. he added french authorities insisted on sending him on a late night flight back to london. despite audio flights being available. is that
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the police have scaled up security and occupied east jerusalem, the head of an important religious holiday. palestinians and other christians are preparing for all the adults eastern from sunday. this is, celebrations are subdued because of the war in gaza. and is there any restrictions while i had to booster sunday christians have been celebrating the holy fire setting many and occupied these stories of and stephanie decker as more now usually around this time before the holy fire, you'd have no more pilgrims here. you have a lot of check points by these radius trying to contain and that's how you got what usually are thousands and thousands and thousands of people. but this time, this year they were far less. so this is the situation here. a lot of the check points inside the old city types of controlled by these readings. only those who have permission can enter the church and the areas around the church courses, the charge of the hell,
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these type of car and the scout procession this year. much more subdued and solidarity the goals. i know drums know loud music, just the sound. you can probably hear it of that faint whistle. now the holy fire takes place inside the church. of the degree orthodox patriarch goes into jesus is choose. and the pilgrim believe that the light, the fire is a miracle. and then you will see the patriarch emerged from the 2 posts on this plane. the lighting church, the holy separate. they were in a sea of gold that claim that usually would get pulse outside the church to thousands of people this year, much less, of course. and then the fire gets passed on to orthodox churches, around homicide in israel, also around the world. definitely, dec on
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o g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. you can government sort of people living at a 178 diamonds to leave their homes a fall. this is a warning that more heavy rains and the region could see dams and reservoirs overflow capital, sorry reports from nairobi, the east residents must vacate the homes as soon as possible. leave me a revised in narrow b. this month says he has nowhere to go. i have nothing, i have no money. my salary is only due. next week the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon mets roads go. reports paint, di a picture that rains with but least increasing both into ration. i mean intensity
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for the rest of this month. and possibly after kenya and neighboring times, and you have seen weeks of devastating floods and launch lights, the desktop keeps rising. the problem in that ruby has been watson by poor drainage and illegally build settlements. in some areas the people who are leaving near the narrow be dumb, say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down, it doesn't look like march. it's covered by what the highest sense, but when it overflows the what comes to that, how is this several people the last couple of weeks have been tells she learned that you and her neighbors have had to move to a field adjacent to the dom, delta fernando at wherever we go and is a government where people told us to pack up our things,
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we have done that we have children. so what's next door to? she says she still waiting for the government to tell them where to go. catherine solely onto sierra robi leaders from the organization of islamic cooperation are holding a 2 day summit in the gumby and capital to discuss issues war on guys. representatives will discuss resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. also on the agenda. tensions between israel and iran, the war and so done on the rise and just from a phobia and racism, homes them a home is joining us now. live from the gun being capital punctual. tell us what's being happening. will roll more than 50 heads of heads of state and then it keep cutting me thing in the building behind me now discussing a number of issues. but the main one is, is right, is conflict in a is right as well. and gods. what they are saying at the moment is that they want
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an immediate cease fire in garza. i'm humanitarian a to be i last the 1st session of the sunday just concluded on the incoming chair, president adama bottle of the gun, the address to somebody. he said, and i quote by let's do the, the, the plight of the palestinians as a matter of great concern. he also won the conflict is not results immediately. it could spread not just in the region by cross the wall. joining me now to discuss that is the gun guess minister of information and, and talk to somebody, let's say thanks for joining us. the thank you and i would fuss ask you and all i see on the gums you have been calling for an immediate cease fire in god's what is that? oh, i see it on the gum just doing so. i keep that full support is to support existing efforts led by and get you to push for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire. inquiry is fine, but also to use every available minutes to put pressure on. is it
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a to ensure that this is via i think i'm the lead us, you will really have the oh, i see together with the existing stuff just to ensure that that this is 5 a that's a ceasefire. that is sustainable and gather roughly is right. is that going to evade roughly more than one point? 5000000 palestinians? i've spoken with feeds from other parts of the gods dispute because it is really bombardment. the u. n. meditating agencies are wanting. that is right, because i hadn't said this could be applied. but how concerned i better concerned deeply concerned? i think a ground based on of uh offer, would lead to serials humanitarian catastrophe. and i think it should be avoided at all costs. and the diplomatic means must be used to ensure that to get on with them . doesn't go ahead on the books on going to put pressure on is ready to use existing efforts. and so that's sustainable piece in gaza, but also it and so it dies, move it on and based on a for alpha, remember, or what it's really populated. if you look,
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look at the wonderful police on and drop for loans on the size of the guy pick out the size of that particular police and grounding, based on really to abroad boss dislike of the international organizing us predicted . so i think that should be avoided. i know so remember most of the people who would affect that i've been to women and young children. and that was administered as my let's see, fake gun via the gum disk. minnesota information. the summit will continue until tomorrow when we are expecting the latest on the resolution. this resolution would call for in kia toms sci fi in the gaza strip. they would also be demanding communicating assistance to go more communicating the system to go into the gulf of strips tons of mohammad and bundle donations on the us of condemned and attacking the displacement of camp an eastern democratic republic of congo. at least 12 people were killed and 31 were injured. you are a state department, it says the attack came from positions held by or london forces and the m 23 on group intern,
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monica. it's got more confusion and panic after shells struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo. arm conflicted force these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping, we started dragging as the bombs were fired at the camp. the shells were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility interplay, each other for the civilian deaths. some people, the camp, se artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the, the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we have victims of the ongoing situation of hundreds of thousands of people in the flat, the latest upsurge and fighting the un and western powers. accuser wanda,
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of packing m. $23.00 fighters, a charge one that denies the years long calls like this part of humanitarian crisis . at this place. people run short on basic necessities and spies and continued to spread their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. vent and monahan al jazeera protest. it gives a propos, low, have been working georgia for almost a month to build. would force organizations to register was for an agents, if they get more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad. critics say it's inspired by russian law. i need to block the countries chances of joining the you support us. a similar legislation exist elsewhere and you're gonna shop a lot of it has this report from typically young georgians have been at the center of these products hash. they have the reference to continue that demonstrations until benjamin's. i met the capital police, it has some days of launch. riley's prompted by proposed for an influence bill if adopted the new rule would require full media and
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n g goes receiving 20 percent of the funding from a pool to register as agents of foreign influence. the protest as a calling on the government to withdraw the bill and release all those recently to change the sticks and much higher than just my n g o or all of the embryos combined. mistakes are so high that it means that this law withdrawal and new dividing line between the russian world and that the world, uh, and this line will keep georgia on the russian side of, of that was suppose that the proposal will say it's needed to combat what the government sees as harmful for an influence in georgia as politics as in it's not russia, but the west that is undermining georgia sovereignty. that's the act as we softer compared to the similar one in the united states or in some member countries of the european union, canada, worst 3 of the the reason for adopting this bill is distracting the sovereignty of
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georgia and the for an influence coming from abroad is strong, the western leaders have already said that if the bill is fast will lose and the paternity to join the european union, that's what this whole fuss is about. but it does have to be less, really disagrees. the fundamental problem with this law is that it says the enemy is elsewhere, the element enemy is in the west. in reality, the enemies here, we know who they are, and now they're sing, therefore the synchronized with uh, with the russians to the business. similar to the one the governing georgia dream policy was pressure to withdrawal last year after mass protest. so far, these demonstrations have not stopped the bill. it said and final reading is scheduled for later this month. the proposal unpopular discontents have been a challenge for the governing georgia dream politics, especially if it had a problem and for elections. and i'm sorry about, up to 3 weeks of protest, neither bill position nor the government up here for pets. so given us, if i bought about all to 0, really,
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st. georgia is still ahead on order 0 going it alone with on spots despite the installation of was a conflict is propeller. you trains don't over as far as like to turn out to be in florida and state you for real madrid. we're going to explain why in a few moments the, this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its allies from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force. they're on patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation,
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nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official se last, that are already in the billions of dollars. although the contract is still large and contained and confined to the, for the region, as well as says, the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the, the, the stuff of this part is fine. rob, thank you so much. are slow picked up another victory as they looked when permanently title, the gunners beat visitors borne left at everett stadium. a penalty from because
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soccer before the break and goals from lambda to sort. and jacqueline rice and the 2nd half field is reno when arsenal are looking to win the primary lead title for the 1st time in 20 years. the victory means that for now at least arsenal have a 4 point lead over manchester city who have played 2 games left. the well man city themselves or an action leader, the house wolves who actually beat them in september pub. guardiola started looking to win the title for a 4th time in a row to do a plus points. otherwise, would it be difficult because i saw a strong so consistent is difficult. going to draw a points with what i said is, depends on us around the direct and when literally gets the league a title later on saturday they can clinch and championship with 4 games to spare.
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and one of 2 ways, the 1st of carlo enchilada. so i'd be cat is, and barts, one of failed to be de, rona. the 2nd is if midra draw against kind is and barcelona news at jerone the fuser to but it's hard to compare this squad with any of the what i see and the squad without wanting to compare it with the previous ones i've had. is the extraordinary collective commitment and lack of ego to let it go. bell have kept a lot of their hopes of playing and the champions season and knock you williams got both goals as a bees has half a to know a weight and a match. the saw them get 2 players is sent off. the result means they trail, 4th place, athletic, co, madrid, the by 3 points, athletic, oh, have played one do less, however. depends when football men's football team will be heading to the paris olympics as continental champions?
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japan beating is becca sign one now when the asian under $23.00 title and cut term . joanna, i guess you all, scott was at that final for us. a story when to japan, the 1st time any country has clinch the under 23 asian comp. twice the young summer . i blew adding to the title of a one here indo how in 2016. but it wasn't an easy final against his breakfast on the sands. to the team would have depend marching to that beach. having had stronger performances at the tournaments going into the decide to lose breakfast on having conceited. a single goal in any of the 5 matches and cast off and hung on to that impressive feat until still pitched in substitute the t a mode assuming it with a low show. but moments later, a huge twist. when the 2nd son rewarded a penalty of the va, all check of
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a japanese humble mar ali, ruffling any of steps up. it is no match for japanese. keep up the one. no, it was enough to see japan sealed the toys. so a dramatic victory for japan here in the 123 asian comp. these teams can consider themselves. when is this tournament sampling is going to be qualified? they 1st made it through the power scale. the guys are all set out at their house. justin been how much stadium the dallas mavericks have advanced the 2nd round of the m b playoffs. they did it by eliminating the la clippers and games 6 of their series high rate irving and leave it down to both put in a brilliant performance to help them. maverick speak visiting slippers, a 114 to a 101. dallas will face and top seated oklahoma city center in the western conference semi finals. the one of the best of 7 series takes place in oklahoma
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city. on tuesdays in the see orlando magic held off the visiting cleveland cavaliers. the 4th, again, 7 in their 1st round playoff series. orlando's apollo bank heroes, 27 points, leading them to 103 to 97 when the series news to cleveland for getting 7. yeah, i thought we just did a great job. you know, everybody, all 15 guys just sticking together. it was a lot of communication every time on every hurdle. and now it was a special moment, you know, just everybody being engaged in the game like that. and andre roof lab has reached, has 1st ever madrid open final, the russian player who knocked at well number 2, carlos alvarez in the quarter finals beat american taylor fritz in straight sets to advance well, number 8 will face the i'm see, the navy. and if you like for j audi ascending for the 2nd title of the year, read, those matters to happen is in pull position for the spring raise in miami is for me . one makes its 1st stop. but the season in the united states,
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the title holder and current championship leader finished ahead of fries. charles laclare for stipends teammate sergio perez was 3rd fastest. it was another bad day for mercedes as loose, hamilton qualified in 12th, while his teammates george russell, finish and 11th race takes place on saturday at the head of qualifying for sunday's main clause. pre i thought of the practice, you know, i was quite confident, confident that you know, we could really find for both then and qualifying it. didn't really look like that for me. but somewhere we still ended up in, in for a site. i didn't know what, what happened to the other cars in the last lot and the, and a child the vancouver canucks have advanced the 2nd round, the stanley cup playoffs a baby house, a natural predators, one nothing ending the 6 pious suitors for the only game goal of the game, vancouver, we'll play another canadian team edmonton oilers next step. do they beat the l a kings and they're opening series of defending champions. las vegas gold and knights
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have managed to keep alive with their hopes of reaching the 2nd round. they beat the dallas stars to nothing's the type of series and force a deciding a game 7 on saturdays in dallas. okay, that is all you support for now. back to you rob. wow, thank you very much indeed. not boxed on has received a final 1000000000 of a $3000000000.00 international monetary fund loan. the government says it's going to give the economy a much needed boost that it cost reports that installed. and it's not as bad. corinne can earn, says, living selling water about a few rupees he makes, are worth increasing. the less inflation in pakistan is at around 20 percent day laborers and traders like kareen say they're struggling all the available. i'm 74 years old and at my age, people rest at home. but unfortunately still i have to work to feed my kids and have to pay the utility bills which are going up day by day. while the government
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isn't interested in our plate. pakistan has received the final $1000000000.00 of a $3000000000.00 loan from the international monetary fund. the money has helped the country avoid default bring inflation down and increase its foreign currency reserves. but many pakistani say they are not seeing the benefits of the, you know, more of the internet. we are worried about the sky. it all, could you give the station look at the prices of fruits and vegetables. we kind of for this. on the other hand, the government has voting money from the mess, but i haven't seen in my life, but it does help the poor people like us live and instead, but in us of more texas. so that'd be gone to even breed. prime minister should battery has been clear that pakistan's economy can't survive without another long term buying that as baylash, which he hopes to get in the next few months. to do that, the government has been pressing ahead with i am f demands, including tax hikes and an increase in domestic energy bills. the agency says reforms are essential for stabilizing pakistan's debt strapped economy. people at
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this market and it's not a bad and across pakistan, will likely take on those costs for the a car, which is here on time sponsor, becoming more common in ukraine. previously, many patients would have to travel to russia for the procedure. but since the war, ukrainian hospitals have been forced to expand their capabilities, john hallman has more from keith not let me just give you a warning is reports with some images. some of you might find distressing as such as well could keep medical clinic number one. they've recently carried out 5 multi organ transplants. that would have been on thinkable a few years ago. but 2 things have changed and ukraine, which have jump started organ transplants here. been in the 1st a new little from 2019 to establish the legal framework for them. and the 2nd, the rule, it met many people who previously would have had the procedures in russia or bella
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roost. now, by post though, countries didn't have that option anymore. ukraine's transplant sector had to expand a boom boom, out necessity in just the 1st 3 months of this year. there's been more than 130 a wooden trunk xbox phone, that 19 different medical institutions across ukraine. so when you think that about 5 years ago, the number was close to 0, that's a big change. a lot to me is one of the latest ukrainians to benefit. so he, so we didn't have such a platoon that is before it is very different. now under you, when i tried hard programs and 2011, i was just most from hospital to hospital now i'm getting grilled treatment. he had his trunk spun a week ago. soon he should be back home with his wife and his new hall. the more people are waiting an estimate to 5000 ukrainians and you really need a transplant. it's
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a major challenge for public health sector that's only recently begun to provide to the adult and a totally, yvonne, your head of the cardiovascular department here remains, boy and the we've got good feedback from patients. they see that transplants all possible that may be in ukraine. it's not necessary to go elsewhere for this that the results of good and patients survive. misled feeling sick to know little oppressions a successful. but you've got a still hurtful. you've come a long way from assume a region staying in a rented room in the capital, waiting for the coast. we have a trust because i don't have a choice, right? it's scary, of course, that fear is ms. tara pope. the fear of hoping that everything will work out of to old is go to national of medicines, keep his health going to his to at least that to is now possible. don't home and out to data. keith. i'm going to be back in
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a couple of minutes with more and all these stories. don't forget the website. of course, i'll just see the dot com. i'm about to stay with us. the now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just asking upfront on out 0 voters and kind of are preparing to election. you president on may 5th at the front run, their former neither of these kind of them have to. natalie has been disqualified
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after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside their future stay without us for the latest on panama? general elections pod came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular, i say to all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era here's from, i'll just say around on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and have to move the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the . ready the top you unofficial warnings of a full blown farm and a northern gauze and says it's moving. so the, i don't know about this, and this is all just do a live from doha. most of coming up is really strikes target palestinians in the office, across the guys at least 32 people have been killed over the past 24 hours. we must have guys in ruins of ceasefire negotiations between israel and commerce, which


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