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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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the one day, an organizer on the record tell all these people fully begun supplementing buffer, then it has someone not to be put on the bus that hit the button. generation change can you change is coming is no doubt about it. on a busy though, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm 0, then you get to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program. this our pressure ramp stuff on the diplomatic efforts underway in cairo to strike a deal for a ceasefire. in gaza there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south palestinians in gaza. star of wireless rail launch is
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more attacks from the north to the south. the 6 people are killed and there is widespread destruction in the occupied west bank after a 15 hour is really military raid near to car plus canyons are bracing for a site close enough to weeks of devastating torrential rains and floods in sport also of moose full points clear at the top of the english premier league arsenal, facing fullness. 3 new types of rivals, manchester city. their inaction lights are on this on the this is 1500 gmc, that's 6 pm in gaza. where they see mandatory in situation across the strip is getting worse. by the day there have been more attacks, more displacement and more suffering. but diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire deal are ramping up. all lies are on cairo on saturday. we're
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a mazda allegation, is holding talks with mediators from egypt and guitar, as well as the ca director william burns. the group says that studying the latest is really proposal in a positive manner. but sticking points to remain israel once the return of the captives being held in gaza and how mazda is insisting on a permanent end to the war. those talks come as the un warren's that northern garza is now experiencing a full blown famine and moving towards the south. the head of the world food program is urging negotiators to reach a ceasefire as soon as possible to save lives. a earlier we spoke to a summer hung don, he's a senior spokesperson from us, and he says that in order to agree to any supplier deal, his group needs a guarantee from the u. s. that is really force is, will not launch a ground assault on rough, as well as to talking about the main issue, which is the complete ceasefire complete withdrawal from goods uh we hope to find
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some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive on so if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately that was a clear statement from, uh, the, to the whole, uh, showing that regardless to what may have been if there was a she's found on here with continues that, that's a good stuff like that to me, that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again switched to our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what bust me in his statement and the actual phone and the dates of the i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against. does that need this and does that include the amended we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to
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know if the united states administration have said clearly to an attorney out in offers and off, you have to do this on back. i assure you with that what happened? the guarantees enforcement and if that was given that will give a good bush bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need slips. tips to be, uh, decided on $310.00 in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also we need a key of stage months which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantee is not good enough, it's important, but it's not the only need to think we need guarantees, and we need also clear commitments. us, we've got correspondence covering the story for us across the region. in a moment we'll be hearing from tarika boys whom was in a rasa. mohammed,
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drums room is standing by intel, a vive and hushing. hail bar is here in doha, in the studio with me. how soon are you seeing you've been covering this for months? are you seeing real significant progress towards the slide you have is heard officials talking about significant progress since the some of the today they're talking about progress to the point whether it's a technical team, canada technical team in kyra. and usually what does that, the, the pin down the details of an agreement, because this is the moment when you start talking about the competence because of those exchange and the they would have to take to move in and out of goes on how to talk about a money tell you an 8 and the ceasefire agreement, the position of these right? i mean the areas what, how much we'd like to see them putting out and all those details. now, when you see the statements made by how about the last one, when they were talking about the fact that they are waiting to make this to let, this happens
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a deal with the demands on net with guarantees particular when it comes to us these via with complete withdrawal from all of these writers from guys are loving aid and a genuine present as top to exchange deal. and i think this is why the tardies and the egyptians are going to be instrumental in not doing some of those differences between the 2 parties of this next hours are really very important. and they will give us indication of whether we're going to have a do tonight or now. okay, but i listen to what the guitar is said, listen to what these really say. both sides seemed to be stating their red lines. and those red lines currently are not compatible, and i don't know what to make of it. this data is going to be different from the 1st one that was based in november. how much does the sound of this time? is it not going to get any statements, all of these variety of things that they would have a permit and seized by a definitely not the and phase one of the ag with of it altima. the goal is to
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convince the key mediate is to allow for 3 phases of the agreement that would have the wave for something like a 6 by of that would extend $400.00 days. the reason why they want this to happen is you're looking about 40 days for today and then 40 days old, 55 days. if you do the math, you were talking about a 100 a 100 days. they believe that that would create a consensus globally. all the data tons the top to of the wall and move towards a political supplement. the concern with the see these riley is saying that the other mental, the need to last the invasion of rough off. but you know, so real, how must understand of this moment a has become more about is a survival as a political entity that has been running gaza since 2006 of the pretty much concerned about what happens next. they see the international community, the americans in particular building towards the movement and what, how much with that we've been a little bit part of that political equation in the middle east of this explain is
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what they're looking into the deal, not necessarily because they want to implement the deal at the same time to do want to get an indication of what happens next and whether there was still be positive and political equation in the future. so i was gonna ask you, is this a deal to end the war? and based on what you've just said, it's a pretty great area. what we're talking about here is not quite that it's a deal where the fighting would, would stop for 3 plus months. and the hope is that then that would create space day, of course, because then you see the criteria back in november, this some that will quite different for, for every, for the in member of those days. the knowledge of, with, there's an excuse for any cooperative that we will risk for a full pro, for by the city is in the that for we were there would be, i chose photos by 8. we're not talking about best done the more now. now the debate is this, how much he's saying, is there anyone who's willing to give us got into that he's going to be above us. he's by these, by the thing. know that, cuz i'll say, you know,
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and the key mediators do understand that there's absolutely no way you can get that in provision into a, into the deep. so for him, us, if that can get something that would be conducive to this extent that says via talking about a 100 days 90 days, 80 days, the consented to the people. okay. speaking, if you you mentioned key mediators speaking about that. what can you tell us about guitar here? they've been making headlines. reuters again, reporting today is not the 1st time we've heard this recent days, but this is a today's report is from reuters. the katara is considering close shutting down the almost bureau. i'm us presence in guitar and they said before they spoke these really media, they said, you know, maybe we would need to reassess our role in this our entire role in the mediation effort in november when they paved the way for the equipment. it was an extremely painful to moment for the kentucky diplomacy. they have a huge left version of the sponsor of the wealth. it gave them the opportunity to become
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a key piece may cuz of the same time they became arbitrators. and they and they, and the consensus back then was that the would be conducive to a comprehensive supplement. only only for them to see these right is visiting forbidden and adventurous bombardment, followed by accusations levels of the top comes to is relations with how most of this will. this is not fair because we've been trying our best to put together an agreement in coordination with the americans, with these writers, with vision as well. committees. suddenly we've been accused for being colluding with or providing significant financial aid to how much they are looking into that option. the assessing the goals, kimmie data. if they decide to pull out, they will ask how much to relocate. however, this is they have yet to with this if to model of the decide to ask how much to put out with how much we have 3 options. iran southern aust goes of level and what, what has the law has that isn't control or to a key?
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now american diplomats, we don't want to see that option happen because then they will lose more leverage. and if there's no div tomorrow, and if how much these us to difficult so they would never be, i did in the near future. see, this is also a huge problem for them. but it goes off for these writers. they go to the ultimate need to be able to convince the capacities to stay on track. this puts out as, as, think of the same time, respect us as brokers. but at the same time, we have to have a say when it comes to the agreement, because the only way for i've talked to convince him us on making concessions is i have to tell you there's huge pressure or how much in these hours to agree on this i o o on this deal. you cannot come back to me and say, because you know, the stakes this we've heard from congressman from benjamin, that's in the out from us, right. the officials critical outside over the last few months. so the point of contact is saying that we cannot afford to continue being the political,
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a punching bag and they don't want to see that happen anymore. and tonight i would be looking into different things, not necessarily just the announcement of the agreement. by the way. i would like to see what does task spend and whether it's going to be still instrumental in the implementation of the agreement. but as we speak, there is progress. yes. but we are yet to see a finalization of that agreement. advocates always remain still a very cautious, frustrated of what happened over the past few months. it would be fascinating to see whether they would be still convince to stay all costs and continue doing what they have been doing over the last few months. all right, ashton, there's a, there's a lot to take on board and everything you've just told us. uh, thank you very much. i'm going to take this conversation now to mom ej, i'm sure. who's intel of eve mohammed. we want to know from you what you're hearing
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on the is really side about these negotiations. so cyril, the most senior leader who spoken officially in the last couple of hours has been been a gant's ease minister and a member of the war cabinet. also a political arrival of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and he put out a statement. it was picked up by his really media outlets in which he said, i suggest to political sources and all the decision makers that they wait for official updates to act calmly and not fall into hysteria for political reasons. he said that how mass has not yet given an official answer to the egyptian proposal for a hostage deal. and if how much is accepted then the war cabinet will meet to discuss the matter. so been again, essentially telling people in israel calm down, don't speak out of turn. let's wait to see what the official response from how mouse is before we start putting out any statements that could inflame the
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situation. and by that essentially, he's referring to a quote that was attributed to a senior as really official that was picked up by his really media outlets. this official was quoted anonymously earlier in the day. and he said that israel would, in no way agree to it, into the war as a condition to enter into a ceasefire. and israel would not agree to not interrupt as any condition, to enter into a ceasefire. that's the kind of rhetoric we've heard often from prime minister netanyahu. and it just goes to show that right now it's really a waiting game. and israel people to really wondering what's going to happen. i think what's going to be key is if we see and is really delegation headed to cairo because israel has maintained that they are not going to had enough to send another delegation to cairo for another round of talks unless they get a positive response from how much so if we see it, israel has decided to go ahead and send another delegation to cairo to continue the talks. that certainly going to be showing that there is momentum and that the israeli government believes that there is something to build on here. uh will no
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more in the hours to come see. okay, so that's the thing or viewers need to look out for. is israel going to send another delegation because that's going to be a strong signal. you'll keep a surprise. of course, if that happens in the meantime, you know, net. yeah. when you alluded to this by referring to benny gans member of the war cabinet that yeah, who the prime minister is being pulled in all sorts of different directions when it comes to this deal by protesters, by members of the war cabinet. by the far right. and his government can you describe his political calculus, the space that he's operating in when he thinks about bill make. so serial events in yahoo is under an immense amount of pressure. and as you mention from so many different segments of the government and of society here, we're in tel aviv, in a little over an hour from now it's going to be another one of the weekly protests in which they are anti government demonstrators who come out to demand that netanyahu resigned so that there can be elections because they believe that if
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there were to be new elections, that he would certainly lose. and then later, you're going to have members of the families of captives who are still in gaza, who come out on a weekly basis and demand that the government do as much as it can to ensure that those hostages are released and may have been putting more and more pressure on this. yeah, i went through that and if you just look behind me is a gentleman with a sign. and it says hostages have suffered for $211.00 days. nothing. yahoo and dance do not care this protest or they've just now started to arrive. so this is the only person who we've seen with assign thus far. but you can see that there are going to be people out here that are trying to apply pressure on the government because they don't believe that the prime minister and members of war cabinet are doing nearly enough to ensure that those captive actually are returned home. now beyond that, you also have met to yahoo facing an immense amount of pressure from the far right wing of his coalition ministers like it's more been to be or the national security minister, but is a little small. trish the finance minister, they have continued to say for months now that they do not want to see israel
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entered into any kind of an agreement that will be detrimental to israel. they don't want to see it into the war and they want to see an invasion of rough going forward. and they have threatened repeatedly to walk away from the government and fracture the coalition and essentially potentially end nothing. i was term in office. if he were to go ahead and enter into a ceasefire under those conditions and then of course you have the opposition. that's putting pressure on us and yahoo to go ahead and just enter into a deal. because the most important thing is to get those captains returning home. so it's a huge amount of pressure. many people would say that netanyahu is in a politically untenable situation, especially when you consider the fact that he's under a lot of pressure from the us. and other allies as well. so it's a very big question mark as to how, how exactly he proceeds, how he finds the political space to proceed at a time when opinion pull after opinion, poll throughout israel says that his popularity and the what people, whether they trust him or not, it's an all time low 0. now mom is obviously reporting from tell of the thank you very much. you let us know if anything changes or moves in any way, shape or form where you are. let's go to tarik,
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ark up with whom and rough road us and southern gaza. it's hard. no one has more writing on these the supplier talks than palestinians living and god more than 34000 have been killed since the beginning of this war. and it continues every day, palestinians are being killed. how closely are they following this? and what are they saying about it? well, settling syria, you do not see how palestinians on the grounds off following closely over the latest developments regarding the ongoing troops were to reach trustees by agreement that we have. my son is well off to the latest media reports released from these. but he saw that you've defended raping sources about a great most fear of positivity and this round of totes, that could not be really phones in previous, fairly as a previous rounds that i did the ends where what we do see here is that some families, this talk to, to back their items and try to get for pets for the day of return and lights of
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these a sense of positivity or in terms of the ongoing negotiations box. they are completely range of the collapse of these assets being made by original media to as they have been closely following all the latest leaks regarding the 3 phases of this a ceasefire agreement as they have been feeling. the mounting pressure made by the right to the sites on the side with the top of egypt and full spots. they believe dr. adams to supply a but will not guarantee the full return of the displaced people to the newest and even the is ready for withdraw him from the gaza strip size. the a full session of minutes be absent, the grounds will be extremely baseless. it means that the ones at the end for the fighting them and for the hot chips on misery that they have been going through since october the 7th. and meanwhile, they are following also all the latest threats released by the east valley, from minnesota administrator for shields say, invest we've,
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we've out to the roof. i will be invited as they are trying to resume the fight thing off to the end of this cruise that might be approach to the type of box to now do you understand the points and the sticking points of the disagreements with how much time as well that's from us once upon minutes, so you find that to bring gum and foldable as well. one item for post, which relate to enable it to continue. it's from bottom intended to submit a treat offensive when the gaza strip. so we have a kind of cautious optimism on the ground t and the gaza strip, as we can read when the lines of the desperate goals and see if they are eating the hot sauce in order to return back to the north. unless that the entire population will be extremely shocked if these negotiations met to will meet at the ends on the ground. target. just want to pick up on a point you made. you said some families are packing their belongings in anticipation of a possible ceasefire. deal are you telling me that it's a deal where to be a noun? some people were just up and leave displace palestinians to go back to their homes
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almost at a moment's notice. is that what you're saying, man? well we, we do see this on the ground. practically. we make shift, thompson, united nation schools. the people started to get for pads for the day that they've been hearing the announcements of the seas for agreement because they have been most of the displaced. i've been living in misery for more than 6 months right now . and they have been really every day austin, not only genuine own side with different officials about the day when to cease far . even now i'm going to see spar will be a noun. so all palestinians off closely following this. and they haven't been also saying that we are so you got to return back to our houses in the north of the gaza strip, despite the fact that we know they are completely and partially destroyed. but we need to return back the because it's all part of who we are and it's a part of, well, we also belong. so that's what we have seen among the palestinians. and those people
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are really afraid that these negotiations might really full because there will definitely believe that they might not return back again to the house as to the know that part of garza. okay, tara, thank you very much. that's the alpha 0 startup with whom reporting from the southern part of the gaza strip. the city of rasa. and we want to bring you more now on the humanitarian situation and gaza, as we mentioned at the top of the show, the head of the u. n. world food program said the northern gauze is now facing a full blown famine, extra assignment, which has more on that of the people because i haven't had much to eat system where it began. and now for the 1st time, the you, when says a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. where i can explain to
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you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports and various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always work that way of israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of 8 to reach palestinians international efforts have shifted to air dropping supplies. but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. it's har, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a cease fire and, and begin to,
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to feed these people at, especially in the north, in a, in a more. and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire garza population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march. efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the ceasefire. but a deal remains as elusive as ever x. as i move out to 06 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and a raid near to a car and then the occupied westbank that lasted 15 hours. the palestinian red crescent says is really forces prevented medical crews from reaching the casualties
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. is really force is also demolished, the house and the town of there. all of a sudden they said a palestinian fighter that they accused of killing a soldier last year. it was inside the house houses, there was a mister avi joyce's life from there all of a sudden and the occupied westbank explained to us what we see behind you and what's happened to get to this point. well this is quite simply, the result of modern is really are in warfare coming to small town palestine residents and barrels us and say that they've never seen anything like this in recent memory. this is the most intense rate that's ever happened here, according to people that have lived here long enough to be able to tell you that this is, they've never seen anything like this before. now what we hear is that these rallies came in late last night around midnight, 1 o'clock they, they came and surrounded this one building. this was the focus of this rate that went on for 15 hours,
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but planning for it began 24 hours earlier. we heard reports of jeeps moving into the area around toper and they came in and started to announce to the people inside to evacuate to women and children. once they left, once they went into the surrounding neighbors homes, then that's when classes broke out between these really special forces and soldiers that took up positions in a house just across from here and in surrounding areas. and the palestinian fighters inside the we are being told those is there has been told that they were a mazda affiliated fighters. v as railey is used at least 10 shoulder fired rockets to attack the house and to complete the destruction of it, they came in with bulldozers in the aftermath. now, all that's left here, the rate was so intense. all that's left is rubble twisted. metal destroyed cars, we've seen people digging with their hands with heavy equipment to try to get to anyone that might be left alive inside. but unfortunately, all that we've seen being pulled out our body parts,
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parts of human remains. now the women that were in the neighbors houses around here, witness their, the destruction of their homes. they witnessed the end of their fathers brothers husbands, and the end of the palestinian fighters inside the last stand of the palestinian fighters that were inside the building. there was still standing here less than 24 hours ago. the same. thank you very much for your reporting there. that's a zane bus route of the reporting and from their office and in the occupied westbank in the aftermath of that is really right there. a british palestinian trauma surgeon who served as a doctor in does. it says that he's been denied entry to france while on a flight from london. doctor lawson, i will see if that was expected to address the french senate later on in the day. i was sits, it was denied entries of germany earlier last month and says, the german authorities placed a one year ban on his entry to europe, the shrinking zones. specifically, he added, the french authorities insisted on sending him on
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a late night flight back to london. despite earlier flights being available, you can cut them today. i was suppose to give a state from my testimony before the french parliament. yeah. upon arrival into charles to go. apple was briefly arrested on the grounds of a bond that prevents me from entering into any of this and getting statesman this band was issued under a petition from the german government. although differential authorities had the right to exempt me from the time they did not exercise such a right and denied my entry. in addition, and in an attempt to exercise more psychological pressure on me, differential authorities prevented me from returning to london on the earliest lights. without my lawyer, differential authorities would not have handed my son back to me. and i will, i need be allowed to leave on the last like columbia. it's the in the united states, no student protests has continued to demand an end to israel's war on gaza. and the cutting of ties with these really universities. within 2400 students have been arrested since the 17th of april,
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when the protests began. some universities called into police to clear out the protest camps. other colleges have done deals with the demonstrators agreeing to review investments in israel, in return for a voluntary dismantling of the camps. but we've got correspondence covering these protests in a moment. we'll hear from she how baton see who was at george washington university in the us capital 1st though, let's speak to john henry and at the university of michigan ann arbor. so john, michigan is an interesting case study because on the same day to day you have a protest and a graduation ceremony happening. same campus, same day. again, tell us about that as well. several many other universities have cleared out encampments like this before graduation day. the university of michigan has decided to let it stay up and at the same time, just about a mile away from here right now in a place called the big house. they are holding
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a graduation ceremony for $8000.00 graduates with $63000.00 spectators looking on in so far an hour and a half into that ceremony. there haven't been any uh, noticeable disruptions or pro chess within that ceremony now. but we're only seeing what the university cameras and microphones show us. so it is possible that we're missing something, but we are waiting to see if there will be a major approach as because the students do want to get the word out. but they've been doing so in a way that allowed them to sort of co exist with the graduation weekend and with the university which has not agreed to do what these students are asking them to do . which is to divest from anything to do with israel or the war in gaza. i talked to a number of these students about what their plans are, cuz i think the university is, is likely thinking that when the year is over, these students will simply melt away. and certainly some of them will. but uh,
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many of the students are said they're going to keep these protests going in one form, or another question is 0. will these encampments continue to exist after the school year is open over and, and just on the calendar. because everybody's not familiar with the academic year in the us, right? when is the year going to be over since since campus authorities hope we can just wait out the protesters a well, graduation usually marks the end. but you know, different universities have different graduation ceremony. so it really extends through minute through may, but by the end of may, they should mostly, it'd be over. and i think a lot of universities are really just hoping with the end of the school year come the end of protest. there are a couple of caveats, though. not everyone on every campus is a student, and there are also summer term. so it is possible, at least at some places that these protests will continue and the students we've talked to have said no matter what happens,
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they are going to continue protesting until their demands are met. all right, john, thank you so much for your reporting there. from ann arbor in michigan. let's head over to shabby time. see who's the george washington university. that's in washington dc. the us federal capital associate have demonstrations where you are, have been pretty peaceful from the start. law enforcement did not move in, but i wonder our students getting anywhere with their demands us. no, as far as we are aware of your devices, refuse any negotiations with our students. in fact, the only action we've seen from george washington university administrators is they've on folder in numerous us flags overlooking university square. looking to be in calvin's book, quite say, what the motivations weren't doing that. but using the ingenuity that we've come to expect, the students of incorporation thought now into the approaches each night about projecting an enormous picture of death. joe biden, with the words genocide, jo underneath and it's actually,
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it's actually made the production even more effective, i think, as actually a part of the a part of the process. but they're moving on to balance. i just want a bad idea just to read out some of the bonds each of us the most dropped the charges against the profile of started. student organizes each of us, the must protect pro palestine speech on campus. each university must diverse from company southern technology to weapons, to design a stream. these are the way the progress is each of us the most immediately displays. old endowments and investments at each university must end all academic partnerships with design the state of israel each university because there are several right universities in the district of columbia, maryland, and virginia, who i represented at this encompass she have our americans taking notice of these protests since they've now mushroom 2 campuses across the country, and if they are, if the broader public is really taking notice of this, i wonder if the conversation around the student protests is changed at all over the
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last 3 weeks. i think we should be clear that even before the in comments, the opinion polls are pretty clear that the majority of americans were against because right the onslaught and goes, there were against the blank check for the by do ministration was given to these relatives to do whatever they, whatever they ones that were against us taxpayer money going into is riley. is there any weapon? in fact, in some ways you can say these and comments without growth of, that's a popular sentiment. it was, it was that way around being killed. most people all taking murders of incompetence, but as also the way when these comments are covered in the us media, it's truly from a civil disturbance context. as in look at these on rudy students. this is about law and order, and would they have to think should be dealt. i mean, up, so we have cnn in the network news, and fox is just like, you know what, what's happening while they've been crack down the bottom edge off of that demands, or even mention i'll even mention in the coverage. so that's why i think would be the debate has moved, at least when it comes to main street opinion here as to whether they should be
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forcibly clear. and that's why i democratic politicians, especially on capitol hill, spelt necessarily engaging with the demands of a student as well. all that worried about is will, it will be seen as agent. it will be seen as the dollars the lower order party come november at the election. and that's why they're asking for everything because they didn't really care about the demands and also have your name. yeah, and that's, that's true with the white house. that's true with everyone on capitol hill because we have data for that data is that it doesn't duty to public opinion. the opinion polls i mentioned earlier, other students here unless you have the tennessee reporting from the encampment to george washington university. thank you very much. i, i always bring you back to our top story, this, our diplomatic and diplomatic efforts which have intensified to reach a deal for a ceasefire in gaza. mazda allegation is in cairo, holding towards the mediators from egypt and guitar, n. c. i, a director william burns, the group. i'm us says that it is studying the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, but that's sticking points remain as bringing more one of the shar elders, you're
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a senior political analyst. you are joining us from paris, more one, it's good to get to talk to you on this. and there's a, there's a big gray area. there are a lot of questions around this. we have very little certainty, and it kind of feels like we've been here before. but there's so much movement around us today. it, it feels like it could be something there could be real movement as well. i know you being that you are another son. we being another news network. clearly your not taking a general guns advice about just coming down sitting it to quietly until we hear exactly. ready what is going to turn spite out of title? because and use media. we try to get the head of the hands of the current as it were. and clearly that auto auto expectations, you know, one of the things you've learned in a long experience and media and academia is that when there are leaks,
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one has to look who is behind the lead on why they are looking good. so it also are leaking all the optimism or something, a leading a sort of a strategy bite, optimism meaning you continue to push towards that. there's premiums, comments in us, these try to determine them. and then, if you are the united states and this time you would say was how much is to be at fault for finally, you know, breaking it's word or walking back. it's what it's promising. on the other hand, if there is really a serious moment them and that's why different countries are something that actually competes to kyle. because now it's just a question of the details and i'm getting those are the way in order to find the minds to see them. it could be under something know how and where and how do we get there? if in fact, nothing you know continues to say that he wouldn't be attacking, don't come what may be or,
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or not do something that is i'm and i seem to have mice that will never next up. and what is what have most is basic principles. if you will, the mindset design withdrawal, it's forces conventionally from ties of war uh that the population of guys are, we'd be able to go back to each homes for that there would be some serious construction. there's also no, briefly, i would say the following is seems that the court has no from how much time is read to is the united states. if the united states has given time us guarantees on all of these issues, that means the question, the way this is going to be between by the end up in the forward. because if the position gauge, the understanding is that addictions across those guarantees that they don't guarantee that is that it will do one to 3. that is going to be up to washington to make sure that those countries are expected. and it seems you want to go here
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earlier and they use are from how much fox sports and the dispute in fact, big enough for us. yeah, it's interesting because how i'm i spoke to alpha 0. i'm looking at the clock about 5 and a half hours ago now. right? that's the latest update that we got directly from a home us representative. and they firmly in that interview, put the ball in the us as court. cuz they said we want the us guarantee we want know is really envision intervention of rafa. and we're obviously not gonna take israel's word for it, but we wouldn't take the west is word for it that puts us in, in, in a, in an interesting situation. i was gonna say a bind, i don't know if it's the right word to the sense that we know that nothing you know has been human. anything at the session like there's no tomorrow or is there a time uh, the american administration, showers the government's under words that they don't cover much, much more crimes for breaking just promised you. so the united states for refusing,
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i can advise that's what shows that moving forward. probably nothing you know would continue to say best. there's no reason why each choose you should change on going about that. but especially that he does have a pc or practically speaking or the collaboratively speaking question part does that continue just stopped in geneva as part of a scholarship, if can fax, the science policies. so we have a situation that is, you know, you don't have to say the least. but at the same time we, i've another dimension to all the forces of our tour. its, we'll see more domestic pressure on the restriction, especially from the diverse if these on across the cities in the united states. we're also seeing more pressure domestically in his room, including by the like some guns, an item cross and so so forth for the government to clarify what the heck is
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position moving forward. so you can see that there are some serious pressures now that the war did in some, you know, horrible ways actually visual objectives of this as a destroying guys and incapacity display from us. and there is a real, a monitor and fear and the objection to the individual problem. same goes for egypt and jordan. and so yeah, and then others. so we all stuck. so i names the only way to move the ball forward . there's something that i did speak about over the past many weeks and months is that as an every negotiations between but assuming as in his right it's, it's may not be scarce. that steps it gives guarantees to watch sites to mix both sides happy and the sense that is responsible for those thoughts. now we know from some, from the awful hostile process that stuff is 1993. that's what piece process this just been give the palestinians,
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i remember kind of these are both of these weren't respected by the various bush and associates, right click event content and the search the supplements increased. jerusalem was basically, i caught, you know, confiscated and i look nice by the united states. most customers have all or so now i might decides like the po, to place its confidence, distrust in the united states. it's not that it's geared towards guarantees that the united states will, but if it gets across, you know, say no. yeah, as i listen to him or what i'm reminded of the words of a summer home done, which actually understand better listening to you when he spoke to us 5 uh, 5 hours ago. he said look, we want guarantees from the us, but that's necessary. but it's not sufficient. we also want to see the details of the deal and he stressed that points several, several times. and i think you just highlighted why more on the chart i was you're a senior political editor. thank you so much for joining us. it is rarely police
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have scaled up security and occupied east jerusalem ahead of the orthodox christian faiths. holy fire! a ceremony. preparations are under way for orthodoxy store on sunday. but this, your celebrations are subdued for many palestinian questions because of the war and gaza and is really restrictions placed upon them. stephanie decker has more from occupied east jerusalem. now usually around this time before the holy fire, you'd have a lot more pilgrims here. you have a lot of check points by these radius trying to contain and that's how you got what usually are thousands and thousands and thousands of people. but this time, this year they were far less. so this is the situation here. a lot of the check points inside the old city types of controlled by these really only those who have permission can enter the church and the areas around the church was the charge of the whole, the separate car and the scout procession this year. much more subdued and some
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a diety, the goals i know drums, know loud music, just the sound. you can probably hear it of that faint whistle. now the holy fire takes place inside the church. as a degree orthodox patriarch goes into jesus is choose. and the pilgrim believe that the light, the fire is a miracle. and then you will see the patriarch emerge from the 2 posts on this plane. lighting the church, the holy separate. they were in a sea of gold that claim that usually would get pulse outside the church to throngs of people this year, much less, of course, and then the fire gets passed on to orthodox churches, around homicide in israel, also around the world. stephanie, dec. r o g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem.
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the that you and us have condemned an attack on the displacement of camp in eastern democratic republic of congo. at least 12 people were killed. 31 injured washington says the attack came from positions held by ro, wonder and forces and the m 23 on group, or one that has called the us accusations absurd. fence and monahan has more confusion and panic. after shells struck a camp in eastern democratic republic of congo, armed conflicted force, these people from their homes. but despite thing despising, the violence has followed them here. the many people a heat while we were sleeping, we started running as the bombs were fired at the cannon. the shells were launched from an area where the army is fighting the m. 23 revel group. both sides tonight, responsibility and our blame each other for the civilian deaths. some people,
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the camp, se artillery station nearby turned it into a target. the, the rebels, the targeting here because of the heavy artillery overall. i mean, the, the camp to many problems are launched from here since morning and then the rebels responded to it. this is why we are victims of the ongoing situation. hundreds of thousands of people in the flat, the latest upsurge, and fighting the un and western powers accuser, wanda, of packing of $23.00 fighters, a charge one that denies the years long calls like this part to humanitarian crisis . at this place. people run short on basic necessities and as fighting continued to spread, their increasingly finding that know where it's safe. sent and monahan al jazeera was trying to kenya now where the government has ordered people living near a 178 damns to leave their homes. it is wanting more heavy rains in the region. could see dams and reservoirs burst their banks. some residents want officials to do more to help them. now sure 0, it's catherine story has this update from a robi we are either narrow,
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be dumb age range quite heavily. last night. so this one is from the dumb. we have seen some people who are already in the houses yesterday. we spend a whole day talking to residents who have been affected by the government directive to move from this unsafe areas. the government says it's going to provide a shelter of food and other necessities. but as you can see, a lot of people who leave here save that, they cannot afford to go. and you are all they're supposed to tell us to do. we have to go, that's what we are waiting for. so you gotta have to wait for the government to show us. do we have to go back even? there's nothing to do. so can you see what to do? i didn't get them in order that suggesting if they can give us something tomorrow
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designed to be housed in outside there. so they are relying on the government and they're saying without direction, without proper direction on where to go, where they're going to move the families to it's going to be very hard for them to move to somewhere else. so they're saying that the government needs to come and tell them what to do. cost. we saw you all just there are narrow b us and floods have killed at least 56 people in southern brazil, heavy rains and a burst damn sent water rushing through the state of rio grande data so and now threaten its capital port to a library. tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water or electricity. it is the worst flooding that the region has seen in more than 80 years. the water just last week, it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of the state. perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen, at least in recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has
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been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain, would could reach 1000 millimeters for beauty. my right is time for your sports and use with andy richardson. andy, thank you so much, sir. well, also have move full points. claire at the top of the english premier league also basing boom with 3 now that challenge with rivals months just to sit through an auction a little later on such here on often struck a cali habits giving the home see 1st health penalty school bad 5. okay. second vander trust, so doubled austin's advantage in the 2nd hall set up that by dex and royce uninstall for each time royce steps up to school, austin's the just 2 more games less to go. no, no. so sees and their weight much as you know it's, it's in a home evanson, also aiming. so when it's only for the 1st time in move in to decades, very excited and there's no need for 9 months now. how months now?
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so is 2 weeks ago and we really want to get it done. we're closer to where and yesterday and, and hopefully we can bring that to that side. so here i'm city, take off against wills, in less than an hour. will that be city earlier on this season, but quite always team have a last a home now for full see too much is when will take them back to the point of also, and they will still have a gaming and of joining city. and also in the premier league next season will be ups which sound days the scenes as to the wind that sale the promotion of switch back in england's top flight for the 1st time and move in 20 years, less the city of also. and also my 2nd promotion came through over the only needed a point. 9 pounds men's football team will be heading to the powers olympics is continental champions. japan basing has breakfast on one new. so when the agent on the 23 title here in castle drunk as a real sca was it not final for us? a story. when for japan,
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the 1st time any country has clinch the under 23 asian comp, twice the young assembly blue adding to the title of a one here in doha, in 2016. but it wasn't an easy final again, just biggest on the signs to the team would have depend marching to that beats, having had stronger performances at the tournaments going into the decide to boost practiced on having conceited, a single goal in any of the 5 matches. and cast off and hung on to that impressive feat until still pitched in substitute the key mode assuming it with a low. sure foot moments later a huge twist. with the 2nd son rewarded a penalty of the va, all check of a japanese humble mar ali, ruffling. any of steps up is no match with japanese. keep up the one. no,
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it was enough to see japan seal. so a dramatic victory for japan here in the 123 asian comp. these teams can consider themselves. when is this tournament sampling is going to be qualified? they 1st made it through the power scapes, trying to control stuff out at their house. justin been how much stadium now the spring rice of the miami photo won't grow and praise the balance to get on the white ripple drawing that much stopping on pole. that seems rivals by harping the current will champions, error of dominance could be coming to an end this week. rentals lead called is on an adrian new on the left to announce to be quitting the same at the end of the season. you're essentially, he's unhappy with our rental of dealt with harrison allegations level against the same principle. christine horner, i'm not surprised and he's, he's moving on. i think the stuff that's going on there is
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a bit destabilizing which probably the 1st dominator fall, my guess is not the the last, based on the resumes that are flying around. a busy route is coming up on the truck in miami, 8 points. and also for the winter of the sprint race and then the drivers move on to qualifying for sunday's main. drone free will contest, hold, and current shop should lead of a step and finish the on poll for the sprints ahead of for our charlotte class. beside these drivers, george ross, the newest comments and the way down there, starting in 11th and 12th position would be $5000.00 offerings have advanced to the 2nd round of the m b a. playoffs. they did it by eliminating the la clippers in gain 6 of the series. are you having a leak, a don't kitch by putting big performances to help them? i, for exp, eclipse is 114. so one i, one dallas will face the top city to oklahoma city from the, in the west and conference, the semi finals game, one of the best of 7 series taking place in oklahoma on choose a nice deal on by magic big the cleveland cavaliers to force
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a game 7 in the 1st round playoff series, orlando taking this 11 or 32966, the series move to cleveland, the games 7, the winner without going. suffice the boston. so i thought we just did a great job. you know, everybody, all 15 guys just sticking together. it was a lot of communication every time on every hurdle. and now it was a special moment, you know, just everybody being engaged in the game like that. and bruce kept looking good ahead of his title defense of the page. a championship that is the 3rd major the season. the american has to lead heading into the final run of the live goes events in single pull, the pga that sees off on may the $66.00. all right, that is i suppose, looking for next year. and as andy richards, who will see you again in a couple hours, we look forward to that. thank you very much. ending the closing ceremony of the 6th african women's film festival. and these set
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a goal capital is taking place with films on the theme of climate emergency and peace. the festival was postponed in april due to the presidential election. nicholas hack reports from the car. doctor way on the quiet street in central in the car is the old dominion to sit in the still showing. it's opening night for the screening of a palestinian short film when exiled to another, a visual poem of loss and longer for were physics teacher turned filmmaker visit lab, welcome. it has found a home for her work at the african women's film festival incentive go from the projection room. she keeps a close watch, not on the screen, but on the audience. searching for reactions. do they get it? she wonders her film, she says is a small window. it's what it's like to be palestinian today. cinema is a way to bring light to all it history or suffering. our exhaustion defend the
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shining message to the ward or beyond the theme of peace and the environment. the african women's film festival features 69 films. stories of betrayal of defiance of solitude in the face of love. plunging the viewers into story, telling by and for women among them, jessie comes selected to make her 1st bill. she's chosen to produce a short musical and pollution. in real life, i'm the community manager, but it's a direct to i can be so many things. i can be adult to a lawyer, i can become whatever i want. that's what some amazing we can experience so many lives through filmmaking. but such film struggle to find an audience because independence cinemas are closing down and able to compete with commercial content found online elements or was one of the year remaining independent sit in those where people used to come in, wants to african films. but look at it now. the owners have turned it into a supermarket. they say,
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selling food is more profitable than showing african film. the video cinema is an exception. a place where the zillow can only show her film, but tell her story. to a captive audience. she besides holding for those films and filmmakers who don't always feel like they belong. there is a home for them in the cars. medina, it's then it goes african women's film festival. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car. returning to garza for just one more moments, palestinians in the south of the strip of celebrated a group wedding for 5 couples. the crowd just took a break from the devastation of war to witness the ceremony in a fine eunice, the city has seemed some of the most intense fighting between these really forces and palestinian fighters since the war began. the events which was called weddings despite ruins,
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was organized by the ministry of social development. we're going to take virtual break and we're right back at the top of the hour for the morning. the, the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congo is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric, s u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo, and from the bodies of connelly's workers, all just ears, new series, dying beyond the o. n. h charts, military has been in charge that's taking power in the coal 3 years ago. now people will have a child to help dare say with a us,
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with drawing it's groups and groups. beautiful was in the front of neighboring so that means conflict. what lies the head for the country child, the elections, or not just the euro? cindy's with sand when he's one of the world's most expensive timbers in the black box and try his destination for one on one asian investigates the spot to capture india, sandlewood king. on out 0 examination being proactive, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform, didn't spine you, 2 options, a way to the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0,
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the challenges with the a pressure ramps up on diplomatic efforts underway in cairo to strike a deal for a ceasefire and gauze, the serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up there is famine, full blown famine in the north. and it's moving its way south palestinians and gaza story while israel launches more attacks from the north to the south of the


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