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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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all the pressure rims up on diplomatic efforts underway in cairo to strike a deal for a ceasefire and gaza the serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is alice's 0 life from the also coming up. there is fam and full blown famine in the north. and it's moving its way south palestinians and gaza story. while israel launches more attacks from the north to the south of the strength that 5 people are killed in the occupied westbank and there's widespread destruction after a 15 hour is really military raid near to car plus canyons are bracing for
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a site clone after weeks of devastating torrential rains and floods the is it's 1600 gmc, that's 7 pm in gaza, where the humanitarian situation across the strip is getting worse. by the day there have been more attacks, more displacements and more suffering. but diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire deal or ramping up at the same time. all eyes are now one. can i real aware how much delegation is holding talks with mediators from egypt and guitar, as well as the sky director william burns from us as it is studying? the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, but that sticking points do remain. israel wants the return of the capt is being held in gaza, how mazda is insisting on a permanent end to the war. those talks come, is that you and warns that northern garza is now experiencing a full blown famine, a famine that is moving towards the south of the strip. the head of the world food
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program is urging negotiators to reach that ceasefire as soon as possible in order to save lives. well, earlier we spoke to a summer home done. he is a senior spokesperson for homeless. he says, in order to agree to any ceasefire, deal is group needs a guarantee from the us. that is really forces will not launch a ground assault on or off, as well as to talking about the main issue, which is the complete ceasefire and complete withdrawal from good. so we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, that was a clear statement from, uh, the, to the whole, uh, saying that regardless to what may have been, if there was a she's found on here, would, could you know that that's a good start of that to me, that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again, sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean that
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statement the, the actual phone them, the dates of the i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against. does that mean this and does that include the amended, we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to know if the united states administration have said clearly to, to now and offers enough, you'll have to do this on back. i actually would, that would have been the guaranteed enforcement. and if that was given, that will give a good which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations, but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also will need
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a key of statement which should solidify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is i've trying every time to get out of this commitment. so the guarantees are not enough, it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees and we need also click on that and that's so we've got correspondence covering this story for us across the region. in a moment, we'll be hearing from tare. publish, who, who's in rossa mohammed, drums room. you're standing by intel, a v will come to you also shortly for us. so we're going to begin with alpha 0, the cushion. how bar a hush him. you've been covering these negotiations for months, going back to the november c spy idea, which is to be the only instance of a ceasefire. we've seen since this war began. what's your feeling on this based on your sources and the reading of the information that we're getting today with isaac, to say that there is important developments when it comes to some key aspects of the agreement of this explains why the,
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the delegations are now in cairo. how mazda exemptions and the categories with a technical team operating now entirely, which is a strong indication that we're talking about logistical aspects of the agreement. this is where it becomes extremely difficult because you get to the point why you have to sell the agreement to have both parties say yes, but it's into the paper and make the official announcement. now how much he's talking about guarantees. and the reason why they ask in about is guaranteed is because they don't want to see a replay. what happened in november when they announced a deal. and then these writers, stuff of the bombardment of, to almost 7 days of that agreement. this type of the not concerned that these bodies will launch an offensive and high in the fact that because concerned as the future, as a move of a has been in policy is 2006. and they believe that there is a call today to the f as by, via back as they are, if he is and is ready to put an end to the era of how much in gaza. and this is why
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they saying that it would not just gonna stop the exchange of the cops is just that exchange of a short seas by which is going to be broken by these riders. and then they go back to square one. and if they can get some concessions, they say that they go to and also officially that yeah, i had was a, with a div what, what's the outline of the deal? i mean, do we know much about what it is that they're agreeing, or disagreeing on? these writers are not going to commit themselves to a feminist. these via an exchange. they're willing to allow for a smaller number of, of, of, captives to be released by how much, which is going to be part of phase one. is that phase one? this still to debating? so the, the, the duration of the seas bio talking about almost $30.00 to $40.00 days how much he's hoping that if the deal is based all 3 phases,
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you combine the 3 phases each with us, these via duration they can end up with having something like $95.00 to $100.00 days of these by someone through these that these beach, the smartest way to get to a consensus, global events, if you can have a ceasefire full, a 100 days before it has to be met. and this is the only to reassure us for them to go ahead with the, with the key components with the agree, what was the exchange of the, of the captives and the prisoners later they would be talking about is right, is putting us from subject areas in gaza and then for complete withdrawal and allowing see if it is into the northern parts of the, of the, of the strip. but for the time being that's not the biggest concern for how about is the guarantees. and this explains why the out item into having some of those guarantees before commit to the test on agreement. ok, caution. that's your reporting. you're here in the hall. let's get mom is reporting from televi. now she's here as mama job assume. see when you look at this standing
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where you're standing mohammed does it feel like today or these next few days could be a turning point them in negotiations. i can tell you several that there is a lot of expectation in israel that we are at a crucial juncture and that things are as close as they've been to entering into a ceasefire since november. when that 1st and home we cease, fire was entered into for a week. now we're in tell of the just behind me back there. that's caplin square. protesters are starting to arrive for the weekly saturday night protest. you're going to have family members of captives that are still being held in gaza, coming out, demanding that the government do more to bring their relatives and loved ones home . you're also going to see anti government demonstrators that are coming out that are critical of a prime minister benjamin netanyahu say that he's not doing enough to put it into the war and bring the hostages home. many of the demonstrators are demanding that
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he resign. they are saying they believe and he is full warming the worst of it for long his political career because they say if elections would it be held now, it was almost certain that he would be thrown out of office and that within face rep percussion. so right now in these real the people we've been speaking with and what we're seeing across these really media landscape, there is cautious, optimism, people think that perhaps a deal could actually be entered into in their hopeful that that will be the case. but it's very tricky. for the political players right now is specially prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these under pressure not just from the anti government protestors, and the relatives of the captives. he's also under pressure from the far right. we, members of this coalition said that if you were to enter into a deal that would effectively in the war for instance, with deals. and then would prohibit israel from invading profile that then they
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would walk away from the government that wouldn't state television government all the parts. so it's a very complicated situation politically for the prime minister. and you can see that across the political spectrum, there are fishers, there are divisions just a couple of hours ago. you had been cancelled as a minister here. and a member of the work cabinet came out with a statement quoted in his raving media, saying look, if how much enters into into this says that they will accept this deal, then it goes to the war cabinet. we'll talk about it until then. people should be discussing this out in the open. they should be talking about any conditions. so right now it's a crucial time and we just don't know. so one of the things is going to be key and the hours ahead is to see if it is really delegation, actually goes back to cairo to enter into those thoughts again, up until now these really have said they're not going to send another delegation to cairo unless and until i'm honest, actually set that proposal right now. we're not there yet. there's still
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a lot of details you've heard from housing just a few moments ago about how complicated the situation is. a mass once guarantees, israel has their conditions, so it's very much a wait and see, and still with this, our 0 mohammed, where's public opinion on this? i mean, i know that the people who are gathering for the protest behind you, they want to deal that would secure the release of half captives in gaza. but is that reflective of the broader is really public opinion. it's interesting when you look at the polls in israel, because while there is that, as far as the pull numbers for an engineer who, let's go with that 1st. his whole numbers are at record most. there's never been this little trust in his leadership and majority of israelis when asked by posters one to see him out of office eventually. but at the same time, a majority of israelis in these polls support the war effort. so many israelis,
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even though they do want to see captives come home, they also want to see the war completed. it's a very unclear picture as to what exactly the people in israel would say to another ceasefire. i guess a lot of it would depend on what the politicos are saying in the days ahead. and if and when those captives are released right now though, it's a very polarized country, the opinion page. one thing that everybody seems to agree on is that people are not happy with nets and yahoos leadership. he certainly knows that he's got pressure from members of his right quick. he's got pressure from the opposition and he's got pressure from society and he's also got pressure from the united states and the biggest ally, and his very unclear as to how he finds the political space going forward to navigate all of this 0 units. and, oh, really interesting context mohammed john schuman televi. thank you very much. we'll check back in with you throughout the evening, is that protest, gather is pace. let's go to tarik. up was zoom in rasa,
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and southern gaza. it's hard, how we're palestinians responding to this. i mean, i assume that they are following the news that these negotiations are moving at a faster pace. well, how do they feel about it as well? yes sir. um, how soon? you know he's uh, driven. so what's the pursuing capital cairo regarding the ongoing negotiations being made, but we and how much on this bill? pro kid by egypt. time caetano, the settings are still ongoing as palestinians are closely following up with the latest developments we can see the unprecedented caleb optimism, the palestinians really having right now and lights of the generally positive atmosphere. that of indigo sions. disarm upbringing, which completely different from previous rounds. of negotiations that had tip to i did and previously bought now with some more pressure being exhausted by the united states on, via regional video uses. now we've been gladly see how is the leverage being made
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and how palestinians as constitutes practically being for pads in order to return back to the north as sometimes as practically started to back their own bags, preparing themselves for the official announcements that might be released spot on the other hand, they are completely afraid of from the collapse of these negotiations as going to be the greatest shock of being received since the beginning of this round of conflict as those people have been going through. really her rustic misery and difficult circumstances since they one of the fighting. but yet the kinds of now great deal of optimism as they are completely or even following the latest media reports being released on the following post statements when he's from homeless. and even from these many sites regarding this, and the only hope right now is an end for the fighting the ceasefire that would help to mitigate the aggravating humanitarian crisis and will help palestinians to
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secure peaceful atmosphere again on the ground that they have been deprived from since october, the 7th entire cowboys who are reporting from rough and southern gauze, and thank you very much. i as we want to bring you more now on, is humanity or in situation in the strip has we mentioned at the top of the show, the head of the u. n. world food program said northern gaza is now facing a full blown famine expos. i'm of which has more on that the people because i haven't had much to eat system or began. and now for the 1st time, the you, when says a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel's constant bombardment is further isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world. food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. what i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north,
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and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports and various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always worked that way. the israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of 8 to reach bow. a student's international efforts have shifted to air dropping supplies, but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. it's har, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a cease fire and, and begin to, to feed these people at it's especially in the north, in a, in a more. and in
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a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the famine. the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire gaza population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most to hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march. efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the ceasefire. but a deal remains as elusive as ever axles i moved out, is there still a head on elsie's 0 head of sunday's orthodox eastern celebrations. worshippers packed the church of the holy. some poker for the holy fire, sir. the
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hello. welcome to now the look at the international forecast is still writing across southern positive charter, but that range should be slightly as we go through the next couple of days, where the system punches this way out across the east coast, pushing up towards the korean peninsula, changed come here, 19 celsius in sold is that raise that same flood warnings in force here? i'm not where to weather drifting a little further east with as we go through monday. so turning, increase the way across japan into the new working week. dry weather coming back in to hi, welcome, dry weather at long last into southern positive china. do you see the re never really too far away some of the west to whether to rolling its way down into a northern parts of it. and i'm thinking a little further south, which as we go through sunday, that should help to break the heat. we're slightly, some west to weather starting to push its way towards the philippines as well. but the usual scattering a showers across much of southeast asia. we've got some live the showers,
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meanwhile, across mostly some parts of india that went to weather will drift this way down into bangladesh as we go through monday. again, starting to break the heat tape. but for many, you see the temperature still getting up into the 40, so the pre months of heat continuing to build the weather across the arabian peninsula. meanwhile, with showers towards the black sea for calculus, refugees, english channel is more than a body of water. it's the final spring and a desperate journey. a remarkable 1st time the account of a young tracy onto the same is brother's life, so fiercely, so to provide for his family. this the phone scare us. with this on i just
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the the, you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this our, the world food program says northern guys is now experiencing a full blown fan. it is real. it continues to restrict access for 8 trucks. despite the worsening humanitarian situation. diplomatic efforts have intensified to reach a deal for a ceasefire and gaza, how mazda legation is in cairo, holding costs of mediators from egypt from guitar. and with c, i a director william burns, come us as it is studying. the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, but it's sticking points to remain. that was now here from my one to sharon. i was
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you were a senior political analyst here, his thoughts on a possible deal. one of the things we've learned in a long experience and media in academia is that when there are leaks, one has to look who's behind the lead on why the looking good. so also are leaking all the optimism are setting a, leading a sort of a strategy by optimism. meaning, you continued to push towards that there's good news coming in us, these fighters and then, and then if you are the united states and this time you would say was how much is to be at fault for finally, you know, breaking it's word or walking back it's what it's promising lessons. on the other hand, if there is really serious moment them and that's why different countries are something that technical themes to title. because now it's just a question of the details and i'm getting those are the way in order to finalize the deep them, it could be on to something know how and what, how do we get there?
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if in fact, nothing you know continues to say that he wouldn't be attacking, don't tell me what made deal or not do something that is i'm and i seem to have my eyes that was never next up. and what is, or how much is the basic principle if you will do minds, that design will throw its forces eventually from kaiser or that the population of guys are we'd be able to go back to its homes, or that there would be some seriously construction. there's also no, briefly, i would say the following. it seems that the board has more from how much that is read to is the united states. if the united states has given time us guarantees or i'll find one of these issues, that means the questions, the way this is going to be between by the end up in the forward. because if the position gauge, the understanding is the egyptians advocate,
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those guarantees that they don't guarantee that is there. i will do 123, that's going to be up to washington to make sure that those cookies are expected. and it seems what degree here earlier and they use or how much fox sports in the dispute. in fact, big enough for house 5 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and a raid near to colorado and the occupied westbank that lasted 15 hours. the palestinian red crescent says is really forces prevented medical crews from reaching the casualties. is really force is also demolished a house in the town of darrow soon. they said a palestinian fighter that they accused of killing a soldier last year was inside the house. his name is robbie reports on the right. well, this is the result of modern is really urban warfare being brought to small town palestine. people living in this village say they've never seen anything of this intensity happen in this area before. what we're looking at is what's left of one of the larger buildings in this area of multi family home is really forces arrived
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. they announced for women and children to leave. once those women and children left and went into surrounding neighbors, houses is really forces opened fire. they fired at least 10 shoulder fired rockets into the building. and in pursuit of palestinian fighters that were inside classes ensued and went on for hours. this re lasted for 15 hours and once it was all said and done, this is all that was left, the rate was so intense that no, there's nothing here but rumble debris and twisted metal. the women who evacuated in the beginning of the raid could hear the re taking place the whole time. and they bear witness now to what was the last stand for the palestinian fighters that were inside that home saint louis for avi ultra 0. there's also some village occupied westbank house stuff in the united states, the student protesters continued to demand an end to israel's war on gaza. and the cutting of ties with is really universities. more than 2400 students have been
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arrested since the 17th of april when the process began. of some universities have called in police to clear out the protest camps. others have done deals with the demonstrators agreeing to review investments in israel, in return for a voluntary dismantling of the camps. let's go live to john henry, and you're at the university of michigan ann arbor. john, what's the situation there? howard campus authorities, they're choosing to deal with them as well. the ceremony that took 2 hours long to graduate. 8000 students in front of 63000 spectators has just ended within the past hour and there were no major disruptions . so graduation has co existed with the protest encampment, which remains here. the university here seems to be just hoping that once the school year is over and students have graduated or gone back to their family homes
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in summer that this will all go away. now students tell us, they don't plan to go away, many of them will leave, but they plan to continue protesting in some form or another. what we don't know, serial is whether that involves keeping these encampments open. john is there, is there an open negotiation between campus authorities and protesters as far as their demands are concerned or you know, is the, is the protest just going on with no real negotiation behind the scenes? yeah. students and faculty have told us that they have issued their demands. they have called for meet. ready needs and they have not gotten a satisfactory response from this from the university itself. occasionally you will see a region pass by here in the region to the people who have the power to make that decision. so when that happens to the students chant the regents name, and we've seen that a couple of times here, but so far the university has not responded to those demands. and with this school
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year ending it appears is unlikely to ask for this session is over. yeah, this is a point that we've been raising with our teams across campus is really is whether essentially campus authorities can just afford to wait out the protesters since this is the end of the academic year with a graduation ceremony today where you are john henry and thank you very much. i and turning to canyon out, where the government has ordered people living near a 178 damns to leave their homes, is wanting more heavy rains in the region. could see dams and reservoirs burst their backs. some residents want officials to do more to help them. alpha 0 is catherine. so it has this report from they wrote we are either narrow, be dumb, age range quite heavily. last night. uh, this water is from the dumb. uh, we have seen some people who are already in the houses uh yesterday we spend
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a whole day talking to residents who have been affected by the government directive to move from this unsafe areas. the government says it's going to provide a shelter of food and other necessities. but as you can see, a lot of people who leave here said that they cannot afford to go. and you are all they're supposed to tell us to do. we have to go. that's what we are waiting for. so he had to wait for the government to show us. do we have to go? but even there's nothing to lose. so can you see what the do i need to get to one? or do i suggesting, if they can give us something tomorrow we're going to be housed in outside there. so they are relying on the government and they're saying without direction, without proper direction on where to go, where they're going to move the family, sue. it's going to be very hard for them to move to somewhere else. so they're
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saying that the government needs to come and tell them what to do. cost. we saw you all to 0. nairobi. security measures have been increased across chad as the country prepares for monday's presidential election. several position members have called for boy account of the vote for which only 10 candidates have been approved to run the election to set the transition. chad from military to civilian and leaders from the organization of islamic cooperation are holding a 2 day summit in the gabby and capital to discuss. israel's one goza representatives of $57.00 countries will discuss a resolution to the conflicts in the occupied territories. also on the agenda, tensions between israel and iran, the warren sedan, and the rise, and it's not a phobia and races in the u. k. city khan has been re elected as the mayor of london winning a historic 3rd term. the incumbent was from the main opposition. labor party was declared winter with nearly 44 percent of the vote. that is,
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despite the dissatisfaction over a controversial scheme to limit emissions, and his party stands on the war and goes. many areas of the country saw a swing to labor and the local elections held on thursday. the prime minister, richly sumac was a conservative, has called his party's losses, disappointed. it is really police have scaled up security and occupied east jerusalem. the head of the orthodox christian faiths, holy fire ceremony preparations are under way for orthodox easter on sunday. but this your celebrations are subdued for many palestinian christians because of the war and gaza and is really restrictions. stephanie decker has more from occupied easters. now usually around this time before the holy fire, you have a lot more pilgrims here. you have a lot of check points by these radius trying to contain and that's how you, that what usually are thousands and thousands and thousands of people. but this time this year they were.


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