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tv   Witness The Sea Wont Scare Us  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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a city con has been re elected as the mayor of london winning a historic 3rd term. the incumbent was from the main opposition. labor party was declared winter with nearly 44 percent of the vote. that is, despite the dissatisfaction over a controversial scheme to limit emissions and his party stance on the war and goes, many areas of the country saw a swing to labor in the local elections held on thursday. the prime minister, richly sumac, was a conservative, has called his party's losses. disappointed is really police have scaled up security and occupied east jerusalem. the head of the orthodox christian faiths. holy fire ceremony. preparations are under way for orthodox easter on sunday. but this, your celebrations are subdued for many palestinian christians because of the war and gaza and is really restrictions. stephanie decker has more from occupied easters. now usually around this time, the for the holy fire, you have a lot more pilgrims here. you have a lot of check points by these radius trying to contain and that's how you,
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that what usually are thousands and thousands and thousands of people. but this time, this year they were far less. so this is the situation here. a lot of the check points inside the old city types of controlled by these really only those who have permission can enter the church and the areas around the church was the charge of the hill, the separate car and the scout procession this year. much more subdued and solidarity the goals. i know drums know loud music, just the sound. you can probably hear it of that faint whistle. now the holy fire takes place inside the church. as a degree orthodox patriarch goes into jesus is choose. and the pilgrim believe that the light, the fire is
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a miracle. and then you will see the patriarch emerge from the 2 posts on this plane. lighting the church, the holy separate. there are in a sea of gold that claim that usually will get pulse outside the church, the throngs of people this year, much less, of course. and then the fire gets passed on to orthodox churches, around palestine. and israel also around the world. definitely deck r o g 0 in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. okay, that's it for me. so then yeah, for this hour i will be back at the top of the hour with more of the days news. as a reminder, we're on a hard to watch for the negotiations currently taking place in cairo between hamas and the egyptian and category mediators for a possible supplier. and use continues of to witness the the outages era brings you in depth analysis for the so
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comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that styles recently on that day. so going to file a selling and testing with things in gaza as we speak these really speak every no we're giving each going finish. and the fact that each route is that the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes nothing. yahoo success may be better, maybe was but it's this one has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra the
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to be able to look that i'm going to sit down to the side
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of the all the out loud the some done on the photos. and i show the only thing i'm melisha from of the show me the article,
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but the lines on the not the the, the, the,
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the, the, the issue is, is not how the, a little early with a lot of i will let me know if you let me know, you got the start of, of a, of those that are on my cell know, was along with the slough on the machine or the little one of us little button and you know, the other of the on the on a so that way that's the one of the main gate in the
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midst of the necessarily on the east, the forget give me a good study and then a short visa auto pay . i like the last a lot a lot. the 3 mill,
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nissan or a lot of the lower east teen as because of the you know, the how to brush the hang on the line the and then handles the well this out also was the
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what the other good movie to look up and see where you were in the beginning, but i do the restore to sort of the stuff in but i'm sure okay, well allow me time tells me that the my the image of the see i see one from the mean and kind of walk in the shop. how far is the on, but you know,
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the one of the, the flex available in the, the, the
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the what the news on the, on while it was the one the the the, the the
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little of the world in the world within a while in the middle so that, and also in the jonesal that kind of the you know, that comes in, she'll be a whole new look of the up here. most of the, i think you, the top of head off for the vision is gonna is enough that when we go these for so like this
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is the city of the,
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of the, of the, the, the, the
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vin and look of one quarter of them with that one and one of them in the beginning mean get this thing and they've shalean did for a while and then we'll have some new level. i mean my, sheila white glove is that about a girl you know, the levels altima loves and so
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the, the, the i knew it, but she knew what the novel to the 1st 5 minutes. let's get into about i can let people start know fortunately the the of the month lease. and it has only been living why that has an old was a little bit of the
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the young kid that has to be in a sin, most loving visuals. mobility is india had an a c and can you to enjoy now under the mattress. so the printing, let me did what? 2200 to 205 and the one on the, so we, some orlando, most of them was getting a bad thing. nobody's mazda in. and this was done in the,
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for lucy norman in line. and someone was labeled and you know, as we do, you've seen what a, i'm glad you paid was good. i the the, [000:00:00;00]
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initial why it is, uh, have us on it for the new uh the what this means so i can send them the was like that the, the liability the it comes with a double. the only thing is that the height is on, on the unit, and then the, the,
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the, the $2.00 to $22.00 long. i see. so in good england, president to the to hold the line david w to, to fit um is it was that it was the monthly shuttle just a 200 civic, big stick, but it was a lot in the land and get it for me. know. yeah. lanza lower than that. 80. yeah. okay. and the last it with the media and the ones you know, the in the that i can tap on the items from the easily so about that. so i know that would be, yeah,
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i'm gonna think that will be an invitation to the level. so my son, the just so i understand, well, hold on a shot. when you do that, she'll be able to talk. okay, well, thank you. okay. looks like the advice of the older people if they get that to of the honda is uh, i'm gonna use it as long as i can. what does it show? the little louder. how goes it was as long as well that i'd wonderful infinity one is the one, the son of the the on the been as being in level divided by the amount of so done. but like just on us,
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deep sort on me well, no farther. they look for that thing, that's how much is it the only people used to hang up. let me get the for sure. what else left assisting fee. let me see who do i need to get the people who sold
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the site for me to find how to go. so how does that headed to the higher was done was the little
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the most of was, was the one showing the cause of the the zip code in oklahoma and i have been on the lies in his i know that in the nation few more the the field also not going to go i that while she was on the phone with augusta on the,
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on the higher end in the mean for so the on you know, it was a little, i mean and it will have you had been planned on the order the
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the the examination being positive, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring
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programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis for climate revolution on alger 0, looters in panama, preparing to elect the new president on may 5th, at the front run, their former neither of these kind of domestic natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside the future stay without to see us for the latest on panama? general elections pod came in to be used as the i r. c suffered casualties. we have not suffered states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say, no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very,
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very painful here. the story on talk to how does era hearing the fact, the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet reporting from the action age workers were directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world, bring you closer to the heart of the story. the a pressure ramps up on diplomatic efforts underway in cairo to strike a deal for a ceasefire and got the answer of any age. good to have you with us. this is alex, is your life from the also coming up there is famine, full blown famine in the north. and it's moving its way south palestinians and gaza


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