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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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to how does era during the fact the more fossil fuels we burn the hot or the planet . reporting from the action age workers worked directly targeted. i'll just say it was teams across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story. the a pressure ramps up on diplomatic efforts underway in cairo to strike a deal for a ceasefire and got the answer of any age. good to have you with us. this is alex, is your life from the also coming up there is famine, full blown famine in the north. and it's moving its way south palestinians and gaza stars wild israel launches more attacks from the north to the south of mysteries. 5
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people are killed in the occupied westbank and is widespread destruction after a 15 hour. it's really military raid near to car and heavy rains in southern brazil leave 56 people dead. tens of thousands without drinking water or electricity. the so we begin in gaza where the humanitarian situation across the strip is getting worse. by the day there been more tax, more displacements and more suffering. but diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire deal are ramping up. all lies are currently on cairo, where a homeless delegation is holding talks and mediators from egypt and guitar, as well as with the c i, a director william burns. i says that it is studying the latest is really proposal in a positive manner. but that sticking points do remain, israel wants the return of the captives being held in gaza. a mazda is insisting on a permanent end to the war. those talks comments that you and warns that northern
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garza is now experiencing a full blown famine which is moving towards the south of the strip. the head of the world food program is urging negotiators to reach a ceasefire as soon as possible in order to save lives. earlier we spoke to someone from dunn, he's a senior spokes person for him us. he says that in order to agree to any ceasefire deal, his group needs a guarantee from the us. that is really forces will not launch a ground assault on rough as well. i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete ceasefire. i complete with the phone good. so we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go sold this to declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from, uh, the, to the whole uh, showing that they gotten this deluxe may have been, if it was,
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this is found on sale, would continue that. that's a good start. that to me, that would be nauseous files, and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again slow to our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean his statement? um, but the actual phone number, dear thoughts? uh, i want understanding that i need a cheap meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does that need this? and does that include in the middle, we have to talk about the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly to now if the united states administration have said clearly to missing out and not pushing off, you'll have to do this on, but i assure you what that would happen. and the guarantee is important. and if that was given, that will give a good which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh,
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decided and to reach him in the big bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also, we need a key of statements which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that much, much. so the guarantee is not good enough. it's important, but it's not on the need to think we need guarantees. and we need also click on that and that's or so we have correspondence covering this across the region. in a moment we'll be hearing from tar, cowboy zoom, atari, karen rasa, and the southern part of gaza mohammed drums room is standing by in tel aviv. first though we begin with eleanor's ears hush and how bar was with us in the studio. hush. and you've covered these negotiations from day one months ago. how seriously should we be taking this? while this is the 1st time in months that the key, the data is
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a talking about significant progress. as i say, the tools are still under way for reason. it says because the, the, the, the content of disagreement is going to be different than the one that was signed by the end of november. and this, what came about when the egyptians uh, what in touch with have us lead the shipping cause. there's been more pressure or how much also need to put together an agreement. and the key made data is understood from day one, that the key sticking point is going to be a private seized by that there are no guarantees by anyone that is going to be conducive to above it as he's buying. so we're talking permanent versus temporary ceasefire. is that right? so this is why they are, they have up to, for the flow to the proposal of a phased agreement based on 3 key stages. or do you have to convince how much on every single face the same time to convince how much they have to have guarantees
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of these red is all going to implement those bases as particularly when it comes to, for withdrawal from gaza, allowing people to move from the south all the way towards the north and the presence of these riley souls as of the 1st phase, which is the most important, they visit the one which is going to be conducive to the implementation of phase 2 and phase 3. now. so those faceless bye have mass over the last few days, basically saying that unless we have got to teach, there's no going to be a significant progress. the biggest concern at this time is that they know that the key issue at stake here is a few sort of how much if they deliver on the 1st phase. and 2nd phase of these writers, this slide to go. and last, the invasion of offer. they do that, they, that this, that is going to be because these writers are going to, for
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a complete defeat of having to stand off. and this is why everyone is extremely unconscious of this point. they want to have to get an agreement, but they want to have strong guarantees that phase one will be conducive to us. some of them have a permanency supply. so they basically want the us, since they're saying they want the us to give guarantees on this deal. it sounds like they're what you're telling us is in practice, a mazda is hoping that the us is going to be the guarantor for how mazda is continued existence. that's what it boils down to india, because uh, 2 months off to october. the 7th attacks, as the americans started to explore different options. and one of them was basically once this is over, who takes overt garza and that is what adamant along with you if he is of these varieties, how should have no say no prizes whatsoever, right? i can't see him on that issue. a revived palestinian authority, indeed,
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at least ought to talking about a revitalized policy. it will follow to the own way of saying that we need a younger, stronger generation of buddies. the lead us to take over how much got the message from that particular moment. and they sold the american stroke into key goal stations about the need to commit finance. 11th political support for the policy and or follow it to you. and for rebuilding garza what. how much we'd have no say how much sold the message as an indications of america is we want them to be any more. the of this explains why this deal. they have the i set of the agreement, but they would like to get strong guarantees, but the agreement would be conducive to the political reality. what, how much would be possible any future agreement or the in bead with a policy. it is the it with the americas base with the is why it is this explains why you're getting great deal along side to you, these hours about the implementation without agreement and all of the policies, including the key mediators that they say that we have an image for them,
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but the battery cautious because they know that this is going to be more about shifting dynamics in the region. not just the sa saturday thinking on the agreement that says face one face to face 3 shaking has event coming out to the media with this announcement. now this is about something that could bring about the most size, big jew political shift in this part of the world. and guess what? syria, everybody is concerned because they think that it could push them towards on shots of territory and the spots of the wealth that uncharted territory could lead to more vitals and instability and everybody's good. so it is no longer a balance because it's big of that goes beyond. gotcha. everybody's looking at what well beyond this, this potential deal. but as a result, the bottom line is that for now, there is no potential deal as a result of that because everybody's trying to think 3 steps ahead of time. i have our thank you very much. that's what we know and negotiation so far. let's find out the perspective from tel aviv houses here as mohammed gems room is there of so
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protests is your right to think of the protests mohammed. these are the weekly protests that we've seen. they're both anti government protests and they're also of course protests in support of securing the release of the captives. that means that the crowds behind you, they very much want to see a ceasefire. that's right, 0 thousands of protesters of conversion, shopping in the center of the protein. this happens every weekend saturday nights happening again tonight. you see on the so you have to send me to the national anthem before that you had a moment of silence for captive. were killed in the browser and more and more everybody out here tonight is, are you aware of this is a very critical moment when it comes to negotiations about possibly entering into
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is higher everybody that we've been speaking with set the pharmacy to do that, that would mean that the captive would be very much in harm's way, that they could be killed that could be caught in cross fighting. the very worried about that they are calling on the government to do everything. and to go ahead and enter into a ceasefire. and some of the factors a deal to release those captives. now, you have different groups, or as you mentioned, you have anti government demonstrators. we're calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign because they don't, they say she's not doing enough to insure a gym to the roar. and then you have just relatives of those captives who come out week after week and they are calling on the government to do more to ensure that their relatives and loved ones can actually with the see
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not they want to see as mean possible. you know, tonight to try to put as much pressure on the government as possible, so the government will listen to their demands to that. and this is not the only protest site in the country on this saturday evening. at this moment. we're told there are also protests that are happening in haifa and also in scenario which is where the crime is. it is when it to be a who has the residents. it's expected that they will also be protest in other cities throughout the country. so the very front moment people, very much aware this is a very critical time and it, this could very much, really just what happens tonight in the hours ahead could very much impact what happens to the captives going for 0. i'm a 100. thank you very much of the reporting. they're alive from telling me. we'll keep checking in with you throughout the evening. let's go to target boys who, who's in rockford and southern gaza. it's hard. nobody has more at stake and lose
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negotiations for us east by then, the palestinians, of course, we live in gaza. we live under the bomb and under these really a parents. how closely are they following this? as it can planning here right now at the back of ground, that kind of thing to a written man, then everyone is chanting that we want to return. we want or not, which means sees for agreement that i've been shown thing there's a couple of hours ago and right now the reason i don't think as they are completely optimistic about this, around that negotiation to be made. that's an ongoing tiro. but when i'm off on isabel, nothing following closely what was going on as they have been reading speaking to me 6, let's see if this round off to so in order to get to see. so i agree and that's kind of happened is the city. and so really having right now, it's completely mixed with a deep, completely hidden sense of the frustration regarding any fish ability to the
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collapse. so the negotiations that have been holding for the return because they have been made to believe this place from the house is definitely going to really difficult humanitarian security conditions. on the waiting. eagerly to the day they might really return back to the houses of the know so i mean, a lot of these i'm going to judge, she ation will be extremely short for the bus majority of gauze and population who are really hoping to be assumed announcements, overseas for agreement, but we've come on sunday as well. all right, all right. god bless you and thank you for your reporting there from southern gaza in a russell were so many palestinians have been displaced since the beginning of this conflict. thank you. let's bring you more on the humanitarian situation in gaza. as we mentioned, the head of the u. n. world food program said the northern gaza is now facing a quote full blown fannan expos. i'm of it's reports of the people of gaza haven't
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had much to eat since the war began. and now, for the 1st time to you, when says a state of the time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel's constant bombardment is further isolating more areas for sick palestinians to survive or leaves, scraps and food. hand out the head of the human world. food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. what i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports and various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always worked that way. israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks
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from coming in, allowing only a trickle of a to reach, but with students. international efforts have shifted to air dropping supplies, but that's in sufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. it's har, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear all so. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a cease fire and, and begin to, to feed these people at it's especially in the north. and i'm in a more and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the famine. the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire gaza population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most the hospitals started reporting the 1st
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that's from starvation in early march. efforts to prevent stineman hinge on the ceasefire. but it still remains as elusive as ever. excell sandwich out is there still a head on alpha 0 under tier. undeterred by arrests and students continue their citizens and solidarity with palestinians at universities across from there the in depth analysis of the days headlines. the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment please this for probably minutes with nothing yahoo is trying to stay in definitely is 5 minutes to the know that to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between the media and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story. on al
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jazeera, the why have american event chemicals become is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the, the,
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the, you're watching else, a 0, a reminder, the headlines, the world food program says that northern gauze is now experiencing a full blown famine. israel continues to restrict access for a truck despite the worsening some managerial situation. diplomatic efforts have intensified to reach a deal for a ceasefire and gaza almost allegation is in cairo, holding tanks and mediators from egypt and guitar, n. c. i a director william burns from us as it is studying. the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, but sticking points for me, 5 palestinians have been killed by his really forces in a raid near to a car. i'm in the occupied westbank that lasted 15 hours. the palestinian red crescent says is really force has prevented medical crews from reaching the casualties is really force is also demolished the house and the town of darrow
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holsten. they say the palace thing, and fighter they accused of killing a soldier last year was inside that house saying this for avi reports on the right . the this is the result of modern is really urban warfare being brought to small town palestine. people living in this village say they've never seen anything of this intensity happen in this area before. what we're looking at is what's left of one of the larger buildings in this area. a multi family home is really forces arrived. they announced for women and children to leave, once those women and children left and went into surrounding neighbors, houses is rarely forces open fire. they fired at least 10 shoulder fired rockets into the building. and in pursuit of palestinian fighters that were inside classes ensued and went on for hours. this re lasted for 15 hours and once it was all said and done, this is all that was left. the rate was so intense that no, there's nothing here but rubble, debris,
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and twisted metal. the women who evacuated in the beginning of the raid could hear the re taking place the whole time. and they bear witness now to what was the last stand for the palestinian fighters that were inside that home saint louis for avi ultra 0. there's also some village occupied westbank house stuff. in the united states student protesters continued to demand an end. israel's war on gaza and the cutting of ties with is really universities. more than 2400 students have been arrested since the 17th of april. when the process began. some universities have called into police to clear out the encampments. other colleges have done deals with the demonstrators and agreed to review investments in israel, in return for a voluntary dismantling of the caps. let's go to john henry and john, you're at the site of the graduation ceremony at the university of michigan ann arbor. that's interesting, an hour ago, you weren't the encampment. and clearly that is not stopping graduation from going
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ahead. and that's right 0. we were just checking to see if you were paying attention. um yes, we are at what they call the big house and this is where 63000 spectators watched a 1000. people get their degrees and when they did, the protesters found some opportunity to make theirs themselves know and there were several palestinian flags carried and they were chanting, divulge, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest. and that's one of the common chance you hear back at the university. so they, they got their, their protest in. there was also a minor pro, chest edited previous graduation ceremony. a smaller one on friday were students held signs and she handed they were sort of taken out by police and detained and essentially given tickets but allowed to leave. so the approach as do continuing the encampment continues, but the school year is over for most of these students,
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those that aren't going to summer school 0. so we're waiting to see if those encampments continue as well. so are campus authorities even bothering to engage with students demands then if, if, if they see that, you know, is the end of the academic year and people are graduating and possibly some people will leave to according to the faculty and the students that we've talked to not at all, they say that they have gotten no satisfactory response. the university has an agreed to disclose its investments in israel and the war and gaza, or should invest from those investments. and, and they've also demanded amnesty for any students who have been arrested over that hasn't been a big problem here at the university of michigan. there have been a few incidents never the less. so the faculty has, has pressed those of those, those of them who are pushing for changes in us policy and in the university policy
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have been pressing the administration they've been following regions around the college regents. are the people who are allowed to make these decisions, chanting their names as they walk across campus, trying to pressure them to do something. but so far, the university is response is been nothing. john henry reporting live from university of michigan and over thank you very much. john and floods have killed at least 56 people. this is in southern brazil, heavy rains and a burst dam, a sent water rushing through the state of rio grande data sewell and no threatening its capital. a port to a leg rate. tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water or electricity. it's the worst flooding the region has seen in more than 80 years. turning to kenya, where the government has ordered people living near a 178 damns to leave their homes. it is wandering, but more heavy rains in the region could see dams and reservoirs burst their banks . some residents want officials to do more to help them. houses here is catherine
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soy. as this report from the arab, as we are at the narrow, be dumb age range quite heavily last night. uh, this water is from the dumb. uh, we have seen some people who are already in the houses uh yesterday we spend the whole day talking to residents who have been affected by the government directive to move from this unsafe areas. the government says it's going to provide a shelter of food and other necessities. but as you can see, a lot of people who leave here save that, they cannot afford to go. and you are all. they're supposed to tell us that we have to go. that's what we are waiting for. so he had to wait for the government to show us. do we have to go the like you, there's nothing to lose. so can you see what to do?
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i didn't get the money order that suggesting if they can give us something tomorrow designed to be housed in outside there. so they are relying on the government and they're saying without direction, without proper direction on where to go, where they're going to move the families to it's going to be very hard for them to move to somewhere else. so they're saying that the government needs to come and tell them what to do because we saw you all just there are narrow b, a floods in land slides have hit the mountain is region and central indonesia killing at least 14 people south. so that was the province has been experiencing heavy rain since thursday, if to some getting food reports. every minutes counts to find those trust by heavy rains in indonesia, rescuers, and looking for survivors in the south of this too low is the island coming through mountainous areas and ways of tropical rain forest. several people are missing
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after severe flooding and much light. was you somebody going? we count 18 survivors from the larger area. more people still being picked up day instead dropped the 17 survivors and more people are being rescued. and please note that in moving 60 people survived, 7 have died, and others are still being rescued when it's the rainy season. here and months live, or common phenomenon on the island. one made worse by deforestation, cause find me combining it makes the soil more in studies, leading to floods, inland slides, affecting roads and destroying homes. there's a village up there where at least 3 houses left and carried away by floods. indonesia is a leader in mining nickel, crucial metal in the transition to a net 0 economy. climate change makes 63,
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and rather events like this more frequent. and the last of vegetation rode on by mining is making them more violent. if this i'm going to, i'll just 0 up next inside story. it looks at the possible economic fall out of turkey, a's trade band. and what is the color of the sky is acting up now across the middle, a small in the way of sunshine wet to whether it's in the process of pulling away. but we will see some shows particularly cost moving costs as rage and iraq saying some way to weather some west. the weather will say sliding its way towards iran was a possibility of one or 2 shells. meanwhile, across west and pumps again and maybe the chat to the central air is a saudi. we could even see that what the weather creeping towards us here and kata into the pots of next week. that's something to watch out for. already watching out
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for some very heavy rain moving across the eastern side of the mediterranean slide for 6. evaluate whether right the way into western syria, 11 on so also some showers all the way down towards gauze are actually particular as we go one into monday. but practice guys do come back in behind. so i'll let you try and broad across northern parts of africa shows are you bringing the coastal fringes of west africa? started to push into a central areas of nigeria. and now we are looking at some very right whether because making his way towards eastern positive kenya. here we go with the total sites that are making its way towards that east coast of times in the friday, some very heavy writing weekends in terms of the winds as we go through monday. but the flooding conserves control the way into southern can. yeah, the, this is the 1st one i saw that we a real time,
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the victims themselves along the side. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. in the low in relation stuckey, a had suspended full trade or this rail leak southwards aid was denied entry into gauze. the brand will be in place until a permanent c 5 is agreed for. how will this impact is ralph actions in gaza? this economy, this is inside story, the .


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