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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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d, and sadly, ongoing coverage, the indian selections on al jazeera, the us is always of inside the people around the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, i'm sort of in yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the next hour, the displace palestinians in gaza say that they want to go home as negotiating teams, meeting cairo to try and strike a deal for a ceasefire. and god telling me where thousands of is really,
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demonstrators are demanding their government entered into a ceasefire. deal with how much to ensure captive sales and costs. i can return their spam and oakland famine in the north and is moving as ways south people in does a store while israel launch is more attacks from the north to the south of the strip and heavy rains in southern brazil at least 56 people dead. in tens of thousands, without drinking water and electricity, and support ram or trade or insights. so if i to see 6 spanish lead time to a 3 know when i because this is made call on some of these teams to the brink of the championship. the so we'd be getting guns that where the humanitarian situation across the strip is getting worse by the day, but diplomatic efforts to reach
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a ceasefire deal or ramping up all lies for now. one chiral where a mazda allegation is holding thoughts, and mediators from egypt and guitar, as well as with the ca director william burns. i'm us, as it is studying. the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, but that sticking points do remain. those talks come as the un, warren's that northern gaza is now experiencing a full blown famine that is moving towards the south of the strip. the head of the world food program is urging negotiators to reach a ceasefire as soon as possible to save lives. and israel, meanwhile, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under mounting pressure of thousands of gavin and tell of eve to attend what has become weekly, anti government protest against his handling of the war. relatives of captives being held in gaza, or also among those crowds demanding that their loved ones be returned home. but we've got correspondence covering the story for us across the region in a moment. we'll be hearing from alger 0 is how shamile bar, who's here in our doha studio. sorry, a couple assume is standing by for us in rough. uh,
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that's in gaza. let's start though with mohammed john. jewel, mom and you're at a rally. intel a v for protesters of calling for that c spy, a deal in order to secure the release of his really hostages monitor. yeah, that's right. so let me tell you what's happening right now. see behind as not as many people as there were new kaplan square at the last time we spoke last hour. that's because a lot of those demonstrators that router now heading to another part of the city, known as positives, where, where they will converge with other relatives of those captive still being held in gaza to demand that a ceasefire is entered into so that those captives can actually return to home. now one of the things we've heard consistently throughout the night is opposition to what the government of 5 minutes have benjamin that's in the off has been doing work in the words of these imitators not been doing. they do not believe in taking prime minister has done nearly enough to try to ensure that those captives can
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actually return a home. most of the demonstrators that came out here this see me, they were demanding that the 5 minutes to resign. this is not a new demand. the demonstrators have been coming out for months and demand like this. they say that they believe that the prime minister is prolonging the board in order to prolong his time in office. they are demanding that the 5 minutes to resign because they believe that the elections were held to date, that he would most certainly be booted from office. throughout the evening, you had a moment of silence, where in people got quiet to try to monitor those captives who were killed and fighting in gaza. i saw so many people with placard say stop the war. uh you have people holding a plaque or showing the picture of the prime minister netanyahu, where he would say, prime minister, people saying he needs to step aside. also boeing, members of his government, especially the rights link of his coalition ministers, likes as a law smart rich and gets marvin beer. many people here believe are doing their
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utmost to make sure that a deal does not go through with these are far right wing ministers who would have continued to oppose these really government entering into any kind of a deal that we've seen into the findings or that would see them not go into, we're not finding the people that are gathered here are concerned that if the is really army were to be turned off, that's only going to further in danger of the captive. they believe they are in the they believe that those captives could be killed if fighting. and susie ended up in the coming days. 0 mohammed, i don't know if you're able to get a sense of this. but in light of today's media reports that we are possibly nearing a deal, right, a ceasefire deal between israel and how much did you see? did you feel a sense of renewed urgency in those protests this evening? very much so 0. everybody that we spoke with was coming out said this is the most crucial moment that they have seen up until this point. they say this is the closest that israel has been to
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a cease fire since the last cease fire in no members. and they want the government to follow through and ensure that it happens. they say that they believe that more people will be coming out tonight to various locations, protest locations throughout the country, because they think that that's going to put more pressure on the government to actually get through into a spark. it is not lost on any one that we saw this evening. the urgency of this particular moment, people feel that the, if this juncture passes without a deal being entered into, that is something that is unacceptable. and that's why they believe that as much pressure as possible needs to be put on the government right now. now beyond that, i will say that the demonstrators that we saw out here we're speaking, they were saying that no matter what happens. but even if a ceasefire has entered into, they are committed to continue to keep coming out into the streets week after week until the prime minister stepped aside. they wanted to see them gone. and that's an interesting thing because we're talking about a moment where in full after full and israel's prime ministers, popularity isn't
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a record low, but also a time in israel. when in full after poll, there is a majority of people in the country that do support the work. 0 mohammed john show me and telling me, thank you very much. meanwhile in gaza there's also hope of the possible ceasefire . look at a scene in rough in the south of the strip. this was less than an hour ago. the so that was a crowd of displace palestinians saying that they want to return to northern garza where they used to live before the war began at tarik. that happened just next to you and clearly, and this is in line with your reporting clearly palestinians or closely following the ceasefire negotiations. the yes, that's right to it. everyone in north and of course the entire besieging play off following all the latest developments regarding this important issue,
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which is the approach to us these 5 premium people in the south are really following what is going on in cairo as they have been seeing that there is a great sense of, i see a positive it to you and i see it in terms of the negotiations. they believe that this is a real chance that they can really get to in order to return back to the house. as we have been hearing from then there john, thing there looks like slogan stuff in savings that we want to return to the north . we want to us these find out. that's what kind of city is in fact to be demanding full because they have been going completely through difficult humanitarian and even a humanitarian on security conditions. to have been cooling for that you to the end . it believes that they have been witnessing multiple failures in the previous rounds of folks to reach to these by agreement. they have been following the mounting, american and regional pressure on post, how much and use well to get to us the spot agreements as they are completely afraid of the collapse of such efforts being made by cars. ha, egypt,
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the united states to bridge the gaps of the agreements that went homeless on his back because they expect that off to this collapse. there is going to be a wide scale in they didn't for the last remaining area that is designated as a safe zone. on bloss schultz for more than 1500000 palestinian, so they wish that these ongoing negotiations will be fruitful as they are waiting for unofficial announcements for the sci fi agreements. soon as they are, cannot completely sleep until they can hear that as we have to hearing from some of the low. cuz we are every single day in our austin for about the dates of the ceasefire are now spent on the grounds. okay, that's really interesting. and it tells us how policies and guys are looking at this. it's either from their point of view, they get a ceasefire deal potentially soon. or they get potentially an invasion of rock that we're more than one point. 5000000 people are gather now. tar. couple assume thank you very much for your reporting. earlier we spoke to a summer home done senior spokesperson,
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thomas. he says that in order to agree to any ceasefire deal, his group needs a guarantee from the united states. that is really forces will not launch a ground assault of rough as well. i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete ceasefire. complete withdrawal from good. so we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive on site if, if, if, if i may say that. but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from uh, the, to the whole uh, stating that regardless to what may have been if there was a she's found on sale, would continue that. that's a good stuff like that to me that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again, sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean. his statement and the reaction from them,
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the dates of the i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does the need this and does that include enough? i mean that we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives i mainly need to know if the united states administration have said clearly to meeting you out and offers you enough, you'll have to do this on back. i actually would, that would have been the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given that will give a good bush bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also will need a key of statement which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know,
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it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantee is not good enough. it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees, and we need also clear commitments are. all right, let's bring it in. now as soon as harsh m i l bar, he's joined us in the studio. you've been following the ocean since the beginning really since, way back in november, even before then. here's the latest i'm just going to read out what we have in terms of, of where these negotiations stand right now. and then you're going to tell us how close we are possibly to finish line. so there are 3 phases. this is in phases, right? the 1st phase would see female civilian captive in gaza released in exchange for palestinian prisoners and the withdrawal of israeli troops from not all of gaza but from the coastal road in gaza. that would allow civilians to return to their homes in northern gaza. 3 weeks later is really troops with pull out of central gaza as well. that was phase one,
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phase 2 with last 6 weeks and see all remaining captives released in exchange for more palestinian prisoners and is really jails. that means that both the civilian captives and soldiers would be freed. 3rd phase, there would be the release of the remains of deceased captives in gaza, more palestinian prisoners would be freed. and the start of it would, at a side year reconstruction plan for the gaza strip would then begin. so that's what you've been telling us in previous hours, a phase plan. but from us, these phases are supposed to build up to the total end of the war and got the look of the, the way the faces were design. and that will give you strong indication about the huge challenges of every policy is facing as the i'll try and exactly what i was thinking as i read them. so initially the plan was basically of this year is how much is asking for permanency is buying these writers are asking for the captives to be released. you have that agreement,
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you announced that none of those demands are going to be met these right, those things. there's no policies via so at least they are giving him us a, a 40 day supply in exchange for the 1st is $33.00 to $40.00 comparative to be released. how much is going to ask also of the phase one was on the guarantees that he's going to be flows by face to and that there's going to be no breach of the agreement. and that this is by will continue. so all the, all the 3 phases, they're not going to get to any guarantees from the mediators on from the international community. and this is why, when a sudden the him then was that the see how much lead to talk in a while ago. so i'm just expressing doubts about me, the potential for an agreement saying that the americans have to put more pressure
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on all these red is if i got to have and it is in the near future. and when they get to phase to the agreement, this is body how much it will have to release all the remaining cops, its formal presenters. but how much do you think is that phase? this is why they need to see complete pulled out of these riders, soldiers from this trip, which will take them to phase 3. you release the remains of the of the, of, of the cops is who died in cup to the team in exchange for a broader political approach. we have reconstruction of gaza at the end of 5 minutes. these by a, how much does understand that is going to be extremely difficult to convince these riders to get to that point because of a variety of political and domestic a reasons their hope ultimately for how about us as it gets to the
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point whereby phase 3 no, no violation of this is by a, it's a, it's a major victory. now, does it solve all the problems for him us? no, because the future is at stake. i need to understand that it's a build up me to and the era of how mass, which has been controlling the strip since 2006. this explains why they're looking for those guarantees. we read through all the phases of the deal. now, some of our viewers, you know, are locked into the nitty gritty of these deals of these negotiations and have been for a long time. and they're sort of following a step by step through this. some of our viewers want to know big picture. is there a real shot at ending this for right now or not? what would you tell them? well, i've been talking to people both of those negotiations. and i was never told over the last 4 months there's very significant progress to that being told that a significant progress. oh that's, that's one that 11th. what number one, number 2, there is
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a consolidate technical team which is not being kyra. and usually the technical teams are the ones tasked with putting together the the details of the agreement. the top tips will be released without transfer. the route they would have to take had to move by to the, to the, to so a 3rd party ticket over if that's the egypt to back into as well. but there isn't. that is really negotiating team as mom in india has been telling us, you know, it's just simple because the moment they get the final go ahead from the, from how about us, but how much is on board? that's what, what will it and the rest became just becomes just detailed. the problem that was as the to k mediators outside is concerned by the way of the say that there is there is that there's a cautious up to this. and because of this phase, why that came out with that statement saying that they could reassess the role as i'd be ga to investigate the case. they might ask how i'm asked to leave to,
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to leave that. they'll have why they're saying that. because the believe that unless they have everything set into stone, they cannot commit themselves to say there is an agreement. the reputation is at stake here. of the be known for being some of one of the most impressive brokers of deals in these parts of the world. for over the last 25 years except for this particular agreement. so unless you have that announcement, that is a deal is going to be extremely difficult to say that there is some significant progress now for having us. then not to look into all of those details that we've been talking about, the phase one face to face, and they know that ultimately we can get to phase 3. what happens after phase 3? they want the unwritten phase for the biggest concern is they of profile offensive, and if it happens for them, it would be an indication that this is a backing by the americans to the face time. nice me to tell really i'll at least in the mind is submitted through the capabilities. there is this intelligence
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assessment of how much did, how some, for the 5 battalions operating there by 5, if we can defeat them. it would be easy to talk about the post, how about iraq in gaza. and this is the bulk of the political debate, which is happening behind closed doors, the americas in touch with key players in this bottom of the world, telling them this a committee we need you to be committed financially and politically to provide that umbrella for what happens next in the future, which is the policy that we look forward to taking over which all that stuff sort of political as long as the tough sort of how much of these spots of the world. and we move forward. you know, all the policies that they agree on this, they don't. okay. all right, so the stakes are huge and it's also why we just haven't seen a deal. and it was, it displays why success really difficult to provide all of us with simple answers to an ever changing complex political landscape for less things with. one of the reasons why people are pretty much concerned is that in this, in this region,
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it's not going to be about a deal. the biggest concern is that this could be the beginning of a huge political shifting the response of the wells. and it looks like a step into an unsolved territory. and this explains why people re, i've been covering this part of the world over the last 27 years. i've never seen people so anxious about what might happen next. so it's not just about the goza, it was to be about the entire region. ok, how can i help our? thank you very much for your reporting this evening. let's bring you more now on the humanitarian situation on the ground and gaza. as we mentioned earlier, the head of the human world food program said that northern gaza is now facing a quote, full blown famine x as i move, which has more on that of the people because i haven't had much to eat system where it began. and now for the 1st time, the you, when says a state of time,
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it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. where i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports in various various k crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always work that way of israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of 8 to reach palestinians international efforts have shifted to air
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dropping supplies. but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. is har, it's, you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a cease fire and, and begin to, to feed these people at it's especially in the north. and i'm in a more and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire garza population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march. efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the ceasefire. but
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a deal remains as elusive as ever axles i moved out to 0. 5 palestinians have been killed by is really forces and a raid near to current in the occupied westbank. the boston 15 hours. the palace send you the red crescent says is really forces prevented medical crews from reaching the casualties is really force is also demolished the house and the town of darrow soon. they said a palestinian fighter that they accused of killing soldier last year was inside. that house was a 0 same bus route. the reports. yeah. this is the result of modern is really urban warfare being brought to small town palestine. people living in this village say they've never seen anything of this intensity happen in this area before. what we're looking at is what's left of one of the larger buildings in this area. a multi family home is really forces arrived. they announced for women and children to leave, once those women and children left and went into surrounding neighbors,
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houses is really forces open fire. they fired at least 10 shoulder fired rockets into the building. and in pursuit of palestinian fighters that were inside classes ensued and went on for hours. this re lasted for 15 hours and once it was all said and done, this is all that was left. the rate was so intense that no, there's nothing here but rubble, debris, and twisted metal. the women who evacuated in the beginning of the raid could hear the re taking place the whole time. and they bear witness now to what was the last stand for the palestinian fighters that were inside that home saint louis for avi ultra 0. the hosting village occupied westgate coast off in the united states student protesters continued to demand an end to israel's war on gaza. and the cutting of ties with is really universities. more than $2400.00 students have interested since the 17th of april windows protests began. some universities called in to police to clear out encampments,
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other colleges have done deals with the demonstrators agreeing to review their investments. and israel, in return for a voluntary dismantling of the camps in a moment, will be like from the university of california in irvine, where gabriel elizondo is standing. by 1st though, let's go to john henry and john, you are at the university of michigan in ann arbor. interesting day where you are, we can see the encampment and the protesters who remain there day after day. that's behind you. but shorten a happening a short while ago was also a graduation ceremony. i know that you're speaking to a graduate and just a moment we want to hear about that. i absolutely will. that graduation ceremony took a couple of hours and they took some high security measures that you had to go through. um sports arena, style metal detectors to get in. and there were people volunteers inside who were
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hired to try to keep what they called disruptions down. but of course the protesters wanted to make their voices heard that we weren't inside. so let's ask somebody who was, 1st of all, this is selma, her mommy. and i have to say, congratulations, you just graduated. thank you. i appreciate it. and tell me what happened inside there. it must do. it must have been excited. it certainly was exciting. um we had a plane with a banner that red dive us from israel now free palestine. that was essentially the starting mark for the protest, where nearly a 100 students rose from their seats raised posted in flags. and we gathered along the aisle away and started chanting on the entire time we are attempting disclosed . i've asked, we will not stop, we will not rest and among various other things, but the students maintained their momentum and for about the entire ceremony on students for, and protest. and of course the police tried to and circle us, but students remain strong and we stayed throughout the entire time. and i,
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i understand they were posted in flags there. i thought there was a ban on palestinians flags in that arena. um yeah, they have a ban on any and all flags. however, students still managed to bring their flags inside because we are not going to be silenced. and especially considering that the university of michigan is contributing to the depths of policy. and as right as of right now as we speak and that was that. so we wanted to make sure that the policy and flag was raised loud and proud or so there were some other incidents that happened to tell me about you . you talked to a region for instance. um yeah, so the other day, one of the board of regents walked past our encampment for a dinner that was scheduled nearby. he unfortunately, as long as the other regents have not been responding to any of our emails to call for a meeting for the last 7 months on the coalition of nearly a 100 and organizations have just been met with complete silence from the regents but violence from the police who they send after us. so he walk through the encampment and we were asking him, why haven't you met with us?
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he just immediately ran away. and for the record, the regions, the university has really not responded to the student's demands. having know they have just more or less ignored us, which is why we continue to escalate with our disruptions because they think that we're just here for a community gathering. however, they do have an obligation to represent their students to talk to their students and to listen to their students, and they have failed every single time when marginalized communities do try to speak with them, they completely shut us out. so what, what happens after this for you, you've graduated, i mean, do you leave the encampment? is this all over? yeah, um, so my heart is entirely wherever the movement is. and right now the movement as well and the live within the university, michigan's campus. so i will be remaining here, i will be here until the very end. and so will several students and, you know, our movement is one that is completely sustainable. so despite students graduating and passes down onto the next to your students in the next year, and we've been fighting for the last 20 years on this campus, and it's only going to continue. all right,
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well some of them mommy think. thank you very much and congratulations again. we appreciate it. so that's the view here from the university of michigan visit. the protesters have been active and they made. ready voices heard during the big celebration of graduation earlier 0. yeah. and it also kind of answers the question that you, that you raised earlier of whether this disappears when students leave at the end of the academic year. and your interview either a says, well, we're kind of passing the torch, passing the baton to the next batch. the next generation of students, john henry, thank you very much for your reporting there from university of michigan ann arbor . let's go to gabriel. elizondo is joining us live from the university of california in irvine. what's the scene there? gabriel? us yeah, we are here at the u. c. irvine. it's about one hour south of downtown los angeles . just to give you a little bit of a perspective. everything is a very calm and a lot of activity here as you would expect on
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a saturday morning. this is day 6 of this encampment, tech pro palestine and pet cameron calling for the end of israel's war on guys in, in the genocide there. they have been out here for 6 days now. and it's interesting because they are negotiating with the university administrators. they have some demands, but i want to just quickly say there's another university about 45 minutes or an hour from here called u. c. riverside and there in cameron actually, which ended voluntarily because the university met all of their demands at u. c. riverside demands that included among other things divesting for many companies with israel ties. so that towards the certainly a very much a big victory. but here at u. c, irvine, incoming continues, and i want to bring in a guest. this is a sarah kelly. thank you for joining us on out just here. we appreciate it. first of all, sarah, tell us how is everything going here?
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um, everything is been going very nice. a lot of community support, a lot of community building. as you can see, a lot of our building we've, i teach and we've had speakers, we've had prayers going on. so it's, it's been a nice uh chill vive. and have you been negotiating with the administrators on some demands that you guys have uh, moving forward. yeah, we've been negotiating, we've had 2 days of negotiations, we put our, all of our demands on the table and we've told the university will only leave until all of those demands are met and immediately, not continuously or got to think about it. so they are listening to at least there is discussions, right? yes. okay, that's, that's good and much different than what we saw. you see a way for impulse. let me ask about, you see riverside, the other university. they had a victory because the universe, the administrators agreed to all of their terms, and they shut down their camp, meant to voluntarily did that give you some hope that maybe that could happen over
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here as well. we're really happy for you service. i'd were really glad they got their demands, matt, and it does give us hope here that we will get all of our demands met because we made it clear to the university. we're not going anywhere until those demands are met. and all of them thoroughly which one of them, for example, one that's the most important piece demands. most important one is definitely divestment from. but the manufacturing companies such as boeing, lockheed martin, raytheon and black rock. and it does show that there is something different than what happened and you see a way, for example, in what we saw at columbia where massive police presence and uh, people, students arrested. nothing like that. here. if people are learning, they're talking, no police presence because it's not necessary. is this an example of a different way to handle it? we have a police presence actually, but it's not as though it hasn't been aggressive or agitating. it does definitely, it shouldn't give other university as an example of how to treat this and not to be
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aggressive with your own students and professors, faculty and staff which we have seen. they have been very aggressive with some professors as well. we definitely. yeah, sure. thank you very much for joining us. we appreciate it. thanks and good luck. the rest of the thank. thank you. well, as you can see, that was one perspective there from sarah kylie to one of the organizers here and this in cameron and she said they have demands that they weren't met and they will not leave until they are met of course, but certainly very peaceful and quite a very good atmosphere in environment here at this encampment at u. c. irvine. all right, gabriel, those on though it's like from u. c. irvine. thank you very much. i. this is still a head on alpha 0, a historic when for london may are so deep con, after thursday's local elections and in sport, red balls. rivals are hoping to teams here a formula. one dominance is about the end and the richardson will join us with us.
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the hello sky is acting up now across the middle, a small in the way of sunshine. what's the weather is in the process of pulling away, but we will see some shows particularly close moving costs as raging iraq saying some way to weather some west. the weather will say sliding its way towards iran was a possibility of one or 2 shells. meanwhile, across the western pumps again, and maybe the child to the central air is a saudi. we could even see that what the weather creeping towards us here and casa into the pots off next week. that's something to watch out for. what, what are you watching out for some very heavy rain moving across the eastern side of the mediterranean side for 6. evaluate whether right the way into western syria, 11 on. it's also some showers all the way down towards gauze, or actually particularly as we go one into monday. but practice guys do come back
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in behind. so i'll let you try and brought across northern parts of africa shows are you bringing the coastal fringes of west africa, started to push into a central areas of nigeria. and that we are looking at some evaluate whether a cost making his way to was east impact. so can you, here we go with the total site that i have making its way towards that east coast of times in the friday, some very heavy writing weekends in terms of the winds as we go through monday. but the flooding conserves push all the way into southern can. yeah. the calling attention to any quality pollution and extra disease. ok. in kenya's, low income communities, silent brother was killed by a please. the dentist that we say is but the one path of the one day and organize that are on the record. how old are these people for the begun? so for me, it's in buffalo and it hasn't been put on the bus that april got people who brought
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in generation change. can you change is coming is no doubt about it on a jersey to the latest news as it breaks. criminal upside fighting for access to the river. it leads to which this countries in major ports and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country with india for ports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel if it's um, full of the water in it flowing in see the kind of a box which has already passed since i the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you want to now is a 0. a reminder of our headlines, diplomatic efforts have intensified to reach a deal for a ceasefire and gaza, how most delegation is in cairo, holding talks with mediators from egypt and katara, and see a director william burns from us as it is studying. the latest is really proposal in a positive manner for sticking points to remain. the world food program says northern guns is now experiencing a quote, full blown famine. israel continues to restrict access to a trucks despite the worsening to mandatory and situation. the you, an agency for palestinian refugees is called the situation for women and girls inside gaza. disastrous and appalling may say that as the conflict continues, so does the war on women since october, 7th, more than 10000 women have been killed and at least 19000 injured. also says that
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37 children lose their mother every single day. there are around a $155000.00 pregnant or breastfeeding women and gaza whole face extreme water shortages, and next to no healthcare facilities. a remote cell, i'm is the you and special reporter of violence against women and girls who are joining us from brussels. thank you for your time. thank you for joining us on the program. can you 1st explain to us why it is that women and i would also add children to that list. but why does the women suffer most in, in events of war, any war of what they suffer most because they are, they represent the majority of civilians. but let me tell you that in no more in recent history, have we seen this calling deliberate target to attack an assault on women and children as we have seen in the war a on gosh, it's, it's really going to be very difficult to talk about any rights for women and
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children, whether during times of peace or conflict, after this onslaught on guy side of the world has really normalized as was said, an unbelievable level of violence. horrific and level of violence. women face eh, you know, a cox on the, on the dignity privacy lives of families on all fronts and, and no human rights. they have had, some has being left untouched. why? what sets this war part? because you say, you say this war in particular, but you've called this a war on women. absolutely, i think, well, i mean is what it has to be and targeting policy new to women for decades. because they are palestinian because they are women. but in this war, it is very clear that they, there is no consideration given to the protection of women and children. we have
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heard, how are you know, pregnant women are starving they are being killed was pregnant. i take nothing and demonstrate this more than the story of sabrina, the infant that was initially taken out of the room of her mother only to die a little late to. this exemplifies really how the women and children are under constant attack and by israel and by these are in the occupation forces though they are experiencing a full blown in genocide. uh they are being exterminated. we heard about the close to 400 bodies that were taken out, you know, or from a ship and the last sort of hospital. and they were women and children. there many have been tied to were signs of a torture. they have been executed. some have been buried alive. i think you'll find
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a few places in the world where we have seen something like this. if you were to take the ukraine or for example, since the starts of the war by russian 2022, we have seen 3000 women that have been killed in australia recently because of the average of 45 women being killed. the prime minister of australia, right, the called this a national emergency. ready we have so far, 9500 women that have been killed and over 14500 children in only 7 months. so this is not a deliberate plan to kill children and women. and by dr. kelly, you know, the foundations of problems to new life and science t. uh that i don't know what it should be. this is a really interesting point. um, and by definition, when you attack women and children, you're attacking child bearers, you're attacking the ability of a society, you know, for reproduction. so you're essentially attacking the future generation,
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including the generation that hasn't been born yet. absolutely, absolutely. uh and you know, it was interesting that the international court of justice when it said that there was a plausible risk of genocide, quoted a number of genocide. the acts that uh off the genocide convention that may be relevant. and one of the articles that we quoted or of article 2 of the genocide convention was imposing measures intended to prevent both within the population. and i fully believe that they are very deliberates plans that have been adopted by 0 in order to prevent vers receipt as to the relentless attacks on pregnant women. as i said, the on the health infrastructure is the killing of over a 100 medical staff including doctors, gynecologist and the atrocious conditions in which women have to give birth. the
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fact that and uh, how do you call it a not to abortion. um. and when you stop having a child has risen by 300 percent, so, so it's a it and, and then most recently, also the fertility clinic got stuck as of the largest fertility clinic has the, which has 3000 embryos has also been bumped so, so it is a very deliberate decline to, to, to attack the foundations of life policy, me in the society. yeah, and it was a timely reminder what you said just a moment ago that one of the elements that constitutes genocide ask for the genocide convention is measures that can prevent birth within the population. and and look, we are, it is a fact that we are seeing that happening in the gaza strip right now. reading. thank you so much for your time. thank you for shedding light on that. re most of
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them you in special rep with her on violence against women and girls to try to orthodox christians in occupied east jerusalem and occupied westbank had been marketing easter. but this year celebrations are subdued for many policy and christians because of the war on gaza. and is really restrictions placed upon them . further, smith reports from ramallah, the current, the short distance from occupied east jerusalem to ramallah. what christians call the holy fire bones broad. but the mood here is done in the cradle of christianity . it's never been hard to worship for technically, no rod was we used to go to jerusalem every year. but this year we have no peace of mind. we are not in the mood, it's heavy and it's a sad holiday because of the war. there's no celebrations like previous years. we palestinians are sad because our land is under occupation. our land is holy and it has to have peace with the war going on. and guys of our situation. big and very
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proficient this year is it's worse than ever. this is the wars the are in the past 71st. so the 5 years eastern orthodox christians believe the flame comes every east from a spark sent miraculously from having to wed jesus was battery dr. crucifixion. now the church of the holy several in occupied east jerusalem. it's been carried to churches across the world. but for those who live just a 30 minute drive from that church, the realities of life on the israel's occupation mean getting the has never been more difficult. at the study missions check points, the end of the roads. it's very difficult for people to go and be present in jerusalem without check points. people would come together from all the towns and to celebrate, especially at the church of the holy simple car celebrations, were replaced with prize for the palestinians in gaza. and for a ceasefire. now in normal gaze as a launch procession through the centre of ramallah to bring the plains of
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a church here. but this years with a much more pat down events, there's no real appetite. some bonus miss l just bear up. remodel and the occupied westbank pop the the floods have killed at least 56 people in southern brazil heavy rains and they burst them sent water rushing through the state of rio grande to school and no threatened its capital for to a library. tens of thousands of people had been left without drinking water or electricity. it's the worst flooding that the region has seen in more than 80 years . if you are just asked to be, it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of the state. perhaps one of the biggest disaster is the country is ever seen at least and recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain would, could reach 1000 millimeters review the chat is going to the polls monday for an
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election. that is set to replace a military government with a civilian one, but opposition groups have called for boy costs after officials bar to several candidates from running amended race has more from the capital in jemina. the. this is the final for the, from the, the presidential candidates in charge for election, but our, our total of 10 presidential candidate, the incoming president, is the force moment. can you find the time frame here on the other side of town is probably minutes. the final some pages that i can do the assignment for this election. what i use, i can do the same and we'll just provide me the running one very popular one. the owner is going to induce the force bundled all the everything is ready to a successful election the to the minister of the who said that you have to
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do the military, the police and other part i'm ready to organize the ensure that the election, the peacefully across charge of what people are looking for is what happens after the people are curious to see what's going to happen. there's also a campaign bye, are those who are greece by the process. since the beginning says that a friend of the campaign in for board to which the government has described to us totally illegal. so you know what you're closer to. so you always happens. oh what, what happens between now and monday? because on sunday, military personnel, i'm also into it because is involved in the securing this election without the bundle. i thought the main event would be on monday. agrees i'll just see the note in the u. k. so the con has been re elected as the mayor of london winning a historic 3rd term. the incumbent who is from the main opposition labor party was
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declared winter with nearly 44 percent of the vote. many areas of the country, so a swing to labor in the local elections held on thursday. the conservative, 5 minutes to richie soon asked, meanwhile, is called his party's loss is disappointing. and it's time for sport with andy richardson. andy, thank you so much, sir. well, in the last few minutes round, which would have been confirmed, the spanish league champions balls alone is to say you're running a hunting rail, a $36.00 league it cycle. so you frame, they ask what a stunning opener in rouse 3. know when i've a kid to 3 billing them. so keep telling them even when so to score his 22nd, go of the season round reckoning of the times with full games to spread. next up for them is the 2nd leg of the champions league semi finally gets on munich. that side paused at sea to almost alone, his hopes of keeping the seasonal life for another round of game ending with his full 2 defeats a way out. sharon, a full to the 2nd of his 2 goals here when you're on
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a moving them above the boss in the 2nd. also guaranteeing them as opposed to next seasons champions lead. that'll be playing in that compensation for the very 1st time. how much is the city of state on trying to win the english premier league for a full straight time? they beat will $51.00 to move and then a points of lead is also early holland score and the 1st health patrick in this game. so for this thing, own tools for victory to handle things to go along. so the header crucially, city a flight, a game less than software was often so both teams, when the remaining games, it's city. it will lift the truck. and when center score full now has 36000 on compensations this season. and also also when he said i can only have this one. also successful, i don't. so you can form that was schooled fine because 2nd mandate from so w austin's advantage. and the 2nd home set up for my sex and royce uninstall, peacetime royce himself, stuffing up, see making 3 new just 2 more games. less to go and also season now the right me. so
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when the size of the 1st time more than 2 decades, very excited. but it's only for 9 months now. how months now? so is 2 weeks ago. so we really want to get it done. we are closer to where and yesterday and, and hopefully we can bring that that side. so here also top 5 points, but they have played a game old and city also. games to come away. manchester united in the homes, evanson full. i'm talking them on west time on my wife, a pet guardiola side are joining city and also in the premier league next season will be of switch town. these the scenes after the window, the seal bet promotion. it's switched back in in the top font for the 1st time in building 20 years less the city also ending automatic permit game to over a 100 pounds mens football team will be heading to the powers olympics as continental champions. japan basing has back as on one new, so when the agent on the 23 title in castle joining cause a real sca was that,
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that final for us a story. when for japan, the 1st time any country has clinch the under 23 asian comp, twice the young summer, i blew adding to the title of a one here in the hall in 2016. but it wasn't an easy final against his breakfast on the sons to the team would have depend marching to that beach. having had stronger performances at the tournaments going into the decide to boost practiced on having conceited. a single goal in any of the 5 matches. and cast off and hung on to that impressive feat until still pitched in substitute the t a mode assuming it with a low show but moments later, a huge twist. when the 2nd son rewarded a penalty of the va, all check of a japanese hon. boom. more ali rough on any of steps up. it is no match for
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japanese. keep up the one. no, it was enough to see japan seal the toys. so a dramatic victory for japan here in the 123 asian comp. these teams can consider themselves when is this tournament sampling is going to be qualified. they 1st made it through the power scapes, trying to control stuff out at their house. justin been how much stadium max to step in his pix available points in his bits. when a full straightforward one, well talk to the rental, johns a winning the 19 left sprint race in miami to extend his championship late or i shall decline with 2nd with the staff is to make such a perfect in code qualifying for somebody's chrome pre coming up little lights are on saturday, we could increase the gap a little bit, but it wasn't totally perfect. so we still have a bit of work to do at least now with the new format. you know, we can still find you in the car little bit. so hopefully we can improve, deliver it for later on and qualifying,
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and especially for tomorrow and the res. but you know, when is good i'm, i'm happy with that and it gives us a good few points to look at as well. you know, to improve or red bulls wrong. those are looking for any signs of weakness within the team. the lead called is on adrian. new on the left stairs announced he will be quitting at the end of the season near. he's in cities, i'm happy with how rental have dealt with harassment allegations leveled against the team. principal christian horner. i'm not surprised and he's, he's moving on. i think the stuff that's going on there is a bit destabilizing which probably the 1st dominator fall, my guess is not the the last, based on the resumes that are flying around and engulf brooks kept is looking good ahead of his p. j. championship. tons of defense, that's the 3rd major the season. the american has the lead heading into the final round of the live golf defense and the single pool. the pga axis off on may the 60
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all right, move from a little later on. that's how the school is looking for that, sir. all right, any richardson there? thank you very much ending the closing ceremony of the 6 african women's film festival. and this set of goal capital is taking place with films on the theme of climate emergency and peace. because hack reports from the car stepped away on the quiet street in central of the car is the old dominion to sit in the still shining its opening night for the screening of a palestinian short film. when exiled you went out there a visual poem of loss and longer for were physics teacher turned filmmaker visit lab. welcome. it has found a home for her work at the african women's film festival incentive go from the projection room. she keeps a close watch, not on the screen, but on the audience. searching for reactions. do they get it? she wonders. her film, she says, is
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a small window. it's what it's like to be posting in today. cinema is a way to bring light to all it history or suffering our exam and defend the shining message to the ward beyond the theme of peace and the environment. the african women's film festival features $69.00 films, stories of betrayal of defiance of solitude in the face of love. plunging the viewers into story telling by and for women among them. jesse comes selected to make her 1st bill. she's chosen to produce a short musical and pollution in real life. i'm a community manager, but as a direct to i can be so many things. i can be adult to a lawyer, i can become whatever i want. that's what some amazing we can experience so many lives through filmmaking. but such film struggled to find an audience because independence cinemas are closing down unable to compete with commercial content found online elements,
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or was one of the few remaining independent sitting modes where people used to come and watch african films. but look at it. now. the owners have turned it into a supermarket. they say selling food is more profitable than showing african film. the medina cinema is an exception. a place where the zillah can not only show her film, but tell her story to a captive audience. she resides at home and for those films, and filmmakers who don't always feel like they belong, there is a home for them in the cars. medina, it's and it goes african women's film festival. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car. returning to gauze that palestinians in the south of a strip have celebrated a group wedding for 5 couples and crowds took a break from the devastation of wars to witness the ceremony of fine eunice. the city has seen some of the most intense battles between his really forces in policy
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and fighters since the war began. its event was called weddings, despite the visit from me 0 venue if, if today doesn't take will be with you in a moment to increase the, the humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the monkey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. part 2 of 200 just the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered
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states. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful. you hear the story on talk to how does era you will cekada a duty in a grove using for the p, use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are read, present, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress
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is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain, and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle, is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the, on each the, the display kind of thing in say they want to go who has negotiating teams, mazen, cairo is it tries to strike a deal for us, the spot and goals and kind of the 1000. he's got the badge, the mom's and agreement is reached to release the captain's health in goals.


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