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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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going on, how would they govern the usa of electric as to these for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle? is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the, on each, the, the display kind of thing and say they want to go who has negotiating teams, mazen cairo is it tries to strike a deal for us, the spot and goals and kind of the 1000 he's got the badge, the mom's and agreement is reached to release the captain's health in goals. the color that i missed all the attain, this is under 0 life from the also coming. there's famine,
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full blown famine in the north and is moving its way south people in gauze us stuff . one is right launch has more attacks from the north to the sun and heavy rains and southern brazil, they leave 56 dead. tens of thousands, without thinking of water or electricity. the holy begin and goals are whether humanitarian situation across the strip is getting west by the day. but diplomatic efforts to reach us is find the allow ramping up all eyes. a now on kyra for a mass delegation is currently holding talks with mediation is from egypt and capital as well as the c i a direct to william burns. and i'm off says it's studying the latest is ready proposal in a positive manner, but sticking points to remain. now these talks come as a u. n. ones that move in gaza is now experiencing
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a full blown famine. and that's moving towards the south. the head of the well food program is doing the goes yeah. just to reach as useful as soon as possible to save lives. meanwhile, in israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu was on the mounting pressure. thousands have again gathered intel a vive to attend. what have now become weakly anti government protest against his handling of the whole relatives of captives being held in gauze are among those crowds demanding that their loved ones are returned home. but we have correspondence covering the story for us across the region. we have talked a couple of them you standing by for us and ross so that let's start with mohammed john june. he's out of raleigh, the inside of the way. as we've been saying, those protesters have been calling for a cx 5 deal to get the release of as really captive not. i believe these way these haven't at this stage you've been sent a delegation to kyra. that's right in his thoughts. yeah. and that's going to be one of the key things to watch in the hours and potentially days to come is if his real actually does send
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a delegation to cairo because the government has made it clear uh the last couple of days that they are not going to be sending any members of their government to egypt unless and until they have a positive response from how i'm us. and the argument at this hour is still from the top echelon of the government here that they have not yet received an official response, much less than positive one from how i'm us. and therefore they are not going to go ahead and send a delegation. now there's a lot of back and forth in the is really media the last couple of hours with regards to this point. and it really goes to show how many divisions there are in the government about what to do when it comes to the possibility of a cease fire and may be entering into one. you have some reports suggesting that there are members of the government, the think that prime minister netanyahu should go ahead and send folks to egypt, and then you have other reports maintaining that the prime minister. i said all
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along that he will only send a delegation if and when they get a response from how much and then they can go ahead and enter into more negotiations. it's a very critical time here in israel. there is a sense of when you look, especially in the, is really media landscape that there was a lot of cautious optimism at this hour that perhaps a ceasefire could be entered into none the less you still see these reports quoting anonymous is really official saying that he is real, will not agree to in the war as a condition to entering into a ceasefire. and that is real, will not agree to not go into effect as a condition as it to enter into a ceasefire. so really the devil very much in the details you have how much one it guarantees as far as going forward you have is real sticking to these me and points that they have all along. and really right now it's anyone's guess, but many and is real. do believe this is a critical juncture and time is of the essence,
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as far as trying to get any kind of a deal done that would c captives returning to israel from causing massage. you know, i mean, you say this is a critical time. we've been watching these weight. can you protests grow? how much difference so it says level of public pressure made on, on the government's positions. do you think i noticed as you have the prime minister, benjamin is now is under a lot of pressure from members of his own coalition, from the opposition and a growing segment of the population here in israel. now let me just try to set the scene a little bit. we are in tel aviv, we're in caplin square, just an hour ago. you still had thousands of demonstrators behind me. this area is practically cleared out. most of the protesters have left to either other parts of the city or returning home. the fact of the matter is they came out, they were demonstrating once again, this was an anti government demonstration in which they were demanding that the prime minister resign. because they believe that the prime minister is prolonging
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the war in order to prolong his time in office. these demonstrators were demanding that the prime minister resigned hold elections because they believe if elections were held to day that he would be booted out of the office. they don't think he's doing enough to make sure that those hostages, that those captives can return home. they say time is of the essence that it needs to happen that it needs to happen. now you also have relatives of those capt is being held in gaza. also saying that more needs to be done to ensure that their relatives return back to israel. beyond that, you do have the prime minister under pressure from members of his far right wing government far right wing coalition members. like it's more been to veer the national security minister and other ministers for saying that the, the, the, that the prime minister should not enter into any kind of a deal that would see and into the war. and you have him under pressure from the opposition as well, all at a time when pulled after pull suggests that his popularity and trusting his leadership. is that a record low aside? you moment time doing that for us in tennessee with over i says thank you. mind
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holding meanwhile in gaza, that is also hope of a possible se is fine. and that's true. the scene and rough or the south of the strip, just less than an hour. okay. of the unit, a crowd displace palestinians saying that they want to attend to the north of the gaza strip. let's go to tar couple is there and i'll correspond to that in rough at topic that happened right next to clearly palestinians on very closely following these negotiations. there is potentially hope for some kind of a breakthrough, but we've also been here before, haven't we? yeah, that's why it's uh, we actually see a glimmer of hope in the eyes of the test page. palestinians walk closely following all the latest developments independent to kind of writing regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach to us these plans. they believe that the is where the prime
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minister benjamin that's in the i was trying to work to ruin the antonia deal as the we have been talking. so a number of products in your locals will have been expressing the deep sadness regarding any potential or any kind of possibility to the suppress of these negotiations that are still ongoing by the clean, the demands of these very prime minister regarding not ending the invading roof with or without the thought that was still a glimmer of hope regarding the american prussia and regional mediators, efforts to convince pull spots to accept the deal that has been approached to the table. and meanwhile, some somebody just taught it to practically back their items to return budget was going to be on the possible announcements within the common goal was by the afraid that the plymouth, who might turn into a great shock if there's going to be any failure happens to this new round of tapes to get us as far as what happened before in order to get more information about that, we are joined right now by mr. m. 0 cash. in order to get to know,
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move up from him about how palestinians are generally looking at evaluating this ongoing negotiations. so thank you so much for your time, mr. rumsey. could you tell us, please move, how do you see the possibility of the success of this round of negotiations to get to us useful agreements? yeah. once uh, when we, when we talk about disabilities of these talks and in egypt, actually we are to some extent to if the very best of mistakes because the failure of that talk so many times before. we hear about that because of that because of it to was it to the to of. busy the stock, so from the minnesota for them and a sort of got to and we wait something to uh, to lead us or to help us to is this the to, to comes to a good sense. but unfortunately, many times the we have the filter, this stops. so we will have various bits of mistake of these thoughts. and we hope
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this time will come to its end and we have a ceasefire. the agreement to seemed dakota 7 months of social, 7 months of losing humanity for us. 7 months of a lack of dentist, a citizen of lives. and what does a ceasefire mean to you? you're going to go home because we hear from we will blind still be displaced. the from october of from notes in areas of, uh, goes up to south end. and that is, so we are eager to go home to, to our homes, to start to rebuild our homes, to have to repeat, show, or to children, to live, to live as normally as the other people live. so when we hear about them bothering about bomb being everywhere, bonding everywhere. when we talk about or off the homepage and loons, we have many,
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many, uh, are we, we are very afraid of these things. so when we have the stokes to be succeeded or to be successful adults, we have to go to our home. we have the, let's say, our children, to have their humanity, to have their life, to live in base, to live and as other children live. thank you so much for you've hon. therefore we valuable time mr. rumsey, and that's really what palestinians are looking for is to live normally. again, i'm to return back to the houses that they have been displaced from since the beginning on the outbreak of this round of fighting that to now there's new ends inside for that tire couple was in the reflecting how people are feeling, the, to some rasa in the southern parts of the causes for thank you to our whole. earlier we spoke to us on the island on, he's a senior spoke to pass him from us, and he says, in order to read any sees, find, you know, his group needs
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a guarantee from the united states that is rarely for us as well. not to launch a ground assault on or off or as well. i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete. she's fine. i've completed the phone. good. so we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from uh, mckinney hall, uh saying that regardless to what may have been if there was a, she's found on sale, would continue that. that's a good start of that to me. that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again, sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean. his statement and the actual phone and the dates of the i want understanding that i need a treatment for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does
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the need this and does that include in the middle, we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives i mainly need to know if the united states administration have said clearly to meeting you out and offers enough. you'll have to do this on back. i assure you with that would have been the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given, that will give a good which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the big bottle uh, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also, we need a clear statement. it should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantees are not
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getting off, it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees. and we need also clear commitments on one out unless you're monetary and situation on the ground in gaza. as we mentioned earlier at the head of the you as well for your program says that knowles and garza is now facing a full blown famine alpha, lima which has one on to the people because i haven't had much to eat system where it began. and now for the 1st time, the you, when says a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. where i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for,
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and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys that get various ports in various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always work that way. israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of 8 to reach college students. international efforts have shifted to air dropping supplies, but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. is har, it's you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a ceasefire and, and begin to, to feed these people at it's, especially in the north, in, i'm in a more and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine,
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it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling the most the hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the ceasefire. but the only means as elusive as ever axle sandwich out, as they were all in the united states. student protest as continues to demand an end to as well as war on garza and the caching of ties with is really investigates . moving 2400 students have now been arrested since the 17th of 8. but when these protests begun, some universities also call the police to clear out some of the protest. kinds of
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the colleges have done deals with the demonstrate is agreeing to review investments in israel and return for a voluntary dismounting of those kinds. well, that's what i'll speak to gave you that is under huge ones of from the university of california. and a vine gave we've been hearing that that have been talks them between students and university administrators, any idea of how they going as well. there been several rounds of discussions between administrators and these protest leaders here at u. c. irvine, the protest leaders, i've spoken to said that the talks are going pretty well that the university is engaging them and discussing various options. but the, the last round of talks, if you will, the students said they weren't happy with the proposals. and so they're going to keep these discussions going on next week, but this is day 6 now of this protest in support of the palestinians in gaza. and they say they will not leave here until their demands are met. and interestingly
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enough though, they are saying that while there was a police presence here several days ago that the police have pretty much not been here anymore. and that it's all very peaceful here. there's a lot of teachers that are happening. prayers and different readings. and what have you, so it's a, it's quite a for lack of better word. quite a nice atmosphere if i should say so myself. and, but i will say about an hour from here there's, you see riverside, another university. and there they did voluntarily disbanding encampment because the university did agree to all of the protest demand or demands at that university . that's about an hour from where i'm at right now. so there is, this is an example if you will, that universities do engage these young people. they can do so and reach you a positive conclusion if you will, to this. so that's what this basically seeing here from you see, uh, irvine where its, uh, everything is very calm and as a, as in cabinet, is going into day 6. now going into day 7 here. okay. without us on the there with
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the very latest for us, from the university of california in a vine. thank you. game. well, so you have a ton of the send this update for us from george washington university where students that are continuing and protest. it's cold and rainy here in washington, dc, but i'm housings, the minister, the determination of the student protests is here, george washington university to see this protest out, but fighting for a divestment from weapons companies and from the israeli government, from the various universities represented here. the only move with that we've seen from the university is that putting into the us flag draping at of the facility the one of the buildings that overlooks the and campus solving tied it to what the motivation was in doing so. but the students have incorporated it into the process without projecting the norm was picture of joe biting with the words of genocide. joe on it onto the american flag. actually, frankly, it makes it far more effective than it might have been otherwise looked clear.
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there was about was something that the administrators of george washington university had intended shepherd has the elders here at washington. well, still ahead for you here on al jazeera, historic when for a long message, the con, offset thursday's local election. the, let's go with your weather update for europe in africa, and here's how it's looking on sunday. more rounds of rain coming in of the atlantic. this is going to strike northern portugal northwest spain. i think the worst of that rain will actually be rate along the border. just know that there are weather alerts in play for how intense this spring will beat to the northwest. we go and there's been a big dropping those temperatures across scandinavia and much pressure feel now and what weather just circulating here around the north sea. it's pushed away from the
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netherlands, speaking of what the weather showers are moving, west east, across central europe with the suns out though, either of the day and hungry is capital budapest, at 26 degrees. we've also got to talk about what weather for most of the turkey at, but it will clear west east. so the sun returns and is stumble at 17 degrees, could see some showers or thunder storms in central or southern algeria. and we've got a tropical cycling coming in, so up and down the coast of tents and the a whether it's in play for a lot of rain. and a lot of when this will also push rain into flight hit parts of kenya. let's go to southern africa right now where it is much quiet or pitcher. know whether it's to speak of in south africa, just a few showers though, for the east coast stuff out of gas car on sunday, say later, take care. now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results the past of its kind. in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered
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a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large tears face of a look in my private for me. now. thanks. royal, i can also offer a lot of if somebody value equal, restored to me and gone the the the welcome back. you're watching out of here on, let's remind you about top stories. the silence to pronouncing efforts have intensified to reach and deal 1st takes fire and goals on a mouse. validation is currently in kyra holding tulips, mediators from egypt,
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and castle and c. i a direct to william buttons from us as it's studying the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, not sticking points to remain the ones one free program says rovan garza is now experiencing a full for learning from israel continues to restrict access for a truck despite the wes thing to amount of turn situation or 5 palestinians have been killed by is there any forces in array didn't near to car and in the occupied westbank that last of 15 hours the palestinian red crescent says that his really forces prevented medical crews from reaching the casualties is there any forces also demolished a home in the town of their own custom. and they said a palestinian fighter. they accused of killing a soldier last year was inside the house. same as robbie has more for us on that made. this is the result of modern is really urban warfare being brought to small town palestine. people living in this village say they've never seen anything of
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this intensity happen in this area before. what we're looking at is what's left of one of the larger buildings in this area. a multi family home is rarely forces arrived. they announced for women and children to leave. once those women and children left and went into surrounding neighbors, houses is rarely forces open fire. they fired at least 10 shoulder fired rockets into the building. and in pursuit of palestinian fighters that were inside classes ensued and went on for hours. this re lasted for 15 hours and once it was all said and done, this is all that was left. the rate was so intense that no, there's nothing here but rubble, debris, and twisted metal. the women who evacuated in the beginning of the raid could hear the re taking place the whole time. and they bear witness now to what was the last stand for the palestinian fighters that were inside that home saint louis for avi ultra 0. the hosting village occupied westbank house orthodox christians and
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occupied east jerusalem and the occupied westbank half a mile. he east. but the city of celebrations awesome jude many posting and christians because of the war on garza and is really restrictions that it's mess reports from ramallah. the current, the short distance from occupied east jerusalem to ramallah. what christians call the holy syiaa bones broad. but the mood here is done in the cradle of christianity . it's never been hard to worship for technically no to what we used to go to jerusalem every year. but this year we have no peace of mind. we are not in the mood, it's heavy and it's a sad holiday because of the war. there's no celebrations, like previous years. we palestinians are sad because our land is under occupation. our land is holy and it has to have peace with the war going on and goes. our situation. big and very proficient this year is it's worse than ever. this
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is the worst year in the past, subbing for 75 years. eastern orthodox christians believe the flame comes every east from a spark sent miraculously from having to wed jesus was battery, dr. crucifixion. now the church of the holy several in occupied east jerusalem of this thing cared to churches across the world. but for those who live just a 30 minute drive from that church, the realities of life on the israel's occupation mean getting the has never been more difficult. at the study missions check points, the end of the roads. it's very difficult for people to go and be present in jerusalem without check points. people would come together from all the towns and to celebrate, especially at the church of the holy step celebrations were replaced with prize for the palestinians in gaza and for a ceasefire. now in normal gaze as a launch procession through the centre of ramallah to bring the plane to the church
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it. but this years for that much more pat down events, there's no real appetite cell phone at smith. i'll just say about ramallah and the occupied westbank published a family of palestinian doctor. i have no, no boss who died, and his really custody is calling for an international investigation. he was detained for more than 4 months, while watching in northern garza, the palestinian president society says he died as a result of torture and medical negligence. in his re prison of options. family has appealed to the international criminal court to look into the allegations. the floods have killed, at least 56 people in southern brazil. heavy rains and a bust um send water rushing through the state. and we are ground to sol as now threatens it's capital porto library. tens of thousands of people have been left
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without drinking water or electricity of what's happening to kenya now with a government that has ordered people living the a 178 dams. to leave their homes, it's wanting, but more heavy rains in the region could see more dams and reservoirs bust their banks. some residents wants officials to do more to help them out of their as catherine. so it has this update from the capital. hi ruby. we are, i've been narrow, be dumb, age range, quite heavy lead. last night. so this one is from the dumb. we have seen some people who are already in the houses yesterday. we spend a whole day talking to residents who have been affected by the government directive to move from these on safe areas. the government says it's going to provide a shelter of food and other necessities. but as you can see, a lot of people who leave here save that,
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they cannot afford to go anywhere. all they're supposed to tell us to do. we have to go, that's what we are waiting for. so you gotta have to wait for the government to show us. do we have to go back even? there's nothing to lose. so can you see what to do? i didn't get the money order that suggesting if they can give us something tomorrow for them to be housed in outside there. so they are relying on the government and they're saying without direction, without proper direction on where to go, where they're going to move the family, sue, it's going to be very hard for them to move to somewhere else. so they are saying that the government needs to come and tell them what to do. cost. we saw you all just there are nairobi or chad is going to the pauses on monday for an election that is set to replace the military government was a civilian one, but opposition groups have been calling for a boycott. of the officials bought several candidates from running an address that
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has worn out from the capital end janina the. this is the final for the, from the, the presidential candidates in charge for election, but our total of 10 for special candidate, the incumbent president obama, to give you shabby force, lawrence, and you find the time frame here on the other side of town is prime minister was the prime in some places that i can do the assignment for this election. what is the candidate for president and will describe the running one very popular one. the owner is listed, they are going to induce the force bundled, all the, everything is ready to a successful election. the, to the minister, the guys have to do the military, the police and other part i'm ready to organize the ensure that the election,
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the peacefully across charge of what people are looking for is what happens. i've got the people are curious to see what's going to happen. there's oh.


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