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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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data to biomedical research, this block market creed, not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of pathogen free. the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm just saw the attain. this is a new zone life from the coming up in the next 60 men and tell them you have thousands gathered to demand. a deal is done to release all the captives held in garza the same kind of thing. instead, they just want to go home as negotiating teams,
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nissan tires, it's trying to strike a deal for us. he's fine. there's famine, full blown famine in the north, and is moving his way of south people in gauze stalls fall. israel launch has more attacks from the north to the south. us please move in on a student in confidence, in the city of charlottesville for moving 10 sons, attaining students at the university of virginia and heavy rains in southern presented the 56 step, tens of thousands. well, without thinking both to own electricity and support around madrid have won the spanish league cycle for us. so let's see, 6 on a when i have a kid this all it by the feet arrivals barcelona on the ground with championship the oh, we begin in gaza. why the humanitarian situation across the strip is lessening by
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the day. but different logic efforts to reach us useful are all ramping up all eyes and now and kyra wareham us delegation has been holding tulips with mediators from egypt and capital as well as the c i. a director william burns law says it's studying the latest is really proposal in a positive manner, but that's sticking points to remain israel once the return of the captive is being held in gauze, and a mazda is insisting on a permanent end to the war. all those folks come as the you and ones that move and gaza is now experiencing a full blown famine which isn't seen moving towards the south. the head of the walk through program is edging. negotiate is to reach us these 5 soon as possible to save lives and is around. meanwhile, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on the mounting pressure, thousands guy that intel available on saturday night to attend what has now become weekly anti government protest against his handling of the war. well, i'll just here as mohammed jump, dream is in tell a view for us, not when you and i last spoke last hour. things were looking pretty 10 step between
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protest isn't the police. what's the situation like them? i saw the things have come down substantially since you and i last spoke. i let me tell you again where we are. we're in front of the ministry of defense compound. that's right behind this. there's still just about a few dozen protesters here. most of them with science like this one, he has no time to wait. bring him home a live this. this is what we're seeing so much of the sample, the straight it should have been banding with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu . and that the rest of the government every single day can to ensure the captives that are still being held in the gaza, actually return home to their relatives and loved ones. there has been a growing sense of frustration. we've heard from these demonstrators throughout the evening because they're saying this is a critical time. this is a crucial moment and a cease fire should be entered into. in fact, in the last hour we heard over and over again,
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chance the people that are here. they were saying, look, there is a deal on the table, the government needs to go ahead and sign. this is what they want to see. again, we're also hearing from the government demonstrators, the ones that were out in the thousands, earlier in the evening. they were saying that they wanted the prime minister to resign. they believe that he is essentially trying to for a long, long time in the office. i want him to resign the one who elections because i believe that if there are new elections and he will be booted out of office. now in the past hour, there was tension here because there are police assembled to see them behind us. here they have been telling the demonstrators that they need to leave, that they need to go home because the permitted time for them to come out and protest and it's weekly protest that is helping to leave that, that has already gone by. so we've seen more and more of these, policemen and women that have been out here in the past hour. many of them pleading with the demonstrators here to get up. go home, come back next week. now,
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as i said, there's only a couple of dozen protesters right now. it's a far less chance situation that was last hour. but the demonstrators that are still out here saying that the shows their commitment, their results to continue to keep coming out week after week to get the message out to the government that they are not going to stop demonstrating until they are rid of this government. and until their demands are met, styles you mama, just saying the protest is the want a deal sign for these rallies, understand haven't even send a delegation to the talks taking place in. kyra, how's that been going over with the crowd as well? they want to see the crowd here once to see a delegation sent to cairo. they want to see a deal entered into as soon as possible. but the fact of the matter is that the is really government. it has said for a while now for at least the last few days that they are not going to send a delegation to cairo unless and until they get a positive response from how much with regards to the offer that how much is
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attending to respond to that has been the position that the is really government that the prime minister has been maintaining. but now we're seeing just in the past hour, there are reports and these really media that there are far right wing ministers that have been publicly thinking prime minister netanyahu for not sending a delegation to cairo. and that's really in line with the position of these far right wing ministers, the people on the far right of nets and yahoo in his coalition who is said again and again, they don't want a ceasefire entered into that would mean either an into awards or, or that would mean that there would be no invasion of stuff going forward. but beyond that, we're also seeing reports that that again, is really officials have maintained that they are not going to enter any type of ceasefire that would mean and into the war. and that they are now reiterating that they will not allow any mediators to make any guarantees to how much that a cease fire would mean any kind of into the conflict with
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a very complicated situation. that's a very fraught moment and all the demonstrators that have been out here tonight, they're intending to put pressure on the government. they want to see a ceasefire entered into. they know that this is a very crucial moment. they believe that this is as close as the israeli government has been to entering into a ceasefire with how much since last november when there was the 1st east fire. and they are worried that if it does not happen, that it won't, they won't come close to this again, any time soon as value moments. i'm sure that are pushing for us from the streets of tel aviv this evening. thank you so much. one. i mean lot and goes up. there is also have a possible space fine. let's show you the scene and rough uh, in the south of the strip that was taking place to several hours ago. the well, those people they went chanting that they want to return home, displaced from their homes in the north. they've been stuck in the south and they
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just want to be able to go back to a couple of the room. it has more now from rough and southern gaza. is this showing the situation sounds really different for the vast majority of causes population being truck in the south of the character years to have been closely following over . the latest developments regarding the approach to a cease fire grievance, an old diplomatic efforts being exhausted, only the intern a in the diplomatic irena but we now my son is when appropriate by regional majority. it is now the believe that this time there's no mounting pressure on both from us on israel for a ceasefire agreement on the table are right now, but also they have a great deal of optimism. but this kind of optimism is mixed with previous kinds of frustration regarding previous failures that these kind of folks have really met at the end is due to the great gaps between pull spots on the ground. but they believe that now they have a real chance to get to a ceasefire agreement,
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as they have been charging on quoting for the return of their beloved ones. and even the display style of sydney as to their houses to the north of the guns. this trip and they are mold, growing close for a ceasefire agreement to be held now. now they believe also that these, while the prime minister benjamin to teneo, has been threatening, threatening the entire goals this trip week. in phasing run, these kinds of groups have been collapsed and that's what they have been completely a phrase and have been it 3, getting more concerns among who is palestinian school hope that's a cease by a much the roads soon to the lights and for what i to bring an end for the hot chips and all kinds of misery, they have been going through since out in front of this complex. well, i always spoke to a song that hung down. he's a senior spokes person for him off. and he says, in order to agree to any kind of c, s 5 deal, his group needs a guarantee from the united states. that is really forces will not launch a ground assault on rafa. well, i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete,
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she's fine. i've completed the phone good. so we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive onsite if. if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from, uh, the, to the whole uh, stating that regardless to what may have been if there was a she's found on sale, would continue that. that's a good start of that to me. that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again, sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what bust me in his statement and the actual phone and the dates of the. i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does the need this and does that include in the middle, we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the
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main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to know if the united states administration have said clearly to meeting you out and offers enough. you'll have to do this on back. i assure you with that what happened and the guarantees important. and if that was given that will give a good bush bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also we need a key of stage months which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantee is not good enough. it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees and we need also clear commitments. it was what do you mean out here in a studio as time
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a community as an assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies, comment just last hour. you were talking about being cautiously optimistic within the context of that. just how close all the negotiating positions now has anything changed, especially given that we're hearing from israel. they still intends to, to pursue this offensive and rasa. and it says, i think the solution has wilson because we have been just receiving the statements coming from day. so any sites, especially the minnesota frontier, they have been with a fee of uh who a block see, i mean as something you know, not to send a these are that addition to keitel. yeah. and also edit it reminding him of his commitment couple of days ago. when they met that he must be the 5 and then other, other statements coming from days lady also me to that these ladies would not provide any guarantees for thomas as if they want this to fail. so again it's, it's a very,
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the key, the key time. and the, i mean, it's a 5050 chance. i mean, i think the americans, if they don't step in and put the weight behind these negotiations, i fee of a, they wouldn't collapse. well, this idea of any kind of a us guarantee has to assume that in washington or the white house has a certain amount of what cause it leverage of a israel doesn't. well that's, that's the $1000000.00 question. i mean, does it really? i mean, we have seen these like, you know, that for the policies and politics between that then the one by the in the, the, the tools important factors. i mean 1st from on the side, this is a very 1st coalition government and nothing you know is protected by the right wing religious parties the, the thought with them and this coalition. so if they leave the government, it means a split. the some sort of bible is, is that it's so it's almost like at the same time it's of elections even to us. and
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nothing else realizes that by then also is locked in a perfect position to exercise as leverage because yes, the odd critic of demonstrations about embarrassing the democrats, especially by the soonest progressive democrats that there is that a big issue within a minute of an ocean within the democratic party that is very critical of binding on his positions. but the same time the lobby is the, is what it is that his interest of the republicans are also playing on on the, on, on, on these divisions and on conference between by then. and isn't so, i'm really not sure that such a tech situation with everyone has some live. it is over the others. but still, if, if, if the, by the position wants to save this from the clouds. but it's, again, it's a bit closer. you are firing alia to, to divisions in israel, which we've seen, laid back over the last few months, given me the amount of, of public pressure and, and mounting, and that we're seeing. does that have any sway or,
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or will we just see that the same kind of dynamics play out within this government? so are you would be good for would the, to build the like when saying amount, i mean public plus, i mean public pressure is the optimal solutions, but they really mess of out of the have they, they start to pin point that they become like, you know, 7 protests like you know, the, the swipe since the country know these, what is the 30th, i mean by last, and these are the population of it is behind water. but of course, the families of the captives and people who are on the unit then, you know, of course, that the ones who are protesting really. but they have not reached the script, the color, both the tipping point to the 4th or the 5th or nothing. you know this pollution so far, so let's talk about where we go from here. let's take this line, of course is optimism. and let's say how mouse does come to some kind of an agreement in terms of, of moving forward with, with the tools. what happens then is, well, having not sent anyone to kyra presumably needs to come up with
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a response to their writing. so we're really quite some ways away from seeing any kind of holes in the fight thing. so okay, so if it's how may i ask who i'm seeds and agrees to throughs without addressing the issue, the element in that one, which is a permanency side or under guarantees for the permanency slab, it's going to thing couple difficult, admittedly suicide, to select lifting your selected lifting default cups, you would like without any guarantees and stuff. i would be surprised because to have, i mean, the best thing as of what are the sacrifice level. i mean, i'm with old domestic getting and guys a business in the southern ward. how much also has its own completion on this compilation with that? but at this stage, i mean if the push to this, i mean i think it's, it's, it's, it's what it is. i shouldn't because it's like a, it's, it's assessment sort of the survive. and when, when would that stick? i mean, as i'm going to put at the political, i mean, it's a movement and also does it. the 1st thing is there will be some backlash as well. oh, setting me watching very closely and see what happens. and in terms of the mediation
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and the coming hours and days, time are committed. thank you for joining us again on the new so well, let's look a little more at the humanitarian situation on the ground in gauze as we speak. as i mentioned earlier, the head of the united nations walk free program says northern garza is now facing a full blown fountain access i'm of which has more on to the people because i haven't had much to eat system or began. and now for the 1st time, do you, when says a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. where i can explain to you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north,
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and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we've continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys to get various ports in various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it hasn't always work that way. israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of a to reach college students. international efforts have shifted to air dropping supplies, but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. is har, it's you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a ceasefire and, and begin to, to feed these people at it's, especially in the north, in, i'm in a more and in
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a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire garza population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling to most to hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march efforts to prevent stineman hinge on the ceasefire. but it still remains as elusive as ever. excell sandwich out to 0. well turning now to the protest taking place across universities in the united states against the war on garza. just over an hour ago, police pulled down tens from the palestinian solidarity and cabinet at the university of virginia and charlottesville. as you can see, that police moved in on students and not in complement where they had been based
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for 5 days earlier in the week. so university officials had committed the students to hold a demonstration on the condition. they didn't put up tents and used to know loud speakers. well, that speech stories about she joins us now from new york tries. it looks like it got pretty messy that what exactly happened in charlotte, so of the well, what happened in charlotte? but it's what's been happening across the country with a students protesting with students setting up in conference. and in many, many cases. in most of the cases, they have been evicted or forced to remove the 10s of thousands of thousands of students have been detained across the country. what do we do? know is that safe? 5 days ago, a group of students have around 20 students setup and in conference in the university of virginia. they were asked to leave. on this saturday morning, the police showed up with a troopers from the police department from virginia showed up and ask them to leave
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. apparently the group started growing and at least there were a 1000 protesters on the ground and there was lots of tension and escalated. there were some caches use of p or gas. among other things, it's not clear yet whether people have been arrested. but what we have been seeing where i'm standing right now here in front of a new school in new york city were over 20 people were arrested on friday. this is what's been going on across the country. and of course, university of virginia, charlottesville has not been an exception for torres. are you in new york? whereas you say this in plenty of confrontation in an arrest? so on a number of campuses, what's the mood like then? now what i'm standing right in front of a new school in lower new york city. we've been seeing protesting 3 universities here in n, y u in new york university, the new school, but also in columbia university. and we saw what happened earlier this week in columbia. university with the students where evicted from a hamilton holes that they,
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we named pinhole. joining me now is the students from here, from the news quotes, uh, no story out of jewelry. he's been arrested by the police. he's been participating in this protest to not tell us a little bit about what happened to you. so i guess starting with my experience on um monday. uh, april 22nd. uh was the 1st day that i actually was here. um and i attended it being came in here and then i heard about mass arrests in front of the stern building. and then while you, where i, when i was peacefully protesting among other students, i was not actually on the school property. and i was forcefully violently detained by m y p, the roger, roger and i have been supporting the new school and came in every day until yesterday when it was taken down. what is it like to be the change? i mean, we're seeing that thousands of to have been detained across the country. sometimes
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you remain in prison for a day sometimes for to what exactly you know, what, how was the experience for you? it was really scary for me. um, you know, i have the privilege of being a large many that i was still a really afraid of the force and the violence that they started on me. i felt like it was very unnecessary given. i was peacefully protesting, and i just really don't wish that for any other piece of protesting students. kind of kind of been how this movement continues. we've been seeing students detained students evicted students that say that they will continue to take to the streets. what is going to happen now? well, what i want to say without any certainty that there is hope in new york being a united front and the students of new york being united front, we will continue to support one another regardless of the circumstances. and we will continue to fight for each other's rights. you will continue demanding a ceasefire. you will continue demanding divestment from either, you know,
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university funds invested in companies that students, they are profiting from the war. yes, we are the meaningful diversion from the 13 companies that the, the new school presented. thank you very much. i. so this is a situation here in new york city, just on friday over 40 students where they came here, where we are. i am right now in the building right across in n y u student say that they will continue protesting, they will continue demanding and then to the war. and guys are back to you in terms of are the covering that student we have them into for us from new york. thank you very much, teresa. well, let's get the view now from university of california and yvonne and so we talk correspondent, the people that live under gabriel was saying earlier that they have the news tools supposed to be taking place between students and the university administration. do we know how they're going the stage as yeah, that's right. protesters here that are supporting the palestinians. and guys in
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this encampment say that they are talking to the university and there has been some dialogue with the university administrators about trying to meet their demands of what they want to see happen. of course they're calling also for a complete cease fire and gas and the end of the war, but also more locally here and more close to home if you will. you're calling for divestment as well as what we heard from many other universities around the country . protestors that have set up in camp minutes. everything is very quiet here. there's currently a, a, a teacher, and that is happening at the encampment that you see there behind me. there's another young woman that is painting. other signs being made is a, it's a very quiet and you can expect a peaceful day here, quite frankly, at the university campus. but i want to bring in a guest who can talk to us a little bit more. please step in. this is esperanza garcia. you are part of this impact cam and part of the protesters here. thank you for joining us on how to 0.
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let me just start with how is everything going here at this encampment for you guys? i think so far everything has been going well. i mean, we're still here, which is that which is telling, hopefully we don't have to be here for too long cuz our demands, hopefully they're met soon. so the community members haven't coming out and supporting so it's, it's just been amazing. so you know, the support we've been getting and you had been speaking with the administrators. is that correct? and how are those negotiations going? yeah, so what's been unique about like our situation here is that we started meeting with the negotiators almost like since day one. and i 1st, obviously they were opposed to what our demands were, and we're restrict that our demands. we're not going to fulton our demands. and so we, we did a counter the like demand back and we said we send it to them. and now it's on the table, which is um, which is actually like big they're considering our demands and we're still waiting to hear that is big. it's different in some other universities that have not even bothered to meet with pro testers. students haven't even they just simply called in to police. it seems like it's been a little bit different here. and there has been
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a little more collaboration with the administrators. i think it's not so much because they want to collaborate with those of us because they've been feeling the pressure of the community of the students in the united states. so, i mean, they kind of should, should have done other ways, but they see that we're, we're resistant and we're not, we're not just going to let go that easily. the pressure is working essentially, and which one of the demand city is most important. i know all of them are, but what's one particular we well our main to manage for them to and they're completely in gaza, meaning that they, they, um, they invest more than 4000000000 directly toward the war. and then not only that, but more than 126000000000 of our, of our fund of our funds. and they use the system at white is being controlled by black rog and blackstone, which are companies who for manufacturing these worse. let me just ask you about yourself. uh, tell me about yourself and why it's important that you are here and you've been here all 6 days since the beginning of this. why is this issue so important to you?
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yeah, i think a lot of people because it's not happening directly to them, they kind of are able to like dissociate and like not really care. but i think the pointing thing about this is to understand that what's happening is rosa is not, is not like alone. you know, like the western bank powers are supporting guys all of these mexican american families and mexico. i'm a 1st generation like american student, everything. and um, what are the countries have had to face back and let in america by western powers by um there's even like here in the united states in the homeland security, like in the border, those those, those are funded by is real like the security, like everything is intersected and we can be liberated, we can be free until palestine is free. and so that's why i'm here today. and even if that wasn't case, even if nothing was connected, i mean people are dying. there's a genocide happening. and like, how can you not care, as it's right and use you said to use a mexican american and your families from mexico was born was from there. so you
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sent some solidarity that you've seen from your background growing up. it sounds like as well. yeah, i think international solidarity is such a keeping because like that, like i said before, like you can't, you can't maybe claiming that granted colonial or like trying to dismantle these white supremacy. and all of that, if you're not, i have that same vision for everybody else. esperanza, thank you for talking to us. we appreciate thank you for your time here. i'll have to 0. so that is day 6 of this encampment here at the u. c. irvine. it's a lot of the same messages and we've been hearing from other and cabinets as well, of course, wanting an end to the war and guys that number one, but then also demands as well, primarily divestment issues as well. so that's all here from a u. c. irvine here in california. okay, but it is on the reporting that from that student come on in continent for us. thank you guys. the old thousands of palestinians, meanwhile, have held a demonstration in the occupied westbank to condemn the filling the killing of 5
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palestinian fighters. the crowds rallied on the streets of 2 cars. i was off to is really troops attach the finances in the village of darrell, go some the military. it says the men, what members of a cell that software is august and the set for last year, residents say the raid was the worst example of violence they've ever seen. the same as one of the reports from the side of these really attack modern is really urban warfare, brought to small town post dozens of israeli troops from boston to cut the ford descending on their own in a rate that lasted 15 hours. the aftermath, leaving little to the imagination, residents here say they've never seen anything like it. who i had that i saw and heard all the classes. it's something new for us. for the 1st time ever classes like this and this violence,
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everything destroyed this miserable is really troops took over the 2nd floor of the house. concentrating fire power on a single 2 story building. they ordered women and children to leave before launching shoulder fired rockets and calling and told strikes. military bulldozers were brought in to finish the job were standing on the rubble of a building that stood here less than 24 hours ago. neighbors say it was one of the larger ones in the area of multi family home. but these really raid was so intense that this is all that is left. rescuers and people are digging through debris and twisted metal in a desperate search to find anyone that might be left alive. after hours spent digging some using their bare hands, all they were able to pull out were body parts of it. we've only seen this kind of destruction happening on tv and gaza and now we're seeing it in real life in front of us. by all accounts of this was a man and is really statement described the men as
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a terrorist. busy they had been tracking for the killing of a settler in november. how much said they were palestinian resistance fighters with the cosigned brigade as the 2 sides continued to face off or regardless. and with a delicate peace talks underway in cairo. people living in this village will for ever remember, it is a place, a handful of homeless fighters made their last stand. st bus, robbie o g 0 there. listen the occupied westbank, palestine. a hostile ahead for you here all. now is there a historic when so long as a mess of the car up to thursday's local election, uninstalled red bulls rivals. i'm hoping the team is era of formula one dominance is about n. and you'll be here with that story. the,
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let's go with your weather update for europe in africa, and here's how it's looking on sunday. more rounds of rain coming in off the atlantic is going to strike northern portugal northwest spain. i think the worst of that rain will actually be right along the border. just know that there are weather alerts in play for how intense this spring will beat to the northwest. we go and there's been a big dropping those temperatures across scandinavia and much pressure fuel now. and what weather just circulating here around the north sea. it's pushed away from the netherland, speaking of what the weather showers are moving, west east, across central europe with the suns out though, either of the day and hungry is capital budapest, at 26 degrees. we've also got to talk about what weather for most of the turkey up, but it will clear west is so the sun returns and is stumble at 17 degrees. good system showers are thunderstorms in central or southern algeria. and we've got a tropical cycle in coming in, so up and down the coast of tens of via whether it's in play for lot of rain and
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a lot of when this will also push rain into flight hit parts of kenya. let's go to southern africa right now where it is much quieter. picture, no weather alerts to speak of in south africa. just a few showers though, for the east coast to out of gas scar on sunday. say later, take care i the calling attention to any quality pollution meant extrajudicial killings in kenya's low income communities. my one brother was killed by police. the dentist that we say is but the one passed into one day and organizer on the rapper. how old are these people from the begun supplementing buffalo and it hasn't been put on the bus that he forgot. people who bought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a just either you will so caught a duty and a growth using for the p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching l g 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound . thousands of demonstrators have gathered for the weekly protests and television.
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they're demanding that prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government. they can deal to ensure the release of all captives being housing dawson. pulled out comes as diplomatic efforts intensified to reach and deal for a cease 5 in golf on. mazda legation is currently in. kyra holding talks with mediation is from egypt, and castle and c. i. a director william burns from us says it's studying the latest says really proposal in a positive manner about sticking points still remain a bridge just posting in full massage and who's subbed as a doctor and gaza says that he's been denied and treat to friends while on a flight from london, doctor golfing, obviously, so it was supposed to be addressing the french senate. we'll see if it was also denied entry to germany last month and says general authorities placed a one year ban on his entry to europe. he added that french was already has insisted on sending him on a late night flight back to london despite earlier flights being available. well, joining us now from london is doctor lucy done? he's a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who recently worked at the i'll see if
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a hospital in garza, he's also director of the university of glasgow and dr. obviously to thank you for your time with us on the news out. i'll stop by asking you to tell us a little more about what happened with the federal authorities. i understand you were actually that the invitation of the french government. yes, so i had been invited for a senator in the french senate parliamentarians and the. busy arrived or from 920 to charles the gold and f. a at the bus for this guy who was told that my name is a on a list of administrative ban. a to the shits send in area. and then i will not be allowed to enter into friends. when
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i asked about the band i was told and that was the 1st time i had heard that the band included the whole of the shouldn't get an area and was for a whole year. now, when the german authorities prevented me from entering into berlin, they had said that the band was just for germany and was for the rest of the month of april. so that they would ensure that i would love to attend that particular conference that they wanted to stop. so suddenly i am afraid we are having a little trouble today with the order doctor. i just want to make sure you can hear me. we lost you for a moment. now i did want to ask you this. when they told you that you had been banned from this changing area. did they tell you why? no, because it's an administrative band. there's not even any sign on the system why i've been, but there's no need so that the french authorities don't have access to that information
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. and i certainly didn't have any access to that information to neither does my lawyer. this came as a complete surprise to myself and to my little. busy who had been in touch with the german authorities since i had been banned from berlin. mm. no indication had been given for that. my own interpretation is it is with the pressures that are being put on the international criminal court. every attempt is being made to prevent potential witnesses from reaching vague. and one of the ways to do that is the band people who i do with this, these crimes from reaching the whole of europe, including colon doctor, as you say, this is now the 2nd time. then you've been refused, and for you to a european country, often what happens in germany. can i ask you about the way you feel you've been treated by the with? are these at the tone and, and conduct with you?
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it's an intentional criminalization of the victims of this genocide and it's an attempt to silence the witness. but so most of these countries, whether it's the french government or the german government, are admitting their complicity because they're in a crime. you know, those who are complicit then a from their job is to silence the witnesses and to hide the evidence. and this is what they're doing. they're trying to silence those who have seen these crimes being perpetrated 1st time from telling their stories, whether it's in berlin or whether it's 2 french parliamentary. right. and you're talk about 1st hand accounts of your doctor and you spent 43 days i believe, blushing in gaza, shortly off to the world again. and october, seeing what you saw, then could you have imagined how the soul would have unfolded for me? no, i did not expect. i did not foresee the fact that what i had seen in dogs was only
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the tip of the jennifer. i do iceberg. and the rest of the genocide, la iceberg exist outside in countries like the u. k or germany or france or the united states, where this access of genocide, these governments, whose job it is to ensure that the weapons supplied increased by 10 fold. and that any attempt to cease fire is forced to the new voices calling for a cease fire. our silence, the criminal, and that's what i had not seen that this was a project that extended from kind of the all the way through berlin and paris to london and washing. don't take, given what you were saying that and, and you mentioned having spoken to lawyers earlier, will you be fighting the band? will you be taking any kind of legal action to try to, to address what's happened to absolutely on to come. first account is trying to
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fight the button because it's critical that since it's germany that put the bond, that my lawyers in germany take up this case. but to we need to fight for a to highlight the issue the in. this is a comfortable mention of article 25 of the roll convention. any attempt to in a to or interfere with the work of the international criminal course. makes these governments in contravention of the room a convention. and so it's critical that we find this attempt to prevent us from giving evidence at the i c. c. a doctor before i let you go. i do want to ask you one more question. you've been talking about the silence senior palestinian voices as the rector of the university or sales. can i perhaps ask you to reflect on the broad, a student movement we're seeing around the globe and the response to some of these protests or i think the, the, the think logical where,
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where we won by and 80 percent majority the doubling of the turn. now and then when we, what we see, we see in the campuses both in the united states and the united kingdom highlights the fact that young people, particularly young people across the globe have identified the genocide as the moral crisis of our age. and have decided that they will not be cited and their governments will not be complicit. and in this genocide in their name, they want to ensure. busy that in 102030 years thought they can hold their heads high and say that these genocides did not happen with their complicity or was there at 50. and so they are now the standard bearers of the moral response to a genocide. what dr. gossen other states are joining us there from london off to
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being denied entries and both germany and, and friends in as many months. thank you so much for joining us on the i'll just share and use our so think of a family of palestinian doctor. i've done a boss who died in his riley custody, is calling for an international investigation. he was detained for moving full months while working in northern garza, the palestinian prisoners society says you've died as a result of torture and medical negligence in his really prison bosses family have appealed to the international criminal court to look into those allegations. as the floods have killed, at least 56 people in southern brazil, heavy rains and a bus dams, and was a rushing through the state of rio grande to sold and now threatens it's capital for to allegra. tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water
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or electricity. this is the west flooding the region has seen and move in a she is the water just asked the. it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of the state. perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen, at least and recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain would could reach 1000 millimeters for view to mike. todd is going to the polls on monday for an election, but set to replace a military government with a civilian one. but opposition groups have called for boy cost of the officials bought several candidates from running. and it just has moved from the capital engineering. a this is the final for the, from the, the presidential candidates in charge for election, but our, our total of 10 for special candidate, the incoming president,
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the b course warranty. and you find the timeframe here on the other side of town, there's probably minutes. that was the final some pages that i can do the assignment for the selection, but i use the candidate for president and we'll just provide me the writing very popular one. the owner is going to induce the pos bundled all the, everything is ready to a successful election the, to the minister, the who said that you have to do the military, the police and other part i'm ready to organize the ensure that the election, the peacefully across charge of what people are looking for is what happens after the people are curious to see what's going to happen. there's also a campaign bye, are those who i agree by the process. since the beginning says that a friend watch, i'm paying for our board to which the government has described to us totally
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illegal. so you know what you're closer to so you always happens. oh, what, what happens is between now and monday, because on sunday, a military personnel, i'm also into it because is involved in the securing this election without the bundle. but the main event would be on monday, agrees i'll just do the hall in the u. k. so the con has been re elected as an error of london winning a historic if the time being come into use from the main. all physician labor policy was declared the winner with nearly 44 percent of the voters and many areas of the country. so swing to labor in the local elections that were held on sized, a prime minister wishes to knock has called his conservative policy losses disappointed 2 times on the other, all my life to save the city. but i love and i am beyond humbled right now. i would express my deep products here to my side. i love this
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and make the best pledge to you. i promise to repaint the trust you placed in me by working tirelessly to deliver the fair a safe, green, a london you deserve. i'm still ahead, hey, on houses here and 4 months the city of said on track to in a full consecutive english premier lead title. and you will be here with the, this is the 1st to me saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. examination being proactive, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. going out your 0 or the welcome back. it is time for sport and he's on the thank you so much. the spells, he will rail madrid of one the spanish league championship for both the 6th time,
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both along as diffident sharona handing round that cycle route. the kid is 3 know and begging today for him to as with a stunning opener, the t bellingham is being sent, so it's the same success in his 1st season at the club and he went on to school, his 22nd goal of the season. right now, wrapping up the science of with full games to spend the on the celebrations, one on the way in the spanish capital mixed up for you and the fans. and the 2nd leg of the champions league city finally gets on munich. that side is boys that to, to was also on the sides of keeping the seas and alarm ended with a full to defeat. and why is your own a full see with the 2nd of his 2 goals than the winfrey's you're on a moving them above the boss into 2nd place. also guaranteeing them as opposed to next seasons champions link that we playing in that compensation for the very 1st time. how much is the city of state insurance when the english premier lead title for a full straight time?
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the beat was finally wants to move within a points of lead is also building holland score. a 1st health patrick in this game to put his team on close to victory to penalties, to go along. so at that heather increasingly city a flight of game less than the size of the rivals off the. so both teams, when they're remaining games, it is city who will list the trophy holland even on the score full. he now was 36 goals and will compensations this season a be for his performance for his exceptional goals independent these as well because we know how that sometimes you know to see about the 2nd and the 4th was unbelievable. so yeah, very peaceful. he also also i went into that i kind of have it swimming also i 1st health penalty against bone most and that was school would find the cash 2nd the under trust so doubled also the advantage in the 2nd half set up by jacqueline
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royce and stuff which summon rice steps up to make its 3 new just 2 more gains less than all season that. right? so when it's sizes for the 1st time and move into that very excited and there's no need for 9 months now. how months now? so is 2 weeks ago and we really wanted to get it done. we are closer to where and yesterday and, and hopefully we can bring that that side. so here a christy on on our head, a hot chick. the illness in the lights is 74 leg when it's the 66, telling me now that was school 3 or more. and again, during his career this up, it's looking past the 50 goal mark, and will compensations to this season of his team. still training lead lead is al, hello, by knowing the know the domain and day for raining for one will champion max for snap and the red bull drive is even pull position for somebody's mind me girl and pray also on the sprint price earlier
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on in the day which i did another 8 points to his championship cycle. to stop him 6, poland, 6 races this season and he's leaving the overall time. rice c for always running behind him on the grid, shot to collect and 2nd call of science will stop place response. i don't know what it is, every single unit we we come here, i find it extremely difficult to, to be very consistent with the call feeling the tire of feeling over one lot. it's just super hard to make sure that the say $61.00 pills goods and $63.00 at the end of the love to make that like i have happened together it's, it's incredibly top. and again, today it was really about finding the balance. i think we did okay. i mean, i'm, is the most enjoyable up out of my career just because of how slippery it is and how like, you don't feel very confident on the lot, but we are whole and that's of course, the most important well rentals are all i was looking for any signs of witness within that scene this week?
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ripple's lead called is on adrian. new we, on the left, it announced to be quitting the same at the end of the season. you read his in cities, i'm happy with how read both of them with house and allegations leveled against the team. principal christian horner. i'm not surprised and he's, he's moving on. i think um, of the stuff that's going on there is a bit destabilize, and that's probably the 1st domino the fall. my guess is not the, the last based on the resumes that are flying around tennis. well, number one, industry on sec showed all have financing qualities on hawaii to lifting the madrid open trophy. so it looks like has a safe, 3 match points in the final against a reassemble and a full time grand slam champion eventually winning this time we decided in a food sense, all right, we'll see some blanket updates and so we on site in the last use in goals books kept looking good ahead of his pga championship title defense of the 3rd major the season,
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the american leading here and the final around the heading into the font around the live golf events and single pool. the pga sees off on may. the 6th i'm for the 1st time in his career are and so just being a jack seed from a major league baseball games in new york and he's still getting a check to find a flight. some pos, all doing a close strolling yankees. still going to win this game against the detroit, tigers 5. all right, but if i suppose looking pronounced. ok. thanks so much sunday. all the closing ceremony of the 6th african women's film festival. and the senegalese capital has taken place with films on the theme of climate imagine sea and peace. nicholas hot could forward smell from dotcom, tucked away on the quiet street in central of the car is the old. the medina sent him still showing its opening night for the screening of a palestinian short film. when exiled too, were not there a visual poem of loss and longer for were physics teacher turn filmmaker visit lab? well, it has found
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a home for her work at the african womens film festival incentive go from the projection room. she keeps a close watch note on the screen, but on the audience searching for reactions. do they get it? she wonders her film, she says, is a small window. it's what it's like to be posting in today. cinema is a way to bring light to all it. history or suffering or exhaustion. defend the shining message to the ward. beyond the theme of peace and the environment, the african women's film festival features $69.00 films, stories of betrayal of defiance of solitude in the face of love. plunging the viewers into story, telling by and for women among them, jessie comes selected to make her 1st bill. she's chosen to produce a short musical and pollution giovanna in real life. i'm the community manager,
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but it's a direct to i can be so many things. i can be adult to a lawyer, i can become whatever i want. that's what some amazing we can experience so many lives through filmmaking. but such films, struggle to find an audience because independence cinemas are closing down and able to compete with commercial content found online. elements or was one of the few remaining independent sit in those where people used to come in wants to african films. but look at it. now. the owners have turned it into a supermarket. they say selling food is more profitable than showing african film. the medina cinema is an exception. a place where the zillow to not only show her film, but tell her story to a captive audience, she recites a hoping for those films and filmmakers who don't always feel like they belong. there is a home for them. in the cars. medina, it's then it goes african women's film festival. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the
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car. all that set for maintenance styles here today for this news out from them you can always find much more on our website. that's all 0. don't com. don't go away, i'll be back in just a moment with another news out here on the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, i'm counting the calls protests in the us developers, universities divest them israel, how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for picked on to the
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american market? kind of thing that costs pulled out just a rough and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis the so comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said nobody failed us selling and testing with him down as we speak . these very speak is there are, every was know, we're getting each don't finish and know the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes, nothing you on whose success it may be better, maybe was but it's the one that has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time, it's the victims themselves. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them,
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but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here. it just either we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, i'm just of the attain. this is a news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes and tell of you've thousands got that the demand deal is done to release over the captain's housing costs, the
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displace palestinians say they just want to go home as negotiating teams needs and


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