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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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time this route is that the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes nothing yahoo success may be better, maybe was but it's the one that has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra the graduation ceremonies take place at the sun and colleges and universities in the us of to weeks of demonstrations and so forth on his time. so hundreds of people are based on your, on 100 of university of michigan where students carry their protests against the war and gaza. right into graduation. the other ones are in jordan, this is out as a red lights, and the officer coming up thousands of protest as gather in tennessee to the deal is done to release the captives being held in gauze.
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the display scholars give me and say they want to go home. that's negotiating teams, meeting colorado to try and strike a deal for a ceasefire, and garza and heavy rains in southern brazil at least $56.00 dead. tens of thousands without drinking water and electricity. the we begin in the us with protests against, as well as we're on guns that continue on university campuses across the country. the university of michigan became one of the 1st major american colleges to hold a graduation ceremony. there was some binding disruptions from students who are demanding the university divest from israel and anything that helps fundable. i'll just share with john henry and begins coverage from michigan. this call has come up and all of us at the close of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down
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a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen, demik moved the virtual classrooms. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is the dawn cap and gown. it feels as though it is the only thing that i can do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such events. greece, i'm for the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia. does he, his son graduate, who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i seem to be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they can get by
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owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe to university professors that protest a graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a rudnick that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that it serves the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. more than 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees and an arena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to route out disruption. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and got it. they were palestinian flags and the
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big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus across the country. students in says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 ann arbor, michigan, plus they're going to set the university of california and of i and say they remain on campus on to let them onto a met, protest as calling on the university to divest from businesses with ties to israel . and weapons manufacturers that benefit from the war university officials say they will continue to negotiate with students under optimistic that reach a deal to. gabriel is also has more from the protest of the university of california in a bind of what we saw at the university of virginia where we saw a riot police confronting protesters here at u. c. irvine. the situation is much
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different. we actually saw an agitator that was here at this uh encampment and police actually confronted him and led him away from the c d escalating the situation. so here and you see, or if i'm missing cabinet is in day 6 going into day 7. now it's all very peaceful . we've seen actually families bring children here. we've seen elderly people coming here as well, taking part in some discussions they've had readings and, and sort of uh, singing and painting taking place in this encampment that you see behind me. so very quiet, very peaceful of course, and they do the protesters here say they are continuing to negotiate with university administrators to try to reach some sort of agreement on the protesters, demands of which, among them are divestment of any companies. they do business with the university. they also do business, of course with israel. so they say they will stay out here until their demands are
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met. there will be more rounds of negotiations with the administration. we're told in the coming days, gabriel's on the out just need a u. c. irvine, in california. or police ever move tens from the palestinian, the solidarity and come on to the university of virginia and charlottesville. police moved in on the account where protest as have been base for 5 days during the week university officials submitted the students to hold a demonstration on the condition. they did not put up tents and use allowance because teresa boat has moved from new york. i'm here in front of a used car in new york city, and this is a place where over 20 students where we're rested on friday in the building right across another at least 20 students where the paint right there. they were taken to a police station not far away from where we are, they have set up on an complement here. this is just one of the universities we're students have been protesting here in new york city. we're seeing goals. so in the university of virginia where students, headsets happening, haven't been there,
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and they were evicted by the police. there were some caches, some tear gas again there. and it says happening across the country. now that's up to some of the students who have been participating in, in this protest that we're seeing here in new york city and across the country. many of them have been detained. joining me now is north. so yeah, i know it's, you know, you were detained because you were protesting, demanding a ceasefire, demanding, and then to investment the investments that the universities carry out, and companies profiting from the war. tell us what happened to you? yeah, so i was actually detained on um april 22nd. so not friday yesterday i was a turn much early, but ive been supporting the new school and came and every day since. and um, it was really upsetting for me to come here and see that and what to do, you had taken down the entire and came in and had arrested by at noon on friday of 43, peacefully protesting students. what happened to you? what was it like for me to change? it was, it was very fine for me. i mean, you know, the officers arresting, use
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a lot of island force and i still have to march the show, always placed in metal parks though, put on so tight. i lost the feeling in my thumb and still have temporary nerve damage which, you know said from what, what, how do you think this protest will continue? i mean compliments wherever moves from here, students detains what happens next. i believe that there is a slight discouraging feeling with that, but there is a lot of hope and that to um, you know, the students are united from uh, columbia to and why you to the new school. the students are united and we will continue to stand up for each other. thank you very much. so this is the situation on the ground. students have been protesting all across new york city in different universities. they have been arrested. many of them have been correct, harassed, but in spite of that they say that they will continue on the streets demanding an end to the world as a very simple as just see the new york,
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the diplomatic efforts to reach a seaside deal between israel and how mass are ramping up, how much delegation is in a kind of way to meet with mediators from egypt. i'm capital c, i direct to william burns is also there. these right? it is all yet to send the delegation and it's not clear when that will happen. sticking points remain as how much demands as well and the war and guns are permanently. but that's something prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government is refusing to do. and in israel, the government is on the mounting pressure of thousands galvan and tele, v to attend what's become a weekly anti government protest against as well as handling of the rule that coding for the 5 minutes to kind of deal with how much time captains have gone, i'm here today to support a deal now yesterday, and we need to bring them back. we need to bring all the hostages back. mean we got
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to bring them back. we got a government and that's on yahoo! we called you to reach us east by a deal which like yours, the release of all captives will take you more time. so you and ben, cuz you can stay in power, you don't care about the 133 or 132 captives and operation and rough. it will cause the death of the captive. you don't have mandate to kill 132 citizens of israel. mama juncture has the details from telling me these demonstrators have come out here because they are demanding that the government go ahead and enter into a ceasefire with how much we per chance these demonstrators chanting. there is already a deal on the table. just go ahead and sign. this is a refrain we have heard throughout the course of the last several hours here in tel aviv. now this is a smaller crowd that is here outside of the ministry of defense compound. then the crowd that we were with earlier, just down the road in caplin square,
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that's where it's thousands of anti government demonstrators and relatives of cap is still being held in gaza had been earlier in the evening, the tire pressure across the room. we're saying the very complicated situation right now, and it's only, you need to get more complicated, but at this hour, it is critical juncture intel a be these demonstrators are saying time is now for israel to enter into a ceasefire. so the both kept is that are still being held in gaza can return to their loved meanwhile, and gaza. there is also hope of a possible ceasefire. this was a scene in rough uh, in the south of the district. the that was a crowd of display spell this to me,
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i'm saying they want to return to the news. i'm 0 is the power god bless, whom has moved from alaska in southern gaza, of the song. the situation sounds really different for the vast majority of causes population being truck to you in the south of the care tree as they have been closely following over. the latest developments regarding the approach to us. these 5 grievance, an old diplomatic efforts being exempted only the intern a indeed diplomatic carina, but we know how much time is when prompted by regional majority. it is now the believe that this time there is no mounting pressure on both or my son, israel for a ceasefire agreement to him. the taper right now, but also they have a great deal of optimism. but this kind of optimism is mixed with previous kinds of frustration regarding previous values that these kind of folks have really met at the end as due to the great gaps between full spots on the ground. but they believe that now they have a real chance to get to a cease fire agreement, as they have been charging on cooling for the return of their beloved ones. and
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even the display style of sinews to their houses, to the north of the gaza strip. and they are mold, growing close for a ceasefire agreement to be held. now now they believe also that these, while the prime minister benjamin to teneo, has been threatening, threatening the entire goals this trip with invading roughly if these kinds of folks have been collapsed. and that's why they have been completely a phrase and have been it triggering more concerns among those palestinians who hope that a ceasefire might be roads soon to be light. in order to bring an end for the hardships and all kinds of misery. they have been going through since out to freak of this complex. when anyhow, we sped to us on my hand on he's a senior specimen for how much he says in order to agree to any 65 deal. his group needs a guarantee from the us that is ready for us as well, not loans of ground or so on. buff, as well as to talking about the main issue, which is the complete ceasefire as complete withdrawal from goods. we hope to find
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some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, that was a clear statement from, uh, the, to the whole, uh, showing that regardless to what may have been if there was a she's found on here, would continue that. that's a good start of that to me, that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again switched to our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what bust me in his statement and the actual phone and the dates of the i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against. does that mean this and does that include the data? we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives and mainly need to
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know if the united states administration have said clearly to an attorney out and offers. and off you have to do this on back, i assure you with that what happened and the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given that will give a good, which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also we need a key of statement which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is of trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantee is not good enough. it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees and we need also clear commitments. meanwhile, the palace demands in kansas city on morning civilians killed in the latest wave of
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his ready bombings and attacking the as a 2 neighborhood killed the mother and her 2 children. according to witnesses, the bomb hit while she was preparing a meal for her family. time for a short break here, and i'll just be around when we come back on historic when from london, may i study cause author thursday's local elections more than the examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform and inspire financial sierra 11 days that indicates more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember, the children killed during the is really only 3 years ago.
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11 days in may. all out just there to arrow writers from different countries, but with much in common. plaintiff says so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views. his poetry was the weapon to use to fight the whole world and saw something sort of a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in living in syria. how this going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. the, the the
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holding back, you're watching out, just a right click of mind about top stories here. this, our police ever move tense from the palace to me and some of our same complex at the university of virginia and charlottesville. student protest is one of the schools to come ties with institutions and businesses, supporting israel. thousands of demonstrators of government for weekly protests in tennessee, the monitoring prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and his government make a deal, little secure, the release of all the count it's being held in. johnson that says diplomatic efforts intensified to reach a c spot deal in. kyra, how much delegates does holding towards the mediators from egypt. accounts on m. c . i a director william bens, but his real hasn't sent a delegation that was waiting for a response from us to which proposed to the okay, now where so the con has been re elected as the mayor of london winning a historic 3rd term incumbent to some of the main opposition labor policy was
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declared that we know with 9044 percent of the vote. many areas of the country, so a swing to labor and the local elections held on thursday. 5 minutes to reach you soon after school consecutive loss is disappointed. speaking shortly after his victory was announced, the com find voltage that's the order of my life to serve the city. but i love and i'm beyond humbled right now. as i would express my deep gratitude to my fellow londoners and make this pledge to you. i promised to repay the trust you placed in me by working tirelessly to deliver the fair a safe, green, a london used as a paper in the panama head to the post on sunday to elect a new president. the vote comes against the backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown, i'm drought. how does 0 is alexandra and pet reports now from panama?
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next door to the gets hopes for panama next presidential election are as low as the water in this tab here in my area, they close the water with no warning. most times it takes a days to get it back to one terminal when for about 16 days without more to of the 65 year old. former of public employee living west of the capital says these have those problems 4 years because of the poor distribution system. we since we were tired, he says he's receiving only 2 thirds of the pension he is do, which is not much given the spiraling cost of living and says, corruption is to blame. hopefully, you know, get on 40 to coordinate sleep points. that's why i don't believe in politics inputted fusion nor, and convinces me because they all come with prophecies. but when they reach the top, they forget about the people and the next is not alone. some of these
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presidential election takes place at a time of widespread frustration with the political establishment and couldn't decline. and i mean, yes, i mean, you've, the outgoing president allowed and you know, could be so is highly unpopular and that's faced corruption scandals. his administration to lodge protest against inflation high unemployment. i mean opposition to copper mining add to the mix. unimed precedent, the drought affecting the panama canal and awards and for an investment climate. yes, well panamanians see corruption is one of their most pressing problems. paradoxically, the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted then corruption schemes, of course. and i wouldn't really know what's trust to the top of the ticket. after electoral tory piece removed the former president to the kind of go minus the natalie from the race after a 10 year sentence for money laundering. so you know,
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sent that is that you have it on this one of the leaders of the 2023 protests says the general apathy is because of the lack of realtor. and it is say, the looks here to the people are anxious. they don't feel represented, those who will vote are likely to do so for patsy. economic or political interests . but the truth is that in panama, despite having different parties, there was the ideological differences, you know, different ways of managing the states. that easy with a quarter of both are still on the side of the outcome of this race remains on certain back at his nest. those house he says, whoever wins will have a hard time using the tensions in gaining people's dress. i listen that i'm get the, i'm just the find them. no candidates and chimes presidential election has made the final push for the folks ahead of monday's poll, the election follows that disputed referendum. it was criticized by the opposition
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. i'll just say it was awesome and it just reports in the capital in jemina of this election is expected to be the closest in trots democratic history. this part, the part of incumbency, military lead them. how many address debbie? is it taking things for granted? the president and owner to the follows that are sticking lives in the run up to the selection, including the death of the countries. because it should lead at the end of february . on this last day of competing, you'll also reach be on his domestic audience with a message for the international community. those are all of it other than us your. we will work with any country in the world with respect to toxic sovereignty. those who don't want to can leave the country pointed coming, especially if you have to have the recent order that the american forces leave the country. there are 10 candidates for this election, doesn't use huff failed to make that. some of them are going to more chargers toward the battle is felipe. the reyes is which is the president and his pride
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finished on the other side of the capital time it is to success. most of my problem is, is tied into a new door. we would actually use the dream for our founding fathers to make charges in the off africa. and we will be the ones to feel for that candidate must weigh more than 50 percent of the vote to avoid the run of the 2 leading candidates both claim the when in the hospital and another state could set the state for dispute. if the results, how many degrees obviously that lead us on the organization of islamic cooperation holding a 2 day summit to montgomery and capital discussed, israel's warrant gallons, a representatives will discuss the resolution to the conflict and the occupied territories. also on the agenda. tensions between israel and the run the war and for them on the rise in is not my phobia. i'm somehow made as this report from the some of the heads of states and then just for more than 50 countries across full
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continents. i've got that in mind. you have a number of items on the agenda, but the main one is is right, it's one god's prison and on the battle, the gun via the coming, killed the oh i see and pressed the sunday, he said the, somebody from the palace spinning and people must come to an end. he is most of what you say. let's see means is a month of griff concept. not only to the mostly for me, but also for the entire, for the ongoing violence instructions individual. and we want to tell you guys in government continue to make the 1st bits of peace remote the to day some it towards the end to model the heads of states and then it gets i expected to end up. that is illusion. that was the mission with for one who gets the spot in the guise of strips. i'm a hand, i just did a bunch of the gun. the floods of killed at least 50 and people in southern brazil, many 70000 and up in force from their homes. tens of thousands of people have been
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left without drinking water or power is the, was flooding the region seen. and more than 80 is on a cell, you're not kid has the story risk years are fighting the elements to, to a lifeline to this child. like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood. at the water just asked the, it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of a real. but i knew this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen, at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. the floods have we have in at least 300000 cities, destroying bridges and rows. more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet porn. former stories of their whereabouts are the
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same of this tuesday. we had no news of our relatives, but thank god, the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital, both by legacy, the way up a river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed and the mayor has alerted the population the drinking water may soon become scarce. the rains have also cost land slides and the partial collapse of a dam. results president easy enough to let us 2 of us has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild the homes and local infrastructure. we bullshit. good faith . i know you will need resources to repair the damage, but 1st and foremost we have to save lives. but scientists say, unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change, disasters like this one will continue to happen. monitor you not give, alter 0. well that's it for me down in jordan's,
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you kind of course find more on our website out to 0. don't come. the weather is next and inside story looks at the possible economic full out of took. he is trade ban on is right. that's a state you and thanks so much and bye for the the hello again. it's still a story, a pizza across india. good. this is. so colors are on dark. the red, the hotter it is, but we're also pumping in humidity here off the bip and goals. so go cut a 39 degrees, but your factor in that humidity is feeling closer to 50 degrees. there is some active whether we find it in the far northeast of india. so for assignment, our natural production stage, some big thunder storms into forecast here on sunday. and this is also dropping
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down temperatures. so if you look towards longwood dash cox's bizarre coming in address $31.00 degrees, we're seeing that sheet still for thailand, pets at $38.00 degrees, really storing the name of the game though for southern vietnam, around coachman city. there's been a lot of rain in eastern china that is now going to track over the yellow sea pores right into the korean peninsula. this is going to be a washout. any way you look at it for both young yang and sole. so i think maybe about a months worth of rain over the span of 48 hours con for now in japan. so enjoyed on the main island of hunter, to tokyo, looking good with a height of 29 degrees full. and actually let's go to indonesia for this weather report because downpours around so the ways a now hole in this. why the report in august on not much to report, we've got heat here as well. and jacob, a bad of 40, the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris a new low in relation stuckey, a had suspended old trade or this rail leak southwards aid was denied entry into a gauze the band will be in place until a permanent c 5 is agreed. how will this impact is ralph actions in gaza? this economy, this is inside story, the .


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