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tv   Eleven Days in May  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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breaks it down in conflict. what lies ahead for the country jobs elections or not just the, the hello, i'm daren jordan and dough. with a quick reminder, the top stories here on august the are a graduation ceremonies of taking place at some universities in the us of to weeks of demonstrations against israel's war on gaza. there was some minor disruption. some students at the university of michigan students there are demanding the university divest on israel and anything that helps fund the police ever move tense from the palestinians, solidarity and comment at the university of virginia and charlottesville. they moved in on the account where protest as have been based for 5 days earlier in the week, university officials permitted the students to hold a demonstration on the condition. they did not put up tents and use labs because
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i'll just say it was. teresa po has more now from new york, so please arrive state so far as arrived. they said that they had to be moving camp beds that were around 20 students, but then the com became much larger. there were some confrontations that police started using p. augusta hyper spray and we saw how several students were dragged out from the campus university counseling and detained. and that's what we've been seeing happening all across new york if you didn't. several other parts of the country for different magic efforts to reach a c. so i deal between is willing to have so ramping up, how much delegation is in colorado to meet with mediators from egypt and the capital c i direct. so william burns is also that these, right? these are yet to send their delegation. and it's not clear when that will happen. sticking points remain as homeless demands as well, and the war and guns are permanently. that's something prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government is refusing to produce. and israel thousands of people,
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gavin and tell of eve to attend the weekly onto government protest against as well as handling of the will that coding for the 5 minutes to, to sign a deal with him. us and return captions held in gaza. meanwhile, pulse demands in kansas city. i'm wanting civilians killed in the latest wave of is ready bombings and attacking the outside to neighborhood. killed the mother and her 2 children at the baptist hospital. according to witnesses, the bomb hit while she was preparing a meal for her family, they were just sitting in their homes. they should have been safe and sound. as you can see, they were simply sitting here, there was no need to bomb them. all of a sudden rockets targeted them. look at those children. they are just kids for god's sake. this woman, a mother who was cooking for her children. this is her daughter. that was her son who just died. a dozens of palestinians have held a demonstration in the outside westbank to condemn the king of 5 pallets to meet them. fighters crowds mocks through the streets up to cut them out. as often as rainy troops attacked the fighters in the village of their office on the ministry
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says the men with members of a settled shelter was ever since desolate last year in the u. k. so the economists and reelected as the mayor of london winning a historic 3rd term incumbents on the main opposition, the labor party was declared, the wind up with 9044 percent of the vote. many areas of the country, so a swing to labor and the local elections held on thursday, was speaking shortly after his victory was announced, study com, site photos. that's the order of my life to serve the city. but i love, i know i'm beyond humbled right now. i would express my deep product, your to my foot. i love those and make this pledge to you. i promise to repay the trust you placed in me by working tirelessly to deliver the fair a safe, green, a london you deserve. floods of killed, at least 56 people in southern brazil,
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nearly 70000 had been forced on their homes. heavy rains on bus dams and water rushing through the state of rio grande to so now threatens as capital port, allegra tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water or power water just last week. it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of the state. perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen, at least in recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain would, could reach 1000 millimeters, utilize. all right, so those were the headlines then he was continues, hey on. i'll just say era, off to 11 days in may, state you or the
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earlier on fridays, thousands of listening worshipers had answered the call from the islamic. what the trusted o for a to compound don't do the 30th to just sustain ramadan. tensions needs to be seen has been usually times. this has become a nightly scene in east through some neighborhood of 6 terra pigeons and protest aggressively broken up by his very security posters at stake, the homes, which hundreds of palestinians being subject to an eviction chaos. and confrontation inside the alex and compound, as is rated by son who needs to disperse, done violence on the streets of occupied easters. and protest has 3 buildings
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is really security purposes, use 53 again for testing. there were concerns for the deterioration on monday. thousands of jewish ladies set to march to the old cities was included democracies really seizures in 1967 at 6 o'clock range. lincoln stock on jerusalem scouts goods. the israel loaded up in spite digits and the boom box to begin the 11 days later, the ceasefire was a queen the
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on may the 10th. on the 1st day of the bombing campaign, 8 children were killed and goes to the children were from 5 different families. they were killed in 3 separate attacks and a lot, so slaymen now shade. so i meant to lay my head around a quarter to 6 mohammed salvo as you name, and it was the 1st child to be killed when a plain boom to put his lands near his home and jump in the north of kansas city. the mother looks and how much of us who can come on soft if clue. she's
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keen on you said a motion equally. i don't know who, but i am putting in the lab pulled out that the lab report on record that is kind of sort of sort of in the lab. and then with the push to solve, solve um uh uh my of like seeing and no countryman, i mean i'll put in exactly about the
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fish and mean cement are in service by the, the, just up to 6 o'clock. there was an attack in bates, honey a hey, code was posting the house of the almost 3 family for us, the children were killed the to like to hop on the plan. i finally did one. i remember one of the month and i
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the southern i'm on at, i'm a, i'm a well sir. wow. and i my dish amount of money to do that. so the grass almost where he was 18 years old. she was playing outside her house with abraham and milan and how young nephew, yes, and 2 boys working with the haycock also killed the abraham has the
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name on tessa. and how much so much i come up. abraham was 16 years old and was helping on the coast to make some money for his family. she loved to see and dream, designing a small thing so he can take photographs and videos of the 3. the honey bye, we can reach me. as our heavy i don't have any half day money said to me as soon as you, when you go this hall, how can i forgot to clear out in
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the field a boy on the card. his name was 11 years old. his name's father was also killed in the utah. does not say the the,
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the the yeah. let me uh, i have has, i'm glad i said how much our shape we had and then how much the, the ad mile. bugging the my you and then or shave. okay, now i'm, i'm as well and then is that when, and then at the my,
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when i'm in a little on it, i've been in santa and that's that whole in the abilene and i'm getting a we have to my mother in law. surely login and all of my own the photo alice, who did you are now we yeah we're, we're right. i don't know a lot of to i literally my and my lastly the yeah. on the same day may the 2 things going to street him job, lia. what about uh, with an old company was with his dad who was washing the family call. they were both killed. bato is 4 years old. and we're here with us in for the 1st clinic. i don't know. i know which is several. the move in,
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but then the will settle is the tools for cell phones is see measures and mostly will suffer as good this to add. let's go ahead and then move on about or not, or with a move to see how the of the one, maybe 11 lena and mina ed. sure. there were killed along with that moment that when pains, boom, the housing goes as a team you know, was 16 years old and it's very hard working student who was hoping to study
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pharmacy. mean, it was 2 years old and loved cats. the one made the 129 children were killed in 6 different families. saying ruskie dreamed of becoming a gymnast. she loved her cat cold nose and she was 13 years old. she was at home in bed. when trump now from the miss killed the
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betty flynn, alma, and lives the whole cost is, can tell you, i took kind of mazda a whole album with leslie, a ton of too much on this exam has been the learning how to apply a so have a lot of len, this is dealing with them sort of small sensor, the policy of the sort of software and us the
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need to this thing. not a slight digit on the house is a ton. maria mounted, bunny said was 5 mary. m 2 in the house. they were both asleep, they were both killed, along with them. say to just go to, they can to go kind of a up and we'll have to all and we see a lot of law. hello. i'm via the, in one of the back a, a i'm, i'm moving i now i, that the, i'm a and the for sure on the same as the, the kids a say and they
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get it all. and then when a maybe alarm from the lab the the the last night in the morning in calling us. so it goes to city. shaw met some who showed in the chest when he was going to respond to turn off the water. the show
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was 17 years old. the one has the chance of god was the unifying, shall frame. and we understand. the
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last 11 in the morning films landed on a symmetry and cecelia east of goes to city homes and moved. lee was on the way to the shops to buy some vine needs to cook with. when he didn't come home, his father went looking for him. he was told that was not identified child's body at all. she saw hospital and was home to a piece of shrapnel from and miss dial it. hit him in the head, killing him. any comes on a whole uh. yeah. and the deductible i was born and uh who to man but good. my name is eric. i'm in idaho, 3, i now back at hawaii on this, some of them have owned in hamilton. i left the
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just before 6 pm that evening. there was an attack on con eunice. how much almo was walking home from his father's grocery store with his cousin. i'm a when a miss all from a plane hit them, blowing them up. his father. so it happened the how much was a cheerful boy who looked joking with everyone? his dream was to become a doctor. he was 13 years old. the amount of that current house on who was the date come down, who uh that, that's awesome. i did learn
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a little of my actual fancy about some of the other bought the fuel the voices on. i guess it was nice of the car. there was dentist have cut wasn't shed as a lot of i have to come to the north come to the you accidentally forgot to put the discount at another the
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because the certificate says this how much cousin amount was 11. his dream was to become a policeman. he loved to sing, and every morning he was at the bronze and has gone the 9 o'clock in the evening. there was a raid on sun outings trees and goes to say to the 2 boys, what can the yeah, he and mazda and calissa had gone out to the shops, me his home when the attack happened trap. no miss went into his but
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his uncle found you here just before he died. yeah, here was 13 years old. the has to be a lot 100. i'm looking into that means and have gun. but really who yeah, in the middle of the most of the woman. no my, i'm going to come to the lot of the most mood. how sent over with the team is old. you loved football. knew the names
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of all the top players. his hero was sergio ramos, and he loved to wear his realm. edward shut the tab that in about these 3. this on the last name said i'm muscle on the hand. about these $3.00 to $4.00. the is 3. the 5 case, 3. the is as i'm, i said i'm yeah, and there's still time and no. yeah, to fish the i knew it was a candle show big being yes we and i do is through what do you see on that? i mean, what the bottom in the bottom up i see the bad news was a whole now that had the that and i'm at a, in the head beside and executive v as well. sun advanced mode and advanced or sol invest except got in and it started now was the that's my i had the noise
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a lot and who walks out of what had better for us vis. there was that and had the industry, let's not officially think of an makayla, the
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more gun that was the most. i had the to what are the and then a little bit of the then all of what i asked the missouri use, the pick up and i give them access to them of our solution. i might as outlined them. uh, 11 awesome. and a said that and then it will, it is that if i had that then uh the, the pacific uh the administrative numbers and i had to go to fix that and i'm in order to have it put it over there was i'm going to have somebody in heads up for them and on the city's website, at least one of the world's most expensive, tim is the black box and try his destination for what i want to ask investigates
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the spot to capture india sandlewood king on out 0. i'll just say era brings you in depth analysis the so can quite take how long has been exposed to many of those companies that styled suddenly, generally on that day they said no one to file a selling and testing width and same jobs as we speak. they say the speed is there are every one's know we're getting each going finish. and the fact that each route is that the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on this goes nothing yahoo success and may be better, maybe was. but it's the one that has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out jesse era. we're leading eco friendly solutions to come back to our planet on out you 0 the
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or hello, i'm diamond, jordan and doha. with a quick reminder, the top stories here on alger 0, graduation assignment is of taking place of some universities in the us of to weeks of demonstrations against israel to were on gaza. there was some minor disruptions . some students at the university of michigan students there are demanding the university divest from israel and police ever move 10 some of the palestinian solidarity and come on to the university of virginia and charlottesville. they moved in on the campus of protest as have been based for 5 days. i'll just say with stories about as more from new york, the police arrived faithful for as arrived. they said that they had to removing time when they were around 20 students, but then the calm became much larger. there were some confrontations that police
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started using p. augusta hyper spray and we saw how several students were dragged out from the campus university counseling and detained. and that's what we've been seeing happening all across new york. if you didn't. several other parts of the country, diplomatic efforts to reach a sci fi deal between as well, and how much a ramping up, a, how much delegation is in colorado to meet with mediators from egypt and cutoff. direct to the c i, a william burns is also that these ratings i get to send the delegation. sticking points remain as high mazda mazda as well, and the wind garza permanently a southern israel. thousands of people gathered, instead of eve, calling for the prime minister to sign a deal with how much unreturned captives being held in joshua, but published the names in kansas city on morning civilians killed in the latest wave of his ready bombings an attack. and it's a 2 neighborhood killed the mother and her 2 children, according to witnesses, the palm hit while she was preparing
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a meal for her family in the u. k. so the car has been reelected as a matter of london winning an historic for incumbent. choose from the main labor of opposition labour potty, but decayed when it was only 44 percent of the vote. many areas of the country, so i swing to labor and local elections held on thursday. floods of killed, at least $56.00 people in southern brazil, heavier range, and a bus dams and water rushing through the state of rio grande to so now threatens the capital for to a leg rate. tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water for electricity. so those were the headlines. the news continues here on out of the era off to 11 days in may. thank you and thanks so much and bye. for now. the
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12 children were killed may the 34 of them were from the same family when the bombing, the gun in the neighborhood of state law here, north of cause, a city built in on a family, decided to try and run to safety. the old for children and the moment. look here, the
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color mohammed knew i lived in bay to new york, who just left his home to say hello to neighbors when bull plains fired to miss idols. explosions, killed colored. he was 17 years old. the level of us douglas added method on the mountain. the messenger allows the festival. the i'm in a was the of who walk on the we can only send a look into i for the public school, a contributor, my pleasure to have your message can be on my list, the categories of categories that i'm sending. i'm good. yeah. the way that you see,
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i remember was you've been in the news a 20 post free meals to me off my drum, you know, how watching was working to his grandfather's house when it landed nearby. he died on the way to hospital. he was 15 years old. he loved swimming in the sea and riding horses and kept pigeons and memories of the
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house. the fence i'm explaining was, i know she said, i have the dimensions of the end of the book and i have the memo. so a product of how to, to the metal, i started the whole at the same time in the middle of the fish and it says, oh, when we get precise, the
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lena mohammed isa was 13 years old. she was shy,
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she was very bright and did very well at school. she loved her, so i was involved with school reading the station on the 13th of may, she visited her grandmother. she them went home to eat money and have money books. as she arrived, the house was bummed. she was buried in the rumble. so it was her mom tapers dying . the fuzzy anessa of the service was 17 years of a family struggling some money. so she had to work hard and she was like a 2nd mother to her brothers and sisters. at 6 45 in the evening. she was count. if i miss out the
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policy i was gonna live in, i mean literally it on the own i city and something. and when i got done for so, so live on a one issue, son and then from another photo and the other now mobile increasingly safe and have why i'm gonna have to my yeah. and telling how to get in. well, we're not the way a compiler is just not in the system as soon as you can. there's a the with some of the,
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in the early evening rough i was bummed. the moment i was, i mean, was 2 years old. she was killed along with 7 months pregnant when her house was hit by miss os off the faithful dog by spencer. when a human needs, especially those who the
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object kellum connects, the allowed my horse. and i know yes, it's to be deep. and much is that island to change atlanta to terminal or that that was a heck prevented beth? has it, has it in the heat. and so i told them to split out of bed. i'm not going to have the
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it for him. how many adult on tc was playing when a plastic bike learning how to work? when a slight a jet foamed his house in russia. he was buried by the rubble. he was 7 months old. the. the one on that or should i have the most or should i choose? the
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4 children were killed on may. the 14th 3 of the children were from the all the tal. somebody said to me off of that and it was funny. it's toneta. i knew them kind of left them in the assessment or what i mean and kind of some of the sits in a while, a lot of them, how much the intent of the almost as i should, especially with jimmy at home. if he and i, you know, i had done that to just have the industry this lavetia and how much of a lot of of it. and then minus
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the i'm doing the i do to know to fixing things in his family house and wants to be an engineer. when he grew up he loved visiting his grandparents where he could go to the sea. he was 12 years old. he was in his home in an apartment broken gauze and say to you when he was killed, the lunch bus, johnny, who will, who will come in and we'll send
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a do walk the other day on the 9 children killed. made a 15 h as in, in the same, into the visiting the home with their friends, the hotel,
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the full, the only the children were killed to hawaii. here who was an effort to rockman who was 8 and 60 this on the the, the funding for children uses who is 11. and he was 9 marianne who was 8 to the 6. the
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children loved the saying a bead was 7 years old. she had problems working and talking due to a brain condition, but she was a happy child who loved to play on swings. the she was standing in front of the house and jumping the wind shot offline. this hit the right side of the
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panel. then we're staying at the moment, get you over there next to the doctor, not the month by then the guy that took some of the trinity charter schools on the mac, for royce, with the can kinda today. yeah, i'm and that given may is your last name and how i clinic got an additional model come out and do what we'll have to fill out a form. glad to have a look natural canada, and the guy that and how the show of to connect a, the, made the 1618 job during the time some goes as for to the
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when booms destroyed the deluxe on the, you know, the st. 8 children were killed cuz i didn't zayed roll yara hello, on and off. my mom and dad will also killed 4 children at the other funds. you somebody with code and the same attack? mia, mira, p as in this is the opposite. the building, the home of the company and the apple of miss owens destroyed the building at 1 am toddler, not swimming, and wants to be a photographer. when she grew up. she was 12 years old when she and her brother, tennessee, quick killed that i yeah. kind of diamond and dish and not with them tend to have a tad bit. so what would ship it to and at the side of the house, the hell
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a symbol had big did the lab is gonna say did is good. how about this? can you do but some showed up at demo, not a sad fix would. so would he not get the she at to seek was 16 years old. he was very good at science at school and wants to become adopt. the
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fee is cut and the family were in bed when in the file, hit donna donna. yeah. here zane locals along with them. um the dog and one sister susan. suffice. the dana love singing. she had a beautiful voice. she was very good at school. she was a happy place. oh gosh, no tough brothers and sisters and then uh i'll see i'll see get down to the show even get it done the night and know you have because we have the we on the show, we got you on the wish. we had it so fun. i know. no was 6 years old. she loved finding out what was happening in the neighborhood and going home and telling her
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mom and dad. yeah, he loved riding his bike and taking sophie's zane just started talking. he was 2 and a half on may, the 17th 2 children were killed and attacked some goals and safety uses, especially as was 13 years old. he used to help his family by working on the land murphys come up. we dido was painting a picture in the garden of a house. it was 5 o'clock, a missile hedge, a nearby building, trump know from the explosion, hit 12 feet killing of the
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on may, the 19th. 2 children were killed and i come in. so i lived in the she died when the house was hit and miss, i'll at 8 o'clock in the evening and job aliya, the messiah dusta leo was killed. and she was 11 years old to ma'am, the, at the most of us come in. you can notice that we yeah, actually on tens. honda a lot of to know where yeah. the upon the for the washington area. how many of the
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shepherds alive and most of the and made us not in that us liam on much the reading aloud to close with all the hectic day and the can nothing know some additional the how yeah, there started in the next a lot the the my last home home, the cost of that home, both of them kind of for how to fix it to the
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they gave me a lot of oh yeah is yeah, yeah, this is also says your homework by like at 7 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the on may the 21st, a ceasefire came into effect in the 11 days of forming,
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more than 60 children had been killed in gaza. 100 small had been injured the the families then mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, will never forget
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the . this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help its like come us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force. they're on patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official say losses are already in the billions of dollars . although the concept is still large and contained and confined to the,
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for the region, as well as, as the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because as well as threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve the here's or headlines for the america, it's great to see. so there is still more rain falling in brazil's rio grande, a to salt state where we have seen some flooding that rain the will turn lighter throughout the course of sunday. winds are pushing in quite a bit of rain over a northern brazil and another spot where the winds are producing quite a bit of rain is freight around puerto rico, the spaniel a cuba rate through to jamaica. in fact, there's been some more flooding in dominican republic. speaking of those winds also given us quite a bit of heat through ne mexico, central mexico, mexico city, at 32 degrees. active weather for the southern us states here dark of the blue and the yellow with the more intense that rain is falling. we'll see the storms get
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going, really as we looked toward monday, but already over the span of about 10 days, there's been more than a 100 confirm. tornadoes also disturbed weather, around the great lakes from the mid atlantic to the us. north is simply go to the pacific northwest is a bit to be desired with a forecast here. temperature is running below average for this time of year. seattle at 12 degrees. but we've got to talk about these winds for the us southwest potential. you were talking nevada, as we looked toward arizona and utah, could see those winds exceed 85 kilometers per hour on sunday. the teams in the gaza strip as is there, as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustain coverage that actively humanizes is really is and actively humanize of
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palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the graduation ceremonies take place at some colleges and universities in the us of to weeks of demonstrations and so forth of palestine. so hundreds of people are arrested under on hendern of the university of michigan. 4 students carry their protests against the war and gaza. right into graduate. the other ones are in jordan, this is all just a red light from dell also coming up thousands of protest as gather in tennessee.


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