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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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certainly, yes, and it used to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize is, is really, is and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the graduation ceremonies take place at some colleges and universities in the us of to weeks of demonstrations and so forth of palestine. so hundreds of people are arrested i'm john henry and of the university of michigan where students carry their protests against the war and gaza. right into graduate. the other ones are in jordan, this is all just a lie from doe who also coming up thousands of protest as gather in tennessee. the dom on the deal is done to release full of captives held,
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engaged the display as well as to me and say they want to go home again, shaking teams, meeting colorado to try and strike and see what for us. see, spar wind gusts and heavy rains in southern present leave. 56 dead in tens of thousands without drinking water and electricity. the believe it in the us with protests against israel is we're on gaza. continue on university campuses across the country. the university of michigan is one of the 1st major american colleges to hold a graduation ceremony. there was some money disruptions from students who are demanding the university divest from israel. i'll just say it was john. henry begins coverage from michigan's college town and all of us at the close of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen, demik moved
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a virtual classroom. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they don't cap and gown it feels as though it is the only thing that i kind of do, i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such immense grief. i'm for the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia disease son graduate, who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel like you're not be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're
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a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a rudnick that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. more than 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees. editor rena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious greeting and there were volunteers there to rude out disruption. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and gods and they were palestinian flags in the big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting
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a smaller graduation ceremony on campus. across the country, students and says that with the university term over many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 in arbor, michigan of what on the us west coast students that the university of california in of ein say they remain on campus on to let them onto them at school. officials say they'll continue to negotiate with the protest as i'm hoping to reach a deal soon. gabriel is on the report. some of on in california police in right. you're moving on, protesters were showing. so there you get palestinians, university of virginia, the police escalation and force. now an all too familiar scene at college campuses around the us. but it doesn't have to be this way. on the other side of the united states at the university of california, irvine, the much different see, we have
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a police presence actually, but it's not, has been, it hasn't been aggressive or agitating. it does definitely, it shouldn't give other universities an example of how to treat this and not to be aggressive with your own students and professors, faculty and staff, which we have seen. they have been very aggressive with some professors as well. several dozen protesters at ben at this encampment for over a week. now it's calm and peaceful, and the university administrators and protest leaders are engaged in dialogue. what's been unique about like, um our situation here is that we started meeting with the negotiators almost like since day one and a 1st. obviously they were opposed to what our demands were and we restrict that our demands. we're not going to fulton our demands. and so we, we did a counter them like demand back and we said we send it to them. and now it's on the table which is um, which is actually like big they're considering our demands and we're still waiting
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to hear. hear you see irvine, they say they'll keep this in cameron up until their demands are met. and it appears that that pressure is working because at another university you see riverside about an hour away from here, protesters, they're actually reach an agreement with the university university agreed to all 55 of the protesters demands, including considering divesting, for many companies that deal with israel, the encampment at u. c. riverside was then voluntarily taken down in celebration protesters here at u. c. irvine. are hoping for the same gabriel's on to i'll just either irvine california well police in new york said to incumbents some arrested at least for the student demonstrate the stories of a has more i'm here in front of a new school in new york city and this is a place where over 20 students, where we're rested on friday in the building right across another at least 20
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students were detained right there. they were taken to a police station not far away from where we are. they have set up an in complement here. this is just one of the universities where students have been protesting here in new york. let's talk to some of the students who have been participating in this protest that we're seeing here in new york city and across the country. many of them have been detained. joining me now is north 30, i know that you know, you were detained because you were protesting, demanding a ceasefire, demanding, and then to investment the investments of the universities carry out, and companies profiting from the war. tell us what happened to you? yeah, so i was actually detained on um april 22nd. so not friday yesterday i was detained uh much early but ive been supporting the new school and came in every day sense and um, it was really upsetting for me to come here and see that and what to do had taken down the entire encampment and had arrested by at noon on friday of 43, peacefully protesting students. what happened to you?
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what was it like to be detained? it was, it was very frightening for me. i mean, you know, the officers arresting, use a lot of violent force and i still have to march the show, always placed in metal costs or put on so tight. i lost the feeling in my thumb and still have temporary nerve damage which, you know said from what, what, how do you think this focus will continue? well, meaning complements wherever moves from here, students detains. what happens next? i believe that there is a slight discouraging feeling with that, but there is a lot of hope and that you know, the students are united from columbia to and while you, to the new school, the students are united and we will continue to stand up for each other, thank you very much. so this is the situation on the ground. students have been protesting all across new york city in different universities. they have been arrested many of them have been corrupt, harassed, but in spite of that they say that they will continue on the streets demanding an
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end to the war. them guys are very simple. i just see the new york, the, what diplomatic efforts to reach a see saw deal between israel and how mass are ramping up. how much delegations in colorado to meet with mediators from egypt and catch all. the ca director william burns is also that these right is that you have to send them delegation and it's not clear when that will happen. sticking points remain is how much demands israel and the war and guns are permanently in that something prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government is refusing to do. and then israel, the government is on the mounting pressure, thousands galban and tele v to attend the weekly anti government protest against as well as the handling of the war that calling for the prime minister to sign a deal with him. us unreturned captains held him gauze. i'm here today, that's the port a deal. now, yesterday we need to bring them back. we need to bring all the hostages. the
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deadline means we gotta bring him back. we gotta get to and that's on yahoo! we called you to reach us east by a deal, which secures the release of all captives will take you more time. so you and ben via can stay in power. you don't care about the 133 or 132 captives and operation and rough. it will cause the death of the captain. you don't have mandate to kill 132 citizens of israel. how does it was not a jump june has moved from the protests in tennessee. as these demonstrators have come out here because they are demanding that the government go ahead and enter into a ceasefire with how much we per chance these demonstrators chanting. there is already a deal on the table. just go ahead and sign. this is a refrain. we have heard throughout the course of the last several hours here in tel aviv. now this is a smaller crowd that is here outside of the ministry of defense compound. then the
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crowd that we were with earlier, just down the road in caplin square, that's where it's thousands of anti government demonstrators and relatives of cap is still being held in gaza had been earlier in the evening. the tire pressure, requesting some pressure from the very complicated situation right now. and it's only a need to get more complicated, but at this hour, it is critical juncture intel a be these demonstrators are saying a time is now for israel to enter into a ceasefire. so that those captains that are still being held in gaza can return to their loved. meanwhile, in gaza there is also a hope of a possible ceasefire. this was a scene in the, in the south of distress. the
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. well, that was a crowd of displays, palestinians saying they want to return to the north, south 0 as tara assume has mo, now from rafa in southern gauze, the song, the situation sounds really different for the vast majority of causes, population being truck to you in the south of the care tree as they have been closely following over the latest developments regarding the approach to us. these 5 grievance, an old diplomatic efforts being exempted only the intern a indeed diplomatic carina. but we know how much time is run appropriate by regional majority. it is now the believe that this time there's no mounting pressure on both from us on israel for a ceasefire agreement on the table right now. but also they have a great deal of optimism. but this kind of optimism is mixed with previous kinds of frustration regarding previous values that these kind of folks have really met at the end as due to the great gaps between full spots on the ground. but they believe that now they have a real chance to get to
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a cease fire agreement as they have been charging on quoting for the return of their beloved ones. and even the display style of sydney is to their houses, to the north of the gaza strip. and they are more growing towards for a ceasefire agreement to be held. now now they believe also that these really prime minister benjamin to teneo has been threatening, threatening the entire goals as trip with invading roughly if these kinds of troops have been collapsed. and that's why they have been completely a phrase and have been it triggering more concerns among those palestinians who hope that a ceasefire might be roads soon to be light. in order to bring an end for the hardships and all kinds of misery. they have been going through since allison freight of this complex. so let's bring and run a career. he's a distinguished public policy fellow at the american university of b. realty jones has live from boston, run the always good to happy with that someone coming to still some cautious optimism the sci fi deal can be reached and kyra. but we've been down this road
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before, haven't me. so how far upon to both sides do thanks as well. they're still far apart, but the but less far apart than they were a week or 2 ago. there's clearly there's more than one signal that you can always assume in something as go home. don't want to build burns the ca director joins the talks. it means that there's something serious happening. the, the, the reports you just have from your correspondence clearly indicated that everybody is under pressure. these really is of the a mass of the americans are under intense pressure here, the american government, with all this is a student present. so people, really, everybody wants a deal, but nobody wants to make a deal where he has to make more concessions. yeah, that's not a problem and that's an interesting point you make around me. let's just talk about how much is position because earlier, a spokesman for how much said, you know, the group needs a guarantee from the us that is ready for us as well. launched an offensive on rough estimate, how much one to agree to a truce, that doesn't,
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and the will. but let me ask you how many i mean, we would have asked me to that for, as you say, concede on what it sees as a red line to move this deal forward. and everybody will concede the little bit if they get what they really want. everybody and every negotiation, summer happens in the world. so if somebody doesn't totally defeat the other side and they start to go, she think they're gonna make some mutual concessions. see, i'm the problem the how much house is that? it's not clear what the venue like and is like, and guys are now after all, the tremendous suffering of the people who have experienced them. this is we can talk of public opinion. bowling has is not so easy to do. and a lot of people are scared to speak opens. okay. and it should set set. so let's just talk about these, right? is that, i mean, they haven't even sent a delegation to cairo yet, and they've insisted that deal no deal. the rough or offensive will go ahead,
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but with domestic on us pressure on mountain, on the how much wiggle room does, he actually have briefly yeah, absolutely. what was a little bit of wiggle room. and he 1st to expand, buys something different, most interest to different audiences. one of the problems and situation like this is that whatever anybody says, it couldn't be factual. it could be wishful thinking. it could be for domestic political advantage. and it couldn't be to hold off for him pressures. so probably about 3040 percent of what people say like officials as rarely or american or commerce is probably a totally hutcher. and this doesn't say much in popular because they're very concerned about giving out what we should. but so yeah, he does. he, he's on the street. there's some great stress, the much increasing around me. just the final thoughts you on the us position. i mean the, by the administration, as you've said,
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is facing mounting political pressure because i don't, plus, it's an election in the us. so what really leverage does buys in the have of israel to move this deal forward. on paper binding has total leverage. if you wants to exercise on the, we've seen this in the past, that means what you're going way back in the past when begging was attack and loved in the presence of us got him out. and one of the for the assign, my operation might interest you. 6 eisenhower called these realism, they got out. so yeah, they have total leverage because israel can't do anything militarily without the united states. and without the production of the us to provide information about the us, the person is going to use the power. what we've seen from the us, there's a lot of horrible, uh, pressure and threatening him, controlling without carrying through, for instance, blinking made $75.00 trips or whatever 7 drugs i think, to increase your monitor ahead of together. certainly as rarely as i've promised to
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do it, i mentioned 1st maybe 10 percent or 15 percent that there's no all right to around the time you're always going to get your thoughts and then i'll just run me. thank you very much. indeed for talking to us stop. how this thing is. i'm going to city i'm mooning civilians killed in the latest wave of his really bombings and attacking the say to a neighborhood feel the mother and her 2 children. according to witnesses, the bomb hit while she was preparing a meal for her family. the they were just sitting in their homes. they should have been safe and sound. as you can see, they were simply sitting here, there was no need to bomb them. all the sudden rockets targeted them, look at those children. they are just kids for god's sake. this woman, a mother who was cooking for her children. this is her daughter. that was her son who just died. talk for a short break here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, 5 palestinians killed and widespread destruction of the altar by the west. bank of the 50 now is really miniature right near to caught up with report from panama,
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with photos are electing a new president against the backdrop of social unrest and trouts the hello. again, it's still a story of heats across san diego disease. so colors are on dark with the red, the hotter it is, but we're also pumping in humidity here off the babe and goals. so go cut a 39 degrees, but your factor in that humidity is feeling closer to 50 degrees. there is some active whether we find it in the far northeast of india. so for assignment, our natural protest states, some big thunder storms in the forecast appear on sunday. and this is also dropping down temperatures. so if you look toward bung with dash cox's bizarre coming in address 31 degrees, we're seeing that heat still for thailand, pets at 38 degrees, really storing the name of the game though for southern vietnam,
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around coachman city. there's been a lot of rain in eastern china that is now going to track over the yellow sea pores right into the korean peninsula. this is going to be a washout. any way you look at it for both young yang and sol. so i think maybe about a month's worth of rain over the span of 48 hours con for now in japan. so enjoy it on the main island of hunts you tokyo, looking good with a height of 29 degrees full and luxury. let's go to indonesia. for this weather report because downpours around so the ways a novel in this weather report in august on not much to report, we've got heat here as well. and jacob about a 40 the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time. on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest,
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connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you're watching out, is that right quick remind about top stories here. this up, police ever move tense from the palestinian solidarity incumbent university of virginia and charlottesville. student protest as one of the school ties with institutions and businesses supporting israel. thousands of demonstrators have gathered for we keep protest,
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intend to be that demanding 5 minutes stuff in even nothing ya elandis government make a deal that will secure the release of the cap just being held in guns. that's us. diplomatic efforts intensified to reach us the spot. even kyra how much delegation is holding towards bear with me ages from egypt and countertop on site director william burns. as well as an incentive delegation. i'm just waiting for a response from how much to its value proposal. now is there any forces continue to carry upgrades in the occupied westbank the latest on 2nd place? may hebron under numbers? it's raining so just including snipers reported extension. there was school the alive rounds of ammunition not being fired. what's bang and the outside of westbank dozens. of people have held a demonstration to condemn the beginning of 5 palestinian fighters. crowds marched through the streets of to kind of, i was off. these ready troops attacked the fighters and the bridge of dead alcohol . some imagery says the many members of a cell that shall term service. i'm secular, last year. i'll just say it was saying, but not
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a report from the side of these really attack. in modern is really urban warfare. black to small town post dozens of israeli troops from boston to cut before descending on there all of a sudden in a rate that lasted 15 hours, the aftermath leaving little to the imagination, residents here say they've never seen anything like it who i had that i saw and heard all the classes is something new for us for the 1st time ever classes like this and this violence, everything destroyed us, miserable is really troops took over the 2nd floor of the house, concentrating fire power on a single 2 story building. they ordered women and children to leave before launching shoulder fired rockets and calling and drilled strikes. military bulldozers were brought in to finish the job were standing on the rubble of
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a building that stood here less than 24 hours ago. neighbors say it was one of the larger ones in the area, a multi family home. but these really rate was so intense that this is all that is left. rescuers and people are digging through debris and twisted metal in a desperate search to find anyone that might be left alive. after hours spent digging some using their bare hands, all they were able to pull out were body parts of it. we've only seen this kind of destruction happening on tv in gaza and now we're seeing it in real life in front of us. by all accounts that this was a man and is rarely statement described the men as a terrorist. so they had been tracking for the killing of a settler in november. how much said they were palestinian resistance fighters with a cosign brigade. as the 2 sides continued to face off or regardless. and with a delicate peace talks underway in cairo. people living in this village will for
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ever remember, it is a place, a handful of homos fighters made their last stand. same bus robbie o, d 0 there. listen, the occupied westbank, palestine. people in panama, head to the polls on sunday to elect and the president, the vote comes against the backdrop of social discontent. economic slow down and drought. sondra and patsy has the story. and in this, the he gets hopes for panama next presidential election are as low as the water in this tab and see of them. right? yeah. and they close the water with no warning. most times it takes a days to get it back to one terminal. when for about 16 days without more to, to the 65 year old form of public employee living west of the capital says these have those problems 4 years because of the poor distribution system. we since he was tired, he says he's receiving only 2 thirds of the pension he is do which is not much
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given the spiraling cost of living and says, corruption is to blame. oh so you don't get on 40 to courtney sleep? 42. that's why i don't believe in politics inputted fusion. no one convinces me because they all come with promises. but when they reach the top, they forget about the people. 7 and the next is not alone, some of these presidential election takes place at a time of widespread frustration with the political establishment and decline. and i mean, yes, i mean, you're the outgoing president allowed encino could be so it's highly unpopular and that's faced corruption scandals. his administration to lodge protest against inflation high unemployment. i mean opposition to copper mining add to the mix unimpressive into drought, affecting the panama canal and awards and for an investment climate. yes. well
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platinum amc corruption is one of their most pressing problems. paradoxically, the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption schemes. jose, i wouldn't really know what's trust to the top of the ticket after electoral out, so it is removed form or price. you then to the kind of the amount of demand, the, from the race after a 10 year sentence for money laundering. so you know, sent that is that you have it on this one of the leaders of the 2023 protests says the general apathy is because of the lack of real ethernet. it's say the looks here to the people are anxious. they don't feel represented, those who will vote are likely to do so for patsy. economic or political interests . but the truth is that in panama, despite having different parties, there is no ideological difference. no different ways of managing the state dealing with a quarter of both are still on the side of the outcome of this race remains on certain
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back at a mess. those house, he says, whoever wins will have a hard time using the tensions in gaining people's dress. less than that, i'm 50, i'm just the find them. so floods of killed at least 58 people in southern brazil, nearly 70000. they've been focused on their homes and tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water or electricity. is the worst funding the region has seen in more than 80 is i'll just, there is monica. you're not, you have the story. the risk years or finding the elements to, to a lifeline to this child. like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood. at the water just asked the, it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of rio. but i knew this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen, at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been
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unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. review the floods have we have out in at least 300000 cities, destroying bridges and rows. more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet porn. former authorities of their whereabouts are the same of this tuesday. we had no news of our relatives, but thank god, the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital, both by legacy. that's why i buy river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed, and the mayor has alerted the population, the drinking water me soon become scarce. the rains have also cost land slides and the partial co op. so the dam results president, losing natural laura the silver has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild
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the homes and local infrastructure. we all should go. thank you. bye bye. no, you will need resources to repair the damage. but 1st and foremost, we have to save lives but signed to say, unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change. disasters like this one will continue to happen. money to you not give all to 0. so tropical cycling, who dia, appears to be bearing down optic, getting at least 200 people in kenya. it's devastated and tie areas and displaced thousands of people. james, how are you to a 46 year old from central kenya. a seen his will probably before his eyes. he's lost everything his life, his child and his home, all swept away by the flood waters. my name's the jim's got to sit all day and i my my life was


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