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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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see if this is something for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era revealing eco friendly solutions to come back to our planet on tuesday, around the graduation ceremonies take place that summer colleges and universities in the us off to weeks of demonstrations and supports of protest on so hundreds of people arrested on hendern of the university of michigan where students carry their protests against the war and gaza. right into graduate, the academy tungsten. this is, i'll just say a lie from also coming out. files of protests is gathering tennessee demanding
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a deal is done to release all the captains held in guns. the displays. palestinians say they want to go home. that's the goose shaped thing. teams meeting colorado to try and strike a deal for cease 5 gods and votes as in panama, are electing a new precedence against a backdrop of social unrest and drowns the . to begin in the us with protests against israel. osborne gauze are continuing on university campuses across the country. in the best of michigan is one of the 1st major american college is to hold a graduation ceremony. there was some minor disruptions from students who are demanding. the university dot invests from israel on hanjin begins coverage now from michigan's college. town of an album of the class of 2024 has
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carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen, demik moved a virtual classroom. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they don't cap and gown it feels as though it is the only thing that i kind of do, i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such immense grief. i'm for the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia disease son graduate, who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel it should not be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they
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can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a running that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose, really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. for then, 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees and an arena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to rude out disruption, but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and gods that they were palestinian flags in the
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big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus across the country. students in says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0, ann arbor, michigan, on the us, west coast students at the university of kind of following up i say tables remain on campus. and so all that amongst a much school officials say they'll continue to negotiate with the protest is hoping to reach a deal soon. okay, but it is on the reports from of the police in right. you're moving on, protesters were showing. so there you're palestinians, university of virginia, the police escalation and force. now an all too familiar scene at college campuses
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around the us. but it doesn't have to be this way. on the other side of the united states at the university of california, irvine, the much different see we have a police presence actually, but it's not as though it hasn't been aggressive or agitating. it does definitely, it shouldn't give other university as an example of how to treat this and not to be aggressive with your own students and professors, faculty and staff, which we have seen. they have been very aggressive with some professors as well. several dozen protesters at bennett this encampment for over a week. now it's calm and peaceful. and the university administrators and protests leaders are engaged in dialogue. was been unique about like, um, our situation here is that we started meeting with the negotiators almost like since day one. and a 1st, obviously they were opposed to what our demands were and we restrict that our demands. we're not going to fulton our demands. and so we, we did a counter them like demand back and we said we send it to them. and now it's on the
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table which is um, which is actually like big they're considering arguments and we're still waiting to hear. here you see irvine, they say they'll keep this in cameron up until their demands are met. and it appears that that pressure is working because at another university you see riverside about an hour away from here, protesters, they're actually reach an agreement with the university university agreed to all 5 of the protesters demands, including considering divesting, for many companies that deal with israel. the encampment at u. c. riverside was then voluntarily taken down in celebration protesters. here you see irvine are hoping for the same gabriel's onto which is either irvine, california or the
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diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire. do between israel and how mass are increasing mass that again is in colorado to meet me the ages from egypt and cut off. so i a direct to william but, and he's also that these riley's of yet to send that occasion. and it's not clear when that will happen. sticking points remain. that's how i'm asked demands as well ends. the war and guns are permanently that something prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government is refusing to do on an israel. the government is on the mounting pressure. thousands gathered, instead of beef to attend a weekly antique government protest against israel's handling of the war. the quoting for the prime minister to assign a deal with him asked to return, captives held in gaza. i'm here today, that's the port a deal. now, yesterday we need to bring them back. we need to bring all the hostages back. mean we got to bring them back. we got a government. and that's on yahoo!
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we called you to reach us east by a deal which like yours, the release of all captives will take you more time. so you and ben, cuz you can stay in power, you don't care about the 133 or 132 captives, an operation and rough. it will cause the death of the captive. you don't have mandate to kill 132 citizens of israel. mohammed's i'm to him has more now from the protest in tennessee. these demonstrators have come out here because they are demanding that the government go ahead and enter into a ceasefire with how much we per chance these demonstrators chanting. there is already a deal on the table. just go ahead and sign that. this is a refrain we have heard throughout the course of the last several hours here in tel aviv. now this is a smaller crowd that is here outside of the ministry of defense compound, then the crowd that we were with earlier, just down the road in caplin square. that's where it's thousands of anti government
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demonstrators and relatives of cap is still being held in gaza had been earlier in the evening, the tire pressure across the room . we're saying the very complicated situation right now, and it's only, you need to get more complicated, but at this hour, it is critical juncture intel of be these demonstrators are saying a time is now israel to enter into a ceasefire. those captains that are still being held in gaza can return to their loved. meanwhile, in gaza there's also hope of a possible c spots. this is a scene now you're offering the south of the street. the that was a crowd of displaced the palestinian saying they went through the 10 to the north.
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3rd assume has more from rough or in the southern gaza, of the song. the situation sounds really different for the vast majority of causes population being truck t in the south of the character years to have been closely following over the latest developments regarding the approach to us. these 5 grievance, an old diplomatic efforts being exempted only the intern, a, indeed, diplomatic, irena, but we, now my son is when appropriate by regional majority. it is now the believe that this time there's no mounting pressure on both. how much on israel for a ceasefire agreement on the table are right now, but also they have a great deal of optimism. but this kind of optimism is mixed with previous kinds of frustration regarding previous failures that these kind of topics have really met at the end as due to the great gaps between pull spots on the ground. but they believe that now they have a real chance to get to a cease fire agreement as they have been charging on quoting for the return of their beloved ones. and even the display style of sydney is to their house as to
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the north of the guns this trip. and they are mold, growing close for a ceasefire agreement to be held. now. now they believe also that these, while the prime minister benjamin to teneo, has been threatening, threatening the entire gall, this trip with invading roughly if these kinds of troops have been collapsed. and that's why they have been completely a phrase and have been triggering more concerns among those palestinians who hope that a ceasefire might be roads soon to be light in order to bring an end for the hot chips and all kinds of misery. they have been going through since allison freight of this complex area. we spoke to a summer, him down, he's a senior spokesperson for him. us. he says, in order to agree to any sci fi do he's group, it needs a guarantee from the us. that is very forces will not launch a ground, a sold on rough as well. i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete,
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she's fine. i've completed the phone good. so we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive onsite if, if, if, if i may say that. but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from uh, the, to the whole uh, showing that regardless to what may have been if there was a she's found on sale, would continue that. that's a good start of that. to me that would be know she's filed and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again switched to our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean. his statement and the actual phone and the dates of the i want understanding that i need to achieve meant for these products means that there will be no more attacks against does the need this and does that include the amendment? we have to talk about that in the position of the united states because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives i mainly need to
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know if the united states administration have said clearly to me to now and i'll switch it off, you have to do this on back. i actually would, that would have been the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given that will give a good, which bush for the, the, the, the negotiations. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also we need a key of statement which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know, it is i've trying every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantee is not good enough. it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees, and we need also clear commitments. a protestant ends in kansas city all morning. a civilians killed in the latest wave of his rarely bombings an attack,
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and they to neighborhood killed the mother and her 2 children. according to witnesses, the bomb hit 12. she was preparing a meal for her family. they were just sitting in their homes. they should have been safe and sound. as you can see, they were simply sitting here, there was no need to bomb them. all of a sudden rockets targeted them. look at those children. they are just kids for god's sake. this woman, a mother who is cooking for her children, this is their daughter. that was their son who just died is ready for us as a continuing to carry out raids in the occupied westbank. they to start taking place the hebron and knob. this is where the soldiers, including snipers, are unfortunately station their school novice with nice rounds being fired. well, staying in the occupies westbank, dozens of people have held the demonstration to condemn the killing of 5 palestinian sciences crowds much to the street. so to colorado, i was off to is rarely troops attack the fights,
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isn't religion. there i'll go. so i'm going to treat says the men were members of a. so that's what the reserve is from the 2nd. that last. yeah. what's the head don't else was there on historic when for london met. so the cost of the 1st days and the elections and heavy rains in the southern brazil, they've tens of thousands without drinking water and electricity. the the seizure, weather report for the middle east and africa. let's go. we've got some rain coming in to northern iraq. that will shift into the east as well. this has been unusual to see this much rain at this point of the year. also showers really right across the i'm in south coast in the forecast on sunday. so the winds have backed off
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through the gulf, but they are picking up for saudi arabia. specifically the northern border providence here. so sending dust storms seem likely on sunday to central asia. we go there is but weather is you're locked in to the eastern side of these countries stretching down from dish kicked to the song based on what weather in the forecast for you on sunday. and now let's go to the circuit, we're also talking about what weather here, but there is some of that rain moving through, most so, pushing down into solar vanya on friday. in fact, we could see about 2 months worth of rain here. and so the money over the span of about 24 hours also could see some showers or thunder storms pop up in central and southern algeria. so there's weather alerts in play for that. and here's an update on that tropical cycle and it's going to make landfall intends in the us. so we've got the highest level alerts issued up and down the coast of tents in the for the wind and the waves. but if we look towards southern africa, it's a much calmer picture 20 degrees. a high for you in cape town, on sunday. of the
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humanity is open, the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects. as the world discusses how to reduce emissions, supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south crude mistake. talk to of, to, on just the the
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do without does it remind to of i main stories now for these type of move tense from the protestant and it sort of direction come into the university of virginia in charlottesville. the student protests is one of the schools, accounts, kinds of institutions and businesses that supports his round thousands of demonstrators of cabinets for weekly protests and tennessee, the mounting, it prime minister benjamin netanyahu empties governments, make a deal with children, the simple, the captives being held in guns, that size diplomatic efforts intensified to reach a ceasefire. 2 in colorado. i'm asked that against is holding talks that the, the agents agents and talk to c i a direct to william burns is also is ro, hasn't sent a delegation. says it's waiting for response from mass to it's early, a proposal is now to you. k. so the cohen has been re elected as the mayor of london within an historic the time incumbents whose from the may not
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physician labor party was declared the winner. and that 844 percent of the vote and the errors of the country. so a swing today, the connections held on thursday, prime minister, but she said that cuz the quotes conservative last is disappointing. to goes governing pots. he is one of majority in the parliamentary elections present for had nothing base union for the republic. got 100 knights of 113 seats. the victory comes a week, soft and peas approves controversial constitutional reforms could extend. he's 19 yet rule. under neutron to the presidents will be elected by parliament was this impulse has denounced the changes as an institutional cru created. so that assumed they to from nice people in panama, head to the post on sunday, to elect a new president. the vote comes against the backdrop of social discontents.
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economics slowed down and drought based on your m p a. t has the story that a mess go to that he gets hopes for panama. next presidential election are as low as the water in this tab and see of them, right? yeah. and they close of what to with no warning. most times it takes a days to get it back. one time when, for about 16 days without war to, to the 65 year old form of public employee living west of the capital says these have those problems 4 years. because of the poor distribution system. we since he was tired, he says he's receiving only 2 thirds of the pension he is do, which is not much given the spiraling cost of living and says, corruption is to blame. oh, so you're looking at $140.00 to coordinate sleep points. that's why i don't believe in politics inputted fusion. no one convinces me because they all come with prophecies. but when they reach the top, they forget about the people and the next is not alone. some of these
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presidential election takes place at a time of widespread frustration with the political establishment and decline. i mean, yes, i mean, you've, the outgoing president allowed encino court. diesel is highly unpopular and this faced corruption scandals. his administration, do lodge protest against inflation high unemployment. i mean opposition to copper mining add to the mix unimpressive into drought, affecting the panama canal and awards and for an investment climate. yes. well platinum amc corruption is one of their most pressing problems. paradoxically, the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted incorruption schemes. jose, i wouldn't really know what's trust to the top of the ticket after electoral tory,
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to remove the former president to the kind of do minus the natalie from the race after a 10 year sentence for money laundering. so, you know, since that is that, yeah, but i'm was one of the leaders of the 2023 protest says the general apathy is because of the lack of realistic during that. it's say the looks here to the people are anxious. they don't feel represent of those who will vote are likely to do so for patsy. economic or political interest. but the truth is that in panama, despite having different parties, there is no ideological difference. the new different ways of managing the states that easy with a quarter of both are still on the side of the outcome of this race remains on certain back at a mess. those house, he says, whoever wins will have a hard time using the tensions and gaming people's dress. i listen that i'm get the address, the find them a slug says kills at least 58 people in southern brazil. now the 70000 and have
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been forced from the one you're not, you have has the story risk years are fighting the elements to, to a lifeline to this child like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood at the water just asked the it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of a real. but i knew this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen. at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday. localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. the floods have we have logged in at least 300000 cities, destroying bridges and rows. more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet porn. former authorities of their whereabouts are
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the same of this tuesday. we had no news of our relatives, but thank god the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital, both by legacy, the white apo river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed and the mayor has alerted the population. the drinking water me soon becomes scarce. the rains have also caused land slides and the partial co op. so the dam results president easy enough to laura del silva has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild the homes and local infrastructure. we all should go. thank you. bye sure, i know you will need resources to repair the damage, but 1st and foremost we have to save lives. but scientists say, unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change, disasters like this one will continue to happen. money to you, not give all just sarah. samsung land size have hits
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a mountainous region in central ends. in these you can at least 14 people to some good food reports. every minute counts to find those trusts by heavy rains in indonesia, rescuers and looking for survivors. in the south of this will always the island coming through mountainous areas and waves of tropical rain forest. several people are missing after severe flooding and much light. was you somebody going? we count 18 survivors from the larger area. it may, people still being picked up day in sit draft though 17 survivors and more people are being rescued. and please note i'm sending losing 60 people. so 5 to 7 have died and others are still being rescued when it's a rainy season here. and then slides are common phenomenon on the island. one made worse by deforestation, cause find me combining it makes the soil more in studies,
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leading to floods, inland slides, affecting roads and destroying homes. there is a village up there where at least 3 houses lifting territory by slow. indonesia is a leader in mining nickel, crucial metal in the transition to a net 0 economy. climate change makes 63, and rather events like this more frequent. and the last, the vegetation rode on by mining is making them more violent. if this and then i'll just turn into kenya now where the government has ordered that people leaving the rivers to leave and move to higher ground this protocols type one diabetes down lots and lands, lots of tube at least 219 people since much. catherine story has this update now from not ready. we are either narrow, be dumb, age range, quite heavy lead. last night. so this one is from the dumb. we have seen
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some people who are already in the houses. and yesterday we spent a whole day talking to residents who have been affected by the government directive to move from this on safe areas. the government says it's going to provide a shelter of food and other necessities. but as you can see, a lot of people who leave here save that, they cannot afford to go. and you are all they're supposed to tell us to do. we have to go. that's what we are waiting for. so yeah, he had to wait for the government to show us, do we have to do? but even there's nothing to lose. so can you see what to do? i didn't get to one order that suggesting if they're going to give us some system was designed to be housed in outside there. so they are relying on the government and they're saying without direction, without proper direction on where to go,
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where they're going to move the family, sue, it's going to be very hard for them to move to somewhere else. so they're saying that the government needs to come and tell them what to do. cost. we saw you all just there are nairobi for among those displaced by the floods and your lance slides inch is james car. you can. he lost his wife, his child on his home, swept away by this month, the waters. my name's uh jim scott, of good or bad. and it i my my last who was on sunday nights? yeah. sleep. my family. hot outside in hot sounding, move it pushing us nobody to knew the door to soften. i just felt that that much. i loved myself. you know,
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the sense of fits when i try and check my life and much that i like watching it today. so yeah, just convince my husband. yeah, it'll save it. and then my id though for me is that why the house does nothing? i say, no, we are saying this couple of, you know, we have lots of yeah, we have the i guess that's
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the minimum, a lot of stuff documented for the half of the a 6 for kind of women. so the film festival has been taking place in the stomach police capital with films on the theme of comments, emergency and peace. because hot reports not from duck duck to way on. a quiet street in central in the car is the old dominion to sit in the still showing. it's opening night for the screening of a palestinian short film. when exiled to another, a visual poem of loss and longer for were physics teacher turned filmmaker visit lab. welcome, it has found a home for her work at the african women's film festival incentive go from the projection room. she keeps a close watch, not on the screen, but on the audience. searching for reactions. do they get it? she wonders. her film, she says, is
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a small window. it's what it's like to be posting in today. cinema is a way to bring lights already.


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