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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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of one of the children of the barium go on the jersey to the best of destruction in gaza. continues the latest round a safe spot told between our mazda and guitar, egyptian, on us mediators a set tickets on the way in colorado. the carry, johnson, this is i'll just say are a lot from so so coming up the thousands of israelis protest in the capital, tennessee demanding a cease fire in guns and the release of captives the democracy in united states students demand an end to the war. and gaza graduation
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sermons task on tony cheng and east to me and my what pro democracy points is in the military struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highways. the diplomatic efforts to reach a cx 5 do between israel and thomas are intensified. and most of the cases in colorado to meet mediators from egypt and tattle c, i direct. so william buttons is also that these writers have yet to send their that again, it's not clear when that will happen. sticking points for maintenance have mass demands, a permanent end to israel as one gaza. that's something prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government is refusing to do a hunting israel. the government is under mounting pressure. thousands, gavin and tennessee have to attend a weekly antique government protest against israel is handling all the coding for
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the 5 minutes to, to sign a cx 5 deal with a mass that would include release of the captives. i'm here today that support a deal. now, yesterday we need to bring them back. we need to bring all the hostages back. mean we got to bring them back. we got a question of the government. and that's on yahoo! we called you to reach us east by a deal which like yours, the release of all captives your taking more time. so you and ben, because you can stay in power, you don't care about the 133 or 132 captives, an operation and rough uh will cause the death of the captive. you don't have mandates to kill 132 citizens of israel. let's get more now with our correspondence, stephanie decker in. ok part these to raise the says stephanie, the protest is all demanding and talks receives the government listening of the will that in the moment i think we can only say no
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because we have had this impasse if you will. first, we have to get a response from her mouse and there were leaks that have mouse was reacting to that deal in a positive light. and these readings maintaining that they're not going to agree to an end of the war, which is of course, something that how much is demanding. i just want to read you is we're talking about the hostage families, the statement from today, from the hostage families to these ready prime minister. this is what it reads. it is time to take them on and show courage and bring about the return of all the 132 hostages, held by high mass, the living for the rehabilitation and the murdered for burial. mister prime minister history will not forgive you if you missed the opportunity since the return of the i've got these as a necessary condition for restoration redemption, a national revival. there was a lot of pressure on the prime minister from is really society to make a deal under any circumstances. now, 7 months into this war to bring the captives back. because the feeling is that if
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israel goes and cut off, but none of the captives will come back alive. now we've also heard a lot from the right to an elements of benjamin netanyahu. government, of course, these are the men that he's dependent on for his electrical survival. they are dead against any deal. they want to go into the why even go so far as one of them, it's in our bank. they are saying that, that, you know, knows what will happen if he doesn't do that, which is, you know, a threat almost to withdrawal from government and have a collapse in. anyone will tell you who knows. prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his political ambitions that his political survival is tantamount. we are at a critical point. uh when it comes to these negotiations, it could go either way. but i think the, the fact that you still have the head of the c i a in cairo, you still have, i'm asked, allegation means they haven't collapsed as of yet. interesting. we will be if israel sends a delegation and that i think would be a positive side, but we're nowhere near that. yeah. and stephanie then regarding the tools
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themselves, what might we expect next? realistically yes, well, i think they will. well, i know they will resume today in cargo. i think they're really trying to hire now some of the doubt stick. you also have mass demanding guarantees from the negotiators from the americans that they will hold israel to. it's worth that if there is a deal. israel will not go into it also because publicly what is being said, day and day out from these ready prime minister, even standing next to the us extra estate here in israel is that they will go into the dealer know deal. of course, this is a deal breaker for have mass. the deal that is on the table just briefly starts with 40 days, east fire, the release, the release of a certain amount of captives. $33.00 for almost a 1000 pharmacy and prisoners. the withdrawal of his ready troops from some of the areas inside garza, i'm the return of some kind of scenes to the northern areas of gauze. so this is
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the 1st phase and what is going to be a 3 phase deal? the bigger picture people i've been speaking to sources, quotes, and negotiations. tell me this. if there is a deal. this means that there will be note off off from guard list of what the prime minister says. and it also means that pretty much they believe it will be the end of the war. huge issues on the table, critical issues on the table now because it's visually it is ready say if there isn't a deal, they will go into the alpha and just briefly, the prime ministers made it very clear it off for him is the final bottle. if you will, it is where he can declare victory. so this gives you an indication of also the pressures on these ready prime minister. so we're gonna have to wait and see how things play out in the next coming hours or days. especially jackson, thanks so much indeed for that updates a protestant earrings in garza city. all morning, the killing of civilians. and the latest wave of these very bombings, 2 homes were destroyed by strikes and eastern reference as well as that refugee camps and central goza. but attack him as a tune neighborhood,
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and till the mother and her 2 children. witnesses say the ball must drunk while she was preparing a meal for her family. hopes remained of a possible safe spot. this was the scene in rafa in the south of the street. the it's so close to hunting that move now who joins this photograph, but in the southern goes ahead and how hope for the people that are overseas fine. i was a very cautious anticipation and that did not happen out of the blue. there were past experiences where people were caught in the limbo of waiting for a potential seeds fire deal about keeping an eye on what's going on on the ground. they have to endure the sentence bombing campaign, but right now it's a very critical junk. sure. right now, because people,
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they're caught in this level whether the they don't know whether they are going to be packing up and going back to their homes. that the fact that we did a, from a, the initial weeks of the, were in the know the part in gaza city and more recently in the central area. and find you in a for r d going to be packing up and evacuating somewhere else, which it by itself. how many doubts on these really narrative? what was evacuations? on the past experience that we had with evacuation zone, including alamo, off at the western part of the gulf stream, has been largely a contradictory, vague, and misleading. as these evacuations on, it ended up not being saved, but old people and fox ended up being killed inside the residential homes that they took as a shoulders and inside the tents that they set up in the very particular area that were designated a safe area. right. now people are looking forward to hearing something positive they, there is a general consensus here that the bull right now is in nathan. yeah. has court and he has to make
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a decision about whether he wants to deal or not. but the ongoing gets rid of coming to rough, a 100 expand operation is likely to cause further carnage and no one of rudy traumatized, destroyed the southern part of the gaza strip. of just let's be clear about this. the peak robust city has to be relentlessly attack since the initial weeks of the war. and so far, according to people who taught, we talked to the see it, the, the see the growing for it. so of expanding the ground and vision. and for us, it is more of a distraction because nancy, the whole is keeping the world busy with this rhetoric about coming and expanding the offers above at the same time, relentlessly bombing the entire city, including the areas that designated a safe. so it's like overnight attacks, it destroyed 2 of the homes and based them around fi city as well as in the western, pardon me, are the tents that the setup more of it in the central area as well. okay, honey, we'll leave it there. thanks very much. indeed for joining us in the us protests
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against israel as well. and guns are continuing on university campuses across the country, even as a graduation season begins, stonehenge and it has more from michigan's college town on all the, in the close of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen, demik moved the virtual classrooms. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this, palestinian american has lost family and gaza. the approaches go on even is they don't cap and gown it feels as though it is the only thing that i can do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we
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have all been under such immense grief. um, for the last 7 months for their families like this man who came from malaysia, does he, a son graduate? who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel like you're not be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a rudnick that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. more than 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees. editor rena called the big house michigan stadium.
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there was a curious screening and there were volunteers there to rude out disruption. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and gods and they were palestinian flags in the big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus. across the country, students and says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0, ann arbor, michigan, on the us west coast. meanwhile, students at the university of california in irvine say, they weren't given until their demands on met gabriel, arizona who has more from the campus that of the police
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in right, you're moving on, protesters were showing. so there you get palestinians at the university of virginia, the police escalation and force. now an all too familiar scene at college campuses around the us. but it doesn't have to be this way. on the other side of the united states at the university of california, irvine, the much different see we have a police presence actually, but it's not as though it hasn't been aggressive or agitating. it does definitely, it shouldn't give other university as an example of how to treat this and not to be aggressive with your own students and professors, faculty and staff, which we have seen. they have been very aggressive with some professors as well. several dozen protesters at ben at this encampment for over a week. now it's calm and peaceful, and the university administrators and protest leaders are engaged in dialogue. what's been unique about like, um, our situation here is that we started meeting with the negotiators. um, almost like since day one. and um,
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uh 1st obviously they were opposed to what our demands were and we were strict that our demands. we're not going to fulton our demands. and so we, we did a counter the like demand back and we said we send it to them. and now it's on the table which is um, which is actually like big they're considering our demands and we're still waiting to hear. here you see irvine, they say they'll keep this in cameron up until their demands are met. and it appears that that pressure is working. because at another university you see riverside about an hour away from here, protesters, they're actually reach an agreement with the university university agreed to all 5 of the protesters demands, including considering divesting, for many companies that deal with israel. the encampment at u. c. riverside was then voluntarily taken down in celebration protesters here at u. c. irvine. are hoping for the same gabriel's onto ouch is either irvine,
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california is ready for us is a continued to carry out rage and the occupied westbank. the lights as thought taking place that had gone on in nablus is where the soldiers, including snipers are unfortunately stationed. there was school in not this live rounds have been funded in the area. and then to car and thousands of people have demonstrated to condemn the kidding of 5 palestinian sciences crowds. months through the streets. style is off. is very troops attack. the flight is in the village of the august on imagery. it says the manual members of a so that show the reserve based on the 2nd the last. yeah. a sofa. come on out of this era. heavy rains in southern brazil, the 10s of thousands without drinking water and electricity. the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer
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now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage. the in the as an action on i'll just be around in depth analysis of the days headlines that is the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment is this for 5 minutes witnessing y'all who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the state, possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jazz choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story. on al jazeera, i'm counting the cost protests in the us to bond universities divest from israel. how does schools make them money? washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding,
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ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for pick tone for the american market? kind of a cost. hold on, just a rough as the the watching out, just a reminder of our main stores. now the sound protests against israel's war and guns are continuing on university campuses across the u. s. students, some universities demonstrate to during graduation segments. they want the institutions to cut some kinds of organizations that supports his round thousands of demonstrators of gathered for weekly protests from tennessee, the demanding at 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. and his government make
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a deal as well. so showed a release of old captives being held in guns and see spots hooks are underway in colorado, us destruction of guns that continues m. s. officials on there with mediators from egypt cutoff and the u. s. m. s. so, so this will not accept any deal that does not bring permanent ceasefire. but i'm a clear rate is a distinguished public policy from the american university of a root. he says that pressure is building for as well to put in place to see spot and gaza. these really is the amass the americans are under intense pressure here, the american government, with all this invested in the present. so people, really, everybody wants a deal, but nobody wants to make a deal where he has to make more concessions. then the other person, everybody in every negotiation, summer happens in the world. so if somebody doesn't totally defeat the other side
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and they start to go shaving, they're gonna make some mutual concessions. the problem that how much has, is that it's not clear what the venue like and is like, and as of now, after all, the tremendous suffering that the people have had experienced. and this is we can talk cuz public opinion polling as it is not so easy to do. and a lot of people are scared to speak openly. just one of the problems and situation like this is that whatever anybody says, it couldn't be factual. it could be wishful thinking, it could be for domestic political advantage, and it couldn't be to hold off for an pressures. so probably about 3040 percent of what people say like officials as rarely, or american or permanent as is probably a totally hutcher. and this doesn't say much in popular because they're very concerned about giving up information. but so yeah, he does. he, he's the best,
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isn't great. stress the image increasing the in the, in the battle for the boat. a ton of me a while the has raged the past 3 weeks, rebels and the minute tree of fine. thanks for control over the area within the 1st or for special report. so i'll just say it was tony chang, travel to the front lines in the pain state. you spoke with one of the level commanders faces report. the fight is from the pro democracy people's defense force . takes defensive positions. this is the main road between the type border and yang going and most commercial hubs. the town level by the bones, from the military gym to or a say, see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone. the cattle ran freely in the streets. they even say no,
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not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control. the pro democracy forces and there are 5 digits in the. yeah, so they've been very careful about exposing themselves here. the battle of the asian highway has been this leaf columns of military reinforcements. force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most have been still say the fight is that some did slip through had a constant threat from the yeah. that even the heaviest weapons can do. listen to with him. i'll be the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity and within the opposition? i know about them. we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing you're talking about,
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hillary or strikes. and that's the vision at the limit. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf point is on the korean come on. travel freely through the countryside. looking tracts turned into the supply chain, highways hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed it. oh yeah. well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died for nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeed was july like a lot. but this month's chum pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for
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a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma sons. in the 2nd of our special report, some inside me in the attorney triangle to examine the impact that fighting has had on civilians. as millions across the country are forced from the homes by the civil war. that's on monday here on the i'll just floods of killed at least 58 people in southern brazil that is 70000 have been forced from the homes. tens of thousands of people have been left without drinking water, electricity. it's the worst flooding division of the scene moving to a 2 years or because you're not getting past the story. read skiers are fighting the elements to to a lifeline to this child. like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood. at the water just asked the,
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it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of rio grande who this little state. perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country has ever seen, at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000 millimeters. the floods have we have bought in at least 300000 cities, destroying bridges and rows. more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet. twin former authorities of their whereabouts are the same since tuesday. we had no news of our relatives, but thank god, the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital, both by negative the way up a river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed and the mayor has alerted the population the drinking water me soon becomes scarce. the
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rains have also cost land slides and the partial collapse of a dam. results president losing us to lot of us to box, has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild the homes and local infrastructure. we also feel free to push it by no, you will need resources to repair the damage. but 1st and foremost we have to save lives. it's fine to say unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change. disasters like this one will continue to happen. monitor your not give all to 0. at least one indian soldier was killed and 5 others injured off the tackle a convoy in india, the initiative customer, the engine air force has announced. a search operation has been launched to find the suspect to the top cuz soldiers can be seen 1st thing. vehicles and coordinating of areas. customer areas claimed by both india and pakistan that has long been a source of tension between the 2 countries. the people in the panama will be
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heading to the pose in a few hours to elect a new president. a candidates are in the race with the right wing opposition leader has a role that medina currently leading into pose. he was originally disqualified from the race due to a money laundering conviction upon the mazda supreme court, restores his candidacy on friday. the vote comes against the backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown and droughts. pro goes governing policy has won a majority and parliamentary elections president for a nice thing, base union for the public policy, got 1081213 seats. the victory comes weeks off to m. p. 's approved the controversial constitutional reforms could extend his 19 yeah. rule. under the neutral to the president's will be elected by parliament. opposition boxes denounced the changes in the church, no crates,
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aged to allow him to rule for life. thousands of pro cannabis demonstrates as to the streets in mexico state state to demand that equalization of the drive. within 2021, mexico supreme court declared it's unconstitutional by criminalizing the possession of more than 5 grams of recreation. marijuana for personal use, riley is part of the global marijuana march, which has been held on the 1st saturday of may. more than 20 years. a. several 1000 georgians and subleasing multiples with oaks east to the tunnel. it processed visual outside a church near the georgian part of it. the georgians have been demonstrating data against a propos know, which would require organizations receiving open 20 percent of the funding from approval to register as agents or phone. whether it's next inside story looks with
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the possible economics, pull it out to try to use trait penalties the seizure with a report for the middle east and africa. let's go. we've got some rain coming in to northern iraq. that will shift into the east as well. this has been unusual to see this much rain at this point of the year. also showers really right across the i'm in south coast in the forecast on sunday. so the winds have backed off through the goals, but they are picking up for saudi arabia. specifically, the northern border providence here. so sending dust storms seem likely on sunday to central asia. we go there is but whether you're locked into the eastern side of these countries stretching down from dish kicked to the song based on what, whether in the forecast for you on sunday. and now let's go to the circuit. we're
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also talking about what weather here, but there is some of that rain moving through most sole pushing down into so the mon, you on friday. in fact, we could see about 2 months worth of rain here. and so the mon, you over the span of about 24 hours, also could see some showers or thunder storms pop up in central and southern algeria. so there's weather alerts in play for that. and here's an update on that tropical cycle and it's going to make landfall intense india. so we've got the highest level alerts issued up and down the coast of tens in the 10s the winds and the waves. but if we look toward southern africa, it's a much calmer picture 20 degrees, a high for you in cape town on sunday, the calling attention to any quality pollution and extra 2 additional cleanings in kenny is low income communities. silent brother was killed by police. the dentist that we say is but the one past one day, an organizer on the rapper. how old are these people for the begun for me
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a teen buffalo and it has been put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change? he's coming is no doubt about it on a disease. and he low in relation stuck he a had suspended all trade or this rail leak southwards aid was denied entry into gauze. the button will be in place until a permanent c. 5 is agreed, how will this impact the user of actions and goes to this economy? this is inside story, the .


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