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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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in kenya's, low income communities site, one brother was killed by a please. the dentist that we say is but the one past one day, an organizer on the rapper. how old are these people off? when we've begun supplementing buffalo and it has been put on the bus that hit, the button generation change can you change is coming is no doubt about it. on a dizzy to the low in relation stuckey, a had suspended all trades for this rail, leak southwards aid. was denied entry into gauze. the bottom will be in place until a permanent c 5 is agreed. how will this impact the user of actions in gaza and this economy? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm the focus for you is israel and took a has been crucial trading partners. it was a commercial relationship with $87000000000.00 a year. but these are all one gossip change to about. the tuckers government has been demanding a hold to the violence. this code, at least 35000 palestinians, and anchor has condemned israel's decision to block its aid meant for gauze at last month. president measure the time other one is now announced a truthful tre, bad until israel agrees to cease fire. but how's he acted on the domestic pressure after set back in local elections was partly blamed on the country continuing to do business with this route. and how will this affect the economies of both sides we'll get to won't get shortly. but 1st, the support from culture lopez party on auto loading the onto your delivery, the old to ties between israel and through key. you have hit a new low. the turkish government has suspended all imports and exports transactions with israel and protests against the war and goes up to,
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to sign it. so this is all, if the west is working for israel and cool starting with the america that we're working for israel. all these means of being mobilized, unfortunately, to get them distaste, palestinians to death in the face of his rails palm. this is really turkish trade, was worth 7000000000 dollars last year, playing a significant role for local businesses. top turkish exports to israel include steel vehicles, plastics, electrical devices and machinery goodness in it took in and didn't need to trade hold against israel, including imports and exports. will continue until a permanency expiring guys secured, as well as the unhindered flow of humanitarian aid into the region. she qualified for free will by default. israel's foreign minister criticized the suspension, accusing the turkish president of acting like a dictator. ties between the 2 sides had been progressively deteriorating. last month, israel denied turkish efforts to send
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a to gaza or take part in air drops. then turkish officials, band exports of steel fertilizer and jet fuel to israel before issuing a total trade band. president are the one method, political leader of hum us, he's male from media and is stumble last month to discuss the situation and gaza domestically. the president had been facing criticism for maintaining commercial ties with israel after the war. that may have been a factor in the poor showing of the president's governing a key party in local elections in march. to key is the 1st of israel's trading partners to hold all important exports and response to the war and casa, now some in israel and elsewhere are questioning whether it will be the last katia lopez. so the un, which is 0 for insights story. the
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okay, well that spring, i guess now this time boulevard made by son, political analyst and the system professor event housing university and tennessee eve, gideon levy offer and columnist the hearts newspaper and in vienna. flooded may a von or chief economist of the international think tank a globe 2nd, we welcome to each of you. thank you very much for your time. give you and i wonder if i can stop with you. what does it mean for the 1st muslim majority country to recognize the state of israel back in 1949. to now take this step of halting, trade ties with israel. it has all kinds of meaning and proceed can build. so beginning goal for attendance, see which way they carry more states, not only most of them ones, but the whole, but at this moment they sold books and it should be more realistic that say they really that there's
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a ceasefire. we can get you burning. sure. and then even as one say's this band will be canceled. in any case when sean is on the is the may the step because it hasn't been the economic kind of cultural oriented and social and even military consequences. and i guess when talking about them lakes. oh yeah, certainly we will get onto the political and economic impacts of all of his decision. but maybe this isn't the 1st time took. he has called diplomatic ties with his relatives right back in 2010. a comp time is off to 10. turkish aid workers were killed as a try to make their way through the is there any maritime blockades of gone so they were killed by it's ready? come on, those relations though, were restored in 2016 and i have the since then been multiple tit for tat expulsions. how long do we expect this latest move by took a to last. it was, you mean the one the flotilla had been attacked?
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indeed, the national walters intimated training and it was done with the high spot. we can see that the ministry corporation as well as economic continued during those so called band or cutting relations with this device. it was on the diplomatic, and people interpret, sees it as a quite symbolic, but now it has to be officially announced in turkey. the called the old trades on business. and commerce ties was easily is far more serious. and it s as expected, received quite mixed reactions. in turkey, so it's the same, so look, 1st of all on present it on the expected and therefore you have quite a lot of different views on this. is there a degree of concern then we're given the a, is there really a response to this move? they say the torque is businesses will be affected, is there any concern this move may be harmful domestically?
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was just concerns also on the table. but 1st of all, the mold in talk is the we are willing to bad old consequences, all international consequences because this is not acceptable. so far, official numbers exceed in, so it's 5000 people got killed in goza and still continue. so there is no prospect even uh, stopping the whole thing, got international comments do and then think about it. so therefore, the more convenient to judge community is, what is the we bear the caustic lenses, but it seems also it wasn't an easy decision and on color, and it wasn't like a southern decision, i'm sure for weeks they were kind of really still doing all old details of this app to so bad, the consequences of letting it can be to economy handle it. do you think? let's talk about the question of economic into dependence between is relevant to key. because as we mentioned in the introduction, that was $7000000000.00 in trade between the countries law cns,
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according to official figures, is where i was took years, 13 biggest export market last ca, well tech area was israel's 5th, the biggest source of inputs. there's an awful lot of state care, a lot of areas. now. i would not on the play, the importance of this decision. market economies like to say that the way up, it's usually through the stairs. but the way down is to buy an elevator, and i would like to emphasize that this decision, this part of the economy warfare, because that's what the embargo is, has came after all over to the case of where a gradual build up often they truly kind of make a change of ration starting through the duties of 9697 on uh, 981 to the trade between the 2 countries fund from negligible to as mentioned to okay now stands as the 5th or 6th biggest export the
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territory. oh, as i mentioned, the trade embargo is part of the economy for, for isn't a fort worth, which in itself implies that the countries or, or the country declaring embargo, feels advisory tools. the country against which dan barger has been declared. and as it happens and waterford boast on both sides tend to lose. so to take steps to. ready as an excess of $5000000000.00 of export revenues on the other side, they sell cents total surround o $2000000000.00 and export avenue to turkey. most the biggest category is certainly exports to turkey is to but shortly, fine petroleum products. okay, to side to key biggest the export items into a trial are low iron materials as it stands, the immediate impact, i wouldn't be careful about charging, they need it impact because we have seen it also with the recent examples of the trade embargo,
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right. so the question as to what extent to both bodies will be. ready able to 2nd one, this obstacles through the set contra trade. right? so size will like sports or at techie to israel of i am still jet fuel pesticides and construction equipment may be surely took care of wouldn't have made this decision if it couldn't handle this. i agree, i fully agree. i think i the i'm sorry, the question to me. i fully agree with you on the i'm sure, as i said that i'm called before and it wasn't an easy decision and we know that you're going behind the curtains. a lot of sports has been spent just to stop this blood shit on genocide and does that, but this seems it's not going anywhere. then of course we cannot neglect. oh, so it goes into some comments. here it is. dark is the domestic pressure, especially the results of the local elections, but never the less we know the president out of the i'm have read a personally for,
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for, for decades always a kind of a tried to help because it was a little part of the student calls for a 2 state solution out of the peaceful solution so that i'm sure has also impact on this decision. right, well, let's pass this over to get in because i'm how much of this will hurt israel economically and politically. obviously, the motivating force behind all of this is to essentially direct is riley from policy geo politics. will it have an impact it would help him and they need it to impact because finally, those things are measured for their own gra. but it's really their beginning co pay was tendency in with single spelling point is united states. we'll see what starts to hit by the euro. it might. busy obviously every your dream but what is what when he'd be joined by,
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by the. busy busy or meeting for the powers is about board united states. as long as the united states continues to support is right to finance is right. andrew supplies has all kinds of weapons as long as this continuous it to, to not have an effect on, on their decision makers. so phase right there we have to use in the, in the washing tone and the kid when, before i say motion, the was watching the video really be serious about anything before the world ended with these days. but the full time there didn't see this, right? this is coming from washington, told me it's getting a new you make a very powerful points that it's all good and well economies the size of take a, making these moves against israel, but until the economic super powers of the world, the united states. and indeed, china flooded may get involved in this type, positive punitive measures against the state of israel. it's not going to
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economically make a difference to israel. your thoughts, a part would be careful about the effectiveness of a sanctions as such. let's be honest. i mean, and that's the whole history of economic sanctions that starting with a cult, handled located at the beginning of 19 century, which not pulling on any post against the crate bridge and on actually big, fired and helped to bring down. then i pulled out on the scene also mixed the results when it comes to the trade sanctions. so your opinion against russia. whereas the, even though the experts to our shop plummeted, the experts to central asian country. so compare the smaller size. i jumped up exponentially, which tells you the story about the efficiency of this sanctions. and as, as i mentioned, to build up with a mutual relationship between economic relationship between the academy. so has
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been a longstanding and gradual process of that. we should have mentioned that a ser, oh it's an important buckner to try to keep when it comes to a choice of over 600000 a sort of stories. is that okay and a pre. ready here, so one wonders what happens to all these tests and flows let of, let me that's a good time lisa. let's put that to to a b tourism major. saw a sofa economic revenue for to key. what happens now given the potential loss of shoes numbers august, really tourist of the country. it was, i certainly agree, but one thing i like to clear here clarify is my personal opinion. but this decision is not against the people of israel because last night out of the meeting with the major business by representatives. uh, you know, it did not run done. is it porky made that you made it absolutely clear and it's
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not against people set up is where, you know, sort to keep single out, especially that decision. a name that mr. the to know, calling him as an impossible person to deal with. so on to a drastic may just take him, the band will continue. so now i'm sure a did. did lots of revenues in the tourism, obviously very important. but what would be quite upset is that it lets you know like a wisdom country. i guess a jewish state type of thing that will be a very wrong because it's really the tortoise, but always welcome did turkey on there. kind of the causing the danger to them. so they loved coming 600000 people, this nation coming and going. so i see behind, you know, i assume a solution of the tourism season is approaching the summer. they'll be efforts to probably the single of this uh, particular point. but i'm sure it's going to be a major, a lot of discussion or, or important part of this bad. but again,
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torque it seems to bear all costs the decision. is there an official or no? they give you, i want to put this to you if possible, because we've heard from this riley of foreign minister who has instructed the country to quote, find alternatives to trade with, take a run pub local production. let me start by asking you why these likely alternative trade partners. oh, who is the authority government i in for help. i and i won't take too much into too much serious way. every expression of our foreign minister is quite modular. the garden is always going to jakes and i'm not sure, you know, so it's easy talking about took you was extremely. busy to use. busy about tourism, it touches show lines used to fly between 10 to 15 flights a day, more than any other for an airline, and temperature and does not slide for is uh ever since the 7th of october. besides
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a lot of the think no terms and to, to turnkey, but on the trigger name of his riley's boy swear and staying for the economy is when we find a way, maybe to bypass the rich commercial relationship. because they swear to continue. and then by then the big product will become more expensive as products. but again, i want to emphasize, i have the feeling that this is a store to ben and very soon the insurance guy is insane. we would see or cease fire and then sinks when it gets run. you don't forget the release just dumps. yeah . it is what i had so many ups and downs in recent years. and every time there was a way to get out of the crisis and to review the relationship, including hundreds of thousands of his strategies for one day restaurant, you know, 12 to tokyo because it is so dangerous there. and the next day they went there by
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hundreds of thousands because a lot of done at the start of the time. yeah, for example, hey, can you let me ask you to sort of flush out a point that you made that because he talked about the rates of accelerated inflation in the country that i understand is a 2.7 percent and that's much higher than initially expected apparently clothing for warehousing, health care, transportation. well, if this has gone up in value, how mindful is the israeli government? how is it mindful this is why the government about this impact on consumers in the country. consumers therefore also vote has a full harvey. we don't have a function in government right now. we have a government which is concentrated only in staking power and therefore those questions right, is our, you relevant, the municipal finance is set level extreme ready? come right. we go as nothing to do with the corner. we have the quarterly doesn't
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the interest in the door. he's only interested in but won't do the settlements. so those questions, so right now, are you ready for these right? easy to very, very bad shape. well, why don't, it's was moments in history. and this home is these government to, to continue all those questions. really, you really well, we are waiting to see the next twist and turn this ongoing conflicts. of course, also another thing that is all kinds. israel's foreign minister has said, is a ques, talking of ignoring quote, international trade agreements, letting me come as ro, legally oppose this move from turkey. i hope that i can, uh, it's uh uh it will take time until uh, not have an immediate impact. i would like to emphasize, but as has been mentioned, both sides samples on 3rd, a list of the biggest, biggest architects part to show our whole iron bars. cars and jewelry mess
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mentioned is always in a state of war technically. so i'm sure this consumer goods can beat fargo, adult row iron bars is something that's important for the manufacturing and a phone for construction industry on the other side. half of you, certainly it's part of the case represented by dirty fine petroleum product. so if i was a turkish citizen, i would make sure to make my car tanka for uh before the week starts or so again, on the, on the, on to both sides of the importance. okay. all materials trade emphasizes that i would like to see how. ready the most trading corporate oh corporation started on both sides. well, the just, just to jump in all the alternative markets. but to tier you could increase exports to the biggest trading partner of the truck,
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is germany followed by united states, iraq, united kingdom, and it totally on the side of his shoulder. foreign trade of his route is much more diversified source has been mentioned. the volume of exports from is out to, to is comparable to countries like another loves germany, belgium, or india and france. so i would hope that when it comes to finding a substitute, a target markets for its exports, it's all stands and typically better positioned on turkey. but yeah, eventually rather rather than looking for the new target market, i still exist in and a short term. and we have seen, at the end, the case of 2014 or 2022 and barcode as russia tried to set to countries as something to be upset more closely. also as had it has been mentioned,
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the relationship between is roland took the are the over 20 years long. for actual work. there is, there is a abraham court that has been signed on in 2020 and that helped the right to boast of mutual trade between e 0 and our countries rise in our counter offer around for potential trade. i was looking more carefully about the impact of this step on the mutual trade, which of the newly emerging trade partners in other countries. and how does a be i, what if i can circle back to something that you mentioned a little bit earlier on. and it was the, the motives for president do i'm doing this. i mean, you suggested that this decision may be politically performative, symbolic, given the pressure of the president has been on the, by political opponents even political allies in the country to take a tough stance on israel following, as she mentioned, those pool elect portal results by the act policy, which is you mean by that,
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is this a performative move by the talk is president? well, i personally don't think so, but the reasons you mentioned, i'm sure played an important role. we cannot deny that. but church, he always defended the peaceful solution to stay solution to the problem. um, so that we can move on. i mean, as mentioned here, the, my quote's probably a new beginning, a new middle east by corporate thing in the region of, you know, like a piece of prospect will probably replace war and chiles. now the move in charge is the international community is not doing anything to stop this genocide at all. so if you really in fact they're helping or boosting the killing stolen doesn't seem any time soon. it's going to stop. so therefore, i think all these combine charge you willing to take all the risk and consequences
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and decided to be apply unbundle go against the stairs, always low, but singly alt, especially, decision make comes dead. i seem to, especially the end of the discussion point, we should mashing and turkish made is that the war cover that they're saying, these are the ones failed to protect state or people of state of israel. and now they're the ones initiating the war there and pointless for they see it because old is innocent. people not comfortable of defending themselves or the oppose. again, it's like 2 of these royal got being chilled and continue being just so this, these things like data in the media, we can see social media as well as you know, televisions on the table and they're being discussed. so from that point we cannot really single out of the laws particles future. i think of all the other elements have been always in taking into consideration and the cut off and this, this is
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a difficult decision has been, has to be made. and also in the state, but they said that rather expect them as international reaction as well. and we are ready to, to uh, the costs the closest getting. and let me refer that to you. how phase do you think this really government is by these comments coming from and correct. of course you say that there is still an underlying friendship between ordinary citizens of israel and the people of took here. but is the a residual concern by this right of the government. this may develop, this animosity may deepen yeah, sure, it is of the concern, but i will put it in in the 1st of this, the concerns is what is there any spacing those? oh, many concerns from the i see see to bad choice, joining the host address and rough. uh so many things besides in so many really
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challenges in which spends in for installing defense, right. i think the total shortage is all 2nd the pro g, because finding the term key was order to respect the perspective times you to of your bus by the end of the day. those are not the steps that the change. usually i don't change the bodies, you'll visit this week. we have see not only took a but columbia cup ties with israel following a growing list of countries and lots america and lots of america, africa, and the middle east. israel facing clearly gideon, growing political and economic i solution. how is israel the able to somehow tune out those critical voices? is that something background, static to business or the government? the 1st thing of the public opinion and the government, the public opinion protect itself was that was a separation horde. was
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a professional war. namely the harvard is against us, no matter what we do. namely, the word is disseminated and we can do nothing about it, which is august, the, like, the government does it on, on as different there be schools mainly what can we do to stay in power? i would say in the, in a, in a large way. that's cutting relations, this car on the, on the roads in columbia university, the easily is much more concerned about the they arrived in columbia university. right. and we wait to see how is real potentially will react will not react to even get in levy. maybe based on an vladimir yvonne, a, a pleasure to have you on inside story many thanks for your time. well, i'm thank you to, of course of watching and you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. i'll just here a don't com and for further discussion,
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go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash page i inside story. and you can also join the conversation on x. a handle is a j inside story for me, for the entire team. here is bye for now the, the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is co bumped. who owns the mind? how would they explain? and how would they govern the dream from the usa of electric, s u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of the congo and from the bodies of candidly is workers all just the risk new series dying beyond the o n age injustice. for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what
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it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best, produces the best spaces and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. history is for going out peril yet in spain, states imposed on these you was enshrined in law diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank codes. 36, you take, take the shape with a group of survivor. it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring
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those accountable to justice and force the country to acknowledge its fascist, bossed the silence of others. witness. now to sierra the the hello, i'm about this and this is the news are like from go home. i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes with the guys are still under is really bombardments, the latest round of talks between hosp, the us and media interest and content in egypt are set to get underway in colorado . the thousands of his ratings protest in tennessee is calling for us to spot on the release of capt. it's being held and gosh,
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the arsenal. democracy.


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